How to pass your driving license. Is it easy to pass the theoretical and practical exam in the traffic police using age-old folk wisdom?

Driving licenses are issued exclusively to citizens who can prove that they are well versed in traffic rules and also know how to drive a car well. Therefore, before issuing this document, a test of the citizen’s knowledge and skills is carried out. To do this, you take an exam divided into three parts. Often, applicants have difficulties with the theoretical part, so they think about how to pass the theory to the traffic police the first time. To do this, you need to be well prepared for this process, learn the traffic rules, and also prepare yourself mentally so as not to be nervous in class.

What exams are taken?

To obtain a driver's license, you must pass three parts of one exam. Some citizens who want to get their license as quickly as possible are constantly in a hurry, so they are not well prepared even for the theory. This leads to the need to retake exams.

Before obtaining a driver's license, you will have to pass several exams:

  • the theoretical part, which involves testing your knowledge of traffic rules, so you will have to answer 20 questions using a computer;
  • testing of driving skills on a race track, for which drivers perform various unique maneuvers;
  • driving in the city, designed to determine how a citizen reacts to the road situation, behaves behind the wheel and copes with various maneuvers in real conditions.

Initially, you are required to pass the theoretical part, since only after this you are given access to the next parts of the exam.

How to pass the theory in the traffic police?

The very first exam is to test a citizen's theoretical knowledge. To do this, it is checked how well he knows the traffic rules. This determines whether he can drive a car in the city without difficulty. When can I take the theory test at the State Traffic Inspectorate? The process is carried out immediately after completing training at a driving school and passing an internal exam.

Usually, employees of the driving school where the citizen was trained independently register students for the theoretical part of the exam. After this, you just need to come to the traffic police MREO on the appointed day and time to pass the theory.

Where to take the theory test at the traffic police? For this purpose, a division of the traffic police MREO is selected at the citizen’s place of residence. Additionally, you can select another compartment if necessary. Often, citizens themselves sign up for the exam, for which they can visit the selected organization or use the State Services portal. The possibility of independently choosing a traffic police department is due to the fact that the examinee may be in another city at the moment when he needs to be tested.

How is the theory exam conducted?

Before passing the theory to the traffic police, you need to be well prepared. Therefore, the citizen carefully studies the traffic rules. The process of passing this part of the exam has the following features:

  • you need to answer 20 questions;
  • the process will be carried out in a special classroom equipped with tables and computers;
  • it is allowed to change answers to questions until the specified period of time ends;
  • the list of questions is based on current traffic regulations;
  • You are allowed to make 2 mistakes, but for each mistake the number of questions increases by 5;
  • If a citizen cannot answer all the questions correctly, then this becomes the basis for assigning a retake.

If a person could not confirm his good knowledge of traffic rules, then he will not be allowed to take part in the remaining parts of the exam. Therefore, to drive on a race track or in the city, you must first pass the theory.

New process rules

Passing the theory of traffic rules at the traffic police is quite simple if you are well prepared for this process and also study its basic rules. These include:

  • The process can be completed not only in the traffic police department located at the citizen’s place of residence, but also in any other department;
  • if a person has a license, but he passed the exam using a car equipped with an automatic transmission, then he is allowed to use only cars with this gearbox, and if he switches to a “mechanical” one, he will have to retake the practical part;
  • To pass the theory, you need to answer 20 questions, and the process is completed within 20 minutes;
  • if you pass the theoretical part, then the results are valid only for six months, and if you fail to pass the practical exams during this period, you will have to retake the theory;
  • A retake is possible only after 7 days, but after the third attempt this period increases to 30 days.

Therefore, before passing the theory to the traffic police, you should study all the features and rules of this process. This approach will significantly simplify the procedure for obtaining rights.

