What the garden ring will look like this fall. Square in front of Muzeon, Zhitnaya and Valovaya streets

On April 10, the selection of most of the contractors for the reconstruction of the Garden Ring in 2017 under the “My Street” program was completed.

The results are surprisingly similar. They require good analysis, let's start with the first 5 competitions.

Segments 5 and 8 will be reconstructed by Technoconcept LLC, 6,7 and 9 - by ARPT JSC (which lost segments 5 and 8 to Technoconcept).

It seems that there is nothing remarkable in the competitions - everywhere there is some reduction in price (within 5%), everywhere there are several participants - all competitions took place.

And we could relax on this and wait for the work to begin so that we can take control of compliance with the rules and the project. But no, the Moscow authorities do not let us relax - wherever you spit, there are violations everywhere. It could not have happened without them in this case either.

Moreover, in contrast to the petty dirty tricks usually inherent in construction competitions in Moscow, here people immediately committed a criminal offense. (No, there were minor dirty tricks too - the design documentation was submitted to the competitions only after my complaints to the FAS.)

What is the essence of the crime? It’s all very simple - Technoconcept LLC and the Advanced Technologies Development Agency JSC entered into a cartel agreement, that is, they committed a crime under Art. 178 of the Criminal Code:

Article 178. Restriction of competition

1. Restriction of competition by concluding a competition-restricting agreement (cartel) between competing economic entities, prohibited in accordance with the antimonopoly legislation of the Russian Federation, if this act caused large damage to citizens, organizations or the state or resulted in the extraction of income on a large scale, -
shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or by forced labor for a term of up to three years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to one year or without it, or imprisonment for a term of up to three years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to one year or without it.

2. The same acts:
a) committed by a person using his official position;
b) involving the destruction or damage of someone else’s property or the threat of its destruction or damage, in the absence of signs of extortion;
c) causing especially large damage or resulting in the extraction of income on an especially large scale, -
shall be punishable by forced labor for a term of up to five years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without it, or by imprisonment for a term of up to six years with a fine in the amount of up to one million rubles or in the amount of wages or other income convicted for a period of up to five years or without it and with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of one to three years.
Notes. 1. In this article, income on a large scale is recognized as income the amount of which exceeds fifty million rubles, and income on an especially large scale - two hundred and fifty million rubles.
2. In this article, major damage is recognized as damage the amount of which exceeds ten million rubles, and especially large damage - thirty million rubles.
3. A person who has committed a crime under this article is exempt from criminal liability if he was the first among the accomplices to the crime to voluntarily report this crime, actively contributed to its disclosure and (or) investigation, compensated for the damage caused by this crime or otherwise made amends for the damage caused. and if his actions do not contain another crime.
The guys screwed up on little things. They were perfectly prepared - not a director. neither the founders of the companies are in any way connected (in any case, this connection cannot be traced from open sources). However, I not only found this connection, but also documented it. Someone who was involved in registering Technoconcept LLC with the SRO of builders screwed up and indicated his work phone number there. Work phone number at the office of ARPT JSC. Look here. what number does ARPT indicate in all its contracts for public procurement:

Since it is obvious that two structures that did not constitute a group of persons participated in the competition (which would have made it possible to circumvent the restrictions of antimonopoly legislation), the presence of a carefully hidden connection between them almost unambiguously indicates collusion.

UPD. After the publication was published, employees of the Anti-Corruption Foundation sent me two wonderful documents that fully confirm my conclusions:

As you can see, in both companies the leading position is occupied by the same lady - Daria Aleksandrovna Chugui. Separately, it should be noted that these documents were available to the customer’s commission, that is, they knew about the existence of the connection. Thus, the circle of participants in the crime expanded sharply...

According to the procurement documentation, the participant must have “experience in the execution (taking into account succession) of a contract (agreement) for the performance of relevant construction work for the last 3 years before the date of filing an application for participation in the relevant competition or auction”, “and the cost of the previously executed contract (agreement) ) is at least 20 percent of the initial (maximum) price of the contract, agreement (lot price), for the right to conclude which the procurement is carried out.”

