How to deal with your husband's anger and irritability. How are subconscious guilt and anger related? Social skills can help you cope with anger

How to deal with anger?

To cope with anger you need to understand several important things. First of all, anger is a normal reaction that most people have. Anger in itself is not a bad thing, but problems can arise if it gets out of control.

Anger is a mixture of emotional and physical changes in a person. A large wave of energy passes through the body, which is created by adrenaline.

When all the problems that caused the anger attack are resolved, there are still physical consequences because the energy needs an outlet. The energy can be released on a friend, but it is best to take it out on a non-living object, such as a wall or pillow.

Another option for releasing energy is to hold it in until the next tantrum, but releasing repressed emotions can lead to overreaction. When people reflect on their anger attacks, they feel shame and despair, which causes them to further bottle up their emotions.

On the other hand, the uncontrolled release of energy and anger leads from verbal to physical actions. In this case, we must not forget that your opponent probably shares your negative emotions.

But there is a downside to anger. Because of the excess energy it creates, anger can feel good. This happens when you use anger to release pent-up emotions, or when a fit of anger allows you to feel powerful over others. It's important to be aware of this side of anger because you can get used to these attacks.

Causes of anger

You need to beware of the good feelings you get after anger attacks. When you are trying to understand the reasons for your anger, you need to distinguish between positive and negative experiences in order to learn how to receive positive emotions in a different way in the future. The causes of anger are different for all people, so the solutions will be different for everyone, but psychologists suggest the following general solutions and actions.

Actions to help deal with anger

1. Avoid contact and aggressive sports.
2. Learn to relax and meditate.
3. Scream in fenced-in, quiet places.
4. Hitting something soft, such as a pillow.
5. Go jogging.

All of these methods can help you deal with anger and release negative energy. Then ask yourself four questions about how you feel about these crisis situations that trigger your temper tantrums:

What's wrong with this situation?
- Are there other similar situations?
- what can I do to control this situation?
- if my friend had such a problem, what would I advise him?

This won't help you overcome anger in any situation, but during a fit of anger it is very difficult to assess the situation. If a problem arises unexpectedly and you feel anger boiling inside you, step aside and ask yourself these questions.

If the problem is not solved in this way, think carefully about what exactly makes you angry. You need to be sure of this before solving the problem. There may be another person involved in the situation, but they may not be the target of your anger, and it is this person who needs to work on the situation. To do this, you need to take time to discuss the problem when all emotions have subsided.

It may seem very difficult to try to discuss the problem during a temper tantrum, but the following plan will help. Professor Richard Nelson-Jones has developed a good diagram for this:

Don't shy away from the conversation;
- understand;
- identify the problem;
- find a solution;
- agree;
- implement;
- reconsider the problem.

First of all, it is important to face the problem head on. Determine the source of the problem and what emotions it causes in you (anger, aggression, etc.). Tell yourself that the problem is the situation, not the person. This way, you will be able to control what is happening and you will have a chance to cope with angry emotions.

Next, you need to understand how your opponent sees this situation. Let everyone have their say on the issue without interrupting anyone. After that, determine where you disagree. There is no need to discuss the contradictions, just agree that you understand them. This way the problem will become clearer.

The next step is to find a solution. Here you can defend your point of view - but just don’t get personal. Offer as many solutions as possible, no matter how fantastic they may seem.

And finally, you need to come to a common decision. This may be the most difficult part of the whole process. Everyone must make concessions, and realize that both are making concessions. Also, don't expect too much - the final solution probably won't be perfect for everyone, but a compromise is still better than an unresolved problem. It is important that both agree on the decision, and when the problem is solved, the anger is easier to control!

Anger and aggression lead to inflammatory processes. If these emotions are familiar to you, it's time to think about your health.

Outbursts of anger, especially unspoken ones, strike not only those at whom they are directed. First of all, they harm the person who is angry. Modern research has proven that hidden anger leads to inflammatory processes in the body, especially often in relation to arthritis. Such inflammations are also called emotional. Ayurveda explains this by an imbalance of Pitta - it is this hot dosha that begins to rage when we are overcome by aggressive emotions, and provokes inflammation.

