Take Mandelstam from mine for joy. Dead bees: benefits and applications in folk medicine

O. E. Mandelstam
"Take the joy from my palms"

Take joy from my palms
A little sun and a little honey
As Persephone's bees told us.

Do not untie an unattached boat,
Can't hear the shod shadow in the fur,
You cannot overcome fear in the dense life.

All we have left is kisses
Hairy like little bees
That they die when they fly out of the hive.

They rustle in the transparent wilds of the night,
Their homeland is the dense forest of Taygetos,
Their food is time, lungwort, mint.

Take my wild gift for joy -
A tatty dry necklace
From dead bees that turned honey into the sun.

Date of writing: 1920

Mandelstam Osip Emilievich - poet, prose writer, essayist.
Osip Emilievich Mandelstam (1891, Warsaw - 1938, Vladivostok, transit camp), Russian poet, prose writer. Relations with his parents were very alienated, loneliness, “homelessness” - this is how Mandelstam presented his childhood in his autobiographical prose “The Noise of Time” (1925). For Mandelstam’s social self-awareness, it was important to classify himself as a commoner, a keen sense of injustice existing in society.
Mandelstam's attitude towards Soviet power since the late 1920s. ranges from sharp rejection and denunciation to repentance before the new reality and glorification of I.V. Stalin. The most famous example of denunciation is the anti-Stalin poem “We live without feeling the country beneath us...” (1933) and the autobiographical “Fourth Prose.” The most famous attempt to take power is the poem “If only I would take coal for the highest praise...”, to which the name “” was assigned. In mid-May 1934, Mandelstam was arrested and exiled to the city of Cherdyn in the Northern Urals. He was accused of writing and reading anti-Soviet poems. From July 1934 to May 1937 he lived in Voronezh, where he created a cycle of poems, “Voronezh Notebooks,” in which an emphasis on lexical vernacular and colloquial intonations is combined with complex metaphors and sound play. The main theme is history and the place of man in it (“Poems about the Unknown Soldier”). In mid-May 1937 he returned to Moscow, but he was forbidden to live in the capital. He lived near Moscow, in Savelovo, where he wrote his last poems, then in Kalinin (now Tver). At the beginning of March 1938, Mandelstam was arrested in the Samatikha sanatorium near Moscow. A month later, he was sentenced to 5 years in the camps for counter-revolutionary activities. He died of exhaustion in a transit camp in Vladivostok.

YURSKY, SERGEY YURIEVICH, (b. 1935), actor, director, writer, poet, screenwriter. People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Bees are insects known to everyone since childhood, which provide people with a lot of products both in the food industry and in medical practice: honey, royal jelly, propolis, and dead bees. From the very first years we are given honey flakes, lemon and honey are certainly recommended for colds, hand creams with royal jelly, propolis-based ointments, and all this is given to us by our friends: bees. Dead bees, no matter how scary it may sound, are also our companions in the treatment of ailments.

Dead bees

After life, winged insects continue to benefit people; their bodies contain components such as chitin and melanin. The unique property of these components is that they are able to stop inflammatory processes, stimulate rapid wound healing, protect against ultraviolet radiation, treat diseased kidneys and eyes, and even normalize the functioning of the heart muscle. Thus, even dead bees are invaluable creatures.

In what forms is bee dead used?

There are many ways to use dead bees, from which medicine is made from dead bees: in the form of decoctions, in the form of infusion, in prepared ointments, and also by frying.

Recipes for medicines made from dead bees

There are various recipes for making medicines from dead animals.

Dead Bee Tincture

Making tincture

First, the dead insects are ground until smooth. The resulting powder is poured with half a liter of alcohol, you can use vodka. When preparing, you need to stir the contents once every three days. It is necessary to insist for 3-4 weeks. Store in a dark place. It is recommended to drink one teaspoon once a day, preferably in the evening. Used in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • high cholesterol;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • infectious-inflammatory and colds of the upper respiratory tract;
  • used for weight loss;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory processes of joints and joint pain;
  • dementia treatment;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • BPH;
  • sexual impotence;
  • mastitis;
  • in cosmetology to reduce wrinkles and increase skin elasticity and firmness.

Making a decoction

In order to prepare a decoction of dead bees, it is first cleaned of excess impurities (garbage), choosing only those insects that have not become moldy. Then dry in the oven for about 2 hours.

