Koroteev Konstantin Apollonovich. Causes of bankruptcy amp Koroteev Spiridon Nikiforovich

112 missing ships

First, let's look at two historical dates for the Azov Shipping Company. The first - August 24, 1991 - the day of declaration of independence of the state of Ukraine. One of the enterprises included in the system of the Ministry of the Navy of the USSR and received “inherited” by the newborn state was the Azov Shipping Company - the sixth largest and most important in the structure of the USSR MMF. The structure of the Azov Shipping Company at that time included 146 units of the transport fleet: dry cargo ships, bulk carriers, container ships, tankers - with a carrying capacity of 3 thousand to 30 thousand tons, icebreakers, tugs and other watercraft; ports, Taganrog, Mariupol, Berdyansk, Kerch, ferry crossing Crimea-Caucasus. Ship repair yards in Rostov, Taganrog, Mariupol, Kerch, Berdyansk plant of industrial and transport equipment; its own container fleet, which allows it to reliably cover the needs of five container lines served by the shipping company's vessels. Our own container park repair site, equipped at the most modern level thanks to the supply of Italian equipment, made it possible to maintain the container park in working order without significant financial investments, a large number of social and cultural facilities, including kindergartens, recreation centers, pioneer camps, housing stock, etc., etc. . Nearly 25,000 naval and coastal professionals looked boldly to the future.

The second epoch-making date was January 24, 2003 - by the decision of the Donetsk Regional State Property Fund of Ukraine, in agreement with the Ministry of Transport and the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, the lease agreement for state property and the organization of tenants of the Azov Shipping Company was terminated early. At the time of termination of the lease agreement, the fleet of the Azov Shipping Company included 33 operating vessels (the 34th m/v “SMELA”, previously withdrawn from the active fleet and for a long time a former training center, was safely rotting at the Northern Mole of the port of Mariupol) , several real estate properties in the cities of Mariupol and Kyiv. Almost none of these 33 ships were under the direct control of the shipping company itself. The enterprise, burdened with debts, existed in constant emergency mode - debts to the budget, unpaid rent to the state, and wage arrears for shore workers grew progressively. This whole gloomy picture was aggravated by the constant arrests of ships abroad. Oddly enough, but suppliers of fuel, oils, spare parts, products, etc. they persistently wanted to get their money for the supplied bunker, supplies, repairs and everything else that was necessary for the normal operation of the ships. Tired of waiting for the promised payment, they took extreme measures - the ships were arrested to ensure the return of funds. The crews, tired of arrests, delayed wages, and poor quality food, from time to time fell into a pre-strike state, refusing to go into the Black Sea or leave the ship until they received full payment for their months of life worked at sea.

So what led this once thriving enterprise to such a sad ending? We will try to realistically, as far as possible, understand the objective and subjective reasons for the current situation.

So, August 1991. The shipping company will automatically lose the enterprises remaining in Russia. After a short time, all enterprises that were administratively part of the Azov Shipping Company acquired the status of independent State enterprises. Thus, the period of administrative-command management ends, and the management of the AMP is forced to switch with its former subordinates to contractual working conditions. This is unpleasant, but this is how the whole world of “services - payment” works. The period of a market economy has arrived.

At AMP everything was led by one person

How ready was the leadership of the Azov Shipping Company for independent actions, without the guardianship, control and assistance of the structures of the USSR Ministry of the Marine Fleet? We must pay tribute - there was an impulse, a desire to turn life around in a new way. In 1991, the Azov Shipping Company “successfully” began its breakthrough into global international markets. New enterprises are created, like a test of the pen - the shipping company "KOMETAS, Mariupol" - the 22-year-old bulk carrier "ZAPOROZHIE" is transferred there, the shipping company GASKO - first the motor ship "POLOTSK" is transferred there, and then the motor ship "SAMUIL MARSHAK", the Dove company is opened Shipping, London - the Alexander Dovzhenko motor ship is safely transferred there. True, for unknown reasons, the former 1st deputy head of the shipping company Tsarev A.P. (the most realistic and authoritative contender for the position of head of the shipping company) leaves Mariupol and agrees to head a small, newly created joint venture - the agency company "AZMED", Athens.

Thus, at the end of 1991, the shipping company, along with the objective loss of property remaining beyond the state border of Ukraine, the loss of constant, accumulated over the years cargo flows of the Foreign Trade Associations of the USSR, the loss of stable funding, current fleet expenses and so on, etc., suddenly - with one stroke of the pen - lost its leadership three fleet units with a total tonnage of about 50,000 tons.

Objectively arising difficulties of the management process are aggravated by management mistakes. 1992 practically did not change the situation. There is an active search for partners and attempts to establish connections in various regions of the world. In the management building, more and more new faces are constantly appearing and disappearing, the task is to maximize the expansion of connections and contacts of the shipping company, search for a permanent clientele and cargo base. At the same time, being in the most industrially developed region of Ukraine - Donbass, no attempts are made at all to form the region’s own cargo base, to transfer the most export-oriented enterprises to transportation by the domestic fleet, that is, all that, 10 - 12 years later, will be created as a State program creation of the National Carrier.

