Control dictations UMC "perspective". September October

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education for children station of young naturalists


Lesson notes

"What kind of mother cuckoo"

1-4 grade

Bugakova Larisa Borisovna.

additional education teacher


What kind of bird is this?
Doesn't sit on the egg
Snooping around other people's nests,
He doesn't know his children.


Few people have seen this bird, but perhaps everyone has heard it. The cuckoo can be unmistakably recognized by its voice. At the word -Cuckoo-The image of a bird immediately appears that does not build a nest for itself and does not show interest in its own children.As soon as they don't scold the cuckoo! Like, she is the worst and most useless mother, which means she is also the most harmful bird.

And you want to know why she does this, and whether she can be called a good mother.

Slide 2 . Therefore, the topic of our lesson is “What kind of mother is the cuckoo”

Slide 3 . Purpose of the lesson : find out what a cuckoo really ismother,and prove that the cuckoo is a very useful bird.

First, I want to hear what you think about this. I suggest you answer 2 questions: “Is the mother cuckoo good?”, “Is she a useful bird?” (children's answers)

Slide 4 .To achieve the goal of our lesson, I set the following tasks:

    Find out which birds the cuckoo throws its future offspring into the nests.

    Find out why the cuckoo is forced to throw up its chicks.

    Think about whether the cuckoo brings harm or benefit to nature.

    Answer the main question - is a mother cuckoo good or bad?

Main stage

Slide 5. Few people think about what an interesting bird the cuckoo is! People think since she puts hers into other people's nests and does not care about the offspring, she is a bad mother, but not everyone knows that the bird carefully chooses future adoptive parents - this suggests that it does not care who it trusts with its chick.

1. She chooses a nest similar to the one in which she herself once hatched.

2. The nest she has chosen must already contain eggs laid by another bird.

3. The cuckoo will lay its egg, making sure that the owners leave the nest at this time.

4. If the nest is in an unusual place: in a hollow, under a canopy, the cuckoo will lay an egg on the ground and carry it into the nest in its beak.

This is the first plus in favor of the cuckoo as a good mother.

Slide 6. Question 1. In the nests of which birds does the cuckoo throw its future offspring?

Usually, rather small birds are chosen to play the role of foster parents. The nests of garden warblers, wagtails, goldfinches, and warblers are especially popular with the cuckoo. Cuckoo eggs are colored very differently. Each female chooses a nest where the eggs are similar in color to hers.

Slide 7. A cuckoo that lays blue eggs lays them in nests with blue eggs; carrying variegated ones - puts them with variegated ones, etc.Therefore, birds accept cuckoo eggs as their own. It has been noticed that the cuckoo continues to take care of its eggs even after they are laid. Sometimes it transfers a disturbed egg from one nest to another, more reliable one. Thus, for about 6 weeks, when the cuckoo lays eggs, this bird has no less worries than other birds. This is the second plus in favor of the cuckoo.

And, despite all these tricks, for every 5 cuckoo eggs thrown, onlyone cuckoo Therefore, in order to continue the race, the cuckoo lays from 10 to 25 eggs per season.

Having thrown the eggs, the cuckoo calmly goes to South Africa for the winter. And tragedies play out in the nests.

Slide 8. The cuckoo hatches blind, naked, but quite strong. And he already has an throwing instinct: he throws out eggs or other chicks. By lifting them onto its back and helping itself with its bare wings, the cuckoo chick “cleans” the nest for itself. The cuckoo is in a hurry - the throwing instinct lasts three to four days, then subsides. If he does not have time to throw it away during this time, and the chicks remain in the nest, they are still doomed: the cuckoo will intercept all the food.

Slide9. The “foster parents” feed the only chick with amazing zeal. The explanation for this is the bright red throat and yellow mouth of the cuckoo chick - a powerful signal that forces not only the “foster parents” to feed it, but also “stranger” birds to give the cuckoo chick food caught for their own chicks. Also, in order for foster parents to feed you enough, you need to be able to beg for food and imitate their voice. If on the very first day the cuckoo does not learn to imitate this, the adoptive parents will not feed it.

At the same time, no one notices the colossal size of the chick. Feeder birds sometimes sit on the back or head of their offspring, thrusting their entire heads into its wide-open mouth.

Only a month and a half after leaving the nest does the cuckoo begin to lead an independent life.

Slide 10. Question 2. Why is the cuckoo forced to throw up its chicks? .

One reason is the bird's diet. Among insects, especially among caterpillars, there are poisonous ones. Many birds do not eat them. And the cuckoo eats with pleasure. She won’t feed them to her children?! The chicks, although they are very voracious, have delicate, small necks, and they cannot swallow caterpillars. And in an adult cuckoo, the stomach is designed in such a way that the “hair” of the caterpillars digs into a special coating of the walls, and then this coating is removed from the stomach along with the “hair”. So the cuckoo throws its eggs into the nests of other birds, so that these birds feed the cuckoos with tender midges and mosquitoes.

Slide 11. Another reason is that the cuckoo cannot hatch its eggs itself, since they appear over a long period of time: its first chick would have already hatched, and the last egg would still be fresh. And this means that all the offspring would inevitably be doomed to death: the first one already needs to be fed, and the last one still needs to be hatched... In addition, one cuckoo is so voracious that the cuckoo is simply not able to feed all the offspring. So a way out was found - to use the help of other birds. Each cuckoo has one pair of foster parents!

Slide 12. Question 3. Does the cuckoo bring harm or benefit to nature?

The cuckoo is useful due to its appetite. The cuckoo's appetite is truly extraordinary. In an hour she can eat up to 100 caterpillars, but insatiability is not the only advantage of cuckoos. If there are a lot of pests in the forest, then the birds will work until they destroy all the insects.

In other words, one cuckoo destroys many more harmful insects than all the birds killed by the cuckoo would destroy.

There are never many cuckoos in the forest. Their numbers are very small compared to other forest birds.

So for the forest, the cuckoo is a very useful bird, because by destroying millions of pests it completely atones for its “guilt.”

Slide 13. Conclusion

It would seem that everything is clear, cuckoos are very harmful birds, and careless mothers. But we found out that this behavior of the cuckoo is not explained by the lack of maternal feelings, but, on the contrary, by concern for the preservation of its offspring.The cuckoo is a very smart bird, and you shouldn’t label it a “bad mother”, since it is simply forced to do just that and no other way.

Means,The cuckoo is a good, caring mother!

And the cuckoo is the most useful bird!The forest benefits greatly from the cuckoo. There are cases when they saved entire oak groves, gardens and parks from the invasion of various pests.

Slide 14. I would like to end our lesson with Lyudmila Radul’s poem “Cuckoo”

Everything is thought out in nature,
Although sometimes it seems strange.
Here, for example, is that cuckoo,
What is crowing at the edge of the forest?
This bird will never
Didn't build a nest for herself.
People began to repeat,
What is she -bad mother.
Just what is her fault?
Why doesn't she build nests?
There are many alien nests in the forest.
Birds lay eggs in them.
The cuckoo has no home
But there is a secret:
Lay eggs for neighbors
They're in the nest while they're gone.
But the hostess has no idea
Who could have done this?
She is surprised
But she must sit through it.
A chick appears
Size like father
The family where I ended up
Even though he is small in age.
Feeding him is not easy
Small birds.
And to feed our own...
This one eats for three.
Drives out all the chicks
Those that mother and father feed.
Finally, he flew away -
And the chaos is over...
Why the mother cuckoo
Find yourself out of work?
And the whole reason is food.
Mom knows: there will be trouble...
Nature joked with her
Among the bird people,
Rewarding the cuckoos with food—
Scary fat caterpillars:
And shaggy and prickly,
There is a terrible burning sensation in the stomach.
If the chick eats it,
Then he faces... the end.
And his mother decided
Spare, give away the egg
To the nest where there is food,
What do chicks always eat?
The little cuckoo eats bugs
Delicious worms.
Well, then the caterpillars
Accepts with an adult belly.
At home the offspring would have perished,
And the whole cuckoo family.
So nature decided
Although not everyone is pleased with the decision.
Nature has a higher view:
So that all the niches are filled.
And the cuckoo is wise.
And as a mother she is kind.


Akimushkin I.I. Animal World (Bird Tales)/Eureka Series; Artists A. Bloch, B. Zhutovsky - Moscow: Young Guard - 1971, p. 384

Animals. Great encyclopedia. Under the general editorship of T.A. Rudenko. Moscow. OLMA Media Group. 2008


Slide 1

Who is this bird? He never builds nests for himself, leaves eggs for his neighbors, and does not remember the chicks.
Guess the riddle:

Slide 2

Presentation of the Cuckoo

Slide 3

Read the text:

Slide 4

Slide 5

Answer the questions.
Remember what you know about the habits of the cuckoo. What were the birds doing in the grove? What did the cuckoo care about? Whose nest did she choose for her future chick? Tell us how she threw her egg into the flycatcher's nest.

Slide 6

Read the text and retell:
The cuckoo sat calmly on the tree. Birds flew between the trees, carrying feathers, moss, and grass. The chicks should hatch soon. The birds were in a hurry to build, twist, and sculpt.

The cuckoo has its own worries. She doesn’t know how to build nests or raise chicks. She was looking for a better nest. That's where I was going to throw the egg.

The cuckoo watched the birds for a long time. She liked the flycatcher's nest. The cuckoo flew from the birch tree and laid an egg straight to the ground. Then she grabbed the egg in her beak, flew up to the nest and carefully lowered it there. The cuckoo was happy. She placed the chick in a safe place.
Slide 7
Explain the spelling of unstressed vowels in the roots of words:
the chicks rushed by, flew, dragged, hurried, demolished the nest
- rushes by
- chick
- flight
- drags
- rush

- nests

- demolished
Slide 8
Fill in the missing letters:

wings trees feathers

wings trees feathers
Slide 9
Place punctuation marks in the sentences:
Birds flew between the trees, dragging feathers, moss and grass.
Birds flew between the trees, carrying feathers, moss, and grass.
The birds were in a hurry to build and sculpt.
The birds were in a hurry to build, twist, and sculpt.