Other rules

If a person wants to know how to pass the theory test in the traffic police the first time, then he needs to take into account the following nuances:

  • examiners must be people with higher education, and their age must be more than 25 years;
  • the person taking the exam must have the rights of the appropriate category;
  • there is no opportunity for self-training of future drivers, so they must first undergo paid training at a driving school;
  • modern driving schools provide an opportunity to gain practical and theoretical knowledge;
  • taking the exam is permitted for persons over 16 years of age, but they must first obtain appropriate consent from their parents or guardians;
  • If necessary, all examinees can film the exam procedure on their phone if controversial issues arise.

If I passed the theory to the traffic police, how long is it valid? You can use the results exclusively for six months. If you fail to pass the practical part during this period, you will have to retake the theory.

When is it necessary to take the theory?

The procedure must be performed in two different situations:

  • Obtaining a driver's license for the first time. In this case, you will have to pass three parts of the exam at once, since you will have to prove that the potential driver has not only the necessary knowledge, but also the necessary skills to drive a car.
  • Obtaining a certificate after deprivation. Before passing the theory to the traffic police after deprivation, you must wait until the end of the period appointed by the court. Punishment in the form of deprivation of a license is imposed for a serious violation of traffic rules, so the citizen must prove that he is well versed in the rules so that a violation is not recorded again in the future.

The steps are the same in each situation since you only need to answer 20 questions using the computer.

What documents are required?

Before passing the theory to the traffic police without errors, it is necessary for the citizen to prepare certain documentation. This includes the following papers:

  • citizen's passport;
  • if he has a driver’s license, then a copy of it must be transferred to the selected traffic police department, where the appropriate knowledge test will be carried out;
  • a correctly drawn up application, and it can be typed on a computer or written by hand;
  • medical report if the procedure is performed for the first time or after the citizen was deprived of his license for driving while intoxicated;
  • a certificate received from a driving school and confirming that the citizen has actually completed training and therefore has the necessary skills and knowledge to obtain a driver’s license;
  • if the applicant is a citizen who is not yet 18 years old, then he must have permission from his parents, drawn up in writing;
  • if the procedure is performed for the first time, and not after deprivation, then an additional receipt is required confirming payment of the state fee for issuing a driver’s license.

Correctly prepared documentation is transferred to the selected traffic police department, after which the exact date is set for when the exam will be held.

In which traffic police department can you take the theory test?

Often people applying for a driver's license are located in a region where they do not have a permanent residence permit. In the past, they would have to visit their hometown to take their local exams. But now you can perform this procedure at any traffic police department.

To do this, you just need to sign up for the exam, taking into account the existing queue. The process can be performed during a personal visit to the traffic police department, using the telephone, or even through the State Services portal.

How many times can I take it?

Often citizens are poorly prepared to take the theoretical part, so they cannot pass the exam the first time. Therefore, the question arises, how many times do they pass the theory to the traffic police? The procedure can be performed any number of times, but the intervals between processes are constantly increasing.

You do not have to pay a state fee for each retake. How many times can you take the theory test at the traffic police? There are no restrictions on this process in the legislation, but it is advisable to initially prepare for the procedure so that you do not have to often come to the traffic police department to obtain a license.

Since the number of people wishing to obtain a driver’s license is constantly increasing, citizens have to wait in line for a long time. How long can you take the theory test at the traffic police? The process can be performed any number of times, but usually you have to wait too long for your turn.

What knowledge do you need to have?

Many people applying for a driver's license are thinking about how to pass the theory test at the traffic police without errors and quickly. To do this, it is necessary to prepare well for this process in advance in order to have a good understanding of traffic rules. It is taken into account that when compiling cards, different data from the following regulations are used:

  • Traffic regulations established on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • legislation related to road safety;
  • rules designed to provide citizens with first aid in the event of accidents on the road;
  • provisions indicating the possibility of allowing a particular vehicle to be used;
  • legislative acts relating to different types of driver liability, and this includes not only civil or administrative liability, but also criminal;
  • basics of safe driving on the roads.

Information from each block above is used in the process of composing questions. All citizens taking the exam can answer different questions in any order.

Under what conditions will the exam be taken?

