How to find out who you were in a past life by date of birth! Astrology and numerology. Special test and calculation tools

Hello tankers!

You can find out about the main changes in the update

List of changes 1.0.2_test2 relative to 1.0.2_test1

Major changes

  • Now styles and other appearance elements can be applied to all Tier VI vehicles.
  • Made minor changes to the descriptions and images on the tutorial slides.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the client interface to freeze when removing a player from a platoon.
  • Fixed an issue where full-screen mode might not be saved on standard graphics when anti-aliasing is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue due to which in the post-battle statistics window in the “Team Result” tab, the awards ribbon overlapped with the text.
  • Removed unnecessary invisible walls on the Tundra map.
  • Fixed some technical issues in the appearance change menu.
  • Fixed an issue where the paintbox was very dark on low graphics settings.
  • Fixed some visual issues in Training Ground mode.

Changes in parameters of USSR equipment

  • The 100 mm D-54 gun has been replaced by the 100 mm D-54U gun.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the Object 430 Option II reinforced chassis has been reduced by 14%.
  • The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the Object 430 Option II reinforced chassis has been reduced by 14%.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Option II reinforced turret has been changed from 0.38 to 0.35 m.
  • The reload time of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Option II reinforced turret has been changed from 8 to 7.5 s.
  • The aiming time of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Option II reinforced turret has been changed from 2.9 to 2 s.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-54U gun from the rotation of the Object 430 Option II reinforced turret has been reduced by 25%.
  • The dispersion of the 100 mm D-54U gun in the Object 430 Option II reinforced turret after firing was reduced by 13%.
  • The armor penetration of the UBR-412B shell for the 100 mm D-54U gun has been changed from 219 to 246 mm.
  • The overview of the turret “Object 430 Option II reinforced” has been changed from 390 to 400 m.
  • The armor of the turrets and hull has been weakened.
  • Durability taking into account the Object 430 Option II turret has changed from 1600 to 1500 units.
  • Strength taking into account the Object 430 Option II reinforced turret has changed from 1700 to 1600 units.


  • The turret rotation sector has been changed from 180° to 220° (from 90° to 110° in each direction).
  • The declination angle of the 100 mm D-46T gun on the sides has been changed from 5° to 9°.
  • The gun reload time has been changed from 6.5 to 6.3 s.
  • Engine power increased to 860 hp. With.

Object 277:

  • The location of the ammunition stowage and fuel tanks has been changed.

How to take part in testing

  • Participation in testing
  • general information
  • Peculiarities
  • Discussion on the forum
  • Run the installer, which will download and install the test version of the client 1.0.2_test2 (10.2 GB for the SD version and an additional 7 GB for the HD version). When launched, the installer will automatically offer to install the test client in a separate folder on your computer; You can also specify the installation location yourself.
  • If you have the previous test version installed (1.0.2_test1), then in this case it will be downloaded: 130 MB for SD version and additional 190 MB for HD version.
  • Please note: Installing in a folder containing legacy test client files may cause technical problems.
  • Run the installed test version.
  • Only those players who registered in World of Tanks before May 16, 23:59 (Moscow time) can take part in the test.
  • Due to the large number of tankers on the test server, there is a restriction on user entry. All new players who want to take part in testing the update will be placed in a queue and will be able to join the server when it is free.
  • If the user changed the password after May 16, 23:59 (Moscow time), authorization on the test server will be available only with the password that was used before the specified time.
  • Payments are not processed on the test server.
  • This testing does not increase experience and credit earnings.
  • Achievements on the test server will not transfer to the main one.
  • During testing of 1.0.2, scheduled technical work will take place on the test servers (25 minutes on each server, starting at 7:00 (Moscow time)).
  • Please note: the test server is subject to the same rules as the main game server. Consequently, there are penalties for violating these rules in accordance with the License Agreement.
  • The Help Center does not review requests related to the General Test.
  • We remind you: the most reliable way to download the World of Tanks client, as well as its test versions and updates, is on the official game portal. By downloading a game from other sources, you expose your computer to the risk of malware infection. The development team is not responsible for links to the game client and updates (as well as their content) on third-party resources.

