How to take full advantage of your surroundings. A teacher’s health-saving activities can be quite diverse if all of its capabilities are fully used.

A teacher’s health-saving activities can be quite diverse if all its capabilities are fully used.

Unfortunately, most educational institutions either do not pay due attention to health issues, or carry out haphazard activities that do not have a scientific basis.

The health-saving educational process should be based on the didactic principles of developmental education.

These include:

1. Operating principle. consists in the formation of the student’s personality and his advancement in development not when he perceives ready-made knowledge, but in the process of his own activities aimed at “discovering” new knowledge for him. In this case, personally significant motives are updated that encourage activity from within, which does not harm the health of children.

2. Continuity. means such an organization of training when the result of activity at each previous stage ensures the beginning of the next stage. The continuity of the process is ensured by the invariance of technology, as well as continuity between all levels of education at the level of methodology, content and technique, which makes it possible to remove all stress-creating situations when children move from class to class, both horizontally and vertically.

3. A holistic view of the world. means that the child must form a generalized, holistic idea of ​​the world (nature, society, himself), about the role and place of each science in the system of sciences. Here we are talking not just about the formation of a scientific picture of the world, but also about the personal attitude of children to the acquired knowledge, as well as the ability to apply it in their practical activities.

4. Minimax. lies in the fact that the school offers each student the content of education at the maximum (creative) level and ensures its assimilation at the level of the social minimum (state standard of knowledge). Based on the minimax principle, as many real levels are determined in the class as there are children. The minimax system is apparently optimal for implementing an individual approach, when a weak student will be limited to the minimum, and a strong student will receive the maximum. This allows students to develop an attitude toward achieving success rather than avoiding failure, which is much more important for the development of the motivational sphere and emotional health.

5. Psychological comfort. involves removing, if possible, all stress-forming factors of the educational process, creating an atmosphere at school and in the classroom that relaxes children, because no academic success will be beneficial if it is “involved” in fear and suppression of the child’s personality. The authoritarianism of the teacher brings enormous harm to the health of children, incomparable even with educational overload.

6. Variability. means the development of variable thinking in students, understanding the possibility of various options for solving a problem and choosing the optimal one. Such training removes the fear of failure in children and teaches them to perceive failure not as a tragedy, but as a signal for correction. This is especially important in difficult life situations: in case of failure, do not become discouraged, but look for and find a constructive path.

7. Creativity. presupposes a maximum focus on creativity in the educational activities of schoolchildren, their acquisition of their own experience of creative activity, which is an integral part of the real life success of any person. Therefore, the development of creative abilities today is acquiring general educational and health-saving importance.

The listed didactic principles underlie health-saving education, focused on creating conditions for each student for maximum self-realization as an individual. It is no coincidence that the famous American psychologist A. Maslow noted that “education in a democratic society can be nothing other than helping every individual (and not just the elite) to fully realize human qualities.” By realizing himself as an individual at every stage of his education, the student will feel emotionally healthy, which is sometimes more important than physical health.

Thus, a teacher’s health-preserving activities can be quite diverse if all its capabilities are fully used. A school teacher can improve the health of children, increase their performance and creative productivity.


TOIPKRO, city Tambov

Everyone knows that myths about smartphones tell the truth. In the same way, thousands of years ago it was “known to everyone” that the earth was flat and rested on three pillars. And whoever doesn’t believe is... a stupid person.

So that you don’t have to repeat with a thoughtful look in company all the nonsense that “advanced users” believe in when they diligently search for the Any Key on their computer, we have put together a collection of superstitions.

And those who are in the know can just laugh with us.

Frequent use of smartphones may cause brain cancer

It is believed that those who talk too much on the phone risk ending up as patients in an oncology clinic.

However, there is still no documented evidence of a connection between cell phones and cancer.

Thus, the Danish Institute of Cancer Epidemiology conducted a study involving more than 400 thousand people, as a result of which nothing similar was found.

Other scientific organizations received the same result.

However, the inertia of thinking is a difficult thing to overcome, so gadget manufacturers to this day conscientiously indicate the SAR level for each of their models in order to reassure buyers, and at the same time gain a marketing advantage over competitors by selling “environmentally friendly” smartphones.

And savvy entrepreneurs offer those most concerned about their health special foil hats, which also protect against the evil eye, love spells and aliens from Alpha Centauri.

