Kazakh literature of the 18th and early 19th centuries. Show what circumstances and events were reflected in the works of Kazakh poets and zhyrau of the 18th century

Literary processes proceeded in two directions: oral creativity and written literature. Oral creativity developed in the form of aitys akyns, dastans, heroic and lyric-epic poems, fairy tales, sayings and proverbs, riddles, etc. The end of the 19th century - the middle of the 19th centuries. - This is the period of the birth and beginning of the development of individual poetic creativity.

Several works of the famous zhyrau of the 18th century have been preserved. Bukhara Kalkamanuly (1693-1787), which has a prominent place in the history of Kazakh literature. Bukhar-zhyrau was born and raised on the territory of what is now Bayanaul district of Pavlodar region. He created many didactic songs and reflections, expressing the idea of ​​preserving and strengthening independence, and supported the Khan of the Middle Zhuz, Abylai. Bukhar, at the same time, correctly reflected in his work certain important historical events of his time. One of the core themes of Bukhar-zhyrau’s works is love for the Motherland and patriotism. He sang the liberation struggle of the Kazakh people against the Dzungarian invaders, called the people to unity, to exploits, and glorified the heroes of this struggle - the batyrs of Bogembay, Kabanbay, Zhanybek. In the songs “Desire”, “?y, Abylai”, “Death of a High Mountain” and others, he figuratively expressed his thoughts about human life and morality in poetic form.

Zhyrau dreamed of a strong centralized state that would unite all three Kazakh zhuzes. At a time when Kazakhstan was weakened by raids from external enemies and internal strife, the most powerful of the khans was Ablai. Bukhar sang the image of the khan as a leader, called upon to bring to life the best ideas of the people, and approved of his policy of maneuvering between Russia and China.

The works of Bukhar, who, thanks to his talent, enjoyed great authority not only among khans, sultans and major feudal lords, but also among the people, were a powerful ideological force that had a beneficial effect on the public consciousness of the Kazakhs of the 18th century.

The songs of other zhyrau - Tattikara, Umbeteya, Shala, Kotesh - have been preserved fragmentarily. There is a well-known zhoktau - a memorial song of Umbetey, dedicated to the death of the batyr Bogembai, in which the akyn sings of his exploits in battles with the Dzungars. He creates a bright, impressive image of Bogembaya. Bogembay in Zhoktau Umbetey is an ideal image of the protector of the people.

A major singer, improviser and storyteller of the 18th century. was Tattikara. The poet participated as an ordinary warrior in many battles. In poems born during campaigns, he urged the soldiers not to bow to any difficulties in the struggle for freedom.

Singers Shal, Kotesh, Zhankisi-zhyrau, who lived at the beginning of the 19th century, exposed social inequality and the violence of the khans against the people in their songs. Zhankisi pointed out with anger and bitterness the cruelty and violence of the Kokand beks.

The songs of akyns - improvisers were performed in a language understandable and accessible to the masses.

Aktamberdy-zhyrau (1675-1768) was an akyn of the epic genre. In his songs, he admired the heroism and valor of the warriors.

Akyn called on the younger generation of his time to perseverance and courage, to military courage and valor.

Bukhar, Zhankisi, Tatikara, Aktamberdy and other singers - improvisers and storytellers, whose songs and tales have come down to us, are the pioneers of individual poetic creativity in Kazakh literature. Their songs differed in many ways from the epic and ritual and everyday poetry of the previous era. In these works, civic motives were manifested more strongly than before, the life of the people was more fully revealed, despite the contradictions characteristic of the work of many zhyrau of the 18th and early 19th centuries, they occupy a prominent place in the history of Kazakh literature.

The songs of this period are more perfect in artistic form than the songs of earlier times. These songs, which preserved all the main features and traditions of the oral creativity of the Kazakhs, already had elements characteristic of written poetry.

In numerous aitys (competitions) of the 19th - early 20th centuries. They were distinguished by their wit, resourcefulness, improvisation, deep knowledge of customs, traditions, and language of the akyns Zhanak, Shozhe, Akan Sere, Suyunbai, Zhambyl, Sara Tastanbekova, Aset Naimanbaev, Birzhan sal.

In the 19th century the birth of the Kazakh press began. On April 28, 1870, the first issue of the newspaper “Turkestan Ualayaty” was published. It was published in Kazakh and Uzbek languages. On its pages were published materials about Chokan Valikhanov, the uprising of the Kazakhs of Mangystau in 1870.

In 1911, the first Kazakh magazine “Aykap” was published, over the four years of its existence 88 issues were published. In 1913-1918. The newspaper "Kazakh" was published. “Aykap” and “Kazakh” covered all aspects of society. They advocated the transition of the Kazakhs to a sedentary lifestyle and the mastery of agricultural culture, at the same time, without denying the significance and place of nomadism, they boldly raised women’s and national issues, disseminated medical and agronomic knowledge, and supported the idea of ​​convening the All-Kazakh Congress.

The publication of books by Kazakh authors expanded. Works by Abay Kunanbaev, Chokan Valikhanov, Ibray Altynsarin, Akhmet Baitursynov, Myrzhakyp Dulatov, Abubakir Divaev and many others were published in St. Petersburg, Kazan, Orenburg, and Tashkent. In 1912, the printing house “Zhardem” (“Help”) was created in Semipalatinsk, specializing in the production of books in the Kazakh language. Before the October Revolution, approximately 700 book titles were published in the Kazakh language (not counting reprints).

However, not all spiritual values ​​and cultural achievements reached the people. The mass illiteracy of the population, the small number of cultural and educational institutions, and the colonial policy of tsarism had an effect.

The founders of Kazakh written literature are A. Kunanbaev. He was born (1845-1904) in the Chinggis Mountains of the Semipalatinsk region in the family of an elder of the Tobykta family. He received his initial education at home, from a hired mullah. Abay was then sent to the madrasah of the Semipalatinsk Imam Akhmet-Riza. However, without allowing Abai to complete his studies in the city, his father returned him to the village and began to gradually prepare him for judicial and future administrative activities as the head of the clan. Abai mastered the techniques of conducting verbal tournaments, in which the main weapons were sharp eloquence, wit and resourcefulness. The trial was conducted on the basis of the Kazakh customary law that had existed for centuries. For twenty years, Abai, already a mature man, studied folk poetry, oriental poets and Russian classical literature. In 1886, at the age of 40, Abai wrote his poem “Summer”; the next twenty years of his life were spent in poetic activity.

