Louise Wilma causes of diseases. Luule Viilma

Luule Viilma

Getting rid of any disease! Healing Guide

Wonderful reference book! A huge amount of useful information on a variety of ailments - both the point of view of official medicine and the warm words filled with love and light from Luule Viilma are presented, revealing to us the real cause of the disease!

Andrey E., St. Petersburg

The book is very conveniently organized - all diseases are grouped by system, it is easy to find what you need. And the information is accurate, the advice is succinct and useful.

Irina A., Ufa

A wonderful book for admirers of the work of Dr. Viilma and her followers. It perfectly complements the volumes devoted to individual diseases.

Tatyana P., Moscow

The book is very convenient to take with you on trips or on vacation - the most important thoughts from the books of our beloved doctor Luule are concentrated in a small volume.

Svetlana I., Irkutsk

The disease came as a surprise to me... And I sat in confusion, looking through Viilma’s books, not understanding which one I should look for answers to my questions, advice on treatment. And then - this book! The answer was found immediately, and I have already begun work to overcome the disease!

Igor P., Arkhangelsk

The words of Luule Viilma, warm and gentle, honest and fair - these are the best cures for any disease. This book is not just a reference book, it is a real “pharmacy”!


At the end of January 2002, the car in which Lulle Viilma and her husband were traveling collided with a car that flew out of the oncoming lane. It was almost a head-on collision. Two hours later, on the resuscitation table, Viilma’s heart stopped...

“Now I understand why my life was full of suffering and ground me like millstones” - these are the words from Lulla Viilma’s farewell letter, read at her funeral.

When we fall ill with even a trivial illness, we ask: “Why?” and even more so we try to understand what we did to deserve the disease if a serious illness overtakes us.

Lulle Viilma's books help us understand that in any illness, in any suffering there is always an opportunity - an opportunity to get to know yourself better, overcome fears, give up hatred and thereby find a better life, happiness and health.

Wilma talked about it like this: “Happy is the life in which there is a measure of good, which is considered not only good, and a measure of bad, which is considered not only bad.

Only man is given the ability to give something to others and to accept what others give. The more this ability is realized only on the material plane, the more the giver thinks only about his own self-interest, and the taker thinks about his own. A person is reduced to such a primitive state by invisible forces, also known as stress. By releasing stress, a person ceases to feel like a prisoner and finds the Human within himself. Comprehension of oneself is not only an interesting process, but also one that gives happiness.”

People are accustomed to considering a disease a violation of the physical functions of the body, which leads to disruption of normal life. Modern medicine seeks to explain even mental illnesses by organic “breakdowns.” But, despite all the achievements of modern medicine, it often cannot give answers to the questions of why this or that disease occurs and how to cope with it? Why?

Viilma believes that “illness, physical suffering of a person, is a condition in which the negativity of energy has exceeded a critical point, and the body as a whole is out of balance. The body informs us about this so that we can correct the mistake. It has long been informing us of all sorts of unpleasant sensations, but since we did not pay attention and did not react, the body became sick. Mental pain, from which no conclusions have been drawn, develops into physical pain. Thus, the body draws attention to a situation that needs correction. Suppressing the pain signal with an anesthetic means worsening the pathology. Now the disease must intensify for the person to become aware of the new alarm signal.

The root cause of every disease is stress, the degree of which determines the nature of the disease.”

What does this give us? Hope to be cured by learning to hear our body and understanding the signals that the disease gives us. By following Viilma, using her wisdom, we get the opportunity to get rid of those ailments that traditional medicine cannot overcome.

A few words about the book

Viilma did not deny medicine and did not call for refusing the help of doctors! Moreover: she strongly did NOT recommend treating some diseases only with the power of thought! Therefore, if you have disturbing symptoms, be sure to undergo the necessary research and treatment!

Use Viilma's help and the principles set out in her books, not instead of treatment, but together with it!

This book will help you understand how traditional medicine and Viilma interpret the causes and course of a particular disease.

Working with the book is very simple: all diseases are grouped according to familiar signs into 14 sections, for example, Diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs And Circulatory systems and diseases of the digestive system. The sections consist of a list of diseases; for each disease a brief traditional description is given, as well as how Viilma interpreted the causes of its occurrence and what methods of relief she proposed.

This book is an ambulance for someone who, having learned about the diagnosis, does not want to wait - he can begin to work on himself now, immediately, gradually supplementing and expanding his knowledge, if necessary, using all of Viilma’s books that were published earlier. But this book will also help those who are already well acquainted with the works of Lulle Viilma to refresh their knowledge and remind them of the importance of basic truths, because repetition is the mother of learning.

As Lulla Viilma said:

“Whoever wants to reap the fruits that grow in the local garden of learning must turn his entire life into constant exercise.”


Neoplasms, or tumors, are pathological growths of tissues that consist of qualitatively changed cells. These properties of tumor cells are transferred to new cells. The causes of tumors are a number of reasons: genetic predisposition, state of immunity, trauma, previous viral or bacterial infections, various external factors (for example, the presence of radioactive radiation, smoking, excessive tanning).

Pathology never occurs out of nowhere. If we had noticed the signs given by the body, then the disease would not have arisen. If we thought correctly, there would be no illnesses. The human body is his faithful friend, which never leaves anything unattended, which always informs about everything.

From small things always grows big. At the first stage, when the negativity is still insignificant, the person experiences a feeling of heaviness, vague malaise, bloating, etc., and all this especially in the evenings, but not a single doctor discovers anything, and there is no talk of treatment. It’s good if you don’t be considered a malingerer or a neurotic.

In the second stage, when the body sees that stress is not being released, it must begin to concentrate the negative energy of stress so that the person can “ dig up» her. It cannot take stress beyond its own limits. As a result, visible or noticeable swelling occurs.

At the third stage, further accumulation and compaction of stress occurs so that they fit, and an accumulation of fluid occurs in the cavities and organs, and cysts are formed - benign tumors.

At the fourth stage, denser tumors become denser.

Anger is usually added here. The most common and well-known neoplasms of the mucous membranes are adenoids and polyps.

Benign tumors can become hard as stone and grow to gigantic sizes, but unless there is malicious malice in the person, they do not transform into cancer.

NB! Justified anger is still anger.

There are benign and malignant tumors. The cells of a benign tumor are almost indistinguishable from normal cells, while the cells of malignant tumors differ significantly in structure and function from normal ones. Benign tumors grow much slower than malignant ones and do not damage the surrounding tissues and organs, as if pushing them apart, while a malignant tumor penetrates the surrounding tissues, blood vessels and nerves. Benign tumors are usually not fatal and do not cause the suffering that cancer patients endure. Cancerous tumors pose a direct threat to the patient's life. Malignant tumors give metastases, i.e. cancer cells, entering the blood and lymph, cause the growth of new tumors. After surgical removal, a benign tumor, as a rule, does not develop again; a malignant one can grow again.

It has long been known that the cause of absolutely any disease in a person must be sought in his psyche. Not only psychologists, but also doctors are talking about this more and more often. And, when the true cause of the disease is found and eliminated, the disease itself ceases to exist on the physical level.

This is exactly what Luule Viilma (04/6/1950 – 01/20/2002), a doctor by training, parapsychologist and esotericist, spoke about in her books, trainings and seminars. In her practice, she did a lot of alternative medicine.

Based on the books of Luule Vilma, a kind of table of diseases and the causes that caused them was compiled. It is this table that I suggest you study today.