What prevented the management of AMP in 1992 from starting to develop a program for creating its own cargo base, as the basis for the stable prosperity of the enterprise for many years to come? Moreover, such proposals were repeatedly made by the heads of the commercial service, the operation service and many other employees. And all this in the presence of such enterprises in the region as metallurgical giants - the AZOVSTAL plant, the Ilyich plant, the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant, and mines and departments that have export potential and constantly ship their cargo for export.

It must be assumed that the tasks facing the management of the AMP were not consistent with what was nearby - practically within half an hour by car (however, it should be remembered that in 1992 the shipping company was a State Enterprise, and this imposed its limitations on the desires of the leaders. )

1993 is a decisive year that predetermined the future fate of the Azov Shipping Company. On July 2, the State Property Fund of Ukraine signed a lease agreement with the Organization of Tenants of the Azov Shipping Company. The main provisions of Ukrainian legislation regulating rental relations at that time were as follows:

1. An organization of tenants is created, consisting of employees and management of the enterprise.

2. At a certain point in time, the value of fixed assets, inventories, current and non-current assets, as well as accounts payable and receivable is recorded.

3. According to the approved methodology, the cost of rent, depreciation, etc. is calculated.

4. A lease agreement is concluded with the owner of the property - in this case, with the State Property Fund of Ukraine.

A new enterprise is created on the basis of the Organization of Tenants and Leased Property, which from a certain moment begins to operate in a new form. The main responsibilities of the rental company were as follows:

— effectively use leased property

— carry out repairs and modernization of leased property

- insure property against loss and damage in favor of the owner - State Property Fund

- pay rent on time and in full

— fully pay the state for all types of taxes and payments.

The profit remaining after completing all the above points remains at your disposal

Organizations of tenants and used at their discretion. Either for the purchase of fixed assets from the state, or for the acquisition of new, already own fixed assets, or for improving the social base and raising the standard of living of members of the Tenants' Organization. Everything seems to be extremely clear and simple, but in reality strange events occur. Structurally, the highest governing body - the general meeting of tenants - delegates almost all powers to the Tenants Council, which consists of a subordinate First Manager. Thus, “de facto” one person is in charge of everything, and the Tenants Council plays the role of a democratic screen.

Black holes, aka financial settlement centers

The widespread creation of joint ventures abroad begins. The company "BASCO" (Istanbul), "Azov-London" (England), "Azko-Italy" (Piraeus), "Azoil" (Piraeus), "Azovrepair" (Piraeus), "Egasco" (Egypt,) are breaking with big long-standing relationship with the agency company “Pharaoh Shipping” (Lebanon) caused losses; a huge penalty was paid. In the vacant place, a new company "ASSA" is created with the notorious Mr. Tofik Issa (known for the fact that after purchasing "decommissioned" ships from the AMP, he immediately resold some of them, after which the ships successfully operated under the flags of other countries, bringing profit to their owners ). A very interesting company, Azov GMBH (Hamburg), is being created. This company is interesting in the distribution of shares - the Azov Shipping Company with its production assets (that is, the fleet) has 60 percent, the German side, represented by Mr. Zbarashchenko (a former AMP employee), contributes a couple of ballpoint pens and a calculator, but has 40 percent in the authorized capital of the enterprise. This list is endless... It comes to anecdotal situations - after the cessation of linear service to the port of Casablanca and the practical sale of timber trucks - suddenly an AMP representative office opens in the port of Casablanca!

Financial settlement centers are being created abroad - for example, Azov Holding (Vienna), with a single authorized director - manager in the person of ... Anatoly Ivanovich Bandura. All financial flows from the operation of the fleet are confined to two or three companies located in London, Vienna, Genoa, and Hamburg. And in fact all these companies are controlled by one person. You probably already guessed who we are talking about...

Structurally, these schemes were repeated in all regions of the world: at the first stage, a joint venture was created - an official cover, controlled and reporting to the principals - that is, the Azov Shipping Company. At the same time, offshore companies were opened that were not controlled by anyone except the founders. Vessels, with the motivation “after all, these are our companies,” are transferred for management (under time charter, bareboat charter, etc.) at rates much lower than those existing on the market to joint ventures and then to offshore companies. And already on behalf of offshore companies, the fleet began to work at real market rates. Thus, the profit remained in the accounts of the offshore companies, while the reporting of the subsidiaries was in full bloom - they worked “for commissions and a small profit.”

