What path in life do I choose? How to choose the right path in life

How bad it is for a person to live without understanding his life path. The unknown and ignorance of the right path in life is a direct road to a dead end. It's like wandering in a thick fog - walking and not seeing the road. Numerology will help clear the fog on the road of life.

He who hobbles along a straight road will outpace a runner who has lost his way. (Francis Bacon)

The straight road is to know your path in life. To find out your calling in life, let's use numerology. The initial data will be the numbers of the month, day and year of birth. The sum of all numbers will give us an important number that determines the path of life. This number is a waybill on the road called Life.

This is a waybill, which indicates the direction of the route and indicates the limits of possible and impossible deviations. It is this number that will explain to us who we are and answer the question: why are we exactly like this?

The path of life is the mission with which we were sent to planet Earth and what we need to do here. Our inner nature and the abilities we possess will also become clearer.

Rule for determining the life path: the Life Path number is determined by adding the numbers of the day, month and year of birth. Then we reduce everything to one number. Exception: 22 and 11.

Numbers 11 and 22 are dominant in numerology and cannot be shortened unless their fluctuations complicate a person’s life path.

The Life Path Number (LPN) can be easily determined by three addition methods.

Illustrative examples

Example: 1. Date of birth of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy 09.09.1828

  • 0+9+0+9+1+8+2+8=37=3+7+10= 1+0=1
  • 1828+09+09=1846=1+8+4+6=19=1+9=10=1+0=1
  • 1828=1+8+2+8=19=1+9=10=1+0=1; 0+9=9; 0+9=9; 1+9+9=19; 1+9=10=1+0=1

Different methods of addition are needed in order to check whether double numbers 11, 22 and 33 are hidden behind 2, 4 and 6, which deepen the meaning of our number.

This is how difficult it is for the brilliant writer Pushkin.

Example 2. Date of birth of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin 06/06/1799

  • 0+6+0+6+1+7+9+9= 38= 3+8=11
  • 1799+ 06+06=1811; 1+8+1+1=11
  • 1799=1+7+9+9=26=2+6=8 0+6=6; 0+6=6; 8+6+6=20=2+0+2

As you can see, Pushkin hides 11: The dominant number. If the Dominant number does not suit you, then there is an alternative, such as Pushkin’s number 2.

Life Path Numerical Value: 1-3

  • The key here is individuality. If you have 1, then you are the first, the creator and the original. A leader, not a follower. You will succeed as a craftsman, manager or director. Orders are not for you. Ambitions overwhelm your soul and you have a very active life path.

Honesty and loyalty are your character traits. A good sense of humor helps in the most difficult situations.

Self-confidence and pride, coupled with willpower, will help you complete any task you start.

Beware of negative emotions: arrogance, selfishness, as well as boasting, laziness and instability

  • Cooperation. You are better at creating in pairs, in a group or in a team. Two needs cooperation. You are sociable, kind and do not forget other people. Your success is to help others without reward, then it will find you. Just be careful about volunteering.

You are a good diplomat and peacemaker. There is an excellent sense of tact. Love your family - home and family are very important in your life. Punctual in work, picky about details. You are shy and often prefer to stay in the shadows.

Numerology warns to beware of negative vibrations: excessive sensitivity, refusal to help others, fearfulness, inability to take risks and self-destruction. Find strength and courage.

  • Self-expression. You are happy, creative and multi-faceted. An enthusiast by nature, who is energetic, intellectual, optimistic - a born leader.

Have an excellent sixth sense and you will achieve triumph in mental work.

They are friendly, and the word friends is not an empty phrase for you. You want beauty, happiness and fun for all people and for all living things that surround you. Original ideas are in full swing. Follow your instincts - they are true.

Beware of: haste, uncriticality, excessive talkativeness, as well as jealousy, loss of self-esteem and intolerance.

ChZZH for 4-9

  • The key words are practicality and organization. You are sincere and honest, serious and patient - conscientious. Your work is long-lasting and thorough. Your motto is responsibility, which is why many people ask you for support and protection.

By nature you are a master; you strive for regularity at work and orderliness at home. Details are of great importance in your life - you overdo it with precision.

An intellectual activity is suitable for you, but you can also work well with your hands. Hard worker. Save money and love your home. You work for money, but forget about gambling.

Your talents are far from home troubles and work routines

Negative emotions that you need to beware of: the desire to command, great criticism, laziness, intolerance, workaholism.

  • Freedom. You cannot be controlled, come and go as you please. Activity, tirelessness and variety. Luck comes from working together with people. New things simply attract you: friends, wardrobe, unfamiliar lands. Monotony quickly leads to boredom.

They are sociable and easily make new friends. Undiscovered facets attract you, you want to experience everything yourself. Order and discipline come first for you.

Beware of irresponsibility, excessive indulgence in alcohol, sexual games and drugs.

  • Responsibility. Learn to serve others, create good for others, while forgetting your selfish intentions.

You adore comfort, idealism, musical creation and beauty. You are attractive in appearance, idealism and justice are in your blood. Peacemaker.

You close your eyes to the mistakes of your loved ones. You think you can re-educate others. Many of you get married, but there are people who set exorbitant criteria for the second half. That’s why they start a family at a late age or not at all.

Love to enjoy beautiful landscapes. Fair. You have increased concern for people who need protection: children, the elderly and the sick.

Humanitarian professions are suitable for you. You often choose to be a doctor or a teacher.

Beware of: callousness, pride and unreasonableness.

7. Wisdom. You are constantly learning. Knowledge is everything to you. Do you want to discover the secrets of the Universe? You don’t trust others, you constantly collect information.

This is the number of loners who read, reflect and discover. You must learn the mysteries from the mouths of the world's thinkers. You can be a teacher or a writer. Learn, share your knowledge with others. Master your skills and luck will come to you.

Patience is one of your best qualities.

Beware of: melancholy, alcohol, laziness and secrecy.

  • Movement. The hard way. According to numerology, triumph comes with the help of knowledge, equality, both spiritual and material.

Eliminate making money from the first place - this is not the main thing in life. Learn to work more for the common good, then the reward will come.

Leadership is not alien to you. Management and your own business are more to your liking. Big business and great projects beckon.

Numerology advises: learn to be firm in principles, strengthen your courage and common sense.

You may be lucky in education, trade, consulting. Are you interested in metaphysics?

Beware of: stinginess, selfish motives and extravagance.

  • Compassion. Tolerance and understanding are your qualities. Receive a reward when you realize that your calling is to serve people. Try to help them, inspire them. You risk defeat if you want power.

You have developed intelligence and insight. Your prospects: charity, work in hospitals. You make the World a better place.

Vibrations to watch out for: stinginess, cowardice and indecisiveness.

Mainstream numbers

  • Inspiration. According to numerology, a lot is expected of you. The path of life is associated with the Dominant number. You are in the midst of reverence.

Professions in which you can succeed: ambassador, diplomat, minister, critic. You can be a spiritual advisor. In life, you are a philosopher who believes in ideals. Personal ambitions can be harmful because your goal is to transfer knowledge to other people. You have a responsibility to lead other people.

