Kyiv Construction University. Kiev National Institute of Construction and Architecture (Kisi) reviews

Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUSA)(English) "Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture" (KNUCA)) is a leading educational institution in Ukraine for training specialists for the architectural and construction industry. The university has three scientific institutes, two research complexes, a center for economic research and forecasting, and 11 research laboratories.

1. History

Founded as the Kiev Construction Institute in the year on the basis of the department of factory and municipal construction and the Faculty of Architecture. The institute was located in a building built in the classicist style at the address: Pobedy Avenue, 10 (then Shevchenko Boulevard).

In 1939, it came under the control of the People's Commissariat for Construction and received the name Kiev Engineering and Construction Institute (Russian). Kyiv Civil Engineering Institute(KISI)). In August 1948 it was merged with the Kyiv Institute of Civil Engineers.

In 1963, the institute moved to a new building (main building) on ​​Vozdukhoflotsky Prospekt, created by a team of architects: V. I. Gopkalo, L. B. Katok, M. R. Liberberg.

In 1965-1966, a sports complex was built behind the main building, consisting of a stadium and a 3-story building with gyms and a swimming pool (architects N. A. Gusev, L. B. Katok, M. R. Liberberg).

In 1976, the Kiev Engineering and Construction Institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for its achievements in training specialists and conducting scientific research and became known as the Kiev Order of the Red Banner of Labor Engineering and Construction Institute.

In 1990, from October 2 to October 17, students actively participated in the “Revolution on Granite” on Independence Square.

2. Faculties and specialties

Faculty of Construction:

  • "Industrial and civil construction" (IGS)
  • "Management of Organizations" (MO)

Architecture faculty:

  • "Architecture of buildings and structures"
  • "Urban planning" (MB)
  • "Design of Architectural Environment"
  • "Fine and decorative arts"

Faculty of Construction and Technology:

  • "Technology of building structures, products and materials" (TBKVM)
  • "Commodity research and commercial activity"

Faculty of Geographic Information Systems and Territory Management Technologies (GISUT):

  • "City construction and economy"
  • "Land management and cadastre"
  • "Geodesy"
  • "Geoinformation systems and technologies"

Faculty of Automation and Information Technologies (FAIT):

  • "Lifting and transport, construction, road, reclamation machines and equipment"
  • "Automated process control"
  • "Information Design Technologies"
  • "Information control systems and technologies"
  • "Project Management" (Master's Degree)
  • "Vocational training. Production, operation and repair of lifting and transport, construction, road, reclamation machines and equipment"
  • "Vocational training. Computer technologies in management and training"

Faculty of Sanitary Engineering:

  • "Heat and ventilation"
  • "Water supply and sanitation"
  • "Ecology and environmental protection"

3. Rectors

4. Famous alumni

  • Bondarovskaya Sergei Alexandrovich
  • Davidson Boris Mikhailovich
  • Kostyuchenko Alexey Petrovich
  • Lapenko Andrey Alexandrovich
  • Melnikov Nikolay Prokopovich

founded in 1930. The institute (1972) includes: faculties - construction, architecture, urban construction, sanitary engineering, automation of construction production, construction technology, two general technical (in Kyiv and Cherkassy); preparatory - for foreigners, evening and correspondence departments, faculties for advanced training of teachers of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, postgraduate studies; 40 departments; 2 problem and 4 research industry laboratories; The library has about 400 thousand items. In 1972, 9 thousand students studied at the institute, 580 teachers worked, including 305 with academic titles and degrees, of which 2 full members and a corresponding member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 28 professors and doctors of science. The Institute has the right to accept doctoral and master's theses for defense. Over the years of the existence of the K. i.-s. And. trained about 20 thousand specialists. “Scientific Notes” (since 1959, in Ukrainian and Russian) and “Collection of Scientific Works” (since 1933) are published.

Yu. A. Vetrov.

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  • - them. A. M. Gorky, founded in 1920 as the Faculty of Social Education of the Kyiv Institute of Public Education, since 1930 the Institute of Social Education, since 1933 ...

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  • - them. 50th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, founded in 1898. In K. p. and. in the 1900s worked as a prominent figure of the Communist Party F.V. Lengnik...

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  • - one of the oldest construction universities in the country. Created in 1832 in St. Petersburg on the basis of an architectural school. Until 1882 it was called the Construction School, until 1931 - the Institute of Civil Engineers...

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  • - named after Palmiro Togliatti, founded in 1930 on the basis of the industrial department of the Leningrad Institute of National Economy created in 1926, in 1964 L. i.-e. And. named after Palmiro Tolyatti. With the institute...