Only an expensive gadget will allow you to fully use all the capabilities of mobile devices

Once upon a time, in the days of push-button telephones, this was the case. But a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, and today most even ultra-budget devices are absolutely no different in functionality from flagship models.

The more cores a processor has, the higher its performance

This myth is so “caveman” that today few smartphone owners believe in it.

But for those who are buying a gadget for the first time, it is useful to know that, for example, the dual-core Apple A9X mobile processor is comparable in performance to the 10-core MediaTek Helio X27 chipset.

A much more adequate indicator is the technological process by which the chip is produced.

Thus, the 4-core 14 nm Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 is by far the most common among flagship processors and its characteristics exceed the vast majority of 8-core chipsets manufactured using 20, 22 and 28 nm technology.

Moreover, productivity is a rather vague concept. Of course, it can be measured “in parrots,” as the popular AnTuTu resource does, but in reality it depends on many factors.

Including from the device’s software, which is capable of rotting the fastest processor in the crooked paws of developers.

The more RAM, the faster the smartphone runs.

One gets the impression that manufacturers are massively promoting the promotion of this myth in the minds of users. In fact, it is worth understanding:
  • Most applications used in everyday life do not require more memory than the average budget smartphone has.
  • First of all, games with powerful 3D graphics need a lot of RAM. If the user is not an avid gamer, this parameter is not critical for him.
  • Models with an extra-large amount of RAM (over 4 GB) do not have any special advantages, since at the moment the software simply “does not know how” to take full advantage of their capabilities.
  • Not only the quantity, but also the quality of memory plays a role: a device with less of it, but a “fast” type, will work significantly faster.

Don't leave your phone charging overnight

Never, under any circumstances, leave your smartphone charging overnight! Otherwise, at midnight, his battery will overheat above a critical value and happen... Nothing will happen.

Another myth from the era when smartphones as a class did not exist, but were not lithium-ion or lithium-polymer, as they are today, but nickel-cadmium.

A modern battery is “hung” with so many electronics that regulate the current strength that nothing bad will happen to your gadget. Once the maximum charge is reached, the process will simply stop.

Using fast charging leads to rapid battery failure

For a long time, a myth reigned in the minds of mobile phone users that fast charging reduces the service life and capacity of the battery. However, in 2014, a study conducted by scientists at the SLAC National Acceleration Laboratory was published.

His results demonstrated that the energy during fast charging is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the electrode, just like during normal charging. This means that this in no way affects the condition of the electrodes.

Using non-original chargers is harmful

And this myth once had some basis. For each battery model, an optimal charging mode is provided with the corresponding current strength.

If it is lower than optimal, then the time required for full charging will be significantly higher, if higher, then overheating and failure are possible.

However, research conducted by technical expert Ken Shiriff demonstrated that real harm to the gadget can be caused mainly by all sorts of pirated copies of the original chargers supplied in the kit.

Before using your smartphone, you need to completely discharge and then charge the battery

Another greeting from the nickel-cadmium era.

Batteries of those times had the so-called “memory effect”: if they were not charged correctly, chemical changes occurred in them, reducing their capacity. This does not apply to lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries.

Moreover, this myth is truly harmful. The service life of modern batteries is limited by the number of recharge cycles, so it is not recommended to let them fully discharge.

You cannot use mobile devices on an airplane

Mobile communications were once truly capable of interfering with aircraft's on-board electronics, so passengers were even asked to turn off their laptops and phones during takeoff and landing.

Being at an altitude of more than three kilometers, they could already be activated, since this no longer interfered with the base stations.

However, since 2013, according to the standards set by EASA, airline passengers can use mobile devices without restrictions.

Protective film applied to the display protects it from damage

Many online stores not only offer smartphone buyers protective films for displays of the model they have chosen, but also offer paid services for their stickers.

What can I say - well done! They make money almost out of thin air.

In fact, most modern models have scratch-resistant glass that does not require any films. If you come across words in the description of a smartphone, you shouldn’t waste money on nonsense that you don’t need.

However, there are also lesser-known display protection technologies, for example, Asahi Glass Dragontrail, Dinorex or Xensation Cover.

The higher the screen resolution, the higher its quality

The more intensively technology develops, the more the resolution of mobile gadget displays increases. HD, FullHD, 2K, 4K – even owners of desktop monitors could only dream of such figures ten years ago.