The way you live inspires others. Live your life right. You can become an actor, writer, physician, psychologist - succeed in any field that is aimed at helping others.

Beware of: dishonesty, cunning, aimlessness.

This is a strong number and is not suitable for all people. If it works, it means the number is yours. If not, then there is an alternative -2. Don’t strain the dominant numbers, don’t adapt to them.

  • Versatility. The number of creators, creators and architects. Everyone who takes risks for the sake and benefit of other people.

World problems and global enterprises are your interests. Leadership and management come easily to this number.

You can work as a teacher, in government and public structures. All your views are universal, because you must work for the public good.

Beware of such vibrations: nervousness, laziness, boasting and indifference. If the number does not work, then there is an alternative to it - the number 4.

Knowing our life path, we can determine our main goals and protect ourselves from rash projects. Numerology will help you find a profession - your true path in this world.

“Any path is just one of a million possible paths.”
Carlos Castaneda

There are a great many ways... which one to choose? Speaking about purpose and its search, one cannot ignore the whole human life path. This is a more capacious and long-lasting concept that spans the entire human life. Someone lives by the inertia of “let everything go as it goes”, rejoices in successes and is upset when they bypass him, saying that this is fate... And someone is looking for the right path for themselves - their own path. So, what should you prefer? Choosing a life path or let your life take its course?

Faced with another failure in their life, probably every person has wondered, is it possible to change anything at all? As a rule, we attribute all problems and consequences of mistakes to fate. And we chalk up every success to our own account. But maybe, it is worth analyzing failures as well? See your mistakes and wrong actions in them? Watch the children: one, having tripped over a stone, will look at it, draw conclusions and avoid it next time, while the other will constantly fall in the same place. Such an ingenuous example can be applied as a stencil to any human action. And this is not the ability to think logically - it is, first of all, the desire to understand “why I fell.” It is unlikely that any adult will seriously think that fate placed this stone under his feet. And perhaps choice of life path and lies in first learning to analyze what consequences will follow what actions.

After all, few people think that human life path The path he walks on is not only the presence or absence of work, income, success. This includes a worldview, the ability to build harmonious relationships both in the family and with business partners, the ability to be happy and constructively sad, and the ability to LIVE. Agree, our perception of everything that happens depends on our attitude to the world around us. You can create, but you can destroy everything . Obviously, these are two opposite poles, but the road between them is very short, since it depends only on our thoughts and feelings. And we know how to control these matters, or at least we can learn.

Do choice of life path yourself, compare:

  • Destruction - this is irritation, fear, melancholy, dissatisfaction with oneself, disappointment, jealousy and even a feeling of guilt, which entails punishment (of oneself). All this not only forces a person to destroy relationships, his life, but also himself, since thoughts and feelings tend to materialize.
  • Creation - this is responsibility for your actions, feelings and thoughts. This is the understanding that our own subconscious mind is in control. human life path. This is the road of development.

Some will say that the answer is obvious, but how to find yourself your path, and not the principles of life, even after making the right choice of life path? After all, the feeling of unfulfillment is also a destructive force.

“Each of us has only one true calling -
find a way to yourself"
Hermann Hesse

Find yourself like No matter how it sounds to skeptics, people have strived at all times. But in the entire history of mankind, no one has ever found an answer to the question, how to find yourself, your own life path. A person thinks about this all the time, although it is difficult to solve the issue by reflection alone.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step"
Lao Tzu

As with achieving a goal, you need to be able not only to think/analyze/draw conclusions, but also to act. You have already taken the first step - you have decided what you need find yourself. How you will do it - that's another question.

“Either I will find my way, or I will make it myself.”
F. Sydney

Finding yourself means feeling fulfilled, in demand and, as a result, happy. The components of happiness for many are health, family and, of course, success at work - in a job that gives pleasure. It is precisely the last component that is the most difficult for most: how to find yourself- your place in life, your calling, your business. Returning to the question of how to find your calling, you should understand that no one can answer it unequivocally, but a number of specialists offer trainings and various exercises that help you find tips, responses within yourself to what really, perhaps, will become your business. life.

You will find how to take the next step in finding your calling, your life path, in the next article, in which we will talk about.


List all the possible paths that are offered to you. Do this exercise in writing. The longer the list, the more opportunities you have. Some paths are imposed on you by the people around you. Some options arise due to sudden circumstances. There are also alternatives inspired by your own principles, dreams, goals. Work on the list as carefully as possible. Don't miss out on even those options that you don't quite like. During the analysis process, they may lead you to unexpected things. So write down absolutely everything. Remember those who were previously in yours. What paths did they take next?

Analyze each path for distance from your target. Now you must evaluate all alternatives. Write down all the options on separate sheets of paper. Then cut these sheets into strips so that only one option is written on each strip. Divide all the strips into 3 groups. Group 1 should contain options that directly lead to your goal, even if you like them. In the 2nd group, place those paths that you like most, but may lead somewhere to the side. These are the paths you prefer based on . For example, a friend or girlfriend approves of this choice. In the 3rd group, identify those options that lead too far from your goal. There may be paths that someone from the outside imposes on you. There is no need to neglect them, just put them in a separate group for now.

Select path, which is in harmony with your goal. In each group, select only one such path. You must evaluate all alternatives, given that you will not be torn in all directions. Look at this process as if from the outside, as if you were making a choice for an outsider. Even in the 3rd group there may be path, which is traced back to your main goal.

Seclude yourself from everyone for the final . Now you have 3 ways in front of you, the best ones, taking into account the interests of all parties. Justify for yourself which path closer to you. Don't worry about what other people think right now. Imagine that you are the last one on earth and there is no one else, everyone has temporarily left for Mars. The future fate of all humanity depends on your choice.

Video on the topic


Your loved ones may insist on their version of your life. Don't be offended by this, be understanding. They only want you to live better than they did. But will you be happy fulfilling someone else's will? - Solve this issue with your soul, so that you don’t regret the wasted years of your life.

Helpful advice

When you talk to your loved ones about your choice, tell them that you had 3 main options. Thus, you will emphasize that the choice was made consciously, after in-depth analysis. At a minimum, you will be respected for considering possible alternatives.


  • What are life choices in 2019

Dante wrote: “Follow your own path and let people say what they will.” Each person has his own path, which his sixth sense tells him to follow. Choose the correct path intuition will tell you, and it’s up to you to follow it or not.


It often happens that parents and friends advise one thing, but the person still acts in his own way. It would seem that the mind suggests a logical solution, but the person does what he is told. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to clearly understand what your sixth sense tells you. There are times when intuition remains deeply silent, and all sensible thoughts have disappeared from the head. In this case, if you are standing on the race path e, and the further development of events in your life depends on your decision, then you should not rush your intention without having time to understand yourself.

Take time out and go on a trip. India will be the ideal place for your vacation and reflection on your own. In this country, special programs and seminars are held for everyone who wants to communicate with the ancient monks. With the help of a translator, you can ask them for advice, talk about a person’s place in the world, his mission and tasks. You will be taught meditation, during which you will be able to understand yourself and your desires.