How “butterflies” with millions in their paws disappeared

Let's try to trace the subsequent fate of some of the created enterprises. "GASCO" (Dubai) - the company has ceased to exist, but in parallel the company "OASIS SHIPPING" is thriving, and no one remembers the ships m/v "Samuil Marshak" and m/v "Polotsk" that disappeared from the balance sheet of the AMP, or dozens of vessels of the " Ivan Koroteev" and "50th anniversary of Komsomol", who worked for pennies in this company for years. Azov London ceased to exist with $8 million in unconfirmed expenses, but a number of Isle of Man companies sprang up and successfully operated the AMP fleet for a number of years. We would like to dwell on the activities of Azov London in more detail - the example of this company is very typical:

So, in 1993, the Azov London joint venture (Great Britain) was created. The participants of the enterprise were the Azov Shipping Company and the AYOK company (USA). In 1995, the share of the AYOK company was purchased. In fact, air was purchased, since Azov London did not have any property. The company was presented with all possible privileges to the detriment of the Azov Shipping Company, namely an increased commission amount, up to 10 - 12 percent of freight amounts for all vessels (and at the same time, up to 20 - 22 AMP vessels operated under the control of the company). Thus, a significant cash flow was withdrawn from Ukraine. For example, the turnover of funds for only six bulk carriers, “Dobrush”, “Makeevka”, “Avdeevka”, “Berdyansk”, “Mariupol”, “Sumy” reached 3 - 3.5 million dollars annually for each vessel, in addition, the vessels “ Kramatorsk", "Fatezh", "General Blazhevich", ships of the "Komsomolets" type and many others, which gave an annual turnover of more than 50 million dollars! The creation of shell companies registered in the Isle of Man made it possible to have double contracts for transport with differences in freight, which were deposited in the accounts of these shell companies. Thus, in addition to commissions of about 5 million dollars a year, there was a “cut in freight”, which significantly reduced the profit of the Azov Shipping Company. Among the shell companies, an insurance company was also created on the Isle of Man, which significantly increased the cost of insuring the entire AMP fleet. Well, let's try to sum up the total amount of damage:

- inflated commissions for Azov London - losses of up to 5-6 million dollars per year;

— the difference in freight for all vessels — losses of 2-3 million dollars per year;

— an increase in the cost of insurance to $1 million per year;

— commissions for supplies, deliveries of products,

spare parts and other supplies up to $2 million

Thus, annually the AMP alone caused damage in the amount of 10 - 12 million from Azov London. Such activity continued until the beginning of 2000, that is, 8-9 years. It is easy to calculate that the total damage amounted to about 90 million dollars. For reference, the cost of one bulk carrier aged 8-12 years in different years was about 8-10 million dollars. That is, the tenant organization could, without financial difficulties, purchase approximately 8–10 ships under the Ukrainian flag with a tonnage of 25,000–30,000 tons each. However, during the audit of the Azov London company, unconfirmed expenses in the amount of $8 million were identified! After which, the chief accountant Viktor Kosenko, who was conducting an audit of the enterprise, suddenly died. Then the Azov London company was closed. The Genfraigt company, which declared itself the successor to the Azov London company, also ceased to exist approximately 6-9 months later.

Thus, the total losses of the AMP from actions on the shores of Great Britain alone amounted to at least 100 million US dollars! More examples? Please:

— “Azco” (Italy): practically continues to exist, holding and operating the container park of the former Azov Shipping Company.

- “Azoil” and “Azovrepair”: closed to the Azov holding company Vienna - sold (read transferred) due to their unprofitability to an unknown investor (remember that in Vienna the only person who has the right to make personal decisions is the head of the Azov Shipping Company)

- “AZMED” (Piraeus): liquidated due to bankruptcy, but companies such as “Sea Safe”, “Holy Sea”, “Divina Shipping” and others, which actually operated the fleet and brought millions of losses to the Azov Shipping Company, continued to exist successfully. For example, only the arrears of wages for sailors of the Usolye type vessels managed by Sea Safe reached 600 thousand dollars and was covered from the funds of the Azov Shipping Company.

— “Egasco”: ceased to exist

— “ASSA” (Lebanon), (Syria): with heavy losses as a result of a number of lawsuits, in 2003 it was possible to return two ships managed by this company. The ships, transferred to the Mongolian flag and re-registered twice, were already almost lost to the state of Ukraine. A number of ships - timber carriers "Koreiz", "Kiliya", "Krasnoarmeysk", "Vsevolod Pudovkin", "Alexander Dovzhenko" were sold to the owners of the ASSA company at the price of scrap metal, after which they continued to operate for 5-6 years without significant capital investments. At the same time, the m/v Matvey Muranov and m/v Rubezhnoye, which belonged to the state, were sold at an online auction in India for the debts of the ACCA company. However, even after the loss of these vessels and millions of accounts receivable, active cooperation with ACCA continued and the number of vessels transferred to management is even increasing.

— “Azov Holding GMBH”: ceases to exist after the withdrawal of the vessels “Boris Babochkin” and “Ivan Pereverzev”. Accounts receivable reaches $1.0 million.

— A strange company “Helior” is being created in Cyprus, the only employees of which are the daughter and son-in-law of the first director. In 1997 - 1998, five of the best ships of the shipping company were transferred to this company for management. The applied rates cannot be called anything other than simply ridiculous. The annual turnover of this company is estimated to reach 25 million US dollars. At the same time, the shipping company receives 1.2-1.5 million dollars annually. This company existed for about 7 years. The shipping company's losses are easy to calculate.

