How to build a relationship with your boss if the boss is a woman. How to build relationships

There is an opinion among people, both women and men, that it is not easy to work when woman as a leader. Of course, in this case we are not talking about the fact that a woman is not smart enough to be a politician or strategist. But a leader is primarily determined by gender, and business qualities fade into the background.

Why does this happen? The manager’s task is to create a team, coordinate and plan the actions of workers, and control the execution of his orders. Being a professional is not enough; here you need to have such a quality as “leadership”. In order for subordinates to recognize the authority of a leader in their boss, it is necessary:

Be discerning and look to the future;
Be able to take the initiative;
Earn the title of arbiter of interpersonal views;
Make decisions without being afraid to take risks.

Usually a woman is ascribed a mysterious, passive, soft image, which is not at all compatible with the qualities listed above. An excellent example of what has been said is the “candy-bouquet” period between a woman and a man. When conquering a woman, a man is aggressive, assertive, and enterprising. The quality of a leader, a conqueror in premarital relationships extends to relationships in the service.

Classification of women managers.

"Man in a Skirt". Female managers have a weak emotional sphere, so to compensate for this, they behave more harshly and emphasize their authoritarianism in relations with subordinates.

Having such a leader, you will not envy your subordinates. According to production life female leader leads with an iron hand and iron fists. Exchange of opinions and free thought are completely excluded. In such a team, the worst sides of human character are revealed - sycophancy and quarrelsomeness. As a rule, workers with insufficient qualifications cooperate with a “man in a skirt”, since professionals have nothing to do next to such a boss. But if it so happens that you had to work under the leadership of a “man in a skirt,” you need to remember that any service mistake can cause stress for the boss. Therefore, your task is to try to make a dialogue out of the scandal, preferably constructive. The ability to remain silent and the gift of persuasion are here, more than ever, you may need them.

"Good mother"- a woman as a leader looks like the complete opposite of the characteristics described above. Work is based on emotions. The main working tool is personal charm, the style of address is politeness and friendliness. Sooner or later, chaos reigns in the team headed by “Good Mother”, since the management is super-liberal. Ignoring the neighbor's opinion, everyone expresses their opinions. But there is no one to choose the only correct point of view.

If you work under the guidance of a “good mother” and have categorically decided to devote your working time to work, contact her directly with problems not to a colleague, but to her. Try to describe your proposal as emotionally as possible, without resorting to technical details and details. If she liked the way you spoke, she will definitely delve into your proposal.

"Situational" a woman as a leader stands closely next to the previous type. “Everything for victory” is her slogan both in life and at work. A woman leader of this type is an enthusiast. She is the first to arrive and the last to leave. There is complete chaos on her desktop, all the papers are mixed up, nothing is in its place. With subordinates female leader The “situational” type is the same disordered relationship. She may forget who is responsible for what, when the project needs to be prepared, etc. For people who are accustomed to the slow and measured pace of things, such work is a real punishment. However, if you know your job responsibilities well and can easily explain them to management, then things don't look so bad.

Woman leader is in many ways superior to his male counterpart. She firmly defends her opinion and the interests of the team, makes concessions more easily during negotiations, pays her subordinates more generously for their work, without adventures and leaps, like her child, and patiently “grows” her business. Therefore, a business headed by a woman is stable. A woman as a leader is always clean and tidy, which helps not to listen to reproaches once again; with the help of spiritual grace, she gives orders in such a manner that no one’s pride is hurt.

You have walked long and hard towards this. And now tomorrow you are a leader, boss, boss... But today you suddenly became scared: leading is not only pleasant, but also difficult. The question arises - how can a fragile woman become a good leader? After all, while you were striving for status, for some reason you didn’t think about it.

In fact, few people have met in their professional activities that would fully meet our requirements. Moreover, 50% of workers do not understand at all how their boss could climb the career ladder without possessing any visible merits. And now, if you have to take the leadership position, you begin to be tormented by doubts. Won't your subordinates begin to whisper behind your back that you came to this position, to put it mildly, in a less than honest way? That you do not have sufficient qualifications, whether you are an indifferent and callous person who stepped over everyone to achieve your own interests, etc. Don't be under any illusions about this! They will! And they will whisper, and speak to your face (especially the brave ones), and look for all your shortcomings, and forget about your merits.

But it's not all that scary. You worked with a boss who was not ideal, and you tried to find something positive in it. At least the realization that you are much smarter and more talented. Therefore, when you become a leader, you sometimes have to look at your own orders and actions not from the point of view, but from the point of view of a subordinate.

