Kuban, with folk signs, to show the beauty of their native land. “They feed Russia with bread”

Topic: “Writers of Kuban about their native nature”


1 .educational - introduce students to the biography of Varabbas, Oboishchikov, Golub; reveal the content of the lesson topic

2. developing - to continue the development of thinking, memory, attention, speech, cognitive interest

    educational - to cultivate a love of nature, children's books, fostering students' speech cultureOrganizational moment and mood for the lesson.

Teacher's opening speech.

- I hasten to tell you - “Hello!”

To wish you good health.

I hasten to tell you - “Grace!”

To wish you new happiness.

I hasten to tell you - “Joy!”

Good luck, success and luck! –

To wish everyone in this class

Have the most wonderful mood.

And the mood now cannot be bad, because we are starting a lesson in which we will talk about our small Motherland, about our Krasnodar region, and introduce the works of writers about the nature of Kuban.

As an epigraph I chose the statement of A.N. Tkachev“Love Kuban, study its past, create its future!”

After all, the nature of the Krasnodar region is beautiful! Go out into the garden, into the steppe, into a field, take a walk in the park, just look out the window - and you will see a real miracle...

Look around -

The beauty will enchant you:

The region is more beautiful than ours!

The bread is golden,

The forests are turning green,

The distance of the sea is decorated with azure...

2. Preparation for the initial perception of the poem by I. Varabbas “On our cherry farm”

Guys, I invite you to go along the roads of Kuban poets to explore the wonders and charms of the region. Let's get startedIvan Fedorovich Varabbas. I.F. Barabbas was born in Kuban in st. Starominskaya. After graduating from school, he went to the front as a volunteer, where he was wounded. However, the war brought not only troubles to the writer’s personal life. It was during the war that Ivan Fedorovich picked up a pen and began to write. We will dwell in more detail on poems about nature, namely “On our Cherry Farm”

2.1. Primary perception

What is the poem talking about?

What compositional feature did you notice?

How does the poem end?

2.2. Secondary perception with elements of analysis

How did they decorate shirts, hems, and sleeves on the cherry farm?

What are the clothes like in this village?

Why is the road white in spring?

Word drawing

3. Preparation for the perception of T. Golub’s poem “The Main Smell”

Born and raised in Kuban. At the age of sixteen she became seriously ill. The disease confined her to bed and made the talented poetess disabled. But this did not stop her from pursuing her literary activities. So 8 collections of poetry were written. Among them is “Breadfruit”

In which the poem “The Main Smell” was placed

3.1. Primary perception

The teacher's reading is accompanied by a dynamic demonstration.

Checking Primary Perception

- Who remembers what it smells like in Kuban?

3.2. Composing the score

- With what intonation will we read the poem, starting with the words The wind flew in from the sea,
Juicy sweet strawberries,
Cucumbers, blackberries,
Warmed up quinoa
Mint and mignonette,
Generous mushroom rain
And young dill,
Pears covered in pink...

- What pause accompanies the intonation of the enumeration?

- What punctuation mark ends the listing? What kind of pause will there be?

Expressive reading of a passage

- Read the sentences on the slide. What should it be like?

- How should you pronounce the word “heard”? Why? (address word, it is necessary to highlight it logically)

- How should you read the word "wheat"? (melodic, calm) Choral pronunciation of the word

Choral reading of a fragment

Expressive reading of a poem

4. Preparation for the initial perception of K. Oboishchikov’s poem “Kuban is such a land”

K. Oboishchikov was born in the Rostov region in 1920. My school years were spent in Kuban. In 4th grade, the first poems about the nature of their native land appear

4.1. Primary perception

Expressive reading by the teacher.

Checking Primary Perception

What mood did the poem make you feel?

How has your idea of ​​Kuban changed?

4.2. Secondary perception

Reading a poem by students.

Creation of a filmstrip and a story for it

Dividing the class into 4 groups. Graphic drawing

Draw an excerpt and sign the titles to create a filmstrip “My Kuban”, based on the poems you read. Compiling a story about the nature of Kuban, based on the resulting filmstrip.

