Class hour 3rd grade. Country of true friends


1. To form the foundations of children’s environmental consciousness.

2. Promote the development of environmentally sustainable and safe lifestyle skills.

3. To attract students’ attention to the problems of energy use, energy saving and energy resources.

4. Involve schoolchildren in useful activities for energy and resource conservation.

5. Stimulate interest in scientific research and practical application of knowledge acquired at school.

Progress of the class hour

Teacher's opening speech

Guys, listen to the poem and then tell me what it is about.

I'm lonely now more than ever -

An electric current escaped me.

At first I decided that the current would be returned to me,

But after many minutes

I realized that there was no point in even waiting,

And I began to console myself.

Clock, refrigerator, electric stove

They stood in silence without any food.

Electrical appliances were bored idle,

And somehow the apartment suddenly became completely empty.

A. Klinchin

So what is this poem about? (Children's answers.) Today we will talk about electricity.

A bright flash, a fiery zigzag of lightning in the sky, rumbles of thunder. In ancient times, everyone was afraid of thunderstorms: both big and small. People then thought that this was a terrible giant, angry, throwing fiery arrows to the ground. It was only in the 18th century that scientists managed to establish that lightning is a huge electric spark. And finally, people learned to use the electrical forces of nature and managed to make electricity serve themselves.

Electric current runs through the wires day and night. Where does it come from? (Produced in power plants.)

To work in this class, we need to divide into four groups.

(Students are divided into groups.)

Group work

Problem situation

Imagine that you are engineers. You have been tasked with creating a power plant project. For its construction, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the terrain. Each group receives a description of the area on which the power plant is to be built.

1st group: an area where there are many mountain rivers.

2nd group: an area where there are many hills, elevations, and winds constantly blow.

3rd group: area where coal, oil and peat are mined.

4th group: an area where the sun shines many days a year. Each group must determine what type of power plant

will build, and prove the economic benefits of building this particular power plant.

(Possible construction options: 1) hydroelectric power station; 2) wind power plant; 3) thermal power plant; 4) solar power plant.)

Name the most common power plants in our country. (Hydro and thermal power plants.)

Prove it.

What do you think, which power plants are environmentally friendly? (Wind and solar.)

Prove it.

Solving the crossword puzzle

1. To distant villages, cities

What's going on the wires?

Serene Majesty,

This is... (electricity).

2. Someone is leisurely in the morning

Inflates a red balloon

And how will he let it slip out of his hands?

It will suddenly become light all around. (Sun.)

3. Shakes a little in the breeze

Ribbon in the open

Narrow tip in the spring,

And wide - into the sea. (River.)

4. Flies without wings and sings,

It bullies passers-by.

Doesn't allow one to pass,

He encourages others. (Wind.)

5. I’ll take a walk when I’m a little hot,

And the sheet will become smooth.

I can fix any problems

And draw arrows on your trousers. (Iron.)

6. From a hot well

Water flows through the nose. (Kettle.)

7. A device that serves to supply air flow. (Fan.)

What word did you get in the highlighted column? (Energy.)

Energy is the force that sets things in motion. Man has learned to use the energy of rivers, wind, and sun to make mechanical devices work. We live in comfortable apartments, we live comfortably, and a variety of electrical appliances help us do all the hard work in the house.

Electrical appliances in the house

What machines and electrical appliances make a person’s life in an apartment more comfortable? (Children's answers.)

What kind of miracle, what kind of box? The singer himself and the storyteller himself, And at the same time he demonstrates a movie. (TV.)

Admire, look -

The North Pole is inside!

Snow and ice sparkle there,

Winter itself lives there. (Fridge.)

Walks and wanders on the carpets,

He moves his nose around the corners.

Where I went, there was no dust,

Dust and litter are his lunch. (Vacuum cleaner.)

Even though he lifted his nose up,

But this is not serious at all.

He is not proud of anyone,

Anyone who wants to drink will be convinced. (Kettle.)

Name those electrical appliances and machines that we have not yet talked about. (Children's answers.)

Electric current is needed not only in our apartments, but also in factories and factories, on livestock farms and on trains, at television stations and in stores. Electric motors, electrical appliances, or just light bulbs are needed everywhere.

I'm electric

Economic lamp!

I don't need kerosene.