Then she grabbed the egg in her beak, flew to the nest and carefully lowered it there.

Then she grabbed the egg in her beak, flew up to the nest and carefully lowered it there. 15 .09.2016

Administrative control dictation on the topic “Repetition of what was learned in 3rd grade” (input work)

1 quarter


The sour and very healthy cranberry berry grows in the summer and is harvested late in the fall. The sweetest cranberries are in the spring, when they lie in the snow all winter.

At the beginning of April, the children went to the swamp. At first the road was wide. Then it turned into a narrow path. There were dry grasses along the path. You can walk through a swamp for a long time and not realize that there are cranberries under your feet. The berries are hidden in swamp hummocks and are not visible. He bent down to take one berry and pulled out a long green thread with many cranberries. According to M. Prishvin

Words for reference:

grows, sometimes turns.

Grammar tasks: 1. Write down one word each with root spellings: paired consonants, unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants. Select test words and mark spellings. berry,

Option 2 - late. in the third sentence,

Option 2 -

in the sixth sentence.

Tests in the Russian language 4th grade 2016-2017 academic year

1st quarter 18.09. 2016

Educational presentation “The cat is a thief.” The cat is a thief.

Only a week later it was possible to establish that the cat’s ear was torn and a piece of his dirty tail was cut off. It was a cat who had lost all conscience, a cat - a tramp and a bandit.Behind his back they called him Thief . He stole everything: fish, meat, sour cream and bread.

Once we managed to catch a cat. It turned out to be a skinny cat - a stray. At first we wanted to teach him a lesson. Then they decided to feed him.

They dragged the koto into the closet and gave him fried pork and perch aspic. Cottage cheese, sour cream.

The cat ate for more than an hour. He came out of the closet, sat down on the threshold and began to wash himself, and then stretched out by the stove.

From that day on, he settled in with us and stopped stealing.

Option 2 -

1st quarter 09/24/2016

Test “Test yourself” No. 1 in the section “Repeat - learn new things” (Textbook, p.34)

1.Answer the questions ( orally ) .

What goals might the interlocutor have in verbal communication?

What are the basic rules for successful communication?

What is dialogue and what is monologue?

What are the main features of the text?

2. Test your ability to place missing commas in sentences. What do they highlight in these sentences?

1. Why did you come to visit us early in autumn? (A. Pleshcheev.)

2. Come out rainbow - arc onto green meadows.

3. Goodbye old year! It's sad to leave. (R. Zaslavsky.)

3. Copy the story by A. Bachai. Determine its theme. Title the text.

We live together with the cat Klyopa and the cat Martha. One day I fed them for the night and went to bed.

A knock woke me up, like someone was playing football in the house. I got up and saw such a scene. Klepa is jumping on the floor with a can on his head with milk left in it.

She took Klepa out of the house into the yard, carefully broke the jar with a stone and freed him. The cat jumped on me and began to lick my face and hands as a sign of gratitude. Here's the story.

Option 2 -

1st quarter 25.09. 2016

Control dictation “Autumn” in the section “Repeat - learn new things” on the topic “Text as a speech work.”


Early autumn. The Russian forest is beautiful and sad on these wonderful days. The thicket of golden foliage is cut through by maples engulfed in fire. The light heels of the leaves fly slowly. Between the trees, thin threads of cobwebs shine with silver. The late mushroom turns red. There is silence in the forest. Only the soft carpet of foliage rustles sadly underfoot.

The air is fresh and clear. The water in forest streams is clean and cold. The oak tree is still green. But the tops of the birches are already bare.

According to I. Sokolov - Mikitov

Words for reference : slowly.

Words for reference:

1. Write what type this text belongs to. Write down phrases that prove this.

2. Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word:

Option 1 – sad,

Option 2 - leaves.

Option 2 -

1st quarter 07.10. 2016

Control dictation “Thunderstorm” in the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “Means of communication”


A summer storm was approaching. A giant purple cloud slowly rose above the forest. Low willows rustled and babbled. A sharp wind roared overhead. The trees went wild. Large drops of rain pattered furiously on the leaves. A blinding long lightning streak crossed the gloomy sky. There was a deafening crash. Thunder rumbled. The rain poured down in streams.

But then the bright sun shone cheerfully again. The air became fresh and light. How joyfully everything sparkles after the rain! How wonderfully fragrant strawberries and mushrooms smell!

According to I. Turgenev.

Words for reference:

1. Write down three words with unstressed vowels being tested, select test words, and indicate the spelling.

2. Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word: Option 1 –rain, 1. Write down one word each with root spellings: paired consonants, unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants. Select test words and mark spellings. furiously.

3. Indicate the grammatical basis: Option 1 –in the fourth sentence, late. in the third sentence.

4. Indicate the emphasis in words.

Needles, bows, sorrel, cakes, ringing, understood, asked, tools, beets, driver.

Option 2 -

1st quarter 08.10. 2016

Test "Test yourself" No. 2 in the section "Language as a means of communication" on the topic "Means of communication" (Textbook, p.51)

1.Complete the sentence. Write it down.

The most important means of communication is...

2. Indicate the number of sounds and letters in these words.

Dandelion, ball, speech, spruce, hedgehog, weeds.

3. Divide the words first into syllables, and then into parts for hyphenation. Can all words be separated for hyphenation?

Mike, met, sneak, acacia, mine.

4. Make a sound-letter analysis of each word. Underline the letters that represent the two sounds.

Cradle, fat, fir-tree, loach, will announce.

5. Write down the text, opening the brackets and inserting missing letters where necessary.

(On) a sunny day in autumn.. (on) the edge of a spruce forest, young people gathered in..selye, as if there, in the spruce forest, they felt cold..deep, Their life has become boring. They (wanted) to bask in the open sun. So in the villages the villages go out (into) the sun and sit (on) benches near their houses.

Option 2 -

1st quarter 18.10. 2016.

Test copying “Mom” in the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “Main and secondary members of a sentence”


You always you will remember mother's voice, mother's eyes, mother's hands. Mom taught you to walk and talk. Mom read you the first book. From your mother you learned the names of birds - sparrow, swallow, tit. I learned that every flower has a name - chamomile, cornflower, ivan - damarya. Mom is always there for you. Everything you saw seemed to start with mom. And love for the Motherlandbegins with love for mom.

According to Yu. Yakovlev.

Note. Draw children's attention to writing the underlined words.

Option 2 -

1st quarter 27.10. 2016

Educational presentation “The First Snow”.

First snow

Tanya looked out the window. The sky was full of snowflakes. Snowflakes flew, swirled and fell. They lay on village roofs, stale dirt on the road, frozen puddles, bare tree branches.

Tanya went out into the yard and began to look at the snowflakes. In the air they look like light fluff. And closer - stars. All different. One had wide rays, while the other had them sticking out like sharp arrows.

After lunch, Tanya did not recognize her village. She became all white. And the roofs, and the roads, and the gardens were white.

The sun came out, the snow shone and sparkled. Winter has come.

According to L. Voronkova

Option 2 -

1st quarter 29.10. 2016

Control dictation “Coward” in the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “Sentence”


The guys played war. Valya and his brother Andryusha were not included in the game. Valya was a coward. And Andryusha only knew how to crawl.

Suddenly the guys heard screams. The dog Lokhmach broke free from his chain. The children scattered, only Andryusha remained on the street.

Valya rushed to her brother. The huge dog rushed straight towards the girl. She shielded Andryusha, threw a toy at the dog and screamed loudly.

A watchman ran across Lokhmach. He grabbed the dog by the collar and led him away.

The guys came out of their shelters. Happy Andryusha was already smiling, and Valya was crying bitterly. She was very scared.

According to N. Artyukhova

Words for reference : across, sobbing, scattered.

Words for reference:

1.Write down sentences for the diagrams.

Option 1 O, O, and O

Option 2 O and O

2. Write down the phrases, graphically indicate the main and dependent words:

Option 1 – from the second sentence of the third paragraph.

Option 2 – from the first sentence of the last paragraph.

3. Perform sound-letter analysis of words:

Option 1 – all of a sudden,

Option 2 - Very.

Option 2 - 1st quarter 10/30. 2016

Test No. 3 in the section “Language as a means of communication” to summarize knowledge on the topics “Sentence” and “Phrase”(Textbook, p.80)

1.Complete the sentence. Write them down.

Sentences for the purpose of the statement are: ... .

In terms of intonation, sentences can be….

The main members of the sentence are….

In addition to the main members, a sentence may also contain....

2. Choose the correct answer.

a) Homogeneous members of a sentence are the same member of a sentence and answer the same question. Refer to the same word in a sentence.

b) A comma is placed between homogeneous members if they are connected using conjunctionsA , But

c) A comma is not placed between homogeneous members if they are connected using conjunctionsA , But or using enumeration intonation (without conjunctions).

d) A comma is placed before a conjunction and with homogeneous members of a sentence if this conjunction is used once.

3. Answer the questions.

a) Which sentence is called complex?

b) What punctuation marks are used in a complex sentence?

c) What is a phrase?

d) How are the words in the phrase connected?

Option 2 -

2nd quarter 14.11. 2016.

Test No. 4 in the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “The Word and its meaning”

(Textbook, p.93)

1.Choose the correct answer.

The word has only a sound - letter form.

The word has a lexical meaning and a sound - a letter form.

2. Distribute the words into five synonymous groups.

Message, funny, brave, news, amusing, courageous, news, kind, eyes. Comical, bold, warm-hearted, eyes, courageous, undaunted, soulful, news.

3. Choose a synonym and antonym for each of these words.

Quiet - … .

Thin - … .

Joy - … .

Is it true - … .

Laugh - … .

Run –….