5. Quiz of experts in the works of Kuban writers

“Kuban is the land of T. Golub

like this"

“The Main Smell” by I. Varava

“On the farm of K. Oboishchikov

our cherry"

2.What does the sun “smell” like in Kuban?

3. A priceless home gift

4. What time of yearon the cherry farm the road is white

5. What are the clothes like on the Cherry Farm?

6. Remember as many smells of Kuban as possible

"The Main Smell"

It smells like summer in Kuban
The wind that came from the sea,
Juicy sweet strawberries,
Cucumbers, blackberries,
Warmed up quinoa
Mint and mignonette,
Generous mushroom rain
And young dill,
Pears covered in pink...
What is the main smell?
We heard how outside the village
Does the sun smell like...wheat?

Kuban is such a land

Kuban is a land like this: Kuban is a land like this:

Only the first ray will slide - There is military glory in it

And the field comes to life. And the glory of labor

And the thunder of the earth floats, They are held together with cement.

And the plow cuts the earth, It blooms in Novorossiysk

Like butter. Holy Land.

All year round And, like obelisks,

Something is being sown here, the poplars are frozen.

And they are removing something, Kuban is a land like this:

And something is blooming. From golden bread,

Kuban is a land like this: Steppe side.

From edge to edge she meets guests,

Two Denmarks will enter. And opens the soul

Washed by the seas, Transparent to the bottom.

Hidden in the forests, Cossack fire,

Wheat fields, beautiful, young,

Looking to the skies. Kuban is a land like this:

And the snowy peaks - One day he will caress -

Like waves of gray hair, You will love forever!

Like the wisdom of old.

“On our cherry farm”

On our cherry farm

By the clear spring water

The girls are celebrating new things,

Flowers are rising at dawn.

And those wall flowers,

Like a generous summer, rumors

Shirts are decorated with embroidery,

Hemlines, shirt sleeves.

On our cherry farm,

Where the river flows freely,

In beautiful girlish updates

Spring is burning all year round.

Visitor, stranger passerby

Notice by the still water:

Even the clothes are similar here

To the steppe, vegetable gardens, orchards.

On our cherry farm

Beautiful people live

On our cherry farm

The orchestras are calling at the wedding.

And the boys invite their girlfriends,

And they go out into the circle themselves,

under the cherries the cherries are picked

From hot angry lips.

On our cherry farm

In spring the road is white

From the cherries in new bloom,

From their youthful warmth.

Me too once for a reason

From the farm into the freezing cold

A priceless precious gift -

He brought spring on his shirt.

5. Lesson summary

Seasons through the eyes of Kuban poets

Objectives: 1) to introduce the features of the seasons

heavenly blue -


Vitaly Bakaldin

(Beshmet- outerwear of the Tatars, Caucasian peoples, Cossacks)

Thick fog floats in the lowlands.

The earth is filled with peace.

And they hold the sky like a basket,

Above the farmsteads


Kronid Upholsterers

Oh, how the sunflower field laughed!

Under the azure sky there are a thousand luminaries.

Sunflowers bloomed on the expanse of the steppe:

Their golden color has been gilded by the steppe...

Ivan Varabbas

At dawn, ruddy

Rosehip woke up.

With every leaf he

I reached out to the dawn.

And the dawn comes to him

Reached out in response

Colored the buds

In pink...

Tatiana Golub

This fragments from poems by Kuban poets. Just a few lines - and before us is a portrait of our native land. A talented poet knows how to notice the beauty of every modest blade of grass and find precise, vivid words to convey this charm to us.

(Fragment- an excerpt of text, art or music.)

Which of the passages you read seemed the most beautiful to you? Why?

Illustrate one of the passages.

Do you know how to determine the weather based on folk signs?

If not, listen carefully to another poem by the Kuban poetess Tatiana Golub.


Will it rain or not -

I will find the answer in the flowers.

If in the morning marigolds

So it will rain again -

Need an umbrella with by yourself take.

If your eyes reach the sun

The bindweed opened wide -

No one can go wrong here:

It will be a sunny day.