However, research by scientists shows that the human eye can distinguish individual pixels if their density does not exceed about 300 ppi (pixels per inch).

Therefore, you should not chase super-resolution; it is much more useful to pay attention to other technologies, for example. And the “gluttony” of gadgets with 4K displays is significantly higher than that of models with average resolution.

To save battery power, turn off Bluetooth

In theory, everything is correct: if the interface is active, it consumes energy. But in practice, this consumption is so insignificant that it is not even worth mentioning, especially if this concerns the Bluetooth 4.0 standard, which uses the Low Energy protocol.

The same applies to the myth that putting your smartphone in airplane mode can also save battery power. Yes, in fact, there will be savings: approximately 30 minutes of operation of the gadget in rest mode.

Much more impressive results can be achieved by reducing the brightness of the display or turning off the Internet.

Task Killer will increase autonomy

These utilities, apparently, are written by all and sundry, including schoolchildren and students trying to immortalize their name or at least attract the attention of a potential employer.

According to the canons of myth-making, in the memory of any Android device, malicious manufacturers provide for loading a mass of useless applications, the sole purpose of which is to devour battery power.

We hasten to disappoint: Task Killer itself consumes this charge quite well, since, unlike recommended programs, it is in the active phase.

And all the “unnecessary” applications only appear to be running, but in reality they are simply loaded into RAM to speed up the user’s access to them. No energy is wasted.

In addition, both Android and iOS have technologies that allow them to track applications that have not been used by the owner of the gadget for a long time and unload them from memory.

However, there are exceptions that only confirm the rule. These include, for example, the Facebook client, which actively consumes battery power even when it is put into the background.

Antivirus will help us

There is a myth that the main means of protecting Android smartphones is an antivirus.

In reality, the situation is somewhat different. Each downloaded application is granted the appropriate rights and is allocated a so-called “sandbox” - a user ID and a folder in the built-in memory.

As a result, it does not gain access to other installed applications. The exception is the memory card, which is open to all programs.

Therefore, the key to device security is its correct configuration, vigilance when installing software and discernment when choosing its source for downloading.

As a conclusion, it must be said that you should not fall for and believe various unconfirmed rumors, even if they are broadcast on TV, written on major websites, and even spoken by friends.

All this may turn out to be just stupid myths about smartphones or simply outdated and irrelevant information. Be healthy and take care of your devices!

How to make full use of your surroundings

In order to understand the technique of taking full advantage of an environment, it is necessary to first understand what constitutes that environment. It is not always the same: a person’s environment at home is different from his environment at the office. A person's environment changes according to his own desire; it is the creation of the individual.

There are two types of environment: those that are created consciously, and those that arise without the conscious participation of the individual. For example, when a person builds a new house, he does it consciously and intentionally. When he invites a friend to his house and the friend discovers that there is an ulterior motive in the invitation, the friend can become an enemy. A friend's hostility is the responsibility of the person who invited him, even though that person did not intend to make him an enemy.

Looking further into the matter, we find that the unintentional creation of the environment is consistent with the theory of karma. Our present intentions and efforts are the result of what we have done in the past. Our present intentions and efforts are the materialization of the influences of the past. But we must remember that our present environment is not only the result of the past, since the fruits of our past actions are complemented by our present intentions. Therefore, our environment is not only the result of our past, it is the result of a combination of past and present. Such is human life.

Take, for example, a person who does not have good relationships with people. Many of those with whom he interacts speak ill of him and misunderstand his actions, although the man knows that he has not harmed anyone. This should be understood as the result of a past action. It is nothing but his own creation returning to him in the present.

The gardener who plants trees takes responsibility for their growth or death. If the trees grow and bear fruit, the gardener enjoys them as the result of his own past actions. If a beautiful flower suddenly withers due to excessively high temperature, it is not due to the karma of the gardener, but due to his failure to protect the flower from the heat. But the gardener accepts everything that happens in his garden as it comes.

Man must accept his surroundings as they are, knowing that they are his own creation. If, while enjoying the beauty of a rose, a person receives a prick from its thorn, he must understand that both the beauty of the rose and its thorns are the result of the gardener’s work.

When we enjoy, it is the result of our own action, and when we suffer, we suffer again as a result of our own karma. So, whether we experience joy or sorrow, our environment itself is not the cause of it.

