When is Knowledge Day? New in the diaries

Knowledge Day on September 1 in 2019 falls on a Sunday, so for many schoolchildren in Russia and post-Soviet countries, the new school year starts on Monday, September 2.

In a number of countries, such as Georgia, schoolchildren go to school later - in the second half of September.

According to tradition, on Knowledge Day, ceremonial assemblies are held in all schools. For first-graders, the symbolic and solemn first bell rings - a symbol of the beginning of a new life - the life of a schoolchild.

history of the holiday

According to many sources, the history of this holiday began in Nicaea in 325, when the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, who designated Christianity as the main religion, convened the first Ecumenical Council. One of the important decisions of this council was that the date September 1st was considered the beginning of the new year from that moment on.

The church and state holiday of the New Year began to be celebrated in Rus' only on September 1, 1492. Well, since all the schools of that time were created at the church, education in them logically began with the church new year.

© AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel

Schoolchildren at Knowledge Day in Moscow

Even when, in 1700, by decision of Peter the Great, the new year officially began to be calculated from January, the start date for school formally remained the same, but could vary from the end of August to mid-September.

Until the mid-30s of the 20th century, there was no exact date for the start of the school year in the USSR. According to the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of August 14, 1930, "all children aged 8-10 years were to be admitted to school in the fall."

The Soviet government established a single start date for the school year in 1935 by a corresponding decree. According to this document, the start date of the new school year for all children was set for September 1. The resolution also introduced specific end dates for the school year for students in different grades.

The holiday itself appeared only 50 years later. The origins of Knowledge Day were the famous Soviet teacher Fyodor Bryukhovetsky, thanks to whom schoolchildren learned not only this holiday, but also many other school traditions, including the last bell. September 1 is of particular importance for first-graders, who take an important step on this day. School means a transition from a completely carefree childhood to a period of responsible study and, of course, for their no less worried parents.

Knowledge Day in different countries

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in a number of countries, Knowledge Day remained an official public holiday. It is still, as in Russia, celebrated in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Armenia, Latvia and other countries that were part of the USSR.

The school year traditionally begins on the first of September in Belgium, Ireland, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary and Macedonia.

In Israel, school starts usually on the first of September, although sometimes the start date of the school year is postponed, for example, if the first day of autumn falls on a Saturday or on national holidays.

In Spain, the first day of school is a “floating” date, and in different provinces of the country it occurs at different times. In general, according to the law, all students must begin their studies no later than October 1.

In the United States there is also no exact start date for the school year. It can begin on any day in August or in early September. This issue is decided at the level of each state independently of the others.

The one who really distinguished himself was Australia. Here, the school year begins after the celebration of Australia Day, the country's main national holiday, which is celebrated annually on January 26. However, if January 27 falls in the second half of the week, then schools shift the start of classes to the nearest Monday.

New Zealanders also turned out to be close in spirit to Australia. For local children, school classes begin on January 27, although sometimes in private schools, at the request of parents, the start of the school year can be moved to the first days of February.

The vast majority of Asian countries start school on the first of September, such as China, Hong Kong, Laos, Taiwan and Mongolia, while in Myanmar schools start on the second Wednesday of September. However, in many Asian countries the beginning of the school year occurs in the spring.

In particular, in Japan, educational institutions begin work on the first of April, in Thailand - in May, after the celebration of the Thai New Year (its date is determined individually each time, but usually it falls in mid-April), and in the Philippines, schoolchildren go for knowledge in the first dates of June.

Each of Germany's 16 federal states has its own rules regarding the start of the school year. Approximately, children begin their studies in August-September.

In some countries that were previously part of the USSR, after its collapse, Knowledge Day ceased to exist as a holiday. Some people replaced this holiday with other celebrations, while others canceled it altogether.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

September 1 is the beginning of a new school year for the vast majority of Russian schoolchildren, students, teachers and lecturers. Traditionally, on this day, schools hold ceremonial assemblies, homeroom hours, lessons on knowledge, peace, security and courage, etc.