What type of leader is right for you?

The boss is a “caretaker”

Always smiles, always gets into the situation of all employees. A representative of this type of leader knows all his subordinates by name, remembers when everyone has a birthday, is always interested in the health of children and grandchildren... Helps to place the child in a prestigious kindergarten and school, allows him to leave work early. And also does not insist that, if you are sick, you rush to get a sick leave, but simply allows you to receive treatment for a day or two at home. In addition, he offers to take on some of your work. In general, a dream in its purest form. Everyone shamelessly takes advantage of his kindness: from the deputy to the technical staff.

  • True, after a couple of months of such “sensitive and attentive” management, you realize that the project has not been delivered, you will not receive a bonus, and another contract has been snatched from under your company’s nose. While the boss was dealing with your problems, problems arose at the company.

Boss - unearthly beauty

This type of leader is always busy with very important things: creating beauty and harmony. Because he himself is so beautiful that everything around him must meet his high requirements. She looks impeccable and smells very expensive. He is often late for work because he is late at the salon, and leaves his workplace early because he needs to be on time for spa treatments. Such a boss is demanding about the appearance of his employees; the quality of clothing, manicure, and impeccable hairstyle are integral components of his subordinates.

Workplaces should have vases of flowers and elegant frames with photographs of happy families, and window sills should also be decorated with flowers in pots. And seeing a mess on the table, such a boss will fall into a state of nervous shock. He will not pass by carelessly pinned hair and ballet shoes, because, in his opinion, a person should be perfect in appearance. And fifty times a day he will repeat to you: “You are greeted by your clothes,” “Your desk is the face of the entire office,” “Your skirt is an indicator of the company’s well-being.”

  • Unfortunately, he is so busy complying with external standards that he forgets about the quality of work and values ​​workers not for their business qualities, but for their external beauty. And he understands practically nothing about the work process.

The boss is a perfectionist

Naturally, this type of boss should have absolutely everything in perfect condition: both the nails of his employees and his affairs. He himself, striving for complete perfection, involves everyone around him in this process, not paying attention to their desire. Document folders should be the same height and thickness, skirts should be the same length, pencils should be the same degree of sharpness. And he endlessly checks and double-checks the work done, constantly wants to improve something, and even an already established process that allows employees to calmly carry out their job duties does not satisfy him, because, in his opinion, it is not perfect. Every now and then he comes up with something new, diversifies the process of performing duties by rearranging personnel and replacing flowers on the windowsills.

He always strives to achieve harmony within the team, inviting numerous psychologists and trainers to conduct team-building trainings, in which employees crawl under low-stretched ropes or drag each other over some obstacles. He demands that everyone feel like one big family and, God forbid, refuse to come to a corporate party, which, of course, takes place according to his scenario.

  • It is almost impossible to convince such a leader that, of course, being ideal is good, but difficult, and everyone has their own, individual desire for “improvement.”

The boss is a despot

He has a lot of perfectionist traits, but unlike the previous one, he constantly yells at his subordinates, demanding strict fulfillment of his “precious” demands. Such a leader is not interested in anything other than his own opinion, and even if he is absolutely wrong, his decision can be harmful, he will still demand compliance with it. He never cancels the “resolution” he has adopted, despite the objective reasons that do not allow him to complete this or that task. He also does not give clear instructions and recommendations, and his favorite phrase is: “I don’t care how, but you have to do it!”

Very often his orders contradict one another or even cancel previous ones: one report form was issued in the morning, but while they were writing it, it changed. The employees worked half the night, and he simply forgot to collect these reports. Such a boss is inattentive, often misses important things, blaming employees for not completing tasks. And if a mistake is timidly pointed out to him, he simply brushes off the annoying employee.

  • As a rule, despots themselves are very weak specialists, and therefore they shift most of the cases to their deputies. Working in such an environment is very uncomfortable, which is why such a boss has a high turnover rate.

Don't repeat other people's mistakes!

The sad thing is that the traits of these four main types are present in all leaders. The main thing is that in percentage terms they do not constitute the largest number. Therefore, when entering your boss’s office as its owner, you must remember: a good leader is, first of all, a competent specialist, a conscientious worker who respects his employees and does not try to bring them to a common denominator.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Can a woman leader unite people in a team? How can a manager plan and coordinate the actions of subordinates?

Why do ladies strive for power?

According to research from scientific organizations, every fifth female representative will try herself as the owner of a company. The age categories of potential entrepreneurs interviewed by psychologists have a sufficient level of education and social connections.

