Speech therapy support as one of the links in comprehensive support for young children with disabilities. Speech therapy support of the correctional pedagogical process

To prevent speech disorders in young children, a special direction has been identified in speech therapy called. Its essence lies in the fact that early diagnosis and comprehensive correction (in our case, prevention) from the first years of life make it possible not only to correct existing developmental deviations, but also to prevent the appearance of secondary ones, to achieve a higher level of general development of children, in particular, their speeches.



Speech therapy support for young children

To prevent speech disorders in young children, a special direction has been identified in speech therapy called"Preventive speech therapy intervention". Its essence lies in the fact that early diagnosis and comprehensive correction (in our case, prevention) from the first years of life make it possible not only to correct existing developmental deviations, but also to prevent the appearance of secondary ones, to achieve a higher level of general development of children, in particular, their speeches. The famous St. Petersburg scientist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, leading employee of the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry named after I.M. Sechenov of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.P. Kharchenko stated: “The brain function (and in particular speech), which is not formed at the appropriate moment in the child’s early development, often does not develop normally or does not develop at all at a later date, since the brain is already at a different stage of development, and it is impossible to reproduce the previous stages of structural-functional relationships corresponding to the development and formation of this function... both in treatment and in speech therapy correction of any developmental delay in the childit's important not to be late. The danger of delay is that the developmental defect will be impossible to reverse or reduce.”

The absence of any preventive measures to prevent speech disorders during the adaptation period in early preschool age can lead to a number of consequences of speech underdevelopment: disruption of the communication process and the resulting difficulties in further adaptation in the children's team (the child is not understood and does not want to be accepted into the game ), speech negativism (refusal of any activity), secondary delay in cognitive activity (it’s no secret that there is a relationship between speech and thinking).

Along with the most important areas of working with children, such as the development of visual and effective thinking, productive types of activities (visual and design), and physical development, it also has its own characteristics.Direct speech therapy work:daily exercises of facial, articulatory, breathing exercises using short rhythmic rhyming texts, as well as bright pictures and toys as visual support. In the younger group, the speech therapist does not formulate the patterns of sounds that are missing or incorrectly pronounced by children. He even begins to clarify the pronunciation of preserved sounds only when all the children have mastered phrasal speech.

One of the most important tasks in direct educational activities is the emotional well-being of children. Establishing frequent, emotionally positive contact involves the use of predominantly individual communication between the teacher and the child and the formation of motivation in children to communicate with each other. In our kindergarten, this part of the pedagogical process is supervised by an educational psychologist and a senior teacher.

Based on the requirements for the speech development of young children, various consultation topics have been selected for educators and parents:

  • “Speech of a child from 2 to 3 years old”
  • "Check your child's hearing"
  • “If the diagnosis includes PEP...”
  • "If the child does not speak"
  • “Training your fingers, developing your speech”

Working with young children requires a special approach. Classes with young children differ from classes with preschoolers not only in the volume and content of the material, but also in the specific methods of conducting classes. In order to carry out the work in the best possible way, the speech therapist must also have a good understanding of the psychological characteristics of early childhood: the peculiarities of the development of perception, attention and memory, speech, thinking, activity, etc.

So, in When working with young children, the following points should be considered:

  • A child learns about the world with the help of an adult through imitation
  • In the joint activities of a child and an adult, it is necessary to combine elements of play and learning.

  • Repetition is necessary for a new skill to take hold.

  • The content of the material should correspond to children's experience

  • It is necessary to control the level of complexity of the proposed material

  • It is necessary to control the duration of the lesson

  • A clear lesson structure is required

  • Children need positive assessment of their activities

Early prevention of speech development disorders has great potential and can contribute to effective, qualitative changes in the speech development of children, preparing them for full schooling, and increasing the competence of parents in the field of correctional pedagogy.

  1. Kovaleva I.A. Prevention of speech disorders in young children during the adaptation period // Speech therapist. 2009. No. 1.
  2. Kulikovskaya T.A. Articulation gymnastics in counting rhymes. M., 2008.
  3. Nishcheva N.V. It is important not to be late! Specifics of speech therapy work with children of primary preschool age // Speech therapist. 2012. No. 6.
  4. Nishcheva N.V. An approximate program of correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment (from 3 to 7 years). St. Petersburg, 2012.
  5. Ulyanova A.A. Cooperation of a speech therapist teacher with parents of “disorganized children” of early age at a preschool educational institution // Speech therapist. 2011. No. 6.
  6. Yanushko E. Help the baby talk! Speech development in children 1.5 – 3 years old. M., 2008.

Elena Golubeva
Project “Speech therapy support for children of early and primary preschool age with disabilities in the conditions of a speech center at a preschool educational institution”

Pedagogical project

teachers - speech therapist

Golubeva Elena Gennadievna

Speech therapy support for children of early and primary preschool age with disabilities in the conditions of a speech center at a preschool educational institution. Justification of relevance project

Preschool age- This is an important stage in the development of a child. Currently a large percentage preschool children living in the Russian Federation belong to the category children with disabilities caused by various health conditions. This fact is confirmed by a statistical study conducted on the basis of the kindergarten No. 1 "Fairy tale" Sovetsky Republic of Mari El. According to psychologically-medical and pedagogical council of preschool educational institutions, there is an increase in the number children with disabilities. In this regard, before preschool educational institution is faced with the task early identifying and timely overcoming developmental deviations preschoolers.

Every year the number increases children suffering from delayed speech development. The term speech delay (ZRR) widely used in speech therapy practice. This diagnosis is appropriate for children early age. Until about five years of age, there is hope for further development of the neural structures responsible for speech.