I'll get a car from the station

Sends current through the wire.

I'm not an ordinary bubble!

If you connect

The switch has two threads,

My light comes on.

Do you understand or not?

S. Marshak

Light must be used rationally. Remember to always turn off the lights behind you where they are not needed. After all, just imagine: in 10 hours of useless burning, a 100 W light bulb will consume the same amount of electricity as needed to bake 38 kg of bread. And if you consider that a person eats about 200 g of bread per day, it turns out that 38 kg of bread would be enough for him for six months. Do not allow unnecessary llamas to be included

kidneys or the light was on when the room was already bright from sunlight.

Working with cards

Students receive cards with the words “vacuum cleaner”, “electric kettle”, “washing machine”, “refrigerator”, “air conditioner”, “window” and cards with recommendations for saving energy. They need to pair the cards in such a way that they get the correct answer to the question “How to save electricity?” Next comes protecting the answers. Possible answers:

Vacuum cleaner. (Replace the dust collector in a timely manner.)

Electric kettle. (Descale in a timely manner.)

Washing machine. (Do not exceed the maximum load.)

Fridge. (Thaw in a timely manner, do not place near a radiator or stove.)

Air conditioner. (Only turn on when windows and doors are closed.)

Window. (Wash in a timely manner, as dirt reduces natural light.)

Today we talked about how to save energy. How do you understand what frugality is? (Children's answers.)

Why do we need to take care of all natural resources?

Thrift - this is a moral quality that characterizes people’s caring attitude towards material and spiritual benefits, towards property. (From the dictionary of terms and interpretations.)

And only a rational and reasonable attitude towards all types of resources will help make the life of every person more prosperous.

Project activity: creation of the book “The Master of the House”

(Each group receives the task of completing a project and protecting it. The work is done on an A4 sheet.) Topic: “How to save energy.”


1. Discuss the topic of the project.

2. Identify the positive and negative impacts of humans on nature.

3. Reflect the possibility of a student’s personal actions that will lead to the conservation of electricity.

4. Prepare a defense of the project.

Work can be done in the form of drawings, symbols or a list of rules. Project protection.


Teacher. Guys, let's repeat the rules of careful use of electricity.

1. When you leave the room, you need to turn off the lights.

2. Do not turn on the light when the sun is shining and the room is bright.

3. Do not turn on electrical appliances unnecessarily.

In elementary school, classroom hours are considered. The older the child gets, the more serious topics need to be discussed with him.

Class hours in the 3rd grade must correspond in their content to the age criterion of the student. At the same time, developments from previous years are not always ideal. It is worth considering that modern children are developing much more actively. It is quite possible and necessary to talk about adult topics with a 9-10 year old child.

Age characteristics of students 9-10 years old

During the first two years of studying in elementary school, children learn to act according to a pattern; they make a strict distinction between good and bad. 3rd grade - the beginning of forming your own opinion, your “I”. At this age, problems of success and personal relationships with students, parents and teachers come to the fore. A child should strive for self-knowledge and self-improvement.

At this age stage, children are developing new definitions and concepts; they learn to independently evaluate this or that action of an adult. In this situation, it is very important for the teacher himself to uphold his standards, so as not to go from ideal to the category of contempt. Such moments, unfortunately, are not uncommon in the lives of schoolchildren. You cannot constantly scold students publicly; you need to find positive aspects in each child and, whenever possible, praise them for their actions and successes. The educational process should be built according to the above criteria. Class hour is not only a discussion of the features of the educational process. At such events, children should discover something new for themselves. This is why it is so important to think through the topic in advance.

Goals and objectives

Of course, the main goal of the classroom as educational work is the formation of a comprehensively developed human personality. Regardless of the chosen topic, each lesson should cover the following tasks:

  • development of students’ mental and speech activity;
  • helping children develop their own “I”;
  • formation of the concept of friendliness, solidarity, sympathy and experience, mutual assistance, tolerance;
  • developing the ability to analyze current situations (introduce the concept of self-analysis);
  • development of child communication;
  • development of responsibility through the implementation of specific assignments.

How children will behave in a particular group depends only on the teacher. And it will be possible to direct the children in the right direction and solve a number of problems at the initial stage with the help of classroom hours.