After this, take about 2 tablespoons of pomor and fill it with clean cold water in a volume of about 500 ml. Next, the container is brought to a boil and boiled for about 10 minutes over high heat, after which it is simmered for about 30 minutes over low heat. Next, the broth is filtered and taken in the form of compresses for the treatment of diseases of the joints and thyroid gland. Take ½ glass before meals for hypertension; ¼ glass before meals for diabetes, as well as for reducing excess weight.

The decoction is indicated for hypertension

Bee steam

Podmor steam is also widely used. In this case, dead bees (about 100-150 grams) steamed in fairly hot water are poured with water at a temperature of about 80 degrees and kept for about fifteen to twenty minutes.

After this, the resulting “medicine” is squeezed out, and then the steamed dead bees are applied to the place requiring treatment. Used in the form of compresses for mastitis, panaritium, and varicose veins. Cover with a plastic bag and leave for 30 minutes.

Fried dead meat

Fried dead meat is usually used for the same diseases as the tincture. About one large spoonful of dead bees is crushed and fried in 100 milliliters of vegetable oil. It is necessary to apply 1 teaspoon three times a day during the day.


The ointment is widely used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. To prepare it, you need to infuse the prepared powder from dead bees in a glass of boiling vegetable oil. You need to insist for at least a day.

Dead bees

For thickening, you can add any natural fat or honey. Apply for 7-10 days 2 times a day to the required areas of the skin.

Use in folk medicine

Dead bees are commonly used in folk medicine to treat a number of diseases. For the purpose of cleansing from toxins, in case of alcohol abuse, poisoning, heart disease and vascular diseases, an alcohol tincture of death is used.

Important! The dosage depends on the severity and age of the patient.

For cancer, prostate adenoma, and sexual impotence, a decoction of dead insects is usually used. Women have been using dead bees for a long time as a miracle cure for excess weight in the form of a decoction or tincture.

It should be noted that treatment with dead bees is becoming increasingly important and is used to treat a wide range of human diseases. The main thing is to correctly prepare and apply this or that “drug” to treat a specific ailment. Beekeepers do not need to throw away dead insects, but hand them over to the appropriate medical centers or competently use dead insects in folk medicine.

Bee products have long been used to treat diseases and strengthen the immune system. Most people not only enjoy using honey as a delicious natural sweet, but also treat numerous diseases. There are many supporters of treatment with propolis, pollen and royal jelly. But not everyone knows that tincture made from dead bees has valuable healing properties. In this publication we will talk in detail about how to prepare it and for what diseases it can be used.

What is podmor?

Dead bees are called dead bees. Beekeepers collect them at the bottom of the bee house. The greatest decline occurs in the spring. Because not all insects manage to survive the winter. During the summer, bees also die, but not in such numbers. Only fresh dead healthy minke whales are suitable for medicinal purposes.

The calves must be whole, clean and dry. You cannot use material that has mold or a very strong, almost nauseating smell. The collected waste is first sifted to get rid of debris. After this, it is dried in the oven at a low temperature (45°C is sufficient).

The tincture of dead bees smells very specific, but it is difficult to call this smell unpleasant.

The most suitable storage bag is made of natural fabric, which is hung in a well-ventilated area. If minke whale bodies have gone through all stages of processing and were stored correctly, then they retain their healing properties for several years. To date, scientists from many countries have conducted research on the properties of dead wood.

They all came to a common conclusion - dead bees contain a large amount of useful substances. The insect's shell consists of:

  • chitinous shell,
  • chitosan,
  • melanin.

These are substances that are amazing in their composition, capable of adsorbing and removing many harmful compounds from the body, as well as normalizing intestinal flora.

In addition, after the death of a bee, the body of a bee contains the remains of various honey products and bee venom, famous for its medicinal properties.

Podmor is a very effective raw material for the production of a variety of medicinal products - ointments, decoctions, infusions, including tinctures with alcohol or vodka.

When is tincture useful?

Tincture is an effective medicine made from dead bees. It is used both to treat many diseases and to strengthen the immune system of a sick person, which promotes a faster recovery. The product can also be taken by healthy people to strengthen the immune system and normalize the functioning of internal organs.

Podmora tincture should not be used by allergy sufferers, even if there is no allergy to bee products, at all stages of pregnancy, during lactation and by patients under 3 years of age.