The most severe consequence of delayed speech development is a gradual slowdown in the rate of intellectual development of the child. Delayed speech development in the absence of timely corrective classes will slow down and distort the entire further course of the child’s mental development.

Relevance of the problem early diagnosis and correction of speech deficiencies is confirmed by the conducted research. Based on the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 1 "Fairy tale" p. Soviet Republic of Mari El was held speech therapy examination of children 2-3 years old(first junior groups) according to the method of E. A. Strebeleva. The survey results revealed that 87% young children have speech disorders of varying severity, 40% children of those examined - with general speech underdevelopment of levels 1 and 2 of development. 18% children have a conclusion neurologist: “Delayed psycho-speech development” (ZPRR). As a rule, these are non-speaking children. In the active dictionary of non-speakers children from 5 to 27 words. This disorder can often be diagnosed already in early preschool age - at 2,5-3 years. The plasticity of the actively developing brain of a two- to three-year-old child allows one to compensate for many shortcomings in the formation of speech activity. Such children should receive speech therapy assistance with 2,5 – 3 years old age in special nursery groups or kindergartens for children with general speech underdevelopment.

Implementation of federal state standards preschool education has determined the requirements for conditions preschool education(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155

"On approval of the federal state educational standard preschool education")

III. Requirements to conditions implementation of the main educational program preschool education

2.2. In order for children with disabilities to receive quality education without discrimination, the necessary conditions for the diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation, providing early correctional assistance based on special psychologically- pedagogical approaches and most suitable for these children of languages, methods, ways of communication and conditions, to the maximum extent conducive to obtaining preschool education, as well as the social development of these children, including through the organization of inclusive education children with disabilities.

Regulations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 16, 2002 N 03-51-5in/23-03 “On integrated education and training with developmental disabilities in preschool educational institutions" involves the regulation of correctional and educational work of preschool educational institutions specialists with children who have speech disorders and need speech therapy assistance from an early age.

However, in general developmental preschool educational institutions in rural areas they are usually enrolled in logopoint only after five years, since the program speech therapy work in a speech center Preschool educational institutions do not provide for work with children with disabilities (ONR) early age. Such a delay speech therapy correction often leads to the appearance of secondary disorders in the development of cognitive and mental processes, as well as immaturity of communication skills.

Thus, in the current state of the issue there is contradiction: between necessity early assistance for children with disabilities(ONR) and the lack of special programs adapted to conditions General developmental preschool educational institution. The revealed contradiction determines the problem of finding new, effective forms and methods of providing correctional assistance to children with disabilities, starting with early age.

This problem determined the choice of project topic“Speech therapy support for children of early and early preschool age with disabilities in the conditions of a speech center at a preschool educational institution”

In accordance with the topic, the goal and objectives were determined project, and also the object and subject of research are highlighted.

Research hypothesis: is that the developed model speech therapy .

At the preparatory stage project methodological literature on the topic was analyzed project, the theoretical and methodological foundations for solving the problem have been studied early speech therapy assistance for children with disabilities. Was held speech therapy examination of children of the first junior groups(2-3 years) according to the method of E. A. Strebeleva. The results of comparative diagnostics showed that speech development children This category is approximately at the same level. A diagnosis of cognitive development and level of adaptive capabilities was also carried out. children.

At the preparatory stage with parents (legal representatives) children A survey was conducted with disabled people. Also, a cooperation agreement was drawn up with the parents within the framework of speech therapy support for children with disabilities.

The organization of correctional and developmental work with children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions requires special knowledge from specialists and teachers of preschool educational institutions, both in the fields of special pedagogy, psychology, and in the study of physiological characteristics children with disabilities. In order to identify the level of knowledge of preschool teachers about the norms of speech development children, about the peculiarities of working with children with disabilities, testing of teachers was carried out, during which the lack of knowledge of teachers in the field of special pedagogy and psychology was determined.

To implement this the project was developed"Program speech therapy support for early and young children with disabilities(ONR) V conditions of the preschool educational institution's logo center» based on planning speech therapy classes Yu. A. Fadeeva, G. A. Pichugina, N. V. Nishcheva.

While working on project methodological material and visual aids were developed, which were actively used in classes and in everyday activities children. Lesson notes on each topic, consultations for parents and teachers, card files of games, assignments for teachers and parents have been developed, a “Bank of educational computer games for children of primary preschool age», "AMO piggy bank for young children» , folders - transfers on health-saving technologies, booklets for parents.

At the functional stage project Various forms of work with teachers and parents were used

Individual and group consultations for parents and teachers;

Pedagogical advice;

Parent meetings;

Open classes for parents and teachers;

During implementation project a diagnostic system was developed aimed at monitoring the quality of correctional education and the dynamics of development children with disabilities. The following were used techniques:

Adapted methodology for examining speech development children 2-5 years old(based on the methodology of E. A. Strebeleva)

Methodology for examining cognitive development children 2-5 years old. Psychological- pedagogical diagnostics children of early and preschool age. Toolkit. Edited by E. A. Strebeleva, 2nd edition, revised and expanded. Moscow, "Education", 2005

Methodology for studying a child’s adaptive capabilities early age to preschool educational institution. Morozova E. I. Psychological aspects of adaptation to new conditions conditions for raising young children with psychophysical disorders [Text]: abstract. dis.. cand. psychol. Sciences: 19.00.10 / Elena Ivanovna Morozova. - M., 1999. – 24 p.