Agony of the Fleet

Starting in April 1996, the level of the freight market began to decline - this is a normal cyclical decline, another crisis in shipping. Unfortunately, the Azov Shipping Company meets this period completely unprepared. There are no financial reserves, no promising projects - there is a complete loss of management, a number of companies that exist at the expense of income lost by the Azov Shipping Company, there are unpaid multimillion-dollar accounts payable. There are also a number of negative factors, such as the aging and loss of competitiveness of the fleet, the lack of funds for scheduled repairs and maintenance of the fleet, the lack of funds for modernization of the fleet, in accordance with the requirements of the International Conventions coming into force. However, at the same time, starting from 1994, the management of the Azov Shipping Company begins to invest funds in various projects not related to the main profile of the enterprise. Millions of dollars are being invested in agricultural complexes! Meat and dairy shops are being created, investments in a brick factory continue, sources of financing for the construction of a tannery are unknown. Half a million US dollars were spent on the purchase of vacuum toilets for the Moryak recreation center alone. There is an active purchase of apartments in the cities of Kyiv, Odessa, Donetsk. Offices are opened in Moscow, Kyiv, Donetsk, Odessa. Meanwhile, the fleet is aging, deteriorating, and its technical condition is deteriorating every year, but funds are always available for non-core investments.

In fact, in this state of affairs, the Azov Shipping Company was bankrupt by the end of 1998, and for violations of the Law on Currency Regulation the shipping company was deprived of a license for foreign economic activity. Each subsequent transaction of any type must have an individual license from the National Bank and is carried out under the control of the Ministry of Finance. However, this does not bother the management, and the enterprise operates as before. Even in this situation, absolutely no constructive steps are being taken to save the enterprise. There is an emergency exit - selling the fleet. It's no secret that the fixed assets of the fleet - ships - cannot be compared in terms of the period of operation with the fixed assets of industry. The standard service life of cargo ships does not exceed 22-25 years. After this period, the vessels are usually sold for scrap. This is standard worldwide practice. But here, too, everything is going, to put it mildly, in an unconventional way. Yes, the ships are sold, yes, seemingly for scrap metal and at the price of scrap metal, but they are sold to “friendly companies” located in familiar parts of the world.

Familiar names are flashing again - Dubai, Lebanon, India, etc. Familiar names are popping up again, for example, Mr. Kotak - an Indian businessman, for whom, with promised investments, ships like the “50th anniversary of the Komsomol” worked almost for nothing, Mr. Sharaf, Mr. Issa. And these ships, sold for scrap, having changed their flags and names, continue to operate successfully for years, bringing their new owners considerable profits.

In the meantime, the shipping company is constantly subject to inspections by tax, law enforcement agencies, and control agencies, but these inspections are carried out based on individual violations. No one at that moment is able to grasp the whole picture of the systematic death of the shipping company as a whole. And even in this situation, gross violations are revealed, confirmed by documents, for example, the presence of double contracts for the sale of the motor ship "A. Pokalchuk" and some other facts.

The proceeds from the sale of state property, that is, in fact, money belonging to the state and people of Ukraine, are used to repair surviving ships. This goes against the basic principles of tenancy law, but is nevertheless used to prolong the agony of the enterprise.

In the fall of 2000, there was a sudden change in leadership. Several criminal cases have been opened against Anatoly Bandura; he is in the hospital under recognizance not to leave. Many believe that Anatoly Ivanovich fears arrest. That's why he signs his resignation letter.

Elected by the Council of Tenants, the Head of AZSKO Sergei Prusikov is taking all measures, trying to keep the shipping company afloat, but it is already too late. The control system no longer works, there is nothing left to sell, the entire old fleet has been sold out. Debts, both internal and external, are dragging the shipping company to the bottom; from 3 to 5 ships are constantly under arrest abroad. The wage arrears of coastal personnel alone reach eight million hryvnia.

In this situation, the only correct decision is made - searching for an investor who can radically change the situation. Such an investor was the Donbass Merchant Fleet company, which has now returned all 33 vessels to the Ukrainian flag, and is effectively operating them to this day.

The fate of the AMP legacy

So, on January 24, 2003, the remnants of the fleet of the Azov Shipping Company were de jure transferred by the State Property Fund of Ukraine to the Donbass Merchant Fleet LLC. But in fact the entire fleet continued to operate under the control of foreign companies. The management of AMP sent notices to all charterers about the change in the status of the shipowner, and at the same time, the management of TFD followed up with invitations to all charterers to come to Mariupol to renew contracts and agree on the terms and conditions of contracts. After lengthy and difficult negotiations, the parties came to a consensus taking into account mutual commercial interests. Of the twelve chartering companies, only two refused to negotiate: the well-known Mr. Tofik Issa (ACSA company) and Helior Enterprises (Cyprus). The first demanded an unimaginable amount of compensation for “allegedly incurred losses and lost profits,” and for some reason Helior insisted on the illegality of transferring the TFD fleet, refusing to conduct any negotiations.

