Communicative employee. What does a sociable person mean?

    Sociable, contact; easy, sociable, friendly, compatible, cooperative. Ant. closed, shy Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sociable see sociable Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide... Synonym dictionary

    - [late lat. communicabilis connectable, communicating] inclined, capable of communication, communication (COMMUNICATION), establishing contacts and connections, easily establishing them, sociable. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. communicative... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    communicable- oh, oh. communicable adj. communiquer. Inclined, capable of communication, establishing contacts and connections, easily establishing them. SIS 1985. Communication skills and, g. Sex is not a luxury, but a way of communication. G. Malkin Maxims. // LG... ...

    Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language Adj. One that easily comes into contact becomes one of the links of communication [communication II] in communicating with people and with which others want to communicate. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000...

    Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    communicable Sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable,... ... Forms of words - Able communicator; briefly linen shape, linen...

    communicable Russian spelling dictionary - cr.f. communication/belen, communication/linen, linen, flax; communication/whiter...

    communicable Spelling dictionary of the Russian language - ‘at ease in the company of other people’ Syn: sociable, sociable Ant: reserved, shy...

    communicable Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary - oh, oh; flax, flax Sociable, one who easily comes into contact with other people and is easy to communicate with. Synonyms: contact/ktny (colloquial) Antonyms: non-communication/white Related words: communication/white Etymology: From French… …

    Popular dictionary of the Russian language Aya, oh; flax, flax, flax. Easy to communicate with, sociable. K. character. He is very sociable. ◁ Communication skills, and; and. His k. is amazing...

encyclopedic Dictionary

  • , Moskvina Marina Lvovna. About the book A travel diary of a writer-radio journalist with practical advice for those who are mastering this craft.
  • Marina Moskvina hosted the author’s program “In the Company of Marina…” for ten years.

Learn to listen. Surfing on the radio wave, Moskvina, Marina Lvovna. A travel diary of a writer-radio journalist with practical advice for those who are mastering this craft. Marina Moskvina hosted the author’s program “In the Company of Marina Moskvina!” for ten years. on the channel… The concepts of “communication”, “communication”, “communicative competence”, “communicative skill”, “ communication skills

”, recently often found among employers’ requirements for applicants for available vacancies. People who have the ability to build correctly and effectively communications , managers are pleased to take them into their teams. Why? Because for sociable people

They are characterized by flexibility in contacts, the ability and ability not to get confused when communicating in different situations, they easily adapt to new conditions, are able to successfully negotiate, and strive for initiative and leadership in a team.

What does the concept of human sociability include?

Ability to quickly establish contact with strangers;

Communication that makes you want to continue the conversation;

Ability to persuade;

Ability to speak publicly;

Need for communication;

Well delivered speech;

Argumentation of your point of view and the ability to defend your interests;

Finding a compromise;

Decision making skills;

Orientation in a problem situation.

Sociable person. Formula

1. Plus interest For a developed person, communication becomes a necessity, communication skills

- the key to success. But a common flaw in communication is a lack of consideration for others. We are busy with our own affairs, focused on our own opinions, and we no longer have enough time for others. And if we meet other people and share interests with them, we often talk about our problems and “pull the blanket over ourselves” in all respects.

People don’t know how to communicate because they don’t know how to ask themselves the question: “What is valuable, interesting, priority for someone else?” Communication is interesting only when interests intersect. Curiosity, attention, good memory, keen observation in relation to your interlocutor - guarantee success in communication. Indispensable for communication, for A person also has a sufficiently developed self-esteem, which allows him to convince his interlocutor that he is right.

2. Minus anxiety

Despite the fact that sociable person very playful and active, he is extremely calm. The fear centers are supposedly inactive, there is no excitement. Sometimes it seems that such a person is calm to the point of carelessness. But this carelessness actually turns out to be wisdom: it turns out that nothing happened and there is no need to worry. Peace of mind attracts people. Wherein people's sociability characterized by openness, goodwill, ease of communication, some trustfulness, and an excellent ability to switch attention.

3. Plus feedback

You have only just glanced at him, and he already perceives your gaze as an old acquaintance. You just extend your hand, and he already knows what the handshake will be like. Sociable person dexterous, inventive, witty, reactions are accurate.

4. Plus or minus selfishness

Healthy egoism has never bothered anyone. Selfishness present in moderation will allow a person to stand up for himself, maintain his own personal space, and help keep his distance from obsessive people.

5. Plus artistry

Sociability of people characterizes them as representatives of society, who are characterized by a wealth of gestures and intonations. Sociable person consummate storyteller, imitator. He has a taste for detail, for juicy details, the excitement of a child, he wants to live a varied life, which is why it is so easy for such a person to transform into different social roles, to easily adapt. These people know how to please.

6. Plus or minus aggressiveness

Aggressiveness sociable person shows rarely, “but accurately.” A master of peaceful solutions and compromises, he can, if absolutely necessary, use a painful technique - decisively and powerfully. This reserve ability creates an undertone of strength that is so necessary in human relationships, especially when it comes to work and business communication, and it also attracts no less than charm. This is demonstrated in different ways: sometimes as convincing confidence, sometimes as playful malice, sometimes as imperiousness and even authoritarianism.