And here is an excerpt from the poem “It’s either snow or rain” Kronida Oboyshchikova:

If it starts to smell strong

There are lilacs under your window,

The cat tore the wall to pieces,

Roosters crow all day long

If swallows fly

Low, low above the ground,

Now I know for sure:

The rain will pour down...

Other signs of rain are also known among people:

“The water on the river is foaming - it will rain tomorrow.”

"Sparrows bathe in dust - for rain"

“In the evening the sky is pale yellow - it means rain. »

- Ask your elders - relatives, acquaintances - about what folk primates they know. Write down the signs of rain, windy or sunny weather that you know in your notebook. Draw illustrations. And to make a real calendar, you can make chapters “Winter”, “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn” in it.


The Kuban winter rarely gives us snowdrifts, snowfalls, icicles... Before the snowball has time to fall, it will immediately melt. But when winter decides to stay with us longer, how much joy she brings to the children!

Winter comes to the Azov-Kuban Plain from the north. Northern and northeastern winds blow. Cold air, moving from north to south, has time to warm up. Mixing with the local warm air, the cold air warms up even more, so winter in the region is mild, unstable, with little snow, with frequent thaws. South-westerly winds from the Black Sea bring rain mixed with snow, and rainy autumn weather returns. Sometimes there are thunderstorms.

This is how the Kuban poet saw winter Vadim Nepodoba:

How nice it is in the snow!

How fresh and warm!

In the forest, tall and shaggy,

Like in a grandmother’s fairy tale, it’s light...

Snow woman

Babu snowy yesterday

We blinded near the yard.

What was she up to?

Cute and white!

We fixed her bangs,

They put a broom in my hands,

She smiled at everyone

Right up to the dark.

And today outside the window

Streams flowed all around,

And from a woman - just like that! -

Not a trace remains!

Tatiana Golub

First ice

From the first January cold

In the morning the puddles froze.

There is one near the school -

Everyone liked her.

The queue is growing quickly -

Everyone wants to check the ice.

And I had a bad ride -

Suddenly he found himself on his back.

And Zhenya is rushing after me:

“Don’t hold up!”

“Get up,” Vova shouted, “

I want to ride again!”

Avoid this place

Nobody is trying

Even our strict head teacher

Same here rides.

Kronid Upholsterers

What winter games do you play with your friends?

Explain the proverb:

“In winter, the sun smiles through tears.”


Spring is called the morning of the year. Here in Kuban it is especially good. A real Kuban beauty!

And, of course, poets do not spare colors to describe all its unique charm.

In a poem Vitaly Bakaldina“Spring” is only approaching:

...At first glance, nondescript,

the gardens are still transparent,

haven't bloomed yet...

There is still languor in the fields

plowed land.

And in the poem Vadim Nepoboba“Palm morning” spring is already coming into its own:

"The din where the cliffs are shady

Relatives to the glare of the sun,

Palm babies are furry

They will see me at once...

U Ivan Varabbas(“Morning after the rain”) the Kuban spring appears in all its glory:

Oh, what a morning in Kuban,

After thunder, storm and rain

The crystal is bent by ringing tulips.

The dawn is pouring, approaching the threshold...

Spring begins early in the region: in February you can already feel its approach. However, the first half of March is often cold. In the morning and evening there are frosts of up to 6 degrees, and sometimes the air temperature drops to 10-13 degrees below zero. The second half of the month is usually warm. In March, snowdrops and violets bloom in the riverine forests, and young shoots of nettle, burdock, and dandelion make their way to the light.

April usually brings warm weather. At the end of the month, cherries, apple trees, and lilacs bloom. Sometimes there are sudden cold snaps that cause great harm to gardens. In early May, white acacia blooms.

With the arrival of spring, numerous feathered friends fly to nesting sites: starlings, swallows. Agricultural work begins in the fields: plowing, sowing.

Explain the proverb:

“Spring is the morning of the year. »


All seasons are good and beautiful in their own way.

But the best time in Kuban is, of course, summer!

There are many summers in Kuban,

a lot of bread,

Like a melon

the sun set in the sky.

Like geese

flocks of white clouds.

Kronid Upholsterers

It smells like summer in Kuban

Arrived from the sea by the wind.