Correct path- This path, which you like and which you like. If you do something and get excited about it, then you are on the right path. For example, you don’t just love to sing, but you are excellent at it, which is proven by numerous offers to work as a vocalist in local establishments. If you feel that it is yours, then you need to work even harder to achieve great success. Study with a teacher, enter prestigious educational institutions. The main thing is not to stop there, and then no one will be able to surpass you.

Choose the correct path A simple exercise will help in life. Take a piece of paper and draw an ideal picture of the future for yourself. For example, you are sunbathing on the coast near your own cottage. Next to the picture, write in two columns what you can and want to do and what you don’t like or care about.

For example, you know how and love to cook, but you are horrified by the process of organizing and managing a culinary workshop. This means that you are not a manager, but a real culinary specialist. Then go not to the popular entrepreneurship and management courses, but to the inexpensive culinary skills courses. By becoming a chef at an expensive restaurant, you will not only be able to make a fortune for yourself, but you will be doing what you love every day.

Video on the topic

The life path is an invisible trajectory, according to which a chain of certain events is built, following one after another in a certain sequence. It is otherwise called fate or fate.

You won't find your purpose if you look for it!

A lot of books, psychological tests, horoscopes and fortune telling are trying to tell us what our purpose is. I myself have been fascinated by all this nonsense for a long time 🙁 But belief in fate and destiny is a delusion. There is no record anywhere of the chain of events that you are about to live. There is also no record anywhere of what kind of work you will do or what kind of business you will open, or how many children you will have or who your life partner will be.

Everything develops based on its own Primordial nature. This is the Non-Doing of Tao. It gives us a virtuous nature and gives us the opportunity to live it ourselves and realize it in the form that we choose. Thus, we are given a general direction - Unity with Tao and virtue, thanks to our Primordial nature. There are five basic principles of life (Unity, Non-action, Harmony, Cultivation of Yang and Emptying of Yin) and our characteristics, which I think are a consequence of our past lives.

All we can do is to embody our nature step by step through our actions, developing and cultivating our characteristics, getting rid of delusions and obscurations. But we can do this in many ways! The main thing is that they correspond to our nature and do not give rise to internal or external conflicts.

Thus, fate is not a chain of predetermined events, but a form whose potential is inherent in our nature. Our life force gradually grows and inflates our form (talents and characteristics) like a balloon. And we begin to shine around like a Chinese lantern, with our own special color and pattern.

It is useless to ask others what our purpose is and what we want :) Because it is within us. It is useless to find out this in advance, since being at the acorn stage, we cannot imagine what kind of oak we will become and what we will want. To find out, we will have to grow year after year, making decisions about which branches to grow and how to arrange them. Life will make its own adjustments and at the end of life, we will be able to say what its meaning was :)

It is useless to try to find out who we will be, also because The meaning of life is not how big and strong an oak we will become, but how fully we will give everything we have! How many people will we give shade to on a hot sunny day, how many animals and insects will we shelter, how many will we feed with acorns, how will we influence the spread of the forest around us, how much new soil will be formed from our leaves, how much oxygen will we produce...

If by the end of your life you have given the world your all, then you have realized your nature and fulfilled your destiny. And the highest form of self-realization is when a person gives himself to the Universe, completely merging with Tao and abandoning the ego.

Stop looking for yourself, fixing your image with a specific description, shackling yourself in the shackles of goals and plans! Stop imitating others, following other people's template advice and trying to squeeze yourself into the framework of any profession. By acting this way, you most often run after profit and selfish desires, while self-realization and your Path expect generosity and virtue from you.

Start walking where your heart is drawn... where sincere interest and play (experiment) are born. Start right now to give to the world around you what is inherent in your nature. As you demonstrate your virtuous qualities, you will begin to sense what is worth trying next. Stop looking around and comparing your life with other people! It’s a huge relief to stop chasing some standards of successful life and finally return to yourself...

Stop struggling and achieve what is difficult

To follow your Path and not get carried away by false goals and desires, you need to imitate water. Water always flows in lowlands, flowing down from higher ground, and uses the force of gravity. Thus, the water does not strain or exhaust itself, it is always modest and does not try to climb the surrounding hills, uses the force of the Universe (gravity) and does not fight with anything.

When the wind blows, ripples appear on the water; when winter comes, the water becomes covered with ice; when the sun warms, the water evaporates, turning into clouds. She always follows external changes and does not try to avoid her fate, does not ignore her nature. Her Path is always simple and serene.

Water does not choose its Path according to its selfish desire - it fills the emptiness that is encountered on its Path, and chooses the most easily passable places, thus applying the minimum amount of effort. Water does not fight with anything and takes up space that no one needs, otherwise this space would not be empty. That is, she does not try to take possession of something that belongs to someone else, and takes only what is consistent with her nature.

At the same time, water brings life to all living things, and thereby it fully realizes its potential, its Original nature, following the principle of Harmony, Non-action and Unity. She does not force anyone to drink and does not refuse anyone; this is where the highest virtue is manifested.

To get into the narrow cracks and continue your Path, water is soft, that is, she is not selfish and does not cling to any principles, plans and goals. When water enters a valley between the mountains, it does not try to break through the stone with its pressure! She calmly waits until the entire valley is flooded and she rises to the level where she can continue her Path between the mountains to the next gorge or valley. If rain and groundwater are not enough to fill the entire valley, the water does not complain that it cannot flow further, but humbly lives his destiny, becoming a beautiful mountain lake.

When I worked at my first job, I knew several programming languages. And thinking about changing jobs, I posted a resume for a PHP programmer, Java programmer, web designer, and it seems even for a game designer. Of course, I wanted to work where I was interested (creating websites in PHP or designing computer games), but still the main thing for me was to earn money to live, to rent an apartment and to implement my projects.

Earning money for food and housing, as well as for creative self-realization, is quite natural. If you don’t set yourself boundaries and strict criteria. Therefore, when I began to receive numerous offers for Java, and the rest of the resumes received a sluggish response, I easily applied for the vacancy of a Java programmer, although I knew the Java language worse than anyone and did not particularly like it. This was my Path, since Life gave me many vacancies for a Java programmer and I was hired with virtually no experience and no knowledge of English. That is, there was no resistance from external circumstances to me going to Java; there was an emptiness into which I could take a step without much effort.

Over the next 2 years, I read at least a hundred books about programming, learned English, changed 3 jobs and my income increased 20 times. I couldn’t even dream of such dizzying changes! And at the same time, over the course of two years, I had to learn a lot, do things I had never done before, and change. Thank God I didn't follow my ego and go to some game development company. Jobs for game designers were few and far between, and I would have been stuck in that job with no opportunity to improve my position. Not to mention the fact that then I would not have gotten into the Zhen Dao school and would not have become acquainted with Taoist practices.

Everything I did in those 2 years was not my desires or goals, but rather the urgent need of the current moment. And I tried to act in the easiest way for myself, since the intensity of the changes was too great to be distracted by something unnecessary.