Soon after these events, widespread arrests of ships suddenly began:

- motor ship "Sumy" - arrested in the Republic of South Africa on claims of the fuel company against the Black Sea Shipping Company and the State of Ukraine (idle period for three months - losses of about 700 thousand US dollars)

— — motor ships “Dobrush” and “Makeevka” were arrested in Canada at the request of the Helior company. Downtime for two months. Losses of about one million dollars

- the motor ship "Vera Voloshina" was arrested in Greece at the request of the companies "Azoil" and "Azovrepair".

- the motor ship "Berdyansk" was arrested in France at the request of the same companies.

Despite all these problems, the newly created company LLC Merchant Fleet of Donbass cleared the rubble inherited from the Azov Shipping Company and returned the ships under its own management. On many ships operating under the flags of Malta, Mongolia and other exotic countries, the flags of Ukraine were again raised. The cost of all 33 ships of the former AMP - taking into account age (26-28 years), tonnage and technical condition at the end of 2003 did not exceed 50 - 60 million US dollars. To bring the fleet into a satisfactory technical condition, the Merchant Fleet of Donbass invested tens of millions of dollars during 2003 - 2005, almost amounts comparable to the cost of the AMP inheritance. At the same time, among the shipping company funds that were transferred to the investor, there was practically no “shore” property of the AMP. Disappeared without a trace:

— brick factory ($25 million);

— meat and dairy shops, a leather processing shop, the AGRO AZOV complex ($5 million);

— recreation center “MORYAK”, hotel “MORYAK”

— unfinished housing complex ($10 million);

— apartments, hotels and representative offices in the cities of Mariupol, Donetsk, Kyiv, Odessa;

— heavy vehicles ($15 million);

- training centers.

Into whose hands and with whose direct permission did all this disappear?

Mythical re-privatization

Now let's finally return to the versions about the reasons for the death of Anatoly Ivanovich Bandura. Could he really be serious about the idea of ​​re-privatizing the fleet? The clear answer is no. Firstly, in fact, the fleet already belongs to the state, because it owns 25% of the shares of TFD. And, according to the director of the company Nikolai Kuzyutkin, he can take his share at any time through the courts or other means. The only question is – why? After all, the value of shares is growing, and the state, in addition to contributions to the budget, receives good dividends. What will it do with ships that are approaching critical age? Will he again put in charge of the reanimated shipping company “Bandura No. 2”? And even if such an idea occurred to someone, it would be legally impossible to carry out “reprivatization.” The transfer of the fleet took place legally - this is confirmed by numerous inspections by the KRU, the prosecutor's office, and the State Property Fund. Therefore, the owners and management of TFD have no one and nothing to fear.

But the absurd version of a “political order”, as if by the wave of an invisible conductor’s baton, continues to unwind. Various methods of releasing “compromising evidence” are used: for example, in the book of the deceased, published after the death of Anatoly Bandura, it is said that the head of the AMP resigned after his subordinates presented him with an ultimatum from the “Donetsk people”. Bandura's former deputy Sergei Prusikov sued the relatives of the deceased, as well as the publishers of the book, demanding that this passage be recognized as falsified or included in the book by mistake. Apparently, the publishers did not know that Sergei Viktorovich Prusikov actively assisted in writing the book, selecting and processing statistical material, and shortly before his tragic death he received a version of this book from his former boss for coordination and approval. According to Prusikov, the mentioned paragraph looked completely different - there was no talk of any ultimatum!

So who benefits from falsification and misinformation of the public, the investigation and the court? Apparently, someone really wants to divert the investigation away from facts that could clarify the true motives of those who ordered the murder. However, everything will fall into place if we take into account that Anatoly Bandura never stopped active commercial activities...

Incognito businessman

How to run a business and still remain in the shadows? It's simple. Two or three companies with bearer shares are acquired - for example in Liberia, Panama, Gibraltar, the British Virgin Islands. Two companies with bearer shares act as founders and register a third company in any EU country. The issue of tax evasion is a purely technical issue. The main thing is that the problem of maintaining incognito has been solved. It would be interesting to look at the registration documents of such companies as Azovoil, Azovrepair (Panama), Helior Enterprises (Cyprus), Genfreight London (Isle of Man) and a number of others. It was not in vain that we singled out these companies, since it was in these companies that the relatives and close associates of the head of the AMP worked. Where are the leaders of foreign enterprises of the Azov Shipping Company now? What are Messrs. Savich, Firsov, Shkanov, Guslev doing? It's strange that no one was interested in this...

In Ukraine, in order not to be exposed, business must be built indirectly or through fictitious, trusted persons. According to our information, only in Mariupol a certain respected “pensioner” was indirectly the owner and holder of a controlling stake in at least several companies. And if you dig, it becomes clear where the trace of the brick factory, apartments and other AMP property is lost...

An interesting example of how the process of “deprivatization” of the remnants of the AMP continued after the death of Bandura. In 1999, Anatoly Ivanovich ordered the transfer of a controlling stake in the shipping company "COMETAS" to the Social Protection Fund for Seafarers. And in 2005, 25% of the shares, worth more than half a million dollars, were “donated” by the Foundation to a private person - a certain Anna B. The legislation prohibiting the disclosure of private information does not allow indicating names, but everyone understands who we are talking about...