Basic topics for classroom hours

The success of the lesson is largely determined by the theme of the class hours. Grade 3 allows children to develop the following topics:

  • "Friendship and relationships with peers."
  • "I and my family".
  • "What is frugality."
  • "What to become in the future."
  • "Pedestrian and Driver"
  • "Russia is my homeland."
  • “To take care of nature is the commandment of our ancestors.”
  • "The Red Book - a necessity or a whim?"
  • "The world around us".

Based on thematic planning, a lesson summary is drawn up, which reflects the goals and objectives of the event, and also indicates the main stages of its implementation. If you think through everything in advance, the class hour will not only be useful, but also interesting for the children.

How to prepare a class hour on a given topic

Once the teacher has drawn up thematic planning, you need to decide on the method of conducting the class hour. It can be:

  • conversations;
  • Mind games;
  • excursions;
  • open class hours.

Grade 3 allows students to be introduced to a new form of holding an event - debate. In this case, it is very important to choose the right topic. It should be quite extensive and consider many opinions. The teacher also needs to remember that a dispute should not lead to a “bazaar”, much less to fights. Therefore, when using this method, you need to be extremely careful and constantly keep the situation under control.

Once a method has been chosen, it is necessary to proceed directly to its development.

The main topic is interpersonal relationships

Being at this stage of development, the child increasingly begins to look for friends. The class is divided into subgroups and can be observed very often. In order to prevent this from happening, the class teacher needs to provide class hours in the 3rd grade devoted to the topic “Friendship”.

At such a cool event you can:

  • consider literary works devoted to this topic;
  • talk about friendship and camaraderie;
  • to understand the question of whether it is good to be single;
  • find the answer to the question of who a friend is;
  • conduct a survey on the topic “Do they want to be friends with me and why?”

These are just approximate aspects. Teachers who are interested in this event can benefit from the experience of their colleagues. Class hour (3rd grade) “Friendship” will help children find answers to many questions.

Conversation as a form of conducting a class hour

Conversation is the main method of influencing primary school students. Its presence also includes a class hour (3rd grade). Friendship is not just the relationship between children at school. It is necessary, through a dialogue between the class and the teacher, to explain this concept in the broad sense of the word, to form a clear distinction between comrades and friends.

Very often, teachers, having planned a conversation with the children, conduct a lecture lesson. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully consider class hours (3rd grade). Developments must be described with all questions asked and expected answers. Children aged 9-10 years are still led by the teacher, and therefore sometimes an incorrectly formulated question can ruin the entire conversation and lead it in the wrong direction.

Open class hour

You can schedule an open class hour (grade 3) in advance. Parents are expected to be present at general events. Topics may be the following: “Serving Russia”, “Her Majesty Mother”, “Women’s Day among friends”, etc.

This kind of class helps strengthen the relationship between an adult and a child, allows you to reconsider your views on certain aspects of success, discover new sides of your personality, and smooth out distrustful attitudes towards each other.

Class hours in the 3rd grade must necessarily affect the child’s emotional background and contribute to the development of his interest in understanding himself and the world around him.

Intellectual game

In connection with the development of modern technologies, children from childhood become familiar with such intellectual games as “One against all”, “What? Where? When?”, “Clever men and women.” Classroom hours in 3rd grade in a familiar form allow students to expand the boundaries of their knowledge, skills and abilities. This age category also provides an opportunity to try yourself as a presenter.

In this case, the teacher, together with the students, is involved in the development and preparation of a class event. It is mandatory for the newly-minted presenter to have a script, since the children are just beginning to express themselves. Sometimes excessive excitement or the desire for perfection can provoke a number of problems and the event will not go according to plan.

The following topics may be suitable for this form of delivery:

  • "Animals of the Red Book."
  • "In the world of professions."
  • "I am a pedestrian."
  • "The world around us".

Of course, each teacher can choose his own topic.

3rd graders really like imitation of intellectual games. Class topics must be announced to students in advance - this is the basic rule of success. Children should have time to independently study the topic through additional materials suggested by the teacher.

How to choose the right topics for class hours?

Of course, it will not be difficult for an experienced teacher to determine the topics of classroom hours in elementary school. But still, in addition to the age aspect, several more factors should be taken into account.