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Web Application Testing 2.0

Duration 11:28:40

Web Application Testing 2.0 - Complete list of lessons

Expand / Collapse
  • Lesson 1. General theory. What is testing and what is a program 00:07:27
  • Lesson 2. What to test 00:09:53
  • Lesson 3. Program structure and its interfaces 00:10:45
  • Lesson 4. Browser internals 00:05:38
  • Lesson 5. HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 00:11:02
  • Lesson 6. Testing markup 00:18:14
  • Lesson 7. Testing the text content of pages 00:06:03
  • Lesson 8. Testing links 00:12:17
  • Lesson 9. Localization testing 00:06:51
  • Lesson 10. Client-server architecture 00:14:01
  • Lesson 11. HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 00:09:58
  • Lesson 12. Intercepting requests and responses 00:14:52
  • Lesson 13. HTTP. Continuation 00:22:10
  • Lesson 14. Logging requests and responses on the server 00:12:35
  • Lesson 15. User-Agent - browsers and bots 00:12:36
  • Lesson 16. Sending fake requests to the server 00:07:59
  • Lesson 17. Resource addresses. Domain Name Service (DNS) 00:13:47
  • Lesson 18. What happens to the request on the server 00:14:08
  • Lesson 19. Payload generation 00:14:24
  • Lesson 20. Data sources (files, database) 00:15:46
  • Lesson 21. Caching data on the server side 00:12:06
  • Lesson 22. Layered architecture 00:12:01
  • Lesson 23. Authentication and Authorization 00:21:46
  • Lesson 24. Testing permissions 00:13:19
  • Lesson 25. Testing server-side performance 00:12:15
  • Lesson 26. Entering data into forms 00:14:32
  • Lesson 27. Types of GET and POST requests 00:09:41
  • Lesson 28. Implicit query parameters 00:07:32
  • Lesson 29. Functional testing 00:18:04
  • Lesson 30. Automation of functional testing 00:19:35
  • Lesson 31. Performance testing 00:13:23
  • Lesson 32. Security testing 00:18:14
  • Lesson 33. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 00:09:03
  • Lesson 34. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), continued 00:14:41
  • Lesson 35. Automatic CSS Validation 00:12:09
  • Lesson 36. Testing layout (layout) 00:10:43
  • Lesson 37. Adaptive layout 00:10:44
  • Lesson 38. Semantic layout 00:06:40
  • Lesson 39. JavaScript 00:13:33
  • Lesson 40. Animation without JavaScript 00:04:53
  • Lesson 41. Document Object Model (DOM) 00:12:48
  • Lesson 42. Validation of data in forms 00:14:06
  • Lesson 43. Asynchronous requests (AJAX) 00:13:27
  • Lesson 44. Single Page Application (SPA) 00:10:16
  • Lesson 45. REST API 00:16:09
  • Lesson 46. Client Performance 00:10:59
  • Lesson 47: Tools for Assessing Client Performance 00:14:18
  • Lesson 48: Optimizing Client Performance 00:13:45
  • Lesson 49. Testing functionality 00:18:13
  • Lesson 50. Performance testing 00:13:30
  • Lesson 51: Usability and Accessibility Testing 00:19:13
  • Lesson 52. Monitoring 00:13:02
  • Lesson 53. Split testing 00:14:09
  • Lesson 54. Optimization for search engines and social networks 00:09:25

The course is devoted to the specifics of testing web applications (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and the specifics of using test design techniques for applications of this type. The training was completely re-recorded in the spring of 2018. How is testing web applications different from testing any other applications? When testing web applications, the same classical test design methods and techniques are applied. Web applications usually have a simpler interface than desktop programs. Everyone knows how to use the browser; you don’t need any special skills to do this.

But there are a number of nuances associated with the social and technological features of web applications that distinguish them from other types of applications, and which must be taken into account when testing in order to perform it professionally.

  • a fantastic variety of technologies that are hidden behind the simple facade of the browser - in fact, each web application is not an independent program, but part of the World Wide Web, and a lot of heterogeneous components are involved in the operation of a web application,
  • incredible speed of web development both in a narrow and broad sense - short releases, rapidly changing requirements, constant improvement of existing technologies and the emergence of new ones,
  • amazing variety of users, from casual visitors to regulars, from babies to old people, from beginners to hackers,
  • complete openness of technologies, data transfer protocols, standards, and at the same time the need for especially careful protection, taking into account what was written in the previous paragraph.