If you feel stressed, something is difficult for you, you often suffer failures or are completely at a dead end in life - this means that it’s time for you to throw away the unnecessary things from your life. You cling to something and do not spend all your strength fighting, instead of looking around and finding your Path. You need to throw out goals that don't fit your nature or your present moment, or you need to change the way you achieve them so that it is consistent with your talents and characteristics.

If you don't have motivation for something, you don't need to force yourself and motivate yourself! Rest, give yourself a break. If there is no desire to act, then you need to change the form of actions or their direction.

Humility allows you to see new possibilities. Give up envying other people's lives, stop chasing success, return to yourself and your current situation. Start acting without fighting external circumstances and you will see the voids that are on your Path. You will recognize them by the fact that they allow you to move forward where your heart pulls you, without requiring extra effort.

Naturalness instead of plans and templates

Most often, people rely on their plans and goals, which they build based on their selfish desires. The problem with this is that in this way we try to fix the future and build it with all our might, instead of just following the current moment.

Right now we are facing some problems that need to be solved. Stop flying away into your rosy dreams or acting out of fear, running away from change. Look around here and now, as if you were a child again and went out into the yard for a walk: “What is interesting here, where should I go, what would be so fun to do?”

For example, I once wanted to create my own strategy computer game about space. And for this I read books about programming and game design. I was faced with a task that was interesting to me. It was natural for me, because since childhood I didn’t like to sit and do nothing, I always liked to invent, design and come up with something. It's part of my nature :)

So when I read complex books and articles about programming or game development, I didn't feel like I was doing anything difficult or overcoming any obstacles. I didn’t have a goal to create a game by such and such a deadline. It was easy for me (even despite the fact that I didn’t understand everything and I didn’t do everything well), because I was playing!

At work, the Internet was prohibited for us (a state enterprise) and I used expensive mobile Internet to read articles about programming. Pictures had to be turned off to reduce traffic and pay less money. And this expenditure of money, even despite the fact that I had a meager salary, was a joy to me - after all, I spent it on the game. I never created my own space strategy, but I didn’t regret anything, because I didn’t try for the sake of a goal... I liked the Path itself.

So when you imagine yourself as water and think about what next step to take, that step always leads to a place where there is no resistance for you, where you have a sincere interest, a game. And there will be no resistance because what this step will require of you matches your talents and current capabilities! But for another person or an outside observer, it may seem terribly difficult and unpleasant. That is why, when you take such a step, you do not encounter resistance, since none of the people will want to go there and compete with you, because they have a different set of talents!

If a person is on his Path, then he will encounter resistance not from the outside, not from circumstances, but from his ego. If the situation requires the renunciation of any beliefs, requires showing modesty, flexibility, politeness, discipline (refusal of unnecessary things), then our ego may begin to fight. Difficulties on the Path cleanse us of everything unnecessary, but if we follow false goals and selfish desires, we continue to accumulate delusions and delusions, struggling with external circumstances and overworking ourselves with things that are not suitable for us.

Following your Path, you strive for benefit for others, like water, which brings life to all living things, and thereby restore Harmony. And following selfish goals, you strive for benefit, accumulate harm and thereby destroy Harmony!

If you are tired of what you are doing and find yourself thinking that you continue because of some ideas about the right life, throw it away! If you are still interested in the general direction, then change the form of your actions. Remove what is causing you suffering and add more play and joy. Learn to use your talents and weaknesses without neglecting anything.

I'm tired of programming and I no longer work as a programmer. But since I have this skill, I am a blogger who not only writes about Taoist practices, but can also add features to my site that others do not have. In addition, I know how to structure information, build classifications and hierarchies, presenting information about Taoist practices in a way that no one has ever presented it before. I also suffer from excessive attention to detail, perfectionism is a form of pride. But I also use it to improve my articles and videos. In this way, I use my unique set of skills and shortcomings to move into those gaps that are empty and that only I can occupy, using and realizing my fullest potential. This is my Path... because in the whole world only I can walk along it :)

And this Path requires more and more flexibility from me, I realize my potential more and more, discarding what is “not mine”: imposed goals, desires, rules and ideas from books, other people’s experience and recipes for success. I don't know where my next step will take me until I take it. I don’t try to fix my desires, saying, “I’m going to that valley over there,” and if I don’t get there, I’ll feel unhappy or disappointed. When I find myself in a valley and don’t know how and where to go next, I just wait until I fill it to the brim (study and try) and the next step opens up before me. I don’t try to break through rocks or climb a mountain just because it seems beautiful and tempting to me from below.

By being in the low place (by showing modesty and humility), we allow Life to send rivers of opportunity to us. We get everything we need without any effort. By achieving something with great difficulty, we show violence against ourselves and the world around us. If we meet external resistance, then we are trying to occupy a space that is not empty for us and our talents, which leads to a waste of energy in the fight against circumstances and contributes to the accumulation of misconceptions that we can remake the world according to our own selfish plan.

When we follow our own Path, any work is pleasant and psychologically easy, and any result will not bring disappointment. It's like when I was a kid I made a steam engine out of construction kit and foil. The pressure in the boiler was low and she did not go. When I was making a balloon, it caught fire and did not take off. But in both cases I was not disappointed with the result, since the game itself (the creative process) was interesting and important to me. To enjoy life, you need to be grateful for what you have. And to be grateful for what you have, you need to give up selfish desires and choose your Path, not achieving goals. Then your life will be an interesting game, and not a race for results!

Always play to the potential of the situation

All things and phenomena originate in Non-Existence, where the Primordial nature is rooted. At the moment of origin, everything has weakly expressed characteristics that are easy to direct in the right direction, easy to change or dissolve. By acting at this stage, we will make the most of our current capabilities, whatever they may be!

Our selfish desires force us to fight what has already manifested itself, the way we want to get what we want here and now. It also makes us strive for profit and luck, which is contrary to the law of Harmony. The fact is that while achieving maximum benefit, luck and happiness, we inevitably encounter the Universal mechanism, which restores the balance of Yin and Yang (Harmony) and brings the situation to the middle. And this means that we lose some of the results achieved, we begin to struggle with this process, we suffer and can lose everything.

Taoist masters try to avoid failure, and this is how they achieve success. They cultivate benefits and remove harm, and thus receive benefits. In other words, they influence the potential of the situation!

Lao Tzu gives an example: if you want to catch a bird, plant a tree. By doing this, we benefit the world because another tree appears in it. Birds themselves fly to the tree to build nests and eat its fruits or catch insects on it. And we catch them easily. Ultimately, we cultivate Unity because we do something useful for the world. We use Non-Action, since at first we do not have a bird and the potential of the situation is that the bird will fly to where we are. We plant a tree and thereby cultivate the hidden potential of a situation in which the birds themselves fly to us. At the same time, we rely on the natural mechanisms of nature and use the power of the instincts of birds that live in trees. We also restore Harmony by cultivating benefits (Yang) and removing harm (Yin): first we give housing, food and the opportunity to reproduce, and then we take.