  1. At the beginning of the year it is necessary to discuss this issue together. Ask for advice on the best open class hours. The teacher must offer parents his plan of activities for the year.
  2. Taking into account the opinions of students. At the first class meeting, it is worth discussing with the children what events they would like to attend during the year. You can use a survey to find out the topics that interest children the most.

Only the joint cohesive work of parents, students and teachers can give positive results in raising children.


1. Equip students with skills and habits that facilitate the establishment of contacts, maintain naturalness in people’s communication, and help create an atmosphere of trust.

2. Develop the ability to participate in free conversation.

3. To develop the ability to comprehend one’s own actions and the actions of another, to develop the ability to understand the feelings and mood of another.

4. Foster a culture of behavior.

Equipment:multimedia computer, projector, screen, presentation “Country of Communication”, phonogram of the song “Smile”, cards (application).

Sources and literature: L. S. Kolmogorova, “To the teacher about psychological health”, Barnaul, 2010. T.N. Maksimov “Cool watches”, Moscow, “VAKO”, 2010.

Progress of the event:

1 slide

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we will hold an interesting event. We will communicate a lot, travel, play, and visit an unforgettable country. I think you will actively participate and complete all the tasks that come our way.

How wonderful it is that people have learned to use speech! Thanks to her, we are in constant communication with each other. Our good mood largely depends on the kind look and words of our interlocutor. And vice versa: a carelessly dropped, evil word hurts us. Now it’s even difficult to imagine a time when people lived in caves and couldn’t speak. How did they communicate?

Children express their versions.

Teacher: Today I invite you to go on a journey through the land of Communication. We will travel in a hot air balloon. We will have many interesting stops with various tasks. Get into the hot air balloon and we begin our journey.

(Slide 2)

Our first stop is "Island of Desires" There is a magic pillow on this island, each of you can sit on it in turn and tell us about some of your desires, perhaps the most important. Perhaps it will be connected with one of the children in the class or with the school as a whole. But it could also be a completely different desire, for example, for your parents to have more time for you, to find a good friend, etc. The one sitting on the pillow will always begin the story with the words: “I want...”. Everyone else will listen to him carefully. Our goal is to see how we can speak, listen to our interlocutor, and whether we can understand each other.

Several people participate.

Teacher: Let's share our impressions.

Did the guys listen to you?

While you were listening to others, did you develop more important desires?

What was the most difficult thing for you in this task?

And I want to reveal the “secrets of communication” for you. I think they will help us in many ways. Read them and think about which of the revealed secrets helped you now?

(Slide 3)Secrets of communication.

Show and politely accept signs of attention, and it will be pleasant to communicate with you, you will have more friends!

Be considerate and polite to those around you, and people will respect you.

Politely ask for help and provide help yourself when it is needed, when you are asked for it.

Learn to listen carefully to others, and you can learn a lot of new things.

Don't be discouraged by your own failures and rejoice in the successes of others.

Know how to put yourself in another person’s shoes, and you will be able to understand him.

(Slide 4)

Teacher: And the next stop is station "Gestures".

Tell me, what do people who are deaf use to communicate? Using certain positions of the hands and head to convey thoughts is sign language. We all use this language every day. Do you speak sign language? Let's check it now. What I say in words, you try to portray with gestures.

Silence. Shhh! (Move your index finger to your lips).

Come here! (Break with your finger, palm).

No no! (Turn your head or hand from side to side).

Admiration for something. (Applause sounds).

Well done, you speak sign language perfectly!


And we get to the city "Politeness".

I will now tell you the fairy tale “Polite Rabbit”

(Slide 6)

Once upon a time there lived a Rabbit. He was very well-mannered and polite. One day he was walking home from the thicket of the forest, when suddenly the sky darkened, clouds moved in, covering the sun, and rain poured down. There was a huge cave on the way. The rabbit decided to wait out the rain there. But he did not know that an old poisonous snake lived in the cave. She rarely crawled out of the cave because she did not like the sun, light, greenery, and beauty around her. The rabbit did not immediately enter the cave. He asked politely:

- Dear cave, will you allow me to enter and wait out the rain?

- Come in, Rabbit!

-Sorry, I didn’t know that it was busy and that someone lived here. All the best, goodbye, I don’t dare bother you.

He rushed to run home as fast as he could. The snake, angry, hissed:

- Oh, these polite rabbits!