Abai was the bearer of everything new and progressive in Kazakh society. In his opinion, every thinking person had to develop his own conscious attitude towards the surrounding reality. He wanted to see human society good and reasonable, progressively developing.

The desire for the progressive development of society, where a person is elevated by “reason, science, will,” was one of the main directions of Abai’s creativity. Abai Kunanbayev saw ways of serving human society by each individual individually, first of all, in work, as a means of achieving and flourishing the material and spiritual benefits of society.

All of Abai’s work is permeated with ideas of intransigence towards inaction. Human character, in his opinion, is tempered only in the struggle with difficulties, in overcoming them. The poet deeply believed in the creative powers of the people, although he understood that under modern conditions of social life the masses do not have the opportunity to fully enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Abai saw ways to improve the lives of the working masses in changing the economic basis of society. Abai inextricably linked the progressive development of the Kazakhs with the development of agriculture, crafts and trade. These three levers of economic development are the subject of constant attention of the Kazakh educator; in his opinion, the masses should be guided by them.

Abai had a clearly developed point of view on relations with other peoples inhabiting Russia. The main principle that guided him was the principle of respect, friendship and equality.

XIX - early XX centuries was a period of unprecedented growth in the musical culture of the Kazakh people. Composers Kurmangazy, Dauletkerey, Dina Nurpeisova, Tattimbet, Kazangap, Seitek, Ikhlas created immortal kyuis. The entire Kazakh steppe sang the songs of Birzhan Sala and Ahan Sere. Mukhita, Abaya, Baluan Sholak, Zhayau Musa, Madi, Ibrai, Estai, etc. The work of folk composers reflected man’s ardent love for his native land, glorified the beauty of nature, and contained moral and aesthetic values. It captured the growth of social tension in society, the desire of ordinary people to live in peace and prosperity. Thus, Kurmangazy’s first musical work “Kishkentai” was dedicated to the uprising of Isatay and Makhambet, and the events of 1916 served as the reason for the creation of Dina Nurpeisova’s kui “Set”. If the song “Gakku” by Ibrai became a kind of hymn of love, then “Zauresh” by Mukhit, according to the definition of academician A. Zhubanov, is a real “Requiem”. The songs of Abai and Zhayau Musa were rich in elements of European musical culture.

The Constitution of the Kazakh SSR was adopted: D) 1937.

The Constitution of the Kazakh SSR was adopted: D) 1978.

The 1993 Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan was in force for B) two years

The crisis in the Nogai Horde led to the emergence of groups of feudal lords who advocated submission to: C) the Russian state.

The crisis in the Nogai Horde led to the emergence of groups of feudal lords who advocated submission to: D) the Kazakh Khanate.

The world's largest nuclear test site in Soviet times was located in: E) Semipalatinsk region.

Dome semi-underground structure above the well: B) Sardoba

The dome poles of the yurt are called: B) uyk

The course to accelerate the socio-economic development of the country was set by the leadership in: C) 1985.

Kui "Aksak kulan" was created in the era of: E) the Golden Horde.

The summer headquarters of the Western Turkic Kaganate was located in the area: B) Minbulak

In the summer of 1919, the 25th division under the command of A) V. Chapaev took part in the liberation of Uralsk from the White Guard troops

Attack pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union: E) T. Begeldinov.

The Alash-khaia mausoleum is located on: A) the Karakengir river.

The Aryegan-Bab mausoleum is located near: B) Otrar.

The Mausoleum of Kok-Kesene is located at: B) Sygnak.

Mamai was defeated on the Kulikovo field by: C) Dmitry Donskoy.

Anrakai area. where the bloodiest battle between the Kazakhs and the Dzungars took place. in folk legends it is called: B) “the place of groans and sobs of the enemy”

Mosques in the cities of southern Kazakhstan have existed since: D) X century.

During the civil war, the civilian population suffered significantly from the actions of D) the Red and White armies

The youngest son of Genghis Khan received: E) Mongolia.

The youngest son of Genghis Khan: A) Tuluy.

The long-term war between the Kazakh khans and the Shaibanids: B) caused damage to agriculture and nomadic farming.

The Mughal Khan Togluk-Timur spread the religion: E) Islam.

The Mughal khap from Kashgar did not give up attempts: A) to return Zhetysu.

Mongoloid identity among the tribes of Kazakhstan intensified in: D) VI-IX centuries AD.

Mongolian tribes among the Turks of Kazakhstan: D) dissolved, adopted the language and customs.

ON THE. Nazarbayev in 1993 was named the leader of A) the Union “People's Unity of Kazakhstan”

At the kurultai in the Karakum Desert in 1710, in order to organize resistance to the Jushars, it was decided: D) to form people’s militias

The weakening position of the Khan's Nuraly group was influenced by: B) the annual receipt of a salary in Orenburg

On the basis of the large civil movement "Azat" the party D) Republican was created

In the summer of 1919, the Northern and Southern groups of the Eastern Front were entrusted with the task of defeating the troops of B) Admiral Kolchak

The name “Uzbek” began to be worn by tribes that migrated to: C) Central Asia.

The name Sairam in the 6th century was borne by the city: A) Ispijab

The most acute form of social confrontation between citizens of one country in the struggle for power C) civil war

The most common genre of oral folk literature was: A) fairy tales.

The Naimans in the 15th century lived in: A) from Ishim to Ulytau.

The Naiman moved to Zhetysu under Khan: E) Kuchluk

On the eve of industrialization, the economy of Kazakhstan was dominated by: D) Agriculture.

On the eve of the Mongol invasion, the Khorezmians fought with the Kipchaks for: C) the cities of the Syrdarya.

The population of the khanates of Kazakhstan in the 15th century consisted of: D) 92 tribes.

Heir to the Oguz Jabgu: B) Inal

Mentor of the heir to the Oguz Jabgu: C) Atabek

The scientific conference “Kazakhs: yesterday, today and tomorrow” was held in 1992 in connection with A) World Kuriltai of Kazakhs

The Mongol invasion threw the formation of the Kazakh nation back by: C) 150-200 years.

Khaknazar's failures in the wars with the Mughals and Oirats led to the loss of: E) eastern Zhetysu.

Oil producing enterprises of the republic are mainly located in: A) Western Kazakhstan.

He left notes about the Kipchaks: C) P. Karpini.