A selfish man takes a gun and goes into the forest to shoot birds. He brainstorms, coming up with cunning plans to catch them, such as a whistle that makes duck sounds and attracts drakes. Thus, he harms the world, but does not provide any benefit, violating Harmony. He exhausts his strength running through the forests, feels dissatisfied if he doesn’t shoot anything, harming his health. And most importantly, he violates Unity, separating himself from the world and not understanding that by bringing harm to the world, he also harms himself, since he is part of this very world. By doing this and achieving success, he perpetuates his selfish delusions and emotional obscurations of the heart, and becomes blind in such situations.

This example is somewhat outdated since we no longer depend on hunting and our lives have changed a lot since the time of Lao Tzu. But you can apply this example to your own work when you start demanding something from colleagues, suppliers or clients. Instead of doing something so that people themselves will do what you want, like birds that fly to a tree of their own free will, we most often use violence and cunning to force them to do what we want and benefit us.

And all because It seems to us that struggle and direct impact on the current moment is the fastest way to get what we want. We are simply not aware of the harm that we cultivate in this way. And it, accumulating, either prevents us from achieving what we want, or later destroys everything that we have achieved.

The benefit itself accumulates where the benefit is actively demonstrated. Where benefits actively accumulate, harm also accumulates along with it. Therefore, if you want to get something, you should remove the harm that has not yet manifested itself and cultivate the benefit while it is small. And if you want to get rid of something, you should let it grow, then it will begin to fade on its own. And while it is growing, you can form the new one that will replace it.

For example, when getting rid of a bad habit, you should not fight it, but rather cultivate a new useful habit. For example, instead of fighting smoking, start practicing Taoist practices :) Smoking, having reached its limit, will disappear on its own... and will be replaced by meditation or Qigong exercises.

And if you want to achieve material well-being, start doing something useful for those from whom you expect this well-being :) It’s only important that it be useful, not profitable! Benefit and benefit are completely different concepts. Benefit appears where emptiness appears, and benefit appears where something accumulates.

By influencing the potential of the situation, you will always achieve success, since the natural changes of Yin and Yang will always help you and not oppose you. Like those birds that fly towards you of their own free will.

Give all you have and take all that is given

When we are born, we are like an acorn that gradually turns into a mighty oak. Someone had the privilege of growing up in an open field, with fertile soil, water and sun. And some will have to grow on bare rock, clinging to cracks with their roots and being content with rare rains. And although our Original nature is the same, our circumstances and talents are different. And we can give ourselves to the world in different ways.

If you are destined to grow on a rock, you will be a stumpy, dry, gnarled oak tree in places. And looking at your brothers in the fields, you may selfishly want to live like them, repeating after them, listening to their advice, dreaming their dreams. By doing this, you will betray your nature and deviate from your Path. Such people do not appreciate what they have, and over time they even stop noticing, since all their attention is focused on how others live.

But if you think about it, the most beautiful paintings depict those trees that are not symmetrical, have flaws and stand out in some way, catching our eye! Start getting rid of envy, the desire to quickly achieve someone else's success by following their patterns. They built their lives on their own terms and opportunities, and you have your own Path ahead of you.

And even if it still seems to you that a small gnarled tree on a rock has nothing to give to the world, still continue to cultivate your potential. Over time, when you learn to extract water from narrow crevices, learn to withstand powerful mountain winds, learn not to lose yourself in the morning fog, appreciate every moment when the sun is shining, you will have something to tell others about and something to give to them.

You will bring into the world your own special benefit and Harmony, which no one else has and cannot have. And the world will share with you those gifts that exist only in the gray inhospitable mountains!

The Life Path number determines the main task facing a person in a given incarnation. And everything else, one way or another, is subordinated to the fulfillment of this task.

The Life Path number is like a compass. If you are lost in the forest, all you need to do is know the general direction that will lead you out, for example, go south, that's all. Just like the Life Path Number, if you are lost in life, don’t see a goal, don’t know where to go or what to do, throw away all the details and do what the Life Path Number advises you to do.

Meanwhile, determining this powerful number is not at all difficult. We simply perform numerological convolution of the date of birth. In this case, the day, month and year are summed up separately until a base number or master number is obtained. The resulting three numbers are then added together and the result is rolled up, again, to the base number or master number.

  • Determining the Life Path Number is a simple case.

Let's say the date of birth is April 9, 2003. Let's calculate the Life Path Number for this date of birth.

  • Day: 9. This is already a basic number, no additional actions are required.
  • Month: 4. This is also a basic number.
  • Year: 2003 We perform the convolution 2 + 0 + 0+3 = 5.
  • Now we add together the results obtained for the day, month and year: 9 + 4 + 5 = 18.
  • It remains to collapse the number 18 to the base or master number: 18 -> 9.

So, as a result of calculations, we received the number 9 - this number is the Life Path Number.

  • Determining the Life Path Number is a difficult case.

The day and month are not always immediately represented as basic numbers. Let's determine the Life Path Number for Carlos Castaneda, born December 25, 1925.

  • Day: 25-> 2 + 5 = 7.
  • Month: 12 —> 1 + 2 = 3.
  • Year: 1925 —> 1 + 9 + 2 + 5 = 17 —> 1 + 7 = 8.
  • Add the numbers of the day, month and year together: 7 + 3 + 8 = 18-> 9.
  • Determining the Life Path Number with master numbers.

The main thing to remember is: if, when collapsing a number, we encounter a master number (11, 22 or 33), then the collapsing stops. A good example is the calculation of the Life Path Number of the writer Mark Twain. He was born November 30, 1835.

  • Day: 30=3+0 = 3
  • Month: 11 - stop! This is the master number. So, we leave it at -11.
  • Year: 1835=1+8+3+5=17=1+7 = 8.
  • We add the numbers of the day, month and year: 3+11+8 = 22. As a result, we get the master number and stop there.

Here is an example of the owner of a master number as a Life Path Number. This master number helped Mark Twain to be more than just a writer and provided him with a powerful resonance throughout the world. One of the indirect evidence of this is the fact that it is difficult to find a person who does not know at least the name of Mark Twain.

Life Path of number 1.

The lot of those whose main life task comes down to the number 1 - to be first. They are born leaders, pioneers, pioneers.

It is difficult for a unit to follow someone; it definitely needs to get ahead. In youth, this is not always possible due to insufficient life experience, and a person is forced to obey someone else’s leadership, but still strives to do everything his own way, which can be the cause of conflicts. Or he finds his own path, unknown to anyone and unlike anything else. It is easier for a unit to be completely alone than to come to terms with a subordinate position.

A good way out for an unsatisfied desire for leadership is to play sports, and one where you can compete and fight for first place.

Ideally, the one who received the Life Path of the Unit manifests himself best when he is “number one” - that is, when there is no authority over him, when he is “his own head” and is fully responsible for all his decisions.

The approach to business characteristic of the unit is ingenuity, originality, the search for new ways, the ability to take risks, but at the same time the tendency to “reinvent the wheel” - to look for a new approach where the old one is not at all bad.