Greetings, dear friends!

People are closely and directly connected to society and their personal position in it. The ability to quickly make contact, find the right intonation and topics for conversation is an excellent way to create the desired impression of an open, sincere person.

But how do you force yourself to leave the introvert zone? How to develop the necessary skills and realize their need? Who is a sociable person? About this and more in today's article.

What is communication skills?

Communication skills are the talent of understanding people, persuasiveness of speech, wrapped in sharpness and savvy thought. Enormous, along with his broad outlook and ability to apply it, is a weapon that is impossible to resist.

Adapt to society, become part of a huge team of people, closeness and gain flexibility in contacts, perhaps by developing your communication skills.

After all, no matter where you look, everything concerns people. Business meetings, agreements, service, solving various problem situations and, of course, personal expression, rests on our interaction with the outside world.

All everyday life is imbued with the need for communication and interpersonal contacts. If you imagine a party in which guests are divided into two categories, then one quietly sitting on the sidelines in the hope that no one will touch them, while others become " the soul of the company" Here you can easily identify sociable individuals.

Their speeches filled, their opinions are listened to and more and more people strive to become part of their company. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? I think every person in their circle of friends has examples of such a charismatic style of communicating with the world.

If we look at an example of this kind of skills or qualities in the work field, again, we won’t have to look for an example for a long time. Ability to find compromises and set rules and have a thin train charm, which envelops and inspires hope for a positive result at any cost.

Diplomacy- one of the best examples of the behavior of a sociable person, and this also includes a person who is familiar with holding various kinds of events and celebrations, calling himself a toastmaster or entertainer.

Have you noticed how consciously and easily communication occurs between a whole group of strangers? And all this thanks to the individual who takes upon himself responsibility for the general mood and the course of the ship, igniting and carrying others along on the journey.

How to become sociable?

1. Family and education

In families that often receive guests and don’t mind going out to friends’ houses for get-togethers, it’s great a developed niche of communicative perception. Example Demonstration friendliness, openness and joy of meeting- an excellent reason to learn how to give and express emotions correctly.

Paying attention to your reactions, you will be able to develop the necessary basis of topics, interests and flexibility to conduct a dialogue with any representative of the human race and even with a cat.

The fundamental rule is a friendly position and not sticking out your opinion, which may differ from other people's opinions.

Harmonious connection personal principles and other people’s priorities are the key successful conversation or evenings.

If you go to visit with your children, then do not be lazy to ensure that an example of the necessary and high-quality education of communication skills is implemented by your personal example.

2. Expressing interest in people

Helps you develop your communication skills sincere interest shown in opponents. By being interested in experiences, victories and simply how you feel, you show attention and respect to the conversation, thereby emphasizing the fact of your interest. And who might not be pleased with this?

It happens that the dialogue does not go well with a specific person: he personality is not pleasant, and interests are scarce. But it's not all that bad? Hobbies, the topic of weather and conversations about cars have not been canceled. I am sure that people always have something to tell, and their uncertainty blocks action.

Fear of being misunderstood And ridiculed prevents you from expressing yourself and enjoying your work ease of communication. By letting your thoughts float freely, be sure that someone will definitely like them and you will feel peace of mind.

3. Work on yourself

Question about healthy communication with others like you and honing the skill of “word creation” plays an important role. Well delivered speech- one of the aspects of communication skills.

and diversity of thought forms, helps to more subtly establish contact with the listener, causing him to respond and emotions to what you said.

Stock up on the necessary literature, practice demonstrating your tamed Ego and enjoy the conversation.

4. Sociability

Wish exchange a word with the seller, taxi driver or just acquaintances, great hones the skill of establishing communication skills. Share your observations with the world, clearly realizing advantage of dialogues, before monologues.

Unshakable self confidence and your strengths, makes it possible to discover a new facet of your personality and make sure that it turns out, talk to people not so scary.

As they say, having matured is when you are not afraid to ask in line: “ Who is last? ».

5. Expanding your horizons

Of course, be an interesting person- painstaking and daily work. Reading, analysis of information, production, education and craving for art or a specific hobby, helps us find more and more new ways of self-expression.

I would like to highlight as a separate point subtle sense of humor. The ability to joke appropriately and really joke, and do not result in sarcasm, malicious comments or vulgarity- God's gift.

A joke is when it is funny to more than one person. When telling an anecdote or funny life story, make sure that your listeners are the right target audience.

Besides, be yourself and play your own role is an advantage. Poke yourself with a stick to check whether the mask is connected to your face. Are you cheating on your feelings? and haven’t you acquired duplicity in the process of recruiting the right circle of people?

I will put an end to such a rhetorical question. Subscribe to my blog updates and recommend it to your friends to read.

In the comments, tell us about what it means to you to be a sociable person and how this is expressed?

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

Sociability as a personality quality is the ability to establish contact with almost any person, connect with his psyche, but at the same time, without losing himself, remaining consistent with his views.