4. Give your examples of words - homonyms.

Option 2 -

2nd quarter 25.11. 2016

Control dictation “Cuckoo” on the topic “Spelling of prepositions and prefixes”


All birds build nests and hatch chicks. But the cuckoo has different habits. The warbler will fly away from the nest to get food. Leaves eggs unattended. Here the cuckoo will throw its egg into the bird’s nest.

Here the cuckoo warblers are hatching. He grew up and threw the warbler chicks out of the nest onto the ground. The birds were left with one large, disheveled chick.

Warblers are carried all day long in the beaks of caterpillars, larvae, and beetles. And the cuckoo eats the food, opens its mouth wide and squeaks again. And his mother flies carefree through the forest.

At the beginning of April, the children went to the swamp. At first the road was wide. Then it turned into a narrow path. There were dry grasses along the path. You can walk through a swamp for a long time and not realize that there are cranberries under your feet. The berries are hidden in swamp hummocks and are not visible. He bent down to take one berry and pulled out a long green thread with many cranberries. carefree again.

Words for reference:

1. Copy a poem - a joke, opening the parentheses. Label the noun with a preposition and the verb at the top.

I, without sparing soap,

I washed my nose patiently.

It would depend (on) the soap,

I would wash my freckles.

Y. Kozlovsky

2. Write down one word each with a hard separator and a soft separator, and graphically explain the spelling.

3. Write down one word each with a spelling - vowel and with a spelling - consonant in the prefix. Label the spellings.

Option 2 -

2nd quarter 05.12. 2016

Educational presentation “Bitter water”

Bitter water

Tolya and Vitya were returning home from the forest.

An old woman was walking along the road with a bucket of water. It was obvious that it was hard for her.

Vitya ran to help the old woman, and Tolya passed by. The old woman thanked the boy from the bottom of her heart.

One day Tolya was coming from a walk. He was thirsty. I knocked on one of the huts. A familiar old lady opened the door. She greeted Tolya warmly and gave her water. The boy blushed. He hastily drank some water and ran out into the street. The water seemed bitter to him.

Option 2 - 2nd quarter 15.12. 2016

Test No. 5 in the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “Composition of a word” (Textbook, p. 111)

1. Disassemble these words according to their composition.

Crossroads, hollow, old, let's leave.

2. Distribute the words into groups according to the meaning of the root. Highlight the root in the words of each group.

Blind, go blind, stick together, stick, sticky, dazzling.

3. Read the statements and choose the correct answers.

a) The separating solid sign is written only after a prefix ending in a consonant, before a root that begins with one of the vowels:e, e, yu, i.

b) The separating solid sign is written only after a prefix ending in a consonant, before a root that begins with one of the vowels:e, e, yu, i, i.

c) Words that have two roots are called complex.

4. Complete the sentences.

The root of the word is….

The root expresses... the meaning of the word.

The basis of the word is….

5. Write down, opening the brackets and inserting the missing letters into the words where necessary.

    (Under) throw (under) the tree, (over) return (around) the corner.,,, etc..assume,

Option 2 -

2nd quarter 16.12. 2016

Control dictation “Trouble” for the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “Composition of words”.


It was a clear day. The spring sun was shining brightly. It was hot in the spruce forest. A light breeze blew. There was a strong smell of smoke in the air. The tourists did not put out the fire. Dry grass caught fire. This is a great danger for the forest. The fire got close to the old spruce. The lower branches are busy. Now narrow tongues of flame began to lick the anthill.

We broke off the heavy spruce paws and began to put out the fire. A thin stream of smoke came from the anthill. The hardy ants survived the frosty and hungry winter. But they were not saved from the forest fire.

Young trees drooped. The birds stopped singing. Black marks remained in the clearing. Nature will take a long time to lick its wounds. Take care of the forest!

At the beginning of April, the children went to the swamp. At first the road was wide. Then it turned into a narrow path. There were dry grasses along the path. You can walk through a swamp for a long time and not realize that there are cranberries under your feet. The berries are hidden in swamp hummocks and are not visible. He bent down to take one berry and pulled out a long green thread with many cranberries. anthill caught fire.

Words for reference:

1. Write down any group of words with the same root, sort them by composition.

2. Form 2 – 3 words with the same root using suffixes- ik -, - yonok -, - them -, - ok -, - at -, - yat -.

Option 1 – elephant

Option 2 - wolf

3.Write down three verbs with prefixes, highlight the prefixes.

4.Write down the words, underline those that do not have a suffix.

Period, granddaughter, bump.

Option 2 -

2nd quarter 24.12. 2016 Test No. 6 in the section “Language as a means of communication” on the topic “The word as a part of speech”

(Textbook, p. 119)

1.Choose the correct answer.

a) Parts of speech are a noun, an adjective, a pronoun, a verb, a preposition, a conjunction.

b) Parts of speech are prefix, root, suffix, ending, stem.

2.Distribute the words into groups (parts of speech).

Good, prettier, blue, little blue, turn blue, distant, distant, remove, caress, affectionate, caress.

3.Indicate which part of speech each of the highlighted words belongs to.

We built a birdhouse For cheerful starling.

(E. Tarakhovskaya)

4.Form with each of these roots one noun, one adjective and one verb.

Vesel - , black - , blue - .

Option 2 - 2nd quarter 25.12. 2016.

Test dictation “In the Tundra” for the section “Language as a Means of Communication” on the topic “The Word as a Part of Speech.”

In the tundra

A tractor crawls across the tundra. In summer there is no other way to get through the local swamps. The spikes of the steel tracks tear away the green cover of the tundra. And underneath it is pure liquid mud. Another car will not follow the old trail. You can get stuck. Drivers are looking for a new road.

A terrible picture appears from the plane. The whole tundra seems to be cut up with a knife. The track of the caterpillars will heal after decades. After all, northern mosses grow slower than trees! And without moss it is difficult for reindeer and other tundra animals to live.

Words for reference:

1. Underline the main parts of the sentence and identify the parts of speech:

Option 1 – in the first sentence;

Option 2 is in the eighth sentence.

Option 1 – (across) the tundra, locals, pick it up.

Option 2 – caterpillars, crawling, terrible.

3. Indicate the parts of speech and sort the words according to their composition.

Option 1 – crawling, green, northern.

Option 2 – steel, heal, cover.

Increased difficulty level.

Sort out the words according to their composition, find the extra word.

Fisherman, stranger, fool, simpleton, nickel.

Option 2 -

3rd quarter 12.02. 2016

Control dictation “Forest” in the section “Word as a part of speech” on the topic “Noun”


The forest is a large city with thousands of inhabitants. This giant is built up with various dwellings. Forest inhabitants settled in deep burrows, warm nests, spacious dens, and tiny huts. Forest inhabitants - animals, birds, insects. They spend the whole day busy with housework.

From morning to evening, birds scurry between tree trunks, bushes, and branches. They catch beetles and caterpillars and take them to their chicks. Hard-working ants do not sit idle. They eat forest pests. Predators – forest orderlies – protect the forest from diseases.

Our forests are a storehouse of wealth. Take care of trees, bushes, grass. Don't destroy birds' nests. Don't destroy anthills. Be nature's friends and zealous owners.

At the beginning of April, the children went to the swamp. At first the road was wide. Then it turned into a narrow path. There were dry grasses along the path. You can walk through a swamp for a long time and not realize that there are cranberries under your feet. The berries are hidden in swamp hummocks and are not visible. He bent down to take one berry and pulled out a long green thread with many cranberries. shacks, storehouse, thrifty.

Words for reference:

1. Write down three phrases with plural nouns, determine case and declension.

2.Copy down the sentences. Write the nouns given in brackets in the genitive plural form.

The juice of (oranges) and (tangerines) contains a lot of (vitamins). Grandma made jam from (cherries) and (apricots)

3. Parse nouns as parts of speech:

Option 1 – pests,

Option 2 - caterpillars

4. Write down phraseological units with opposite meanings in pairs.

Option 2 -

3rd quarter 03/03/2017.

Control dictation “Winter day” on the topic “Adjective”

Winter day

It's a wonderful winter day. There is a clear blue sky above us. Everything around is covered with a fluffy snow carpet. Bright light blinds the eyes. We entered the forest. The trees stand as if in a fairy tale. We spotted a spotted woodpecker on the trunk of a tall pine tree. He deftly hammers the bump. Tits and sparrows pick up pine seeds together. A red squirrel quickly flashed among the trees.

Traces are visible under the pine tree. This is a white hare running through the untouched snow.

Good in the forest! It's easy to breathe fresh frosty air.

Words for reference:

1. Write out three phrases “adjective + noun” from the text. Highlight the endings in adjectives and determine the case.

2. Make up phrases using the diagrams.

“adjective + noun, m.r., etc.”

“adjective + noun, s.r., d.p.”

“adjective + noun, w.r., pp.”

3. Copy by inserting appropriate adjectives.

In ..., ..., ... the autumn forest is in full swing.

On ..., ... bright stars lit up.

Option 2 -

3rd quarter 12.03. 2017..

On a sunny day I wandered in a birch forest. A familiar forest voice was heard in the distance. It was a cuckoo calling. I've heard it many times. But I never saw it. What is she like?

It turned out to be quite difficult to see her. I follow her voice, and she follows me. Plays hide and seek with me. I decided to play the other way around: I’ll hide, and you look. He climbed into a hazel bush and cuckooed once. The cuckoo fell silent. And suddenly her scream was heard nearby. I'm silent: look better. And she is already very close to crowing.

I look - a bird is flying across the clearing. Her tail is long. The breast itself is gray, with dark speckles. Could it be a hawk? And the bird flew up to a nearby tree, sat on a twig and crowed. That's what she is - a cuckoo!

Words for reference:

1.Copy the pronouns from the text. Determine their person, number and case.

2. Write down the words, dividing them into two groups.

For, he, by, her, from, for, you, us, with you.

3. Insert appropriate pronouns into the text.

On Saturday... we went to the park. The trees stood in a colorful outfit. On... there were red, yellow, orange leaves.

stood under a tree. Autumn leaves fell on...

Option 2 -

4th quarter 21.04. 2017..