Future drivers should understand how many times they can take the theory test at the traffic police, as well as when exactly this test will be considered passed. For this, the following conditions are taken into account:

  • in 20 minutes the citizen answers all questions;
  • no more than two mistakes are allowed;
  • during this process, the citizen did not use various technical means, cheat sheets or tips from other people;
  • a person should not leave the existing premises before passing the theory, otherwise it is automatically considered that he has not passed the test.

Only after the theory has been passed can a citizen count on passing the practical part, represented by performing certain maneuvers on the race track and testing his abilities and skills in the city.

Many people, unsure of their abilities and knowledge, think about how to pass the theory test at the traffic police. The tricks used by many future drivers allow them to cope with the theoretical part without any problems. Therefore, citizens take the following recommendations into account:

  • You need to learn all the traffic rules in advance, since they are the ones that are emphasized when composing questions;
  • it is important not only to learn the rules, but also to understand them well;
  • It is advisable to practice using a computer in advance if the citizen does not know how to use this technical tool;
  • before answering any question, it is necessary to read it carefully so that a situation does not arise when the question posed is misinterpreted by a citizen;
  • difficulties usually arise when the ticket contains several questions of the same type, so the future driver must study the existing text well;
  • It is recommended to first answer questions that are easy, and then pay attention to difficult questions;
  • you should not rush, since the available time is enough to find the correct answer to all questions;
  • before the actual test, you need to pay as much attention and time as possible to training, for which you can install a special program on your phone or take testing directly using a computer on the Internet;
  • You should not even try to get a hint from other people in the room, since usually such actions only lead to negative consequences, since if such communication is noticed by the traffic inspector, he will disqualify both citizens.

If you take into account the above tips, then there is a high probability that a person planning to get a license in the near future will be able to pass the test without any problems.

Basic rules

Before passing the theory exam at the traffic police, you need to take into account several rules. These include:

  • in order to gain up-to-date knowledge about driving rules, it is recommended to attend all classes at the driving school where the citizen is trained;
  • If during the lessons any points are unclear, you can always clarify this or that information with the teacher;
  • It is advisable to practice answering cards in advance as often as possible, which will allow you to automatically select the correct answers;
  • in addition to studying the actual cards, it is recommended to study the traffic rules well in order to understand the rules of conduct on the road;
  • you can use additional sources of information presented in various books, textbooks or thematic sites on the Internet;
  • Even while driving a car with an instructor, you can understand different rules by asking the appropriate questions to the instructor.

How to prepare mentally?

How easy is it to pass the theory test in the traffic police? To do this, a citizen applying for a driver’s license must prepare for this process, even mentally. Therefore, the following points are taken into account:

  • Initially, you need to tune in to a positive result, which will give any person peace of mind;
  • It is advisable to talk with other people who have successfully passed the test to find out how best to behave in order to count on a positive result;
  • before the actual exam, there is no need to completely repeat all the material, as this will only lead to irritability, fatigue and tension;
  • Before testing, you need to get a good night's sleep, and you can also use mild sedatives;
  • During the exam, you must take into account the recommendations given by the instructors at the driving school.

People who have already passed the exam insist that you can answer all the questions without difficulty only with good concentration and self-confidence. Therefore, it is necessary to come to the traffic police department in a relaxed state and in a positive attitude.

Correct behavior during the exam

Many people who want to know how to pass the theory exam in the traffic police think about how to behave correctly during testing. Initially, you need to be confident in yourself, but this is only possible if the citizen has actually previously dealt with solving cards, and has also studied the basic traffic rules. During the exam, the following nuances and rules are taken into account:

  • You must enter the hall calmly, after which you should take the indicated place at the computer;
  • you cannot perform any actions until the corresponding signal is given by the traffic police officer;
  • answers to questions are given in a special program, and citizens are first given a few seconds so that they get comfortable in the chosen place;
  • During the exam, you should not constantly monitor the timer, since usually the time provided is enough to calmly answer all the questions;
  • if you are not sure of the correct answer to a specific question, then you can skip it;
  • As soon as all the questions are answered, you need to call the inspector, who records the result and gives instructions on further actions.