Ladies forty years old or a little older want to try to open a business, not seeing a happy future in the labor market. Western European countries have long created a reliable social protection system for the female population to start their own business.

External and psychological characteristics of a business lady

Every self-sufficient female person should be able to form the correct clothing style.

First of all, the attention of colleagues is drawn to these main qualities. Therefore, in order to achieve success and favor in her own team, a girl must have a neat appearance, light makeup and a stylish hairstyle. When it comes to clothing, you need an elegant style that emphasizes your strengths, not your weaknesses.

Particular attention should be paid to the hands. Regardless of whether a woman director is communicating with a subordinate or signing a contract, the interlocutor’s gaze focuses on her hands.

Each of the representatives of the fairer sex should not have an extra one. It is necessary to remember the reasons for choosing this profession: motivation, career growth and material well-being.

Pitfalls in managing an organization

A lady who has taken up the position of director, men, for some time has to prove her individual professionalism in the field of entrepreneurship.

Often, a young girl is subordinate to colleagues whose age exceeds the age of the mistress and who have extensive experience. Staff can put moral pressure on the manager and use excessive ambitions.

To eliminate elements of discrimination, you need to:

approach the matter professionally
have moral stability
remove complexities

The second pitfall in promoting your own business is the personal life of a business lady.

Such ladies are not limited in contacts and movements. If a business trip is planned, she resolves the issue in a couple of hours. If a child gets sick, there is a housekeeper or nanny in this case.

Psychological type of modern bosses

In management, psychologists identify some. The criteria for sorting the personal characteristics of the weaker sex are based on the emphasis on managerial tasks and professional qualities.

Good hostess

Personal charm is the main tool in the work of a “good housewife”. The communication style is characterized by the words: “boy”, “girl”, “we all want to live together”, etc. What is it:

main qualities: reasonableness, rationality, emotionality
internal potential
common sense

Under the leadership of a good housewife, manipulation of people is excluded, only management. He regularly restores order in his organization and monitors the implementation of orders.


Pays attention to her own qualities: beauty, intelligence, ability to conduct business relationships. Men under the leadership of the queen will not refuse her request. Requires constant confirmation of his beauty and business qualities from his colleagues. The queen has:

business qualities

Working in a company for such a woman is like a royal throne.

Lady Winter

The character of the leader repeats the qualities of Milady from the famous film about the Musketeers. He always has secret strings in his arsenal, which he will definitely pull at the right time. In her own way, she is a man-hater and loves to compete with men. charms the stronger sex with its attractiveness. Main qualities:

ability to get out of any situation
excellent awareness of the pain points of each client

The workplace of such women is regarded as a theatrical stage.

King's daughter

This type corresponds to modern girls - leaders. Having married a wealthy businessman, they receive a reputable company as a gift. Ruled by such a lady:

novelty of impressions
pleasure from one's importance

The “King’s Daughter” can successfully run a business that requires the participation of creativity and fleeting mood. Serious companies led by this type of lady do not exist for a long time. The “Princess” perceives her duties as a game.

Commander in a skirt

Such leaders cannot be called the “weaker sex”. In their work, they are guided by male stereotypes, but clearly do not catch up with them. In this case, it can happen between the director and subordinates.

Women who like to command in their work exhibit:

At the company, under the leadership of the “commander in a skirt,” sycophancy and quarrelsomeness are rapidly growing. Discussing the personal life of the boss becomes a common thing for subordinates over a morning cup of coffee.

In order to successfully work under the “commander’s whip”, you must have endurance, willpower and the ability to persuade.


A woman with a strong and capricious character is ready to administer justice and control the destinies of people. The main qualities of a lady are envy and jealousy. To maintain emotional contact, he sets “his” temperature in the team.

The woman’s employees are infantile and helpless ladies, they please the owner. The day of payment of wages is considered a good deed. Every employee is in fear of the disgraced leader.

The fact is that the business of a woman - a lady - is thriving and will continue to flourish due to the presence of pragmatism. Qualities:

foresight (calculation)


The lady is a child with a quick and impetuous character, passionate about work, love and money at the same time. There are two sides of the “child”: the first includes success, strength and contentment in life; the second is dissatisfaction. Having achieved a goal, the child leader regrets missed options and strives for new achievements. The director - the child of a colleague is called a woman - a meteor. Qualities:

quick thinking
love of money

Having examined some of the types of modern bosses, we can conclude:

We must not forget that a woman is a leader, first of all:

knows everything about the material needs of employees from personal experience and therefore knows how to generously pay employees;
in difficult situations can quickly choose a tactic of action and follow it to the end.