So, isn’t the reason for the death of Anatoly Bandura hidden in the fact that, having felt relatively safe after the change of power in the country, the active participant in the revolution on the Maidan began increasingly insistently demanding the return (re-registration in his name) of the property in Ukraine? But the business partners didn’t want to do this at all... Of course, this is just one of the possible versions, but to people who knew Anatoly Bandura well, it seems the most plausible. Why then did almost the entire indictment against Alexander Moroz and Viktor Kondratenko, suspects in the murder of Anatoly Bandura, revolve around the Azov Shipping Company, which had sunk into oblivion? Is it because from the very beginning the investigation was guided only by the “political” version and tried with all its might to prove its plausibility? After all, then everything comes together - Kondratenko previously worked in the company that received the “inheritance” of AMP, Moroz is his former subordinate. However, the investigators apparently did not take into account that the threat of the return of the fleet is a pure myth, and no one would take it seriously. In conclusion of the material, we would like to provide comments from the lawyers who defended Moroz and Kondratenko, in order to show what methods the investigators acted, as well as the judges, who for some reason turned a blind eye to many violations of procedural law...

Andrey Korotchenko

Koroteev Alexander Egorovich

(Korotkeev) (1913---1937.10.21) village. Kamyshino, Volchansky district, Kharkov region, Russian. Kirov Phosphate Plant, crusher, Kirovsk, Murmansk region, 23 km, 5, room. 17. Arrested on August 8, 1937, art. 58-10-11 CC. Convicted on 10/1937/14 by a special troika of the UNKVD for the Leningrad Region, VMN. Shot on 10/21/37. Place of execution - Leningrad. Rehabilitated 1963.07.24 by the Murmansk Regional Court. [Book of Memory: Name list of repressed residents of the Kola Peninsula, as well as foreign citizens living in the Murmansk region. Murmansk, 1997.]

Koroteev Alexander Egorovich see also Koroteev Alexander Egorovich

(Korotkeev) (1913--, 1932) [Book of Memory: Name list of repressed residents of the Kola Peninsula, as well as foreign citizens living in the Murmansk region. Murmansk, 1997.]

Koroteev Alexander Kuzmich

(1890---1941/45) Chibisovka village, Lipetsk region, Red Army soldier died in the Great Fatherland. war

Koroteev Alexander Semenovich

(1913.11.14--, 1996) as of 1996.12.12 resident: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Kramatorsk

Koroteev Alexander Fedorovich

(1785) class rank. (1785) [Stepanov V.P. Russian service nobility 2nd half. XVIII century St. Petersburg, 2000: 85-214 86-187 87-197]

Koroteev Alexey Arkadevich

(1897---1938) native and resident of Livny, Oryol region. dealer. Arrested in 1938 Shot. [Oryol region]

Koroteev Andrey Grigorievich

(Efremovsky district, Tula region---1941/45) Efremovsky RVK, Red Army soldier, died in Vel. Otech. war

Koroteev Artemy

(1727) in 1727 major, assessor of the Siberian court court

Koroteev Afanasy Petrovich

(1882--, 1937) native and resident of the village of Telazhye, Russian-Brodsky district, Oryol region. watchman Arrested in 1937 Sentenced to 10 years in labor camp. [Oryol region]

Koroteev Vasily Alexandrovich

(1915.02.01--, 1998) resident: Moscow Yerevan st. 8 k. 2 sq. 75 Yerevan st. 8 k. 2 sq. 75 Yerevan st. 8 k. 2 sq. 75

Koroteev Vasily Andreevich

(1916) Life Guards. Lithuanian regiment 4th company, private: awarded the Cross of St. George, 4th degree (No. 755422) from among the crosses given by His Imperial Highness Grand Duke George Mikhailovich on behalf of His Imperial Majesty the Sovereign Emperor at the review 1916.11.17 - for the cause 1916.07.15 near the village of Trysten.

Koroteev Vasily Vasilievich

(1916.04.04--, 2000) as of 2000.05.12 resident: Ukraine Lugansk region, Novoaidarsk district, Pobeda district

Koroteev Vasily Grigorievich

(1886---1932) Native of the village of Vorobyovka, Chibisovsky district, Oryol region. sole farmer. Resident of the village of Vorobyovka, Chibisovsky district, Oryol region. Articles of accusation: 58-10. Shot. [Lipetsk]

Koroteev Vladimir Feodotovich

(1908.09.22--, 1998) as of 1998.11.30 resident: Ukraine, Kirovograd region,

Koroteev Gerasim Stepanovich

(1894---1941/45, in Poland) Red Army soldier died in Great Patriotic War. war

Koroteev David

(1727) in 1727 fiscal

Koroteev Ivan

(1587) Dept. a copy of the siege head Boris Protasov to Ivan Koroteev for the draw of lots in the village of Predivnya on the river. Predivenka from empty, in Satyevsky station. Mtsensk.u.