The tincture is used as a remedy for many diseases, as well as to improve the functioning of human organs and systems:

In addition, this drug strengthens the immune system, which contributes to a faster recovery after serious illnesses or operations, as well as the occurrence of colds in a milder form. The product is taken orally or used for rubbing or compresses. External use promotes the healing of wounds and cracks in the skin, as well as the relief of joint or muscle pain.

VIDEO: How to get treatment, cure and live

Proven Recipes

Medicine from dead bees is prepared according to different recipes. We bring to your attention several “classic” recipes that have been successfully tested for more than one generation. Glass containers that are hermetically sealed are best suited for making the product.

  • Recipe 1 - vodka tincture (immune stimulation, against colds)

You will need:

  • 250 grams of dead meat,
  • 0.5 liters of good vodka.

Grind the dead minke whales in a mortar until they form a powder. Pour into a glass container and add vodka. The product is infused in a cool and always dark place for three weeks. Every three days the tincture should be shaken thoroughly to activate the process. The finished product should be consumed one teaspoon before meals in the morning and evening. If desired, you can drink it with water.

Do not drink tea or compote, or other drinks. It is not recommended to dissolve the tincture in water - take it into your mouth, but do not swallow, but spread it across the roof of your mouth with your tongue, and only then wash it down with water.

  • Recipe 2 - vodka tincture (prostate adenoma - internally, varicose veins - external use)

Another option using vodka. Need to:

  • 15 grams of powdered dead meat,
  • a glass of quality vodka.

Mix the ingredients and then leave in a dark place for two weeks. Shake the bottle with tincture periodically. Strain the finished product through cheesecloth. The tincture is taken 20 drops three times a day before meals.

The general course of prevention or strengthening of the body is 1 year.

  • Recipe 3 - alcohol tincture (ARVI, weight loss)


  • 15 gr. crushed dead bees;
  • 200 ml alcohol

Mix and then leave to infuse in a cool, dark place for three weeks. During the first 7 days, the flask is shaken daily, in the next 14 - every 3-4 days. If desired, you can add eucalyptus leaves in the second week of infusion. There should be only 1.5 grams of crushed leaves (10% of the amount of the main ingredient). Take as in the previous recipe.

Dry dead minke whales can be ground in a coffee grinder, mixed with honey and used to treat wounds. Ointment promotes skin regeneration

  • Recipe 4 - 70% alcohol (to cleanse the liver, for allergies)

To prepare the drug you will need a half-liter dark glass bottle. The dead fruit, ground to a powdery form, is poured exactly to half the container. Alcohol is poured into the bottle until its level exceeds the level of dead minke whales by three centimeters. The medicine is infused for two weeks with regular shaking of the bottle. The finished preparation must be filtered. Take the tincture 10 drops three times a day an hour before meals. The course of treatment is from one to two months.

  • Recipe 5 - on the water

This recipe is suitable for those who cannot take drugs containing alcohol for one reason or another. For example:

  • the patient is still a child;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract that exclude alcohol intake;
  • the patient is taking medications for which alcohol in any quantity is strictly prohibited;
  • the patient is a former alcoholic who quit drinking, etc.

This remedy can only heal for five days, provided it is stored in a cold place (a refrigerator is suitable). This recipe will have to be prepared often, but in small quantities. Cooking utensils should be enamel or glass. 30 grams of podmore powder (two level tablespoons) are poured with half a liter of water. You need to mix everything thoroughly.

Next, bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, and then simmer over very low heat for two hours. The finished medicine is filtered through gauze. Store in a glass bottle or jar that closes tightly. Take one tablespoon before meals three times a day, but only when chilled. If it is difficult for a child to take such an infusion, then you can add a little honey.

The corpses should be relatively fresh. In order to get such a harvest, you must first clear the beehives of death. and after 3-4 days open them again and collect

All the recipes we outlined have shown good results in practice. But before starting treatment or prevention, be sure to consult your doctor. Each organism is unique, therefore, treatment must be selected individually. We wish you good health!

VIDEO: Dead bees: treatment, recipes

03.12.2016 2

The use of non-traditional beekeeping products is also very popular, as well as the usual honey, propolis and royal jelly. A striking example is a tincture of dead bees in alcohol: the production, use and reviews of this unique medicine can be found in the information in our article. It is used internally and externally for a wide variety of diseases, as well as for the prevention and strengthening of the body's defenses.