If while building a house we also plant a garden, we will enjoy it; if we don’t do this, we will simply enjoy the warmth of the house and will not suffer due to the lack of a garden. This is how we make the best use of the environment we have created.

Since we create our own environment, we naturally expect it to help us achieve what we want. The technique of receiving help from the environment lies in our willingness to give. If we want to receive maximum help at any time, we must be willing to give. If you want to receive, you must give - this is the law of nature.

In the life of a tree, the root is responsible for drawing nutritious sap from the soil and transferring it to the outside tree. Only when the root is ready to do this is it able to accept the nutritious juice. When a tree is cut down at the root, the root no longer produces sap in the same quantity as before.

If the commercial director of the enterprise continues to sell products, the production director continues production. If the products are not sold, production also stops. Production depends on consumption.

A person naturally receives as much as he can give. The mother gives to the child and receives his love in return; the father gives all his love, wealth, strength and intelligence to his son and in return receives the joy of his trust, love and happiness.

If you are open to a person, he will be sincere with you. If you want love from someone, give him your love. If you want kind and benevolent behavior from someone, be kind and benevolent to them. If you expect support from him, be his support yourself. If you expect admiration from others, do something to show your admiration for them. If you are sincere when you give, you will receive many times in return. The teacher learns by teaching; by obeying, the student gains the respect of the Teacher. If your son readily obeys you, he wins your heart, and this is a natural reward for his obedience. If you are kind to a child, he will return the same to you; if you are rude to him, he will rebel against you. It's action and reaction.

It is a scientifically established truth that action and reaction are equal. You react to someone a certain way, and they, in turn, react to you. If he does not respond to you, then nature will present you with a similar type of counteraction. If you hurt someone, even if the person himself does not react, other means of nature will bring you a reaction. This is the law of nature: what goes around comes around. If you want the environment to react to you in a certain way, then your behavior towards the environment must correspond to your desire. This is the basic principle of making the best use of your surroundings.

The laws of nature cannot be deceived - a response will come. If a person is jealous of you, you will look deep into your heart and discover that you have been jealous of him or someone else in the past. Be kind to him and to others, and your environment will be kind to you; be loving towards him and your environment will be loving towards you. You will begin to doubt, and those around you will begin to doubt you. If you hate, the environment will begin to hate you. If your environment starts to hate you, don't blame them, blame your own inner conscience.

You need to clear your conscience. Be compassionate and sincere in your behavior. Good outward behavior is undoubtedly a great value in life, but a clear inner conscience is even more valuable. If you are clear of conscience, loving, kind and virtuous towards your fellow men, you will naturally find goodwill from everyone and great joy from those around you.

If you have all these qualities and are clear in your conscience and still feel that something is wrong in your environment, then accept it as it is; it is the result of some Action in the past.

If you pay in kind, you sink to the level of the unrighteous. On the contrary, let unrighteousness be only a drop in the ocean of your virtue. There is a well-known saying that there is no need to resist evil. If you resist evil, you must stoop to the level of that evil, and moreover, you are responsible for the harmful influence that you produce by resisting it.

Let the impurities of the atmosphere find refuge in the ocean of purity of your heart, in the incomprehensible joy of your clear inner conscience. When you forgive, all nature enjoys your splendor and restores your joy. The ability to forgive, tolerance, purity of heart, sincerity, love and kindness are the basis for fully using and enjoying the environment. This is the fundamental principle of giving.

The environment can be of two types: animate and inanimate or living and inanimate. We can say that there is nothing inanimate in the Universe; physics states that nothing is inert, everything is vibration and activity and nothing is passive. However, in the realm of relative existence we still make distinctions between a person and a house, a dog and a garden. We consider a house and a garden to be non-living (inert), and a dog and a person to be alive. Our goal is to make the best use of both living and nonliving (inert) environments.

To make the best use of both types of environment, the basic principle for this is still the same - the principle of giving. Treat your dog with love, and it will respond with loyalty; show hatred towards it and it will bite you. Show love to your mother, and her love for you will be limitless; say something against it and, despite the fact that she will not respond with her great love for you, you will undoubtedly have a corresponding influence on those around you. Therefore, on all roads of life, under any circumstances, in any kind of environment, animate or inanimate, it is necessary to have a loving, kind and benevolent heart. Our outer behavior should be based on this.