At the final stage project the results were analyzed project activities, which showed positive dynamics of speech development in young children with disabilities participating in project. According to speech development monitoring data, an increase in the level of speech development can be traced children experimental group. A survey was also conducted among parents and educators, as a result of which positive dynamics of speech and cognitive development were noted children. The children have successfully adapted to the children's group, are emotionally well, what monitoring data shows, reviews from parents and teachers.

Thus, the assumed hypothesis that the developed model speech therapy work will increase the level of speech development in children of early and primary preschool age with disabilities, is confirmed by objective data from the analysis and evaluation of the research results. It has been proven that timely assistance and correction provide an exceptional opportunity to smooth out existing developmental deficiencies, and in some cases even eliminate them, thereby ensuring the full development of the child.

The project has practical significance and a forecast for further development, which involves solving current problems in the education system and the possibility of using this project other teaching staff.

Speech is a historically established form of communication between people through linguistic structures created on the basis of certain rules. The process of speech involves, on the one hand, the formation and formulation of thoughts by linguistic (speech) means, and on the other hand, the perception of linguistic structures and their understanding. The development of children's speech begins from the very first days.

Until recent years in Russia, examination of infants in general and at-risk infants in particular was characterized by:

– Priority of medical services, lack of pedagogical, psychological, social work;

– Lack of diagnostic methods and determination of the level of functional development of infants, lack of a system for early detection of infants at risk;

– Lack of new literature in the field of infant development;

– Lack of a system for training teachers (including special educators) and psychologists for children from 0 to 3 years old.

Until now, universities and pedagogical institutes train specialists to work with children mainly from the age of three.

Thus, the task has been set on a national scale to implement a program of early intervention for children. Timely assistance and correction provide an exceptional opportunity to smooth out existing developmental deficiencies, and in some cases even eliminate them, thereby ensuring the full development of the child.

In recent years, a special direction in speech therapy has been determined - preventive speech therapy intervention, which meets the provisions of the developed concept of early speech therapy intervention.

Speech therapy work with young children is special work with 2-3 year old children, including early diagnosis and comprehensive correction from the first months of life, which allows not only to correct existing developmental deviations, but also to prevent the appearance of further ones, to achieve a higher level of general children's development.

Meanwhile, the existing procedure for helping children with developmental problems does not fully meet the needs of the family and does not provide comprehensive assistance, since it focuses its attention mainly on children of senior preschool and primary school age.

The authors of the state concept of early intervention are developing and testing a new type of special education system. The tasks of implementing this system are defined accordingly (Malofeev N.N.).

1. Identify the child’s special educational needs as early as possible.

2. Maximum reduction of the gap between the moment the primary disorder is determined and the beginning of the child’s targeted education, which includes both non-specific and specific components.

3. Mandatory inclusion of parents in the learning process starting from the first years of the child’s life.

4. Expansion of the time limits of special education: the lower limit is the first months of life.

5. The presence of a specialized education standard that, along with academic achievements, determines the level of the child’s life competence.

6. More differentiated, “step-by-step” education, which in most cases is not required in the education of a normally developing child.

7. Much deeper differentiation and individualization of education than in mass education, special organization of the educational environment, etc.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to reconstruct the domestic special education system and create a new structural element - an early assistance service for children with various developmental disabilities. The early assistance service should provide assistance to the entire family raising a problem child.

Early intervention will significantly reduce the degree of social insufficiency of children and achieve the highest possible level of general development, education, and integration into society for each child.

Early (from the first month of life) correction of deviations in the development of children all over the world is one of the priority areas of special pedagogy and psychology. When creating a domestic system of early assistance, it is important to study the experience of the West, but domestic developments should not be neglected.

Early intervention is considered as a social program for children from birth to three years old with retardation and risk of retardation, where the family and mother are assigned a large role in the implementation of the child’s individual development program.

L.S. Vygotsky pointed out that in a child’s development there are optimal timing for each type of learning. The opinion that the older the child is, the easier it is to teach him, is essentially wrong. The timing of training is determined by sensitive periods in the development of each function. It is during these periods that learning turns out to be the easiest, most economical and fruitful. The optimal timing of training for each child is determined by his zone of proximal development, that is, training is based not only and not so much on the child’s mature functions, but on the maturing ones.

According to leading domestic pediatricians, perinatal burden in our country over the last decade has increased 1.9 times and amounted to 544.7 per 1000 births. Pathology suffered by a child in the perinatal period has a negative impact on the condition of many organs and systems of the body, primarily the nervous system.

The causes of perinatal encephalopathy may be adverse effects during intrauterine development, various birth injuries; Severe illnesses suffered at an early age cause a risk of developmental disorders in children. And although the diagnosis of “perinatal encephalopathy” is removed by the end of the first year of life, since no pronounced disorders are detected, normal development is observed in 15-20% of children. Long-term observations show that these children at the age of 4-5 years are characterized by various speech disorders: OSD, FFN, erased forms of dysarthria and others.

Research by employees of the Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support in St. Petersburg, where diagnostics and correction of developmental disorders in children from 0 to 3 years are carried out, show that 83% of children of this age are at risk or have pronounced deviations. Among them, children with speech development problems accounted for 28%, with problems of general mental development - 22.3%, with behavioral problems - 11.2%, with delays only in the area of ​​motor development - 8%, with problems in family relationships - 7%.

Thus, timely diagnosis of developmental disorders in young children will help organize adequate early correctional assistance and speech therapy support, and will also help prevent secondary disorders in children at risk.

It has been proven that disruption of neurophysiological functions distorts, but does not stop, developmental processes. The formation of the child’s psyche occurs under abnormal conditions, however, due to the high plasticity of the child’s psyche and its wide compensatory capabilities, it is possible to both successfully correct deviations and relative compensation for even the most severe lesions of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system.