Among the representatives of the Life Path of the Unit are Napoleon Bonaparte, JI.A. Brodsky, M.S. Gorbachev, Christian Dior, G.K. Zhukov, James Cook, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, K.S. Malevich, Karl Marx, Alfred Nobel, Isaac Newton, Nicolo Paganini, Blaise Pascal, N.M. Przhevalsky, S.S. Prokofiev, D.D. Shostakovich, Ernst Rutherford, M.A. Bakunin, L.V. Leshchenko, I.L. Krutoy, S.V. Khorkina, N.P. Karachentsov, I.M. Khakamada, A.V. Rutskoy.

Life Path of number 2.

The path of the two is the path of a diplomat, a politician, a person who knows how to establish relationships and maintain balance.

If you have ever used a pharmacy scale, then you remember what small weights you have to operate in order to achieve balance between their cups. And the deuce is characterized by an understanding of the smallest details, nuances, subtleties, as well as the ability to use them to achieve the desired stability.

The deuce understands perfectly well that together you can achieve much more than alone, and does not strive to get ahead. She feels good in a team and is often able to add some small detail to joint activities that binds people together stronger than cement.

The strengths of the deuce also include the ability to see the other side of things, those weak, undeveloped elements that remain in the shadows, but can later turn into big problems. Those under this number perform well as opponents, critics, and those who evaluate and test new products.

The deuce best copes with the role of the “second number” - the one who stands next to the “first number”. She prefers to be a follower, someone who covers the rear and takes care of support, while the leader rushes forward. And the deuce rejoices at the achievements of the “first number” as if it were their own, and if we are talking about obtaining material results, then it is she who wins in the first place.

The worst situation for a deuce is when it finds itself in the public eye and is forced to make a decision or choose a direction. She will torment everyone, and especially herself, with indecision and hesitation, and may end up choosing something based on small details that are not particularly relevant to the matter. It’s just that the role of leader is not for two.

It happens that a deuce pays too much attention to others and forgets about himself. Modesty is a virtue, but only when it is in moderation; too much modesty is also an imbalance.

Representatives of the Life Path of Two - Jean-Paul Belmondo, E.P. Leonov, V.I. Gaft, Benito Mussolini, N.K. Roerich, G.S. Ulanova, I.L. Kirillov, I.I. Sikorsky, S.A. Lavochkin, A.F. Dobrynin, V.K. Vasilyeva, G.I. Gladkov, M.Z. Chagall, Yu.A. Gagarin.

It should be noted that representatives of the two do not often find themselves among celebrities, because the very principle of this number implies a reluctance to be in the foreground. In those cases when the deuce nevertheless turns out to be known, most often it is possible to trace the influence of other parameters of the numerological code. It also often happens that a deuce becomes famous thanks to a partnership with someone.

By the way, those who knew Yu.A. Gagarin, they remember how modest he was and how calmly he treated the rays of worldwide fame - also one of the manifestations of the principle of two.

Life Path of number 3.

The path of the three is the path of creativity. It has been noticed that most often the creativity of the troika manifests itself in handling words, so there are many writers, poets, and speakers on this path. But there are also many other creative people. Representatives of the troika are like children: they play with what is interesting to them, enjoy life, and those around them rejoice with them.

And just as you cannot expect increased responsibility, reliability, and careful attention to all details from children, you cannot expect them from the wards of the troika. They are "free artists", and if you don't like their work, then that's your problem.

In order to fully develop their abilities, it is important for a person following the Life Path of Three to find a suitable job for themselves. The kind of work that does not require strict adherence to a daily routine, there is no defined schedule once and for all. Trying to fit into a strictly regulated environment, the trio will waste a significant amount of time and energy, and its main talent may go unnoticed.

Troika rarely receives satisfaction from a leadership position - well, maybe only in a purely creative team. But it flourishes where something new and unusual is born, where there is a search or invention of fundamentally new approaches. The pure joy of three fills our lives with meaning and interest.

Here are some of the famous representatives of the Troika Life Path: A.S. Pushkin, Goethe, A.A. Delvig, Charles Dickens, O.N. Efremov, F.A. Iskander, Franz Kafka, A.I. Kuindzhi, I.P. Kulibin, V.F. Nizhinsky, B.Sh. Okudzhava, M.M. Plisetskaya, I.E. Repin, E.I. Roerich, A.S. Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, V.T. Spivakov, I.F. Stravinsky, V.I. Vernadsky, S.T. Richter, A.N. Ostrovsky, A.D. Sakharov, M.A. Zakharov, E.A. Ryazanov, N.V. Baskov, A.V. Pankratov-Cherny... As you can see, the creative potential of the Troika can manifest itself in many ways.

Life Path of number 4.

The path of the four is not easy. This is the path of responsibility, organization, hard work. Persistence, the ability to concentrate on one thing for a long time, rely only on oneself and build a system where chaos reigned - these are the qualities necessary to achieve success on the path of the four.

Neither speed nor flexibility should be expected from the wards of this number. Even if there is a much simpler path to solving the problem, the four manage to choose the most time-consuming and painstaking one. She seems to enjoy the extra work and even the need to redo what has already been done over and over again. For different people, this quality of the Four can be expressed to varying degrees, but one thing can be said with certainty: “quick money schemes” are not for them.

Representatives of the Four can successfully be both bosses and subordinates, but only where real hard work is going on. Where activities are only imitated, as is often the case in bureaucratic institutions, the Four burdens everyone with inappropriate calls for practicality and responsibility.

The best areas of application of the abilities of a four are associated with obtaining practical results, requiring attention to detail and long-term effort. This could be, for example, the work of a programmer, builder or gardener.

Here are some representatives of the Life Path of the Four: L.S. Bronevoy, Yu.N. Grigorovich, Immanuel Kant, Marie Curie, A.I. Herzen, Michael Faraday, Sigmund Freud, P.L. Chebyshev, V.I. Dahl, F.I. Shalyapin, V.V. Zhirinovsky, Yu.M. Luzhkov, G.A. Yavlinsky, I.E. Malashenko, M.L. Rostropovich. It's not often that hard work makes a person famous, which is why there are very few Fours on the list of celebrities.

Life Path of number 5.

The Life Path of the Five resembles many paths leading in different directions. Being exactly in the middle of the number series, the five strives to reflect and combine the qualities of all other numbers, and therefore gives its wards versatility, flexibility, changeability, and versatility.

Anyone who has received the Life Path of the Five performs well in rapidly changing circumstances and easily adapts to unusual conditions. They say about such a person: "and the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player"- he can cope with any task. With the possible exception of those tasks that require long-term focus and concentration. He is good as a mediator in contact with a large number of different people, or as a boss managing a large and complex team.

Five's wards are easy-going. They want to try everything in life, they easily meet people and therefore can choose for themselves a life associated with moving, traveling, and all sorts of adventures.

Thanks to its versatility, the five easily finds itself in the center of events, as a kind of axis of the team and, understanding the needs of the others, easily finds a common language with them.