To avoid falling victim to anger, you need to learn to manage it and avoid it. By practicing mindful anger management, you will send a natural flow of happiness and love to all cells in the body, including your joints. While this may not cure your arthritis, it will certainly make you feel better as you block the fuel for inflammation.

10 ways to deal with anger

  1. Identify the causes of anger . Understand what exactly makes you angry and consciously ignore it. It is ideal if you have the opportunity to physically distance yourself from the stimuli. For example, moving away from noisy neighbors or changing jobs with an angry boss. But often this is impossible, then turn your anger into another, useful direction. It’s trite - hit a punching bag, imagining that it’s the person provoking you. The method is as old as time, but it works. If there is no pear, throw the ball at the wall, eat the nuts, imagining that these are those same unpleasant people.
  2. Forgive and forget . A difficult option, but no matter how you look at it, the most effective. Remember the saying: “Holding a grudge against someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
  3. Change your attitude towards negative thoughts that cause anger. Track them and try to do something unexpected in return. Sing your favorite song, jump rope, draw a caricature of the object of your anger.
  4. Read spiritual literature , engage in self-development, meditate.
  5. Spend more time in pleasant company . Surround yourself with good, optimistic people, they will charge you with positive emotions and then it will be easier not to react to irritants. Laughter is the best medicine for anger.
  6. Take breaks . Plan your weekend profitably, go to the cinema, go on a hike - get new emotions.
  7. Find a hobby you like . Singing, dancing, drawing - everything will distract you from negative thoughts and help you enjoy life.
  8. Keep a diary , where you will describe situations that caused anger. This way you can analyze them, understand how adequate your reaction was, and what you can do about it to avoid repetition in the future.
  9. Remember that the other person is not bad, they are just different . Learn to give space to everyone in your life and enjoy your space.
  10. Do not refuse consultations from specialists. If you feel that anger is really interfering with your life, and you are unable to cope with it - ask for help.

Anger is one of the basic human emotions. And he is also a harbinger of aggression. Usually a person becomes angry because of injustice shown to him. This is followed by either calm or an outburst of rage. But it's one thing when a person is angry for a real reason. But many people notice attacks of rage, provoked by mere trifles. What to do in this case, how to cope with anger?


First you need to go to the roots. If a person starts at half a turn and flashes with a blue flame from the slightest spark, he has problems. Most likely, he is dissatisfied with his life. Or schedule, work, home, personal life. And here's tip number 1 regarding how to deal with anger: you need to get your life in order.

And there are a lot of ways. First, you need to get rid of overvoltage. Sleep a normal number of hours, eat at the same time, do not drag home the “burden” from work (both emotional and in the form of tasks). Secondly, you need to bring activity into your life. If a person has only home and work on his schedule, it is not surprising that he gets irritated and angry over trifles. You can sign up for a gym, a swimming pool, or yoga. And life will be diversified, the environment will change, and your health will be strengthened.

You definitely need to get rid of unnecessary things. Life is easier in a free, uncluttered space. According to Feng Shui, the accumulation of things leads to clutter in thoughts.

You also need to stop rushing. When a person is constantly in a hurry, one gets the feeling that there is catastrophically little time. And there is enough of it, you just need to get used to its distribution. To do this, you can keep a notebook for planning your schedule and tasks. And get up half an hour earlier to do a quick exercise, take a shower and enjoy a cup of coffee. This way you can tone yourself up and set the mood for the whole next day. And if the morning begins with shouts of “I’m late!” and a quick breakfast on the go, it is not surprising that then a person gets pissed off at some trifle.

Ways to get distracted

Eliminating preconditions is not a matter of one day. Therefore, ways to cope with anger that occurs at one moment are also worth knowing.

You need to turn your attention to your breathing. Hold for maximum time, then push out the air. For what? This will reduce mental activity and at least distract you.

If rage asks to come out, then you can tear paper, newspaper, napkin to shreds, or break an old pen. Even in the process of communicating with the object, it’s a little strange, but it’s a hundred times better than a scandal.