(Slide 7)

Teacher: Did you like the fairy tale? Have you ever been helped by politeness?

Now let's play out some situations.

1. A taxi passenger asks to hand over the fare.

2. A passerby asks about the time.

3. A spectator in a cinema asks the neighbor in front to take off his headdress, since he cannot see anything.

(Slide 8)

Teacher: What communication secrets helped you?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Our journey is coming to an end. Guys, why do you always need to send good feelings to other people? How should you behave in the face of your own failures and the successes of others? And finally, I want to wish you all the best, don’t be offended over trifles, respect each other, try never to lose heart! With a handshake I conveyed my love to you. And you convey your love to everyone else with a handshake. I feel that there is more of it, because... Each of you added a piece of your love.

Now try to relax the muscles of your face, don’t make them “stony.” Smile! The sight of a smiling person creates a good mood among those around you. No wonder the familiar song says:

(Slide 9)

A smile will make the day brighter,

From a smile in the sky a rainbow will wake up,

And she will return to you more than once again...


What allows you to make friends and their love (communication memo):

1. Be genuinely interested in other people.

2. Smile.

3. Remember that a person's name is the most important sound in any language. Call your friends and acquaintances by name.

4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

5. Talk about what interests your interlocutor.

6. Instill in your interlocutor a sense of his importance and do it from the heart.

Marina Chernova, primary school teacher at Klyuchevskaya secondary school No. 1, Altai Territory

Attached is a presentation for class.

Class hour “My path to kindness” (3rd grade)

Target: formation of ethical standards of behavior in society and communication with each other, development of the emotional and value sphere of students.


– to form in students ethical ideas, knowledge about the categories of good and evil;

– development of skills to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, generalize;

– develop the ability to work together in a group;

– promote the process of self-knowledge through creating conditions for self-expression.

Form: pedagogical workshop

Methods– search engines


Gaming (simulation of vital situations in a story game)

Equipment: recording of M. Minkov’s song “Song of the Road of Goodness,” a magic chest of fairy tales, a travel map, a ship, pencils, sheets of paper, glue, felt-tip pens, cards with words.

      1. Progress:
      2. Stage 1. Inductor

Hello guys! Today we have an unusual class hour. And we will start it with an amazing song.

Song about the road of goodness

Now you've listened to the song. What do you think our class hour will be devoted to? Yes, kindness.

Write what you think the word Kindness means (sheets for teams). What do you associate this word with? What immediately comes to your mind when you hear the word Kindness?

Children's answers are read out

You see how differently we imagine this concept. And in order to better understand what real Kindness is, now we will go on an unusual journey into the world of Kindness.

      1. Stage 2. Working with material

1) Island of Proverbs.

Since ancient times, people have strived for good and hated evil. And they reflected this idea in proverbs that are passed on from mouth to mouth. Therefore, first of all, we will sail to the island of proverbs.

A kind word to a man like rain in a drought.

Life is given for good deeds.

A kind word opens iron gates.

An affectionate word that the sun is in bad weather.

Good done in secret will be repaid openly.

Each team is given scattered proverbs. You need to collect a proverb from words and phrases, stick it on a piece of paper, discuss in a group what the meaning of this proverb is, and then tell everyone your general opinion.

Children go to the board, hang up proverbs and explain their meaning.

2) City of politeness

Yes, right. From these proverbs we see that goodness always brings joy to the people around us. The first step to kindness is a kind word. So we go to the city of politeness.

A) Warm-up

Even a block of ice will melt
From a warm word….(thank you)
- The old stump will turn green,
When he hears.. (good afternoon)
- Boy, polite and developed
He says when meeting…. (Hello)
When we are scolded for our pranks,
Let's talk... (sorry, please)
Both in France and Denmark
In parting they say...(goodbye)

B) Well, we remembered the magic words. What do you think - what does their strength depend on? Now we will watch the skit, and then we will try to answer this question.