It is not allowed to communicate with other people indoors, even on abstract topics, as this may become grounds for disqualification of both citizens. You should not be nervous, cry or otherwise worsen your condition.

Is it possible to purchase rights?

Some citizens do not want to study traffic rules, so they just want to purchase a driver’s license. This prevents the need to learn the rules, learn to drive or take three tests. But even an attempt to acquire rights is a serious violation of the law. Scammers claim that you can get a driver’s license for a fee of 20 to 80 thousand rubles, but there is a possibility that the received license will be invalid or such actions will lead to citizens being held accountable.

The acquisition of rights is a serious crime for which punishment is imposed under the Criminal Code. If at the same time a citizen lacks knowledge about traffic rules and skills in driving a car, then any trip is dangerous, since there is a high probability of getting into a serious accident.


To obtain a driver's license for the first time or after deprivation, citizens must pass a theoretical exam. The procedure is considered quite simple, since you only need to study the traffic rules in advance, as well as prepare for testing.

It is not recommended to even try to acquire ready-made rights, since such actions are a crime punishable under the Criminal Code. If a person lacks knowledge regarding driving rules, then driving a car is a dangerous process.

On social networks and specialized forums, there are constantly complaints about difficulties when passing the city driving test. We are all different people, so for some it is a problem to pass the theoretical traffic rules exam, for others the “platform” presents difficulties, for others driving in the city is an insurmountable obstacle.

Let's immediately note the option of purchasing both city driving itself and purchasing a license in general.
If only because...

  •'s illegal
  • ... and driving both on the site and in the city is quite possible for anyone if a person really has the appropriate desire.

In addition, a smart driver will not deliberately violate the Law. And not at all out of fear of possible punishment “if caught,” but out of the understanding that the Law is the Law, and it is reasonable to fulfill it.

How I prepared for my driving test

I must say that by the time I passed the traffic rules exam, I was already driving a car quite well, competently and confidently. However, like anyone, even someone who knows the subject well, there was noticeable anxiety before the exam. And if there is excitement, then the likelihood of making some stupid mistake increases many times over.

Therefore, I decided to overcome my anxiety in advance so that I could show up for driving knowing all the pitfalls of this test. Moreover, the teacher warned us at one of the last exams that our driving test would be “a beast, not an examiner who knocks everyone down”! In addition, I took the traffic rules exam in 1995, during a time of great chaos and lawlessness both in Russia and in the traffic police. Therefore, before the exam I really wanted to “spread a straw for myself.”

How did I “lay my straw”?

  1. I learned from our teacher the route that I would have to take during the exam. Fortunately, the examiners, without bothering themselves too much, accept driving around the city along the same route.
    There are other options.
    In many traffic police examination centers, route diagrams are posted on special stands and are available to everyone.
    As a last resort, you can find out the route from those who have already taken it. You need to go to the driving test place the day before and ask those who have already “arrived” about the route, about where and what the instructor failed them on. Very useful information.
  2. On the last Sunday before the exams, I took a notepad, a pen, got on my favorite bike and rode to the traffic police building. It made me move along the route of taking the driving test as if I were driving a car.
    However, points 2, 3, 4 can be done on foot, or by car with a relative or friend. If you go by car, you can film the entire route so you can watch and repeat it at home.
  3. I drove in small sections, stopping every minute to remember, write down and sketch the location of signs, traffic lights, markings, places to change lanes before a turn or U-turn, places where stopping is prohibited, etc. At the same time, mentally imagining what I will have to do in the exam at this point.
  4. After I drove and studied the route for the first time, I made a few more circles, observing all the requirements of signs, traffic lights, and markings as if I were actually driving a car.

It is clear that after such preparation, I knew the route of the upcoming driving test, which is called “up and down”. And if so, then the excitement has gone somewhere. I just already knew how everything was going to happen and what awaited me at what point in the race. That is, practically eliminated all sorts of accidents and surprises.

The day of the exam has arrived

One of the interlocutors answers the author of the question:
Maybe you can somehow hand over the “city” yourself, but it’s unlikely. Because the inspectors are trying to overwhelm you, to get to the bottom of all sorts of nonsense. You also have to wait for hours for the exam to start, worry, and still not even have the opportunity to just have a snack!

