How to laugh for no reason. A happy face ensures a good life

Humor - subjective concept. There is no standard criterion for humor. So that others find it funny, first of all it must be funny for YOU. If you have fun, people will have fun too. They get involved in your humor.

Lower the bar on what you can laugh at

All humor topics are interesting. You can see everything as funny. Set yourself a low humor bar. You can find something interesting and funny in everything.: someone sits funny, someone speaks funny, someone writes funny. Everything can make you laugh. Just lower the bar on what you can laugh at.

Some people have very high standards for what is funny. The standards are too high. Get rid of it. It's very hard to make some people laugh.. They have too high demands on their humor, there are such problems as: the joke must be very good, I must clearly understand what I’m talking about, there must be certain words on the same topic, and so on.

Sometimes people are afraid of being judged and what people will think of them if they laugh hysterically. People cannot relax, let go of everything. Most people are afraid of how their voice will sound if they laugh too loudly.. Some people don’t even know what their voice sounds like when they laugh hysterically, because they’ve been restraining themselves all their lives.

Cool video

My most favorite video from one traveler.

I've watched it many times. Video about being interesting, adventurous and looking for new adventures. Enjoy watching!

Learning to laugh

There is one useful exercise.

Always laugh loudly, openly, from the heart everywhere. Don't be afraid to look a little ridiculous, strange and stupid.

Some people want to learn to laugh beautifully - this is nonsense.

Let laughter open, and you will open yourself.

Don't hide it or suppress it, laugh real natural laughter, just the way it is.

Nothing will happen, no one will do anything to you.

Open up to the world. Thanks to laughter, you will lose your inner heaviness.

What's stopping you

You are hampered by fears, tightness and high standards for laughter. Don't try to be this brilliant guy whose jokes are all very, very smart and subtle. After all, then you yourself will hardly laugh. Which life is better - laughing more or laughing less? Let go of the bar and laugh heartily! This is better! Why these restrictions - supposedly you have to be a brilliant and smart guy. Get rid of it and learn to laugh at everything!

Your mind will always find excuses not to laugh. It's all ego and limiting beliefs, barriers in the head. Let go of your ego and personality and have fun. You can interpret everything in a funny way. Literally everything! Young children are always cheerful and often laugh; society has not yet instilled seriousness in them. This exercise will help you learn to laugh.

You can watch a lot of videos on how to learn to laugh at everything for your own pleasure and never worry about it again.

Correct perception of humor

The correct perception of humor is how YOU alone see the funny in everything and no one else. See the world with your own eyes. See humor in everything and you will always feel good.

Don't identify yourself with any particular personality type. To define yourself means to limit yourself. Be water, be everything! And then you will have a strong presentation and expression of yourself that will allow you to resonate with all people.

Have a positive outlook - all jokes work as long as I say it. You love yourself so much that you value what you say and people get involved and love you too With. If you hate yourself, they will hate you too. If you are interesting to yourself, then you will become interesting in the eyes of others.

You don't need external stimulants

You don't need alcohol to develop a good sense of humor.

Alcohol is all an external stimulant that gives you a temporary state.

If you only have fun with alcohol, then it will pump only your drunk self, not your sober one.

You understand how to be interesting and how to develop a sense of humor without alcohol. I am an example of this!

The truth about fun

The way you think about fun is everything you learned or saw from someone.

What you now perceive in your head as fun is not an objective perception, that is, it was imposed by others.

These are your pictures in your head.

Everyone perceives humor differently

If you are now fun and cool, for someone you can be boring and uninteresting at the same time.

Others may think you have a great sense of humor because you are a high value guy and they react to you.

The point is that you cannot specifically say whether you are having fun now and what kind of fun it is..

Even if you are bored now, someone from the outside may perceive you as a great joker and prankster.

Don't judge your ability to joke

Instead of assessing your condition, analyzing how much fun you are creating around, just let it all go and don’t think about it.

It's pointless to worry and evaluate your sense of humor, whether it's perfect or not..

Otherwise there will be the opposite effect.

When you stop judging yourself how funny you are, you will never have questions about how to develop a sense of humor and become interesting.

Each of us would like to be the owner of a beautiful, cheerful and infectious laughter. You have often heard the laughter of a small child, which is carried by the ringing of bells, and the cheerful laughter of elderly people? After all, the youngest children laugh heartily, and the elderly do not have the conventions and antics that are inherent in a young age. Try to pay a little attention to your laughter, because laughter is a reflection of your inner world and emotional state. And the main thing about laughter is that it is the source of good health and longevity for each of us.