Aromatherapy is an effective method. But at work, a bath with fragrant oils cannot help cope with anger. She simply isn't there. So it’s worth keeping a small bag (sachet) with dry soothing herbs with you.

It is also effectively “washed off” with cold water. This procedure relieves tension from the facial muscles and improves blood circulation.

Appeal to logic

If a person experiences a flash of rage and is angry with someone, then it’s time to think about the situation. You can put yourself in the place of your opponent-irritant. Ask a couple of questions. Why did he do/say that? What is he right about?

And this also happens - a person takes it out on someone who is not to blame at all, and then regrets it. But the word is not a sparrow. To avoid such annoying mistakes, you need to develop the habit of silence. Don’t blurt out cynical thoughts, but think about whether they need to be uttered at all? Is it worth it? In most cases the answer is no. You cannot be led by emotions, as you can offend a loved one with your actions. But it’s not his fault that a person’s day (or life) is not a success.

Many people, thinking about how to cope with anger, decide to develop a conditioned reflex that controls aggression. For example, every time you feel a surge of aggression or clench your teeth. Such an unpleasant action will cut off the flow of evil thoughts.

Parting with emotions

When talking about how to cope with anger and irritability, one cannot help but talk about the release of energy. Each person experiencing aggression must choose for himself a way through which he can part with negative emotions. The above describes methods on how to cope with attacks of anger. That is, suppress them and block them. But they accumulate - in the muscles, soul, consciousness. And every person, suppressing anger, should know that soon he will release all his emotions.

For example, in a boxing gym, beating a punching bag. Or on a treadmill, covering conventional kilometers. Singing helps many people. And even better - screams. Is it possible to get out to a place remote from people? Don't miss it. After a person shouts to the whole area, he will feel joy and satisfaction. A corresponding mental reaction will occur, followed by a phase of calm and peace.


After screaming or beating a punching bag, you need to relax. Because all this is also a kind of tension. And what to do after you have managed to cope with anger and anger? It is best to take a hot bath. Thanks to this, you will be able to strengthen the body, normalize the concentration of salts in the body, eliminate excess sugar and ultimately cleanse yourself of accumulated negative energy. In addition, a hot bath strengthens the kidneys and heart. This, in turn, affects the cleansing of blood vessels and “breaking through” closed capillaries.

By the way, if possible, it is worth taking time for a massage. It helps keep the body and spirit in better shape, and also restores the body after stress, reduces tension in the muscles, relaxes them and normalizes blocked energy flow.

After the procedure, you should enjoy a cup of green tea or a decoction of currant, raspberry and rose hip leaves. This will help restore the balance of vitamin C. Few people pay attention to this nuance, but in vain. The lack of this organic compound causes vitamin deficiency, which causes muscle and joint pain, drowsiness, fatigue and irritability. This is unlikely to be what a person needs who is already worried about how to cope with anger and aggression.

Children's anger

This topic is also worth paying attention to. Many parents grab their heads - how to cope with children's anger, what to do if the child is angry? First you need to understand the source of this emotion. Not all children make contact with their parents, so often one can only guess about the reasons.

The most common reason for a child’s rage is the appearance of another “flower of life” in the family. It causes not only anger, but also jealousy. A child, accustomed to the love, attention of his parents and the benefits due to him, is offended by the fact that now he is not the only one who gets all this. To overcome children’s anger in this situation, you don’t need to say this boring phrase: “Well, baby, we still love you.” Words are unnecessary, you need to act - continue to show care and love for the baby. Even down to the material side of the issue. If parents bought several bags of things for a newborn and did not bring anything to the eldest, it is clear that he will be offended.

Other reasons

But a child can also be angry for other reasons. For example, if he is forced to do something he does not want. Wash your ears every day, eat only porridge all the time in the morning, go for walks only on Sundays. Parents are surprised - everything was fine before! Naturally. After all, before the child was naive, but now he began to develop as a personality and show character. And how can he show this? Only angry, because so far, due to his age, he does not know other methods - only emotions. And many parents, seeing that the child has stopped obeying, begin to scream and get irritated. And it would do them good to think about how to cope with anger at a child, because what he does is normal.