  • Adenoids in children Parents do not understand the child, do not listen to his worries - the child swallows tears of sadness.
  • Allergy Panic anger; fear of “they don’t love me.” Reluctance to suffer in silence.
  • Allergies (manifestations on the skin) Panic anger.
  • Allergies in children (any manifestations) Hatred and anger of parents towards everything; the child’s fear “they don’t love me.”
  • Allergy to fish products in children. Protest against the self-sacrifice of parents.
  • Allergies (manifestations on the skin in the form of scabs) in children Muffled or suppressed pity in the mother; sadness.
  • Allergy to the computer Protest against the transformation of man into a machine.
  • Allergy to dog hair Protest against slavery.
  • Alcoholism Fear of “no love”; fear “they don’t love me”; in a man, a feeling of guilt before a woman for his unreliability; self-flagellation.
  • Loss of meaning in life; lack of love.
  • Mental pain caused by lack of self-esteem, deep feelings of guilt.
  • Not wanting to be sad.
  • Alzheimer's disease (atrophic process of the brain) Absolutization of the potential of your brain. Maximalist desire to receive.
  • Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) The presence of sexual problems hidden deep inside, the reluctance to admit the existence of such problems.
  • Sore throat Anger, expressed by screaming.
  • A feeling of unbearable humiliation.
  • Sore throat in girls under 1 year of age Problems in relationships between parents.
  • Anorexia Fear of coercion.
  • Feelings of guilt, helplessness, depression in life, negative fixation on one's appearance.
  • Anorexia Self-pity due to the inability to live a full life.
  • Anuria Reluctance to give vent to bitterness from unfulfilled desires.
  • Appendicitis Humiliation from a deadlock situation.
  • A state of physical impasse that arises as a consequence of spiritual impasse.
  • Appendicitis in children Inability to get out of a deadlock situation.
  • Appetite (increased, indiscriminate) The desire to compensate for the lack of vital energy.
  • Appetite when feeling full Anger against those who do not accept your kindness.
  • Arrhythmia Fear “no one loves me.”
  • Arteries (diseases) In men - the presence of anger towards women.
  • Asthma Suppressed fear.
  • Fear of being treated poorly.
  • Lack of courage to live a full life.
  • Shyness in showing love.
  • Asthma in children Suppressed feelings of love, fear of life.
  • Atelectasis Sadness due to the inevitable feeling of lack of strength for one's freedom.
  • Atherosclerosis Wrong attitude towards your body.
  • The unwavering, unshakable desire of a woman to become stronger than a man and vice versa.
  • Fear of “they don’t love me”; the sadness of a dull fossil.
  • Muscle atrophy Birth stress. Self-sacrifice.
  • Fear of interfering with the mother in her eternal rush, so as not to provoke her tears.
  • Aphthous stomatitis (disease of the oral mucosa) Blaming oneself, regretting one’s behavior.
  • Bacterial and fungal diseases Imbalance and balance.
  • Unspokenness and a group of other stresses.
  • Hips (problems) Problems of economic and material life.
  • Childlessness Stress in relationships with mother.
  • Ectopic pregnancy A woman’s reluctance to share her child with anyone.
  • Pregnancy, termination The fetus feels that it is not loved; subsidence of the 4th vertebra.
  • Infertility - male - female Having sex out of a sense of duty. Problems in relationships with the mother. Submission to the mother in choosing a man - a sexual partner. Submission to the mother in the choice of girlfriends.
  • Myopia Fear of the future.
  • Bechterew's disease (spondyloarthritis deformans) Feeling of guilt before parents.
  • Pain: - acute - dull - chronic Acute anger, occurs immediately as soon as someone makes you angry, and you begin to look for the culprit; dull anger, a feeling of helplessness regarding the realization of one’s anger; long-term anger.
  • Borelliosis (tick-borne encephalitis) Anger towards money-grubbers who want to appropriate your material achievements.
  • Bronchitis Depression from problems in relationships with mother or spouse, the feeling of love is infringed. Feelings of guilt and splashing it out in the form of accusations on others.
  • Bronchitis is chronic. Fighting a difficult and unfair life.
  • Bronchiectasis Imposing your goals on others.
  • Bronchitis of girls Problems of communication and love feelings.
  • Bulimia The desire to take possession of an illusory future, to which in reality a person feels disgust. The desire to live as best as possible and the reluctance to live the life that is at the moment.
  • Veins (diseases) Anger of a woman against a man and vice versa
  • Thymus gland (diseases) Fear of being “nobody”, desire to “pretend to be something”, to be an authority.
  • Viral diseases. Blame yourself.
  • Viral diseases in children The desire to leave home and die is a wordless struggle for one’s own survival.
  • Sensations of taste (loss in children) Parents’ censure of the child’s sense of beauty, declaring him devoid of a sense of taste, tasteless.
  • Weight (overweight) The desire to be overly honest and express everything bad, and at the same time the fear of expressing this bad, so as not to appear bad in the eyes of others.
  • Forbidding yourself to have what you especially want to have.
  • Dropsy of the brain in children Accumulation by the mother of unshed tears, sadness over the fact that she is not loved, not understood, not regretted, that everything in life is not going the way she wants.
  • Inflammation of the vocal cords Expressing malicious criticism.
  • Inflammation of the vocal cords and larynx in girls Stress resulting from communication problems.
  • Pneumonia (acute) Acute anger towards accusations.
  • Double chin Selfishness, selfishness.
  • Own discharge - sweat, phlegm, urine, feces - (problems) Problems with each type of discharge are caused by different stresses: anger at insult, whining, helplessness, powerlessness; dissatisfaction with life in general, self-pity.
  • Miscarriage Shame about pregnancy.
  • Gases (their accumulation). The desire to change another person with your thoughts.
  • Sinusitis The desire to hide the offense.
  • Gangrene of the legs Humiliation, guilt; inability to get out of economic problems.
  • Gastritis (ulcerative) Forcing yourself. The desire to be good, modest, hard-working, while swallowing the bitterness of disappointment. Fear of “they don’t like me.”
  • Helminthiasis (enterobiasis, ascoridosis, diphyllobothriasis) Cruelty.
  • Hemophilia Deification of revenge. ^^^^
  • Genetic diseases The desire to be a good person in the eyes of others by hiding the bad in oneself.
  • Gynecological inflammation Disregard for the male sex and sex life. Women's humiliation.
  • Glaucoma Sadness.
  • Pharynx (diseases). Conceit, selfishness,
  • arrogance, the desire to prove one’s own rightness or another person’s wrongness at any cost.
  • Deaf-mute Disobedience is a protest against the orders of the parents.
  • Pus (in any organ of the body) Anger from humiliation.
  • Purulent processes. Pimples. Humiliated anger.
  • Festering eyes Resentment towards coercion (the desire not to be forced, the desire to live a free life).
  • Ankle joints (diseases) Desire to brag about one's achievements.
  • Headaches Fear “they don’t like me.”
  • Dislike for husband (fear, anger). Fear of “they don’t love me.”
  • - in the area of ​​the back of the head and neck Blaming others for their own mistakes.
  • Headache: - from tension. Repressed fear. A state of spiritual impasse.
  • - from a decline in tension Manifestation of anger after the resolution of a tense situation.
  • Headaches in children Inability to resolve
  • disagreements between parents; destruction by parents of the child's world of feelings and thoughts. Constant resentment.
  • Vocal cords (inflammation) Unspoken anger.
  • Gonorrhea The gloomy anger of something missed.
  • Throat (diseases in children) Quarrels between parents, accompanied by screaming.
  • Fungal diseases The desire to get rid of one's own shame.
  • Fungal diseases (chronic) Chronic shame.
  • Flu Dejection, dissatisfaction with oneself.
  • Thoracic spine, pain Fear of being guilty, blaming others
  • Breast (breast disease from a benign lump to breast cancer) Blaming another for what he does not love. Pride, making a way for oneself at the cost of any effort.
  • Hernia (in the lower abdomen) An unrealistic desire that caused anger due to its impossibility of fulfillment.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia The desire to move from the past to the future in a single jerk.
  • Hiatal hernia The desire to break into society, where a person is not welcome.
  • Lips in a string Arrogance.
  • Farsightedness The desire to see far into the future. The desire to get a lot at once.
  • Down syndrome Fear of being yourself.
  • Depression Self-pity.
  • Deforming polyarthritis with progressive destruction of bone tissue in children. Shame and anger against the husband’s infidelity, inability to forgive the betrayal.
  • Gums (swelling) Powerless anger from unexpressed sadness to the perpetrator about the offense caused.
  • Gums are bleeding, periodontal disease. Revenge, the desire to sadden the culprit of your suffering.
  • Duodenum (diseases): - constant pain. Cruelty. Heartlessness. Anger at the team
  • - ulcerative bleeding - rupture of the duodenum Vengeance towards the team. Transforming anger towards the team into cruelty.
  • - discomfort Distrust of others, fear, tension.
  • Diabetes Demanding gratitude from others in return.
  • - sugar The destructive anger of a woman against a man and vice versa. Hatred.
  • Wanting others to make my life good.
  • Diarrhea Despair associated with a strong desire to immediately get rid of everything; The desire to be strong and demonstrate one’s strength.
  • Diaphragm (problems; diseases associated with the diaphragm) Fear of being guilty. Problems of discrimination, bias and injustice.
  • Esophageal diverticula Insisting that the person's plans be accepted unconditionally.
  • Dysbacteriosis Conflicting judgments regarding the activities of others.
  • Diphtheria in children Guilt for an act committed, which arose in response to the anger of the parents.
  • Daytime urinary incontinence in children. Child's fear for his father.
  • Dolichosigma Fear of the final result.
  • Flabbiness of the body Doom, the feeling that “I still won’t get what I dream about.”
  • Mental illnesses The desire to have spiritual values ​​- love, respect, honor, care, attention.
  • Respiratory tract (diseases, catarrh of children) Mother’s contempt for the male sex. Fear “nobody loves me.”
  • Jaundice - jaundice in drug addicts Fear of anger. Anger against the state.
  • Cholelithiasis. Fierce fight against evil. Own bitterness. Bitter anger. Anger at one’s spouse. Reluctance to throw out bitterness (humiliation attracts the humiliation of others).
  • Stomach (diseases) Fear of being guilty.
  • Duty to start.
  • Forcing yourself to work; the desire to have a lot, to be an example.
  • Stomach (bleeding stomach ulcers) The desire to rise above others (“if I don’t do it, no one will do it”). Self-confidence, belief in one's own infallibility.
  • Stomach (prolapse of the stomach and gastritis) Fear “nobody needs me” (passive person).
  • Stomach (increased acidity) Feeling of guilt.
  • Stomach (low acidity) Forcing yourself to work out of guilt.
  • Stomach (pyloric spasm until complete blockage) Fear of trusting another.
  • Gallbladder (diseases) Anger.
  • Belly: - problems of the upper abdomen. The desire to remake oneself and others.
  • - problems in the middle of the abdomen The desire to make everyone equal.
  • - problems of the lower abdomen The desire to get rid of everything that could not be done.
  • - enlargement of the abdomen The desire to stick out your positive qualities, to boast of your hard work.
  • - belly fat Constant self-defense and willingness to defend your course of action.
  • Fluid (accumulation in organs and cavities) Sadness. Desire to change others.
  • Fat embolism Arrogance, selfishness, selfishness.
  • Addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco smoking, gambling) Fear of “they don’t love me”; fear “I have no love”; a man feels guilty before a woman because he cannot be relied upon; self-flagellation, self-punishment.
  • Mental retardation in children Parental violence against the child’s soul
  • Anus: - itching Temptation by a sense of duty
  • - cracks own merciless coercion
  • Constipation Stinginess, stinginess.
  • Shame about the results of your work.
  • Wrist (problems) Anger at one’s own powerlessness, desire to punish others.
  • Conception (problems) Lack of love.
  • Vision (problems) Self-pity, shyness.
  • - myopia Fear of the future
  • Pity for the mother and women in general.
  • - farsightedness. Pity for the father and men in general. Reluctance to see little. The desire to get a lot at once.
  • - paralysis of the eye muscles Suffering of the mother and the female sex
  • - loss of vision caused by aging Reluctance to see the annoying little things in life.
  • - sclerotic changes in the eyes - worsening in children Desire to be above tears Shyness.
  • Teeth (diseases) Coercion, attempt to change one's neighbor, violence.
  • Teeth: - caries Disappointment when you don't get more than you have.
  • - decay of children's teeth. Father's inferiority complex (due to mother's anger).
  • - destruction of molars in adults. Dissatisfaction with one’s mind.
  • - front teeth break; dental growth defects in children. The desire to get more than you have. The desire to show one’s superiority (to show off one’s intelligence). A complex of stresses associated with parents.
  • Heartburn Compulsion out of fear.
  • Hiccups Fear about the lost meaning of life.
  • Immunity (violation) Fear of “they don’t like me.”
  • Impotence Fear that “I am accused of not being able to feed my family, of not being able to cope with my job, of being no good as a man”; blaming yourself for the same thing. Fear of economic problems.
  • A man feels guilty in response to a woman’s anger.
  • Feeling sorry for yourself because of your gender.
  • Stroke Thirst for revenge.
  • Fear of the evil discontent of others.
  • Myocardial infarction Sadness “nobody needs my love.”
  • Myocardial infarction in a man during sexual intercourse. Acute feeling of guilt.
  • Childhood hysteria Self-pity
  • Coronary heart disease Fear of being guilty, of being accused of lack of love; guilt.
  • Stones (gallstones and kidney stones) Fierce anger. Desire to rise above a bad person
  • Cysts Uncryed sadness.
  • Intestinal gases. Belligerence.
  • Intestines (organ diseases - see digestion, organs)
  • Tick-borne encephalitis Malice towards selfish extortion.
  • Skin (defects) wounds, ulcers dryness Constant outpouring of anger. Shame of one's own honesty.
  • Skin diseases Malice. Protest against affection
  • Knees (diseases) Stress associated with moving through life.
  • Bones (damage, fractures) Poorly realized, vague anger towards a person.
  • Cat scabies Pickiness runs in the family.
  • Creutzfeldt - Jacob's disease. The desire to turn back the course of life, that is, militant conservatism.
  • - problems Thirst for revenge.
  • - decreased feeling of guilt.
  • Blood. Dysfunction of the hematopoietic system. Super-demanding sense of purpose.
  • Blood: diseases Selfish love.
  • problems Thirst for revenge.
  • blood thickening Passionate desire to be rich, thirst for profit, self-interest, greed.
  • - slow blood circulation Feeling of guilt.
  • - many blood cells - few blood cells The anger of struggle, revenge, anger towards men. The evil subordination of mother and wife to men.
  • Bloody discharge. The desire for revenge.
  • Blood pressure. — increase The habit of evaluating others and finding their mistakes.
  • - decreased feeling of guilt.
  • Bleeding internally The desire to be super positive.
  • Bleeding from the nose in a child. Helplessness, anger and resentment.
  • Palm (problems, painful sensations) Bitterness, excessive manifestation of masculine qualities in a woman; or excessive flexibility, even to the point of servility
  • Laryngospasm Rage.
  • Laryngospasm in children Guilt for a committed act when the child is strangled by anger.
  • Lungs (diseases) Lack of freedom. Hatred of one's own slavery.
  • Blame yourself.
  • Pulmonary pleura Restriction of freedom.
  • Leukopenia (decrease in white blood cells) Fear of arrogance. Blaming yourself.
  • Lymph (diseases) A ​​woman’s anger at a man’s helplessness.
  • Resentment at not getting what you want.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis Mortal shame caused by the fact that a person was unable to achieve something that he did not actually need.
  • Frontal sinus (inflammation) Hidden inability to make decisions.
  • Elbows (problems) Desire to stand out from the crowd
  • The desire to prove the validity of your ideas, making your way in life with your elbows.
  • Macrocephaly The father of the child experiences great unspoken sadness due to the inferiority of his mind, which is overly rational.
  • Anemia in children Resentment and irritation of a mother who considers her husband to be a bad breadwinner for the family.
  • Senile insanity Thirst for an easy life, without barriers, without troubles.
  • Uterus (bleeding) Anger against those whom the woman blames for preventing her from being a good mother, whom she considers guilty of her maternal failure.
  • Uterus (fibroids) Fear of “they don’t love me.” Feelings of guilt towards the mother. Overinvolvement in motherhood. Anger. Warlike thoughts associated with motherhood.
  • Uterus (tumors) Excessive feeling of emotionality.
  • Uterus (cervical diseases) Dissatisfaction with sexual life.
  • Meniscus (damage) An attack of anger at stagnation in life: at the one who pulled the rug out from under his feet; deceit and betrayal of people around.
  • Heavy menstruation. The desire to cheat on your husband and thereby “punish” him. Large accumulation of stress.
  • Menstruation (absence) Presence of sexual problems hidden deep inside.
  • Migraine Inability to find the cause of the illness.
  • Sadness and fear “they don’t love me.”
  • Microcephaly The father of the child mercilessly exploits the rational side of his mind.
  • Brain (diseases) Neglect of one’s spiritual needs in favor of other people’s desires and whims.
  • Sputum Anger at whiners and whiners. Anger at accusations and accusers, and therefore at oneself.
  • Bladder (inflammation) Humiliation due to accumulated diseases.
  • The desire to win sympathy with your work; bitterness when ridiculed by others.
  • Urolithiasis Suppression of one's humiliation due to accumulated diseases to the point of stony indifference.
  • Muscle tissue (wasting, muscle atrophy) Sense of responsibility, sense of duty, sense of guilt. Thirst for fame and power, arrogance towards others.
  • Adrenal glands (diseases) Chronic fears.
  • Metabolic disorder Disturbance between giving and receiving.
  • Drug addiction and various types of addiction - work addiction, smoking, gambling. Fear of “no love”, “they don’t love me”, feelings of guilt. Fear and anger that everything is not the way I would like. Not wanting to be who you are, wanting to be in a world where there are no worries.
  • Disappointment in everything and everyone. The belief that no one needs a person and no one needs his love.
  • Not wanting to be anyone.
  • Runny nose (rhinitis) Anger due to resentment
  • Resentment.
  • Resentment towards the situation, lack of understanding of the reasons for this situation.
  • Neurasthenia The desire to be positive in everything, trying to please others.
  • Urinary and fecal incontinence. The desire to free yourself from life's disappointments.
  • Urinary incontinence in children is daytime and night (enuresis). The child's fear for his father. Mother's fear for father.
  • Neurosis Fear “nobody loves me” Suppressed aggressiveness
  • Nervousness, whims in children Mutual accusations of parents, more often - accusations of the mother in relation to the father.
  • Necrosis (tissue death) Anger at one's suffering.
  • Legs (problems and illnesses) Insincerity in communication related to economic issues. The desire to receive material gain, honor and glory in everything.
  • Nose (difficulty breathing) Sadness due to one's own failure. Sadness. The desire to hide the fact of striking.
  • Nose (noisy blowing of nose) Contempt for others.
  • Metabolism (disorder) Imbalance between giving and receiving.
  • Sense of smell (worse in children) Curiosity.
  • Baldness Fears, disappointments, stress “they don’t like me.”
  • Obesity Imposing one's will on others. Stress of dissatisfaction.
  • Self-defense. Thirst for hoarding, fear of the future.
  • The desire to be stronger, the internal struggle with one’s stress.
  • “I want good things.”
  • Tumor diseases (see also “Cancer”) Great anger against others or against oneself.
  • Tissue tumors (atheroma, lipoma, dermoid, teratoma) Malice.
  • Brain tumor in children Relationship between mother and mother-in-law.
  • Complications of viral diseases in boys The mother cannot cope with the father and therefore fights with him mentally and verbally.
  • - mumps - chicken pox - measles Maternal anger due to impotence. Maternal anger due to denial. Schadenfreude.
  • -flu Dejection.
  • Touch (disorder in children) Shame of a child when parents do not allow him to satisfy the need to touch everything with his hands.
  • Osteomalacia Long-term hidden malice.
  • Osteoporosis Long-term hidden anger.
  • Sadness at losing faith in one's own ability to regain one's former idealized and promising strength.
  • Osteitis (inflammation of bone tissue) A woman’s anger directed against a man.
  • Edema Malice exaggeration.
  • Constant sadness.
  • Swelling in the legs, calluses. Anger “everything is not the way I want it.” Unspoken reproaches to the husband regarding economic problems.
  • Deviations in child development. A woman’s fear that she will no longer be loved for her imperfections. Cultivating parental love as a desired goal.
  • Belching Imposing your opinion on others.
  • Containing anger.
  • Memory (impaired) Thirst for an easy life, without obstacles, without troubles.
  • Paralysis of limbs Thirst for revenge.
  • Inability to cope with life. Bad attitude towards life.
  • Parkinson's syndrome The desire to give as much as possible, but what is given does not bring the expected results.
  • Peritonitis (purulent inflammation of the peritoneum) Unbearable humiliation due to the fact that a person was not given enough. Shame.
  • Liver (diseases) Fear of being guilty. Anger.
  • Hatred of injustice; the desire to receive something from the state and a feeling of insult when not getting what you want.
  • Fear of the state and people who wish you harm.
  • Digestive tract (diseases) Sacrificing oneself against one’s desires, but in the name of a goal. Feelings of guilt about work, affairs.
  • Periodontal disease Book No. 6
  • Digestive tract (problems) Not getting what you want, swallowing resentment.
  • Forcing oneself to be guilty out of fear (that is, fear turns out to be stronger than feelings of guilt).
  • Esophagus (inflammation, scarring, damage to inflamed tissue, narrowing) Fear of not achieving what you want. Resentment and humiliation because of what you did not achieve.
  • Tearfulness Sadness. Shame and blame.
  • Pleurisy Anger against restriction of freedom.
  • Shoulder girdle: upper arms, shoulders, arms (injuries and diseases) Excessive demands.
  • Pancreas (diseases) The destructive anger of a woman against a man and vice versa. Hatred.
  • The desire to do good first of all to others out of fear that the person is not loved.
  • The desire to surpass oneself, selfishness, selfishness.
  • Pancreas (irritation) Protest against orders, prohibitions.
  • Spine (distribution of diseases and stress to the spine) Various stresses.
  • Spine (problems, diseases) - cervical thoracic region Fears. Over-demanding. Fear of being guilty, blaming others.
  • Redness in various parts of the body: Concentration of anger that seeks release.
  • - redness of the ears - redness of the eyes The anger of finding the culprit, listens poorly. The person sees life incorrectly.
  • Diarrhea (diarrhea) Despair associated with an acute desire to immediately get rid of all unpleasant matters; the desire to be strong and demonstrate your strength.
  • Losing weight The desire to give more to life.
  • Kidneys (diseases) Chronic fears.
  • Kidney stones Secret anger in the soul.
  • Pride.
  • Kidney failure Envy. Revenge.
  • Prostate gland (diseases) Fear of losing material security, wealth.
  • - inflammation Humiliation. Fear of fatherhood.
  • - tumor A man's inconsolable sadness due to his inability to be a good FATHER.
  • Proctitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the rectum) Negative attitude towards one’s affairs and the results obtained. Fear of demonstrating the results of your work.
  • Rectum (problems) The vicious struggle of life does not lead to the desired results.
  • The obligation to finish what you started at any cost.
  • Mental illnesses Fear of “they don’t love me,” guilt, fears, anger.
  • Excessive desire for spiritual values, the need to rise, the desire to surpass someone or something, arrogance.
  • Sadness and grief because one cannot achieve the best.
  • Spots: - depigmented - pigmented - hemangiomas Pride and shame.
  • Cervical sciatica Stubbornness.
  • Perineal rupture during childbirth Sense of duty.
  • Cancer
  • The malice of exaggeration, the malice of envy.
  • Malicious malice.
  • Contempt. Anger.
  • The desire to appear good is the fear of being guilty, which forces you to hide your thoughts towards your loved ones.
  • Unfulfilled goodwill, ill will and resentment.
  • Unkind malice.
  • Self-confidence. Selfishness. The desire to be perfect. Unforgiveness. Arrogance. Proving your superiority. Pride and shame.
  • Cancer in children Malice, bad intentions. A group of stresses that are passed on from parents.
  • Cancer of the maxillary sinuses Humble suffering, rational pride in oneself.
  • Brain cancer Fear “they don’t love me”
  • Despair over your own stupidity and inability to come up with anything.
  • Proving your benevolence by any means, up to and including consciously turning yourself into a slave.
  • Breast cancer Husband's accusation that
  • My family doesn't like me.
  • Suppressed shame.
  • Stomach cancer Compulsion.
  • Malicious anger at myself - I can’t achieve what I need.
  • Blaming others, contempt for those responsible for suffering.
  • Cancer of the uterus Bitterness because the male sex is not good enough to love a husband. Humiliation because of children or absence of children. Helplessness to change life.
  • Bladder cancer Wishing evil to bad people.
  • Esophageal cancer Dependence on one's desires. Insisting on your plans, which others do not give way to.
  • Pancreatic cancer Proving that you are an individual.
  • Prostate cancer Fear that “I will be accused of not being a real man.”
  • Anger at one’s helplessness due to women’s ridicule of manhood and fatherhood.
  • Rectal cancer Bitterness. Disappointment.
  • Fear of hearing critical feedback about the results of work. Contempt for your job.
  • Colon cancer Bitterness. Disappointment.
  • Cervical cancer The limitlessness of women's desires. Disappointment in sex life.
  • Cancer of the Tongue Shame that you have ruined your life with your own tongue.
  • Ovarian cancer Excessive feelings of duty and responsibility.
  • Wounds (different types) Different types of anger.
  • Multiple sclerosis Not getting what you wanted - anger and bitterness of defeat.
  • Sadness and a feeling of meaninglessness in life.
  • Vomiting Anger caused by disgust for life, anger against the outrages of others. Fear of the future.
  • The desire to get rid of grievances and injustices, fear for the consequences, for the future.
  • Rheumatism Fear “no one loves me.”
  • Accusation through allegory.
  • The desire to quickly mobilize oneself, to keep up with everything, to get used to any situation - the desire to be mobile.
  • Premature birth Lack of love for the fetus, the child feels that he needs to go away from the place where he feels bad.
  • Erysipelas. Cruelty.
  • Hands (problems of fingers, panaritium) Problems associated with giving and receiving in the course and as a result of performing work.
  • Greasy hair Resentment towards coercion (desire to live a free life).
  • Suicide Desire to be liked.
  • Sarcoidosis The desire to show your importance at any cost.
  • Diabetes mellitus Hatred of women and men towards each other. Protest against orders and commands.
  • Sexual problems in young men Sadness.
  • Vas deferens (blockage) Having sex out of a sense of duty.
  • Spleen (diseases) Fear of being guilty. Sadness associated with parents.
  • Heart (diseases) Oh? Fear that I don’t love enough. Feelings of guilt. The desire to please and earn love.
  • Heart (congenital or acquired defect in children) Fear “nobody loves me.”
  • Heart (myocardial infarction) Fear “I am accused of not loving.”
  • Heart (coronary artery disease) Sense of responsibility, sense of duty, sense of guilt.
  • Retina (rupture of blood vessels) Thirst for revenge.
  • Sigmoid colon (disease) Disappointment; an angry struggle that does not lead to the desired results.
  • Syphilis Loss of sense of responsibility towards life; anger.
  • Scarlet fever Sad, hopeless Pride.
  • Sclerosis A rigid, unyielding attitude towards everyone and everything in life.
  • The sadness of a stupid fossil.
  • General weakness. Constant self-pity.
  • Cecum, damage to the colon A large number of dead-end situations.
  • Blindness Seeing only the bad. Reluctance to see this terrible life.
  • Tears Sadness of anger at not getting what you want from life.
  • Mucous discharge (see nose, rhinitis) Anger due to resentment.
  • Mucous membranes. Dryness. Shame, proof that everything is fine.
  • Hearing (affected in children) Shame. Shaming a child by parents.
  • Salivation: - deficiency, dry mouth - excessive increase Fear of everyday problems. Desire to get rid of problems as quickly as possible.
  • Gender reassignment Complex stress.
  • Spasm of the larynx, suffocation. Rage, anger.
  • Adhesions (excessive thickening of tissue in organs, cavities and joints) Convulsive attempts to defend one’s ideas. Anger of exaggeration.
  • AIDS Lack of love, feeling of spiritual emptiness. Anger at not being loved.
  • Feet (diseases) Anger due to the overwhelming heap of everyday affairs.
  • Cramps in the muscles of the lower leg. Confusion of will due to fear of moving forward.
  • Joints (loss of previous mobility, rheumatic inflammation) Fear of “they don’t love me.” Feelings of guilt, anger. The desire to “pretend to be” something and the desire to prove one’s worth.
  • Hip joints (painful sensations) Sense of responsibility. Shame.
  • Stooping in children Excessive dominance of the mother in the family.
  • Tobacco smoking Fear “they don’t like me”; a feeling of guilt, a man’s fear of a woman that he cannot be relied upon; self-flagellation.
  • Pelvis (diseases) Stress associated with
  • attitude towards men's problems.
  • Waist is painfully thin. Fear of not achieving what you want.
  • - thickening, the presence of a large number of fat folds. Inability to make do with little due to the desire to have only good things.
  • Temperature - high Tension in a quarrel with mother, exhaustion.
  • Strong, bitter anger. Anger when judging the guilty.
  • Overwhelmed by stress.
  • - chronic Old, long-term anger.
  • Teratoma (tumor) A desperate desire to respond to those responsible for one’s suffering in their own words, which, however, remain unspoken. A person's fear of deciding for himself how to live.
  • Tissues (diseases): - epithelial - connective - muscular - nervous Accumulation of great anger against others or against oneself. Self-pity.
  • Small intestine (diseases) Responsibility to do small things when one would like to do big things.
  • Negative, arrogant
  • ironic attitude towards women's work.
  • Large intestine (diseases) Responsibility to do big things when I would like to do little things. Negative attitude towards men's work; problems associated with unfinished business.
  • Nausea Fear that nothing is working out.
  • Trauma Anger in the soul.
  • Trachea (diseases) Anger in the fight for justice.
  • Trichomonosis Desperate anger from one's frivolous behavior.
  • Trophic ulcers Accumulation of unexpressed anger.
  • Thrombophlebitis (inflammation and blockage of the veins) and phlebitis (inflammation of the arteries) Anger over economic problems.
  • Thromboembolism of the heart, lungs, brain. Exaggeration of the importance of the material, economic side of life.
  • Tuberculosis Fear of being accused of unloving. The disease of lamentation.
  • Tuberculosis in children Constant tension.
  • Tuberculosis of the genitals Complaints about the disorder of your sex life.
  • Brain tuberculosis Complaints about the inability to use the potential of your brain.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis Fear of expressing anger, but at the same time constant lamentations.
  • Self-pity.
  • Complaining about an unhappy life.
  • Tuberculosis of the lymph nodes Complaints about male worthlessness.
  • Kidney tuberculosis Complaints about the inability to realize one’s desires.
  • Thyrotoxicosis (increased thyroid function) Internal, unspoken struggle against orders.
  • Reduced blood supply to tissues. A sense of responsibility, a sense of duty, a sense of guilt.
  • Phlebitis Anger due to economic problems.
  • Frontitis (inflammation of the frontal sinus) Resentment and the desire to hide it.
  • Chlamydia Powerful anger.
  • Chlamydia and mycoplasma Group of stresses.
  • Cholesterol (high or low levels) The desire to be persistent, strong or, conversely, a feeling of hopelessness from the struggle.
  • Snoring Despair from the inability to establish relationships with people.
  • Chronic diseases Shame. Fear of embarrassment.
  • Chronic runny nose A constant state of resentment.
  • Thinness Selfishness and self-confidence, but at the same time denying yourself what you want.
  • “I don’t want” stress.
  • Cellulite Anger, the desire to prove to everyone one’s importance: “you’ll see what I’m capable of.”
  • Cirrhosis of the liver Self-destruction. Destructive silent anger.
  • Sneezing Brief anger.
  • Neck (inflammation, swelling, pain, tumors) Discontent that humiliates, saddens, makes you angry. Sadness that a person suppresses.
  • Schizophrenia The desire for everything to be good.
  • Schizophrenia in children Obsessive thoughts in parents; The wife has an obsession with re-educating her husband.
  • Thyroid gland (functional dysfunction) Fear of being crushed by life.
  • Guilt. Communication problems.
  • Endometriosis Mother's curiosity.
  • Enuresis (in children) A child’s fear for his father, associated with the mother’s fears and anger directed at the child’s father.
  • Eczema Panic anger.
  • Right oviduct (problems) Depends on how the mother wants to see her daughter’s relationship with the male sex.
  • Left oviduct (problems) Depends on how the mother wants to see her daughter’s relationship with the female sex.
  • Oviducts (blockage) Having sex out of a sense of duty.
  • Ulcer of any kind. Suppression of sadness arising from the reluctance to be helpless and to show one's helplessness.
  • Bleeding ulcer Compulsion to take revenge.
  • Ulcerative colitis Suffering for one's faith, one's
  • beliefs.