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  • - them. V.V. Kuibysheva, the largest institute of construction profile in the USSR...

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  • - one of the leading educational and research centers of the USSR in the field of the latest branches of physics, mathematics, energy...

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  • - founded in 1930. Trains architects and engineers in the main specialties of construction. In 1989 approx. 10 thousand students...
  • - named after academician A. A. Bogomolets - founded in 1841 as a faculty of Kyiv University; since 1920 an independent university. Trains doctors of basic medical specialties, hygienists, etc. In 1990, 4.5 thousand students...

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  • - founded in 1920. Trains teachers for primary and secondary schools, educators, special education teachers, etc. In 1990, approx. 13.8 thousand students...

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  • - one of the largest universities in Ukraine, a center of technical sciences. Founded in 1898. Trains personnel in mechanical and instrument engineering, energy, chemical, technological and other specialties...

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  • - ...

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  • - ...

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  • - ...

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  • - engineer "erno-stro"...

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"Kiev Civil Engineering Institute" in books

From the book Nikolai Amosov author Zgurskaya Maria Pavlovna

AMOSOV IN UKRAINE. KIEV MEDICAL INSTITUTE For many years N. M. Amosov lived in Kyiv. And, probably, you will rarely meet a person in Ukraine who does not know the famous doctor. Tens of hundreds of operations performed by the surgeon saved thousands of lives. The Amosovs moved to Kyiv in November

From the author's book

Kyiv Institute of Noble Maidens

From the book Heroes, Villains, Conformists of Russian SCIENCE author Shnol Simon Elevich

Chapter 2 Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna (1806-1873) Elenin Clinical Institute - The first institute for advanced training of doctors in Russia The German princess - Frederica Charlotte Maria - was born in 1806, and in 1823 she became Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, wife of Mikhail


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (MO) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (MO) by the author TSB


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CI) by the author TSB


From the book Information Technologies in the USSR. The creators of Soviet computer technology author Revich Yuri Vsevolodovich

Kiev Institute of Electrical Engineering, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR In 1950, Boris Nikolaevich graduated with honors from the Energy Institute in Ivanovo with a degree in electrical equipment for industrial enterprises. Shortly before graduation, he received an offer to enter graduate school at

From the book Expert No. 12 (2014) author's Expert Magazine

From Togliatti to Zvezdochka Puzanov Alexander, General Director of the Institute of Urban Economics Foundation Dmitry Lantsev, employee of the Institute of Urban Economics Foundation Roman Popov, employee of the Institute of Urban Economics Foundation Support measures

During the session there is...
If there is an opportunity/desire to study, they will teach you.

Naturally, not everything, but I take it coolly, because... I am studying myself at the same time. In my specialty there is the possibility of extra-academic study (microelectronics\programming).
Deputy The dean invites you to exhibitions/other events related to the specialty.

Attendance wasn't particularly strict for me, I missed up to 100 hours a semester without much consequence.

There are concessions during the session: if you fail the subject during the session, you have the opportunity to take it at an additional session/during the next semester.

Uni life: 3.75\5. Something is moving, but I didn’t really delve into it (but I did participate). There was no time/desire.

There are bad teachers, but if they are good, there is no way around it.

They take bribes, about half are ready to give credit for a certain amount, no one is forcing them, at least I
I haven't seen anything like this.

There is physical education, I don’t go to it, I’m lucky enough to avoid going. But for those who want, there are sections/competitions.

Verdict: KISS is not a resort, but not hard labor either - you just need the right approach to studying.

This is what you came for, right?

general information



Organizational management.

Computer science:

Engineering mechanics:


Water resources:


Professional education:

Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUSA) - additional information about the higher education institution

general information

Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture is the leading educational institution in Ukraine for training specialists for the construction industry. The training of specialists is financed by:

Funds from the state budget of Ukraine and local budgets (under government orders); funds of legal entities and individuals (under contract).

Many years of experience in research work and the relationship of scientists with scientific centers of Ukraine and other countries contributed to the creation at the Kiev National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture of three research institutes, two research complexes, a center for economic research and forecasting, and 11 research laboratories.

Today, the work of the team at the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture is aimed at forming a new generation of specialists who, having mastered fundamental and specialized knowledge, would be capable of independent creative work.

The Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture trains specialists in 12 areas and 22 specialties. Educational work is carried out by six main faculties, the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens, the faculty and the institute of postgraduate education. Career guidance work is organized by the faculty of pre-university preparation.