How to learn to laugh beautifully and correctly? Try following a number of tips that will definitely help you make your laughter sincere and beautiful:

  • Record your laughter on video or on a voice recorder. In order to do this, you only need to install the camera in an inconspicuous place in the room where you will have company. Try to forget about her and behave naturally with your friends. Remember that the camera magnifies any shortcomings in your behavior. Watch a recording of your behavior, analyze the volume of speech and the tone of laughter. This way you can identify shortcomings and then correct them.
  • An analysis of the reasons for your embarrassment to laugh sincerely will help you learn how to laugh beautifully. Ask those around you about the shortcomings of the laughter they hear from you. It may be that you are covering your mouth with your hand or your teeth are slightly yellowed. This problem goes away on its own after a trip to the dentist. If your laughter is accompanied by a grunt or looks like a cackle, then you should control yourself and work on all your sounds. Of course, laughter that is out of place generally speaks of a person’s lack of culture. What is needed here is a person’s desire for self-development, otherwise it will not be possible to overcome such a deficiency.
  • A temperamental person often laughs very loudly. Try not to open your mouth wide or throw your head back. This way you will create a barrier to sounds and will not understand how to laugh correctly. You should cry faster than deafen everyone around you with your loud laughter.
  • Immediately get rid of snorting, wheezing, squealing and, excuse me, neighing. Such funny features of your laughter can simply scare away everyone around you who does not know you. The beauty of manners immediately becomes taboo with such a specific laugh. In this case, self-control methods help: discreetly pinch yourself on the arm - this will distract you from the subject of laughter and restrain inappropriate sounds.
  • Watch the position of your lips. After all, the wider you open your mouth while laughing, the greater the likelihood of spitting at your interlocutor, and you may even make an unpleasant sound. Don't purse your lips too much, but also try to restrain yourself from doing the wrong thing. If you just smile broadly, you will hear a completely different, melodic and pleasant to the ear laugh.
  • Practicing in front of a mirror will also help you understand how to laugh beautifully. Don't laugh artificially and stage-wise. You need to have a sincere and natural laugh that will delight the ears of those around you.

How funny is it to laugh in company? Be sincere, ringing and full of emotion in your laughter. Then others will want to laugh with you. Know how to feel humor, smile, appreciate jokes and just enjoy your time. After all, there is nothing better than sincere and charming laughter in a company, which adds beauty and aesthetics to every person’s manners. I hope that we have helped you understand how to laugh in any situation, and that our material will be useful to you.

It is well known that laughter improves the mood of both yourself and those around you - but provided that you know how to laugh beautifully. Let's turn to the most important thing: how to learn to laugh beautifully?

How do modern women laugh?

Differently. For some reason, many decided for themselves that they should laugh like in the Comedy Club, or for show, like the negative characters laugh. Most of the above sounds rude and masculine. And women speak about their own laughter in far from romantic words: “I LAUGHED so much!” The saddest thing is that she's not lying - she actually laughed

What kind of female laughter do men like?

Well, certainly not “neighing.” We girls develop a persistent aversion to a man who laughs thinly, like a woman. So, men are also incredibly irritated by our “manly” laughter. One story comes to mind. The girl in the group really wanted to attract one guy and in front of him she literally laughed at everything that was the least bit funny, trying to look like a “humorous” and cheerful girl. The guy really noticed her, but she seemed to him not “humorous”, but “tomboyish”. Poets of yesteryear loved to recall gentle female laughter, comparing it to a melodic bell. Poets of our days... appreciate the same beautiful female laughter!

Practical part

1. Realize that this concerns you

It is both easier and more difficult to appreciate our own laughter than our voice, which we have already made beautiful and sexy. Easier - because what we hear is not very different from what others hear. It’s more difficult because as soon as we start listening to our own laughter. Sincerity immediately disappears from him. And it’s much easier to talk into a tape recorder than to “make fun of.” A way out of the situation could be a video camera at a meeting with friends, which is better to hide and then “forget” about it. The point is the same: you must evaluate your own laughter and decide: do you need to learn to laugh beautifully, or are you already doing great?

2. What would your ideal laugh be?

Interesting question, isn't it? Close your eyes and imagine yourself laughing beautifully. To begin with, you can imagine that you laugh as beautifully as your favorite star/actress. Isn't there one? Then focus on the laughter of the unforgettable Marilyn Monroe (just think - she’s been dead for a long time, and the whole world is still crazy about her!)