A person, according to the books of Dr. Luule Viilma, is as healthy as he wants, since bodily diseases cannot be considered separately from the state of spirit and soul. Illness and life problems are an unconditional reflection of a chain made up of wrong way of thinking and wrong actions. “Thought is action, and a bad thought hidden in a person always does evil, and the body does not need excuses.” In order for this negative connection to disintegrate, you need to learn to forgive, freeing yourself from stress. And this is real daily work, since a person is accustomed to “looking for someone to blame,” fighting against the bad and thinking little about what is really “good” and “bad” for him personally.

The root cause of any disease should be sought in the person himself. Visible, physical illness originates on a subtle, spiritual level. A person creates an energetic prerequisite for the occurrence of diseases by attracting stress with his thoughts. If a person learns to “release” stress, the disease will recede. This amazing method was discovered and proven in practice by Dr. Luule Viilma. Throughout her teaching there is the idea that healing can only be done with Love.



Who are we? We humans are spiritual beings. And we come into this world to live and develop. In this physical, manifested world, we have a friend. The only one who will not abandon us for the rest of our lives. And this friend is our body. The body is a mirror of our spiritual development, says Luule Viilma. Everyone can deceive us, flatter us, tell us how good, kind and fair we are. We ourselves can convince ourselves and others that we are who we are. But the body will always tell us the truth about us; it cannot be bribed. And it will tell this truth very simply - through illness.

A disease is not just a malfunction of one organ or system that for some reason has failed. Disease, as Luule Viilma defines it, is “a condition in which the negativity of energy has exceeded a critical point, and the body as a whole is out of balance. The body informs us about this so that we can correct the mistake. It has long been informing us of all sorts of unpleasant sensations, but since we did not pay attention and did not react, the body became sick.” Thus, the body, through physical suffering, draws our attention to a situation that needs correction.


He writes that “the root cause of every disease is stress, the degree of which determines the nature of the disease. Stress is a tense state of the body that occurs as a defensive reaction to negative or bad stimuli. Stress is an invisible energetic connection with the bad. Anything that is bad for a particular person is stress.” Anything that is bad for a particular person is stress.

How does stress appear in a person? We ourselves attract stress with our thoughts. Attracting stress with their thoughts, people entrust the fight against it to doctors and medications, and try to overcome stress with sports and alcohol. People do not realize that stress is energy and cannot be overcome. So what to do?

Stress can only be released, released from oneself. And no one can do this for a person, only himself. What happens to our body is one hundred percent a reflection of what is happening in our soul. And we have to deal with this ourselves. You should not look for the causes of diseases outside of a person, everything is in him. The visible and invisible world form a single whole, being a mirror image of each other, no matter whether people admit it or not. The mistake is that most people do not perceive material life as part of spiritual life. A person needs to learn to find the root cause of his illness in order to understand its roots and release them. The teachings of an amazing person - the Estonian obstetrician-gynecologist-surgeon L. Viilma - are devoted to this most important topic of the relationship between diseases, energies, and spiritual growth of a person.