Test dictation “Spring morning” in the section “Word as part of speech” on the topic "Verb"

Spring morning

What a nice spring morning! The sun appeared from behind the blue strip of forest. The tops of giant pines turn red in its rays. The fog swirls above the river like a golden haze. Now the fog disappears in the transparent air and reveals the blue surface of the river. In the mirror surface of the river you see the blue sky and clouds. Dew sparkles on the bright greenery. A light breeze sways the willow catkins. A blackbird on the top of a spruce whistles a song. He whistles and listens. And in response to him there was amazing silence.

Words for reference:

1.Write down two verbs and parse them as parts of speech.

2. Parse the composition of the verbwhistles.

3.Find two verbsI And IIconjugations and highlight the endings in them, indicate the conjugation.

4. Form from a verbshakes feminine verb in past tense.

Option 2 -

4th quarter 04.05. 2017.

Control dictation “Weather predictors” in the section “Word as part of speech” on the topics “Numerals” and “Adverbs”.

Weather forecasters

Birds are great at predicting the weather. They are constantly in the air and are sensitive to even small changes in nature. Before inclement weather, air pressure drops sharply. Insects fly low. Swallows and swifts also reduce their flight when hunting for them. Sunlight is weakening. Birds and insects sense this change in advance. The voices of birds fall silent. Butterflies and dragonflies do not flutter.

The sharp cries of jackdaws and crows are the first sign of rain in summer or autumn. All the crows sit in a row with their heads in one direction - wait for the wind.

Words for reference:

1.Copy five adverbs from the text. Ask them questions.

2. Select appropriate adverbs for the verbs and write down the phrases.

Scream, jump, run, write, sleep.

3.characterize the names of numerals by category and composition.

One thousand, five hundred, ninety-nine.

Option 2 - 4th quarter 18.05. 2017..

Test writing “Forest fires”

Forest fires

Forest fires arise from careless handling of fire. They will throw a burning match and leave the smoldering coals of the fire.

A breeze came and fanned the flames. A blue light lit a dry branch and ran across the dried grass and last year’s leaves. The flames are raging, thick smoke is creeping into the sky.

A forest fire started.

How many trees will he destroy! How many forest inhabitants will die!

Squirrels, hares and moose rush through the forest. They are powerless against fire.

And what an eerie, dreary sight - burnt out areas of the forest! Black earth, black trunks of fallen trees. It will be many years before the living forest grows again.

Additional task

Complete the text with calls and advice to take care of the forest.

Option 2 - 4th quarter 20.05. 2017..

Final control dictation “The Last Days”

Last days

The sun woke up early on a March morning. It pulled back the light muslin of clouds and looked at the ground. And there, overnight, winter and frost established their order. A fresh snowball was thrown near the birch tree, the hills were covered with milky fog. And in the forest they hung ice icicles on the pine trees. The children are happily running through the last snowball.

The light looked at these pranks and began to warm the earth. The ice and snow immediately dimmed. A cheerful, talkative stream ran through the forest hollow. He ran and sang his song about spring.

Words for reference:

1. In the last sentence, highlight the basis, write down phrases from it. Write the parts of speech above each word.

2. Parse words as parts of speech.

Covered with milk overnight.

3. Perform a sound-letter analysis of the wordicy

Option 2 -

4th quarter 27.05. 2017..

Test presentation “Who is the boss?”

Who's the boss?

A large black stray dog ​​responded to the nickname Zhuk. The Beetle had a sore paw. Ilya and Vanya began to look after the unfortunate dog. Each of them wanted to be the owner of the Beetle.

One day in the fall, boys and a dog were walking through the forest. Suddenly a furious bark was heard. Two shepherd dogs jumped out of the raspberry bushes and knocked down Zhuk.

Vanya instantly climbed the tree. Ilya grabbed a long stick and rushed to protect the Beetle. A local forester came running and drove away the brutal shepherd dogs.

The forester inquired about the owner of the Beetle. Ilya said that this was his dog. Vanya remained silent.

According to V. Oseeva

Option 2 - 4th quarter 29.05. 2017..

Final test for 4th grade.


School _________________________________________________Class 4 “c”

Last name, first name ________________________________________________


45 minutes are allotted to complete the work.

In your work you will encounter different tasks. In some tasks you will need to choose an answer from several proposed ones and circle the number next to the answer that you consider correct. Please note: sometimes in multiple-choice tasks there is only one correct answer, and sometimes there are several correct answers. Read the assignments carefully! In some tasks you will need to write down a few words, sometimes you will need to write short texts.

Some tasks will seem...esoft, others difficult. Next to the numbers of some tasks there is a signeasterisk (*) - this is how more difficult tasks are marked. If you don't know how to complete a task, skip it and move on to the next one. If there is time left, you caneTry again to complete the missed tasks.

If you made a mistake and want to correct your answer, cross it out and circle it or write down the answer that you think is correct.

We wish you success!

1. Circle the number of the row in which the names are in alphabetical order.

1) Gruzdev, Dunaev, Redkin, Moskvin

2) Klyuev, Pirogov, Tikhonov, Fedin

3) Borisov, Rozhkov, Nikulin, Shchepkin

4) Aristov, Volgin, Zhurov, Dyatlov

2. Circle the number of the correct statement about the word seagull.

1) In the word seagulls, all consonants are soft.

2) The word seagulls has three syllables.

3) The word seagulls has more letters than sounds.

4) There are no voiceless consonants in the word seagull.

3*. Read the names of the columns and rows of the table. Write the words below in the correct part of the table. Please note: the first word has already been written down.

Greens, weight e ly, you decide, thicket, blizzard sprat,


4. Circle the number of the row that includes related words and does not include a form of one of the words.

1) city, urban, city, town

2) snow, snowy, snowball, snowy

3) wind, windy, breeze, windy

4) leaf, leaf, leaf fall, leaf

5. Circle the number of the word that matches the diagram:

1) painting

2) bandage

3) weather

4) strip

6*. Combine words that have the same word structure into groups. Write each group on a separate line.

Head, crimson, key, magazine, seaside, frost

7. Write 2 words from these sentences in each column of the table.

Before dawn, a cool breeze swirls over the forest. The sun slowly appears in the sky. In late autumn, the water in the streams is clean and clear.

1) ......................................

1) ......................................

2) .....................................

2) .....................................

8. Circle the number of the phrase that contains a noun of the 3rd declension in the singular, in the dative case.

1) fall asleep from fatigue

2) turn to the crib

3) go to the lilac

4) reflect on life

9. Circle the number of the phrase that contains a masculine adjective in the instrumental case.

1) bright sun

2) new film

3) scented soap

4) sweet peas

10. Read the sentence.

On this sunny morning, the forest was filled with extraordinary joy.

Determine in what form the highlighted adjective is used in the sentence. Circle the answer number.

1) in the form of m.r., units. h., I. p.

2) in the form of m.r., units. h., V. p.

3) in the form cf. r., units h., V. p.

4) in the form cf. r., units h., I. p.

11. Circle the number of the sentence in which the highlighted word is a verb.

1) It was such a prolonged howl that we froze.

2) Alma, don’t howl so loudly, they will hear us.

3) It wasn’t even a howl, but a very sad song.

4) Wolf howls always scared me very much.

12. Circle the number of the sentence that contains a verb in the present tense, singular. numbers, 3 persons.

1) The city smiles at you with flowers in the flower beds.

2) In the summer in the southeThe eyes shine very brightly.

3) Are you going eAre you going to the show today?

4) Early in the morning water in puddlese rzla.

13*. The teacher asked two questions; Katya and Gena’s answers are given below. Mark which of the guys gave the correct answer. Support your chosen answer with two examples. If there is no correct answer, write your own and support it with two examples.

Question 1. Do they all eDo nouns have endings?

Katya: Yes, everyone.

Gena: No, not everyone.

There is no correct answer.

My answer: _________________________

Question 2. Do all nouns change according to number?

Katya: Not all nouns are inflected by numbers.

Gena: All nouns change according to numbers.

There is no correct answer.

My answer:__________________________

14. Read the sentence. Underline the subject and predicate.

A ray of sunshine fell on the snow under the spruce tree.

15. Find and mark a sentence with homogeneous predicates connected by the conjunction and.

1) We walked along the path, listening to the sounds.

2) We lived in my grandmother’s houseѐ zhik and cat.

3) The hare noticed us and galloped into the forest.

4) Evening has come, soon the stars will light up in the skyѐ Hello.

16. Read the word check options. Find the correct statement. Circle his number.

1) The word ...cucumber can be checked with the word vegetable.

2) The word p...left can be checked with the word field.

3) The word s…lonka can be checked with the word sunny.

4) The word shoot can be checked with the word shoot.

17*. Combine words that have the same spelling at the root into groups. Write each group on a separate line.

Flexible, oral, late, fish, winter hut, heart, spot, rare, useful

18. Read the recording of the telephone conversation.

Fedya called his friend Gene. Go to the phoneel Gena's dad, Igor Seme newbie

1) - Is Genka at home? - Good afternoon, Fedya! No, he's stilledidn't return from school. 2) - Tell him to call me! - Agreed, Fedya! I will tell him. Goodbye.

3) - Okay.

Write down the words that you consider necessary to insert into Fedya’s remarks.

Reply 1 ______________________________________________________________

Reply 2 ______________________________________________________________

Reply 3 ______________________________________________________________


I had a barrel of water at my dacha. Nearby, two young sparrows sat side by side on a tree, justeyoung, with down showing through the feathers.

Here one sparrow smartly and confidently fluttered to the edge of the barrel and began to drink. Drank and that's itelooked at the other, and echoed with him in his ringingem language. The other - a little smaller - about the sizeehe sat on a branch with a sultry look and cautiously glanced sideways at the barrel. But I was thirsty - my beak was agape from the heat.

And suddenly I saw clearly: the first one - he had been drunk for a long time and was simply encouraging the other by example, showing that there was nothing terrible here. He jumped along the edge of the barrel, lowered his beak, grabbed the water and immediately dropped itefrom his beak, and looked at his brother, and called him.