September 1, 2017 Knowledge Day.

The holiday of September 1, Knowledge Day in 2017, falls on Friday. This means that the first school day of the year will consist of only a few lessons, after which each student will be able to gather strength for two more days off before starting full-time classes.

On September 1, schools will host a solemn assembly and several unusual lessons - a knowledge lesson, a peace lesson, a kindness lesson. On this day, children will be able to get used to the school environment after the summer holidays, exchange emotions and impressions with classmates, and tell their friends how the summer went.

Knowledge Day September 1: holiday traditions

The top officials of the state traditionally congratulate teachers and students on Knowledge Day. Various educational institutions are visited by district administrations, city and country leaders.

The holiday in schools began with a ceremonial assembly, then a Peace Lesson was held, then other lessons. Now schools only hold ceremonial lines (when school students line up according to their class) and other festive events, at which special attention is paid to first-graders.

In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, as a rule, they do without lines (a formal meeting is held for first-year students, but senior students study).

September 1, 2017 Knowledge Day. Whom should we congratulate?

So, in addition to the students themselves on Knowledge Day 2017, regardless of what topic is chosen for the open lesson, congratulate the right teachers. Of course, every person understands how important the work of a teacher is for the country. After all, the cultural and educational level of young people depends on teachers.

Educational methods do not stand still; they become more complex and develop. Many aspects of schooling today are directly related to the computer. The work of teachers becomes more important from year to year, and their experience and skill help the younger generation find the right path in life.

The main attribute of this public holiday is the holding of a ceremonial assembly or meeting, with which the school year starts.


During the reign of Peter I in Rus', the beginning of the school year was from August to October, and in villages - from December 1, after all the main agricultural work had been carried out.

Until the 1930s, the start date for education in the USSR was variable, but in accordance with the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars, it was determined that work in schools should begin in the fall and all children aged 8-10 years old were admitted to first grade.

In 1935, a single date was adopted that determined the start of all schools - September 1. The graduation date depended on the class, as follows:

  • up to 3rd grade – June 1;
  • from 4th to 7th grade – June 10;
  • from 8th to 10th grade – June 20.

Currently, the duration of training is set by the number of weeks:

  • for 1st grade – 33;
  • from 2 to 8 and 10 grades - 34-37, but mostly 34;
  • for grades 9 and 11 – 34, excluding state exams.

The duration of the holiday is also determined by the number of weeks. In summer, vacations must last at least 8 weeks, and during the academic year they must be at least 30 days. For first grade, the average annual vacation is 37 days.

In 1984, September 1 was officially recognized by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR as a national celebration - Knowledge Day, which was added to the list of state holidays. The creator of the holiday is considered to be F.F. Bryukhovetsky, Honored Teacher of the USSR.


Usually, Knowledge Day is celebrated most solemnly in schools. Children, depending on their class, are lined up in the school yard and held a ceremonial line-up. More attention is paid to first grade students and their first official introduction to school.

According to tradition, on September 1, children and parents present bouquets of flowers to their teachers, say congratulations and words of gratitude.

After the line, a peace lesson, an introductory class hour and a lesson on labor protection are held. Schoolchildren do not study on this day.

Parents of schoolchildren usually congratulate their children after all the events by going to a cafe. Secondary and higher educational institutions do not conduct lineups. For senior students, their studies begin on September 1, and for first-year students, a meeting is held to mark their initiation into freshmen.

On September 1, the head of state and the leadership of administrative districts come to some educational institutions and make a solemn speech.

September 1 is the beginning of a new school year for the vast majority of Russian schoolchildren, students, teachers and lecturers. Traditionally, on this day, schools hold ceremonial assemblies, homeroom hours, lessons on knowledge, peace, security and courage, etc.

Knowledge Day September 1, 2017.