It is important for adults to accept this fact. Understand that their child is a separate person. And offer him compromises. Don't want to eat porridge every morning? Okay, let's have buns for breakfast twice a week. Does walking on just one day off make him feel like he's under house arrest? You can allow him to go out to friends on some weekday. The key to resolving the problem lies in being involved with the child and understanding his feelings. It's important to remember this.

How to respond to aggression?

This is also a pretty important topic. And it’s worth saying a few words about it, since often the irritant that causes anger is an angry and angry opponent. And it is extremely important not to succumb to its influence, so as not to ruin your mood.

You must remain calm and not stoop to the level of an angry interlocutor. If it is not possible to block contact by walking away from it (for example, the boss is angry), you need to withstand the attack with confidence. Look straight into the eyes, holding your head high, countering with reasoned arguments. Even if the boss is in an affective rage, the logic of his opponent can awaken a light in his subconscious. Or at least the fearless appearance of the “victim” will discourage him.

And yet, there is no need to argue. Parry - yes, but do not violently prove and defend any point of view. In such a confrontation, endurance is important. And patience. The boss will speak out and calm down. After which he will forget about what happened. And some even apologize. But if the subordinate begins to be insolent in response, to show character, there is a risk of remaining enemies.

Bile man

Bile people are people who react sharply to external stimuli, but at the same time do not splash out their emotions, but make sarcastic remarks. From a physiological point of view, the word “bilious” has a very direct meaning. Due to the fact that a person does not use the energy of anger for its intended purpose - for aggression, he redirects the adrenaline storm to the internal organs. The liver begins to produce bile, the stomach intensively releases gastric juice. But the food doesn't arrive. In fact, the stomach and duodenum begin to digest themselves. Therefore, people prone to anger, as a rule, suffer from gastrointestinal diseases: they develop gastritis, duodenitis, colitis, and ulcers.

When a drunken subject steps on his foot, one would like to hint that he was born in vain. Is it okay to give vent to your anger or not? We decided to consider not the social, but the medical side of anger: what happens in our bodies when we hate others intensely and uncontrollably?

Anger, irritability and spite are rooted in guilt. Sounds weird, right? But if you dig deeper, everything falls into place.

Guilt is a state of personality when it is split into two parts. Roughly speaking, one part of the personality does something, and the second scolds it for it. The feeling of guilt that arises as a result of a wrong action is relatively easy to deal with: you can apologize, buy a gift, pay a fine, confess, serve in prison - depending on the situation, neutralize the wrong action with the right action.

But there is a deeper feeling of guilt that we cannot consciously explain to ourselves. In fact it is. But if previously people with such deviations were admitted to the hospital, today this is considered the norm.

Fight with yourself

The pattern of feelings of guilt and anger at the physiological level completely coincides with the pattern of fear.

When a person experiences fear, the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system is activated. That is, as a result of a reaction to a negative event, the body prepares to do something: run, fight, defend itself. This is an instinct that we inherited from our wild ancestors: danger - we must defend ourselves.

The body begins to produce adrenaline, it is injected into the blood and activates all combat-ready parts of the body. Blood flow to the muscles that are responsible for active physical actions increases, heart rate increases, and the pupil dilates. By concentrating forces in the muscles, blood flows away from the skin and away from the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.

If we took active physical action, the adrenaline would be broken down, used up, and the nervous system would come into balance. But after all this heroic preparation, we, unlike our wild ancestors, do not rush to tear the enemy with our teeth, but politely ask the tipsy subject to get off his feet and breathe in the other direction. Therefore, the nervous system is forced to stabilize in a different way.

After the sympathetic part of the nervous system has been activated and energy has not been used up, the seesaw swings towards the parasympathetic autonomic part of the nervous system. All those bodies that are responsible for “peace support” are being activated. First of all, this is the skin and internal organs located in the abdominal cavity.

Due to the fact that a large amount of energy was released, it hits our internal organs with force. This most negatively affects the organs of the cardiovascular system and digestion. An active rush of blood to these organs causes the endocrine glands to work harder, the secretion of gastric juice accelerates, and pressure surges become more frequent.

How are subconscious guilt and anger related?