This is a fundamental technique for making the most of your surroundings. This means that a person will get maximum benefit from his environment. A person will enjoy his surroundings and get the most out of them only if he has a strong foundation of love, kindness and compassion for others.

Again we find that at any level there are two kinds of environment: the immediate and the distant. Our immediate environment is influenced by how we behave, speak and act towards it. If a flower is placed in a vase with water, it blooms and stays fresh. If, on the other hand, the flower is left to wither on the ground in the dust, its condition reflects your neglect. Consequently, our immediate environment is directly affected by our behavior. But the environment distant from us also reacts to our feelings and thoughts. For example, if we are in India and we have a friend in America, then the feelings in his heart and mind will correspond to our feelings - heart and mind.

The waves of thought are much more powerful than the waves of speech and action. With every thought, word and action we create a certain wave in the atmosphere, and the waves of thought are especially penetrating. If we are joyful, happy and full of kindness and love for the whole world, then we receive love from all sides.

In the chapter "Karma and Existence" we looked in detail at how thought and action affect the entire Universe, we also saw how the Universe reacts to individual thought and action. We create the quality of life in the atmosphere according to the quality of our hearts. The technique to make full use of all types of environment, immediate or distant, for our benefit is to develop thoughts full of love, forgiveness and benevolence towards all surroundings. If we are guided by this principle of giving in order to receive, then the return will naturally be equal or greater, since what we give returns to us from different sides of our environment.

If you want your environment to be as beneficial to you as possible, be as helpful to it as possible. If you want your home to bring you joy and comfort, be joyful in it, bring beautiful things into it. If you give love to the plants in your garden, they will reward you with beautiful flowers that bring you joy. If you develop within yourself a natural state of kindness, compassion, love and the ability to forgive, you will be rewarded many times over by those around you. Develop these qualities within yourself as much as possible. They are only potentialities within you. If you can rise to the level where human life has its full quality, you will get the most and make full use of your surroundings.

We have seen that in order to discover and fully utilize one's own human potential, all that is necessary is the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation, which reveals the inner mental abilities and the inner divine nature. Through the direct experience of the consciousness of bliss, a person acquires that fullness of life to which all types of environment will respond in the most favorable way.

To really make full use of one's surroundings one must be a normal person, a fully mature person with a perfectly developed personality - a person of cosmic consciousness. Only in this state does man receive all the benefits of his surroundings, because his heart and mind are established at the level of Being, from which the evolution of everything is supported by all the laws of nature. Only this level of nature knows how to give because all the laws of nature have their basis in it. Only at this level of cosmic consciousness can a person truly give. When a person lives at this highest level of giving, then he can receive in the same way.

Cosmic consciousness is the state in which a person lives serving the divine. Because, as we saw in the chapter “Genesis - the plane of cosmic law,” a person’s thought, his speech and action are naturally guided by the divine will. He is an individual, but he is also a living instrument of God. Everything he does serves cosmic life. He is by nature the most obedient servant of the divine. Once having achieved the state of cosmic consciousness, there is no need to do anything else to make the most of one's surroundings. It will naturally be useful for the one who has achieved it, while at the same time representing enormous value for others. By increasing his status, a person not only benefits from his environment for himself, but also creates a situation where everyone in his environment makes the most of everything else.

Through the practice of Transcendental Meditation, one automatically makes full use of one's surroundings. This may seem far-fetched, but this is the true principle of life. There is no other way to fully turn your environment to your advantage. Those who attempt to change their environment and turn it to their advantage by force are known in history to have only partially succeeded in their attempts. Even the greatest monarchs and dictators known to the world were not able to take full advantage of their surroundings. They could not shape all circumstances to their will, because they had not developed themselves at all levels of life to win the favor of the Laws of Nature.

One must be in harmony with nature, raising the level of consciousness so that it enters into a region where harmony and peace reign, a region which lies in the eternal status of absolute, transcendental pure consciousness. Neither force, nor moral pressure, nor suggestion can change the environment or fully use it for oneself.

The attempt of modern psychology to reconcile a person with his environment by improving his relationships through suggestion and psychological training is doomed to failure. This attempt to improve relationships, environment and outlook on life has nothing to do with the fundamental principles of life. It's like a child trying to build a real castle on a beach where there is only sand. An attempt to shape and improve human life through psychological suggestion, that is, to use only the means available in the conscious mind, may interest only ignorant people, but it cannot serve the true purpose of life.