The world's first cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, was an undoubted genius of communication. One charming Gagarin smile was enough to melt the ice of isolation and alienation of any person. “We do not idealize him, he truly was an extraordinary person,” Boris Volynov expressed the general position at the traditional meeting of “pioneers” in Star City. “He’s cheerful, resourceful, incredibly sociable, always focused on winning.” Six applicants were preparing for the role of the first cosmonaut, but everyone was sure that Gagarin would fly. Cosmonaut Popovich was asked by Karpov: “As the senior of the group, as the secretary of the party organization, who do you recommend?” He replied: “Evgeny Anatolyevich, I don’t know what you expect from me, but I’ll tell you: Gagarin should be the first.” He laughed, shook my hand and said: “Well done.” I thought you would say, “I’ll fly.”

When, after a triumphant flight, Yuri, at the age of 27, began traveling across countries and continents, no one doubted that he would disarm presidents, kings and ordinary workers with his sociability. There was such an incident at a reception with the Queen of England. Yuri was invited to lunch. The two of them are at the table, opposite each other. Yura said: “There are so many cutlery lying on the right, left, in front, I don’t know what to grab, I decided to repeat everything as the queen does.” And she also sits and looks at him. And then Yura could not stand it, smiled and said: “Your Royal Majesty, I am a simple pilot, of which you have hundreds. I was not taught how and what to do at the table.” She laughed and said: “Mr. Gagarin, I was born and raised in Buckingham Palace, but I also don’t know how and what to do. Let's eat as we please."

A few years after the death of Yuri Alekseevich, one Air Force colonel decided to woo his widow. He arrived in Star City with a huge bouquet of roses, but on the way he met one of Yuri Gagarin’s close friends and told him about his intentions. He put the “groom” in the car and sent him to the railway station, with the words: “If you don’t want to become a laughing stock, get out of here as quickly as possible!” Valya will never marry again, because there is no second Gagarin in the world.” And so it happened.

The reader will probably be surprised to hear that on a subtle level in the human psyche, the primary element of water manifests itself through communication. The primary element of water cannot be associated with sea or tap water. This is a certain force operating in the material Universe and is responsible for the ability of one to connect with another. Water implies communication and relationships. Without water, as the song says, “neither here nor here.” Only it provides the connection between everything and everyone. Having torn a piece of plasticine into two parts, we can easily connect them into one for one simple reason: plasticine has the ability to connect because it contains enough of the primary element water.

There is subtle water associated with mental activity. A sociable person with the primary element of water is excellent, so it is quite easy for him to establish contact with any person. That is, on a subtle level, he connects with the mind of another person, with his psyche. In other words, the presence of such an ability is evidence that the contact of the subtle body of the mind of a sociable person with the primary element of water is good. If a person has difficulty establishing contacts with others, it means that in his mind the contact with the primary element of water is broken.

A sociable person does not lose himself in communication, remains himself, but has the ability to accept the worldview of another person. This just means that the primary element of water works very well in the mind. Having met a closed, suspicious, unsociable and wary person, you can safely make a diagnosis about poor contact of his psyche with the primary element of water.

The question arises: if a person, say, has little of the primary element of water from birth, can he change this through his own efforts? Of course it can. Makhov A.V. answered this question very clearly: “... since the mind is responsible for the balance of primary elements in the body, then the whole problem comes down not to the primary element, but to the mind. It is enough for a person to start working on himself, and the inability to approach another person is associated with only two character qualities: the first is quite strong selfishness, that is, it is very important for a person what another person says about him - here. And the second is negativism towards the people around us. Basically, these two things do not allow a person to communicate openly, then it is enough for a person to understand that there are people around him who have merits and it is enough to break away from his beloved self and try to somehow tune in to do good for others - that’s all. Do you understand? As soon as a person adjusts his mind, contact with the primary element of water is restored at that moment. Everything is fine, a person has the opportunity to communicate as long as his mind is tuned in this way.”

A sociable person is able and inclined to communicate with others. For him, communication is a creative process that makes it possible to find a common language with people of different religions, nationalities, and beliefs. Being able to find common ground on the most difficult issues, communication skills develop on their basis a compromise and a path to success. Sociability shows flexibility in contacts, knows how to actively listen to other people’s opinions, has the ability and ability not to get confused when communicating in difficult situations, it frees you from complexes, isolation and incomprehensibility, and gives you the “luxury of human communication” with different people.

Communication skills know how to convince. Beaumarchais, a famous French playwright and publicist, was a witty and sociable young man. Thanks to his sociability, doors to high society opened for him; he received a minor position at court, where he did not fail to make useful contacts. He managed to win the trust of millionaire DuVernay and even become his junior business partner. There were two fleeting marriages in his life, and both times his wives were rich widows. All these circumstances helped Caron acquire a substantial fortune, from just Caron turn into Pierre Caron de Beaumarchais (that was the name of his first wife’s estate) and thereby open a new milestone in his biography. Beaumarchais demonstrated amazing activity and sociability in Spain, where he went in 1764 to protect his sister, dishonored by a local writer. Even in a foreign country, he managed to find a common language with high society, and the king himself treated him favorably.

Petr Kovalev 201 3rd year

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