Benefits and features

Hardworking insects are not only distinguished by their enviable diligence in collecting honey, but they themselves are an excellent remedy for many diseases. Chitin shell, melanin and chitosan are the main components of the insect shell. In addition, after death, the famous bee venom and the remains of honey products consumed during life remain.

All this makes up a unique balance of nutrients, which are responsible for the therapeutic effect. That is why in medicine there are many cases of using dead bees - these are dead bees from which the tincture is made.

Effect of tincture:

  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • helps cleanse the liver, gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels;
  • stimulates metabolic processes in the body;
  • launches regeneration processes in the body;
  • relieves the inflammatory process;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • used to treat joints;
  • facilitates the occurrence of colds;
  • normalizes digestive processes;
  • helps strengthen the immune system.

Such drugs are useful not only when consumed orally. They can be used as rubs and compresses for many dermatological problems, to heal wounds, burns and cracks in the skin, as well as to reduce pain in problem areas (muscles, joints, venous nodes).

Interesting: you can prepare a medicinal ointment based on dead bees. To do this, crushed particles of dry insects are added to the cream base (usually heated vegetable oil). This remedy can treat burns, inflammation and damage to the skin.

How to cook?

The average lifespan of a little worker is up to forty days. Even after death, the preserved bodies can be put to good use. During the summer season, bees rarely die in the hives; most often you can see them on the territory. When found on the ground and on asphalt, a dead bee is not used, because safety and cleanliness in this case are difficult to control.

It is best to stock up on dead bees directly in the hive, and also install a net near the entrance when the worker bees clear the house of dead relatives.

Tincture from dead bees is prepared only from clean, dry and, if possible, undamaged “raw materials”.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Collect dead bees.
  2. Sift the mixture from possible dust and debris.
  3. Dry in the oven at a temperature no higher than 45 degrees.
  4. Grind in a coffee grinder.
  5. Place in an opaque glass bottle.
  6. Pour in alcohol and seal tightly.

It is necessary to infuse the medicine on dead bees for at least two weeks, after which the composition is ready for use. The proportions can be determined arbitrarily, the main thing is that they do not exceed 1 tablespoon of crushed bee powder per 100 ml of vodka or alcohol.

During infusion, the container with the medicine must be shaken periodically. It is also important to maintain the temperature regime, avoiding overheating or hypothermia, and also keeping it away from direct sunlight.

Important: collecting raw materials is most useful in the summer. Insects that have died as a result of pest infestation or heat treatment of the hive are not used to prepare the medicine.

How to use?

It is important to use any medicine only after consulting a doctor, therefore it is advisable to use such a traditional medicine as prescribed by a specialist. The tincture prepared with vodka or alcohol has excellent general strengthening properties and will also help get rid of many problems.

Dosage and schedule for taking the tincture:

For prevention purposes, the medicinal composition should be used for at least two months. It is necessary to dissolve drops of tincture in a small amount of water (the amount is equal to the age), which is drunk on an empty stomach.

After the recommended course you need to take a break. During this time, there is an increase in resistance to colds, as well as an increase in vitality, so this treatment is recommended during seasonal colds, ailments and after illness as a restorative remedy.

External use

Preparation of the product for external use is extremely simple. To do this, take dry powder from crushed bees, prepared using the technology described above. For each teaspoon of the mixture you need to take 50 grams of natural vegetable oil. It must be heated without allowing it to boil. In a separate container, mix the two components, shaking the bottle well.

The mixture should be left to steep for 7-10 days, stirring occasionally. Apply to affected areas of the body warm, using a sterile gauze compress. This medicine helps very well with varicose veins, dermatitis of various localizations, wounds and burns. The only caution is to use with caution on the face and scalp.

Video: a recipe for dead bees or an elixir of youth and a cure for cancer.


Due to the high concentration of active components, the use of medicine from dead animals is not recommended in childhood, pregnancy and lactation, or individual intolerance to bee products.