Children show a dramatization of Z. Byadulya’s poem “Petrus”

Petrus promised his father:
I'll take care of politeness
I will thank everyone
Be the first to say “hello”
Here is a boy with diligence
Keeps its promise.
He sees - in the morning at the gatehouse
The watchman on the threshold is dozing:
He didn't sleep at night on duty,
Just dozed off.
And Petrus will scream:
- Good morning, grandfather Fedot! –
His grandfather scolded him in his sleep:
- Get out, shooter!
Petrus caught up with Yarinka
Yes, as he pulls the scarf:
- Where are you going, Yarinka, stop!
I say hello to you! –
She pulled aside -
How impolite the girl is!
A friend was carrying a stack of books,
And Petrus jumps from the fence!
Almost sat on his shoulders!
- Sorry, good evening!
“You,” the friend shouted, “
- Both ignorant and impudent! -
Petya is very surprised:
Was he impolite?

How do you think, is Petrus really polite? Why can’t the boy’s actions be called polite?

You will now see another example of the unsuccessful use of magic words.

Sketch “A Very Polite Turkey”

Suddenly showed up at the house
Very polite turkey
Twenty times a day
No less often, he shouted:
“Hey, you ignoramuses!”
Come on in for a visit
Learn politeness.
“I myself,” shouted the turkey, “
Doctor of Polite Sciences.
And my wife is an example
Wonderful manners.
Even when she sleeps
It's obvious that she's well-educated.
Don't be shy, you ass
Come in, sit at the table.
Why are you silent like a fish?
Say: “I’ll come, thank you!”
Don't be a pig, pig
My family is waiting for you!
I wish I had washed my face sooner
You are your own pig's snout!
No matter how hard he fought, however,
Nobody went to the turkey -
Neither a cow nor a dog,
Neither the sow hare nor the donkey.
The turkey turned gray with anger:
“Insolent people don’t come to visit!
All the work was in vain,
They are all idiots, idiots!”
And he added from the height of his greatness:
“The brutes haven’t learned the rules of decency!”

So what does the power of magic words depend on? That's right, the power of magic words depends on exactly how they are said, in what voice - calm and friendly or rude and impolite. Said roughly, they simply cease to be magical. It’s not for nothing that people say, “No one loves a narcissist.”

3) Cape Culture

Discussing other people's behavior is easy. What would you do in these situations? Now I give each team situations. And you read them, find mistakes, discuss them in a group and tell them what the children were wrong about.

Situation 1. The girl indignantly complained to her mother: “There is such a bad boy in the yard - he calls me Valka all the time.” “What do you call him?” - Mom asked. “I don’t call him at all. I just shout to him: “Hey, you!”

Was the girl right?

(The girl herself should call the boy by name, showing him an example, and not shout “Hey, you!”)

Situation 2. The boy shouted to a passerby, “What time is it?”

What mistakes did the boy make?

1) it was necessary not to shout, but to speak; 2) Please tell me; 3) It’s more correct to say what time it is, not what time it is)

Situation 3. For his birthday, the birthday boy was unexpectedly given two identical cars as a gift. To which the boy said, “What should I do with two cars? After all, I already have one!”

What would you say if you were the boy, so as not to offend the guest?

(Thank you very much! I now have two identical cars, so two people can play together!)

Situation 4

Two teachers are talking in the school corridor. Among them, Katya saw her teacher and politely greeted only her: “Hello, Olga Ivanovna!” Did the girl do the right thing?

(I should have said a general “Hello”)

4) Fairytale Valley

Yes, it turns out it’s not easy to be a polite and cultured person. You need to learn this throughout your life. And not only our parents and teachers help us in this, but also good old fairy tales. Our further path lies in the Fairytale Valley. After all, it is in fairy tales that Good always triumphs over evil.

Let's remember, guys, which fairy-tale heroes did good deeds and brought joy to others. And the Fairytale Chest will help us with this. We need to guess who these items belong to?

    This fairy-tale hero wore a wide-brimmed hat. With a beautiful barrel organ, he walked around the cities, earning his living by singing and music. He saved the dolls from the evil Karabas-Barabas and opened a wonderful theater for them. (Papa Carlo)

    Treated animals and birds, saved sick animals of Africa (Aibolit)

    These were the favorite flowers of the girl who turned out to be stronger than the Snow Queen and saved her friend from captivity in the ice (Gerda)

    This girl used the last petal to help a sick boy get better. (Zhenya from Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik Kataev)

    Hat. This fairy-tale hero helped his master become a marquis, marry a princess and become the owner of a huge castle.

    This dog was the inseparable friend of the girl who helped the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion find what they lacked in life.