♦ You are late for work because you cannot find your keys. You assume that being late will cause trouble for which you will be to blame. Perhaps nothing terrible will actually happen, but the inner voice turned off sanity and turned on the jitters. Therefore, anything that makes you linger is . You're late for work because you can't find your keys. You assume that being late will cause trouble for which you will be to blame. Perhaps nothing terrible will actually happen, but the inner voice turned off sanity and turned on the jitters. Therefore, anything that makes you linger causes irritation.

♦ Your dearly beloved husband asks you to hem his trousers. But the last time you hemmed anything was in labor class at school. And they received a well-deserved C for the curvature of the seam. Plus, I need to cook dinner for the child and I would like to watch a movie. You are sure that if you refuse your husband’s request, you will be guilty. And, without refusing and ruining his trousers, even more so. Therefore, the husband’s request causes unconscious irritation: take it to the studio, I didn’t hire him!

♦ As a child, your mother taught you that raising your voice is impolite. And then you see a woman who harshly reprimands something to her husband. You don’t know which of them is right, and in general, other people’s lives are none of your business. But the woman irritates you. Why? The reaction is triggered in a mirror type: if I screamed loudly, I would feel guilty. A woman with her scream pushes you to feel guilty - and this is enough to awaken anger.

5 Methods to Deal with Anger

1 . To “vent” the energy generated as a result of an outburst of anger, you can run, shout, even break dishes. This will not solve the problem associated with guilt, but it will protect your body from another devastating blow.

2. Anger is accompanied by muscle tension. Take it off! Walk through your entire body in your mind's eye, making sure each muscle relaxes. It is also necessary to relieve tension from the lips, jaws, forehead, and around the eyes. If the body is relaxed, there is simply nothing to experience emotions.

3. Do breathing exercises. Regular deep breathing has a magical power: it causes the muscles of the body to relax. As you breathe, notice how the bottom of your lungs fills first, then the middle, and finally your collarbones rise.

4. Self-reflection method. We need to internally answer the question: what can’t I afford myself? After the prohibitions have been identified, you need to understand whether you are ready to remove them. For example, if you've spent your whole life prohibiting yourself from enjoying life wildly, perhaps it's time to try. This way you will stop getting annoyed with people who are noisy and having fun - because what is allowed to yourself is also allowed to those around you.

5. It is also interesting to examine yourself for “my” and “not my” decisions. We all have a set of unshakable principles. Who established these dogmas? For example, a person is sure that he is kind. But to the question “Why do you need to be kind?” can't answer. This means that this is not his decision, but his teacher’s. Perhaps it is better to recognize your own natural viciousness and consciously take control of it.

How often do you get irritated with others? And how do you do it - consciously or not? And do you understand the difference? Indeed, now the number of people who have realized that the game of polarity is over is rapidly growing, that a different time has come and that behind all the people around us there are Living Souls. And thanks to the fact that we understand and see these souls, a new game is created - the Game of Love.

And by how irritated you are, you can understand whether you are out of the game of polarity or not, whether you are living consciously or are still dreaming. Because there is a significant difference when a person gets irritated within the game or when this happens with an understanding of Who He Is. As a result, the understanding and acceptance of these situations changes.

Yesterday I had a conversation with one of my good friends on the topic of irritation with other people, anger and misunderstanding. He is a conscious and deep person, he has long healed all his traumatic experiences and realized that everything is for the better and that all the kicks he received from life turned out to be just “magic kicks” that forced him to move forward and therefore he feels great gratitude to them. And he feels like an Immortal Soul, but despite this, suddenly, like driftwood from the water, some unpleasant situations emerge, not just misunderstandings, but the impossibility of communicating with some people, some mutual painful “red buttons”, anger, resentment , irritation.

Surely, many people who have long embarked on the path of awareness and understanding of themselves as the Creator (or as I Am or, more correctly, I Am the immortal Soul going through one or another experience at this particular moment) have “breakdowns.” It’s as if you suddenly get hit again, you again feel useless and rejected, you are again unfairly offended, you are again not loved, not appreciated and not accepted for your uniqueness, and so on. That is, you suddenly begin to experience essentially the same feelings that you experienced when you were deep in the game.