A child with developmental disabilities who begins learning in the first months of life has the greatest chance of quickly achieving the optimal level of general development possible for him and, accordingly, an earlier date for choosing integrated education.

One of the most important conditions for the effectiveness of correctional and developmental education for children with developmental problems is identifying the nature of deviations and their correction at an early age. The possibilities of compensation and development of mental functions largely depend on the time of the start of corrective measures. The most effective correctional intervention is carried out during the period of intensive development of the cortical structures of the brain, that is, in the first three years of a child’s life.

The results of domestic and foreign scientific research and practice clearly show that early detection and comprehensive correction of developmental disorders, begun from the first years of a child’s life, can prevent the emergence of secondary and tertiary disorders, correct existing difficulties and, as a result, significantly reduce the degree of social disability children with developmental disabilities, to achieve the highest possible level of general development for each child.

Analysis of the scientific literature on the research problem allowed us to draw the following conclusions.

The development of all aspects of speech is of great importance, especially in the early period of 2 - 3 years. Timely and complete development of speech in early preschool age is one of the main conditions for the normal development of a child and his subsequent successful education at school. Any delay and any violation in this regard is reflected in the child’s behavior, as well as in his activities in its various forms.

An early age is the best for the prevention and correction of speech defects. This is facilitated by the characteristics of the child: high plasticity of the brain, the ability of children to turn everything into a game, which contributes to faster achievements in correctional work, the desire to master speech sounds and the fragility of erroneous speech skills. If at this time you do not pay due attention to eliminating violations of sound pronunciation, they will turn into a permanent defect.

An analysis of foreign experience in implementing early intervention programs shows that Russia has all the conditions necessary to build an effective system for early diagnosis and correction of identified developmental disorders in children.

Thus, the goal of speech therapy support for children at an early age is timely diagnosis and prevention of speech disorders caused by the adverse effects of the social environment and biological factors.

preschool verbal speech underdevelopment

Speech therapy support for children from 1 to 4 years old

The first three years of life are an extremely important and responsible period in the development of a child. Numerous scientific studies prove that it is at this age that the most fundamental, deep-seated personal qualities are formed, such as self-esteem, trust in people, interest in the world around us, cognitive activity, etc. Underdevelopment or deformation of these qualities at an early age is difficult to compensate or correct. in later periods. Therefore, timely identification of possible deviations in the development of young children is extremely important. Practical experience shows that in recent years the number of children with various deviations in the development of the central nervous system (brain) has sharply increased, and speech is one of the first to suffer. It is known that the main development of speech is completed by 5–6 years. It turns out that while the formation and development of speech is taking place, none of the specialists actively interferes with this process. When speech has become established (along with defects), teachers and speech therapists get to work. This approach is completely unjustified, especially considering the state of health of modern children. It is obvious that it is necessary to provide comprehensive assistance to the child and his parents at the earliest stages of the formation and development of speech, thus preventing possible disorders of this process.

Our educational preschool educational institution with a logopunkt system has 13 age groups, 5 of which are early age groups. Since 1998, a speech therapist teacher has been working with children in early age groups. Currently, a certain system of speech therapy support for children has been developed. (Scheme 1). This system is based on the scientific developments of N.S. Zhukova, E. M. Mastyukova, T. B. Filicheva, O. E. Gromova, E. A. Strebeleva, Yu. A. Razenkova, A. V. Senchilo, etc. The experience of special assistance for young children in the cities of the Urals was studied – Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, as well as Rostov-on-Don, Moscow and others. The speech therapist teacher, together with the head of physical education, completed training and internship at the Department of Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology at Moscow State Pedagogical University under the guidance of N. M. Nazarova and B. A. Arkhipov.

All work on early identification of problems in speech and psychomotor development and special assistance to young children is built comprehensively, is family-centered, i.e. aimed at helping the whole family, and not just the child. The habilitation process (habilitation)* in a preschool educational institution is carried out in several directions :

1. Psychological and pedagogical– is one of the leading ones because The data obtained in the implementation of this direction serve as the basis for drawing up habilitation plans and programs.

2. Medical and pedagogical – involves analysis of medical documentation. Consists of identifying the structure of the leading violation and coordinating activities ___________________________

* Habilitation – in relation to young children with developmental disabilities, it is advisable to use the term habilitation(from lat. habilis - to be capable of something), since in relation to early age we cannot talk about the return of the ability to do something, lost as a result of injury, illness, etc., but about its initial formation. See: Special pedagogy / edited by N.M. Nazarova. – M., 2001.- p. 14
medical and pedagogical workers in overcoming developmental problems and preventing possible deviations.

3. Social – involves studying the family microclimate, assessing the pedagogical competence of parents, determining the child’s place in the family, etc.

4. Informational – involves: a) timely informing parents about the characteristics of the child’s development in the early stages; b) dissemination of information about the work of preschool education specialists and their level of competence; c) conducting training seminars for parents, educators and specialists; d) exchange of experience in parallel groups, experience in family education, etc.

Work with a child and his family in the system of early diagnosis and special assistance for young children is divided into the following: stages:

Stage I – before the child enters kindergarten.

  • The work of a speech therapist teacher together with educators and other specialists in the “Parent School”. Here we meet the parents of future “recruits” and members of their families. In conversations we learn about the psychomotor and speech abilities of children; We find out the range of problems that concern parents during this period; We give recommendations on preparing children for kindergarten.
Stage II – organization of the child’s life and activities in kindergarten.