3. Rehearsing a beautiful laugh

How to learn to laugh beautifully? Practice, practice and more practice! An ordinary mirror will help us in rehearsals, in which we will look at ourselves. It’s difficult to remain natural while rehearsing beautiful laughter, but it’s possible! When trying to laugh beautifully and imagining yourself as a world-class star, keep in mind that: Feminine laughter is not very loud (why amaze your interlocutor with decibels? - he won’t appreciate it!). It also makes no sense to open your mouth to its full width. It's best to just smile broadly and then laugh. I assure you - the sound will be a little different, more delicate than when laughing with a demonstration of all the dental fillings. There is no need for “male” gestures that accompany laughter: slapping one’s own body and the bodies of others, throwing one’s head back, ostentatious shaking, etc. Learn to control all sorts of “funny” sounds that accompany laughter: snorting, grunting, splashing drool, etc. Laughter that turns into hysteria is pleasant only to the source of the joke, and even then not always.

4. Expose yourself... to laughter!

You trained at home - everything seems to be as it should be. Now it’s time to practice the acquired skills “in the field.” You don't have to laugh about anything to do this. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to practice beautiful laughter! At home, watch funny shows, movies, read jokes on the Internet and try to laugh beautifully at it all. Meetings with friends are just an unplowed field for experimenting with your laughter. But…

5. It's not just HOW you laugh, but WHAT you laugh AT.

After all, it can tell so much about you! If you only laugh at shallow jokes and below-the-belt humor, you may seem narrow-minded. Laughing can show someone what you like and what you don't like. For example, if you don't laugh at a joke about a lover, then the man will understand that you want an honest, serious relationship. Well, if you favorably accept humor that emphasizes male sexual abilities, they will probably think of you as a hot thing

6. What to do when you want to laugh, but you can’t?

A muffled laugh will not make you look charming in the eyes of others, just like laughing out of place. Therefore, it would be better to suppress this laughter in yourself. How? We need to take a break. For example, quietly hurt yourself - pinch, bite your tongue... Or think about pressing problems. Come up with something, basically.

7. Sincerity of laughter

We all know that the best laughter is a sincere laugh, with sparkle in the eyes, emotions and everything else. But if you don’t want to crumple, then just smile broadly - that’s all! Sincere, cheerful and beautiful laughter to you!

Smiles and laughter have a positive effect on your well-being, but many people, growing up, completely forget how pleasant it is. Think about a playground - children are running around smiling for no particular reason, just enjoying the moment. Parents watching are more likely to express the depth of modern stress with only an occasional smile. In the meantime, they should learn from their children and learn to enjoy life more. Research has shown that smiling has a positive impact on health in several areas. In addition, laughter has a good effect on other aspects of your life. When you smile and laugh, physiological changes occur in your body that you are not even aware of.

When you smile, your body produces endorphins

The reasons for the production of joy hormones lie in certain movements of the facial muscles, which the brain reads. As a result, it stimulates the production of endorphins, which lift your mood and reduce stress levels. Interestingly, if you pretend to laugh or fake a smile, the brain cannot recognize the difference and only pays attention to the position of the muscles. As a result, the hormones are released anyway, and you feel happier, even if your smile was not entirely sincere at first.

Endorphins reduce stress levels

In addition, they serve as a natural pain reliever. For those suffering from chronic illnesses, laughter and smiles can be an effective treatment. If you fall and hurt yourself, try to smile - you will immediately feel better.

When endorphins increase, cortisol levels drop

Cortisol is a stress hormone. It is produced when your nervous system is tense, you are nervous. Cortisol makes you feel bad, so lowering your levels can help you avoid depression.

Laughter strengthens the lungs, trains muscles and stimulates lymph flow

When you laugh, your whole body works. The cells in the lungs are renewed due to the increased supply of oxygen, and the muscles are trained, as during physical exercise. All this stimulates blood circulation and speeds up the movement of the lymphatic system.

Laughter helps you let off steam

If you have a good laugh, you will be able to cope with the emotions that have been accumulating inside for a long time. After a funny joke, it’s easier to look at the world more positively. You experience life better if you laugh regularly. Plus, laughter and smiles help you build better relationships with others, so be brave, relax and laugh.

Smiling makes you more attractive and attracts people to you

A happy face ensures a good life

This is especially true in situations like a job interview - a relaxed, smiling person exudes self-confidence and can definitely handle a tense situation well. Plus, it's good for your career - you can build healthier relationships with your colleagues, which means your employer will value you more.