Understanding this complex relationship, I realized that you can talk to stress like people. Having realized this, she came to the conclusion that knowing the language of stress is more important than knowing any foreign language, because a person’s own life speaks the language of stress.

There is a lot of stress. But they all grow from three main ones:

These basic stresses have many variations. For example, in his books, the author very figuratively describes panicky, fierce, malicious anger. These different “types” of anger lead to diseases with different consequences. A person also has a huge number of fears, but a person’s main stress is the fear of “they don’t love me.”


It is surprising to many that “wanting to be a good person” is also stressful. People try to prove to others that they are good, and all for what? To be loved! But such a good person can, like a bulldozer, crush those around him with his goodness. And this stress stems from the fear “they don’t like me.”

This stress blocks the head, neck, shoulders, shoulder, upper arm, back up to and including the 3rd thoracic vertebra. Once established, it causes all physical diseases in this area and all mental diseases and abnormalities. People wonder where imbalance, memory disorders come from, what is the reason for the low learning ability in children with mental retardation, indifference and excessive demands. The reason for all this is the fear “they don’t love me.” Congenital heart disease is also a consequence of this stress.


Thus, in order to begin to recover from the disease, it is necessary:
Understand what kind of stress caused the disease.
Forgive stress for coming into your life.
Ask the stress for forgiveness for the fact that it was you who attracted it. Stress is energy, any energy is free, and with your thoughts you have deprived it of freedom, attracting it to you.
Let go of stress. He is energy and will go where he knows he should go, to where you pulled him from.
Ask your body for forgiveness for attracting stress and thereby causing harm to it.
Forgive yourself for causing this stress with your thoughts.
Forgiveness does not mean that we justify what happens. It means liberation, because a person does not have the gift of perfect love and therefore needs forgiveness.

EXERCISE "Release from stress"

Dr. Viilma gave an interesting and effective technique for releasing stress from the “chamber of your soul.” Imagine your soul, in which, like in a cell, the stress that caused your illness languishes.
Try to imagine an image of this stress. You can see it either as a clot of energy, or in the form of any person (stranger or acquaintance, relative), or a bird, or an animal, or a plant. This is only your personal vision, any image is correct.
Watch him: he can sit motionless, or rush from corner to corner, or break free. The way you see it is what is right for you.
Talk to him, because you already know that it was you who attracted this stress to yourself and locked it in the chamber of your soul. Say: “My stress, forgive me for pulling you and keeping you in the chamber of my soul. I'm sorry, I didn't know how to free you before. You are free".
Mentally remove the bolt and open the dungeon door. Watch how stress either stands hesitantly on the threshold before stepping over it, or immediately rushes away.
See how he, having acquired wings, joyfully rushes to freedom into the blue sky, towards the sun.
Ask your body for forgiveness for causing you pain.
Forgive yourself.
What will this liberated energy be? She will be love. Even the wildest anger, when freed, becomes love.


We spent all our time rushing, solving questions and problems. And they didn’t know how to stop to feel love, because when there is time, then there is love, there is feeling, and we develop as spiritual beings. In order to be spiritual beings, you don’t need to do anything, you just need to remember that we are such in our essence, and that between our heart and God there is only one barrier - the veil of our ignorance.

People want to receive love so much that if they don’t get what they want, they can go crazy. You often hear the following words: “I love, but I don’t.” And such mental pain occurs in women, men, and children. There is a feeling that there is no love, and this feeling is correct. But it is correct not because there is no love in the world, but because people do not allow the energy of love into themselves and do not allow it to pour out of themselves.

It doesn’t occur to people that this free flow of love energy is blocked by fears, of which a whole wall has been built, and love cannot penetrate this wall, Luule Viilma writes in her books. And the main stone in this wall, the strongest obstacle, is the fear “they don’t love me.” The main problem is that in order to receive something, you must first give, because Love is not received, love is given.

In an effort to get a loved one, we are able to do any actions we want, but we don’t get what we want, because the basis is the desire to get (consume) a person. Until we release our desire, a person will not give us what we so desire. Humanity is now going through a very difficult stage in its development, in which it has a very limited understanding of love. People do not know how to love from the heart and therefore try to love as best they can.

What is the result? The result is people's incessant attempts to bind others to themselves. And now desire comes to the fore. The desire to please your neighbor is the desire to make him your property, in order to then use him and force him to fulfill your desires. Concern for the welfare of the “beloved,” like a fig leaf, covers up concern for oneself. People mistake their natural responsibilities towards the “beloved” person for love. And this is the kind of affection people call love.

The author teaches that everything we do (spiritual or material) must be done “out of love.” Not with love, but out of love - from your very essence, that same spiritual essence that is love. And if we do it in a hurry, we do it out of fear, guilt or anger, that is, out of a desire to prove something. To prove that we are good, that we love, that we are better than we are.


The task of a man, she teaches, is to go and never stop, for the one who stops in front of life’s difficulties perishes. If a man walks, then masculinity is inherent in his progress by nature, and he does everything that is masculine. What does masculinity include?

Masculinity is:
work of the mind,
arrangement of economic life,
conceiving children.

A man is the spirit of his children, and the spirit is the driving force. A man is able to walk when he has the strength to do so. Where does this power come from? From the heart of a woman. We are talking about spiritual love - perfect love between people, which people are increasingly stingy with and which they so lack.

A woman's job is to love her husband. Husband first of all. No one should stand above a husband, not even a child. The husband is not more important than the child, but he is the first person the wife should love. A woman who loves a man never has to waste her energy on a man's work. A woman who loves her husband never needs anything extra, because she owns the greatest treasure in the world - love. Love for a man is a sacred feminine need.

If a woman loves her husband, says Dr. L. Viilma, then their unity attracts only the perfect: they have healthy children and a healthy life. And perfection is not just good, it is a constantly moving and improving balance of good and bad. The violation of the Divine law is that the female sex has forgotten how to love the male sex.

Modern women see very clearly the decline of the masculine race and are very willing to denigrate men. At the same time, they do not understand that this phenomenon is apparent, relative, and in reality, the state of affairs is completely different.

And “food” in this case can be considered not only in the literal sense. A modern woman is concerned that her child has all the best: from a stroller and toys to clothes and college. And what kind of husband are you if you cannot provide your child with all this? In a woman’s worldview, a child, or more precisely, issues related to his life support, and even more precisely, the manifestation of her ego through these issues, move to the foreground, and somehow the fact that thanks to this man she became happy fades into the background mother. A child is the sum of his father and mother, and therefore love is the main food he needs, Luule Viilma believes.

Luule Viilma gives an amazingly illustrative example of how a child needs love. She writes: “Once a desperate woman came into my office with a child in her arms. He was unconscious and in convulsions. Medicine could no longer help him. And then I had to resort to extreme measures. I said, “Your child is sick because you don’t love his father. You hate this person.

If you now, right here, realize your mistake and learn to love first of all the father of your child, even if you are divorced from him, then the child will live. If you can’t, the child won’t make it until the morning.” The mother turned out to be smart; she did not deny her negativity. She had not read my books, she had no prior knowledge, but she learned. After a few hours, the child’s convulsions stopped, and in the morning we began a thorough and detailed analysis of the disease, which was also a treatment.” Women's hatred is the most destructive force in the Universe. She destroys everything. Women's love is the most creative force in the Universe.

An intelligent woman likes to emphasize her superiority at the slightest opportunity. An intelligent woman does not take into account either her husband’s abilities or his capabilities. Her wish must be fulfilled this very minute. She doesn’t give her husband time to think or act like a man. A wise woman does not require her husband to take more than one step forward.

When starting a conversation with her husband, she expresses, as if in passing, an idea and gives her husband time to think about it. When the husband is ready, he will implement the idea, not forgetting where the idea came from. After all, they forget what they are ashamed of as their own shortcoming. If a wife does not humiliate her husband with her idea, then the husband has nothing to be ashamed of.

Modern women try to fight a man with the help of their minds, become disappointed in this fight and do not forgive men for this. At the same time, they, for the most part, do not notice and do not use the enormous wealth that they possess - limitless wisdom.


January 24, 2002
And to you, my dears, who taught me and guided me on the path of life, I want to say thank you. My efforts were for your sake. I had a sincere desire to give you that part of myself that you needed, although you did not immediately realize it.

I was impatient and wanted you to understand me right away - this is my mistake. This is impossible because each fruit needs its own time to ripen. I tried to make you mature myself. The result was that I was unfair to myself and was upset that I was so inept.

Being here, I can see it clearly. This is the main thing that is included in my books in the hope that you will achieve a complete understanding of my work. I do not blame you for anything, even those who condemned me during my lifetime or condemn me now, in retrospect. Being here, I understand this well and will do everything on my part so that the understanding of the world expands in human consciousness. This is a sacred duty.

I still love and will continue to love all those I have met and come into contact with along the path of life. Tolerance and warm relationships in earthly life are very important, since they determine the local state. Although not all of you believe in the afterlife, it won’t hurt anyone, even if you are an unbeliever, to try to be more tolerant. These are very simple truths, and they existed at the dawn of life, but each subsequent generation must experience this again and again.

The human experience is not easy. That’s why not everything went smoothly for me. Don’t think that I made up these truths - they exist and have been for a long time. Now is the time when humanity must use them. Every era has its truths, and there is always someone who conveys them to humanity. Living on earth, we strive to recognize them as personal, and our souls ache for their implementation. It just so happened. The person who conveys these truths must have the ability to do so.

However, this ability does not come easily, since the physical body is very dense and does not allow high vibrations to pass through. The Mediator must go through many extremes to gain the ability to be an antenna. In an extreme situation, energy fluctuations are always very high and subtle; not everyone can withstand this. Now I understand why my life was full of suffering and ground me like a millstone.

Thanks to everyone who was next to me and who came into contact with me, because sometimes I made your life difficult, but you helped me complete my task. I am pleased. Thank you and love you all. I left, but I’m not sad, because there’s plenty to do here too. I'm happy because it was right. I know I caused you heartache, but it will pass. I'm with you. Being here, I ask myself if I really had to suffer for so long. It turns out she should have.

I'll see you soon. We will meet at the source of life, open and free. Future generations will be able to use it. Many interesting things await you ahead, but also difficult trials. Always be firm in your faith and tolerant of each other's deeds. This is the most important thing now. You are all different, and everyone goes in their own direction, considering it the most correct and doing their job. This is how it should be, because, in the end, the threads of all roads come together into one big road.

I always believed that I had to restrain myself in everything, which I succeeded in doing. But sometimes I had to pay the price - I couldn’t cry. Crying was something shameful, a sign of weakness. In my thoughts I often came to you and tried to be like you, cry and laugh. Sometimes I succeeded. There was a heavy burden on my soul. I tried to get rid of him with my teaching, but I couldn’t. Now I understand that the laws of the Almighty are extremely fair and, in our opinion, harsh. I have not yet found a solution to the problem related to my mother. Maybe it will happen next time.

We will surely meet physically and spiritually. I'll try to come to you in my dreams. Don't be afraid of anything, don't be afraid, don't run from life. This is the best it can be. See you. Hugs. There is no death, there is only a change in life situations. Love one another, you living ones!


    Fear of death is a measure of human stupidity and the inability of Western civilization to look at life correctly.

    The need of the physical world - to be better - does not represent any value in the spiritual world. There is no struggle for primacy, everyone has their own path, which they need and at the same time everyone needs.

    No misfortune comes without warning. Its predecessor is our bad thoughts.

    If a person wants to help the world, then he must help himself. This will help the world.

    Never deify or adore anyone.

    When we try to make all people happy, then we begin to hate these people.

    Help should only be offered when it is needed: prematureness causes resentment.

    The more one side of the family cries, the more the other side drinks.

    Your child is what you are. Or you yourself forced him to become this way by tightening the screws, and now you want to commit violence against him again and make him different. And again, for personal reasons - so that your own mistakes don’t hurt so much, and so that people don’t point fingers at you.

    The child must be raised until the age of 18. In the future, the wise mother leaves on time and comes on time.

    The more a woman wants to please, the more she is like a mousetrap chasing a mouse.

    Women are unpredictable creatures, even if you understand their nature. They are like the most mysterious life, which moves forward in its flow, not realizing what “forward” means.

    The more heartache your mother has in store for you, the greater the opportunity to rise in spirit she gives you.

    A person's health is a measure of his spirituality.

    He who knows how to rejoice in little things attracts great joy to himself. And whoever immediately strives for big things will be left without little, because he does not know how to appreciate and cherish happiness.

    You don't have to be smart, you have to be able to think.