  • We study in detail the medical records, clinical care records (we get acquainted with the conclusions of the specialists of the health care center (healthy child’s room) of the clinic, narrow specialists, with anamnestic data).

  • We observe a child in the first half of his life in a preschool educational institution:
Let's find out the features:

Eating and swallowing;

Work of the oral cavity organs;


Breathing (physiological and speech);

Communication sphere;

Development of expressive and impressive speech;

Motor system (general, fine, articulatory)

Pre-speech vocalization (correspondence to age stages of vocalization, repertoire of vowels and consonants, organization of babbling sounds by iteration type, syllable structure, etc.)


Combinations of gestures and words;


Phonemic processes.

  • We talk with educators and give them recommendations on preventing possible deviations in psychomotor and speech development in children during the adaptation period.

  • After children have fully adapted to kindergarten, a diagnosis of psychomotor and speech development is carried out, taking into account epicrisis deadlines. The main condition for the examination is a natural play environment, usually in the territory of the group that the child attends. The examination is carried out according to the methodology developed by IKP RAO*, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. In this regard, the examination period varies from 2 weeks ________________________________
* Orphans: counseling and diagnostics of development / ed. E.A. Strebeleva. – M., 1998.
up to 1 month. The speech therapist gives his conclusion only after a complete examination. During the examination, a speech therapist teacher, together with educators and parents, draws up an individual speech therapy examination card and a speech card (Appendix 25, 26, 27).

Then children with delays, deviations and characteristics of psychomotor and speech development (according to epicrisis terms) are divided into groups:

Group 1 – attention (lag by 1 epicrisis period)

Group 2 – risk (lag by 2 epicrisis periods)

Group 3 – pronounced risk (lag by 3 or more epicrisis periods)

Experience shows that in children at high risk, as a rule, many other developmental processes are disrupted in addition to speech. These children are registered not only by the speech therapist teacher, but also by other kindergarten specialists. To avoid overdiagnosis, we conduct a comprehensive examination, i.e. simultaneously by several specialists (teacher-speech therapist, educational psychologist, doctor, music director, head of physical education, deputy head of physical education, senior teacher) and educators. The data is entered into a summary table (Appendix 6). The examination forms are varied (since more than 2 adults cannot be present in a group at the same time due to age factors), depending on the purpose of the examination we use:

Alternate observation by specialists of the child in organizing routine moments, play activities, etc.;

Involving a specialist in gaming (and other) activities;

Individual and group conversations with children, teachers and parents;

Video viewings and analysis of what was seen;

  • Next, at a meeting of the PMPK (onsilium) of the preschool educational institution, we collectively analyze the results of the examination and clarify the habilitation groups. We develop individual plans for habilitation work ( Appendix 7), we draw up programs based on them.

  • We introduce parents to the results of the examination, and individual plans and programs, determine their participation in the habilitation process as paraspecialists (i.e., parents become direct participants in the child’s habilitation, through them the feedback process with the family is carried out).
Together with all preschool specialists, based on clinical indications, we develop comprehensive long-term plans .

Working in the system of early diagnosis and special care for young children, we have identified the main forms habilitation work:

1. Creation of an optimal developmental environment in groups and at home (together with educators, parents, specialists).

2. Organization of individual work of specialists (including teachers and speech therapists) with the child, family and educators.

3. Organization of complex work of specialists (including teachers and speech therapists) according to long-term plans (classes once a week in a group or in the hall, depending on the age and developmental characteristics of the children). Classes are conducted in the form of a game, the number of children in a lesson is determined by the number of specialists, each specialist takes turns leading the lesson, the rest act as

"curators". This makes it possible to pay the necessary attention to each child and thereby activate all possible organs and systems of his body.

4. Organization of the work of the information correctional pedagogical service (ICPS) of the preschool educational institution: informing and training parents and educators through stands, habilitation corners in groups, etc.

  • Further work with children is carried out according to the schedule and plans. During the entire developmental process, changes and amendments can be made to the plans depending on the dynamics of development (if the child’s dynamics over a long period are insignificant, learning the material is difficult, then classes are conducted on the didactic material that the child can assimilate, we try to find the reason , if necessary, we refer children together with their parents for consultations with specialized specialists at clinics or medical centers and then organize our work according to their recommendations). Thus, the process of analyzing dynamics and forecasting development is ongoing. Depending on this, individual plans and programs are adjusted.
In order to increase the effectiveness of habilitation activities, educators and specialists (including a speech therapist) of preschool educational institutions use modern technologies and non-traditional equipment in their work:

- “dry pools and showers” ​​(for gross and fine motor skills)

Didactic manual “soft sensory paths”

Massage paths, mats and mittens, balls, rollers...


Tumbleweed trainer

Story-based sensory mats and toys

Didactic sounding objects according to the method of K. Orff and many others.

Methodological support for the habilitation process is carefully thought out by all specialists and preschool teachers and is correlated with the age-related program objectives and capabilities of each child. The main manuals are: M. G. Borisenko, T. A. Dateshidze, N. A. Lukina “Learning to Listen and Hear”; M. G. Borisenko, N. A. Lukina “To speak clearly, you must...” (development of general speech skills); O. E. Gromova “Methodology for the formation of initial children's vocabulary”; T. Sauko, A. Burenina “Top - clap, kids” (Program for musical and rhythmic education of children 2-3 years old”; I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva “Ladushki” (Program for musical education of children of early and preschool age), T. Galanova “Educational games with children under 3 years old” (Methodological manual), and the author’s developments of the teacher-speech therapist Gromovik S.G. and others.