Juicy, sweet strawberries,

Cucumbers, blackberries,

Warmed up quinoa

Mint and mignonette,

Generous mushroom rain

And young dill,

Pears covered in pink...

What is the main smell?

We heard how outside the village

Does the sun smell like wheat?

Tatiana Golub

And over the Kuban poplars

And willows of three girths.

And all the fields, fields, fields.

Until sunset.

Wheat whispers with the rain

And looks at the road.

Summer is on the rise

And the ripe ear touches.

And in every grain there are fields

And willows in three girths,

And in each there is a generous land

From sunrise to sunset.

Antonina Baeva

In summer there are long sunny days and short warm nights. The sun rises early, rises high at noon and is very warm. At 9 o'clock in the evening at the end of July it is still light. Of course, you remember that the longest day is June 22, it lasts 17 hours and 30 minutes. It rains rarely, they are short-lived, sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms. Clear weather quickly follows.

In dry and hot weather brought by eastern and northern

Eastern winds, you probably like to swim in a river or sea. Especially in July, because it is the hottest month. The air temperature rises to 30-35 degrees, and sometimes even higher.

On the Black Sea coast, the heat during the day is softened by the breeze (breeze) blowing from the sea.

Summer is not only the most beautiful and fertile time. It's harvest time. Bread is a common concern of Kuban residents. Both the residents of the villages and the townspeople are all trying to help the grain growers harvest the wheat on time and not lose a single ear...


Wheat costs in Kuban

Among the busy fields,

And melts into the bread ocean

Green sail of poplars.

The bread is making noise...

In hot suffering

They bow to the earth

For the warmth of the Cossack soul,

For valor, courage and work!..

Ivan Varabbas

In the northern half of the region, autumn begins at the end of September. Usually it is long and warm: the trees retain their green and then golden attire for a long time. They gradually shed their leaves. There are so many colors in golden autumn! For poplar, apple and pear trees, leaf fall begins in October, for white acacia and cherry - in November.

In autumn, the days become noticeably shorter. In early October, it gets dark at 7 pm. In the middle of the day, the sun does not rise as high and heats the earth less. The transition to winter is imperceptible and gradual; frosts begin only at the end of November.

In the fall, sunflowers, corn, and sugar beets are harvested, and fields are plowed for winter crops. From the high mountains, wild animals descend into broad-leaved forests, where fallen wild pears, apples, nuts, chestnuts, and acorns litter the ground. These fruits are eaten by bears, wild boars, badgers and other animals. They are preparing for winter.

Summary of the lesson.

Competition for the best essay about the beauty of the nature of our native land.

Exhibition of drawings and photographs about the nature of Kuban.

Exhibition of books by Kuban poets.

Citizen's lesson.

Topic: “You, Kuban, you are our Motherland!”

    To form students’ ideas about the life of Kuban in the pre-war years; about the life of Kuban residents during the Great Patriotic War; continue acquaintance with the state symbols of Russia and the Krasnodar Territory.

    To develop cognitive interest, students’ speech, thinking abilities, memory, attention, and broaden their horizons.

    To cultivate love for one’s native land, city, village, to cultivate patriotism.


Map of the Krasnodar Territory, symbols of Russia and the Krasnodar Territory, information material, exhibition of books, posters, records “There in the Kuban”.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

- Hello guys. I'm glad to see you rested. What interesting happened to you this summer? Which one of you had a birthday in the summer? How old are you? Who or what do you think might be 215 years old? (children's answers)

- Indeed, trees, books, and household items can be this age. And this year there is such a date in the center of our Krasnodar region, the city of Krasnodar. It was founded in 1793.

    Introductory part.

Announcing the topic and purpose of the lesson.

— Our small Motherland, Kuban, has an ancient and rich history.

About our wonderful land.

There will be a conversation about a beautiful sweet land,

Where do we all live?

The purpose of this lesson is to briefly introduce the history of our region.

Today we must remember

Events in the history of the region.

Then, so that outstanding people

You didn't forget this during the lesson.

Who loves the region and his native city,

Familiar with its history in detail.

Today we will talk -

O dear Kuban for us.

III. Main part.

— Guys, don’t you think that an unusual, pleasant aroma has appeared in the classroom? What does it remind you of?