Adenoids in children Parents do not understand the child, do not listen to his worries, the child swallows tears of sadness.
Allergy Panic anger; fear of “they don’t love me.” Reluctance to suffer in silence.
Alcoholism Fear "no love"; fear “they don’t love me”; in a man, a feeling of guilt before a woman for his unreliability; self-flagellation. Loss of meaning in life; lack of love. Mental pain caused by lack of self-esteem, deep feelings of guilt. Not wanting to be sad.
Alzheimer's disease (atrophic process of the brain) Absolutization of the potential of your brain. Maximalist desire to receive.
Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) The presence of sexual problems hidden deep inside, the reluctance to admit the existence of such problems.
Angina Anger expressed by screaming. A feeling of unbearable humiliation.
Anorexia Fear of coercion. Feelings of guilt, helplessness, depression in life, negative fixation on one's appearance. Self-pity due to the inability to live a full life.
Arrhythmia Fear “nobody loves me.”
Asthma Suppressed fear. Fear of being treated poorly. Lack of courage to live a full life. Shyness in showing love.
Atherosclerosis Wrong attitude towards your body. The unwavering, unshakable desire of a woman to become stronger than a man and vice versa. Fear of “they don’t love me”; the sadness of a dull fossil.
Bacterial and fungal diseases Unspokenness and a group of other stresses.
Childlessness Stress in relationships with mother.
Infertility - male - female Having sex out of a sense of duty. Problems in your relationship with your mother. Submission to the mother in choosing a man - a sexual partner. Submission to the mother in the choice of girlfriends.
Myopia Fear of the future.
Pain: - acute - dull - chronic Acute anger sets in as soon as someone makes you angry and you start looking for the culprit; dull anger, a feeling of helplessness regarding the realization of one’s anger; long-term anger.
Bronchitis Depression from problems in relationships with mother or spouse, the feeling of love is infringed. Feelings of guilt and splashing it out in the form of accusations on others.
Bulimia The desire to take possession of an illusory future, to which in reality a person feels disgust. The desire to live as best as possible and the reluctance to live the life that is at the moment.
Veins (diseases) A woman's anger towards a man and vice versa
Sinusitis The desire to hide the offense.
Gastritis (ulcerative) Forcing yourself. The desire to be good, modest, hard-working, while swallowing the bitterness of disappointment. Fear of “they don’t like me.”
Headache Fear of “they don’t love me.” Dislike for husband (fear, anger).
Flu Dejection, dissatisfaction with oneself.
Diabetes Demanding gratitude from others in return. The destructive anger of a woman against a man and vice versa. Hatred. Wanting others to make my life good.
Diarrhea Despair associated with an acute desire to immediately get rid of everything; The desire to be strong and demonstrate one’s strength.
Dysbacteriosis Conflicting judgments regarding the activities of others.
Cholelithiasis Fierce fight against evil. Own bitterness Fierce anger. Anger towards your spouse. Reluctance to throw out bitterness (humiliation attracts other people's humiliation).
Stomach (diseases) Fear of being guilty. Duty to start. Forcing yourself to work; the desire to have a lot, to be an example.
Constipation Stinginess, stinginess. Shame about the results of your work.
Vision (problems) Self-pity, shyness. Fear of the future
Teeth (diseases) Coercion, an attempt to change one's neighbor, violence.
Heartburn Coercion out of fear.
hiccups Fear about the lost meaning of life.
Impotence Fear that “I am accused of not being able to feed my family, of not being able to cope with my job, of being no good as a man”; blaming yourself for the same thing. Fear of economic problems. A man feels guilty in response to a woman’s anger.
Stroke Revenge. Fear of the evil discontent of others.
Myocardial infarction Sadness “nobody needs my love.”
Cardiac ischemia Fear of being guilty, of being accused of lack of love; guilt.
Stones (gallstones and kidney stones) Fierce anger. The desire to rise above the bad man
Cysts Uncryed sadness.
Bleeding from the nose in a child. Helplessness, anger and resentment.
Lungs (diseases) Lack of freedom. Hatred of one's own slavery. Blame yourself.
Uterus (fibroids) Fear of “they don’t love me.” Feelings of guilt towards the mother. Excessive involvement in motherhood. Anger. Warlike thoughts associated with motherhood.
Uterus (tumors) Excessive feeling of emotionality.
Uterus (cervical diseases) Dissatisfaction with sex life.
Heavy menstruation The desire to cheat on your husband and thereby “punish” him. Large accumulation of stress.
Menstruation (absent) Having sexual problems hidden deep inside.
Migraine Inability to look for the cause of the malaise. Sadness and fear “they don’t love me.”
Urolithiasis disease Suppressing one’s humiliation due to accumulated diseases to the point of stony indifference.
Adrenal glands (diseases) Chronic fears.
Metabolic disease Disruption between giving and receiving.
Drug addiction and various types of addiction - work addiction, smoking, gambling Fear of “no love”, “they don’t love me”, feeling of guilt. Fear and anger that everything is not the way I would like. Not wanting to be who you are, wanting to be in a world where there are no worries. Disappointment in everything and everyone. The belief that no one needs a person and no one needs his love. Not wanting to be anyone.
Runny nose (rhinitis) Resentment towards the situation, lack of understanding of the reasons for this situation.
Neurasthenia The desire to be positive in everything, trying to please others.
Urinary and fecal incontinence The desire to free yourself from life's disappointments.
Baldness Fears, disappointments, stress “they don’t like me.”
Obesity Self-defense. Thirst for hoarding, fear of the future.
Osteoporosis Sadness at losing faith in one's own ability to regain one's former idealized and promising strength.
Swelling in the legs, calluses. Anger “everything is not the way I want it.” Unspoken reproaches to the husband regarding economic problems.
Memory (impaired) Thirst for an easy life, without barriers, without troubles.
Pancreas (diseases) The destructive anger of a woman against a man and vice versa. Hatred. The desire to do good first of all to others out of fear that the person is not loved. The desire to surpass oneself, selfishness, selfishness.
Diarrhea (diarrhea) Despair associated with an acute desire to immediately get rid of all unpleasant matters; the desire to be strong and demonstrate your strength.
Kidneys (diseases) Chronic fears.
Kidney stones Secret anger in the soul.
Prostate gland (diseases) Fear of losing material security, wealth.
Cancers The desire to appear good is the fear of being guilty, which forces you to hide your thoughts towards your loved ones. Unfulfilled goodwill, ill will and resentment.
Cancer in children Malice, bad intentions. A group of stresses that are passed on from parents.
Brain cancer Fear of “they don’t love me” Despair over one’s own stupidity and inability to come up with anything. Proving one’s benevolence by any means, up to and including consciously turning oneself into a slave.
Breast cancer My husband's accusation that my family doesn't like me. Suppressed shame.
Stomach cancer Malicious anger at myself - I can’t achieve what I need. Blaming others, contempt for those responsible for suffering.
Uterine cancer Bitterness because the male sex is not good enough to love a husband. Humiliation because of children or absence of children. Helplessness to change life.
Bladder cancer Wishing evil to bad people.
Esophageal carcinoma Dependence on your desires. Insisting on your plans, which others do not give way to.
Pancreas cancer Proving that you are a person.
Prostate cancer Fear that “I will be accused of not being a real man.” Anger at one’s helplessness due to women’s ridicule of manhood and fatherhood.
Rectal cancer Bitterness. Disappointment. Fear of hearing critical feedback about the results of work. Contempt for your job
Colon cancer Bitterness. Disappointment.
Cervical cancer The limitlessness of women's desires. Disappointment in sex life.
Tongue cancer The shame of having ruined my life with my own tongue.
Ovarian cancer Excessive feelings of duty and responsibility.
Multiple sclerosis Not getting what you wanted means anger and bitterness of defeat. Sadness and a feeling of meaninglessness in life.
Vomit Fear of the future. The desire to get rid of grievances and injustices, fear for the consequences, for the future.
Rheumatism Fear “nobody loves me.” Accusation through allegory. The desire to quickly mobilize oneself, to keep up everywhere, to get used to any situation - the desire to be mobile.
Premature birth Lack of love for the fetus, the child feels that he needs to go away from the place where he feels bad.
Diabetes The hatred of women and men for each other. Protest against orders and commands.
Blindness Seeing only bad things. Reluctance to see this terrible life.
Thyroid gland (dysfunction) Fear of being overwhelmed by life. Guilt. Communication problems.

Ecology of life: If you now think about how many different desires you had and still have, then you can understand how much toxin you have...

Mental purity is the key to physical purity.

How do you clean something that has become dirty? Water.

Or did a certain cleaning product come to your mind first?

Nothing surprising, because Going overboard with cleanliness is common.. The baby of a newborn is even stuck in soap foam - the best foam in the world, invented especially for your baby.

After all, everything has been checked and permission from the Health Department has been received. But it’s not customary to think about whether this is necessary.

Health is cleanliness

Until the age of one, a child does not need any cleaning products, including soap, unless he helped his father repair the car.

Excessive cleanliness destroys the bacteria that protect the skin, and the child becomes covered with scabs. This is how the body expresses a protest against the unnatural situation imposed on it, which separated it from its friends - the necessary bacteria. And now he himself has to do what his destined friends used to do.

He has no other remedy than tissue fluid, also known as lymph, which begins to ooze from all pores and, at best, dries up in the form of a scab.

Regardless of where the scab forms, it always represents the energy of muffled or suppressed pity.

The scab is dried up sadness.

If you are unhappy with the birth of a child, it means that you have not done the preliminary work necessary for childbirth, and you are an inept and helpless person.

If you are ashamed of your inability and helplessness, then you suppress them in yourself and do not ask for help.

Throwing down from above: “Oh, it’s okay, I’ll manage somehow/” is the suppression of one’s own helplessness, and then, you see, sadness arises because of one’s sluggishness.

Soon it comes to tears. This is already self-pity, developing into pity for the child.

Pity causes a decline in vitality, or impotence.

Microbes are considered something terrible, and the fight against them is being waged on all fronts. Antibacterial detergents have already been invented - soap and, of course, even toothpaste.

He who fears hates and fights.

If you make a mistake like this and your baby has allergies, then know that there are two reliable means to wash away the disease: pure water for external use and goat milk for oral use.

Herbal teas, which are suitable for both internal and external use, are not considered by me here.

A goat is an animal that eats all the plants that grow in a given area and make up the local vegetation. She does not even disdain nettles and burdocks. Therefore, her milk is complete and closest to mother’s milk.

Goat milk no need to boil or dilute, it does not cause allergies and is the best remedy for all diseases. It nourishes and cleanses at the same time, making it ideal for treating allergic diseases in children.

Some parents get a goat for a sick child and do not regret it.

Goat's milk also puts old, exhausted people on their feet.

Properties of goat milk:

Protein content averages 4.49%, fat content - 4.37%;

Thanks to its finer structure, it is absorbed five times better than cow's milk;

The fatty acids it contains have a unique ability to reduce cholesterol and regulate metabolism;

Compared to cow's milk, it contains more iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, zinc, phosphorus and biologically active casein;

- it contains twice as much vitamin A as cow's milk, vitamin B1- 50% more vitamin B2, - 80%, and also contains more vitamins C and D;

Unlike cow's milk, it has an alkaline reaction, making goat's milk an effective remedy for high acidity;

Goat milk has a high antibacterial and antihemolytic effect (prevents the destruction of red blood cells in the blood);

To satisfy a child’s natural daily need for proteins and fats, goat’s milk requires 30-40% less than cow’s milk.

The therapeutic effect of goat's milk varies from person to person, but occurs no earlier than after a week.

If the allergic rash intensifies at first, this is a sign of cleansing, which suggests that the amount of milk should be increased to 0.5 liters per day.

Set aside all other foods at first, as goat's milk gives the infant everything he needs.

Along with allergies, goat milk cures anemia, lack of appetite, increased acidity, peptic ulcers, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, dystrophy, rickets and other metabolic disorders, as well as hearing impairment.

There are two types of allergies to cow's milk:

  • firstly, an allergy to proteins - goat milk cures it,
  • secondly, an allergy to sugar - goat milk does not cure it.

Researchers of the healing properties of goat's milk, however, note that it is not a panacea for all diseases, and I agree with this.

And this means that a bad thought cannot be overcome by any good remedy. Our materialized bad thoughts should wash out of the body with water. Water cleanses the body both outside and inside.

What kind of water are we talking about? There are two types of fluid in the body: blood and lymph .

Which one do you think is capable of cleansing? If you decided that it was blood, then you are mistaken. Blood carries nutrients and is a provider of lessons. Everything material that we absorb into the body is brought to the cells in material form by the blood.

Everything material is essentially materialized spirituality, which we now need to assimilate on the material level.

The blood can carry poison with it, but if the lymph were pure, like spring water, it would remove the poison from the cell so quickly that the poison would not have time to harm the cell. Only information would remain about what happened in the cell, which was ultimately necessary.

The more toxins in the lymph, the thicker it is and the slower its movement. It does not get to its destination at the right time and is so clogged that it does not clean. Cells are damaged. Without stress, waste would not settle in the lymph.

What stress pollutes the lymph? Remember what kind of stress turns the lymph of the nasal cavity into mucus. Resentment. For a person who is easily offended, the energy of resentment does not fit in his nose. She is looking for a larger container for herself, as if saying: if you cannot live without being offended, I will have to look for a way out.

Resentments for the same reason accumulate in one place, grievances for another reason - in another, and so on. All together is resentment.

There are people who are often offended outwardly, but manage without a runny nose. And there are those who don’t seem to be offended at all, but still get sick. In both cases, suppressed resentment accumulates in the body. At some point, the lymph in the body turns into mucus, and since nothing can be cleansed with mucus, the body becomes sick.

  • The disease can affect one organ, such as the nose, eye, ear, lung, kidney, heart or liver.
  • Or it can affect tissue - for example, bone, muscle, fat, connective or nervous.
  • Or a part of the body - for example, an arm, a leg, a head, a stomach, a back.
  • Or an organ system - for example: nervous, metabolic, cardiovascular, genitourinary, digestive, hematopoietic, lymphatic.

It all depends on the nature of our offense.

What causes resentment? Because a person does not get what he wants. In reality, a person never gets what he wants. He always gets what he needs. If only we had more intelligence to ask ourselves about every desire that arises: “Do I need this?” - and wait for the answer coming from within ourselves, then we would understand whether it is necessary or not.

In both cases, the soul is calm. It’s not necessary, it’s not necessary - and that’s the end of it. If necessary, we begin to act purposefully and slowly, without focusing on the goal. We need ten times more than we get.

Awareness of our needs forces us to achieve the fulfillment of these needs. Since with our fears we turn needs into desires, it takes us ten times more time, effort and money to fulfill our desires, and in the end we always get ten times less than we need. And on top of that, resentment.

If we released our desires, we would act according to our needs and get everything we need without any resentment. There is no need for her as a teacher if a person thinks correctly. Remember thatdesire is invariably accompanied by resentment. Even when you want what you need.

A good person wants good things, and therefore a good person snots more often than a bad person. Perhaps you have noticed this yourself.

A good person is offended to the core if he considers himself entitled to get what he wanted.

The bad one knows that he is bad and that he has no right to demand what he wants.

A bad person immediately agrees that there are no good or bad people, that a person simply exists.

However, this simple truth is very difficult to explain to a good person, since fear does not allow him to voluntarily give up the aura of a good person.

If a person wants little, he gets it if there is a need for it. And on top of that he gets offended.

If a person wants something big, but doesn’t get it if there is no need for it, then he earns more resentment.

If a person desires especially much, but also does not receive it, if there is no need, then resentment develops especially great.

This is how resentment accumulates - it accumulates drop by drop from small desires, spoons from large ones and scoops from especially large ones. At some point, the cup overflows, and the disease is measured out to the person according to the volume of the cup.

I. If a person desires earthly goods, then his resentment turns into a disease of the physical body.

II. If a person desires spiritual values- love, respect, honor, attention, care, understanding, affection, etc. - resentment turns into mental illness: mental imbalance, neuroses, psychoses.

If a person drowns out these energies by restraining himself, trying to behave politely and intelligently, practicing self-hypnosis, or taking medications, then diseases of the organs or tissues in the chest area occur.

III. If a person desires spiritual values, then he probably considers the mind to be spirituality and begins to study. So the need for spiritual growth, that is, the need to rise, turns into a desire to surpass someone or something, and if this happens, the desire to become a boss arises. It is possible that exaltation turns into arrogance.