How to start laughing and smiling more often?

This is not difficult to achieve. As mentioned, the brain cannot detect the sincerity of a smile, so the more often you consciously force yourself to smile, the better you will feel. Watch funny comedies and television shows. This will give you a boost of humor in your life. Conversely, try not to watch sad programs and news. Spending time with family and friends will fill you with happiness. You will look at life more positively, which means it will become easier to smile. Look for reasons for joy and smiles yourself - you are probably surrounded by many cute and funny things. If you consciously pay attention to them, you will be able to laugh and smile more often without much effort. Spontaneous joy is a valuable feeling that you can achieve on your own.

Laughing is very important. Not only does this create positivity in you, but it also releases a certain hormone that is responsible for your overall mood and well-being. If you don’t like to laugh, then your life is darkened and definitely requires some changes.

Many people simply do not attach due importance to the concept of laughter and in vain - those who laugh not only make their lives more fulfilling, but also extend their lifespan. This has already been proven many times. So how to learn to laugh for your own pleasure.

How to learn to laugh?

Why do you need to laugh?

Much depends on what you need laughter for. There may be several options here:

  1. you want to improve the mood of yourself and your loved ones;
  2. you have no sense of humor and are always perceived in companies (see) as too serious a person, which, of course, is a hindrance;
  3. you want to be more relaxed and bring as much positivity into your own life as possible;
  4. you want to be hypocritical somewhere and pass off your fake feelings and emotions as your natural state and mood.

How to learn to laugh by working on yourself psychologically

  • How to learn to laugh and do it in those moments when you don’t want to, you need to do some psychological work with yourself. If you have any problem with humor and in general with the concept of happiness in life, if you cannot be relaxed and give vent to your feelings in the form of laughter, then you need to consult a psychologist (see) for a solution to this problem. Perhaps some events in your life influenced your sense of humor. Then, a true professional will quickly return your joy of life and laughter. Of course, such meetings with a doctor require certain financial costs and time, but they are worth it. There is nothing better than feeling relaxed and happy in company.
  • How to learn to laugh by working on yourself. There are various psychological trainings and exercises with oneself in order to induce artificial laughter or to make it natural. There is a well-known exercise that is designed to constantly say ho-ho-ho, ha-ha-ha, he-he-he. This must be done all the time, standing in front of the mirror and with a wide open soul. In general, the psychological approach to all this is very important. You must set yourself up to be positive from the very beginning. How to do it?
  • Every morning you need to wake up in a good mood and immediately go to the mirror. You should see a happy face in his reflection and smile to yourself. Then, while smiling, you need to say these phrases that we gave you in the previous paragraph. This way, exercises will set you up for positivity in a certain way.
  • Then, while at work (see), you will be able to remember your future mood and smile to yourself. And in general, in any situation when you need to laugh or tune yourself into a positive mood, you can always remember this situation with the mirror, your certain absurdity, and you will feel funny.
  • Another way to induce laughter is through an associative series: always remember where and when you felt funny. And most importantly, why did you find it funny? Make such associations in those moments when you need to laugh and you will involuntarily laugh.

How to learn to laugh using the world around you

  • If you do not want or for some reason cannot work on yourself psychologically, then you can use the world around us to bring laughter to your face. Here, too, it is worth making various associations with something funny that happened in your life.
  • If you didn’t have enough of this or if you can’t remember anything, then we advise you to create an artificial funny situation that you would remember all your life (see). For example, make fun of one of your friends. You just need to do this carefully and kindly, so as not to overdo it and harm anyone.
  • Turn to cinema. Watch your favorite comedy films every day and notice which moments in the films make you laugh the most. Then, again, with the help of associations, remember all these situations at the right moment and you are guaranteed laughter. Go to the circus or theater too. In other words, wherever there is humor and laughter. If you want laughter to accompany you always and everywhere, then you need to strive for this yourself.
  • If you don't make any effort, then most likely you won't succeed. It would seem that what’s so difficult about it is just to laugh. It wasn’t like that! There are people for whom this is all very simple and laughter comes from them automatically, while other people need to work a lot on themselves in order to evoke such positive emotions (see).
  • How to learn to laugh correctly, you need to know the most important thing - to always set yourself up for the positive. Because even if you learn (see) to induce laughter artificially, and your mood is not the best, then such laughter will forever remain artificial laughter, and why do you need it?

We hope that our article on how to learn to laugh has found some use for you.

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