It smells like summer in Kuban

The wind that came from the sea,

Sweet, ripe strawberries, cucumbers, blackberries.

Warmed up quinoa, mint and mignonette.

A generous rain of mushrooms and young dill.

Pears in pink dots,

What is the main smell?

— Kuban summer begins early, and in May it is not the same as in September...

May- a good month, the Kuban steppe is searingly green in May, and the villages are whitewashed with blooming acacia, white - white during the day and even at night. The smell of blossoming acacia trees is thick and persistent.

June- green month. The greenery is wild, the greenery is screaming in June. Blue sky and green, completely green steppe are the first signs of a humid Kuban June.

By the end of the month the color of the steppe changes, the bread is sown, and on the way - July. Yellow July, the main month of the local year. July is the golden Kuban month. When work is in full swing in the fields, the air is saturated with dust, making the sky seem dusty. Dust, noise, movement - these are signs of big bread. Glory to the grain growers of Kuban!

And also August

In Kuban, every summer month not only has a color, but also smells differently. May smells of acacia and green grass, humid June smells of strawberries and dill. July - ripening bread. August - pears, apples, melons, grapes.

- Let's guess the riddles about what the fertile land of Kuban is famous for.

White water will be useful to all of us.

From white water, do whatever you want:

Butter, curdled milk, delicious porridge,

Cottage cheese for pie,

Eat and drink, serve it to your friends, and don’t spare the cat.

A house grew up in a field, full of grain,

The walls are gilded, the shutters are boarded up.

The house is shaking on a golden pillar

It flows like a river into the harvesters,

It's called white gold.

He glorifies our village,

They love to eat this porridge.

Yellow Antoshka spins on his leg,

Where the sun stands, that’s where he looks.

Ripe grapes hang

This is delicious……. .

— Now we will go through the pages of history...

(book “Native Kuban” - the main events in the history of Kuban)

Travel by dates.

In 1792, a delegation of Cossacks came to see Catherine with a military petition, which was granted. The Cossack army was given lands between the Kuban and the Sea of ​​Azov. (Demonstration of a portrait of Catherine II).

In 1793, the city of Ekaterinodar was founded in honor of Catherine II.

(Book “Native Kuban” - pp. 65-66.)

The founder of the city was Z.A. Chepega. A.A. Golovaty in 1793 led a large detachment of Cossacks to the Kuban land. As soon as Anton Andreevich appeared in Yekaterinodar, he immediately began to arrange its arrangement. The Cossacks called Chepegu and Golovaty "batkas" - atamans. The city of Ekaterinodar played the role of a fortress. (Demonstration of portraits of Chepega and Holovaty).

The anthem of the Cossacks sounds.

IV. Physical exercise.

The Great Patriotic War also affected Kuban. July 25, 1942 - the beginning of the battle for the Caucasus. The Kuban people courageously defended their native land, but they failed to push back the enemy. The terrible days of occupation and terror came to Kuban... Partisan detachments fought actively, there were only 86 of them. The Nazis wanted to turn Kuban into the breadbasket of Germany. The expulsion of the Nazis from Kuban began in the winter and spring of 1943. The complete liberation of Kuban from the German invaders took place on October 9, 1943.

— What state symbols do you know? (coat of arms, flag, anthem).

We live with you in the Krasnodar region. Our region, just like the city, Krasnodar, has its own coat of arms. This is the state symbol of our small Motherland. Let's take a closer look at it. In the image of the coat of arms, every detail has its own meaning. The green shield depicts a fortress, which speaks of the military merits of the Cossacks. The azure banners surrounding it were awarded to our ancestors for courage and military service. The letters “RF” on the top banner and the double-headed eagle crowning the fortress mean that our region is part of the Russian Federation.

The coat of arms of the city of Krasnodar dates back to the times when the center of the region was called Ekaterinodar. The Cossacks named the city, founded in Kuban, in honor of Empress Catherine II, who gave them these fertile lands. The coat of arms of Ekaterinodar is a shield framed by a green stripe with stars. The number of stars corresponds to the number of villages surrounding Ekaterinodar. The shield is divided into 4 parts: 1 and 3 - a double-headed eagle - means that the state patronizes the Cossacks. 2 and 4 are banners symbolizing the merits of the Cossacks in wars. In the middle is a red shield with the monogram of Queen Catherine. On top of the shield is a crown in the form of a city wall.