After completing the training the student will:

  • understand the principles of operation of web applications and know what technologies are used,
  • know the features of testing web applications compared to desktop applications,
  • be able to design tests taking into account the features of web applications and evaluate the coverage of application functionality by tests,
  • be able to run tests, using tools where necessary to overcome browser limitations,
  • own tools to perform specific checks specific to web applications:
    • link integrity analysis,
    • web standards compliance analysis,
  • understand the causes of vulnerabilities in web applications and be able to detect the most critical vulnerabilities in web applications,
  • understand the principles of assessing the performance of web applications and be able to analyze the server and client performance of web applications,
  • be able to talk about the usability of web applications :)

Each lesson will be accompanied by practical tasks that will help you quickly and confidently begin to apply knowledge in practice.

This article will focus primarily on the physics of reincarnation processes and innovative research in the field of past lives - previous human incarnations.

After all, only by understanding what a person’s past life is, where the record of information about it is stored and how it is read by the person’s brain from the current (current) incarnation, can one really answer the question “who were you in a past life.”

Now you have 2 options.

Option #1: For those who need to quickly find out who I was in a past life over a cup of coffee, you can take a test by date of birth or use special past life tables.

Using these tables and online tests, you can quickly learn about yourself many “sacred” truths and “great” secrets from your past lives.

  • You were Julius Caesar
  • And you are Joan of Arc
  • Are you a famous writer in medieval France?
  • And you are a hare in the tundra
  • And you are a baobab
  • But with such a date of birth - no more and no less - a great knight who lived from 1587 to 1639 and died in battle.

Unfortunately, we will not offer you such a test in this article, who I was in a past life by date of birth or according to a special table. We hope, for reasons that are clear to you. Therefore, if you have a strong desire to find out, take a test, who you were in a past life for free by date of birth :)) - you will have to look for another site that will be happy to provide its automatic service for calculating your secrets from previous incarnations :))

So. To begin with, we will introduce you a little to the physics of human reincarnation and what a person is as an energy-information object, as part of the research of the new scientific direction “Infosomatics”.

Attention to the drawing diagram!

Rice. 1. Energy-information structure of a person (Physical body, Soul, Spirit).
Graphic answer to the question “who was I in a past life” and
where information about a person’s previous incarnation is recorded

Please note that a person’s physical body, as it moves in the space-time continuum, leaves a trace - a body of memory. Like a trail in the sky behind a flying plane. This 4th dimensional memory body is also called the Human Soul in various esoteric and religious sources. As you can see, this is not something abstract! This is a real physical formation, a subtle-material body that has an energy-informational nature.

The human soul is the memory body of the current incarnation, which has a beginning point at the moment of a person’s birth and a dynamic end point at the moment “I am here and now”

In this memory body, like on a computer hard drive (HDD), all events in a person’s life from the moment of birth to the present are recorded. And this is precisely the same tunnel that passes through the center of a person’s consciousness at the moment of death (or clinical death). Remember the light at the end of the tunnel?!

Rice. 2. Light at the end of the tunnel in the process of human death (death = from the word “change of dimensionality”)

Well, is it becoming clearer? We hope so!

Now let's return to the question of the previous incarnation and how to find out who I was in a past life.

The previous incarnation of a person is the same memory body of the 4th dimension, storing records of events and experiences of a person’s past life.

As you can see, there can be several previous incarnations (past lives). They form a spiral, twisting into a spherical body of the following order of dimension - the Causal body - the Human Spirit. Cm.

Thus, you see that Spirit is also not some abstract concept of esotericism and religion, but a real object of the subtle plane of sustainable existence of matter with its own physical laws.

The maturity of a person’s Spirit is determined by the number of previous incarnations that make it up. There are young Spirits whose structure includes only a few lived incarnations and the total amount of experience received by such a Spirit is correspondingly small. There are mature Spirits, which may already include 12-14 past lives - incarnations.