Representatives of the Life Path of the Five are: Adolf Hitler, P.P. Globa, M.N. Baryshnikov, Simon Bolivar, E.B. Vakhtangov, V.N. Voinovich, Georg Hegel, Charles Darwin, Arthur Conan Doyle, I.O. Dunaevsky, E.A. Evtushenko, M.M. Zoshchenko, A.I. Kuprin, K.Yu. Lavrov, L.D. Landau, Abraham Lincoln, Marlene Dietrich, N.I. Lobachevsky, A.P. Pavlova, A.N. Pakhmutova, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Friedrich Engels, M.A. Ulyanov, G.G. Neuhaus, O.E. Mandelstam, A.N. Malinin, A.I. Raikin, J.I.M. Gurchenko, M.M. Kozakov, A.A. Tarkovsky, I.I. Alferova, A.V. Makarevich, A.V. Men.

Life Path of number 6.

Six is ​​often found in the symbolism of various esoteric teachings (just remember the six-pointed Star of David) and in the numerological code of people who played an important role in human culture. And this is not surprising if you consider that the main talent of the six is ​​the ability to unite, to create a single whole from numerous disparate parts.

Those who have inherited the path of the number 6 play the role of a kind of glue or magnet that holds together different people - family members, friendly company, work collective or an entire state. The wards of the Six establish rules of behavior, ways of interaction between people or elements of some complex scheme, they are the first to notice when the harmony of relationships is disturbed.

When everything is going normally, the activities of the six may not be particularly noticeable, but in times of crisis, it is to the representatives of this number that everyone turns to in order to find a way out of a difficult situation.

The professions of a lawyer, architect, designer, as well as any others associated with the ability to see the big picture and create a harmonious whole from disparate details are well compatible with the six. An interest in harmony and creativity often gives a Six an interest in art in one form or another.

Famous people who received the Life Path of the number Six: Kemal Ataturk, Honore de Balzac, Giuseppe Verdi, E.D. Doga, I.N. Kramskoy, John Lennon, M.P. Mussorgsky, V.I. Mukhina, S.V. Rachmaninov, A.I. Solzhenitsyn, A.P. Chekhov, M.V. Keldysh, Albert Einstein, Peter I, G.A. Potemkin, N.M. Karamzin, A.A. Karelin, V.A. Gusinsky, L.I. Yarmolnik, Yu.M. Solomin, S.V. Nemolyaeva, V.I. Resin, M.B. Khodorkovsky, I.S. Ivanov, E.M. Primakov, A.B. Chubais, P.S. Grachev, SS. Govorukhin, A.V. Karaulov, E.A. Kiselev, A.S. Yakushev, O.V. Blokhin, O.I. Romantsev.

Isn’t it interesting that three prominent representatives of the cohort of Russian coaches - Yakushev, Blokhin, Romantsev - have a Life Path Number of 6.

Life Path of number 7.

In all layers of human culture, we meet seven every now and then. It is present everywhere: from physics (seven primary colors of the spectrum) to literature and cinema ("The Magnificent Seven", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", ...). We can say that seven is the most popular of the basic numbers. And at the same time, the most mysterious, magical number, because it somehow turns out to be at the very basis of the Universe.

These are the people who inherited the Life Path of the Seven: they either personify some kind of mystery, or are searching for the mystery present in all the phenomena of our world. The wards of the seven can be scientists, intelligence officers, detectives, psychologists, psychiatrists, monks. What they all usually have in common is that they deal with things hidden from other people and lead a more or less solitary lifestyle.

As a rule, Sevens lack business acumen and have little interest in the external side of things, which is why there are almost no successful businessmen among them.

Characteristic representatives of the Seven are usually intensely interested in something intangible, and pay little attention to ordinary, everyday things. They may look out of this world and not follow fashion. They are often known as eccentrics and “black sheep,” but they know and understand things that are simply inaccessible to other people.

Here are some of the famous personalities who have a Life Path of seven: A.A. Akhmatova, P.I. Tchaikovsky, Frederic Chopin, George Gershwin, Paul Gauguin, Djuna Davitashvili, F.E. Dzerzhinsky, E.P. Blavatsky, Christian Doppler, F.M. Dostoevsky, D.B. Kabalevsky, Pierre Curie, Lagrange, Lamarck, Linnaeus, B.C. Lanovoy, Stanislav Lem, Yu.V. Nikulin, Alan Pinkerton, N.I. Pirogov, O.P. Tabakov, A.I. Khachaturyan, N.S. Khrushchev, A.L. Chizhevsky, A.G. Schnittke, M.S. Boyarsky, E.G. Vitorgan, A.G. Abdulov, O.V. Basilashvili, A.S. Lazarev, E.A. Yakovleva, O.I. Yankovsky, I.E. Keogh, E.T. Gaidar, B.E. Nemtsov, M.E. Fradkov, V.V. Putin, V.B. Rushailo, V.A. Ryzhkov.

You see that among the sevens there are many famous, popular artists. In my opinion, in these cases, the combination of seven with other numbers works: seven gives depth and insight, and other numbers help convey these qualities to the viewer and give interest in manifestation in the outside world. In subsequent chapters we will look at specific examples of how this can happen.

Life Path of the number 8.

The Eight faces the outside world, and it is important for it to have power and influence what is happening around. That is, those who inherited the life path of the number eight were born to set long-term, large-scale goals, organize a large number of people and direct them to achieve these goals.

The wards of the eight know all the levers and ropes, by pulling which you can achieve your goal or at least shift the balance in your favor, no matter how complex and confusing the matter may seem.

Most often, the result of the activities of Eights is expressed in money, and these people have a more or less pronounced talent for attracting money, managing it and increasing it. But in fact, what is important to them is not the money itself, but the feeling that the world is subject to their will.

The work of a businessman or banker goes well with the life path of an 8, but those who have this Path can prove themselves in any other large-scale undertaking associated with obtaining real, tangible results. On the other hand, among Eights there are often artists and psychologists who, due to their enormous personal energy, are able to influence a large number of people.

In science, Eights are most often interested in creating certain large-scale systems of knowledge, and if they manifest themselves in art, their style is characterized by large-scale and some heaviness or increased complexity.

Here are some of the famous representatives of the Eight Life Path: A.S. Dargomyzhsky, N.E. Zhukovsky, Catherine II, Johannes Kepler, Pablo Picasso, V.V. Mayakovsky, D.I. Mendeleev, I.I. Mechnikov, M.V. Frunze, K.E. Tsiolkovsky, V.I. Chapaev, I V. Michurin, A.A. Blok, A.E. Karpov, E.V. Kaspersky, M.M. Zhvanetsky, V.M. Shukshin, G.P. Vishnevskaya, A.A. Mironov, A.B. Pugacheva, N.A. Petrov, R.S. Akchurin, V.M. Zaitsev, A.A. Gromyko, B.N. Yeltsin, B.A. Berezovsky, A.Ya. Livshits, V.V. Gerashchenko.

Life Path of number 9.