For an intelligent person, social position is of vital importance, and a fall can be fatal. If he seriously considers himself spiritually superior to others, then when he falls he will hurt himself painfully.

A high social position is an elective matter, and therefore temporary and unstable. It is much safer to occupy a professional position that allows you to be better than others with the help of knowledge and experience.

Whoever, in order to achieve a high position, pretends to be superior to others spiritually, the fall serves as a good lesson for him. Plopping down on the ground, he either gains reason or loses the last bits of it.

The unwillingness to admit his stupidity forces a person to study, study and study again in order to prove that the people who brought him down have committed and continue to commit stupidity. His cranium is likened to a trash can, in which there is no longer room for the next portion of garbage.

This is how brain diseases arise, the most severe of which is insanity . This is the worst thing that can happen to a person.

Whatever illness is the reason for leaving this world, we are only talking about the termination of the lesson and the beginning of the school break. When the spirit leaves a person, the person turns into an animal, which is the only possible backward movement on the path of development. That's why they fear madness above all else.

If you now think about how many different desires you have had and still have, then you can understand how much waste there is in you. And also reluctances, which are essentially the same desires. “I wish good” and “I don’t wish bad” are essentially the same thing.

Everything that a person did not invent, did not expound and did not outlive becomes slag.

  • Fabrication, that is, correcting the state of mind develops the spirit.
  • Announcement lightens the soul, but what was spoken soon accumulates in the soul again.
  • Survival relieves body and soul, but is one big self-deception.

Man differs from animals in that he is capable of thinking. Anyone who claims that an animal does not think at all is mistaken. Animals are created to preserve life and its evolution, humans are created to develop life.

Evolution and development are two different things. Of paramount importance to them is the ability to think with the heart, in other words, the ability to recognize the possibility of survival and behave accordingly.

The animal way of thinking develops horizontal energy, i.e. the material world; the human way of thinking, on the contrary, develops vertical energy, i.e. the spiritual world.

Both man and animal are teachers for each other. Sometimes you can hear that an animal is more intelligent than a person. There is no more unflattering assessment for a person. This implies that the animal eats when it gets hungry. Out of greed, a person strives to take away his neighbor’s last thing, even if he himself is full. An animal is a keeper, a person is a spender.

The animals around us teach us to recognize the animals in ourselves so that we can find the Human within ourselves.

So, a frightened person lives by desires. There are an infinite number of desires, and each of them brings into the body a small or large resentment, which materializes at a certain moment into the corresponding illness.

If a person does not get what he wants immediately, he becomes offended.

There are grievances that we feel and are aware of, but there are also those that we do not want to acknowledge, because this humiliates us in our own eyes.

We swallow the insult and pretend that nothing happened, and the digestive tract has to digest the insult. Since resentment is not food, the digestive tract is unable to digest it. Disease of the digestive tract indicates that a person was unable to do what he wanted.

The attitude towards ourselves determines the attitude of others towards us, and therefore we are forced to swallow resentment about what others do to us. Not knowing how to be ourselves, we make ourselves dependent on other people. We try to be good and justify the offensive behavior of our neighbor.

If someone reproaches, saying, why do you allow yourself to be treated like this, we immediately reassure him, saying, okay, it’s okay. Look, the offender had a difficult childhood, and life wasn’t going well, that’s why he behaves this way. I'll swallow it somehow. And you swallow.

Sometimes you don’t want to swallow a grudge, but you have to do it, because a lot depends on it. With an expression of feigned joy on your face, you clench your teeth so as not to vomit. Then you hate yourself for licking someone else's ass. The digestive tract is getting worse.

When on the street you come across a schoolboy who picks his nose with his finger and blows snot into his mouth, you are indignant at why the child behaves so indecently and why children are not taught to blow their nose. You do not understand that at this moment the child is your teacher. He says: “I eat snot, but so do you. My earthly snot will be digested in the digestive tract, and your spiritual snot will make your digestive tract sick if you do not release it.”

Sometimes it feels like you don't care about your heart. You reverence something as a shrine, you live for it, you put your whole soul into it, and you feel how painfully a derogatory assessment of your neighbor resonates in your heart. You are easily hurt because you want the other to sacredly honor the same thing as you. That is, you want to turn another into a likeness of yourself. You don’t understand that you are fixated on your holiness and thereby destroying this holiness.

The other did the same. Sometimes you are offended by a random word heard on the street or in a completely strange company, where they know nothing about you and your value orientations.

The more heartfelt you want to be, the more heartless insults you attract to yourself, and your heart becomes worse.

The other only expressed his opinion, and he, naturally, has no idea that you took it into your heart and left it there. But even if he knew about this, he would not be able to extract from you what you have absorbed. No one can learn a lesson you haven’t learned for you.

People also often resort to the concept of "spit in the face". Primitive people do it physically, developed people do it spiritually. An intelligent person can even shout out his opinion in the face of his interlocutor, so much so that he showers him with splashes of saliva, but a person who zealously guards his intelligence can, in anger, spit in his interlocutor’s face so much that he will henceforth avoid the offender like the plague. Especially if the offended person feels that knowledge or skillful work has been desecrated, while the offender himself does not shine with either intelligence or skill.

This feeling of bitterness does not leave the face of the offended person until he releases his bitterness.

They spit in the face of someone who has excessively large illusions. The face expresses the attitude towards illusions. A person who lives according to his needs does not expect or demand from others the realization of his illusions. The more delighted you are with your rainbow illusions, the less able you are to assess the possibilities of their implementation. If you stubbornly chase what you want, your neighbor’s patience will run out, and he will express to your face everything that he thinks about you. You feel as if you were spat in the face. You are deeply offended because you were not given the right to vote.

If you asked yourself: “Why did this happen?” - then you would understand that the offender treated you exactly the same way as you treated him. The only difference is what one thought and the other said.

Do you know what a helpless person acts when they tie him hand and foot and, in addition, begin to torture him? He spits in his tormentor's face, and then whatever happens.

If they spit their opinion in your face, it means that your desire turned out to be unreasonably great. If you release the desire, you will be able to forgive the offender, because you will realize that you yourself provoked him. Whatever the desire is, it is still a desire to get something or someone. In other words, desire is self-interest, a thirst for profit.

  • If we want to get things, then this is a small desire, even if we are talking about a million.
  • If we want to get a person, then this is a big desire, and it can cost more than one million. As a result, you get his body.
  • If you want to get the love of this person, then even if you pay at the cost of your life, you will not receive love. Love is not received, love is given.

Without getting what you want, you can go crazy. You can perform as noble deeds as you like, trying to prove that you are worthy of the love of this person. You may be an idol for the whole world, but until you release your desire, this person will not give you what you want.

People who have money, strength and power can lose their minds, but if their self-interest turns into greed, death calls them to itself. Self-interest is the desire to acquire. Greed is the desire to grab a fatter, bigger piece and as quickly as possible. These desires differ only in the time factor. If a person is in a hurry, which means he is afraid that he will not get what he wants, self-interest turns into greed.

When I began to look at these energies in people, they appeared before me in the form of well-known symbols, which everyone can release. Selfishness is like a devil sitting in a person. With a tail and horns, as he is usually drawn. Greed is the Death lurking in man. With a braid and a black cape.

Selfishness turns a person’s life into hell, and he himself turns the lives of other people into hell. People usually don't understand this. If someone says about you that you are a real devil, then do not wait until they say it to your face. Free your devil. Although the speaker saw himself first of all in you, if his own features were not smaller than yours, he would have told you this straight to your face. His little devil is afraid of your big devil.

Whenever you feel that life has become hell, free yourself from your prince of darkness. Otherwise, it's time! - and suddenly turns into an old woman with a scythe in her hands. She waves her scythe, knowing no mercy, just like your greed. He mows down one quickly, and takes a long time to process the other.

  • Who wants to cut off material benefits, The scythe will cut first of all on the legs.
  • Who wants to gain honor and glory, First of all, it will slash him on the head, that is, he will take away his mind.

Death comes to the aid of a person when he sees that he is no longer able to learn anything in this world.

Desire is a very broad concept. Some people are offended by the mere fact that their tiny, mouse-like fearful expectation is called desire or, worse, greed. After all, he didn’t own anything and doesn’t intend to have anything, and he was accused of greed.

And at the same time, the one who publicly announces, they say, yes, I want to have it, yes, I am greedy - they sing praises to him and surround him with honor.

Waiting, yearning, desire, demand - patient or impatient, quiet or loud, in thoughts or in deeds - is essentially greed.

Selfishness can cause a small hidden resentment that no one, including the offended person himself, notices, or an infinitely large resentment that is impossible and does not want to be hidden.

The nature of the resentment determines the nature of the disease.

  • Those who do not dare to express their feelings earn hidden illnesses.
  • He who dares to show his badness earns illnesses visible to the eye, for courage is fear suppressed beyond recognition, which cannot help but demonstrate its superiority over those who are timid.

Courage is pride, which cannot exist without sticking out itself. Pride and resentment do not exist without each other. The greater the pride, the greater the offense, and the more a person is offended, the greater the pride becomes. Until it thunders down.

Selfishness and greed are concepts of the material level. We create an earthly hell for ourselves and then escape from this creation in the arms of death, which in reality is eternal life.

On earth we yearn for heavenly paradise. Once we get to heaven, we strive to return to earth. Finding ourselves again on earth, we forget heavenly wisdom and again follow the lead of self-interest.

Selfishness makes a person unclean in soul, and his lymph turns into impurity. When the pollution of the lymphatic system reaches a critical point, the body is unable to live further. Greed makes a person bloodthirsty at heart, and his blood thickens. When the blood thickens to a critical point, circulation stops and the body dies. So the soul was freed from the unwanted thing, as the person desired during his life.

Lymph symbolically corresponds to a man. Man is a Spirit, like Heaven, who creates Earth - materiality.

Blood symbolizes woman. A woman is a Soul, similar to the Earth, which creates Heaven - spirituality.

Lymph is vital juices, blood is life itself. Just as lymph is part of the blood, so a man is a part of a woman. Half of the blood consists of lymph. In the same way, a woman is half a man.

Your attitude towards your mother and women, as well as towards your father and men, is reflected in the state of your blood and lymph.

Blood consists of lymph and formed elements. Just as Heaven surrounds the Earth so that the Earth does not perish, so blood plasma, i.e. lymph, surrounds the formed elements so that they do not perish. This is how the spirit was created, designed to protect the soul so that the body does not perish.

In other words, This is how a man was created on the material level, called upon to protect a woman in order to save life.

By following these laws of creation within ourselves, we can destroy our wrong attitudes in one breath. Health presupposes a balance of male and female energy in the body. A small deviation from balance leads to a small disease. A large deviation means a serious illness.

  • If you want to receive something from your father, husband, son or male, but do not receive it, then you become offended, and a drop of mucus is mixed into your lymph.
  • If you want to receive something from your mother, wife, daughter or female, but do not receive it, a drop of mucus is mixed with the blood.

This means that your blood already initially feeds you with resentment. And this means that, having become angry with your mother, you will certainly be angry with your father. One anger gives rise to another, and the result is illness.

Every person has an innumerable number of desires, and they keep coming. It is neither possible nor necessary to release them all at once. A specific desire itself knows when to give a sign about itself so that you release it. If you pay at least a little attention to your thoughts every day, then your desires will not go unnoticed. If they remain, they show what stress can do to a person.

Now I will describe what the desire to not be forced looks like, the desire to live a free life, also known as resentment towards coercion - festering eyes, greasy hair, a saggy body, dulled feelings.

Fatigue from coercion kills all hope that the eyes will see anything other than orders, the ears will hear anything other than desires, the nose will smell anything that has no self-interest, the tongue will feel anything that is devoid of the taste of profit, and the hands touch something that doesn’t immediately have a price tag attached to it.

Resentment settles in the nose, resentment - in the body. Both stresses can arise separately and be separately released through their own focus of the disease, or they can develop into each other. Insults swallowed or accepted in the heart cause resentment.

As you can see, the nose is in direct connection with the third and fourth chakras. A spiritual creature has self-awareness, knowledge of its own self. This includes awareness of your development, mental and intellectual state.

Fear turns self-awareness into conceit, into an overestimation of the importance of one’s own person.

Conceit is expressed in the form of pride and arrogance.

Pride is offended, arrogance is higher than offense.

You can be offended by others and yourself.

A smart guy is more offended by others.

A smart person is more offended by himself.

They usually say about a smart person: “He turns up his nose.”

Cleverness strives to settle in a person’s nose. If cleverness meets a rebuff, it usually remains in the person’s nose, since the clever person does not see beyond his own nose. He sees that he was offended. Having been repeatedly hit on the nose, a person becomes aware of the attitude of others towards him and harbors a grudge.

Long-suffering personal experience gives rise to and cultivates conceit in a person, that is, the desire to live by one’s own mind. Such a life condemns a person to torment and aggravates the feeling of resentment.

A person with high self-esteem mercilessly hits those whom he considers stupider on the nose, and he himself receives slaps in the face from those who are smarter than him, because his pride wants to assert his superiority. To this end, he swallows everything that surpasses him on the physical level, and therefore humiliates him. And everything that surpasses him on a spiritual level, he absorbs into his heart. More dangerous is the resentment that is kept in the heart, because it damages love.

Conceit, i.e. living with your own mind, is egoism, it is also arrogance.

Resentment turns into resentment in the throat, from where it is then swallowed or migrates to the heart. How? With the help of conceit, that is, your own mind.

If a person is forced to admit the stupidity of his own mind, or, simply put, his stupidity, his throat hurts. This means that the person is offended. A vague resentment is a subconscious resentment towards oneself. The more resentment is expressed in undisguised anger, the stronger the pain in the throat. In everyday language, The more a person burns himself, the more his throat hurts.

Awareness of one's own stupidity humiliates the sense of pride and makes a person dependent on his stupidity. Humiliation leads to inflammation. The feeling of unbearable humiliation causes purulent inflammation in the throat, which often causes complications in the heart, kidneys or connective tissue. The more angry a person is because of his own stupidity and its consequences, the more serious the complications.

We usually call the pharynx the throat. Inflammation of the tonsils - sore throat - is the most common throat disease. The tonsils are the ears of the throat, i.e., the ears of conceit, which, like locators, catch something that might make one turn up one’s nose. Sooner or later, a person is let down by pride, which does not allow the mind to turn into prudence.

The smarter a person thought he was, the more he beat himself up and the more serious his sore throat. He or his child.

Remember the day before the sore throat when your child got it. For several days you praised him, and especially on that very day, but suddenly it turned out that he had some faults on his record.