Rice. 3. Multi-layered structure of the human Spirit. The maturity of the Spirit is determined by the number of previous incarnations in its structure

Therefore, trying to find out who I was in a past life, first decide - in which of the past lives? :))

Also, in accordance with Infosomatics research, it was revealed that gender (male/female) changes during the transition from incarnation to incarnation in order for the Spirit to receive a multi-polar experience in the physical world.

Therefore, your previous incarnation, past life, could take place in the physical body of a different gender.

This is precisely what we have found out that often affects the manifestation and expression of masculine and feminine qualities in the character (psychotype) of an individual in the current incarnation. “Manly women”, “feminine men”, as well as deviations in sexual orientation are very often the consequences of certain problems in a previous incarnation.

Rice. 4. “Hello” from a previous male incarnation manifesting itself on a female body in the current incarnation

But we will write about this in detail in one of our next articles.

So. After a short introduction to human energy information, let's answer the main question: “how to find out who you were in a past life.”

How to find out who I was in a past life. Curiosity Test!

And this is where the most important test for you begins.

Answer a very simple question for yourself right now: WHY?

Curiosity test vs. necessity:

Why do you need to know who you were in a past life? Out of curiosity or out of necessity?

Think about why and for what purpose did Nature provide by default for closing access to the experiences of previous incarnations (past lives)?

In support of this, you can look above again and notice the particular area of ​​“overlap” between the two incarnations: past and present.

Yes, there are certain energy-information technologies that allow you to overcome this protective Natural barrier and gain access to the experience of a past life and even several lives along the chain of incarnations.

BUT! What will you do with the experience gained, with the flood of memories, feelings and unresolved problems from previous incarnations, access to which will be open to your brain from the current reality?

Yes, many people may think that it’s cool to find out who you were in a past life!

And the good news is that for such curious people, numerous online tests and tables have been created that allow them to find out who I was in a past life by date of birth and to calm down from further excavations in this direction.

Such online tests and past life tables are safe entertainment! But nothing more. And it’s very good that they are on the Internet to divert the eyes of a curious crowd ready to storm through the walls of the Natural Fortress - an outpost of access to past lives.

Because “climbing” into previous incarnations out of curiosity is not safe! Why will be clear later.

Who were you in a past life?! Or you have to answer for the market!

As we said above, there really are special techniques that allow you to pass through the protective barrier and move the center of a person’s consciousness (like the reading head of a gramophone) from the current reality to the memories of a past life. These techniques are called "past life regression".

The result of using these techniques is the most complete immersion of a person in all the sensations and experiences of his past life or even a series of past lives in all colors, details and images. As an additional bonus, a person also receives, at the level of sensations, an answer to the question of what will happen after death.

But the problem is that the road there will always remain open from now on! Even after the center of consciousness of a given person returns to reality, to the point “here and now”. Now he knows the route and can spontaneously move there.

Moreover, perhaps it seems to someone that access to the experience of their past lives can make someone cooler, stronger, richer, more powerful, happier...

Our answer, as specialists, is: yes and no at the same time! Since, along with access to the positive from past lives, you can have a “pleasant” bonus to gain access to such Augean stables with the smell of thousands of years of the past that raking their contents may simply not be enough strength for a person who wanted to pick the lock on Pandora’s box, which was carefully put there Nature hung. And it is no longer possible to close the broken door to the past incarnation on your own under the pressure of the manure flowing from there: unresolved problems, experiences, mistakes and other negative experiences of past lives.

Rice. 5. Possible “smell” of the distant past from previous incarnations


Before looking for the answer to the question of who you were in a past life, think about whether you are ready to receive a truthful answer to it and what will you do with this truth?

Who was I in a past life? Test for the right to legal access to memories

The test is very simple: it must be necessary, and not just curious.

Let us explain: there is a certain range of problems (health, interpersonal relationships, business, personal psychological problems) that a person may encounter in the current incarnation, but the roots of these problems can go back to previous incarnations, past lives of this person. This can be diagnosed using Infosomatics methods (we will talk about this in more detail in another article).

If such problems coming from previous incarnations exist in a person’s energy-information structure, then standard methods of psychological and medical assistance, as a rule, may be ineffective for him, since these types of assistance will only work with the consequences of problems in the current incarnation, in while it is necessary to eliminate the causes of problems directly in the previous incarnation, past lives.