The little brother on the branch made up his mind and flew to the barrel. But as soon as he touched the damp, green edge with his paws, he immediately fluttered back into the tree in fear.

And he started calling him again. And finally he achieved it: the little brother flew onto the barrel, sat down hesitantly,efluttered his wings for a while and got drunk. Both flew away.

(according to V.V. Veresaev)

19. Complete the missing points of the plan.

1. Two sparrows on a branch.

2. I'm thirsty!

3. _________________.

4. _________________.

5. Good try

20*. What do you think about ѐ m this story? per hour ѐ m its main idea? Write about it. Your entry should contain 2-3 sentences, and it must be a coherent text.

The fourth grade is the milestone of elementary school, and dictations are already starting for almost adults, reaching 80 words or more at the end of the year. The child needs to learn not only to write correctly, but also not to lose attentiveness throughout the entire dictation. A child in the fourth grade should already be able to easily parse words according to their composition and do phonetic and morphological analysis. We will try to cover on this page all topics in the Russian language for grade 4 and give the optimal number of dictations on them.

Dictation volume:

1st grade - 15 - 17 words.
2nd grade - 1st-2nd quarter - 25 - 35 words.
2nd grade - 3-4 quarter - 35 - 52 words.
3rd grade - 1st-2nd quarter - 45 - 53 words.
3rd grade - 3-4 quarter - 53 - 73 words.
4th grade - 1st-2nd quarter - 58 - 77 words.
4th grade - 3-4 quarter - 76 - 93 words.

Test dictations on topics for grade 4 with assignments

Dictation on the topic “Name Adjective”

Winter in the forest

The winter sun rose and began to play over the forest. Rays of bright light lit the snow with an amber shine. The flexible branches of birch trees were decorated with silvery frost. On the snow-white tablecloth of the meadows you can see wonderful patterns of animal and bird tracks. With a quiet whistle, crossbills fly to the tall spruce trees. In the distance, a spotted woodpecker let out a spring trill. A nimble squirrel jumped from a spruce branch to a neighboring tree. A mouse squeaked under a hummock in a winter nest. Handsome black grouse flew out of the soft snow, settled on birch trees and began pecking at the fragrant buds. These elegant birds live in friendly flocks. (82 words.)

Grammar task:

1) indicate the cases of nouns and adjectives in the second and fifth sentences;

2) underline the main members in the sixth sentence and write down phrases;

3) sort out the composition of the adjective: silvery (amber);

4) parse the adjective as a part of speech in the eighth sentence.

Winter colors

It is believed that winter wears exclusively white robes. At home they put on white snow hats. The trees were sheltered from the frost under a snow-white blanket. The roads were covered in snow and covered in a white blanket. Everything is white and white around.

But if you look closely, the snow is not always white. Under the rays of the sun, the snowdrifts shimmer in all shades of pink and yellow. On the side of the road, where the ground is visible through the snow, the snow turns brown and even brown.

Even more colors can be seen in the snowy robe of nature in the evening. The sunset colors the snow in lilac, lilac and violet tones. And the long icicles look like blue arrows.

Grammar task:

1. Find adjectives in the text. Indicate their number and case.

2. Sort out the words according to their composition: long, peeking through.

3. Do a grammatical analysis of the last sentence.

Winter day

It's a wonderful winter day. There is a clear blue sky above us. Everything around is covered with fluffy snow. We entered the forest. The trees stand as if in a fairy tale. We noticed a spotted woodpecker on the trunk of a pine tree. He deftly hammers the bump. Tits and sparrows pick up seeds. Suddenly we saw a red squirrel. She quickly flashed among the trees. Bird tracks in the snow. Good in the forest! (56 words)

Grammar task:

1. Write down three phrases “adj. + noun.” Highlight the endings and indicate the case of adjectives.

2. Copy by inserting appropriate adjectives.

In... the sky... the stars lit up.

It's winter outside. Everything around became white and elegant. It snowed all night and managed to cover the ground, trees and houses with a white fluffy blanket.

The sky is clear. The sun sends meager rays, but this makes it even more fun. On the snow, like on a white sheet of paper, hieroglyphs of bird tracks appear. Near the fence, the sparrows started a fight over a crust of bread. The crow croaked hoarsely, flapped its wings and flew away. A cloud of snow dust fell from the branch.

If you stand in one place for a long time, the insidious frost gets behind the collar of your fur coat and begins to pinch your cheeks, nose and ears. It’s as if tonic needles are digging into the skin. It immediately becomes very cold.

(102 words)

Dictation for 4th grade on the topic “Pronoun”

On a sunny day I wandered in a birch forest. A familiar forest voice was heard in the distance. It was a cuckoo calling. I've heard it many times, but never seen it.

It's not easy to see her. I follow her voice, and she follows me. Plays hide and seek with me. I decided to play the other way around: I’ll hide, and you look. He climbed into a hazel bush and cuckooed once. The cuckoo fell silent. And suddenly her scream was heard nearby. I'm silent. And she is already very close to crowing.

I look - a bird is flying across the clearing. Her tail is long, she is gray, her chest is dark speckled. Maybe it's a hawk? And the bird flew up to a nearby tree, sat on a twig and crowed. So that's what she is - a cuckoo!

Grammar task:

1. Write three pronouns from the text. Determine their person, number, case.

2. Divide the words into two groups. Write them down on two lines.

For, he, by, her, from, near, you, us, at, you.

Control dictation on the topic “Verb” 4th grade

Nina did not prepare her homework, decided not to go to school, and secretly went into the grove. She put breakfast and books under a bush, and she ran after a beautiful butterfly.

She met a baby on the path. In his hand he held a primer with a notebook. The girl decided to make fun of him and called the baby a truant.

It turned out that the boy was running away from the dog and got lost. Nina led him through the grove. She was ashamed to take away breakfast and books and left them under a bush.

The dog came running. She didn’t touch the books, but she ate breakfast. Nina cried. She did not regret breakfast; a merciless conscience gnawed at her.

Grammar task:

1. Write out three verbs from the text, indicate their tense, person, and number.

2. Put the verbs in the indefinite form.

She came, she’s coming, she’ll have a look.

Dictations on the topic “Sentence” and “Homogeneous members of a sentence”

The guys played war. Valya and his brother Andryusha were not included in the game. Valya was a coward. And Andryusha only knew how to cry. Suddenly the guys heard screams. The dog Lokhmach broke free from his chain. The children scattered, only Andryusha remained on the street. Valya rushed to her brother. The huge dog rushed straight towards the girl. She shielded Andryusha, threw a toy at the dog and screamed loudly. A watchman ran across Lokhmach. He grabbed the dog by the collar and led him away. The guys came out of their shelters. Andryusha was already smiling, and Valya was crying bitterly. She was very scared.

Grammar task:

1. Write out a sentence with homogeneous members from the text. Underline the basis of the sentence.

2. Write out a complex sentence. Underline the basis of the sentence.

In the autumn forest

It was beautiful in the forest at this early hour. There was a quiet noise and the trees swayed. Leaden drops of dew dripped from the leaves. There were already traces of autumn on the moss and grass. There was a pungent smell of damp earth and rotten leaves. Mushrooms peek out from a heap of old leaves, grass, and dead wood. We entered a rare birch forest. And here comes the king of the forest - the porcini mushroom. He stood on a strong leg, wearing a golden-brown hat. The mushroom was very good.

Words for reference: lead, golden brown, heap.

Grammar task: Find a sentence with homogeneous additions in the text, parse it into members, write down phrases.

Wonderful time of autumn

Autumn leaves flew and flew. The wind picked them up and drove them to the river. Gold coins floated across the mirror-like water. At the edge of the village a horn began to play. It was the shepherd gathering the flock. I leave the house, take the oars and go to the river. The East is brightening and turning pink. Amazing silence all around. The river seemed to become prettier and straighter. Under the first rays of the sun, droplets of water sparkled and sparkled. It was a wonderful time of autumn.

Words for reference: collected, as if.

Grammar task: Iv. In the 6th sentence, underline the main members, analyze it by composition, indicate the parts of speech. II century In the 10th sentence, underline the main members, organize it according to its composition, indicate the parts of speech.

Dictation on “Spelling unstressed case endings of singular nouns”

How a man removed a stone

In a square in one city there lay a huge stone. It took up a lot of space and interfered with the passage of a horse. They called in engineers and asked for help in removing the stone. The first one suggested using gunpowder to break the stone into pieces and take them away. He requested payment of eight thousand rubles. Another engineer came up with the idea of ​​placing a large roller under the stone and dumping it in the wasteland. The cost will be six thousand rubles. And one man undertook to remove the stone for a hundred rubles. He came up with the idea of ​​digging a hole near the stone, dumping it there and leveling it with earth. The man did just that. He was given a hundred rubles for his work and a hundred rubles for his clever invention.


Early in the morning I go to the neighboring grove. It’s good and joyful in my soul this spring! In front of me are rows of white birches. Golden rays of the sun play through the leaves on the grass. Birds sing loudly in the thicket of bushes and trees. The sounds of their songs spread throughout the surrounding area. Real spring is in full swing.

In a deep ravine near a birch grove a cold spring gurgles. I’ll sit on a stump by the key, take out a mug and a piece of bread. It’s nice to drink cold spring water and breathe deeply the air filled with the joy of life!

Grammar task:

1. Parse the sentence:

I century A light breeze plays in the green trees.

II century The sun pours hot rays onto the earth.

2. Indicate the cases of nouns and adjectives in the sentence:

Festive fireworks flashed in the night sky.

Test dictations in Russian language grade 4

Mighty Oak

A mighty oak grew on the edge. He was the most noticeable in the area. The giant stood and looked around the entire area, quietly rustling the leaves. Emerald grass spread like a lush carpet under the tree.

One day people came to the oak tree and set up benches. Now people crowded here from morning until late evening. The freshness attracted everyone. Children loved to play at the edge of the forest. The oak gave joy to everyone. It's nice to sit on the soft grass! It became a favorite vacation spot.