During the FAS consideration of a complaint from one of the potential procurement participants regarding this requirement, the customer’s representative stated that “according to the Appendix “Technical Specifications” of the Auction documentation, the main volume of work consists of repair work, construction work of capital construction projects, namely repair of the roof, facades, installation of pavement pavement at the expense of the roadway, repair of storm drains, repair of inspection wells on the roadway and on the sidewalk, repair and relocation of rainwater gratings on the roadway, installation and repair of staircases, installation and repair of retaining walls, installation of a rainwater inlet tray, installation of a sidewalk granite stone. Based on the above, the Customer and the Authorized Body have established a requirement for procurement participants to have experience in performing construction, reconstruction and major repairs of capital construction projects. »

Now let’s look up and look at the date of registration of the certificate of SRO admission for Technoconcept LLC. Yes Yes, 06.03.2017 , a few days before submitting documents for the competition. He did not have any other approvals, that is, the company NEVER carried out construction work at all, let alone in the amount of 200,000,000 rubles, as required by participation in more than billion-dollar competitions - especially so.

But the entire commission of the customer, Technoconcept LLC, happily allowed him to participate, and then recognized him as the winner.

Materials about all these violations will be sent today to the Glavkontrol, the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Investigative Committee. The contracts have not yet been concluded, there is a chance that they will not be concluded. Because when construction begins with fraud, you can be sure that it will end with disgusting quality and waste of funds.

And Muscovites will first swallow dust all summer, and then stumble on poorly laid tiles.

Articles on the topic

On the night of April 22, 2017, Moscow entered a period of constant road repairs that will last until October. According to the press service of the capital's mayor's office, the established weather will allow the complex's specialists to begin replacing asphalt on key highways in the capital.

Repairs at MKAD interchanges and highways

“The planned road repair season will last until mid-October,” said Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Housing, Communal Services and Improvement Pyotr Biryukov. Repairs will be carried out at those sites where the warranty period for asphalt concrete pavement has expired. First of all, the asphalt will begin to be replaced on the direct route sections and interchanges of the Moscow Ring Road. These include the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with Entuziastov Highway, Ryazansky Prospekt, as well as sections of the outer side of the Ring Road in the area of ​​4-6 km, 74-76 km, 104-106 km.

Then the road workers will move on to facilities on the Third Transport Ring and the main outbound highways, as well as other city streets.

The work will be carried out at night with partial traffic restrictions.

According to the department, this season 18 million square meters of road surface will be renewed throughout the city. Most of the work will be carried out by the Highways State Budgetary Institution. Its workers will repair 10 million square meters. m of asphalt.

At all sites, curbstones will be replaced, manholes will be repaired, the existing road surface will be removed using cold milling, and new asphalt will be laid and markings will be applied.

The Garden Ring will be left without a strip during repairs

Serious road work has already begun on the Garden Ring. The capital's department of capital repairs is responsible for them. Improvement began on both the inner and outer sides of the Garden Ring.

Traffic on Sadovoy will be limited - depending on the work, it will be impossible to drive in either one or four lanes.

At the same time, improvement work also began on the Boulevard Ring and in the Yakimanskaya embankment area. The work will last until the end of August. In this regard, traffic in the central part of the city will be seriously hampered, and parking spaces will be eliminated during the work.


Let us remind you that as part of the city improvement program, the capital’s authorities have already repaired 47 streets in 2015, and 61 highways in 2016. All major work was carried out between May and August, including the repair and widening of sidewalks and the relocation of communications.

The Traffic Organization Center (TCOC) warns of possible traffic difficulties in the central part of the city and an increase in road congestion to 8-9 points during morning and evening rush hours.


“The main difficulties will be observed on the Garden and Boulevard rings, as well as on the streets adjacent to them. In addition, most of the flow will move to the Third Transport Ring, which is why additional difficulties in traffic movement on this highway are possible,” the data center said and asked motorists to use public transport to travel to the central part of the city to save time.

The data center assures that public transport is ready for the influx of passengers. At the same time, it is not recommended to use the city center for transit trips by car - it is better to use the Third Ring Road. In order not to get stuck in traffic jams for several hours, drivers will have to carefully choose detour routes, and in order not to be late for meetings, they will have to allow extra travel time.