In the development of young children, we pay great attention not only in classes, but also in everyday life to motor and musical-speech games and exercises. Practice shows that with their help, children from a very early age successfully develop imitation of the speech and movements of an adult, develop speech activity and communicative functions - this is the basis for overcoming speech motor disorders, problems in the development of phonemic processes, and is also the prevention of possible deviations in children. children who do not have serious developmental disorders.

Thus, the developed system of early diagnostics of development and special assistance to children in our preschool educational institution is designed to provide medical, psychological and pedagogical support, including speech therapy support for children from 1 to 7 years old who have developmental disabilities. The availability of early comprehensive assistance to a child allows one to quite effectively compensate for deviations in the speech and psychomotor development of the attention, risk and severe risk groups.

Speech therapy support for children from 4 to 7 years old

Practice shows that timely, correct (according to age standards) speech formation in preschool age is one of the main conditions for a child’s successful education at school. When children transition from kindergarten to school, speech pathology significantly complicates the already complex socio-biological process of adaptation to new conditions of upbringing and learning. This circumstance determines the relevance of correctional and developmental work in the preschool period. Speech problems in children of senior preschool age, as a rule, are complicated by clinical indications, and the defect has a complex structure. Therefore, solving this problem requires an integrated medical-psychological-pedagogical approach. The preschool educational institution has developed a system of continuous diagnostic and correctional development process, as well as a system of age continuity (children with problems with speech and psychomotor development at an early age are transferred to educators and specialists working with children of preschool age) and interaction between kindergarten and family services in a comprehensive manner accompanying the child from the moment of his admission to the DS until graduation from school.

Work to correct speech disorders is structured as follows:

At the beginning of each school year in September, a speech therapist examines the medical history and clarifies the clinical diagnoses of the children’s health according to medical data. preschool educational institution cards, outpatient cards. Then diagnostics of the speech development of all children in each age group begins, the data is recorded in the “Children's Speech Examination Journal” of a generally accepted standard. Each age group has its own journal.

Techniques we use during the examination:

Observation (in classes, free activities, interviews);

Diagnostics (according to the IKP RAO method)*

Interview with teachers and parents.

Based on the results of the survey, a list of children in need of speech therapy assistance is determined and approved. Children are enrolled in a speech therapy center, subgroups are formed in accordance with the speech therapy conclusion (ONR, FFNR, FNR, FN). As a rule, these pedagogical conclusions are accompanied by medical ones, which complicate the work of a speech therapist - motor alalia, various forms of dysarthria, stuttering, MMD, hyperdynamic syndrome, ADHD, mental retardation. Speech cards are filled out for children. For dyslalia, we use standard speech therapy cards (Appendix 25). For children with dysarthria, we have compiled maps according to the parameters of a neuro-psychological and speech examination (A. R. Luria)** (Appendix 28).

We actively involve parents in filling out speech cards. Usually this takes place in the form of an interview - thus, we immediately include parents in the correctional and developmental process. They help both us and the child, acting as paraspecialists. An atmosphere of trust in a conversation with the family, our interest in the success of the child’s development makes it possible to obtain first-hand information - the data on which we can rely in our work.

The diagnostic results are analyzed at a meeting of the PMPk (onsilium) of the preschool educational institution together with educators and specialists. Children who require


* Orphans: counseling and diagnostics of development / ed. E.A. Strebeleva. – M., 1998.

** Luria A.R.. Fundamentals of neuropsychology. - M., 1973.
an integrated approach of specialists, i.e. children with developmental disabilities in several respects.

If necessary, children (with their parents) are referred for consultations to specialized specialists to clarify clinical diagnoses: to a psychiatrist, psychoneurologist, ENT doctor, pediatrician, dental surgeon, orthodontist, physiotherapist.

Together with educators, IKRP and P (individual correctional and developmental plans and programs) are drawn up, and directions of work are clarified. The basis for drawing up the plans was the methodological recommendations of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University (CSPU). After reworking and adapting them for the conditions of a log center based on a preschool educational institution, specialists developed an IKRP form (Appendix 8). Data on the dynamics of the correctional and developmental process are discussed monthly with group teachers and reflected in the IKRP.

We draw up individual correction programs, guided by the recommendations of E. A. Strebeleva, M. V. Bratkova*, Yu. A. Razenkova** . Not only the speech therapist and educator, but also all other preschool specialists (including the doctor) take part in the development of a correctional and developmental program for each child with complex developmental problems. All programs have a single algorithm for their compilation:

  1. transformation of the environment taking into account correctional and developmental tasks (observance of the daily routine, material and technical equipment that takes into account the special educational needs of each child; adequate nature of interaction between an adult and a child in a preschool educational institution and family);

  2. tasks, methods and techniques for social development are determined, as well as along the main lines of development - physical, cognitive, speech; to improve health;

  3. forms of work with families are determined (consultations, interactive classes, conversations with different family members as necessary, training parents in the ability to observe and analyze the activity and development of the child as a whole in a family environment, etc.).
Individual correctional and developmental programs are developed for a short period of time: from 1 to 3 months. They are adjusted as work progresses. Only after the child reaches the level planned in the program, the next version of the program is offered, focused on the next stage of the child’s development, based on the “zone of proximal development.” Such “step-by-step” training, as a rule, provides good dynamics for the child’s development and allows for maximum development of the processes in which problems were identified.

At the beginning of the year, summary tables are filled out (Appendix 6).