The holiday of September 1, Knowledge Day in 2017, falls on Friday. This means that the first school day of the year will consist of only a few lessons, after which each student will be able to gather strength for two more days off before starting full-time classes.

On September 1, schools will host a solemn assembly and several unusual lessons - a knowledge lesson, a peace lesson, a kindness lesson. On this day, children will be able to get used to the school environment after the summer holidays, exchange emotions and impressions with classmates, and tell their friends how the summer went.

Knowledge Day September 1: holiday traditions

On September 1, students and their parents give flowers to teachers and congratulate them on the start of the school year.

The top officials of the state traditionally congratulate teachers and students on Knowledge Day. Various educational institutions are visited by district administrations, city and country leaders.

The holiday in schools began with a ceremonial assembly, then a Peace Lesson was held, then other lessons. Now schools only hold ceremonial lines (when school students line up according to their class) and other festive events, at which special attention is paid to first-graders.

In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, as a rule, they do without lines (a formal meeting is held for first-year students, but senior students study).

Knowledge Day September 1, 2017. Whom should we congratulate?

So, in addition to the students themselves on Knowledge Day 2017, regardless of what topic is chosen for the open lesson, congratulate the right teachers. Of course, every person understands how important the work of a teacher is for the country. After all, the cultural and educational level of young people depends on teachers.

Educational methods do not stand still; they become more complex and develop. Many aspects of schooling today are directly related to the computer. The work of teachers becomes more important from year to year, and their experience and skill help the younger generation find the right path in life.

Looking at the aggravation of the political situation in general, the increasing frequency of terrorist attacks, riots and wars in the Middle East and Africa, I want to believe the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 will not be devoted to discussing the next conflict in these regions and in the Donbass. Today everyone hopes that in the new school year, elementary school students, children from grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 will simply listen to stories about our planet and see presentations by older schoolchildren demonstrating, using photos and videos, the beauty of their native land and the fragility of the Earth’s nature. In grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, the first lesson may cover the topic “War and Peace.”

Presentation for the lesson of Peace on September 1, 2017 for 1st grade

On September 1, 2017, on Knowledge Day, after the ceremonial assembly, the first teacher of the children who have just officially started school will invite all former preschool children to sit at their desks. What will the Peace lesson, which opens the new school year, be devoted to? Of course, I get to know the school rules, teachers, and other teachers. After this, 1st grade students will listen to the teacher’s story about their homeland and its importance for each of us. During his narration, the teacher will give a presentation about the anthem, the flag of Russia, and talk about the importance of maintaining peace between representatives of different peoples of such a multinational country as ours.

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 - Examples of presentations for 1st grade

The tradition of holding a Peace lesson on September 1st has lived in Russia and some CIS countries, former republics of the USSR, since Soviet times. It was in 1939 that this date marked the beginning of the greatest tragedy that occurred in the 20th century - the Second World War. Brutal, bloody battles lasted for almost six years in Europe, the USA, Africa and Asia. According to the latest (but, unfortunately, also inaccurate data), our country, then consisting of fifteen republics, lost more than twenty-seven million people. Even more people, including civilians and children, were injured and maimed. Only 10-15 years later it became possible to eliminate the consequences of the devastation caused by the battles of 1939–1945. Conducting a presentation on the prevention of violence and the desire of each of us to live, looking into a peaceful sky, the teacher will show the 1st grade students photographs of the war years. He will show boys and girls who have just sat down at their school desks videos from the “hot spots” of our day, and talk about the importance of sincere and kind relationships between people, which begins in early childhood.

Peace lesson in elementary school - September 1, 2017 in grades 2, 3, 4

When conducting the first lesson in an elementary school, a teacher can invite people who have been involved in hostilities recently to visit children in grades 2, 3 and 4. Unfortunately, the tradition of meetings with WWII veterans is practically a thing of the past - 72 years have passed since the end of the last battles in 1945. Few of the fearless warriors who fought for peace on Earth then lived to see 2017. The lives of many veterans were claimed not only by the merciless time, but also by the wounds received during the battles. Today's soldiers and commanders who defend the right to freedom for their loved ones in the East of Ukraine, Syria, and the republics of the African continent can tell young listeners about the joy with which liberators are greeted every time by civilians in cities where hostilities are taking place.