We arrived to take the exam at the traffic police at 9 o'clock in the morning. The foyer and corridors of the examination center were packed with people like a barrel of herring. Some were going to take theory, some were going to take practice, some were going to receive documents. In general, everything looked hopeless and sad. Many were very worried, stressing themselves out and unnerving those around them. The situation became even more unpleasant when we were told that our driving group was third in line. That is, we will have to hang around in the stuffy room of the center for several hours.

“Walking along the flight path”

Military pilots have this term: “walking on the flight path,” when pilots, before flying on the ground with model airplanes in their hands, imitate the flight and all upcoming actions in the air. To avoid wasting time in a stuffy room, I decided to do like the pilots. I went with the first group that started taking the driving test that day.

Of course, I didn’t give it up. But he clarified a lot about the exam. I asked the guys how the instructor behaved, what his mood was, where and what he was doing. At the same time, I walked the entire route again, repeating everything I had learned the day before on Sunday.
We didn't have cell phones back then. It's easier now. You can arrange with someone from the group to call you if something changes and you need to return urgently.

I returned to the traffic police examination center just in time, having walked in the fresh air, repeated the route and, most importantly, finally calmed down. It is clear that I passed the driving test, as well as the entire traffic rules test, as they say, without a hitch, and in the evening, as a full-fledged driver, I went to my car behind the wheel.

In conclusion, I want to say the following. You need to prepare for any exams. And preparation, like any business in principle, should be approached creatively. Because if you think carefully in advance, preparing for any exam can be simplified and even... You just need to figure out how.

“Knots” for memory:

  • Excitement is conquered by knowledge
  • Prepare for the exam creatively
  • Study the route in advance

The human brain is a very practical thing. He remembers only what, for some reason, seems important to him, and discards what is unimportant. The brain considers abstract numbers and obscure phrases informational garbage, which should be, if not gotten rid of, then put into the farthest memory closet. Therefore, attempts to memorize traffic rules from a book will most likely be futile.

In order for numbers and clerical language to be interesting and memorable, they need to be made less abstract, more alive.

1. Add a little personal touch

A rough example: if you are once fined for jaywalking, you will remember for a long time when you can cross the roadway and when you shouldn’t.

However, you don’t have to face fines. Just try to try on the points set out in the traffic rules for yourself.

For example, if you currently travel by tram rather than by car, find this an advantage: the tram is always right. This is an accessible, personal presentation of one of the basic principles of traffic rules: with an equal right to travel, a tram has an advantage over other vehicles, regardless of the direction of movement.

By relating the theory to your personal experience, you will be able to easily solve tram problems in the exam.

2. Laugh

Laughter reduces the level of cortisol, a stress hormone that inhibits the functions of the hippocampus. And this area of ​​the brain is responsible for translating information into lasting memories. In addition, when we laugh, the level of feel-good endorphins in the body increases.

The net effect is that if you laugh, you will remember the information that made you laugh better than any other information. Tales, jokes, and cartoons about traffic are a great way to fix traffic rules in memory.

In Russia, new highway markings have been introduced - three solid lines. They mean the same thing as two or one, but something must be done!


Unlike the traffic police test, you will have an unlimited number of attempts. Bring solving traffic rules problems to the point of automaticity - and your driver’s license is almost in your pocket!

How to pass the traffic police exam the first time? It’s no secret that training at a driving school goes very quickly for many. And now an exciting visit to the traffic police is looming on the horizon. Obtaining a driver's license, first of all, depends on successfully passing state exams at the State Traffic Inspectorate on knowledge of the Rules of the Road and the driving skills of the applicant for the “license”.

Testing knowledge of traffic rules and ability to drive a car becomes an integral procedure for the future driver. The state must be sure that a new road user will not pose a danger to society.

You can also watch the video at the end of this article about what NOT to do to pass the traffic police exam the first time.