March 28, 2014

The boss is watching you closely. He looks inquisitively into his eyes and sighs languidly. Sometimes he talks about how lonely he is and how he married the wrong woman. You are his ideal, you are the most beautiful. He is waiting for your consent. And among the female team, the boss singles her out. Sometimes excessively praising or scolding. The most unpleasant and, unfortunately, the most common is the situation when a person seeks to satisfy his needs at the expense of others. He just wants you to notice him, to be close to him...

Kind treatment, minimum work. “I want you to always smile” - a phrase with a gentle smile... And soon a simple proposal...

An inexperienced woman may find herself in this situation for the first time... At first she tries like this: “I think you shouldn’t cross the “boss-subordinate” line!..” To which they answered in surprise: “Who sets the limits and boundaries?”

Having made his choice, the male boss, as a logical being, and therefore consistent in his thoughts and actions, expects a response from his chosen one (secretary). That is, conscientious work: the ability to serve the chef and his guests (tea, coffee, juices, water), competently manage paperwork, call the right people. At the same time, be always charming, ready for any instructions from the boss, obligatory, reliable.

And when a boss offers sex to his employee, he does it to raise his own self-esteem. The woman in this case is just another means for his self-affirmation. Therefore, if a girl is smart and does not want sex with her boss, she can always turn the arrows of the situation in a different direction.

Some women are seduced by love with a man who is high up the corporate ladder. It's flattering. It's so exciting - sighs, flowers, hugs.

And words of love can break anyone's heart. These three words can shake up life and turn it in a different direction. And in the future, maybe a wedding, coffee in bed, cute kids.

But everything is different. It often happens that women pay for their impulse and incontinence by being fired from their jobs. I didn't like it. I don’t want to hear gossip behind my back from my employees, and is it really necessary to cultivate love in the workplace? If a girl sleeps with her boss once for the sake of official benefits, then she will have to do this constantly, even because of some little thing. And in general, this situation will interfere with further work and may lead to a quarrel with someone who deserves this promotion more.

Flirting does not necessarily have to lead to a serious outcome. Temporary privileges do not compensate for subsequent consequences. When a new “favorite” appears, the employee will feel all the charm of the irritation of the “boss” and other employees to the fullest. Usually, such “employees” then have only one option - dismissal.
Well, what can you take from these stupid women who want tenderness and love! And the boss - isn’t he a man or something? That's it - a man. This means he has every right to left. And with the ladies subordinate to him, to realize this pleasant right in all respects, well, God himself simply ordered it!

Male bosses disguise their first love impulses as gallant courtship. And women are forced to endure all these “courtships,” especially if they come from their boss. After all, here you have to choose between work, salary, career and the prospect of losing all this. After all, the boss will always have a reason not to pay, to fire the obstinate lady who did not reciprocate. But the opportunity to put the “boyfriend” boss in his place is much more difficult to find.

If a boss harasses you at work, then the Western world has long learned to deal with this problem: the charters of many European companies have developed a list of unacceptable actions in the service. It contains a ban on ambiguous jokes, hints, and slaps. And talking to an employee in a closed office - oh, horror! Thanks to the efforts of Western feminists, the list is getting longer - phrases like: “You look great today,” “Let me help you take off your coat,” etc. have already been added to it. As a result of these systematic efforts, not only bosses, but also ordinary employees began to simply shy away from their female colleagues.

“Men are to blame for everything. He sits in his chair and snores and dreams. He doesn’t know how to attract a girl, so the bosses offer promotions for those who just want money. And then you complain that the employees are corrupt. Everyone quickly gets used to easy money,” some women say about the time they gave in to their boss. Then love with your boss resembles mutual use of each other. This is the same relationship as a one-night stand, but you don’t have to look for anyone and you don’t have to go far. The boss takes a break from his family (if he has one) and relieves stress. A subordinate rises in her own eyes, because if she sleeps with her boss, then many roads are open to her and she has a lot of weight in the company, since the boss is unlikely to let her be offended.

Figure out what you want. A man or a leader. Different concepts in this modernity. Many men not only look at the person of the boss himself, but rather dream of being in the arms of this strong, attractive, gallant and lucky man who stood out among everyone!
If a man is serious about you, but he has personal sympathy, he will never allow an affair to develop in front of his employees, compromising the woman. He will forget that he is the boss, he will simply be a devoted man to the woman he loves.