Such is human nature: we all prefer to take rather than give. That is why the life path of a nine is difficult. Those who received it were destined to be benefactors of humanity, to give to others what they have and, ideally, to demand nothing in return. And what’s most interesting is that if Nines manage to remain faithful to this principle, then they always have something to give to others, and even have something left for themselves. As they say, “the hand of the giver will never fail.”

However, human nature takes its toll, and it is unlikely that any of the Nine’s wards manage to avoid regrets, disappointments, and attacks of unreasonable stinginess. All people seem ungrateful to them and it seems that luck has turned away from them forever. But sooner or later the nine cannot stand it and opens its soul: here you go, take it, I don’t feel sorry for anything! And then, out of nowhere, favorable opportunities suddenly arise, life becomes pleasant and interesting again.

The Nine is characterized by idealism, tolerance, global interests, and love for various utopian undertakings. The wards of this number perform well where they need to deal with a very large number of people and at the same time not be too concerned about their own interests. They usually play important roles in the cultural and political life of society.

Since nine is a three squared, it often gives its representatives creative abilities, including the ability to express their thoughts in words.

Well-known representatives of the Nine Life Path include: I.S. Bach, M.A. Bulgakov, Yaroslav Hasek, George Handel, William Herschel, A.S. Griboyedov, S.A. Yesenin, Carlos Castaneda, S.V. Kovalevskaya, Nicolaus Copernicus, I.V. Kurchatov, V.Ya. Leontyev, M.Yu. Lermontov, I.P. Pavlov, K.G. Jung, I.A. Krylov, I.A. Bunin, G.K. Kasparov, V.A. Bryntsalov, O.V. Lepeshinskaya, V.V. Vasiliev, E.V. Obraztsova, O.M. Gazmanov, L.G. Quint, G.B. Volchek, P.M. Litvinova, I.E. Kornelyuk, M.E. Shvydkoy, A.P. Pochinok, V.A. Yakovlev.

Life Path of the number 11.

For eleven, everything that applies to two is usually true, and in many cases everything is limited to this. And yet, the high potential characteristic of any master number most often makes itself felt in one way or another. For example, in the form of heightened intuition, the ability to foresee events, to understand the state and intentions of another person without any words.

It is not surprising that those who have the life path of the number eleven often find themselves in the role of a psychologist, psychic, or clairvoyant. This number gives the ability to inspire people, influence their thoughts and intentions, communicate to them certain higher truths so that people are imbued with them. Thanks to this skill, the wards of the eleven can be artists, preachers, and religious figures. Their personality is mysterious, irrational, and at the same time very attractive.

These people are well aware of the existence of another, invisible and not explained by science, side of reality, and it is thanks to them that our world has not yet completely sunk into the abyss of materialism. Finding themselves in an ordinary team engaged in everyday routine, they can become initiators of change, inventors, and generators of unusual ideas.

Here are some of the famous representatives of the Life Path of the Eleven: George Gordon Byron, Antonio Vivaldi, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, M.I. Glinka, Claude Debussy, Bill Clinton, Edgar Allan Poe, C.G. Paustovsky, Ronald Reagan, L.N. Tolstoy, Ilya Ilf, I.S. Turgenev, Franz Schubert, P.L. Kapitsa, I.M. Sechenov, M.I. Tsvetaeva, A.P. Borodin, L.I. Brezhnev, E.E. Rossel, I.S. Glazunov, B.S. Vysotsky, B.B. Grebenshchikov, I.A. Allegrova, V.K. Kikabidze, A.N. Buynov, N.E. Andreichenko, V.N. Vinokur, I.V. Dykhovichny, L.A. Yakubovich, L.A. Kulidzhanov, A.Yu. Domogarov, V.A. Sadovnichy, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, A.S. Makarenko, A.M. Kabaeva, G.S. Titov, A.V. Korzhakov, S.P. Mavrodi, R.A. Abramovich.

Life Path of the number 22.

The higher the master number, the more difficult it is for ordinary people to master its potential. For this reason, those who inherited the life path of twenty-two most often manifest themselves in the same way as the wards of the four. However, the feeling of being chosen, the intuitive guess that they are capable of much more, no, no, and it will disrupt the measured course of life. The serious potential of the Master Builder may remain a hidden cause of internal anxiety, but it may one day unfold to its full extent.

If this happens, a person is involved in a large-scale process of creating something important, practically valuable, durable, intended for a large number of people. He does not necessarily find himself in the role of the main leader, but he gravitates towards key positions and is able to bear responsibility for the project as a whole.

Often the activity of a Master Builder is associated with the creation of something material, sometimes literally with construction. But not necessarily. He may well be the creator of some system of knowledge, laws, social structure. The most difficult thing for such a person is to bring into reality what he has already created in his mind.

Representatives of Life Path 22 - I.D. Kobzon, A.N. Kolmogorov, M.I. Kutuzov. Antoine Lavoisier, P.S. Nakhimov, E.I. Unknown, A.V. Chumak.

The example of Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov (born June 23, 1802) is very interesting. As many as three of his most important numerological indicators are master numbers, and this could not but affect Nakhimov’s personality. Here are two passages that, in my opinion, well illustrate how the revealed, manifested number 22 can manifest itself: ... "naval service was not the most important matter of life for Nakhimov, as it was, for example, for his teacher Lazarev or for his comrades Kornilov and Istomin, but the only thing, in other words: he did not know any life besides naval service, and he does not know wanted and simply refused to admit to himself the possibility of existence not on a warship or in a military port. Due to lack of time and too much preoccupation with maritime interests, he forgot to fall in love, forgot to get married.”. (E. Tarle. "Nakhimov". M., 1948). " Pavel Stepanovich serves 24 hours a day. His comrades never reproached him for wanting to curry favor, but believed in his calling and dedication to the work itself. His subordinates always saw that he worked harder than them, and therefore performed hard service without complaining and with the confidence that everything that follows them or in which relief can be made will not be forgotten by the commander". ("Admiral Nakhimov", "Voenmorizdat", 1945. Memoirs of A.P. Rykachev).

Life Path of the number 33.

Potentially, those who inherited the life path of the number 33 have the ability to generate ideas that unite other people, giving them an understanding of how and for what they should live, what to strive for. This ability is important in many activities related to the leadership of large teams - from an enterprise to a nation or even Humanity.

The problem is that the potential of the number 33 is so high that only a very few individuals who find themselves in the right place at the right time are able to realize it to any extent.

Usually, a potential Master Teacher calmly follows the path of number 6. He can be the life of the party, an excellent family man, a caring relative. Although from time to time some special creative spark will illuminate him from within, giving rise to bright ideas and revealing unexpected abilities.

The owner of Life Path 33 is V.I. Ulyanov, if we take his date of birth according to the new style. Read what is written about this in the questions and answers.

Another example of a Master Teacher is the founder of genetics, Gregor Mendel. Despite a successful spiritual career (he became the abbot of a monastery), combined with success in society (he was the director of a local bank), Mendel wanted to be a teacher - despite the fact that he failed the teacher’s exam. In science, Mendel was virtually self-taught, but he discovered laws that are now studied in all universities. As often happens with geniuses, fame came to him only after death.

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