The word "coat of arms" comes from the German "erbe" - inheritance. A coat of arms is an image that conventionally shows the historical traditions of a state or city. In the old days, noble families and individuals also had coats of arms. The city of Slavyansk n/K also has its own coat of arms.

— What is the flag in Kuban?

The flag of our region also has its own history. On December 5, 1918, the creation of the Kuban region was announced. The process of organizing one’s own army necessitated the legislative design of a coat of arms and a flag—the attributes of an independent state. On February 10, 1919, the flag was approved by the legislative Rada. It is a rectangular panel of three colors 1: 2: 1.

There were two versions of the interpretation of the colors of the flag, currently one version is established: blue - the non-resident population of the region, crimson - the Cossack population, green - the Circassian population.

Under Soviet rule, they forgot about the flag, and in 1995 the flag of Kuban was restored. The ceremonial raising of the flag for the first time in many years took place on June 1, 1995 at the building of the Legislative Assembly of the region. After 3 months, a holiday was established - the Day of Raising the Flag of the Krasnodar Territory, which is celebrated on June 1.

The word “hymn” is derived from the Greek “hymnos” - praise, solemn song.

The Kuban anthem “You, Kuban, you are our Motherland” sounds.

Kuban is our small Motherland. Russia is our Motherland. (introduction to the symbols of Russia).

—Introduction to the law “On measures of safety and neglect of minor children in the Krasnodar Territory.”

V. Final part.

Krasnodar region is one of the most successfully developing regions of Russia. Kuban, of course, has long been not only a “breadbasket” and a “health resort”. It all largely justifies another popular definition: the pearl of Russia. And we can proudly say that we live in Kuban, that this is our small Motherland.


1. “Our Motherland” - a collection of the Krasnodar region; publishing house 1976.

2. “Fatherland”! Collection, compiled by V. Krunik, V. Averinov. M.: Children's literature, 1988.

3. “Pedagogical Bulletin”, No. 3, 2003.

4. Vorozheikina N.I. Stories about native history. M: Enlightenment, 1993.

5. "Dawn of Kuban". Symbols of the Krasnodar Territory, No. 93, 1999.

6. T. Golub. Collection of poems.

7. “Native Kuban” (pages of history) book for reading. Edited by Professor V.N. Ratushnyak, OIPTS "Prospects of Education", Krasnodar 2003.

8. “Flag of Kuban”. “Dawn of Kuban”, 1999, No. 108 dated September 14, p. 3.

9. State attributes of the Russian state.

10. “History of Kuban XX century: essays.” (A.M. Avralenko, A.V. Baranov, Yu.N. Bogdanov, etc.) Krasnodar, educational publishing and printing Education Outlook 2000 Center.

11. Military anthem of the Kuban Cossacks, as a monument to the people's soul. Krasnodar, "Soviet Kuban".

12. “My dear Motherland: stories, stories by A. Tvardovsky.” – M: Young Guard, 1985. (Youth Library).

13 History of Kuban in stories and illustrations. OIPTS "Prospects of Education", Krasnodar 2003.

14. V.N. Ratushnyak “History of Kuban”.

15. Law on child neglect in the Krasnodar Territory.


  1. Instilling in schoolchildren a love for their small Motherland and involvement in the history and cultural traditions of the Krasnodar region.
  2. Fostering a sense of patriotism and respect for nature.
  3. Expanding the horizons of younger schoolchildren, replenishing their vocabulary.

Progress of extracurricular activities

Guys, the Krasnodar region, where you and I live, is rightfully called the pearl of Russia. This concept capaciously and beautifully reflected the amazing nature and endless expanses of grain, the hard work of people and ancient history, the splash of the waves of two seas and the health of healing waters. The Krasnodar region is the southern gateway of a country that can be proud of its sunniest region. Kuban is gradually becoming a real cultural capital of the south of Russia. And in 2014, Kuban will host the Olympic Games in Sochi.