About. that the Kipchaks prepare ayran wrote: A) V. Rubruk.

Fired colored clay: B) terracotta.

The formation of a single Kipchak nation until the 15th century was slowed down by: C) the Mongols.

The formation of the Kipchak people was prevented by: B) the Mongols.

An example of written literature of the 16th-11th centuries. became the book of Kadyrgadi Zhalairi: A) “Collection of Chronicles” (“Jami at-Tauarikh”)

The appeal “To all working Muslims of Russia and the East” was adopted C) during the October Revolution

The nationwide struggle of the Kazakhs against the Dzungars. Having achieved significant success, it weakened due to: E) traditional disagreements

The social system of the Kypchaks continued the social structure of: B) the Kimaks.

The Oghuz state fell under the pressure of: E) Kipchakov

One of the organizers of the people's struggle against the Dzungars. a far-sighted politician who enjoys authority among the Chingizids and batyrs: C) Abulkhair

One of the branches of the Great Silk Road ran along the river: C) Syr Darya.

One of the branches of the Great Silk Road went along the northern Aral Sea region through: E) Zhankent.

One of the features of industrialization in Kazakhstan: E) Predominant development of the mining industry.

One of the reasons for the weakening of the Turkic Kaganate: C) Internecine wars

One of the Kipchaks' headquarters was located in: D) Sygnak.

One of the major centers of the 1916 movement in Kazakhstan is A) Semirechye

One of the major centers of the 1916 movement in Kazakhstan is A) Turgai region

One of the organizers of the anti-government rally in Karkaralinsk in 1905 was: C) M. Dulatov

One of the exquisite delicacies among the Kazakhs, made from millet: D) ​​zhent

One of the consequences of the Mongol invasion in Kazakhstan: B) increasing the Mongoloid appearance of the tribes of Kazakhstan.

One of the battles of the Kazakh-Dzungar wars: E) the battle in the Anrakai area

One of the battles of the Kazakh-Dzungar wars: C) battle in the area of ​​the Ayaguz river

One of the battles of the Kazakh-Dzungar wars: C) Battle of Bulanty

One of the main prerequisites for the participation of Kazakhs in the revolution of 1905-1907 is: A) the colonial agricultural policy of tsarism

One of the significant achievements of the Almaty summit speech of the heads of the former Soviet republics on December 21, 1991 is A) an agreement regarding nuclear weapons

The final decision on the division and redistribution of lands according to “Zhety-Zhargy” was made by: D) the Great Khan

Orenburg was occupied in June 1918 by C) Ataman Dutov

Sedentary population (according to M. Kashgari): E) Zhataki

In the fall of 1993, many local Councils ceased to exist as a result of E) self-dissolution

Founder of the Karakhanid state: D) Satuk-Bogra khan

Founder of the Karakhanid state: B) Satuk-Bogra Khan

Founder of the Karakhanid state: B) Satuk-Bogra Khan

Founder of Kazakh Soviet science: A) K. Satpayev.

The main discipline studied in all higher educational institutions during the Soviet period: D) Party history.

The main occupation of the Naimans, Kereits, Zhalairs: B) Cattle breeding

The main place of settlement of the Zhalairs on the territory of Kazakhstan: D) Zhetysu

The main reason for the 1916 uprising is C) national and social oppression

The basis of the Kazakh people were: B) Kipchaks.

They protected from the evil eye: D) boytumars.

Yasawi's father would be: E) a famous scientist.

The migration of clans from the Khanate of Abulkhair led to: B) the collapse of the Khanate itself.

Otrar was captured by: E) Chagatai.

Otrar existed before: B) the 17th century.

The negative side of the movement of tribes in the 15th century in Kazakhstan and Central Asia: C) weakening of ethnopolitical unity.

E. Kotibarov's detachment attacked the camp of Sultan Zhantorin: E) in July 1855

The fall of Kazan and Astrakhan pushed the Kazakhs to the borders: B) The Russian state.

Literary monument of the 8th-9th centuries: D) “Korkyt-Aga”

Literary monument of the Vlll-IX centuries: A) “Oguzname”

In 1917, the Cadet Party published the newspaper E) “Free Speech” in Semipalatinsk

The first Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted by the C) Supreme Council

The first Muslim party in Russia was called A) Party of Turkestan Federalists

The first shearing of livestock took place: A) in the spring.

The first major military expedition of the 18th century. in Kazakhstan headed by: D) A. Bekovich-Cherkassky

The first national Kazakh theater in the republic opened in the city: C) Kzyl-Orda.

First Kazakh Khan: C) Kerey.

The first ruler of the Western Turkic Kaganate: B) Tardush

First Secretary of the Central Committee K1I of Kazakhstan in 1949-1954: C) Zh. Shayakhmetov.

The first stage of Kazakh participation in the Peasant War of E. Pugachev (September 1773 - March 1774) is characterized by: C) the spread of Pugachev’s manifestos in the Kazakh steppe

The first major uprising in Kazakhstan, directed against the colonial land policy of tsarism, would be the uprising of: D) Syrym Datula

E) S. Nurmagambetov was appointed the first Minister of Defense of independent Kazakhstan

Changes in the cultural and spiritual life of society in the 18th century. were due to: B) joining Russia

The transition of the Kazakhs from a nomadic to a sedentary lifestyle was basically completed: C) During the period of the second five-year plan.

The transition to Zhailau began in: C) May:

The period of a new rise of the democratic movement in Kazakhstan after the First Russian Revolution began in C) in the spring and summer of 1912.

Kereit writing in the 9th-11th centuries: A) Ancient Turkic

Tribes of Ak-Orda. Mogolistan. The khanates of Abulkhair spoke the same language: D) Turkic.

Tribes of the Elder and Middle Zhuz. wandering from Iashkent to the Chu river in the 50s of the 19th century were i A) Kokand Khanate

Tribes inhabiting the banks of the Orkhon rivers. Kerulen in the 11th-12th centuries: A) Kereites

Tribes that came to the territory of Kazakhstan in the 10th century from the central and western regions of Mongolia: C) Naimans and Kereits

Tribes that came to the territory of Kazakhstan in the 10th century from the central and western regions of Mongolia: C) Naimans and Kereits

The captured Swedish officer-cartographer, member of the research expedition I.G. Renat presented the materials he collected in the work: A) “Map of Dzungaria”

According to the 1995 Constitution, the legislative body of the Republic of Kazakhstan is B) Parliament

According to legend, the Junior Zhuz was assigned to: A) Alshyn.