The Kiev National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture has formed a highly qualified teaching staff. Of more than 700 teachers, up to 15% are doctors of science, professors and up to 55% are candidates of science, associate professors.

The Kiev National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture employs three full members and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, two corresponding members of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. More than 60 university teachers were elected full members and corresponding members of the Academy of Engineering Sciences, the Academy of Construction, the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture, the Academy of Higher Education Sciences, the Academy of Technology and others.

The training of highly qualified personnel at the university is carried out through postgraduate and doctoral studies.

The Kiev National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture has nine specialized councils for awarding academic degrees of candidate and doctor of science. Fundamental and applied research are harmoniously combined here, resulting in the creation of effective building structures and improvement of methods for their calculation, improvement of technology, organization, economics and management of the construction of new and reconstructed facilities, development of resource-saving technologies for the production of building materials, creation, improvement and operation of construction equipment , improvement of design, design and management in construction and other areas based on computer technology, environmental protection, etc. Scientific research in the university departments is carried out by about 700 teachers and researchers.

Directions, specialties in which specialists are trained at the Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture

Master's training: specialty "Project Management"

Training of bachelors, specialists, masters:


Fine and decorative arts


Organizational management.

Geodesy, cartography and land management:

Geodesy; Land management and cadastre; Geographic information systems and technologies.

Computer science:

Information management systems and technologies; Information technology design.

Engineering mechanics:

Lifting and transport, construction, road machines and equipment.


Industrial and civil construction; Urban construction and economy; Technology of building structures, products and materials; Heat and ventilation; Water supply and sanitation facilities and equipment.

Automation and computer-integrated technologies:

Automated process control.

Water resources:

Water supply and sanitation.


Architecture of buildings and structures; Urban planning; Design of Architectural Environment.

Professional education:

Vocational training (by profile).

History of the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Agc glass russia testing of impact-resistant glass.

Table of contents:
1. Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture
2. Faculties and specialties
3. Awards
4. Rectors

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture; English Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture) founded in 1930, until 1993 Kiev Institute of Civil Engineering. The university is a leading educational institution of IV level of accreditation in Ukraine for training specialists for the architectural and construction industry.

Forms of study: full-time, correspondence.


Founded in 1930 on the basis of the department of factory and municipal construction of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the architectural faculty of the Kyiv Art Institute as the Kiev Construction Institute. The institute was located in a building built in the classicist style, at the address: Pobeda Avenue, 10.

In 1939, it came under the authority of the People's Commissariat for Construction and received the name Kiev Civil Engineering Institute.

In 1963, the institute moved to a new building on Vozdukhoflotsky Prospekt, created by a team of architects: V. I. Gopkalo, L. B. Katok, M. R. Liberberg.

In 1965-1966 Behind the main building, a sports complex was built, consisting of a stadium and a 3-story building with gyms and a swimming pool.

In 1976, the Kiev Engineering and Construction Institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for its achievements in training specialists and conducting scientific research and became known as the Kiev Order of the Red Banner of Labor Engineering and Construction Institute.

In 1978 from the street. Education, a 4-story building with classrooms and offices was added to the main building, connected to the building of the information and computing center.

In 1982 from the street. Ivan Klimenko built a building for the Faculty of Architecture. The students completed the construction and finishing work of the architectural building.

In 1985, in front of the main building of the institute, according to its own design and with its own efforts, a Victory Monument was built, dedicated to the institute’s employees who fell in the Great Patriotic War.

In 1986, from June to August, students of the institute were involved in the design and construction of a village in the area of ​​the village. Zdvizhevka for families evacuated from the Chernobyl zone. The combined construction team of KISI worked under the slogan: “We design ourselves - we build ourselves!”

Since the fall of 1989, students have carried out the action “Boycott the Military Department,” which took place in many universities of the USSR. Almost all of the boycotters' demands were met.

In 1990, from October 2 to 17, students took an active part in the all-Ukrainian strike “Revolution on Granite” on October Revolution Square in Kyiv.

In August 1993, the institute was renamed the Ukrainian State University of Construction and Architecture. Two weeks later, by the beginning of the academic year - to the Kiev State Technical University of Construction and Architecture.

On February 26, 1999, by Decree of the President of Ukraine L. Kuchma, the university was granted national status and renamed the Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture.

From the walls of the university came 2 Heroes of the Soviet Union, 1 Hero of Socialist Labor, more than 70 laureates of the Lenin, State Prize of the USSR, State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR, honored scientists, laureates of the awards named after. T. Shevchenko.

Over the years of its existence, the university has trained over 40 thousand engineers and architects, including about one and a half thousand specialists for 70 countries.

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