...And all these are just touches to the life of the huge southern region, whose inhabitants, with their work, creativity, and optimism, make it unique. Krasnodar region is the southernmost region of Russia. It covers an area of ​​76 thousand square meters. km. From the southwest our region is washed by the Black Sea, from the northwest by the Sea of ​​Azov and the Kerch Strait. It borders with the Rostov region and the Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia, and has internal borders with the Republic of Adygea. The region is divided by the Kuban River into two parts: northern – flat (2/3 of the territory) and southern – mountainous (1/3 of the territory). “Kuban is my steppe daughter of Russia” is exactly how the theme of our first lesson in the coming school year is designated, and it has become a tradition to open any beginning of a good deed in Kuban with the anthem of our region. The anthem of the Krasnodar region was the poems of the regimental priest Konstantin Obraztsov, set to folk music arranged by Professor Viktor Zakharchenko.

(The anthem of the Krasnodar region sounds, children perform the anthem to the soundtrack)

Kuban land is like this:
From the golden bread
Steppe side.
She greets guests
And he sings songs,
And opens the soul
Transparent to the bottom.
Fire Cossack
Beautiful, young,
Kuban is a land like this:
One day he will caress you -
You will love forever!

This year is a jubilee year; 2007 marks 215 years since the Cossacks conquered the Kuban lands.

Man began to explore this territory almost a million years ago. Since then, Greeks and Scythians, Meotians and Khazars, Genoese and Polovtsians have argued for the right to own an unusually generous corner of the earth. They left behind unique archaeological and historical monuments of world significance - Polovtsian stone sculptures, the ancient city of Gorgippia, masterpieces of the Bosporan kingdom, mysterious dolmens (slide 2, 3).

More than two centuries ago, Black Sea Cossacks landed on the Taman Peninsula, and this became the starting point of the modern history of Kuban. Let's remember this date together. Each person write it down independently on the cards offered to you, and we will check this task by answering the following questions. (slide 4) (Annex 1)

  • Name the smallest number in the natural number series.
  • State the number of days in a week.
  • If you add one to this number, you get a round ten.
  • This number is similar to a letter of the Russian alphabet, preceded by the letter Zh, and followed by the letter I.

Now close your eyes and let’s move to the main street of our city to the monument we already know (slide 5).

During a tour of the city, we observed the changing of the guard of honor at the monument, which was created by the grandfather of our classmate Vasya Apollonov, the outstanding sculptor A.A. Apollonov.

While human memory is alive
And every day that passes is holy -
The history of Kuban is alive!
Kuban is an ever-blooming garden!
And I suggest you look back,
Peer into the smoke and dust of centuries -
And they will turn around in front of us
Regiments of brave Cossacks!


1st student

The aroma of endless steppes,
The rustle of slender poplars,
Early calls of larks
Sounds of my Motherland (slide 6).

2nd student

There are free villages everywhere,
The freshness of the velvet earth,
The fragrant bread is sprouting,
The song is heard in the distance.

(Vocal group sings a song about Kuban)

3rd student

It smells like summer in Kuban
The wind that came from the sea,
Juicy sweet strawberries,
Cucumbers, blackberries,
Warmed up quinoa
Mint and mignonette,
Generous mushroom rain
And young dill,
Pears covered in pink...
What is the main smell?
We heard how outside the village
Does the sun smell like...wheat?

Guys, think and answer why the author of the lines spoken, Kuban poet T. Golub, called the smell of wheat the main smell of Kuban? To this day, the region remains the main breadbasket of Russia. Kuban ranks first in Russia in grain collection and meat production, and a leading place in the production of milk and eggs. This year turned out to be difficult for farmers, the drought did not allow the ears to fully “fill” and only through the heroic efforts of grain growers they managed to harvest a harvest of 6.9 million tons of Kuban grain, which is 400 thousand tons more than in the previous year. This is the highest result in our country.

Who are they - the heroes of the harvest? A riddle will help you answer this question:

In the morning in the yellow ocean
A giant emerges.
He can't stand idleness -
He mows the wheat day and night.
There are no secrets from boys -
Everyone calls him ...combine(slide 7)

But a combine is a machine, and the main thing is still a person. This is a combine operator.