But the whole point is that now you are aware! You are responsible for your life and everything that happens in it. Or rather, even you Create your life! After all, you already remember, realize, understand who you are and clearly know that your internal state shapes your external state, that space is created FROM THE INSIDE OUT, and not vice versa.

And what do you do at such moments? What can you create, clearly knowing and understanding your nature as a creator, at that moment when you again suddenly begin to feel like a victim of circumstances? After all, at this moment you do not just pass emotions through yourself and your body, at this moment you are actively Creating! So what are you creating? Regret, disappointment, despondency, despair, and, most often, anger (since anger is a more constructive emotion).

The release of anger occurs differently for everyone; it all depends on temperament. Some people lash out at other people, some throw things, some yell at their children or spouses. For example, when I began to feel this bubbling magma of indignation within myself, I was simply afraid of hurting those around me with this energy and tried to contain it all within myself, simply silently experiencing these emotions. And as a result, my physical body suffered, and, in particular, my heart center, because the vibrations of anger and indignation are incompatible with the vibrations of Love.

And if I threw it out, the space around me often “suffered”, for example, light bulbs in the apartment burned out, dishes cracked, taps broke, and once even a kettle burned out. My husband demanded to “stop doing this” and urgently switch to a blissful state of love. He knew that his condition and mood depended on my condition, and he understood that when I felt good, everyone around me felt good, and when I was out of sorts, turn out the lights (which is what the burning out light bulbs did). In general, every woman can “spin the whirlwind” in one direction or another, and I’m even more so, since I’ve been doing various energy practices for a long time, constantly meditating, doing rhythmic breathing, Surya Namaskar and Hermes gymnastics every day.

And of course, all the space around is very responsive to our internal state - either there is joy, goodness and happiness in your home, or thunder and lightning. So be careful with emotions and energies...

How to deal with anger, irritation and rage

So what to do? Firstly, I want to tell you that you shouldn’t blame yourself and try to always be positive. In fact, this is normal, since we are all now experiencing surges of fire that burn out all the structures of our past games and roles, namely the Ego. In a word, this is how the process of dissolution of the Ego occurs.

What is Ego? Of course, most people who are not even psychologists know what this is. But today I want to explain this to you not from the point of view of psychology, but from the point of view of what is happening on the planet now. From the point of view of new energies and new thinking. After all, you understand and see that big changes are taking place both in our thinking and in our physical bodies?

What is Ego

The ego is a magical tool with which people can be controlled. The ego is a specially designed structure with the help of which a person forgets about his immortal nature and immerses himself in a game reality in which someone else creates and leads, and not himself. In which he is not the Creator, but a pawn in someone's big game. This is a kind of shell in which our Soul, our inner light, is imprisoned. And with the help of the energy of love we can break through this shell and dissolve it. It will melt, and the radiance trapped in it will spread everywhere.

When I explained all this to my friend that he was in the process of dissolving this shell called the Ego, he was seriously scared and said that it was impossible to live without the Ego, because then we would lose ourselves and merge into one whole. But this is not so, you should not be afraid of this process. The more you resist, the more you make your life worse. Understand that it is no longer possible to live in the old way. Your individuality will not disappear anywhere, it’s just that from the external one (which is this shell called Ego), it is transformed into the internal individuality (which is Light). In the space of this Light, each particle, of course, has its own unique central radiation. And with its rays it can merge and come into contact with all the other particles.

It's clear? If not, then I’ll explain it even simpler. Your individuality lies in your own inner sun, and not in the shell of the Ego, which is built on the principle of “yours-mine” comparison. In the very near future, we will see the uniqueness of a person, focusing on his center, and not on some of his external manifestations. And this “merging with rays” will help us merge with a person, experience heartfelt resonance and understand his essence, without losing our own individuality! Already today, some people are succeeding in this, and perhaps more will happen!