Summer thunderstorm

The sky grew dark and frowned. Dark thunderclouds began to roll in. The old forest fell silent and prepared for battle. A strong gust of wind burst from the treetops. Dust swirled along the road and sped away.

Lightning flashed and thunder rolled across the sky. The first heavy drops of rain hit the leaves. Suddenly a solid wall of water collapsed on the ground.

The summer thunderstorm passes quickly. The foggy distance is getting brighter and clearer. The sky begins to turn blue. Light steam floats over the field and forest, over the surface of the water. The hot sun has already come out, but the rain has not stopped yet. It's rain falling from the trees and shining in the sun.

Blooming linden

I was walking through the forest and caught a strong smell of linden. He turned off the path and headed towards the edge of the forest. The tree was blooming. “It will win any beauty contest,” I thought. Lipa complained: “An inept tailor sewed clouds today.” I threw my head back and saw that the tree was trying on the dresses of the clouds. The wind throws her snow-white clothes aside. All the surrounding linden trees were preparing for the flowering ball. It started to rain mushrooms. A joyful ray of sun appeared through the cloud, and a multi-colored rainbow lined up in the sky. Lipa decided to throw a rainbow across her dress. No one has ever seen such a wonderful outfit at a holiday. (87 words)

(According to A. Trofimov)

Know how to control yourself

A person must suppress anger and bad mood. Every day in life is not joyful and successful. Monkeys beat their chests in moments of excitement, a dog growls and bares its teeth, an elephant waves its trunk. A person must control himself! Self-control is valued by people, but it is not easy to achieve. You sat down to play with a friend. You're in a wonderful mood. But here you are losing. You immediately become suspicious, check every move, argue, quarrel. Be fair and tell yourself: “My friend was stronger.” Be able to master your feelings. Self-control will serve you well. (82 words)

Forest miracle

There lives somewhere in the world a little fairy. She had no one to play with, so she somehow ran away into the forest. A lion is coming towards you, but the little fairy has never seen a lion. He growled menacingly, crouched down, getting ready to jump! And the fairy smiles tenderly and is about to play with him. The lion is surprised! Why aren't they afraid of him? Is this good or bad? Should you be angry or laugh?

The fairy handed the lion a magic wand. The lion first approached the stick from the left, then from the right. I didn't take it. But there was no way to get angry anymore. The fairy and the formidable lion soon became friends.

The guys caught a squirrel in the hazel grove on the shore of the lake. They were delighted with the beautiful animal with a fluffy tail, curious eyes and nimble paws. The boys tidied up the old squirrel cage. They made a bed of leaves, put a saucer of milk, and put nuts.
The guys thought that they had made the squirrel happy. But the animal did not settle into its house. The squirrel sat sadly in the corner and squealed pitifully. She didn't touch the food. The children were surprised.
The boys decided to take the squirrel back to the hazel tree. She lived there. The animal quickly and easily rushed from branch to branch. (85 words)

It is everyone's duty to be honest

A brother and sister were running down the street. A lame old woman walked ahead of them. A wallet with money fell out of her bag. Kostya saw this. He bent down, grabbed it, ran and gave it to the old woman. The old woman called herself confused and took the wallet.
Kostya returned to his sister and began to complain about the old woman. He was offended that she didn't thank him.
The sister stopped and looked sternly at her brother. She told him that being honest is the duty of every person, and not a merit. Kostya did not immediately understand his sister’s words. And when I understood, I remembered them for the rest of my life. (93 words)

In almost every corner of the planet, species of animals and plants appear that have never existed there. The person is to blame for this. Sometimes consciously, and sometimes not, he spreads various types of living organisms across the planet. During the war, the British used bindweed from South America to camouflage airfields in India. Enemy scouts did not see anything under the continuous canopy of a climbing plant, which, moreover, grows very quickly. Now thousands of square kilometers are covered with this bindweed. Other plants cannot live there. People have been fighting bindweed for decades, but they cannot defeat it. (95 words)

The eagle built a nest on the main road and brought out its cubs. One day people were working near a tree. The eagle flew up to the tree with a fish in its talons. People saw the fish and began throwing stones at the eagle. He dropped the fish. People took it and left.
The eagle sat on the edge of the nest. The eaglets asked for food. The eagle was tired and could not fly. He covered the eaglets with his wings and began to caress them. The bird seemed to ask to wait a little. But the chicks began to scream. Then the eagle flew to the sea.
He returned late in the evening. He had a fish in his claws again. The eagle looked around, sat on the edge of the nest and fed the children. (96 words)

A lighthouse is the last thing a sailor sees when setting out to sea. He also meets him when the sailor returns to the port. In ancient times, sailors navigated by the stars. Later, someone thought of creating a man-made star and lit a fire on the shore. This was the first lighthouse that helped sailors get into the narrow bay and avoid running into underwater rocks. A Greek scientist of the seventh century BC wrote about the first lighthouse built. The most famous lighthouse is, without a doubt, the Alexandria lighthouse. Its height reached one hundred and thirty meters, and the light was visible for sixty kilometers. From the name of the island of Pharos, on which this wonder of the world stood, the word headlights comes. (96 words)

Opening your pencil case, you take out a pen. How did her story begin? Probably from a reed pen used to write in Ancient Egypt. Later, for one and a half thousand years, people wrote with feathers of birds: peacocks, swans, and most often, geese. A lot of feathers were needed. The writer did not sit down at the table unless he had fifteen to twenty prepared pens in front of him. There were more and more people writing, and metal pens were needed. They were created in Germany and England. The feather was inserted into a wooden handle. Such pens survived until the sixties of the last century. Teachers believed that such a pen could develop “correct handwriting.” But progress won, and the students began to write with ballpoint pens. (102 words)

There are many volcanoes on the island of Java. An unusual flower grows on their slopes - the royal primrose. It blooms wildly before a volcanic eruption, as if warning of danger. Other plants and animals also sense the approach of a natural disaster. Not a single elephant died during the last devastating tsunami in Burma. The animals sensed the approaching wave and went into the jungle. There were many cases when a dog pulled a child out of the cradle and ran out into the street with him. Of course, the whole family ran out after the dog. And then the earthquake turned the house into a pile of rubble. Lizards, snakes, and rodents leave their burrows several hours before a disaster. This means that when living in a dangerous area, you need to be careful. (101 words)

Late Sunday morning I was walking along a country road and trying to whistle a charming tune. But in vain. Today the wonderful queen Music rejected me with her imperious hand. Having whistled for the last time, I fell silent and made no more sounds than a dumb stone. I began to contemplate the surroundings. The area was quite hilly. In the distance one could see the fortress walls and the red roof of the castle. Valiant knights once lived there and led an interesting and dangerous life, full of fierce battles. Now their honest and serious descendants live in the castle. They walk along cramped corridors and climb narrow spiral staircases. They eat delicious dinners in the main hall, where iron armor still hangs on the walls. That distant era seems terrible and ugly to these people, and their own insipid life seems beautiful. (115)

Yesterday was a stormy day. But this morning the sky is clear. The summer sun gently warms. Wonderful day! We decide to climb the mountain and see the local ancient fortress. It is very interesting! Late in the morning we left the house and walked along a wide path towards the fortress. It stands on the top of a small mountain and is visible from afar. There is a feeling that it won’t take long to get there. But it took us a whole hour. Here are the fortress walls. A wonderful view from the top! All the surroundings are at your fingertips. It’s a shame we didn’t take a video camera. We climb onto the wall. We, the valiant defenders of the fortress, are repelling the attacks of a formidable enemy. The situation is serious and dangerous. Through the narrow, cramped loopholes we shoot from crossbows. The furious assault is over. The enemy is running. (113)

Late in the morning, the beautiful princess walked along the river bank and admired the sailing boats. The weather was wonderful. Light clouds ran across the azure sky. The young page talked kindly with the princess. A group of lovely ladies-in-waiting gathered on the stairs. Suddenly a terrible splash was heard. An ugly monster crawled out of the reeds. It has a giant green body and red paws with diamond claws. The monster's ears look like cabbage leaves. It looked at the princess with a furious gaze and licked its lips. The Scarecrow foresaw a delicious breakfast. The sensitive princess fainted. Then a young rider appeared at the gate. This is the valiant captain of the royal guard. He whistled loudly and threw a spear at the monster. The enemy was seriously wounded. He attacked the brave fighter, but in vain. Soon the monster was defeated. The shore was filled with joyful cries. A big holiday was declared in the kingdom. (118)

Test dictations for the "Planet of Knowledge" program

September. Introductory (diagnostic) dictation (conducted on the material of the final dictation for grade 3).

September October. Dictation with a creative task.

Words about unstudied rules are underlined.