After each diagnosis, we introduce parents to its results, discuss plans and work prospects. Throughout the school year, parents and family members (lately, most often grandparents) participate in the correctional and developmental process - we train them in practical seminars, joint advisory and practical (interactive) classes; we organize and conduct “Speech holidays and entertainment”; Children completing homework in individual notebooks also requires the direct participation of parents. _________________________

* Srtebeleva E.A., Bratkova M.V. ., Options for an individual program of education and correctional and developmental education for a young child with psychophysical disorders // Defectology. 2000. No. 5

** Razenkova Yu.A., Contents of individual development programs for infants with disabilities raised in an orphanage // Defectology. 1998. No. 3
Current problems and issues of concern are covered through the work of the information correctional and pedagogical service of the preschool educational institution (thematic stands, folders, etc.).

To optimize the correctional and developmental process, speech therapists keep logs of interactions: with the family, with kindergarten teachers. (Appendix 10, 11). They reflect: date, full name. parents or educators, the reason for the appeal and options for solving problems (topic of consultation, conversation, interactive classes, library office services). This gives us the opportunity to build our work taking into account a comprehensive and integrated approach (together with parents and educators) to solving the child’s problems.

Speech therapists also work closely with the teaching staff:

We help educators create a correctional and developmental space in groups; in the selection of material for speech correction and development corners, taking into account the structure of the speech defect, age, program tasks and compensatory capabilities of children;

Educators are regularly provided with information about the state of children’s speech, and are given recommendations on working with children who have certain speech disorders;

A speech therapist attends classes in a group, and teachers periodically attend speech therapy classes. After mutual visits, classes are analyzed, certain conclusions are drawn, mutual recommendations are given and decisions are made; Recommendations are given on the use of homework material in joint activities.

The following are scheduled throughout the year:

  • individual lessons with children with a complex speech defect;

  • subgroup correctional and developmental classes with children - speech pathologists;

  • comprehensive (with the participation of pre-school specialists) classes with children who have disorders not only in speech, but also in psychomotor development, taking into account the recommendations of specialized specialists at the children's clinic (once a month).
In our classes we use both classical and innovative methods and technologies (T. Borovik, V. Zhilina, I. Galyant, etc.), the forms of delivery are very diverse, we use a lot of moving, speech-motor exercises; According to individual clinical indications and recommendations, we use breathing exercises according to the system of A. N. Strelnikova. To train the respiratory system in children who are somatically weakened, we use the “Frolov Respiratory Trainer”; to massage the articulatory muscles and tongue in case of dysarthria, we use the electric vibration massager “Sorcerer”; to develop and train fine motor skills we use massage balls, dry pools, spiked mats and etc.

We are pleased with the acquisition and introduction into the correctional and developmental process of the computer speech therapy correctional and developmental program “Games for Tigers” (Perm). It allows you to correct speech disorders in the erased form of dysarthria, and also work effectively with dyslalia, rhinolalia, and stuttering.

In complex classes together with the head of physical education. education, music director, educational psychologist, we actively use elements of music therapy, logorhythmic therapy, dynamotherapy, art therapy, phonorhythmics. Experience shows that the interaction of several specialists makes the correctional and developmental process more effective, because avoiding overload, a complex of complex tasks is solved at a high emotional level: general, fine, articulatory motor skills develop; orientation in space; coordination of movements with speech, the respiratory system is trained, the emotional sphere and cognitive sphere of children develop and correct; perception, thinking, memory, attention, imagination; children learn relaxation skills. All this allows you to maximize the child’s compensatory capabilities.

In January, an intermediate diagnosis of the speech development of children - speech pathologists - is carried out, and speech therapy conclusions are clarified. The results are analyzed collegiately (together with educators and specialists) at meetings of the PMPk (onsilium) of the preschool educational institution. The dynamics in the development of children are determined; if it is insignificant, a further strategy for work is developed. The IKRP and P are clarified and adjusted (together with educators), and the further development of children registered with specialists is predicted.

We also inform parents about the results of the interim diagnostics. During the interviews, we learn about changes in the development of children at home. The next six months the work will be carried out in a similar way.

Children whose speech normalizes during the correctional and developmental process are removed from speech therapy registration at any stage of speech therapy support, but remain under speech control in the group. The teacher informs the PMPk (onsilium) about the further progress of the child’s speech development.

The final examination of children's speech development is carried out in May. Analysis of diagnostics and discussion of results together with educators and specialists takes place at the PMPk (onsilium) of the preschool educational institution. The resulting summary tables are filled in. School cards are filled out for kindergarten graduates.

Information about graduating children in need of further speech therapy support and relevant documentation (speech card and written notification to parents about the state of the child’s speech at the end of the year with their signature. (Appendix No. 27). Information is transmitted to speech therapist teachers of school No. 198, since about 90% of our graduates go to study at this school using the “group-class” system. We transfer all information about children to GMO teachers and speech therapists of other schools in September.

Our preschool educational institution and school No. 198 in Seversk have had a long-term cooperation. Joint plans are developed annually, which reflect the forms of joint work:

  • speech diagnostics of preschool educational institution graduates in May is carried out jointly with the school’s speech therapists so that they can get to know the children and have an idea of ​​the level of their speech development. Based on its results, parents are given “Homework for the summer” because children with a complex speech defect may lose the skills acquired in preschool over the summer; phonemic processes in such children also require constant training;

  • mutual attendance of lessons and activities, open events; experience exchange;

  • interviews with speech therapists to analyze the speech capabilities of preschool educational institution graduates (autumn, winter);

  • pedagogical councils (together with the administration, teachers and speech therapists of school No. 198) “Our children at school” (Summarizing the results of speech therapy support for graduates of preschool educational institution No. 59 in January);

  • visiting and participation of children of senior preschool age in school holidays
“Day of Knowledge”, “Farewell to the Primer”; school library.