I draw the word PEACE

The sun is shining above the earth,

Children play on the grass

The river is blue, and here it is -

The ship is sailing along it.

Here at home - straight to the sky!

Here are the flowers, and this is mom,

Next to her is my sister...

I draw the word "peace".

What is peace?

World peace is my dream,

Let people live like one family,

Let there be no more wars and guns

The mouth of the door will open in houses everywhere.

Love and trust - this is for me, and endless peace - for the whole Earth!

The topic of the Peace lesson in grades 2, 3, 4 - September 1, 2017 in elementary school

When preparing a Peace lesson in elementary school, the teacher chooses topics that reveal the importance of preventing wars, which always lead to casualties. The teacher can tell students in grades 2, 3 and 4 about the glorious American woman - ten-year-old Samantha Smith. During the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States of America, the girl was not afraid to come to our country. She was not afraid of made-up stories about Russian aggression. While vacationing at Artek with schoolchildren from different countries, she realized: not a single child on Earth wants war and death. Children's friendship can help adults look at the problem of maintaining peaceful relationships differently. Perhaps, having united, the guys will show by their own example that for friendship there is no difference between religions, nations and gender of people.

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 - Knowledge Day in grades 5, 6, 7, 8

Speaking about the problem of peace and war, high school students are already beginning to form their own thoughts. On Knowledge Day, in lesson 1 on September 1, children in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 can be asked to write a short essay on the topic “What is the world.” After the teacher collects and checks the students' work, the most interesting of them will be read aloud. The teacher can ask the children to express their opinions out loud regarding the conclusions of their friends at their desks. The discussion about peace and war, held on Knowledge Day, will help every child understand: war is the most terrible destroyer of their tomorrow, peace is the creator of the future.

Examples of Peace lessons and class hours - September 1, 2017 in grades 5, 6, 7, 8

Explaining to children in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 the meaninglessness of wars for ordinary citizens, the teacher will tell schoolchildren who benefits from the death of people, the destruction of entire cities and even states. These few dozen people, surrounded by a small group of minions, dreaming only of money, indifferent to the suffering of others, make billions of dollars in world wars. The statistics are frightening - the sale of weapons brings more profit than the illegal trade in hard drugs and people in all countries together. After the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017, every child should understand: children have the strength to fight for life on Earth.

Peace lesson September 1, 2017 in high school

At the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in high school, it is customary to discuss not only wars that do not stop on the planet for a single day. Children in grades 9–11 can raise the topic of equality between the sexes, tolerant attitude towards representatives of other religions and national minorities. A knowledge lesson can also be devoted to environmental issues: the concept of “peace” refers not only to “non-violence”, but also to the cleanliness of our rivers, seas, lakes, and unpolluted air. Each of us, through our actions, can preserve the beauty of the Earth and peace on the planet.

Examples of Peace lessons in high school with video - Topics for September 1, 2017

By their example, high school students can easily prove to other schoolchildren and adults that you can fight for peace not only with weapons in your hands. On September 1, 2017, they can hold actions in support of schoolchildren from “hot spots”, organize fundraising for the treatment of the wounded, and organize fairs and sales of homemade souvenirs. All proceeds will later go to those in need.

Conducting a Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in 1st grade, the teacher can briefly tell her new students the history of our country, the flag of the state, and explain the words of the anthem. In his presentation on Knowledge Day, the teacher shows schoolchildren in grades 2, 3, 4 videos and photos from countries where shooting and the sounds of exploding shells are still heard today, children and old people are dying. On the first day of school P grown-up high school students, even boys and girls of grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, can help teachers themselves and spend a class hour in elementary school.

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