Your resentment spilled out onto the child in the form of accusations. The joyful expression on his face faded, replaced by alienation. You didn’t pay attention to this, because in your righteously jubilant anger you exposed the little lies put into motion by the child out of a desire to appear better and fear of sincere confession. You told him to go to bed, and he went. I went without arguing, as usual.

A few hours later he was already lying with a sore throat and a high fever. A perfectly healthy child - and suddenly sick! You can honestly swear that the illness came out of nowhere, since the child did not have a cold the day before. You continue to consider physical factors to be the cause of illness.

Reveling in your own righteousness, you did not notice that the child’s humble obedience was a process of withdrawing into oneself, in which a person, feeling sorry for himself, becomes angry with himself in the same way as his neighbor does. The feeling of helplessness due to the inability to help one's parent caused mutual pity, through which the parent's anger was transferred to the child.

Behind all this was a change in your mood. For several days you were proud of yourself and praised your child because you saw yourself in him. Then the mood dropped, and the resulting frustration spilled out onto the child. He took it all and got sick.

Sometimes you are overcome by such rage - no matter who it is - that you gasp for air: you are choked by anger. Life seems unfair to you. If at this moment a child comes under your arm, you begin to shout at him. A child who has committed some minor offense during the day feels guilty and completely absorbs all your anger. After a few hours, his throat becomes sore and he feels suffocated.

One of these diseases is diphtheria . In the past - difficult - times, epidemics of diphtheria caused high mortality among children, while today children are vaccinated against diphtheria.

Since thought is stronger than any earthly remedy, children of today no longer fall ill with diphtheria, but with spasms of the larynx - laryngospasm . The larynx is also affected in scarlet fever.

One foreign doctor told me about a child who came to him with scarlet fever. Before that, he had suffered from scarlet fever thirteen times. I began to look at the cause of the disease. It turned out to be sad, hopeless, stubborn pride, which forces you to stretch your neck upward in the manner of a heron, although there are tears in your eyes. This energy materialized in the child in the form of scarlet fever, and children are mirror images of their parents.

A person who has had scarlet fever usually develops immunity to it, but in this case it did not arise because the beta-hemolytic streptococcus that causes scarlet fever was suppressed by drugs immediately, at the first signs of the disease. And stress, which was forbidden to show and which therefore remained unidentified, surfaces again and again in the form of the same disease.


Rhinovirus - desperately throwing around because of your mistakes.

Coronavirus - terrifying thoughts about your mistakes; the condition of fish thrown onto land.

Adenovirus - chaotic vanity, dictated by the desire to make the impossible possible, that is, the desire to atone for one’s mistakes.

Influenzavirus, or influenza A and B virus, - despair due to the inability to correct one’s mistakes, depression, desire not to be.

Paramyxovirus - the desire to correct all your mistakes in one fell swoop, knowing that this is impossible.

Herpes simplex virus, or common cold on the lips, - the desire to remake the world, self-flagellation because of the surrounding evil, a sense of responsibility for its eradication. This stress can develop into the idea of ​​conquering the world.

Coxsackievirus A - the desire to at least crawl and move away from the mistakes made.

Epstein-Barry virus - playing at generosity with one’s own limited capabilities in the hope that what is offered will not be accepted.At the same time, dissatisfaction with myself, saying that I’m being a fool, playing around, etc.

Cytomegalovirus - conscious, poisonous anger at one’s own sluggishness and at one’s enemies, the desire to grind everyone and everything into powder. This is the realization of hatred. Acquired immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - a fierce reluctance to be a nonentity.


Mycoplasma hominis - irreconcilable self-hatred for one’s cowardice, forcing one to flee. Idealization of those who died with their heads raised.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae - bitter awareness of one’s too small capabilities, but despite this, the desire to achieve one’s goal.

Chlamydia trachomatis - anger at having to put up with violence because of helplessness.

Chlamydia pneumoniae - the desire to appease violence with a bribe, while knowing that violence will accept the bribe, but will do it in its own way.


Streptococcus pyogenes - a savage desire to hang someone without rights on a bitch. Realization of one's unbearable humiliation.

Other beta-hemolytic streptococci (S. anginosus) - a growing challenge, like the ninth wave, to those who deprive freedom: I can live without freedom, whatever you want to do with me, I will live in spite of you.

Arcanobacterium haemolyticum - waiting for the right moment to commit petty deceit and malicious meanness.

Actinomyces pyogenes - seemingly calm weaving nets and setting traps to take revenge.

Corynebacterium diphtheriae - a cruel, insensitive desire to strangle someone in a noose.

Bordetella parapertussis - “an eye for an eye”: fair retribution for someone who did not rush to help when I needed it, and now needs it himself.

Bordetella pertussis - desperately powerless anger because of one’s defeat, an endless hidden struggle against injustice.

Neisseria gonorrhea - pride and arrogance, even when one is up to one’s ears in mud, an uncontrollable desire to throw in the face of the person responsible for the current situation: “Look what you’ve done!”


Candida albicans - forced submission and impotent anger in a hopeless situation, when nothing can be done, but still needs to be done. Simply put, you need to make candy out of shit.

Cryptococcus neoformans - concentration of forces in order to spite the critics to achieve the goal, while hitting the target in the bull's eye.

Sporothrix echenckii - a conscious desire to squeeze the last out of oneself or to suffer in order to prove something to oneself and others.

All fungi indicate an extreme degree of slagging. A man who has not washed for a long time says: “It’s time to go to the bathhouse, otherwise fungi will grow on your back.” These words contain a deep everyday meaning, and it follows from them that fungi grow where there is excessive pollution.

When a person wants to prove, in spite of everything, that he is able to live without freedom, like a fungus that can exist without sun and air, his body is affected by fungi.

Fungi come to the aid of a person so that he does not choke in his own dirt.

More than 200 species of anaerobic microbes that can live in the absence of atmospheric oxygen, facultative anaerobes and anaerobic microbes that can live only in the presence of atmospheric oxygen have been found in the larynx.

In childhood, inflammation of the larynx is usually caused by viruses, but starting from school age, the proportion of bacteria constantly increases. This means that a small child admits his guilt, that is, he blames himself, echoing the adults around him.

At school age, a child, out of a sense of self-defense, denies guilt or blames others.

This does not mean that a baby a few months old cannot have a purulent sore throat.

If a child, raised by an overloving mother who is constantly struggling with the outside world, suddenly feels that he can no longer breathe, then he falls ill streptococcal sore throat . Streptococcus is an anaerobic microbe.

If a person desperately fights to get out of a prison after destroying it, then a anaerobic infection . Whoever desperately fights to escape from prison, that is, to get out into freedom, has a aerobic infection . The advantage of an aerobic infection is that the pus itself rushes into the air, i.e. looking for a way out. After the pus is released, the disease subsides. An anaerobic infection does not seek a way out. It can destroy a dungeon even without oxygen.

The larger the focus of the disease and the fiercer the struggle of anaerobes, the more real the likelihood of blood poisoning.

Larynx is located in the center of the fourth chakra and expresses the characteristic features of communication. The larynx is affected when a person wants to prove his own rightness or the wrongness of another person. The stronger the desire, the more serious the illness. The immense fear that I will not be able to prove that I am right leads to a spasm of the larynx. The louder and angrier a person insists that he is right, the more evil the disease. When the voice disappears, it means that the body no longer allows you to raise your voice.

Surgical removal of tonsils shows how quickly it is customary to solve problems in the family. The parental desire for the child to obey big and smart adults leads to the removal of the child’s tonsils, because in every child a protest at some point develops against the need to accommodate and please.

By pleasing others, a person humiliates his dignity and loses his tonsils. If the parent does not understand the reason for the operation, he will raise the child in the same way as he was raised. When a person loses his tonsils - and they, as you remember, are the ears of conceit - then the non-existent ears will no longer perceive words. From now on, any offense will cultivate his conceit, or “ego.”

It is likely that a person who has had their tonsils removed will one day hear someone describe themselves as “heartless.”

Closing in on oneself in the name of survival actually makes a person much less sensitive. It’s no longer easy to make him dance to someone else’s tune. Anyone who feels that their illnesses stem from conflicts between parents tries to raise their child differently. For example, it does not require submission from him. But this is required outside the home. As a result, the child still has to have his tonsils removed. The tonsils are removed, but if the child has to, as before, indulge only the desires of others, then other tissues of the larynx are affected. This is usually what happens.

Well-meaning parents who had pinned their hopes on the operation are disappointed. Hope turns to despair. What is in the parents is also in the child. A feeling of hopelessness leads to spiritual and physical laxity.

If you want to see your hopelessness caused by the feeling of your worthlessness, then open your mouth and examine the uvula.

If you don't remember what it looked like before, you will only see external color changes.

Severe redness indicates inflammation, i.e. the release of anger.

The dilation of blood vessels indicates that you are in no hurry to realize yourself as a person, that is, you are not in a hurry to take care of yourself, since you are taking care of other people, including re-educating them, which you consider self-realization.

A slight increase in the tongue is not visible to the eye, but it is felt. The tongue becomes heavier with sadness caused by the need to suppress one's desires.

Sadness at the complete renunciation of oneself for the sake of others spreads to the soft palate, causing a sensation of tension, even a sensation of spasm.

The feeling of some kind of heaviness pulling down in the anterior wall of the respiratory tract becomes familiar, especially if the doctor assures that there is nothing special there.

From intense sadness or self-pity, the uvula becomes outwardly similar to a drop of water or a blister, while chronic hidden self-pity dries out the tissues, and the uvula takes on the appearance of a small, pointed, pale appendage.

Frequent swallowing due to the feeling of heaviness and tightness helps improve blood and lymph flow during the day, but not at night. At night, snoring performs this function. Snoring expresses despair at the inability to establish relationships with people.

An example from life. A 75-year-old woman was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on the roof of her mouth. According to doctors, the tumor came from the jawbone, or more precisely from a tooth, the root of which, as it turned out after the tooth was removed, was too long and protruded into the maxillary sinus.

The tooth hurt for ten years, but the woman was very patient and did not want to lose it. And there was no time to go to the doctor, since I had to take care of my sick mother. And then there were a ton of problems; there was simply no time left for myself. This tooth is not going anywhere.

The death of the mother and the extraction of the tooth occurred almost at the same time, I don’t even remember what preceded what. The wound took a little longer to heal than usual, but this was not an ordinary case. The woman did not blame the doctor. After this, the palate seemed to lose sensitivity for some time, however, now you can’t really remember what kind of feeling it was.

This is roughly what a person who belongs to the category of humble sufferers thinks. Even the most unpleasant situation finds a convincing justification for him. After all, the doctor said that this matter is now over.

Over these ten years, the unpleasant feeling of heaviness intensified and began to interfere with swallowing. Having ceased to distinguish the taste of food, the woman examined her mouth using a mirror, but found nothing and continued to endure. While examining the reddish thickening on the roof of the mouth, doctors discovered a small amount of old, thick pus in the maxillary sinus. He was washed with a rinse, but since it did not get better, additional studies were carried out, which revealed the unfortunate truth - cancer.

This woman surprised me with her disarming frankness. At the very beginning of our conversation, she said: “You know, I tried to forgive, but, probably, I’m such a proud person that I’m not able to do this.” - “Maybe you don’t know how?” - I asked. Inability, however, was not as big a problem for her as inability. She despised inability in any form. And this also speaks of her special demands on herself. Demand develops into dissatisfaction.

This woman’s natural restraint did not allow her to openly express a feeling of dissatisfaction, and the maximum demands on herself characteristic of higher education suppressed this feeling with even greater force.

It is rare to find calm logic, friendly understanding and clear consciousness in a seriously ill person, but she possessed all of this.

I explained to her that the roots of the right molar, which had penetrated into the maxillary sinus, indicated her mother’s excessive desire to influence the future of her child. The mother has implanted her material views, like roots, in the future of the child. In other words, the mother’s mind took root in the child’s rationality.

A similar process on the left side would speak of a domineering father.

If the child remains himself or at least fights for himself, then such tooth roots do not pose a health hazard. But if a child wants to be good and allows an overbearing parent to belittle him, then the root of his tooth becomes inflamed. The worst thing is if parents ridicule the spiritual aspirations of the child.

A child's life begins with parents

The attitude of parents towards a child determines their subsequent attitude towards their own child throughout life.

In our example, the problem was the mother, with whom the attitude towards the female sex begins. For the patient, the last straw that broke the cup of patience was her daughter, who laughed at her mother because she was worried about her fate. The more the mother worried about her daughter, the less the daughter told her about her life.

Whenever rumors reached the mother about her daughter’s affairs and behavior, the mother felt humiliated, insulted and clenched her teeth more and more tightly.

The patient, who had suffered from her mother, did not understand that in her relationship with her daughter she was becoming more and more like her own mother. The daughter ran away because she did not want the same suffering for herself. Each of them had their own pride.

The more difficult it is to assimilate wisdom, the higher the pride. It is human nature to learn through overcoming difficulties. The greatest difficulty can be posed by a parent who considers the child’s spiritual development to be his own achievement. A child who sets big goals for himself does not want his achievements to be talked about ahead of time.

The parent, bursting with pride, cannot wait.He should definitely show off the child.

This offends the child. The desire to be above all this forces him to hide his achievements from his parents. At first he does this out of self-defense, and later in revenge. When the secret comes out and the child is offended by it, the maxillary sinuses are affected.

Maxillary sinuses are a receptacle for the energy of self-pride. A person who loves to boast about himself mocks other people's secretiveness and reveals someone else's secret with special pleasure. If people whisper about the secrets of adults behind their backs, then the child’s emotional experiences are often not taken into account. To the thunderous laughter of a large company, they report on the child’s achievements, not realizing that this humiliates him. It's like a blow to the face of a man who jealously guarded his secret.

The sinuses are finally formed in children at the age of 4-5, since earlier children cannot hide their joy. If they are forced to do this, then the unblown resentment lingers in the pharyngeal tonsil. The more often the pharyngeal tonsil swells from sadness or becomes inflamed from humiliation, the more likely the occurrence of adenoids, saying that the child has no right to show his grievances.

Disease of the pharyngeal tonsil in adults makes itself felt in the form of irritation or pain in the depths of the nose, as well as due to frequent swallowing. We can hide our secrets from strangers, but not from our mother. We can deny the existence of a secret to her, but still the mother’s thoughts, her words and behavior will hurt, since the mother always gets to the point.