According to the legend. The senior zhuz was assigned to: D) Uysun.

By personal order of I lerpa I. “who was looking for nougat in midday Asia,” an expedition was organized by: D) I.D. Buchholz

According to the plans of Hitler's Germany, Kazakhstan was supposed to be included in the future colony: C) “Greater Turkestan”.

According to the program of the Alash party, Russia should have A) a federal parliamentary republic

According to the program of the Alash party, Kazakh regions should B) receive regional territorial-national autonomy

The nature of the February revolution of 1917 was E) bourgeois-democratic

Victory in the Great Patriotic War was largely predetermined by: E) Industry created by the people.

The reason for the uprising of 1916 was E) the recruitment of Kazakh zhigits for rear work

The reason for the start of the revolutionary uprisings of 1905-1907. in Kazakhstan is C) “Bloody Sunday”

The rebels failed to achieve decisive success in 1858 due to: D) lack of unity

Under the banner of Zhankozhi batyr in 1857 fought: C) 5000 people

The suppression of the last centers of the Peasant War by E.I. Pugacheva was commanded by: E) General A.V. Suvorov

Preparations for migration to wintering grounds began in: E) October.

Nuraly’s position regarding the liberation movement of Syrym Datula was: C) hostile

The Shaibanids' policy towards the Kazakhs was: C) preventing the strengthening of the Kazakh Khanate.

586 state farms in Kazakhstan completely switched to self-financing during the period: E) In the 70s. XX century.

The position of the Kazakhs in 1723 was complicated by: E) jute

After the 20th Congress of the K1ICC, previously forcibly resettled peoples were returned to their homeland: D) Chechens and Ingush.

After the 20th Congress of the CPSU, the name of the illegally convicted writer and public figure was restored: C) S. Seifullin.

After the Battle of Bulanty, an unfavorable situation was created for the Kazakhs caused by: E) the danger of being drawn into a war with the Volga Kalmyks

After the Great Patriotic War, the determining factor in the formation of the political worldview of the masses was: D) Propaganda of the leader’s personality.

After many years of wars at the end of the 16th century, the Kazakh Khanate: A) became a strong state.

After the Mongol invasion, the number of cities in Zhetysu decreased from 200: E) to 20.

After the First Russian Revolution, peasants A) were resettled to Southwestern Siberia and Kazakhstan from areas of active social upheaval

After the victory near Lyaguz in 1718, the Dzungars achieved victory over the Kazakhs on the banks of the river: A) Arys

After the victory over the Jurans of Bumyn, the Kagan was given the title: D) “Yelkhan”

After the death of Abulkhair Shaybanid, the number of subjects of Zhanybek and Kerey reached: E) 200 thousand.

After the death of the gurkhan, power could pass into the hands of the wife or sister of the tribes: E) Karakitaev

After the death of the gurkhan, the power of the mogya passed into the hands of the wife or sister of the tribes: E) Karakitaev

A constant participant in poetry competitions of the 18th century, he castigated the unsightly sides of his contemporaries: B) Umbetey

Descendants of the Khitan tribes who settled in Zhetysu: A) Karakitai

For almost his entire reign, Tauekel was in difficult relations with: E) Shaybanids.

The poet Ahmed Iugneki lived under: A) Karakhanids.

Improvisation poets: D)akyns

Poets-performers of the epic: A) zhyrau

The Kazakh songwriters were called: A)sal and seri

The appearance of the ethnonym “Uzbek” is associated with the khan: E) Uzbek.

The rulers of large cities paid a land tax to the Karakigai gurkhan: B) Kharaj

The rulers of large cities paid a land tax to the Karakitai gurkhan: B) Kharaj

Nomadic holidays took place in: B) zhailau.

Representatives of the Kazakh zhuzes gathered at the foot of Mount Ordabasy. decided on (about): A) organizing a nationwide struggle against the enemy

Representatives of Kazakh literature of the 18th century: A) Aktamberdy and Zhanak

Representatives of Kazakh literature of the 18th century: A) Tatikara and Umbetey

Representatives of indigenous nationalities in Kazakhstan accounted for 29% according to the census: D) 1959.

The cessation of the Kazakh wars with the Shaybanids in the mid-16th century: B) strengthened the Kazakh Khanate.

The following tried to overcome the disunity of related tribes: E) Zhanybek and Kerey.

Under Yesim, Tashkent was ruled by: D) Tursun.

Under Khan Burunduk (1480-1511), the actual ruler was: D) Kasym.

The approach of Kokand troops in 1858 forced the rebels to migrate to areas under the control of: B) Russia

Privatization, the creation of cooperatives and small enterprises was carried out during the period: E) the end of the 80s - the beginning of the 90s of the XX century

Adhering to an ambivalent position. Well, he was wary of Pugachev’s retaliatory actions and migrated: E) closer to the military lines

The reason for the rapid spread of Islam among nomads: B) Islam was of a Sufi (mystical) persuasion.

The reason for the rapid spread of Islam among nomads: C) shamanism is close to Islam.

The reason for the popular uprising of the residents of Zhetysu against the Karakitais: A) Tightening of tax policy

The reason for the fall of the Naiman state: D) The campaigns of Genghis Khan

The work “Zhusup-Zlikha”: B) glorifies love.

A large detachment under the command of: C) Fitingof was sent against the rebels under the banner of Zhankozhi Nurmukhamedula

Study at US universities. France. Program C) “Bolashak” allowed Kazakh students from Germany

The process of forming Kazakhstan as a presidential republic ended C) with the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1995.

A manifestation of the consequences of hostilities during the First World War is C) an increase in the carriage tax

Pugachev’s manifestos promised: D) to satisfy the “land hunger” of nomads

The division into zhuzes occurred in: E) X-XI centuries.

Disagreements among the elders of the Junior Zhuz became one of the main reasons for the defeat of the uprising: D) Syrym Datuly

The disunity of clans in Ak-Orda Mogolistan and the Khanate of Abulkhair: C) made it difficult to complete their formation into a single Kazakh nation.

The spread of revolutionary ideas in Kazakhstan was facilitated by A) exiled participants in anti-government movements

Islam was spread among the Kipchaks by: A) Khorezmians.

