What kind of trace can you leave behind? Presentation on the topic: “What does it mean to leave your mark on Earth? The highest value is man. Man is the highest value among all the values ​​of the world.

Many famous people have left their significant mark on earth. They have been dead for a long time, but they will always be remembered. These are famous scientists, doctors, poets, prose writers, philosophers, programmers, astronauts, artists, musicians, etc. They made great discoveries and did something significant for our country or for the whole world.

I would also really like to leave my mark on the earth. In the future I plan to become a doctor. I really want to help people cope with their illnesses. One day my grandmother became very ill and I was very sad, I was tormented by the realization that I could not help her in any way. But in the future, I am sure that I will be able to help not only my family, but also everyone else. I love people very much and want everyone around me to be healthy!

What mark do I want to leave on earth? Well, first of all, I want to cure a lot of people. Perhaps even save their lives. I think this is already a lot. And, secondly, I would like to make many new discoveries in medicine in my life. For example, my dream is to find a better way to treat cancer. I know that it will be very difficult for me to achieve good results in this area, but I will try.

This is exactly the kind of mark I would like to leave on earth. I want and will always help people. If for some reason I fail to become a good doctor, then I will be a volunteer. This way I will have the opportunity to provide real help to those in need without special education or special knowledge.

Along with the article “Essay on the topic “What kind of mark would I like to leave on the earth?”, 5th grade” read:

1. Thesis (statement, main idea).

2. Evidence (arguments, opinions + example 1-2).

3. Conclusion.

Every person must leave their mark on earth. I dream of becoming a veterinarian. I love animals, I feel joy when they are cheerful, full of strength and energy. When animals feel bad or in pain, I get very worried, worried, and try to help them. Therefore, I decided to devote myself to treating animals.

Animals cannot speak or ask people for help when they are sick. They only make plaintive sounds and look with defenseless eyes. So they ask us for help. I have a cat Vaska. When he was very little and got sick, I was very worried about him. He slept for several days and did not eat anything. Only sometimes he meowed quietly and pitifully. We took him to the veterinary hospital. The veterinarian examined Vaska, gave him injections, washed his ears, and weighed him. Then he prescribed treatment. We treated the kitten for two weeks: we gave injections, dropped drops into the nose and eyes. And our Vaska recovered. Now he is cheerful and eats well, and goes for walks a lot.

To become a good veterinarian, you need to study a lot and study well, be kind and attentive, love animals, and have a good knowledge of their anatomy, physiology, and microbiology. I will help all animals: big and small.

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Each of us lives our own life, during which we commit various actions, both good and bad. I would like, of course, that there were more good ones, and even better, that after our life, a good, bright memory remains of us, so that after us there remains a trace on the earth. Leonardo da Vinci, D. Mendeleev, A. S. Pushkin, Albert Einstein, S. P. Korolev, Yu. Gagarin and many others. All these people made a huge contribution to the development of their country and the world as a whole. Surely, each of us would like our descendants to proudly call our name and remember our significance and our “great deed.” But what trace can we leave on Earth? Fly into space, discover America, reinvent the wheel? This is all a stage that has already been passed, it is all already open and well known to everyone. Besides, such grandiose discoveries can only be made by great people. But not everyone can become such people, there are few of them, which is why they are important.

Let's think about what kind of trace we can leave behind? I will argue using my own example. I am a schoolgirl, an ordinary average child who does not have superpower or superknowledge, therefore, I cannot help but fly into space or make some other large-scale discovery. Having such physical characteristics as mine, you will not get into either the Guinness Book of Records or any other list of unique people. But! I can leave a trace of myself on Earth, albeit not as significant as the trace of Leonardo da Vinci, but no less important and useful. Nowadays, every person can do good deeds: help those in need, for example, orphanages, animal shelters, hospitals and clinics for seriously ill people. And these, I think, are very useful things. After all, what is the essence of charitable organizations?

One person in need is helped by many other people, thereby facilitating the efforts of that person. In my opinion, the scale of your action is not so important, what is important is the benefit you will bring to others. For example, a person who committed a revolution and started an uprising. Through his fault, many people died, but this revolution will become a large-scale event, people will talk about it. They will talk about this very person. And another case, a man who gave part of his money for an operation to a seriously ill child, who was cured thanks to his investments. It is unlikely that many people will talk about this, but the most important thing is that the family of this child and he himself will be grateful, because a life has been saved. So, from all of the above we can conclude that each of us can leave behind a mark, a good one, of course.