The most important condition for the birth of a new motorist is confident mastery of the educational material. Only then will you be able to pass the traffic police exams without any problems.

Theoretical exam of traffic rules in the traffic police

The first step to obtaining the coveted driver's license will be passing an exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate on the rules of the road. There are two points to pay attention to here.

  1. Knowledge of traffic rules. The basis for successfully passing the theoretical test will be a good knowledge of the rules of the road. And here you will have to do some cramming so as not to get confused later when formulating fundamental concepts such as “main road”, “pedestrian”, “overtaking”, “vehicle”, “intersection”, etc.
  2. Ability to use a computer. It is important here not to wave your arms, risking accidentally pressing a button on the keyboard. You need to concentrate on your work and not be distracted while answering questions. Therefore, it is best to buy a disk with a program for preparing for passing traffic rules and rehearse the passing procedure until it becomes automatic.

When preparing to take the theoretical exam at the State Traffic Inspectorate, the practice of solving traffic rules exam tickets online has proven itself well - this will consolidate your knowledge of the Traffic Rules and sharpen your computer use skills.

During the traffic police exam, you should not contact the examiners over trifles, and you should not talk or behave defiantly. To combat anxiety, it is better to refrain from taking sedatives, as they will prevent you from reacting quickly when passing a practical (driving) exam.

Driving test

The practical test begins with driving a car on a race track. Then, together with the traffic police inspector, you will have to prove your skills on the city streets. And if training is required to successfully perform exercises on the racetrack, then for error-free driving around the city it is useful to know at least the driving route.

Basic exercises on the circuit

There are several standard exercises that state traffic inspectors check for applicants for a driver's license:

  • snake,
  • reversal,
  • parallel parking,
  • reversing (entering within specified dimensions),
  • overpass.

From this set of exercises, the examiner chooses at his discretion a set of 3 tasks, for example:

  • snake-parallel parking-overpass,
  • U-turn-overpass-parallel parking,
  • overpass - reversing - snake.

In any case, the future driver must be fluent in these elements of driving. Driving schools do not always devote enough time to practical training. Therefore, if there are any gaps in “figured driving”, then it is very advisable to study additionally even before the start of the exams at the traffic police.

Driving on city streets

The greatest difficulty when passing the traffic police exams is driving around the city. And if the city is small, then you can thoroughly study all the features of the streets, learn about all the tricks that traffic police officers use to complicate tasks. But in a large metropolis it is almost impossible to determine the future route.

Therefore, you need not only to know the traffic rules well, but also to quickly apply them in practice, responding to incoming input from the examiner. Then it will be possible to constructively explain any of your actions while driving. Many traffic police officers positively evaluate the convincing arguments of the applicant for obtaining a license, so if you are sure that you are right, politely explain this to the inspector.

There are times when the examiner specifically asks you to violate traffic rules while taking the driving test. Be vigilant and do not give in to provocations!

When preparing to take the driving test in urban conditions, special attention should be paid to the following sections of the Rules:

  • stopping a car in the city,
  • rules for changing lanes and overtaking,
  • sequence of crossing intersections,
  • turn left and turn around,
  • passage of pedestrian crossings and public transport stops.

Some simple steps on the part of the applicant will also help to successfully pass the traffic police exam. It is important not only to master the educational material, but also to feel confident at different stages of the examination test.

  • Clothes and shoes should be comfortable and convenient, especially in cold weather. It is advisable to carry out training trips in the same equipment.
  • You should take only the most necessary items and documents with you to the exam. It is better to leave handbags, umbrellas and other accessories at home. Not only will they get in the way, but you can forget them somewhere while under nervous tension.
  • Before you start driving your car, you need to adjust the seat. This point is very important, so there is no need to be afraid of the inspector. If your feet do not reach the pedals, then the path will be very short and dangerous.
  • Be sure to fasten your seat belt BEFORE driving. By the way, you can demand the same from the traffic police officer.
  • Don't forget to use the handbrake when stopping on an incline. When starting the car, you should simultaneously release the hand parking brake and increase engine speed with the gas pedal.
  • Before starting the car, you must turn on the left turn signal and look in the mirror. Movement begins only when there are no obstacles. Pay attention to the clearly defined turn of the head, which will be evidence of looking in the mirror for the inspector.