Meanwhile, the mayor of the city, Sergei Sobyanin, apologized in advance to the city residents for the temporary inconvenience on his page on the VKontakte social network.

“The most active period of work begins, including on Boulevard and Sadov. The main work will be completed by September. Traffic problems during this period will be quite serious. But in the end, we will get high-quality urban space in the city center, on its main streets,” Sobyanin wrote.

Yesterday, the selection of most of the contractors for the reconstruction of the Garden Ring in 2017 under the “My Street” program was completed.

The results are surprisingly similar. They require good analysis, let's start with the first 5 competitions.

Segments 5 and 8 will be reconstructed by Technoconcept LLC, 6,7 and 9 by ARPT JSC (which lost segments 5 and 8 to Technoconcept).

It seems that there is nothing remarkable in the competitions - everywhere there is a slight reduction in price (within 5%), everywhere there are several participants - all competitions took place.

And we could relax on this and wait for the work to begin so that we can take control of compliance with the rules and the project. But no, the Moscow authorities do not let us relax - wherever you spit, there are violations everywhere. It could not have happened without them in this case either.

Moreover, in contrast to the petty dirty tricks usually inherent in construction competitions in Moscow, here people immediately committed a criminal offense. (No, there were minor dirty tricks too - the design documentation was submitted to the competitions only after my complaints to the FAS.)

What is the essence of the crime? Everything is very simple - Technoconcept LLC and the Advanced Technologies Development Agency JSC entered into a cartel agreement, that is, they committed a crime under Art. 178 of the Criminal Code:

Article 178. Restriction of competition

1. Restriction of competition by concluding a competition-restricting agreement (cartel) between competing economic entities, prohibited in accordance with the antimonopoly legislation of the Russian Federation, if this act caused large damage to citizens, organizations or the state or resulted in the extraction of income on a large scale -
shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or by forced labor for a term of up to three years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to one year or without it, or imprisonment for a term of up to three years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to one year or without it.

2. The same acts:
a) committed by a person using his official position;
b) involving the destruction or damage of someone else’s property or the threat of its destruction or damage, in the absence of signs of extortion;
c) causing especially large damage or resulting in the extraction of income on an especially large scale, -
shall be punishable by forced labor for a term of up to five years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without it, or by imprisonment for a term of up to six years with a fine in the amount of up to one million rubles or in the amount of wages or other income convicted for a period of up to five years or without it and with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of one to three years.
Notes. 1. In this article, income in a large amount is recognized as income the amount of which exceeds fifty million rubles, and income in an especially large amount - two hundred and fifty million rubles.
2. In this article, major damage is recognized as damage the amount of which exceeds ten million rubles, and especially large damage - thirty million rubles.
3. A person who has committed a crime under this article is exempt from criminal liability if he was the first among the accomplices to the crime to voluntarily report this crime, actively contributed to its disclosure and (or) investigation, compensated for the damage caused by this crime or otherwise made amends for the damage caused. and if his actions do not contain another crime.
The guys screwed up on little things. They were perfectly prepared - not a director. neither the founders of the companies are in any way connected (in any case, this connection cannot be traced from open sources). However, I not only found this connection, but also documented it. Someone who was involved in registering Technoconcept LLC with the SRO of builders screwed up and indicated his work phone number there. Work phone number at the office of ARPT JSC. Look here. what number does ARPT indicate in all its contracts for public procurement:

Since it is obvious that two structures that did not constitute a group of persons participated in the competition (which would have made it possible to circumvent the restrictions of antimonopoly legislation), the presence of a carefully hidden connection between them almost unambiguously indicates collusion.

UPD. After the publication was published, employees of the Anti-Corruption Foundation sent me two wonderful documents that fully confirm my conclusions:

As you can see, in both companies the leading position is occupied by the same lady - Daria Aleksandrovna Chugui. Separately, it should be noted that these documents were available to the customer’s commission, that is, they knew about the existence of the connection. Thus, the circle of participants in the crime expanded sharply...