An essay-reasoning on the topic “What mark would I like to leave on Earth?” 4.25 /5 (84.91%) 224 votes

Each of us lives our own life, during which we commit various actions, both good and bad. I would like, of course, that there were more good ones, and even better, that after our life, a good, bright memory remains of us, so that after us there remains a trace on the earth.
Leonardo da Vinci, D. Mendeleev, A.S. , Albert Einstein, S.P. Korolev, Yu. Gagarin and many others. All these people made a huge contribution to the development of their country and the world as a whole.
Surely, each of us would like our descendants to proudly call our name and remember our significance and our “great deed.” But what trace can we leave on Earth? Fly into space, discover America, reinvent the wheel? This is all a stage that has already been passed, it is all already open and well known to everyone. Besides, such grandiose discoveries can only be made by great people. But not everyone can become such people, there are few of them, which is why they are important.

Let's think about what kind of trace we can leave behind? I will argue using my own example. I am a schoolgirl, an ordinary average child who does not have superpower or superknowledge, therefore, I cannot help but fly into space or make some other large-scale discovery. Having such physical characteristics as mine, you will not get into either the Guinness Book of Records or any other list of unique people.
But! I can leave a trace of myself on Earth, albeit not as significant as the trace of Leonardo da Vinci, but no less important and useful.
Nowadays, every person can do good deeds: help those in need, for example, orphanages, animal shelters, hospitals and clinics for seriously ill people. And these, I think, are very useful things. After all, what is the essence of charitable organizations? One person in need is helped by many other people, thereby facilitating the efforts of that person.
In my opinion, the scale of your action is not so important, what is important is the benefit you will bring to others. For example, a person who committed a revolution and started an uprising. Through his fault, many people died, but this revolution will become a large-scale event, people will talk about it. They will talk about this very person. And another case, a man who gave part of his money for an operation to a seriously ill child, who was cured thanks to his investments. It is unlikely that many people will talk about this, but the most important thing is that the family of this child and he himself will be grateful, because a life has been saved.
So, from all of the above we can conclude that each of us can leave behind a mark, a good one, of course. A trace that will be respected and revered by descendants, a trace that will change the lives of others for the better.

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Life during which we commit various actions, both good and bad. I would like, of course, that there were more good ones, and even better, that after our life, a good, bright memory remains of us, so that after us there remains a trace on the earth.
Leonardo da Vinci, D. Mendeleev, A. S. Pushkin, Albert Einstein, S. P. Korolev, Yu. Gagarin and many others. All these people made a huge contribution to the development of their country and the world as a whole.
Surely, each of us would like our descendants to proudly call our name and remember our significance and our “great deed.” But what trace can we leave on Earth? Fly into space, discover America, reinvent the wheel? This is all a stage that has already been passed, it is all already open and well known to everyone. Besides, such grandiose discoveries can only be made by great people. But not everyone can become such people, there are few of them, which is why they are important.
Let's think about what kind of trace we can leave behind? I will argue using my own example. I am a schoolgirl, an ordinary average child who does not have superpower or superknowledge, therefore, I cannot help but fly into space or make some other large-scale discovery. Having such physical characteristics as mine, you will not get into either the Guinness Book of Records or any other list of unique people.
But! I can leave a trace of myself on Earth, albeit not as significant as the trace of Leonardo da Vinci, but no less important and useful.
Nowadays, every person can do good deeds: help those in need, for example, orphanages, animal shelters, hospitals and clinics for seriously ill people. And these, I think, are very useful things. After all, what is the essence of charitable organizations? One person in need is helped by many other people, thereby facilitating the efforts of that person.
In my opinion, the scale of your action is not so important, what is important is the benefit you will bring to others. For example, a person who committed a revolution and started an uprising. Through his fault, many people died, but this revolution will become a large-scale event, people will talk about it. They will talk about this very person. And another case, a man who gave part of his money for an operation to a seriously ill child, who was cured thanks to his investments. It is unlikely that many people will talk about this, but the most important thing is that the family of this child and he himself will be grateful, because a life has been saved.
So, from all of the above we can conclude that each of us can leave behind a mark, a good one, of course. A trace that will be respected and revered by descendants, a trace that will change the lives of others for the better.

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