Option 1

Teacher Alla Fedorovna read a note from a local newspaper to the schoolchildren. In it, a pediatrician gave an interview. He explained the reasons for the frequent illness of children in the fall. Cold and flu medicine helped treat them. But the doctor advised me to improve my health. A person must help himself. To avoid getting sick, you need to do exercises, take a shower, and eat fruits and vegetables.
Friends Stas and Grisha decided to go to the pool. What have you done for your health? (68 words)

Option 2

Night has come. But the city does not sleep. The building shone with yellow lights. This is the train station. Late passenger trains depart from here to Kazan, Ufa and other cities.
The bakeries are busy. Here they bake delicious rye and wheat bread for the townspeople. Tomorrow people will be glad to have fresh bread.
Large cars rushed by with a sharp howl. They have thick hoses and long ladders. The firefighters are in a hurry. What if a person becomes ill at night? Who will come to his aid? (70 words)

October. Control dictation for 1st quarter

Option 1


Did you know that potatoes in Russia are considered the second bread? Various dishes are prepared from it.
Boil potatoes in salted water. Mash it and add milk. You will get delicious puree. This dish has become a favorite for many children and adults.
Potatoes can be fried. This treat is also good for a holiday table. Crispy slices are eaten with great appetite!
Remember! The green potato tuber is poisonous. It is not eaten, but used for planting new crops. (69 words)

Option 2

Do you love the circus? There is a wonderful circus in Moscow. He bears the name of Yuri Nikulin. At the main entrance there is a monument to the famous clown. Nikulin's circus is known all over the world. Every performance is a holiday.
The lights go out. A bright beam illuminates the dome. High above the heads of the spectators are aerialists. My heart beats with fear for them!
But the trainer brings out a big bear. Teddy bear in a fluffy yellow skirt. He bowed and began to dance.
How much joy the circus gives people! (71 words)

December. Control dictation for the 2nd quarter

Option 1

Night falls in the winter forest. Frost taps on the trunks, branches and branches of thick trees. Snow and frost sparkle like silver on the low bushes. Bright stars flash in the dark sky. They illuminate the diamond tablecloth of snow. Nothing has yet disturbed this amazing beauty.
Who will be the first to pave the path of their footprints here? Like a fairy-tale sentry, a big-headed owlet sits on a bare branch. In the darkness of the night, he alone observes, watching the life of the forest hidden from people. (71 words)

Option 2

Hedgehogs live under our porch. In the evenings, their whole family goes out for a walk. Adult hedgehogs dig the ground with their small paws, take out roots and eat. The hedgehogs play and frolic.
One day the dog Vesta ran up to the old hedgehog. The hedgehog curled up into a ball and froze. The dog rolled the animal to the pond. The hedgehog plopped into the water and swam. I drove Vesta away.
In the spring, only an old hedgehog was found under the porch. Where did the rest go? They must have moved. And only the old hedgehog did not want to leave our house. (74 words)

February. 3rd quarter.

Option 1

This coniferous tree can often be found in the forests of Russia. Its straight trunk is covered with thin reddish bark. Strong branches with green needles are widely spread. They have bumps of different sizes. Do you recognize this tree? This is pine.
Pine is considered a symbol of life. It is easy to breathe in the pine forests. And how beautiful the pine forest is! Pleasant smell of resin. The tops of the pine trees reach into the sky. The crowns of the trees allow the light of the sun to pass through. Pine does not tolerate shade. Lingonberries and blueberries grow in the grassy carpet of the pine forest. (74 words)

Option 2

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin is a famous Russian artist. All his life he studied the Russian forest, the Russian wilderness. Shishkin managed to amazingly accurately depict the nature of Russia. In this skill he has no equal.
Look at his paintings. Before us stand vast fields and mighty forests. There, every tree, bush, and entire terrain can be seen in the smallest detail. It’s like walking through a pine forest and breathing in its healing air. With what love the artist depicts every blade of grass! According to the picture it can be explained
living conditions of plants. (75 words)

March. Control dictation for the 3rd quarter

Option 1

Coniferous forest

Why is Russia called the land of forests? There are endless expanses of forest here. In the northern part of the country there are coniferous forests. Pines, spruces, and cedars grow in them. These trees are beautiful at any time of the year.
The shaggy branches of a fluffy spruce look like large paws. They wrap the entire trunk of the forest beauty. Long cones hang from the branches. The sun gilds them with its rays. You rarely see a lonely spruce on the forest edge. This tree cannot stand loneliness. In winter, a blizzard rages in the fields, but there is silence in the spruce forest. Just overhead the wind sways the spruce tops. (80 words)

Option 2

At the monument to Lermontov

Evening. The city noise in Pyatigorsk subsides. Mount Mashuk is especially good. You walk along the path and inhale the smell of the autumn forest. A fresh breeze runs from branch to branch. We approach the monument to Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. It was installed at the site of the death of the great Russian poet.
People honor his memory. There are flowers at the foot of the monument. On the poet’s birthday, schoolchildren organize festive readings and exhibitions of drawings. Here are the children's watercolor works. In this picture, a horseman is galloping among the rocky mountains. And here there is a battle with a mighty leopard. (79 words)

April. 4th quarter.

Option 1

In summer the sun is very hot. In a dry place, mosses, pine needles, and grass dry out. At this time, fires often occur in the forests of Russia.
A fire in a coniferous forest is worse. Brushwood, young fir trees and pines easily catch fire. Fire creeps up to old trees. He runs from branch to branch. Plants and animals die in the fire. It will take many years for a new forest to grow in this place.
Fires are caused by lightning strikes. People also bring many troubles to the forest. Don't light fires in the forest! Take care of the forest! (78 words)

Option 2

Lapwings fly over the water meadow, where there are many spring puddles. They dive in the air and somersault. The bright sun gilded the entire surrounding area. Its rays sparkle in a smooth puddle and on the green grass.
The lapwing jumps from hummock to hummock, waving its light crest of long feathers. Fun to watch!
Lapwings know how to defend their nests. There's a hawk circling. The lapwing quickly takes off and goes on the attack. The hawk dodges, but does not retreat. And then the lapwing lets out a shrill cry. Birds rush from all sides and chase away a formidable enemy. (80 words)

4th grade

Test dictations in the Russian language (L.F. Klimanova, T.V. Babushkina)

UMK "Perspective"

Administrative entrance control dictation


Cranberry is an acidic and very healthy berry.growing in the summer and harvested late in the fall. The sweetest cranberryIt happens in the spring, when it will lie in the snow all winter.

At the beginning of April, the children went to the swamp. At first the road was wide. Then sheturned into a narrow path. There were dry grasses along the path. You can walk through a swamp for a long time and not realize that there are cranberries under your feet. The berries are hidden in swamp hummocks and are not visible. He bent down to take one berry and pulled out a long green thread with many cranberries.

Grammar task:

Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word: option 1 – berry, option 2 – late,

Indicate the grammatical basis: option 1 - in the 3rd sentence, option 2 - in the 6th sentence.

Control dictation on the topic “Text”


Early autumn. The Russian forest is beautiful and sad on these wonderful days. The thicket of golden foliage is cut through by maples engulfed in fire.Slowly Light patches of leaves fly from the birches. Thin threads of cobwebs shine silver between the trees. The late mushroom turns red. There is silence in the forest. Only the soft carpet of foliage rustles sadly underfoot.

The air is fresh and clear. The water in forest streams is clean and cold. The oak tree is still green. But the tops of the birches are already bare. (According to Sokolov-Mikitov)

Grammar task:

Write down one word each with root spellings: paired consonants, unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants, select test words, indicate spellings,

Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word: option 1 – sad, option 2 – leaves.

Control cheating.

Amazing miracle.

What is the most amazing miracle? This is the most ordinary book. And from the book come the heroes of fairy tales and stories. Seas and ships and wind are hidden in the book.
There were white pages in front of us. Suddenly a stormy sea appeared. The flying wind drives the ships, beats the waves against the rocks. Magic signs helped us see the miracle. Of course, you guessed it - these are letters. We are well aware of the power of the alphabet. What books do you like to read? Who is your favorite hero?

Exercise . Copy from the board and add the missing punctuation marks.

Control dictation on the topic “Language as a means of communication”


A summer storm was approaching. A giant purple cloud slowly rose above the forest. Low willows rustled and babbled. A sharp wind roared overhead. The trees went wild. Large drops of rain pattered furiously on the leaves. A blinding long lightning streak crossed the gloomy sky. There was a deafening crash. Thunder rumbled. The rain poured down in streams.

But then the bright sun shone cheerfully again. The air became fresh and light. How joyfully everything sparkles around after the rain! How wonderfully fragrant strawberries and mushrooms smell!

Grammar task:

Write down three words with unstressed vowels being tested, select test words, indicate spelling patterns,

Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word: option 1 – rain, option 2 – furiously,

Indicate the grammatical basis: option 1 - in the 4th sentence, option 2 - in the 3rd sentence,

Indicate the emphasis in words.

Needles, bows, sorrel, cakes, ringing, understood, asked, tools, beets, driver.

Educational presentation.

First snow.

Tanya looked out the window. The sky was full of snowflakes. Snowflakes flew, swirled and fell. They lay on village roofs, black dirt on the road, frozen puddles, bare tree branches.

Tanya went out into the yard and began to look at the snowflakes. In the air they look like light fluff. And closer - stars. All different. One had wide rays, while the other had them sticking out like sharp arrows.

After lunch, Tanya did not recognize her village. She became all white. The roofs, the road, and the gardens were white.

The sun came out, the snow shone and sparkled. Winter has come. (According to L. Voronkova).

Control dictation on the topic “Proposal”


The guys played war. Valya and his brother Andryusha were not included in the game. Valya was a coward. And Andryusha could only crawl.

Suddenly the guys heard screams. The dog Lokhmach broke free from his chain. The children rushedscattered , only Andryusha remained on the street.

Valya rushed to her brother. The huge dog rushed straight towards the girl. She shielded Andryusha, threw a toy at the dog and screamed loudly.

Across I'm a shaggy watchman.

He grabbed the dog by the collar and led him away.

The guys came out of their shelters. Happy Andryusha was already smiling, Valya was cryingsobbing . She was very scared. (N. Artyukhova)

Grammar task:

Write down sentences for the diagrams.

Option 1 - =, and - =.

Option 2 - =, - =.

Write down the phrases, graphically indicate the main and dependent words: 1 var. – from 2 sentences 3 paragraphs, 2 var. – from 1 sentence of the last paragraph,

Perform a sound-letter analysis of the word: option 1 - suddenly option 2 - very.

Control dictation

At the front.

The night was quiet. There were no rockets in the sky.
Dawn has arrived. All the combat vehicles turned off the highway, drove through a field and stopped at the edge of a pine forest.
The cars, one after another, slowly moved between the trees into the depths of the forest. The soldiers ran after them, pushing them if the wheels were slipping. An enemy reconnaissance plane appeared in the sky. All the cars and guns stood under the pine trees. The pine trees covered them with shaggy branches.

Control dictation on the topic “Spelling prepositions and prefixes”


All birds build nests and hatch chicks. But the cuckoo has different habits. The warbler will fly away from the nest to get food. Leaves eggs unattended. Here the cuckoo will throw its egg into the bird’s nest.