If access to a previous incarnation is caused by the need to eliminate any problem from a past life that affects the present (current) incarnation of a person, only in this case access to these memories can be granted legally!

But it is also very important to follow safety precautions! Therefore, such work is usually not carried out by the person himself alone, but always with the participation of a specialist, in order to ensure a person’s competent and safe entry into working with his past and the correct exit from it - returning the center of consciousness to the present.

How to find out who you were in a past life by date of birth! Astrology and numerology. Special test and calculation tools

Indeed, by the date of birth of a person in his current incarnation, one can also learn something about his past life. To do this, you need the exact date, time and place of birth of a person.

After this, an astrological chart is constructed, in which, based on certain points and houses of the horoscope, you can find out what task the person came to this incarnation with. And also, what qualities did you develop and what did you strive for in your past life? Since the tasks of the current incarnation, as a rule, are closely related to the experience and goals that a person faced in his past life.

Everything is interconnected and it can really be counted! But nothing more.

Rice. 7. Who I was in a past life by date of birth. An example of a detailed calculation of tasks and goals in life using Astrology and the Pythagorean square

But it is impossible to directly find out who you were in a past life either with the help of astrology or with the help of numerology!!!

Using these tools by date of birth and special tables, you can only track certain life tasks and personality traits in the past and current incarnation, as well as get an answer to the question about your purpose in the current incarnation and “predestined” goals in life!

But to find out who you were, what you looked like, where and when you lived in a past life, even with the help of such highly accurate tools for astrological and numerological calculation by date of birth - impossible!

What can we say about all sorts of online tests and tables of past lives on the Internet...

Remembering your past life. How does this actually happen in practice?

When working practically with stress in previous incarnations, as a rule, there is no need to immerse a person completely in the memory of his entire past life or a series of past lives, or to establish in detail who he was and what he looked like.

As a rule, a person, after a special procedure for tuning his brain, remembers exactly that stressful episode or event that occurred in one of his past lives, which was incorrectly closed (resolved) and now affects the present incarnation of this person, causing problems of an internal psychological nature in him. of this person, distortions in the system of thinking, energy, personality structure of a person, etc., which in turn consequently affect the health, business and interpersonal relationships in the life of this person now.

It is necessary and sufficient, as it turned out, to help a person tune in, find, and then rewrite the problem of his distant past in one of the problematic incarnations, as his present begins to change in the desired positive direction.

But, as we said above, the “trip” to the previous incarnation should be for business, and not out of idle curiosity!

This is not a long meditation with a detailed examination of faces from the distant past or grains of sand on sabers from a distant reality.

This is a clear professional work on eliminating stress in one specific color frame on a long black film strip of the unknown of the past. This frame is highlighted by the Higher Powers and given short-term access to it with administrator rights in order to be able to rewrite, reformulate its content, and eliminate the error of perception of a specific space-time period in the distant experience of a person’s life.

Rice. 8. “Film film” of past lives (previous incarnations)

After the error is corrected, the frame is discolored again and access to this fragment of Pandora's Box is closed. But by this moment, all the necessary changes have already been added to the current incarnation of a person and installed (installed) in his new reality, Reality 2.0 - with a corrected error that could be copied from incarnation to incarnation in the distant past until it was resolved in the present.

This is how it actually happens in practice, taking into account safety precautions!


When looking for an answer to the question “who was I in a past life,” you should not be guided by curiosity alone.

After all, it is not by chance that Nature turns over and temporarily seals the pages of past lives, allowing a person to write the history of his new incarnation from a clean white sheet.

Just write this story beautifully, enjoying every moment and bright colors that the Sun gives us in the current incarnation.

Don’t try to prematurely flip through your Book of Life a couple of pages back and read the stories that you wrote down there earlier. Instead, focus on a new story that you started writing very recently, just a few decades ago, and that you are still writing right now.

Everything has its time. And when it comes, Nature itself will remove the security seals from your book of life, and you will be surprised at how interconnected all the chapters are in it, which you always started writing from a “blank” sheet! :))

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