If the petals of a flower begin to fade, a skilled gardener waters the root, he does not water the petals. If tension arises in a relationship, little can be achieved by trying to reconcile the parties at the level of suggestion. Bad relationships can be effectively corrected only by improving the qualities of the heart and mind.

In the chapter "How to Contact Being" we saw how quickly the conscious capacity of the mind can be improved with the practice of Transcendental Meditation. It is well known that if someone is suffering due to some tragedy, it is difficult for him to receive comfort from the advice and good wishes with which others try to help him. But, if a person begins the practice of Transcendental Meditation, his mind quickly calms down, doubts begin to dissipate, tension begins to subside and compassion begins to shine. The person is now able to evaluate the situation from the expanded boundaries of consciousness, and immediately finds that he is ready to forgive and come to terms with a situation that seemed like a terrible problem a few minutes ago. The tragedy remains the same, the circumstances are the same. At first a person fails to take advantage of his environment and is pitiful in front of it, but the next moment - due to the increased level of his consciousness - he immediately begins to enjoy the environment and take maximum advantage for himself and others.

To make full use of the environment, it is necessary first of all to raise the level of consciousness; this is achieved through the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation and all surroundings and circumstances will become naturally beneficial and will be fully utilized to the greatest advantage for the entire creation, near and far, living and non-living.

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Sectarian environment It cannot be argued that Gabriel is not mentioned at all in the Koran. One verse confirms his role as an agent who conveyed revelations to the heart of God's chosen messenger; another describes him as willing to intervene in a domestic quarrel between

Are you ready to take full advantage of the opportunity you've been dreaming about for years? What if you get a chance to get promoted, start a more lucrative career, or land a big client? Many people miss out on great opportunities because they were not prepared to walk through a door that was unexpectedly opened to them. Don't miss this opportunity simply because you are stuck in the current situation, or you are too busy chasing other people's goals. Don't let your personal opportunity slip away from you because you're looking at the wrong door.

Here are eight truths that will enable you to take full advantage of every opportunity that comes knocking.

1. You can't let the past dictate your future. We've all done things that we're ashamed of and that we now regret. We constantly live in tension with who we are, where we are now and where we want to go. In order to move on, you must get rid of the guilt of yesterday, the disappointments of today and the fears of tomorrow.

2. You don't know what you're capable of until you try and do it. Give it a try anyway. It doesn’t matter whether you go forward with someone or in splendid isolation. If you don't get support from family or friends, support and encourage yourself. A person who really wants to do something finds a way, not an excuse.

3. Your life should be motivated and fueled by your vision. You can't run and hide from problems. You can't live a mediocre life. You can't downplay who you are. Find your vision for life and it will give you the strength and ability to overcome any obstacles that come your way.

4. You need to have a funeral for your past. Invite everyone who knows about him and make a solemn speech. Dig a grave and bury him. You cannot live forward dragging your past with you. It's like trying to drive to your destination while looking in the rearview mirror. Leave the past in this mirror and look forward.

5. Your thoughts can either limit or expand your worldview. They can influence what you try or don't try to do. Your thoughts determine what you pay attention to, how you respond to difficult situations and, ultimately, your attitude towards success. The path to success or failure begins with your mindset.

6. Don't assume that everyone around you will support your vision. Don't think that you won't face struggles. Your life may become even more chaotic. Things that previously worked poorly may no longer work at all. Don't give up on your vision or walk away from your commitments. It's too early to throw out the white flag. Maybe you are so close to your desired goal that you yourself don’t suspect it.

7. You can get rid of disappointing people, bad habits and negative thoughts. They've already done enough damage to you. If you believe where you are going, then go and don't look back. It's your responsibility. And your choice. Don't wait for anyone's approval or for the perfect situation.

8. You cannot afford to waste time worrying and worrying. They will not add a single positive moment to your life. It's just an unnecessary burden that focuses you in the wrong direction. Most of all problems are mainly related to a lack of confidence and a desire to control the future. Worrying will not change your situation, so just reformat your own thoughts and do what you think needs to be done.

If you accept these eight truths in your life, you will never miss out on all your opportunities when they come knocking on your door.

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