So the cuckoo warblers will hatch. He grew up and threw the warbler chicks out of the nest onto the ground. The birds were left with one large, disheveled chick.

Warblers are carried all day long in the beaks of caterpillars, larvae, and beetles. And the cuckoo eats the food, opens its mouth wide andagain beeps. And his mothercarefree flies through the forest.

Grammar task:

Write down one word each with a spelling - consonant and with a spelling - vowel in a prefix, label the spellings,

Write down one word each with a hard separator and a soft separator, graphically explain the spelling,

Write a joke poem, opening the parentheses. Label the noun with a preposition and the verb at the top.

I, without sparing soap,

I washed my nose patiently.

It would depend (on) the soap,

I would (from) soap for freckles.

Control dictation on the topic “Composition of words”


It was a clear day. The spring sun was shining brightly. It was hot in the spruce forest. A light breeze blew. There was a strong smell of smoke in the air. The tourists did not put out the fire. Dry grass caught fire. This is a great danger for the forest. The fire got close to the old spruce. The lower branches began to take over. Narrow tongues of flame began to lick the anthill.

We broke off the heavy spruce paws and began to put out the fire. A thin stream of smoke came from the anthill. The hardy ants survived a frosty and fertile winter. But they were not saved from the forest fire.

Young trees drooped. The birds stopped singing. Black marks remained in the clearing. Nature will take a long time to lick its wounds. Take care of the forest!

Grammar task:

Write down any group of words with the same root, sort them according to their composition,

Form from wordselephant, wolf 2-3 words with the same root using suffixes-ik, -yonok, -ih-, -ok-, -at-, -yat-.

Write down 3 verbs with prefixes, highlight the prefixes.

Advanced level

Write down the words, underline those that do not have a suffix

Period, granddaughter, bump.

Control dictation for the 1st half of the year.

In the tundra.

A tractor crawls across the tundra. In summer there is no other way to get through the local swamps. The spikes of the steel tracks tear away the green cover of the tundra. And underneath it is pure liquid mud. Another car will not follow the old trail. You can get stuck. Drivers are looking for a new road.

A terrible picture appears from the plane. The whole tundra seems to be cut up with a knife. The track of the caterpillars will heal after decades. After all, northern mosses grow slower than trees! And without moss it is difficult for reindeer and other tundra animals to live.

Grammar task:

Underline the main parts of the sentence and identify the parts of speech: option 1 - in sentence 1, option 2 - in sentence 8,

Parse words as parts of speech:

Option 1 – creeping, green, northern.

Option 2 – steel, heal, cover.

Advanced level

Sort out the words according to their composition, find the odd one out

Vocabulary dictation

Car, agronomist, address, alley, appetite, luggage, conversation, library, ticket, wealth, boots, carriage, everywhere, bicycle, station, ahead, yesterday, newspaper, burn, horizon, twenty, twelve, director, more, iron, tomorrow, here, from afar, engineer, calendar, vacation, pan, kilogram, kilometer, combine, ship, astronaut, fire, suit, better, slowly.

Metal, back, left, right, defense, sheep, eleven, father, passenger, landscape, victory, portrait, government, chairman, beautiful, travel, distance, fireworks, sparkle, from above, sweater, freedom, today, now, seeds, seeder, left, below, right, plate, telephone, now, diesel locomotive, grain grower, farm, man, sixteen, driver, excursion, electricity, electric locomotive, power plant.

Control presentation

Paints and artist

Once upon a time there were colors. Each one praised its color. Because of this, they often quarreled. Each paint wanted to be the best.
It was a warm summer morning. A light breeze fluttered from daisy to daisy, running from bell to bell. They called quietly. The artist was resting on the lawn near the river. He understood the language of colors well.
The artist painted on his canvas a field, a blue sky, a thin birch tree with green braids in a white dress. And a rainbow bloomed over the field. It combines all the colors. The artist smiled and drew a daisy with petals of all the colors of the rainbow.
The colors have faded. They realized that only together they can give people joy.

Control dictation on the topic “Noun”


The forest is a large city with thousands of inhabitants. This giant is built up with various dwellings. In deep burrows, warm nests, spacious dens, tinyshacks forest dwellers settled. Forest inhabitants - animals, birds, insects. They spend the whole day busy with housework.

From morning to evening, birds scurry between tree trunks, bushes, and branches. They catch beetles and caterpillars and take them to their chicks. Hard-working ants do not sit idle. They eat forest pests. They eat forest pests. Predators – forest orderlies – protect the forest from diseases.

Our forests are treasure trove wealth Take care of trees, bushes, grass. Don't destroy birds' nests. Don't destroy anthills. Be nature's friends andthrifty the owners.

Grammar task:

Write down 3 phrases with plural nouns, determine case and declension,

Write down the sentences. Write the nouns given in brackets in the genitive plural case.

The juice of (oranges) and (tangerines) contains a lot of (vitamins). Grandmother made jam from (cherries) and (apricots).

Parse nouns as parts of speech:

Option 1 – pests

Option 2 – caterpillars.

Write down phraseological units with opposite meanings in pairs.

Control dictation on the topic “Adjective”

Winter day.

It's a wonderful winter day. There is a clear blue sky above us. Everything around is covered with a fluffy snow carpet. Bright light blinds the eyes. We entered the forest. The trees stand as if in a fairy tale. We spotted a spotted woodpecker on the trunk of a tall pine tree. He deftly hammers the bump. Tits and sparrows pick up pine seeds together. A red squirrel quickly flashed among the trees.

Traces are visible under the pine tree. It was a white hare running across the untouched snow.

Good in the forest! It's easy to breathe fresh frosty air.

Grammar task:

Write out 3 phrases “adj. + noun” from the text. Highlight the endings in adjectives and determine the case.

Make up phrases using the diagrams

“adj.+n. m.r., etc.”

“adj.+n. w.r., d.p.”

“adj.+n. zh.r., pp.”

Write down by inserting appropriate adjectives

In...,...,... the autumn forest stands.

In ..., ... the sky lit up bright stars.

Control dictation on the topic “Pronoun”

On a sunny day I wandered in a birch forest. A familiar forest voice was heard in the distance. It was a cuckoo calling. I've heard it many times. But I never saw it. What is she like?

It turned out to be quite difficult to see her. I follow her voice, and she follows me. Plays hide and seek with me. I decided to play the other way around: I’ll hide, and you look. He climbed into a hazel bush and cuckooed once. The cuckoo fell silent. And suddenly her scream was heard nearby. I'm silent: look better. And she is already very close to crowing.

I look - a bird is flying across the clearing. Her tail is long, she is gray, her chest is dark speckled. Maybe it's a hawk? And the bird flew up to a nearby tree, sat on a twig and crowed. That's what she is - a cuckoo!

Grammar task:

Write down the pronouns from the text, determine their person, number and case.

Write down the words, dividing them into two groups

For, he, by, her, from, for, you, us, with you.

Insert appropriate pronouns into the text

On Saturday... we went to the park. The trees stood in a colorful outfit. On... there were red, yellow, orange leaves. ... stood under a tree. Autumn leaves rained down on...

Control dictation on the topic “Verb”

Spring morning.

What a nice spring morning! The sun appeared from behind the blue strip of forest. The tops of giant pines turn red in its rays. The fog swirls above the river like a golden haze. Now the fog disappears in the transparent air and reveals the blue surface of the river. In the mirror surface of the river you see the blue sky and clouds. Dew sparkles on the bright greenery. A light breeze sways the willow catkins. A blackbird on the top of a spruce whistles a song. He whistles and listens. And in response to him there was amazing silence.

Grammar task:

Write down 2 verbs, parse them as parts of speech.

Sort out the verbwhistles

- find 2 verbs of 1st and 2nd conjugation and highlight the endings in them, indicate the conjugation.

Form from verbshakes feminine verb in past tense.

Control dictation on the topics “Numerals”, “Adverbs”.

Weather forecasters.

Birds are great at predicting the weather. They are constantly in the air and are sensitive to even small changes in nature. Before inclement weather, air pressure drops sharply. Insects fly low. Swallows and swifts also reduce their flight when hunting for them. Sunlight is weakening. Birds and insects sense this change in advance. The voices of birds fall silent. Butterflies and dragonflies do not flutter.

The sharp cries of jackdaws and crows are the first sign of rain in summer or autumn. All the crows sit in a row with their heads in one direction - wait for the wind.

Grammar task:

Write out 5 adverbs from the text. Ask them questions.

Select appropriate adverbs for the verbs and write down the phrases.

Scream, jump, run, write, sleep.

Give a description of numerals by category and composition.

One thousand, five hundred, ninety-nine.

Control cheating.

Forest fires.

Forest fires arise from careless handling of fire. They will throw a burning match and leave the smoldering coals of the fire.

A breeze came and fanned the flames. A blue light lit a dry branch and ran across the dried grass and last year’s leaves. The flames are raging, thick smoke is creeping into the sky.

A forest fire started.

How many trees will he destroy! How many forest inhabitants will die!!

Squirrels, hares and moose rush through the forest. They are powerless against fire.

And what an eerie, dreary sight - burnt out areas of the forest! Black earth, black trunks of fallen trees. It will be many years before the living forest grows again.

Final control dictation.

Last days.

The sun woke up early on a March morning. It pulled back the light muslin of clouds and looked at the ground. And there, overnight, winter and frost established their order. A fresh snowball was thrown near the birch tree, the hills were covered with milky fog. And in the forest they hung ice icicles on the pine trees. The children are happily running through the last snowball.

The light looked at these pranks and began to warm the earth. The ice and snow immediately dimmed. A cheerful, talkative stream ran through the forest hollow. He ran and sang his song about spring.

Grammar task:

In the last sentence, highlight the stem, write down phrases from it. Write the parts of speech above each word.

Parse words as parts of speech.

Covered with milk overnight.

Perform a sound-letter analysis of a wordicy.

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