Koroteev Ivan Vasilievich

(1893---1937, Leningrad) repressed and executed (LM-9) [Leningrad]

Koroteev Ivan Danilovich

(1907--,2002) as of 2002 resident: Altaysk region, Srostki village, Biysk district, Pionerskaya Street, 34

Koroteev Ivan Nikolaevich

(1911--, 2003) resident: Ryazan, Yakhontov St., 17, apt. 75

Koroteev Ivan Nikolaevich

(1913.07.25--, 2002) as of 2002 resident: Moscow region. Lyubertsy district, Kraskovo village, Respublikanskaya, 18

Koroteev Joseph Karpovich

(1907, village of Vyshne-Kobylye, Dolzhansky district, Oryol region --- 1941) military man. Arrested in 1941 Sentenced to death. By a ruling of the Supreme Court in 1951, execution was replaced by 10 years in prison. [Oryol region]

(1901--1953,†Moscow, Novo-Devich.class, 4-school) Colonel General, command. troops of the Transbaikal military. district, Hero of the Owls. Union, in Vel.Otech. team war. army

Koroteev Konstantin Apollonovich

(1901.02.25, village of Shcheglovka, now within the city of Bogodukhov, Kharkov region - 1953.01.04) born. in a working-class family. Russian. Member of the CPSU since 1938. Member of the 1st world. war. In Sov. Army since 1918. Member Citizen. war. He graduated from the Saratov infantry machine gun courses in 1920, the middle command courses in 1924, the courses in 1926. He commanded a battalion, a regiment, and was the chief of staff of a rifleman. divisions. Comr. shooter. Division K. participated in the Soviet-Finnish. war 1939-40. Participant Vel. Otech. war since June 1941. Commanded by a rifleman. corps, then a number of armies. For skillful leadership of the troops of the 52nd Army of the 1st Ukrainian Army. front in battles during the Vistula-Oder operation during the crossing of the river. Oder 6.4.45 Colonel General (1944) K. was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Union. In 1947 he graduated from the Higher Academy. courses at the Military. acad. General Staff, commanded the troops of the Western Military District, was deputy. commands SKVO. Dep. Top. Soviet of the USSR 3rd convocation. Load 3rd horde Lenin, 4th horde. Red Banner, horde. Suvorov 1st class, 3rd order. Kutuzov 1st class, order. Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 1st class, medals. Died 1953.01.04. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

Koroteev Konstantin Apollonovich

(1940) Major General (1940.06.04), Lieutenant General (1943.04.28), Colonel General (1944.09.13)

Koroteev Leonid Ivanovich

(1896, Chernsky district, Poltevo village --- 1941/45) Tula region, Chernsky RVK, 1942.04.07 Tula region. Red Army soldier died in Vel.Otech. war

Koroteev Matvey Emelyanovich

(1893---1941/45, in Poland) Red Army soldier died in Great Patriotic War. war

Koroteev Mikhail Arkadevich

(1890---1938) native and resident of Livny, Oryol region. baker. Arrested in 1938 Shot. [Oryol region]

Koroteev Mikhail Gavrilovich

(1864--, 1937) native and resident of the village. Panin, Kromsky district, Oryol region. locksmith Arrested in 1937 Sentenced to 10 years in labor camp. [Oryol region]

Koroteev Mikhail Fedorovich

(1907.10.14--, 2002) as of 2002 resident: Moscow region. Podolsk district, Paradny Proezd D.6 Apt.12

Koroteev Nikolay Sergeevich

(1916--,2001) for 2001 resident: Novosibirsk, Kirov district, Urmanova 1st quarter 15

Koroteev Opanas Nikolaevich

(1912.01.15--, 1997) as of 1997.12.12 resident: Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk

Koroteev Petr Alekseevich

(1789) class rank (1789) [Stepanov V.P. Russian service nobility 2nd half. XVIII century St. Petersburg, 2000: 89-218 90-190 91-253]

Koroteev Semyon Abramovich

(1874---1932) Native of the village of Kolosovka, Chibisovsky district, Voronezh region. foreman-gardener of the state farm Fruit and Vegetable. Resident of the village of Laukhino, Krasninsky district. Charges: 58-10-1. Shot. [Lipetsk]

Koroteev Spiridon Nikiforovich

(1909--,2002) as of 2002 resident: Omsk

Koroteev Fedor Vasilievich

(1902--, 1931) native and resident of the village of Preobrazhenka. Russian non-partisan, peasant. Arrested on 02.19.24, on April 9, by a troika at the OGPU PP for the SVK, he was sentenced under Art. Art. 58-8 (terrorist acts), 58-10 (counter-revolutionary propaganda or agitation) and 58-11 (counter-revolutionary organizational activities) to 2 years of suspended imprisonment. Rehabilitated by the Kuibyshev Regional Prosecutor's Office 1989.06.29 [Samara]

Koroteev Fedor Ivanovich

(1898--,1945) native and resident of the village. Skvortsovo, Khotynetsky district, Oryol region. There is no information about the place of work. Arrested in 1945 Sentenced to 10 years in labor camp and 5 years of disqualification. [Oryol region] Biography

KOROTEEV Konstantin Apollonovich, Soviet military leader, Colonel General (1944). Hero of the Soviet Union (04/06/1945).