Mothers tend to reproach their child with a look of gloating when something doesn’t go well for him, because the child did not listen to his mother. Schadenfreude turns into ridicule when they want to shame a child in the eyes of others. Schadenfreude and ridicule are unkind anger that a child absorbs into himself, feeling sorry for himself.

My patient admitted that her mother had always been extremely domineering and that she herself often acted against her, although she knew that she was doing her own harm. The main thing is to insist on your own.

The difficult death of her mother exhausted the patient so much that she no longer wanted anything else. The tension was so great that when she would wake up in the middle of the night, she would find that her teeth were clenched to the point of pain. She realized that this stemmed from her inability to tolerate her mother's displeasure. But she didn’t realize that the desire to get rid of the problem was tantamount to the desire to get rid of the mother.

On a physical level, this meant getting rid of the tooth. When someone wondered how she managed to endure all this, she felt proud that she succeeded, but because of the same pride she did not allow herself to show this feeling. She would not forgive herself for a single bad word about her mother.

Let's sum it up

Rational pride in one's suffering caused cancer. This means that if a person wants to be higher than something, then he becomes worse than what he wants to surpass. Above pride there is only arrogance. This is what causes cancer. By beating ourselves, we slap ourselves on the nose and provoke others to do the same to us.

Turning up your nose, that is, pride, leads to a sudden outbreak of anger.

1. The more painfully you are clicked on the nose and the more helpless you feel, the more suddenly and as if for no reason your nose begins to run.

2. The stronger the sadness due to one’s own inadequacy, the more the nose swells and the more stuffy the nose is.

3. The more pride feels sorry for itself, the more it runs from the nose. Or it drips.

4. The more offensive the situation, the snottier the nose.

5. The more you think about your offense, the thicker the snot.

6. A sniffling nose indicates that the person does not yet understand what happened to him.

7. Noisy blowing of thick snot means that a person believes that he knows exactly who or what the offender is.

8. A flash of revenge causes a nosebleed. The more bloodthirsty the thirst for revenge, the stronger the bleeding.

Pride always sets itself a goal, which it begins to take by storm. There seems to be no other possibility for her. If the goal is not conquered, there is only one way out. This means the person no longer has a choice. The organ of choice has been taken away from a person - ethmoid bone, which is located between the eyes on the back of the nose.

If there is absolutely no hope that the wish will come true, that is, if a state of complete hopelessness arises, the ethmoid bone is completely blocked both energetically and physically and completely stops allowing air to pass through.

The more unbearable the situation and the more pity it evokes, the more the sense of smell is impaired, since self-pity leads to dysfunction of organs and tissues. A sudden feeling of hopelessness due to the inability to find any way out causes a sharp disturbance in the sense of smell. The more unrealistic the possibility of finding a way out of a hopeless situation seems, the less hope there is for restoring the sense of smell. As soon as hope arises, the sense of smell begins to recover, although this is completely impossible from a medical point of view.

The release of hopelessness gives rise to hope, and if you don’t get hung up on it, that is, if you don’t turn hope into hopelessness, then your sense of smell is restored. A sudden loss of smell can cause complete confusion.

Everything in life has a downside, and so it is here. The flip side of the perception of the odors of the primitive, material world is the perception of the energies of the spiritual world. Everything that exists has its own special smell, but few people feel it. The better a person wants to be and the better thing he wants to get, the more emotionally he reacts to different smells. He perceives some smells as a divine aroma, and others as a terrible stench. Since he does not grasp the essence of the matter, he falls for the bait of divine aromas.

Here I want to emphasize thatYou should never demonstrate your superiority over pride.

Pride feels wounded by the mere fact that someone or something seems better to it than itself. After all, in others she sees what she wants to see, and it does not occur to her that others might think differently. The more she tries to outdo others, the more resentful she becomes. Having overtaken a man leisurely walking his way, she feels the excitement of sports.

Overtake, beat, outrun. A peacefully walking traveler is perceived by her as a weakling, which she will not fail to think about or express out loud. Everything that she doesn't like offends her.

Sports passion is manifested not only in sports, but also in the desire to become more beautiful, smarter, richer. If you fail to overtake the person in front, the resentment is aggravated. The higher the goal, the stronger the resentment.

Since pride is inherent in everyone, it is also common for everyone to be offended. Just because you haven't had a runny nose in a while doesn't mean you're not offended. This means that you don't show your runny nose. When you learn to release your desires, resentment will disappear by itself, and ailments that seem to have nothing to do with the nose will also disappear. For example, any disorders or diseases of the brain.All everyday problems can be interpreted in the light of resentment.

Try to view your life through the lens of resentment for a while, and you will be surprised. Your own grievances will seem incredible.

You will understand why you so easily reproach your neighbor: “Why are you offended over such trifles? It would be because of something!” If you had not said this, he would not have realized that he was offended. Subconscious resentment is enhanced by the conscious one that your words awakened. The more a person tries to deny resentment, the more he suppresses it in himself, but you cannot hide it from human eyes.

That’s why a person says with offense: others know more about me than I do myself.

The way it is. Therefore, every person subconsciously desires to be untainted.

The desire is realized only on the physical level, and its consequence is an unhealthy desire for purity. The more problems a person has with his internal uncleanliness, i.e. with resentment, the higher the requirements for both one’s own and others’ cleanliness.

He is still more or less satisfied with the results of his ultra-thorough cleaning, but never a stranger. In the event of an excessively great offense, he will not hide his dissatisfaction and resentment due to the fact that he is not taken into account. He only has the right to be offended, since he only wants good things, and everyone is offended by his discontent, as if he wants bad things. Showing resentment can be demonstrative.

H The more intelligent a person is, the less he flaunts his resentment. In other words, the less he demonstrates his inner uncleanliness. An intelligent person most likely arranges daily demonstrative performances of his resentment for his family or loved ones, so as not to inadvertently choke in his own sewage.He does not admit that he offends others.

What especially hurts loved ones is that outside the home a person exudes an abyss of hypocritical charm, while those at home have to contemplate a nasty toad. Only first-class stress suppression experts know how to act everywhere as if nothing happened. This ability comes from the desire to be better than everyone else and from the desire to prove that I am better than everyone else. This way of thinking results in serious illnesses.

Treatment of any disease should begin first with cleansing. If the house is clean, then we can say that everything is in order in this family.

The sterile order, characteristic of modern European standards, is an excessive order, unnecessarily tiring. This order, which causes illness, exists among those who are afraid of appearing dirty, sloppy, vulgar.

This fear forces one to hide one’s inner dirt, sloppiness and vulgarity behind an external guise of special cleanliness, order and intelligence.

Treatment with chemicals can be correlated with the establishment of visible, or external, order in the house.

Meanwhile, internally the mountain of garbage is growing.

If the garbage no longer fits in the body, the disease cannot be cured externally.It becomes chronic.

Those who are always in a hurry, driven by fear, certainly want to get rid of the disease as soon as possible. It is completely natural for him to open destructive fire from all guns due to illness.

He does not see that his body is turning into a cemetery for microbes, and what he does not see does not exist. He does not consider microbes to be guards of his body and poisons them as enemies. Wrong principles, like spiritual poison, and chemistry, like earthly poison, make the poisoner hopelessly ill. In such a situation, plants can help.

You may feel the effects of the plant superficially, but if you believe in it, then the plant gives everything to cleanse you from the inside of poisons.

By thinking about extraneous things or doing something of your own and drinking herbal tea in between, you show the plant that you do not believe in it. The plant is not able to break through the wall of your disbelief. Only homeopathy and homotoxicology begin treatment with cleansing of the body and do this on a scientific basis.

Preparations made primarily from natural products and free of chemicals are increasingly used throughout the world. Since they act slowly, in the treatment of acute life-threatening diseases, they should be taken along with drug treatment.

Once the crisis is over, it is advisable to abandon chemistry.

After treatment with chemicals, it would certainly be necessary to cleanse the body of toxins with homeopathic or homotoxicological medicines. A homeopath can recommend these medications.

There are no professional homotoxicologists in our country, which is very unfortunate, since over the past 50 years, 18 million new chemical compounds have been adopted in the world, of which 300,000 are allergens for humans. This means that one person can have 300,000 different poisonous thoughts with which he drives away the unfamiliar.

It may seem incredible, but a person has everything that exists in the world. Which thoughts take root and manifest themselves as illness depends on the goals for which a person fights with all his might. The more poisonous a person’s way of thinking, the greater the amount of corresponding poisons he attracts to himself, absorbs and keeps with him. This same person will probably go out of his way to find a way to remove this chemical from the body without harming the body. But the fact that this can be achieved by simply correcting the mindset, it doesn’t even occur to him.

Homeopathy and homotoxicology are by far the friendliest healers, and yet people still hold out hope that someone will help them with some remedy.

The release of stress allows you to cope with your illnesses on your own.published . If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project .

© Luule Viilma

Let me remind you that thanks to the joints, the hard skeleton turns into a strong, mobile and elastic system that forms the basis of the human body. In other words, every joint is a mother who makes a father a man. The joint reflects the true relationship between my mother and my father, no matter how it may appear from the outside. The leg joints characterize the economic advancement of my parents and the solution to these problems during my childhood.

A common illness is ossification of the hip and knee joints. The pelvis symbolizes family. The basis of the strength of the family is the husband, whom the wife makes a man with her love. The hip joint shows flexibility and mobility of economic life in the family. If the mother is unyielding in economic matters and this angers the father, then the left hip joint becomes ossified. The bone is also destroyed. If the mother, with her intransigence, begins to get angry with herself and the family, then the right hip joint ossifies. If the father shares the mother’s anger caused by dissatisfaction, then bone tissue is also destroyed. Knee joints signify economic advancement. If a child does not increase the mistakes of his parents, but, on the contrary, reduces them, then parental disagreements in economic life do not affect his health.

A person with X-shaped legs is stingy. The more developed stinginess, the more bent the knees. If during life the innate “X”-shaped legs become even crooked, this means that the stinginess inherited from the parents in the person has intensified. And if the legs hurt, then stinginess makes a person angry. If a person born with straight legs has one leg that takes on an “X” shape, then one of the parents is stingy, and this leg certainly hurts.

Crooked legs in the shape of the letter "O" characterize a generous person. The more he overdoes his generosity, the more painful his financial situation becomes. The more a person squanders his fortune, the angrier he becomes, and the more his knees hurt. Or his loved ones harbor a grudge against him, since he condemns them to material deprivation. If a person harbors anger towards the extravagance of the male sex, then his left knee gets sick. If a person believes that women are to blame for lack of money, then the right knee gets sick.

Straight legs indicate economic balance. But if economic equilibrium is achieved through stinginess, then the economy may begin to sag, and the narrowing of the joint spaces = sagging expresses the anger associated with the economic decline. The thinner the wallet becomes, the angrier its owner becomes, and the more his legs shorten. Gradually, the knee joints become compressed, then they thicken. The pain accompanying this makes a person stop and think about his mistakes.

We restore health from the spine

Diseases of the spine and joints

Healthy spine

Everything in this world is Energy.

Energy = Light = Love = Universe = Unity = God

If you don't like the word God, then you are a person who, not tolerating dirt, throws away a sparkling precious stone along with it, not understanding what it is.

Different types of energy provide diversity in the world.

Health energy provides health. Unity does not know a state of rest; the energy of health is also in constant motion. Just as blood flows through blood vessels, and lymph through lymphatic vessels, so energy moves through special channels. Blood circulation can be maintained in the body with the help of an artificial heart, but when the flow of energy is interrupted, the person dies.

Energy channels are invisible to the eye. There are an innumerable number of them in the human body, and the central part forms the main energy channel, which is located in the spine. That is why we can call the spine the support of the body, both literally and figuratively.

The human body also contains energy centers, or chakras, which are reservoirs of energy, the normal filling of which is ensured by the normal, that is, healthy, state of the spine.

Every person should begin restoring their physical health from the spine. Our physique is perfect in its expediency. We are given all the auxiliary means for restoring the body from birth - eyes to see a mistake, and hands to correct it. The human skeleton + muscles is a finely regulated lever system, simple and universal if we keep it in working order.

Look at yourself in the mirror - how curved your body is. And don't look for excuses why it is like that. If you want to recover, you need to straighten your spine. Until a person understands that his health depends on his posture, it makes no sense to treat him further - he still won’t recover completely.

Sluggish body = sluggish soul = sluggish health

Don't forget that no vertebra in the spine can tolerate the slightest friction against another, and before you can begin to correct the curvature, you need to create space for the vertebrae. You should start by raising the vertebrae.


Sit on a hard chair (the exercise can be done standing or lying on the floor).

Place your palms on your upper thighs, resting your wrists on your lower abdomen. Focus your thoughts on your spine. Start lifting from the tailbone. Reinforce the physical recovery with a mental one. Imagine a cat raising its tail. Bend at the waist and mentally imagine that the sacrum is almost horizontal. Only in this way can the lumbar, thoracic and cervical vertebrae easily rise, since their backward curved position, reminiscent of laying tiles, and with it the enormous muscle tension in the back that accompanies it will disappear.

Mentally imagine that each vertebra individually rises straight up to its correct place, and slowly, resting your hands on your hips, straighten your back and stretch up. You will soon feel an improvement in your condition, that is: your shoulders are straightened, your arms are freely straight, your breathing is free, your back is straight. There are no such things as too long arms, only a short back.

Now relax your shoulders and stretch your neck up, more at the back of your head than your jaw, so that all the muscles in your upper torso are tense. Enjoy the stretching of your spine and experience the joy of it.

When, after such a stretching, you stand up, feel your body in a new way and feel that the spine is as if weightless and, if there were no restraining body, it would rush upward, then this will mean that you have reached the ideal and the main energy channel is open.

You are filled with a feeling of freshness. You will immediately feel better.

How often should you do this exercise? As often as quickly as you want to get well. Some once a day, and some a hundred. Everyone has their own goal and choice.

An ordinary person often cannot understand why he is forced to stretch his back if he came to be treated for a completely different disease. People don’t die from spinal ailments - that’s the usual motivation. And this is important because each vertebra corresponds to one organ or a pair of organs, the health of which is directly dependent on the condition of the vertebra. Looking at a diseased vertebra, you can determine, without seeing the organ itself, what is happening to it. For example, between the shoulder blades there is the 6th thoracic vertebra - the vertebra of the heart, a sharp shock of which, especially if the vertebra was previously injured, can even cause a heart attack. Damage to the 1st cervical vertebra – migraine, epilepsy, etc.

The longer the vertebra was damaged, the more serious the changes. Only when the critical point is passed does pain occur. If we had stretched our spine for prevention, then things would not have reached the critical point.

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