Passing the traffic police exam is one of many life tests. Even if the first attempt was unsuccessful, you should not despair and lose heart. It is necessary to once again pay attention to weak points and go to the second attempt with hope and optimism. It will probably turn out much better than the first uncertain surrender.

What NOT to do to pass the traffic police exam the first time

Have you been unable to pass exams at the authorities for a long time to obtain a driver's license? Are you too nervous and worried before exams? Our advice will help you gain confidence in your abilities, and our recommendations will allow you to pass the traffic rules and driving exams at the traffic police the first time.

For many of us, the most difficult thing during passing the traffic police exams was. The thing is that during the theory test, each candidate driver is given 20 minutes. There are only two mistakes you can make. In case of a third error, the theoretical exam will be considered failed and will then have to be retaken. Any beginner who has completed and came to the traffic police exams is very nervous during the exam, because he fears that he will not have enough time and that he will make mistakes more than twice.

Therefore, each of us is nervous in advance long before the exams at the traffic police. It is very difficult to cope with your anxiety. Therefore, together with a driving instructor who has more than 15 years of experience, we have developed our instructions and simple tips that will help you cope with anxiety on the eve of the traffic police exams, which will allow you to pass all the tests the first time.

Our advice must be followed from the first days when you began your training at a driving school. Then, after completing the training course, you will be calmer, which will help you pass the traffic rules exam and driving test with the traffic police without unnecessary work.

Plan your time

We advise you to go through the full. Don't rush things. Better take an in-depth course at a driving school. There is no need to force things. Remember that many driving skills are developed through experience. Therefore, the more hours you pay your driving instructor, the better. But of course, within reason, since too many driving lessons will cost you a huge amount.

Talk to your driving instructor and agree with him to let you know when you are ready to take the traffic police exam. Many people try to teach their students as many lessons as possible in order to earn as much money as possible. But keep in mind that you shouldn't skimp on driving lessons either, as not having enough driving hours can lead to you failing your test. Each of us learns differently. For some, 5-7 driving lessons will be enough. For some, 40 lessons may not be enough.

Therefore, it is important to find a common language with a driving instructor, from whom you will learn that you are able to pass the traffic police exam. But remember, if you successfully pass the traffic police exams, you still must constantly practice to improve your driving skills.


If you decide to get a driver's license, you must be prepared for significant expenses. You must compare all your possible costs associated with training in a driving school and. If you do not have enough financial resources for the entire duration of your studies, we do not recommend that you start studying at a driving school.

It’s better to save the required amount or take out a loan. Indeed, if there is a lack of funds, you will save during the training process, which will affect the number of paid driving hours. If you think that the basic number of driving hours that are included in the standard cost of training at a driving school is enough for you, then keep in mind that in 90 percent of cases students do not have enough of these hours, which are included in the basic cost of training.

In any case, you will have to pay extra for driving lessons. But if you don’t have enough money to pay for a driving instructor, then you may have to take long breaks between driving sessions, which is not conducive to quickly acquiring driving experience.

Regularity of attendance

If you have the opportunity to regularly attend lessons at a driving school, then do not miss classes under any circumstances. Also remember that in order to properly consolidate your driving experience, you need to drive a car for at least 2 hours a week.

This will help you successfully progress in your driving ability. Try to study with one instructor, since each teacher has his own teaching methods, which may not fit into the methods of teaching driving from another driving instructor. The more you learn to drive with the same instructor, the more you will begin to trust each other. This is very important, since in the absence of a trusting relationship between the student and the teacher, it can lead to the opposite effect on the quality of teaching.

Record your progress

Keep yourself motivated by celebrating and writing down all your successes and achievements. Keep a learning diary of sorts where you record your progress. You can also write down your temporary failures there in order to set specific goals for yourself to achieve. Some driving instructors create training plans that each student gradually completes sequentially. If there is no such plan, you can make it yourself, indicating everything in it (starting the engine, starting from a standstill, changing gears, etc., etc.).