How do these fairy-tale heroes differ from all other heroes, for example Baba Yaga, Karabas-Barabas? The fact that they do good, help a good person, a good cause, and interfere with an evil one.

5) Country of true friends

Do you guys know how to do good deeds and help a loved one? We will find out by going to the Land of True Friends.

Read excerpts from Valentina Oseeva’s stories and try to remake the ending of the story so that everyone is satisfied and happy. And then show the skit to the whole class. To do this, distribute roles, words, who will say what among you.

1) Three comrades

What is friendship? How did you understand this from the skit that the guys showed? (If a friend is in trouble, you need to help, and not stand on the sidelines and discuss how bad he is)

2) At the skating rink

What should you do if you accidentally offend someone? Is it possible to offend others while trying to please someone?

Let's see what the heroes of Valentina Oseeva did? (We read out). Vitya, of course, was wrong.

This means that you too can be magicians, because the main magic is kindness. Thanks to your good deeds, even if only in a skit for now, but you will do the same in life, if this happens to you, we sailed to the Sea of ​​Kindness and reached the Good Land.

6) Good land.

Making a collage.

The ground is covered in fog. Let's make the sun shine bright and bright on this earth. To do this, the first command will depict the sun on this sheet. It is no coincidence that popular wisdom says: kindness is like the sun. And kind people, like the rays of this sun, warm people with their kindness. Now I will give out the words.

knows how to forgive insults
helps in trouble
quarrels often

Your team needs to select from these words only those that relate to kind people and stick them like rays.

Who inhabits this land? The second team will think and stick on this land only those people whom it considers good.

Guys, what is missing from our picture? Of course, on the Good Land birds should sing and gardens should bloom, because nature also rejoices in kindness. The entire animal and plant world of the planet depends on us – people. And if we are evil and cruel towards nature, then all the flowers will die.

Stage 3. Reflection.

Look at the picture we got. Who do we call a good person?

Having reached the Good Land, you probably realized that every person, big and small, has his own path to kindness.

The path to kindness is not an easy, long path, on which a person expects ups and downs, descents and ascents, alternation of good and evil. Learning to be truly kind is difficult. A person should stop more often and reflect on his committed actions.

And today I thank everyone for the warm, confidential conversation, for the kind, smart thoughts, for the creative attitude to work.

Kind words are roots
Good thoughts - flowers
Good deeds are fruits
Kind hearts are gardens.

Take care of your garden and do not let it become overgrown with weeds, fill it with sunshine, kind words and good deeds!

And in memory of our journey today, I want to give each of you a small gift. (Thanks for participation)

Collective performance of the song “Smile”

Goals: consolidate knowledge acquired in lessons; develop communication, curiosity, cognitive abilities, the ability to see new things in the familiar.

Progress of the event

I. Teacher's opening speech.

Guys, today the Old Brain Brain came to visit us (a child appears, specially prepared, dressed in a gnome costume). He invites us to play “Fun Marathon” and claims that we will never guess the puzzle tasks that he prepared for us. Well, guys, do we accept the offer of the Old Brainiac? Shall we show what we are capable of? But we will compete with each other, that is, with teams. A prize awaits the winners. (At the end of the game, all players: both winners and participants receive a sweet prize - an apple or a pear)

So, we divide into teams, and come up with a name for each team.

II. Competitions.

1. Fun grammar.

Name the babies of the following animals. This is a shouting game. You should answer in unison. The teams answer one by one, two words at a time.

Cat - kitten dog - puppy goose - gosling horse - foal starling - little starling pig - piglet frog - little frog cow - calf

2. Simple as pie.

a) Some people don’t know how to sing a song correctly. Find in these words what the bear stepped on:

Fly agaric, oven, dry wind, down jacket, nonsense (ear).

turkey - turkey sheep - lamb goat - kid chicken - chicken rabbit - little rabbit snake - little snake hare - little hare cockroach - ?

b) In the words, find the plant from which spinning fiber and oil are obtained:

Maple, film, nightshade, oil can, diaper (linen).

3. Girls' names.

Make up girls' names from a set of letters.

4. Animal brainiac.

Make up the names of animals from the given words.