The flourishing of the Oghuz state began during the reign of: D) Shahmalik

The heyday of the Oghuz state began during the reign of: D) Shahmalik

Rehabilitation of victims of political repression was carried out after: E) XX Congress of the CPSU.

The Kazakhs had a regular army: A) absent.

Reform of 1822: B) eliminated the political independence of the people

Decision to extend the powers of the President of the RCP. Nazarbayev until 2000 was adopted D) by referendum

The decision to create the World Community of Kazakhs was made in 1992 at A) World Kuryltai of Kazakhs

The decision of the heads of 11 former republics of the USSR at a meeting on December 21, 1991 in Almaty was E) the creation of the CIS

The decision of the leaders of the republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan at the meeting on December 13, 1991 in Ashgabat is A) support for the decisions taken in Minsk on the collapse of the USSR

Russian scientists who studied Kazakhstan in the 18th century: A) Miller and Rychkov

The leaders of the republic, removed from their posts, believed that virgin lands would cause damage to: A) Traditional livestock farming.

The Russians called the Kipchaks: C) Polovtsy.

Ordinary cattle breeders paid the feudal lords a tax: D) 1/20 of the livestock.

From the 12th century, the Kipchaks began to dominate in: E) the Aral Sea region.

With the Mongols, tribes appeared in Kazakhstan: A) Mangyts.

With the flourishing of Oghuz society, the supreme power to govern the country began to belong to: D) the Great and Small Kurultai

Demands to close the Semipalatinsk test site and eliminate the monopoly of the Union ministries were made in 1989 by miners from: B) Karaganda.

S. Sadvakasov and Zh. Mynbaev were accused of local nationalism during the period: E) During the implementation of industrialization.

The largest victory over the Dzungars and the liberation of the Middle and Younger Zhuzes occurred in: E) 1730

The self-proclaimed Khan Tursun was supported by the clan: B) Kagan.

The most ancient monument of Turkic writing: C) Letters of “Kultegin”

The largest international action of Kazakh and Russian workers during the First Russian Revolution was a strike: A) at the Uspensky (Neldinsky) mine

Sanitary cleaning system of a medieval house: C) Tashnau.

Satuk-Bogra Khan - founder of the state: C) Karakhanids

Wedding songs of the Kazakh people: C) heat-fire. betashar

Information about the participation of Khan Abylai and his entourage in the Peasant War: E) is missing

The code of laws of Khan Tauke consisted of: C) 7 sections

The Siberian administration, frightened by the active actions of the Kazakh troops supporting Pugachev, ordered: B) to strengthen the garrisons of the fortresses

Rebel forces of the Middle Zhuz. supporting Pugachev, they acted under the leadership of Kazakh elders A) Kudaimenda and Taiyr

The control system of the Kipchak army consisted of: D) right and left wings.

The Kazakh word “Alash”: D) a battle cry.

From the second half of 1929, the following began to develop in the republic at an accelerated pace: C) The collective farm movement.

Advisors to the Oguz Jabgu: D) Kol-Erkins

Soviet power throughout Russia was established during the period D) from October 1917 to March 1918.

According to “Zhety-Zhargy”, all heads of clans and tribes were required to: A) appear annually at the national assembly

Socio-economic policy of the Soviet state during the Civil War B) war communism

The socio-economic rise of Kazakhstan in the early 15th century led to: A) political division in the khanates of Kazakhstan.

A union of eight tribes that inhabited the lands between the Orkhon and Altai mountains from the 8th century: A) Naimans

Among the workers of Kazakh nationality at the beginning of the 20th century there were a significant number of: C) railway workers

Having become khan, Tauke sought: A) to create a strong centralized state of the Kazakhs

The headquarters of the Kereit state was located in the area: B) Bitobe

Khitan headquarters in the 12th century: E) Guz Orda

The headquarters of the Kipchak Khan was called: E) horde.

E.I. Pugachev’s headquarters was visited in November 1773 by: C) Khan’s confidant - Mullah Zabir

A. Ermekov was subjected to Stalinist repressions. Kh. Dosmukhamedov. A. Bokeykhanov and many other party members: A) Alash.

Eldest son of Genghis Khan: D) Jochi.

The capital of the Naiman state on the banks of the Orkhon River: B) Balykty

Capital of the Western Turkic Kagh Anat, winter residence: E) Suyab

Capital of the Kimak Kaganate: C) Imakia

Capital of the Oghuz state: E) Yangikent

The capital of the Kazakh Khanate under Tauk became the city: A) Turkestan

Stolypin's agricultural policy in Kazakhstan led to B) a drop in the proportion of indigenous residents

The desire of the Khiva feudal lords to strengthen their political influence in the Syrdarya region became the reason for the uprising of E) Zhankozhi Nurmukhameduly

Sultan Zhanybek was the son of: B) Barak.

The USA is one of the main investors in the economy of Kazakhstan and provides assistance to Kazakhstan in C) the field of culture and education

Tauekel did not give up hope of subduing: B) Tashkent.

Title of the Supreme Ruler of the Oguz: C) Jabgu

Title of the wife of the Oghuz ruler, who took part in government: B) Khatun

Title of the Kimak ruler: E) Kagan

Title of the Karakita ruler: C) Gurkhan

The trade flows of the Great Silk Road are fading due to: E) the opening of sea routes.

The third stage of Kazakh participation in the Peasant War of E. Pugacheva (September 1775 - February 1776) is characterized by: E) a gradual weakening of the movement

The Ural-Siberia-Kazakhstan triangle occupied a leading place in the production of: A) Zinc, copper, lead.

The Turks in the 6th century became the sole rulers in the eastern part of the Great Steppe after the fall of: C) the Rouran Khaganate

The Turkic alphabet was created on the basis of: B) Tribal tamgas

Turkic kagan who conquered the Sogdians: A) Ishtemi kagan

Turkic Kagan, who liberated the state from the power of the Juran Khanate: B) Bumin Kagan

The Jalairs exercised power according to the system: C) Ulus

Among the Oguz, kankash is: B) “Council of Nobility”

Among the Oghuz people there is widespread veneration of: D) ram.

Dzungaria's invasion of Kazakh lands reached a threatening scale in: D) the 20s of the 18th century.

The Uysuns lived in the 15th century in: A) Zhetysu.

The uprising during the years of complete collectivization was distinguished by its tenacity and skillful organization: E) Suzak region.