This curriculum will help you look at the learning process with a realistic perspective, realizing your achievements and failures.


After you have completed a certain number of hours of driving training, after which you feel that you can completely do without an instructor, we advise you to practice on a special site yourself, taking a relative or friend with you. If your friends or relatives have a car, then you can use it, and you won’t have to give extra money to a driving instructor to consolidate your skill. Your task is to drive as much as possible to gain experience. Remember, the more you ride, the more confidence you will have.

Stay focused between classes

On those days when you are free from theoretical and practical classes at a driving school, we advise you to practice on the Internet. For example, on our website you can take a test on your knowledge of traffic rules. This section presents original traffic rules tickets that will be offered to you by the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Even if you have not yet completed all the traffic rules in driving school, still practice passing tickets every day, paying attention to the comments on the tickets that explain why a particular question must be answered in a certain way. You can also study on our website. By practicing every day you increase your chance of passing the GAI exams the first time. Even if the process of cramming is very difficult for you, then by answering online traffic tickets every day, you will, willy-nilly, remember the correct answers.

Having learned the rules of the road, you will understand what can happen on the road and correctly read the various situations that may arise every day on your way.

Take the test online before taking the traffic police exam

On the eve of passing the theoretical exam at the State Traffic Inspectorate, go online to be confident in your abilities. If you have been successfully passing tickets online for a long time, then you will almost certainly not have problems passing the exams at the traffic police. But even if you think that you know all the answers to all the questions, we still advise you to take online testing on the eve of the exams to be 100 percent sure.

Practice on the overpass and on the site

Find out from the instructor all the necessary steps that you will need to go through at the traffic police station on the site. Practice these actions with him until they become automatic. If you have not paid for a large number of driving trips, then we advise you to pay extra for them in order to perfect the actions that you will do at the traffic police (garage, overpass, etc.). If you do not have extra money for additional driving lessons, then you can independently strengthen your skills in the car of your friends or relatives at a specialized site.

On the eve of the Gai practical exam, you should go to bed early to get enough sleep and be in good shape. We advise you to strengthen your skills the day before by repeating on the site all the actions that you will need to do on the site in Gai.

The next day, when you get behind the wheel of the examination car, before you drive off, mentally repeat all the actions that need to be done. This will allow you to take the practical exam more confidently.

Keep calm

Every time you feel tense, lose your calm, or make a mistake in an exam, take a few deep breaths. Try to control yourself. Some mistakes are not the end. Such self-control will maintain your composure. Remember that if you are nervous, then it is almost certain that your actions will not be ideal.

If you often make mistakes during a lesson that makes you angry, then try to pull yourself together or take a break from studying, since in this state the learning process will not be effective. If your instructor asks you to do something, but you are nervous and do not understand what is required of you, then try to calm down and ask the instructor to repeat what is required of you.

Study, study and study...

Once you have successfully passed the exams and received your certificate, do not stop your driving training. We advise you to contact a driving instructor who specializes in training non-novice drivers (training not from scratch). As a rule, such teachers specialize in training drivers who have already received their license but have little driving practice.

Such lessons will teach you more extreme driving and allow you to independently learn to read various situations on the roads. Often, many beginners who are just starting to drive on the roads, due to lack of driving experience, are afraid to drive a car. Due to uncertainty, beginners often make a large number of mistakes, which sometimes lead to accidents.

Once you have obtained your licence, you must undergo a training process to drive in the dark, in any bad weather conditions and must learn to drive on motorways. Unfortunately, in the process of studying at a driving school, you will not receive such skills without additional payment. Therefore, it is extremely necessary for you to undergo additional driving training in real road conditions.

We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that after driving approximately 6000-8000 kilometers, you may have a false sense of confidence. Be careful. A similar feeling occurs in everyone who starts driving a car often. At this moment, soberly assess your skills and really realize that experience is still not enough to be overly self-confident.

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