According to the procurement documentation, the participant must have “experience in the execution (taking into account succession) of a contract (agreement) for the performance of relevant construction work for the last 3 years before the date of filing an application for participation in the relevant competition or auction”, “and the cost of the previously executed contract (agreement) ) is at least 20 percent of the initial (maximum) price of the contract, agreement (lot price), for the right to conclude which the procurement is carried out.”

During the FAS consideration of a complaint from one of the potential procurement participants regarding this requirement, the customer’s representative stated that “according to the Appendix “Technical Specifications” of the Auction documentation, the main volume of work consists of repair work, construction work of capital construction projects, namely repair of the roof, facades, installation of pavement pavement at the expense of the roadway, repair of storm drains, repair of inspection wells on the roadway and on the sidewalk, repair and relocation of rainwater gratings on the roadway, installation and repair of staircases, installation and repair of retaining walls, installation of a rainwater inlet tray, installation of a sidewalk granite stone. Based on the above, the Customer and the Authorized Body have established a requirement for procurement participants to have experience in performing construction, reconstruction and major repairs of capital construction projects. »

Now let’s look up and look at the date of registration of the certificate of SRO admission for Technoconcept LLC. Yes Yes, 06.03.2017 , a few days before submitting documents for the competition. He did not have any other approvals, that is, the company NEVER carried out construction work at all, let alone in the amount of 200,000,000 rubles, as required by participation in more than a billion-dollar competitions, especially.

But the entire commission of the customer, Technoconcept LLC, happily allowed us to participate, and then recognized it as the winner.

Materials about all these violations will be sent today to the Glavkontrol, the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Investigative Committee. The contracts have not yet been concluded, there is a chance that they will not be concluded. Because when construction begins with fraud, you can be sure that it will end with disgusting quality and waste of funds.

And Muscovites will first swallow dust all summer, and then stumble on poorly laid tiles.

It was decided to entrust the reconstruction of the Garden Ring to scammers


Reconstruction of the Garden Ring will reduce the income of retail tenants

Some tenants, primarily small startup companies, will not be able to survive the three-month reconstruction period of the Garden Ring and will be forced to move, Moscow brokers believe

The reconstruction of the Garden Ring, which will last until the end of summer, will reduce the income of retail tenants by at least 15%. Analysts from the brokerage company Colliers International shared this forecast with RBC Real Estate. Work on the improvement of the second section of the Garden Ring (the first was reconstructed last year) began at the end of April.

According to the consulting company CBRE, now a quarter of all commercial space on the first line of the Garden Ring is occupied by companies in the field of beauty and health: beauty salons, nail and massage studios, dental centers. “For this category of operators, their clients, as a rule, are not random passers-by; people go to most salons purposefully and even to a specific specialist. Accordingly, the reconstruction will have a minimal impact on this group,” says Oksana Kopylova, deputy director of the CBRE market research department.

But the cafes and restaurants located here, which account for about a quarter of all commercial space in the Garden Ring area, may lose some of the spontaneous traffic, she adds.

Analysts interviewed by RBC Real Estate admit that some tenants, primarily small startup companies, will not be able to survive the three-month period of reconstruction of the Garden Ring and will be forced to move from here to neighboring streets.

“With the start of full-scale reconstruction of the Garden Ring, the cost of one parking hour increased to 300 rubles, so many motorists switched to the metro. Business reacts painfully to such changes - scaffolding blocks signs, some profiles are closed during renovations or periods when clients and customers actually do not have access to the entrance. The burden is especially heavy for small chains with a small share of the risk of profitability of the chain outlet covered by other brand players,” Maryana Matueva, leading consultant of the retail real estate department of Cushman & Wakefield, confirms this forecast.

Today, the average rental rate in the Garden Ring area, according to CBRE, is about 70 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m per year. At the same time, individual premises, for example in the Smolenskaya Square area, can cost 120–170 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m per year. In 2016, tenants actively discussed and lobbied for a clause in lease agreements providing for a significant discount (up to 40% of the monthly rent) or a net percentage of turnover during the period of repair work, or even a rental holiday for the same period.