Strengthening their positions and influence in the south of Kazakhstan, the Kokand people: E) attracted loyal Kazakhs to their side

Participation in the suppression of the 1869 uprising of the military governor N.A. Verevkin: D) led to the “submission” of some of the ancestors

A scientist-historian, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison for a positive assessment of the uprising of Kenesary Kasymov: A) E. Bekmakhanov.

Khaknazar was killed by the people of: C) Baba Sultan.

Khaknazar pushed the pro-Moscow Nogais to the west.

Khan Abulkhair Shaibanil was defeated by: B) the Oirats.

Khan Tauke with the Bukhara Khanate: A) tried to maintain peaceful relations

The sultan who had a lot of land could be elected as khan, but the one who had: C) a lot of livestock.

The Kipchak khans were from the tribe: A) Elboril.

Khans of the Elder. The Middle and Younger Zhuz under Tauk: B) had intentions to secede from the Kazakh Khanate

The Khorezmians tried to spread among the Kipchaks: A) Islam.

The tsarist government in 1756 forbade the Kazakhs to roam on the right bank of the Urals, protecting the interests of: B) Cossack troops

Tsevan Rabdan unleashed all his military might on the Kazakhs in: C) 1723.

The goal of closing the Semipalatinsk nuclear polytope was set by the movement: E) “Nevada-Semipalatinsk”.

The goal of eliminating Dzungaria as an independent state was nurtured by: B) Qing Empire

The purpose of joining the Kazakh Khanate during the reign of Gauke of a significant part of the clans and tribes of the Kyrgyz Karakalpaks was: C) the creation of a military alliance to fight the Dzungars

The machine operator became the central figure in the village after: E) Collectivization.

Often, instead of the name “Uysuns,” the sources used the word: A) dulat.

Some of the Nogais became part of: E) the Younger Zhuz.

The part of the yurt consisting of a prefabricated and sliding lattice is called: A) kerege

Genghis Khan died in: B) 1227.

A member of the Central Committee of the Cadet Party was A)A. Bokeikhanov

Sherbi among the jalairs resolved issues of: A) Domestic policy

The sixth article of the 1977 USSR Constitution stated that “the leading and directing force of Soviet society is”: C) the Communist Party.

An environmental disaster not only for Kazakhstan, but also for the entire Central Asia was: B) The drying up of the Aral Sea.

The epic-ethnic poem about Koblandy the Batyr told about the struggle of: A) Kipchaks against Kalmyks.

The ethnic centralization of a single Kazakh nation occurred in: B) the beginning of the 16th century.

The ethnopolitical community “Kazakhs” appeared in: A) KOH.XIV-1st half of the 15th centuries.

Yasawi studied in: A) Bukhara.

History of Kazakhstan 2009 (cheat sheet)

1. A sharp cooling on Earth occurred around - 100 thousand years ago. years ago

2. Territory of settlement of the Usuns - Semirechye

3. The work of the 16th century historian Muhammad Haydar Dulati - Tarikh and Rashidi

4. Wedding headdress - Saukele

5. In 1797 At the suggestion of Igelstrom, Aishuak was appointed to the khan’s throne in the Junior Zhuz

6. Rebellion of the Adai tribes in 1870 A detachment was defeated on the territory of Mangystai - Rukina

7. The system of procurement of agricultural products during the period of “war communism” - Prodrazvyorstka

8. In 1929, Alma-Ata became the capital of the KAZSSR from Kyzylorda

9. The new constitution of Kazakhstan was adopted on January 28, 1993.

10. The weakening of the Western Turkic Khaganate in the middle of VII led to the invasion of China

11. Cities were located along the Silk Road - Zhetysu

12. Cultural and ethnopolitical information, the preaching of humility and asceticism are contained in the work of the 12th century. – Divan and Hikmet, Yassawi

13. Arabic – Turkic dictionary of the 13th century means the word “Kazakh” - Free

14. Ruled by an aksakal, several Kazakh villages, united by family ties until the seventh generation, constituted - Ata aimak

15. In 1718 Near Ayaguz, in a 3-day battle with the Dzungars, the Kazakh militias were defeated due to the fact that the Kazakh sultans acted separately

16. Confiscation of lands and colonial policy of Russia in the Junior Zhuz in the middle of the 17th century. Forced the Kazakhs to establish trade ties with the Qing Empire

17. With the permission of the Russian government in 1881-1884. Uighurs and Dungans began moving to the territory of Semirechye

18. Law on the development of education, which laid the foundation for the opening of Russian-Kazakh schools - 1906

19. Zhanibek Yeleusov during the Second World War in the battles for the Dnieper - The youngest hero of the Soviet Union

20. According to archaeological excavations, Turgesh coins (704-766) were issued in the city of Taraz

21. Taushubek fortress - a stronghold of the Kokand people in the senior zhuz, surrendered to Russian troops without resistance in 1851

22. In 1906 Koshygulov was elected to the second State Duma from the nomadic population of the Akmola Region

23. In 1916, there was a voluntary recruitment of Kazakh farm laborers to work on kulak farms.

24. The rapid development of industrial sectors and a sharp increase in population as a result of artificially created migration in 1954-1962. led to the development in Kazakhstan - Energy, transport, construction.

25. In the 70s, the process of transforming collective farms into state farms and the transition to self-financing led to - An increase in the volume of agricultural production.

26. The prototype of the yurt is the round dwelling of Andronovo residents

27. The relocated dwelling of the nomads of Kazakhstan - yurt

28. All medieval cities of Zhetysu were located along the Silk Road


According to the theory of literature and the history of Russian literature, students are well aware of the meaning and content of the word “literature”, its main features, the fact that “literature is the art of plastic representation through the word” (M. Gorky).

The success of further work will depend on how the teacher presents the history of the origin and main features of Kazakh literature. Therefore, the introduction to the story about Kazakh written literature is especially responsible and difficult.

The introduction, which makes up the first section of the textbook, is important for the entire course on the history of Kazakh literature. It sets the task of characterizing in a general form those historical prerequisites that prepared the emergence and movement of Kazakh literature and those conditions that determined its originality and national significance. In this part of the lesson, the teacher introduces his listeners to the artistic history of the life of the Kazakh people, shows the vivid embodiment of their aspirations and aspirations, love for the Motherland, and great contribution to national culture. Kazakh pre-revolutionary literature is remarkable for its democratic, humanistic, educational ideas. She is inextricably linked with the destinies of her native people, filled with faith in their bright future. She is characterized by a tireless search for social truth, justice, a desire for deep realism,

Kazakh literature developed on the basis of folk literature over a number of centuries. In ancient times, the territory of Kazakhstan was inhabited by various nationalities and tribes that had their own unique culture. For example, in the Syr Darya valley there is a Jewish singer, musician, storyteller Korkyt, whose works and legends are preserved in the folklore of the Kazakh and many Turkic peoples. He is considered the creator of the kobyz, a bowed instrument similar to a violin. A unique monument was built in the homeland of the legendary Korkyt. Resembling the outline of a kobyz, when there is a gust of wind it produces melodic sounds characteristic of this instrument.