Born into a working-class family. He graduated from elementary school and worked at the Shcheglovsky mine as a laborer. Member of the First World War. In August 1916, he voluntarily entered military service and was sent to the Southwestern Front. Enlisted in the grenadier team of the 290th Infantry Regiment. He fought as part of the regiment until demobilization in December 1917. Upon returning to his homeland, he again went to work as a laborer at the Shcheglovsky mine. In February 1918, he voluntarily joined the Red Guard detachment, which was formed from workers of the Shcheglovsky mine. Upon completion of formation, the detachment was renamed the 1st Lugansk battalion, and K.A. Koroteev was elected commander of the 2nd company. In April, the battalion became part of the formed 5th Ukrainian Army under the command of K.E. Voroshilov and participated in the defense of Lugansk, in battles against the German occupation forces. Then Koroteev took part in the suppression of the anti-Soviet uprising of the Cossacks on the Don and fought back to Tsaritsyn.

In June 1918, the 1st Communist Rifle Division was formed here, in which Koroteev was appointed platoon commander of the 2nd Communist Regiment. As part of the division he took part in the battles near Tsaritsyn. In September 1919, after the surrender of Tsaritsyn, he was sent to study in Saratov for infantry and machine gun courses. As part of a cadet detachment, he participated in the suppression of the A.P. rebellion. Sapozhkov in the Ural steppes. Upon completion of the course in July 1920, he was soon appointed to the post of platoon commander of the 4th reserve regiment in Roslavl. In January 1921, he was appointed platoon commander in the 31st Infantry Regiment of the 4th Infantry Division, and in June of the same year he was transferred to the 11th Infantry Regiment. After completing repeated courses on the Western Front in Smolensk in July 1924, he served as assistant commander and company commander, commander of a rifle battalion. In October 1926 he graduated from the rifle-tactical advanced training courses for the command staff of the Red Army "Vystrel" named after. Comintern. In January 1934, he was appointed chief of staff of the 14th Infantry Regiment, and in March 1935, he took command of this regiment. Since July 1937 K.A. Koroteev is the chief of staff, and since February 1938, the commander of the 27th Rifle Division as part of the 4th Rifle Corps of the Belarusian Special Military District. In this position in 1939 he participated in the Red Army's campaign in Western Belarus. From mid-January 1940, brigade commander K.A. Koroteev took part in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. At the beginning of March 1940, he took command of the 56th Rifle Corps and fought in this position until the end of hostilities. In June 1940 he was promoted to major general. In October 1940, he was appointed infantry inspector of the Leningrad Military District. In March 1941, he was transferred to the Kiev Special Military District to the post of commander of the 55th Rifle Corps.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the corps under the command of Major General K.A. Koroteev, as part of the Southwestern Front, participated in the border battle, in July 1941, as part of the 18th Army of the Southern Front, he fought heavy defensive battles on the river. Dniester. In August, the corps was disbanded, and Koroteev was appointed deputy commander of the 18th Army for rear affairs. Since October of the same year, he commanded the 12th Army, which successfully operated during the Rostov defensive and offensive operations. Since March 1942 - assistant to the commander of the Southern Front. Since August of the same year, he was the commander of the 11th Guards Rifle Corps, which, as part of the 9th Army of the Transcaucasian Front, fought defensive battles in the Ordzhonikidze direction. In September 1942, he was appointed commander of the 9th Army, whose troops took part in the battle for the Caucasus. From February 1943, he commanded first the 18th Army, and from March - again the 9th Army. In April 1943, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general. From July 1943 until the end of the war, he commanded the 52nd Army, which was first in the reserve of the Supreme Command Headquarters, then was part of the Voronezh, Steppe (from October 20, 1943 - 2nd Ukrainian), 1st Ukrainian fronts. In September 1944, he was awarded the rank of Colonel General. Skillfully led the army troops in the battle for the Dnieper, in the Korsun-Shevchenko, Uman-Botosha, Yassy-Kishinev, Vistula-Oder, Lower Silesia, Berlin and Prague offensive operations. For skillful leadership of troops during the crossing of the river. Oder and in battles during the capture of important communication centers in the Vistula-Oder operation K.A. Koroteev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

After the war, Colonel General K.A. Koroteev continued to command the 52nd Army. After graduating from the Higher Academic Courses at the Higher Military Academy named after. K.E. Voroshilov was appointed commander of the Trans-Baikal Military District. In March 1951, he was relieved of duty for health reasons and was undergoing treatment. Then in November 1951 he was appointed assistant commander of the North Caucasus Military District. He was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 3rd convocation. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Awarded 3 Orders of Lenin, 4 Orders of the Red Banner, Order of Suvorov 1st class, 3 Orders of Kutuzov 1st class, Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1st class, medals, as well as a foreign order.

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