4th student

Behind the outskirts of the village,
Between the grove and the river,
Wheat begins
Bright bronze surf.

5th student

With every ear tall
Sun and rain are friends
How many steep-sided grains
In every ear - look!

6th student

Admire this field -
The harvest will be generous
There is no more beautiful place in the world,
Than a land familiar from childhood.

Guys, guess another riddle:
There will be a generous harvest
It will be delicious... ( loaf)


The warm-up is carried out according to the rules of the children's game “The Sea Is Troubled...” The children themselves suggest the topic.

Kuban is the most fertile region of Russia. List the gifts of the generous Kuban land (slide 8).

7th student: 8th student

Summer's in the basket
Watermelons and melons,
Cherries and plums
Sunflower - amazing!
In the forest at the edge
The cuckoos are cuckooing
Cuckoos are calling
To the whole wide world.
And it seems that
From the generous summer,
Good summer
Warm greetings!

Rainbow beauty.
Rain under the rainbow
He danced merrily.
Where are you, rainbow?
You are nowhere to be found.
Maybe it's melted
In rainwater?
Maybe a beauty
Carried away by starlings?
Drank the rainbow
Onions and cucumbers,
Blue eggplants
Golden melons,
Red tomatoes -
Vegetables are different.

V. Bardadym

There are many wonderful countries and amazing places in the world where people live.

And for each of them, the most wonderful place is the place where they were born, where they live. Kuban poet and prose writer Evgeny Alexandrov wrote:

Kuban sunrises are dear to me
And the fresh smell of mown fields,
Beautiful bouquets of steppe flowers,
Downy gray hairs of poplars (slide 9).
The Kuban plains are dear to me,
Gardens and rivers, mountains and seas -
All these picturesque paintings
They live with love in my heart! (slide 10)

9th student

Through the moonlight and the rustle of poplars
I hear the song of my region.
It rushes through the Kuban, through the forest
I hear:
Then the village choir sings (slide 11).
And tears in my eyes from purity
And the joy of Cossack simplicity.
Walk and sing, Kuban soul,
Cossack song, how good you are!

(A recording of a song performed by the Kuban Cossack Choir sounds)

The year 2007 was marked by another milestone - the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Krasnodar Territory, which happened in 1937.

The Krasnodar Territory includes 38 districts, 26 cities, of which 15 are of regional and 11 of regional subordination, 21 urban-type settlements, 389 rural administrative districts, uniting 1,717 rural settlements. (Appendix 2)

What city is the administrative center of Kuban?


Krasnodar is the capital of Kuban. This is the heart of our region.

(Showing the administrative map of the Krasnodar Territory) (slide 12)


Kuban is a multinational region inhabited by representatives of more than 100 nationalities. Who is the leader of our Krasnodar region?


Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Nikolaevich Tkachev (slide 13).

High mountains, steppe expanses,
The edge of the seaside coast.
Forests and glades, gardens and estuaries -
Kuban accommodated all this.

10th student

Native villages, wheat spills,
The harvester floats behind the harvester,
City lights, factory horns -
Kuban accommodated all this.

Today, more than 60 types of minerals have been discovered in the Krasnodar Territory - gas, marble, marl, rock salt, manganese ore and others, and oil production has been going on for more than a century and a half.

11th student

Their gifts generously opened the depths to us.
Remained in the former wilderness.
Here majestic work is akin to glory,
And all this is our Kuban.

12th student

The wealth of the people grows year by year,
And everything is here that you don’t look at,
We created it ourselves - with our own hands,
So that Kuban becomes happy.

13th student

You recognize the Kuban people by their songs and dances,
Their great destiny is bright.
And there is no more beautiful region of Russia,
Than our native Kuban.

Our class hour has come to an end. What are the main dates in the history of our region that you need to remember?

What is our native Kuban famous for?

How do you remember the Kuban summer? Let's display our memories in drawings and crafts, and this will be the first exhibition of your creative works in the new school year. Good luck to you friends!

(The assignment can be completed at home or in art and vocational classes)

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