On the territory of Kazakhstan there were the cities of Otrar, Taraz, Saray, Balasagun. The famous scientist Muhammad Abu Nasr al-Farabi (840-950), who wrote his works in Arabic, lived and worked in Otrar. In the 10th-13th centuries, the culture of the peoples inhabiting the territory of Kazakhstan developed. The works of Yusuf Balasagunsky and Mahmud of Kashgar are the common heritage of the Turkic-speaking peoples. It has been established that in the creation of the monuments “Oguzname” (XIII century), “Mukhabat-name” (XIV century), along with other eastern peoples, Kazakh tribes also participated, as evidenced by the presence in them not only of Kazakh words and catchphrases, but the proximity of a number of narratives to the tradition of oral national poetry.

The formation of the Kazakh nation was facilitated by the emergence of the first Kazakh khanates in the 15th century. During the same period, along with folklore, written poetry began to take shape.

When starting to study one of the first representatives of Kazakh written literature of the 18th century, Bukhara-zhyrau Kalkamanov (1693-1787), the teacher should draw students’ attention to the complexity of the historical socio-political situation in the Kazakh steppe. This complexity was expressed in the fragmentation of the Kazakh land into separate khanates, in the lack of unity between numerous clans and tribes, in the enmity between them, in the constant threat of land seizure by the Dzungar conquerors - all this brought to the fore the idea of ​​​​the need for unity of the Kazakh clans and tribes, gave rise to the idea of ​​harmony, the problem of the relationship between the khan's power and the people. The main expression of these ideas were the passionate, appealing poems-appeals, poems-reflections of Bukhara-zhyrau Kalkamanov.

From the biographical material of the textbook, students learned that Bukhar-zhyrau at the headquarters of Khan Ablai was an influential person who boldly interfered in his domestic and foreign policy. His name is already familiar to students from Kazakhstan history lessons. Therefore, they will be interested to know how the complex, contradictory time of the reign of Khan Ablai was reflected in the works of Bukhara-zhyrau Kalkamanov.

The poems of Bukhara-zhyrau Kalkamanov, given in the anthology of Kazakh literature, conventionally called “Song of Ablai,” are among the complex, difficult to digest poetic works. Content, meaning, ideas, artistic expression cannot be grasped by students only by reading. Therefore, the teacher’s commentary on the text of the poem is necessary. At the center of the poem is a description of the struggle of Ablai and his heroes with strong neighbors and internal enemies. The news reached Ablai that the Semiz-Naiman and Kungrat tribes had been defeated and their herds had been stolen by their neighbors - the Kyrgyz heroes led by the daring Sadyr. The calm of the steppe is again disturbed, and Khan Ablai is preparing for a campaign.

Let the Sumbule star rise, sparkling,

Let the horses fatten up.

Then I will ask Sadyr,

As it happened before...

Bukhar-zhyrau, in the style of an epic, describes the gathering for a campaign, when “Sumbule rose, sparkling, the horses grew fat,” “Savras, bought for a hundred rams, became round like a heart,” when Khan Ablai, the sovereign, gathered a countless army and moved, “ soared like a falcon, flapped like a hawk, stood like a falcon near To-kalterek,” that is, close to the territory of the Kyrgyz. When reading the description of the scene when the khan, “without getting off his horse, held a council there,” the teacher needs to draw students’ attention to how Bukhar-zhyrau departs from the traditional folklore depiction of the difficulties facing the heroes.

Analyzing the poems of Bukhara-zhyrau Kalkamanov, it is necessary to reveal the complex, contradictory nature of his work, to show what details bring the author closer to written poetry.

Although the program and textbook do not talk about other representatives of Kazakh poetry of the late 18th century, the teacher must be told that in addition to Bukhara-zhyrau Kalkamanov, other akyns-improvisers of this period are known - Shal, Tatikara, Umbetey, Zhankisi.

Summarizing the study of Kazakh literature of the 18th century in the person of its largest representative Bukhara-zhyrau Kalkamanov, it is necessary to pay attention to its main tendency - a clear demarcation of the boundaries of folklore and literature, the manifestation of the ability of new Kazakh written poetry to intervene in the social and political life of Kazakh society. Free from religious, mystical layers, the healthy, popular beginning of folklore largely influenced the fact that at the very dawn, at the very beginning of Kazakh written poetry, civic motives began to be clearly heard, and problems of public, social, and even political order began to be posed.

XVIII century in the cultural history of Kazakhstan is marked by outstanding achievements. The liberation struggle of the people against foreign invaders, the uniqueness of the patriarchal way of life in the daily life of the indigenous inhabitants of the Steppe, and the material and spiritual heritage of the previous era were reflected in the further development of literature.

From time immemorial, outstanding Kazakh poets and storytellers reflected people's aspirations in their works. Almost all poets are witnesses to the tragic events of the first third of the 18th century. – the consequences of the Oirat aggression did not pass by in silence. So Aktamberdy zhyrau glorified the famous Kazakh warriors (Kabanbai, Bogenbai), calling for the defense of the fatherland from enemies.

In the 2nd half of the 18th century. Tatikara's creativity flourished. Thanks to him, we learn how Abylai perceived the death of the batyr Bogenbai.

Known in the 18th century. Zhyrau Umbetey glorified nomadic life, the heroic struggle of batyrs with enemies.

One of the most prominent representatives of Kazakh literature of the 18th century. - Bukhar is a zhyrau, the son of the batyr Kalkaman. He left a very significant poetic legacy, permeated mainly with historical and philosophical content.

In order for the state to develop successfully, realizing plans and dreams, society needs a national idea. And it was sounded in the Address of President N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Kazakhstan Way-2050: common goal, common interests, common future.” The leader of the nation proclaimed the national idea “Mangilik El”, which was born of the entire thousand-year historical experience of the Kazakh people, the Kazakhstani path traveled over the years of independence. “Mangilik El” is a new ideological concept of the country, aimed at the unification, cohesion and harmony of the Kazakh people.