If mutual sympathy with a colleague (or co-worker) has already been established and is no secret to anyone, it is best to agree that at work you will only deal with your official duties. Of course, smiles, warm glances and mutual assistance are not necessary, and it is simply impossible to refuse each other, but everything that goes beyond these limits should be taken out of the workplace and time.

But more often than not, it is important for a woman to remember that a career is built throughout one’s life, and can, due to stupidity, collapse in an instant. When a woman is a professional, she is a professional. The less compromising evidence, the cleaner and simpler the relationship between people. The boss has no moral authority over you, only official assignments. This means that it is simply necessary not to mix personal relationships at work. It is important to remember that there are ideal bosses, but only for a certain period of time. Over time, tasks change, and therefore the requirements of managers for employees change. And not all subordinates are ready to accept new conditions and comply with them. This means that the boss has ceased to be ideal for his subordinates. If you are applying for a position, then be worthy of it.

Hello! In this article we will talk about how to become a good leader who is loved, appreciated and respected by his subordinates. You will learn what qualities a person holding a leadership position should have. What are the differences between female managers and male directors? What mistakes should be avoided?

Why be a good leader

Supervisor is an effective manager. It is on his ability to establish the production process and find an approach to the team that the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the company, department, etc. depend.

The concept of a “good” or “bad” boss is highly subjective. After all, you cannot find an ideal person who everyone will like. Nevertheless, the leader should be respected, appreciated and a little feared by his subordinates.

Many directors or bosses who have just taken a leadership position behave “incorrectly” and this affects the atmosphere of the team, which entails a decrease in the efficiency of each employee.

To make it clear what we are talking about, Let's consider the following example.

3 days ago, a department of the company was headed by a new boss. He is quite young and came to this position from another company. As a specialist, he does not know much, but nevertheless does not want to study and learn something new. He's the Boss. Therefore, he behaves arrogantly, shifts part of his work to others and is incompetent in many matters. He considers himself an excellent leader, because he thinks that people fear and respect him.

In fact, the staff does not like him, does not value him, does not respect him and considers him an arrogant upstart. Looking at the boss, employees lose enthusiasm, and the performance of the department gradually falls. This is because everyone works on their own.

Team is a union of people who work to achieve one goal. It can be compared to a watch mechanism, where each gear is important in its own way. And the boss is the treasured key who starts the mechanism and knows how to get it working.

If you want to improve the quality of work of a department or company, earn the respect of colleagues and subordinates, and further move up the career ladder, then you definitely need to become a good leader. And now we’ll tell you how to do this.

Who can be a leader

In fact, good leaders are not born, they are made. At any age, a person can feel the strength of a leader. According to statistics, 4 out of 10 bosses become good leaders. This indicator is not affected by either gender or age. An excellent director can be either a young, purposeful university graduate or an elderly man with a wealth of experience.

Who is better man or woman

Nowadays, both men and women can become leaders. Women directors are tacticians, while men are strategists. It is more difficult for representatives of the fair sex to gain the authority of the team. You will have to prove your professionalism, especially if most of the employees are male.

Men are more stress-resistant. They are not so quick to go to extremes. Nevertheless, women are more attentive to their subordinates.

To clearly answer the question “Who is better?” It’s impossible, because it all depends on the person and his character. Therefore, women and men equally can and should fight for the title “Good Leader”.

Qualities of an ideal boss

In order to become a first-class leader, you need to realistically evaluate your positive and negative aspects of character. No one is perfect, but people in leadership positions must be able to suppress the negative aspects of their character and develop good traits.

So, let's look at what an ideal director should be like:

  • Smart;
  • Master the basics;
  • Responsible;
  • Punctual;
  • Psychologically stable;
  • Human;
  • Compulsory;
  • Punctual;
  • Be able to cope with your fears;
  • Don't be afraid to take risks;
  • Active;
  • Trainable;
  • Not lazy;
  • Peaceful;
  • Friendly;
  • Not stupid;
  • Not melancholic, etc.

Mistakes Most Leaders Make

Not every boss can be elevated to the rank of a good leader. All because they make a number of mistakes that discredit them in the eyes of their subordinates.