SON + OR + GO = (rhinoceros)

pelvis + RE + JUICE = (dragonfly)

STEP + I + BOW = (frog)

LUB + VOY = (buffalo)

SALT = (moose)

BICH + SI = (lapwing)

ROOF + MAT = (monkey)

FOAM + APT = (panther)

5. Geoconnector.

Make up the names of the capitals and connect them with arrows to the corresponding states.

6. Transformers.

Try turning one word into another, changing one letter at a time.

7. Let's relax!

Now let’s take a time out and rest for a few minutes. And at the same time, we summarize the interim result of the game at the moment.

Do you know that...

To produce 100 grams of honey, a bee collects nectar from 190,000 flowers.

Horses find it more comfortable to sleep standing up than lying down. They may not go to bed at all for several months.

In severe frost, only geese and cats survive, which can withstand temperatures of -110 degrees. Polar bears and seals can withstand temperatures down to -80 degrees, while most mammals can only withstand temperatures of -45 degrees.

The cuckoo throws its eggs into the nests of other birds not at all out of frivolity, as we used to think, but for a completely different reason: it cannot hatch chicks in the nest, since it does not lay eggs immediately, like other birds, but at long intervals.

8. Star words.

9. Rearrangement.

Create a new word by rearranging letters.

UKOR (lesson)

CONE (cloth)

MARCH (scar)

CANCEL (coin)

POKER (stoker)

LEIKA (footman)

BANK (boar)

FLASK (glass)

RING (base)

MINCING (scarf)

ANIS (sleigh)

10. Fun questions.

1) In which city are there one hundred girls and one boy? (Sevastopol)

2) What potatoes does the Colorado potato beetle not eat? (Cake)

3) What bird’s name has forty letters? (Magpie)

4) Which month is shorter than others? (May)

5) What is a horse without legs? (Chess)

6) Which guest appears first in the kitchen? (Cockroach)

7) What can’t money buy? (Health)

8) In which fields does grass not grow? (On the brim of the hat)

9) Which hare is not afraid of a fox? (Bus)

10) What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

11) How to write “fig” in six letters? (Smokva)

12) Which guard has 100 faces? (Watchman)

13) Which ear does not hear? (Needle)

14) Which vegetable is the most musical? (Beans)

15) Do a hundred mice have many legs and ears? (Four hundred legs and two hundred ears)

16) One grandfather, two fathers and two sons all put on three pairs of boots. How many were there? (Three)

11. Reasoning.

a) Place ten chairs in a square room so that there are the same number of chairs against each wall.

b) They made a pyramid out of coins. Arrange the three coins so that the pyramid faces up.

12. Riddles.

1) A shoemaker is not a shoemaker,

A tailor is not a tailor:

Holds a bristle in his mouth,

Scissors in hands. (Cancer)

2) Everyone knows us:

Bright as a flame

We are namesakes

With small nails. (Carnations)

3) From the name of which river did the name of the KamAZ truck come from? (Kama)

4) What is the name of the quiet place where the devils hang out? (Whirlpool)

5) Rushes and honks,

He grumbles quickly.

Can't keep up with the tram

Behind this chatter. (Motorbike)

6) Digger

Without gasoline and without tires

The earth is loosened every day,

Builds a long labyrinth. (Mole)

7) The field became black and white;

Now it rains, now it snows,

And it got colder -

The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.

Freezing in a field of winter rye

What month is it, tell me! (November)

8) What can at the same time:

Hanging and standing, standing and walking,

Walk and lie, lie and lie? (Watch)

9) Who is above us upside down

Walks - not afraid,

Not afraid to fall

Flying all day long

Does everyone get bored? (Fly)

10) Grandma Varvara

I looked for them everywhere.

I almost didn’t climb into the pipe,

And they were found on the forehead. (Glasses)

13. Letter arithmetic.

DOME + SPECTRUM - BOW = street (avenue)

(FALCON - S) + (KYSH - K) = part of a cap (band)

PRICE + LIST = ? (ladder)

AC + CITRO = ? (assorted)

CLUB + KIL - A = clock (alarm clock)

14. Chinaward.

Following the arrows, write in the empty cells the letters that begin one word and end another.

Answer: 1. Lard; cheese; 2. Layer; 3. Ram; 4. Wing; 5. Nagan; 6. Support; 7. Arcana.

III. Summing up the results of the marathon.

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