However, the owners were not ready to comply with such measures - professional landlords preferred to wait out the reconstruction period rather than provide additional benefits and bear the risks of their partners’ business. As a result, by the fall, when construction work on Sadovoy was completed, the share of vacant space in the street retail segment on this highway reached 17.6%, which became an absolute record in the entire history of the market, analysts from the international consulting company Knight Frank found out.

More often than others, the reconstruction factor influences decisions on the expansion of new networks, RBC-Real Estate's interlocutors note. Well-known and experienced players continue to develop in the presence of promising retail space potential. Visual improvement of streets with low pedestrian conversion does not influence tenants' decisions to open new retail spaces. Retailers still ask for high conversion rates plus parking; few players are willing to play the role of anchor tenant and generate street retail traffic (both pedestrian and vehicular) on their own. Maryana Matueva believes that this season the fluctuation in rental rates under newly concluded contracts will be no more than 10% of current figures.

After the reconstruction of the Garden Ring, interest in the commercial premises located on it will increase by at least 10%, Colliers International predicts. “We expect a change in the profiles of the Garden Ring tenants - the emergence of new chain and individual catering operators, impulse demand stores focused on pedestrian traffic. Nowadays, vacant premises on Sadovoy are increasingly being filled by catering establishments, grocery operators, and drogerie stores, whereas previously the majority of the space in this retail corridor was occupied by banking service operators,” says Ekaterina Podlesnykh.

According to Knight Frank’s forecast, one should not expect a change in the profile of tenants on the Garden Ring in the near future; the main city highway will respond to the current improvement with any changes no sooner than in 1–1.5 years.

Let us remind you that this year, as part of the “My Street” program, it is planned to reconstruct three quarters of the Garden Ring - from Dolgorukovskaya Street to Zubovskaya Square, plus adjacent streets, squares and gardens. In 2016, the area from Smolenskaya-Sennaya to Dolgorukovskaya Street was landscaped.

Very soon Moscow will again be stuck in traffic jams and covered in construction dust. Yes, we still have to be patient. In the summer they plan to reconstruct almost 80 (!!!) streets. This is more than last year. The most ambitious works are the reconstruction of the Garden and Boulevard Rings, as well as Tverskaya Street from Pushkinskaya to Triumfalnaya Square.

What will Sadovoye look like by autumn?

Let's start small. The intersection of Nikoloyamskaya and Zemlyanoy Val streets. Judging by the pictures, they will simply restore order here and create a small park. By the way, it is not very clear what will be done with the existing crooked and ugly trees. In an amicable way, they need to be cut down and new ones planted, as they once did on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. But the people will most likely be against it.

This is what the place looks like now.

Sadovaya-Sukharevskaya street to the intersection with Olympic Avenue. The parking lot will be removed and many trees will be planted)

Zubovsky Boulevard near the Russia Today office. Judging by the pictures, pine trees will be planted here... By the way, it’s interesting that they showed the winter version.

Now it's like this...

Gravity square. It is planned to put the overpass in order. Fashionable lighting, colored columns... Well, landscaping of the surrounding areas.

Now this place looks pretty sad.

By the way, for those who don’t remember: before the reconstruction in 1935, the Garden Ring really was a garden ring! Very green, with lots of trees, and a tram running through the center!

But then everything was cut down, and Sadovoye was expanded... This is the place during the reconstruction of 1935.

Zubovsky Boulevard at the intersection with Zubovsky Proezd. It will be like on Novinsky: a backup for the entrance to the shops and a lot of trees.

It is unclear whether parking will remain.

The intersection of Bakhrushin Street and Zatsepsky Val. In general, as in 2016, sidewalks will be widened everywhere, tiles will be laid everywhere instead of asphalt, and trees will be planted. The bad news is that so far there are no plans for any new zebra crossings through the Garden Ring and Tverskaya.

The intersection of Valovaya Street and 6th Monetchikovsky Lane. It is strange that the crossing was not raised to the same level as the sidewalk.

Bolshaya Sukharevskaya Square. There are trees and a double here again.

Now this place looks like this...

Well, how do you like it?

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