The main idea of ​​the 2014 Address is “Strategy “Kazakhstan -2050” - this is a realistic plan for building the Kazakhstan of the future for the benefit of all the people and every family. This is our path to moving into the top thirty developed economies of the world. The message of the Head of State is a specific guide for further actions to achieve the set goals, a new stage in the prosperity of our state. The implementation of the Strategy is our common duty and a worthy goal, noted the Leader of the Nation. In his Message, the Head of State noted that “everyone should understand and know that in market conditions there is no need to wait for manna from heaven, but rather to work effectively. The state’s task is to create all the conditions for this.” The “Kazakhstan-2050” strategy, consisting of several blocks, will allow Kazakhstan to gradually not only strengthen its economy, but also to present itself with dignity on the world stage. And it is possible to achieve the intended goal only if every Kazakhstani citizen makes his contribution. Concluding his speech, the President addressed us, the young people, with a call to participate in the implementation of Strategy 2050, because we will reap the benefits of its success. “Get involved in the work, everyone at their own place of work. Don't be indifferent. Create the destiny of the country together with all the people!” said the President, and his words, I believe, should become the motto of all patriotic youth.

Ticket 13

2) Give examples that prove the existence of trade relations between the Kangyu and various regions of the ancient world.
The Kangyuis lived on the busiest section of the VSHP, controlled the route that went to the Caucasus and the Black Sea region. The development of trade is evidenced by coins found on the territory of Kan (~1300 pieces; 3-4 centuries AD; Syr Darya region). They supported trade relations with many countries. Trade with China is evidenced by Chinese coins found in the Mardan burial (2nd century BC). Archaeologists find coral beads made in India, carved stones made in Iran, amber from the Baltic Sea coast, and Beads of Syrian faience are found in the burials of the Zhetyasar, Otrar and Pritashkent oases.

3) Explain the consequences of the reforms of 1867-1868. for Ka-na.
-The final transformation of Kazakhstan into the colonial outskirts of the Russian Empire;
-Centralization of regional management;
-The completion of reforms allowed the tsarist government to increase the flow of peasant resettlement;
-The traditional way of life of the Kazakhs has changed dramatically (nomads-> sedentary life);
- Change of administrative division (aul-volost-district-region-general governorship)
1) Relations between the Kazakh diaspora and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Diaspora is a part of the people that lives outside their historical homeland.

At the end of the 18th century, the first schools appeared in Russian border fortresses.

The first attempts at a comprehensive study of the Treasury in the 18th century. associated with the name M.V. Lomonosov.

1768-1774 - the first expedition of P.S. Pallas (north-west, north-north-east Kaz-na). The work “Travel through different provinces of the Russian Empire” (1773, 3 parts), valuable information about the history and ethnography of the Kazakhs.

I.G. Georgi – self. expedition, in 1796 - “Description of all ... monuments living in the Russian state” - valuable information about the life of the Kazakhs, culture, customs, traditions, rituals, as well as the peculiarities of the economic life of the nomads.

I.K. Kirillov “Explanation about the Kyrgyz-Kaisaks and K/Kalpakos” - natural conditions, minerals, trade routes.

V.N. Tatishchev is the chairman of Orenb. Border Commission - describes the history, life, culture of non-Russian peoples.

P.I. Rychkov (corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Russia) - he was called “Columbus of the Orenburg Region”, his works “History of Orenburg”, “Topography or description of the Orenburg province (the reign of Khaknazar, the annexation of the Young Zhuz)”, he described in detail the Pugachev uprising, he knew Kaz. Yazyk, a student of Lomonosov, was the first to write a work about Kazakhstan, for which he received the title of corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of Russia.

G.F. Miller (1759) – “History of the Siberian Kingdom” (father of Siberia)

I.G. Andreev “Description Wed. hordes of Kyrgyz-Kaisaks" (1795) - about the history and borders of Wed. Zhuz, detailed descriptions of the customs and rituals of the steppe people, about the transition of the Kazakhs to the right bank of the Irtysh in winter.

HELL. Skalon (Major General of the U-Kamenogorsk Fortress) is the first unique Russian-Kaz. dictionary

John Elton (1735) - captain of the naval service, John Castle (1736) - artist, Reonald Gok - merchant - notes on the life of the Kazakhs.

Kazakh literature of the 18th century

Aktamberdy Saryuly (1675-1768) – zhyrau, batyr.

50s of the 18th century - fighter for the Kazakh. lands captured by Dzungaria. Mausoleum on the Zhurek Zhonta hill (EKR)

Bukhar zhyrau Kalkaman uly (1693 -1787) zhyrau. biy, diplomat. state activist born near Mount Dalba, Bayanaul. district, Pavlodar region. The seer spoke the truth to his face. The main theme of the essays is love for his native land, he dreamed of when Kazan would become a strong, centralized, independent state. Kalkaman batyr – father of Bukhar zhyrau, popularly known as the saint “komekey aulie”

Umbetai Tuleuly zhyrau (1706-1778) (kanzhygaly, argyn) - especially known - zhoktau (cry) and eskertu (notice) about the death of Bogenbai. (kanzhygaly), participant in all antij. hikes.

Tattikara zhyrau - born in the Sarykol area of ​​the Kustanai region, participant in the war with the Qing Empire, hero, was part of Ablai’s entourage, glorified him in his works.

Kotesh (1745-1818) - songs about the moral and ethical standards of the Kazakh people. Society, about the religious life of nomads.

Tleuke Kulekeuli (Shal akyn) b. in Akmola region on the bank of the river Yesil. How the akyn became famous at the age of 15... Tleuke's father is the batyr Kuleke. Shal akyn despised flattery; honor and dignity were above all else for him.

In the 19th-20th centuries. – works of Kaz. akyns began to be recorded and published.

Due to the lack of written literature among the Kazakhs, historical stories were widely developed.

Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeyuly collected many historical stories.


18th century - in every family there was a shezhire (Turkic (sedzhere)-Mongolian (tsezhire) word, meaning memory)

Shezhire functions:

1.helps the ruler manage communities

2.historical memory function

3. social detention center

Shezhire collectors - A. Bukeikhanov, M. Zh. Kopeyuly, Sh. Kudaiberdiev

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