How to deal with anger, irritation and rage

Now let’s return to the situation of anger and irritation towards other people. This occurs due to non-acceptance of some external shells of other people and reaction to this non-acceptance with irritation or anger. But don’t blame yourself for this, because this process is necessary and correct. Just realize that this is how the shells dissolve, the Ego structures burn out. And it resists, it does not want to completely melt in your Light, which is why it manifests itself so brightly.

So, we don’t blame ourselves. What are we doing?

When you catch yourself falling into anger (sadness, despair, despondency, irritation, and so on), then first recognize this feeling in yourself, accept it, and then stop thinking, analyzing and sorting things out. And in order for it not to spill out sideways to those around you and not get stuck in your body, you first need to simply burn off the adrenaline with some active action (sports, squats, push-ups, cleaning the house, dancing), and then be sure to connect with your soul .

How you do it is what you know and feel best. I love hugging trees, doing breathing and relaxation practices, being creative (in particular, writing articles for my blog, at these moments I am in absolute unity with my soul), taking an aromatic bath, listening to good music.

And sometimes I just like to “hang out” (there’s no other way to put it) around the city. Do not run away with a serious face like a business sausage on some important matters. Just put on comfortable clothes and shoes and go wherever your eyes take you. Just walk, just look, just feel the world. This is a kind of making love with the world through connecting with your soul and clear knowledge of who I Am right here and now. In general, you certainly know at what moments you connect with the soul. Maybe this happens while cooking, weaving macrome, meditating, walking in the park?

It turns out that at this moment you are kind of working as a fireman for yourself. They caught fire and extinguished themselves

And believe me, you have all the means to do this. It’s just important to understand that this is just the process of dissolving the shells and you just need to survive it. And that all external causes are manipulated by the mind, they are illusory. And that you can instantly dissolve all the negativity that pops up, you just need to make a choice. Do not pour it on other people, do not bury it deeper within yourself, creating blocks, clamps and illnesses in the physical body, but dissolve it in the way that I described above.

Or you can make it simpler, but here you need absolute faith in your Angels and other heavenly helpers. Just ask them to dissolve all your unpleasant internal states.

And sometimes honesty with yourself and your sincere desire to get rid of the shells of the ego are simply enough. And then you don’t even need to ask anyone, you will already receive help from your Higher Self.

How to deal with anger, irritation and rage

If you do lose your temper and some negative outburst occurs, then immediately forgive both yourself and the other. Because that means it was necessary. Because at some moments in life we ​​work as detonators for others, helping them dissolve their shells. In general, we are now actively helping each other to dissolve the ego, so that at some wonderful moment it disappears and only radiance begins to pour out of us.

Understand that the existence of some matrix clues and programs within us takes place, and this is normal. It's all a matter of how you interact with them: look at them as shells of the ego and dissolve them with acceptance, or allow them to have power over you. Understand that this is just a symptom of the death of the ego and the revitalization of the heart. There are also other symptoms that are milder than anger and irritation - these are states of hopelessness, emptiness, apathy, and so on. Such states are precisely indicators that your role life support system is dying and your heart system is opening.

And it is not your fault that you experience such states, since this is associated with the withering away and disappearance of previous ways of interacting with the world. And therefore, I repeat, do not blame yourself, do not fall into this, do not try to find a way out of the situation from the mind, but simply switch to the body: walk, dance, feel life to the maximum. Sometimes it’s enough to just sit down and turn your attention to your body, turning off your mind. Just walk through your body, starting from your feet and ending with the top of your head, paying attention to how your body feels in one place or another.

How do your feet feel when they touch the floor or ground, how do your shins and knees, hips, stomach, back, neck, back of your head, crown, face feel? Sometimes such immersion in the body is enough to burn off all unnecessary emotions. And from the point of view of psychotherapy, such a close look at the body gives an impetus to the restoration of the autonomic nervous system; at such moments our nervous system rests and recovers. Gives the same result

Yes, and don’t forget about gratitude. This amazing magical feeling helps dissolve the shells of the ego at great speed. Just understand that you are moving to a new, higher level and thank life for it.

And always remember that your inner sun has no boundaries. Its rays penetrate everywhere and everywhere, because your soul shines endlessly, as this is its property. And she can easily fill everything around her with love, you just need to make a conscious choice!

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