So, we know that speech development disorders in preschool children are often accompanied by deviations in psychomotor and communicative development. The number of such children is growing; not all of them have the opportunity to attend specialized preschool institutions. The experience of our work shows that correctional and developmental work, organized in a system of cooperation (specialists, parents and educators) is a very effective way of working with such children. We believe that the main indicator and achievement of such work is effectiveness - 90% - 96% of our graduates annually have no speech disorders at all, and the rest have a pronounced positive trend not only in speech, but also in development in general.

Meltsova M.M., Moreva N.A.

MADOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 2 with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of development of pupils", Sverdlovsk region, Krasnoufimsk, email: Meltsovammm@ mail. ru, volknatmor@ mail. ru

One of the conditions for the effectiveness of the professional activity of a teacher-psychologist and speech therapist is the creation of an innovative psychological and speech therapy program for accompanying young children in a short-term group. When developing the program, the requirements established by the federal state educational standard were taken into account.

Keywords: early age, psychological and speech therapy support, short-term stay group (STG), adaptation.

Early age is a period of intensive development of various types of activities and personality development. The main and decisive condition for the development of a child is the child’s communication with an adult. Starting to attend kindergarten at this age is inevitably associated with fundamental changes in the social context - the child ends up from a family where he interacts with close adults, into a completely different environment - a group of children of his own age. This is a completely new, unfamiliar situation for the child, which poses the task of socio-psychological adaptation. Firstly, he needs to get used to the fact that he does not have all the attention of adults; secondly, to learn the rules of the group, which will not always coincide with his needs; thirdly, learn to interact, communicate, play, negotiate with other children. Separation from home and loved ones, meeting new strangers can become a serious psychological trauma for a child. In order to soften the process of adaptation of unorganized children to the conditions of a kindergarten, it is necessary to create a public education center.

In our kindergarten, for the successful adaptation of disorganized children to the conditions of a preschool educational institution, there is a group of children of early age, which is accompanied by specialists from the preschool organization: a teacher-psychologist and a speech therapist and others. The success of support lies in an integrated approach and close interaction between specialists and is implemented in the form of an innovative program. In the preschool education system, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, innovative activities are carried out, the purpose of which is to ensure the modernization and development of the education system, taking into account the main directions of socio-economic development. Innovative activities are focused on improving, among other things, the educational and methodological support of the education system.

On the basis of the MADOU “Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 2 with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of the development of pupils,” an innovative psychological and speech therapy program for accompanying young children in the State Enterprise “Magic World of Fairy Tales” was developed. When developing the program, the requirements established by the federal state educational standard were taken into account.

The need to create this program is caused by the lack of a unified program for psychological and speech therapy support for young children in the public utility. The program was developed in 2013 and is designed for disorganized young children and specialists: educational psychologist and speech therapist. At the same time, the program will be useful and interesting to all participants in educational relations.

The goal of the program: to create conditions for the successful adaptation of disorganized children through play activities.

  1. Psychological and speech therapy support for young children during the period of adaptation to the conditions of a preschool educational institution;
  2. Relieving anxiety and emotional stress through gaming activities;
  3. Activation and development of speech as the main means of communication and knowledge of the surrounding world.
  4. Increasing the psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy competence of parents;

An integrated approach ensures successful support for young children. The program is built taking into account the individual, age and psychological characteristics of children.

The "Magic World of Fairy Tales" program ensures the development of children's personality, motivation and abilities in various activities and covers educational areas:

Social and communicative development - the development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers, the development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family and to the community of children and adults;

Cognitive development – ​​development of children’s interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world;

Speech development – ​​mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, acquaintance with book culture, children's literature;

Artistic and aesthetic development - development of prerequisites for value-semantic perception, stimulation of empathy for the characters of works of art;

Physical development – ​​gaining experience in the following types of children’s activities: motor, including those associated with performing exercises aimed at developing such physical qualities as coordination and flexibility; promoting the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body, coordination of movement, gross and fine motor skills of both hands, mastery of outdoor games with rules.

The “Magic World of Fairy Tales” program reflects aspects of the educational environment for young children:

  • subject-spatial developmental educational environment;
  • the nature of interaction with adults;
  • the nature of interaction with other children;
  • the child’s system of relationships to the world, to other people, to himself.

The program uses the following technologies:

  • communication games;
  • body-oriented exercises and games.

One of the main sources of knowledge of reality are fairy tales and their characters. Fairy-tale images are full of emotional intensity, colorful and unusual, and at the same time simple and accessible to children's understanding, believable and realistic. However, games, which are the leading activity at an early age, require constant “feeding” with new knowledge and impressions, so the program uses fairy tale games, dramatized fairy tales, fairy tales based on folk tales. The use of fairy tales helps the development of children's speech activity; in addition, they easily and organically become involved in the game, which helps relieve anxiety and emotional stress, develop imagination, creative imagination, and form intonational expressiveness of speech.

In order to increase the psychological, pedagogical and speech therapy competence of parents, the program assumes their presence in classes as one of the participants in educational relations.

“The key line of preschool childhood is the introduction to the values ​​of culture, and not teaching it to write, count and read. And this inclusion occurs through the game.” A.G. Asmolov.


  1. Adaptation of a child to the conditions of a kindergarten: process management, diagnostics, recommendations / author.-comp. N.V. Sokolovskaya. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.
  2. Nishcheva N.V. Game (issue 3). Games for the development of speech in preschoolers. – St. Petersburg, 2003.
  3. Federal state educational standard for preschool education.
  4. Federal Law No. 237 of December 29, 2012 – Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

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