Let's look at the most common mistakes:

  1. Lack of desire to exert yourself. Some managers, as soon as they take their position, think that they have climbed to the top of the mountain and now they can relax and do nothing, thereby shifting part of their work to their subordinates. In fact, you need to clearly understand that the higher the position, the more you will have to work. Subordinates can help you in the first days, but you must do your work yourself.
  2. Failure to value employees. Every employee who does their job well deserves minimal encouragement (at least verbal).
  3. Inability to organize work. The manager must thoroughly know the entire production process. Very often, due to the fact that the boss does not understand all stages of production and does not know who is responsible for what, any troubles are attributed to the unprofessionalism of the team.
  4. Lack of desire to improve or learn something new. Very often, managers who have held positions for many, many years believe that they know everything and do not strive to learn and learn something new. But life and technology do not stand still. And a modern person must improve, especially a leader.
  5. Assignment of other people's merits. Let's look at this error with an example. A talented employee works in a scientific laboratory who has made some discovery. Instead of talking about the achievement of his employee, the head of the laboratory tells everyone that “THEY” did it. Such a boss believes that this discovery is his personal merit, because he is a great worker if, under his leadership, the employee has reached such heights.
  6. Showing rudeness and disrespect for the team. Sometimes managers don’t think about the need to control their emotions and take it out on their subordinates for any reason. Of course, there are different moments, and you really want to let off steam. But you need to learn to restrain yourself, because ordinary workers, most often, have nothing to do with your bad mood.
  7. Insecurity of your employees. If a director puts his own interests above others, then he never defends his team anywhere. He does not understand controversial situations and does not look for the culprit. It is easier for him to punish people (impose a fine, reprimand, etc.) than to figure out who is right and who is wrong.

This is not the entire list of mistakes made by managers. In any case, you need to remember that subordinates are people for whom you bear a certain responsibility, and their professional failures are the failures of a manager who was unable to establish the production process.

Basic rules of a good leader

One of the founders of management, Peter Drucker, claims that in order to become a good leader, you need to use the following 5 rules under any circumstances.

Rule 1. Learn to manage your time.

Rule 2. Focus on the end result rather than the production process. Intervene less in the work of your employees. Explain to them that everyone is performing a very important process and is responsible for it. Make every employee feel like they are a little boss.

Rule 3. Leverage and develop the strengths and positive qualities of yourself and your employees.

Rule 4. Always set the right priorities, bypassing unimportant tasks.

Rule 5. Make effective decisions.

Tips for those who want to become a first-class leader

Analyzing the activities of many successful managers, we have compiled recommendations that will help each boss earn authority in the team.

  • Behave “the right way” from your first day as a manager.
  • Get to know the team well. Immediately after taking office, familiarize yourself with all the personal files of your employees. Try to remember their names. This way, your subordinates will see that they are not just labor for you, but first and foremost people.
  • Always be honest and keep your promises.
  • Discuss the production process in your team more often, let your subordinates express themselves, ask them to take the initiative.
  • Don't be arrogant, but be a little simpler. After all, the same people work in the team, only one rank lower than you.
  • Don't scold employees in public. It’s better to reprimand a careless employee in your office.
  • Praise and encourage staff at general meetings. You will provide incentive to others.
  • Don't sit idle. A good leader always has a lot to do. Bad directors shift part of their work to subordinates, and then suffer from idleness.
  • Don't be afraid to lose your position and let talented employees develop.
  • Control your emotions.
  • Rate yourself by your worst employee. After all, part of the blame for his failures lies with you. Perhaps you did not motivate him or assigned him a task that was too difficult.
  • Do not spare money on material incentives for staff. If people do not have an incentive (for example, in the form of bonuses for the highest performance), then they will work half-heartedly and half-heartedly. Remember that average employees work for average salaries.
  • Learn to resolve any domestic disputes. Do not stand by if a conflict arises in the team. Try to understand the current situation and help resolve it peacefully.
  • Demand discipline. Use discipline sometimes. The main thing is that your complaints are relevant.
  • Don't indulge your employees' whims. Behave kindly, but strictly. Otherwise you will be ignored.
  • Show your competence and do not shift all problems to your subordinates.
  • Congratulate the team on the holidays, take an interest in the health, family, and children of employees.
  • Never go to extremes, and assess any situation soberly.
  • Study psychology and attend psychological trainings. The healthy climate of your team depends on this.
  • Determine the place of each employee in the team. For example, someone is a generator of ideas, while someone likes monotonous paperwork, and someone is an inspiration.
  • Don't pick favorites. Try to treat all employees well.


A good leader is a kind of “lighter”. He is able to set his subordinates in the right mood, ignite the fire of enthusiasm and provoke them to do their work better and faster. The boss may not be able to do what his employees can do, but he is obliged to properly organize the work and give the correct instructions to his subordinates.

Almost anyone can become a good leader. The main thing is to want it, not be afraid of change and constantly improve.

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