Medicine made with alcohol from dead bees is an excellent remedy for many diseases. Thanks to its unique composition, this mixture will help strengthen the immune system, relieve pain of various localizations and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

But P. sometimes acts as an instrument of God, helping to awaken (summon) the deity of fertility. In Hittite myth, the fertility deity Telepinus disappears and plants, animals, people and gods die, everything is covered by a cloud of a (bee) swarm. The mother of the gods, Hannahanna, sends Telepinus P. in search, who finds and stings him. God goes berserk. His anger is tempered by special rituals by the goddess Kamrusepa (literally “spirit of a swarm of bees”, corresponding to Hatti Kattah-tsifuri, “queen goddess”). When Telepinus's anger subsides, the cloud of the (bee) swarm disappears.
Evidence of P.’s connection with the image of the world tree has also been preserved in the Russian ritual tradition [“A tree and a cypress tree grew up. Like in this tree and three lands: at the top of the tree and the nightingale sings songs, in the middle of the tree and the bees of the ravine (cf. the rage of Telepinus and the connection from P. Yarily) they build nests"].

Personal emblem of Napoleon Bonaparte - Napoleon, as we remember, proved his kinship with the Merovingians. - D.W.

According to Scandinavian myth, the Yggdrasil tree is saturated with life-giving sacred honey. In a number of traditions, there is a connection between P. and the oak, which acts both as the world tree and as the tree of the Thunderer. Wed. Phaedrus's fable (II 13) about a honeycomb on a tall oak tree or Callimachus's hymn to Artemis, associated with P., which talks about shooting into a beehive and then into an oak tree (a shot or a loud sound is associated with curbing a wild swarm of P.).

In the Russian tradition, the motive for the appearance of P. in Rus' from the overseas side is stable: God sends Zosima and Savvaty to bring “God’s worker” (or Sviridin and Sviridina, i.e. male and female P.) to Rus' from the land of Egypt (from the mountain, from caves in the country of idolatry or, conversely, paradise); in turn, Archangel Gabriel raises all the “bee power” and orders it to fly to Rus'. According to conspiracies, the transfer of P. to Rus' is patronized by the Savior and the Mother of God, located on the Alatyr stone. This is reinforced by the presence of a bee holiday in Rus' - April 17, the day of Zosima, whose image represents one of the experiences of the pagan era with its cult of the bee god, whose true name was lost (zosima was the name of the hive with the icon of Zosima and Savvaty, the Solovetsky saints). The Lithuanian equivalent of Zosima is Bubilas. In a number of Russian texts (songs, spells) Egor and Ilya are associated with P. (who are one way or another transformations of the Thunderer), as well as fire and water, the elemental weapons of the Thunderer.

Saints Zosima and Savvaty are the patron saints of bees and beekeepers.

A similar connection between P. (with the thunderer Jupiter) is also found in the Roman tradition (Verg. Georg. IV). Wed. the drowning of the first swarm of P. in water, the birth of P. from water, from a water one (cf. the story of the Arcadian shepherd Aristeus, the son of the water nymph Cyrene and the grandson of the river Peneus or, according to another version, Uranus and Gaia, identified with Zeus or Apollo and in charge of the protection P.), the sacrifice of P. to the waterman, etc. (cf. P. carrying clean water from a holy spring to Demeter), the motive of lighting the P. monastery with the subsequent flooding of the fire (cf. the Romanian idea that the fire that arose from Elijah's lightning can only be extinguished with water mixed with honey, or with honey itself, consecrated on Elijah's day).

P. participates in cosmogonic myths and legends, speaking on the side of God and against the evil spirit. The Bogomil binary legend combines the motifs of P., arrows, and the wedding of the sun against the background of a duel between God and the devil. In one Romanian cosmogonic legend, P. is partially struck by Satan (which is why P. has a thin cut on his body). But more often it is P. who stings the enemy of God. A reduced version of this motif is presented in an animal fairy tale, for example, about a whipped goat, which climbed into a hut, having survived a hare from it, and did not let anyone in until it was stung by P. (Afanasyev, No. 62). For this scheme, it is possible to assume that the Thunderer, with the help of P., summoned an animal (goat) that embodied fertility. In this case, the immediate precedence of the bee festival to the first spring fertility festival (Yegoryev Day, Yarilsky holiday, etc.) is explained.

“If one of the family members gets married, the bees must be informed about this, otherwise they will fly away from the hives and not return.

If hatched bees land on your property, and the owner does not come for them, then within a year after that someone in your family will die. (Suffolk).
Probably no superstition is so widespread today in the rural areas of our country as the custom of “telling the bees.” In 1945, the Daily Mirror, London's illustrated newspaper, sent its photographer to a country wedding. His best work was a photograph of a bride in a wedding dress, leaning towards a beehive and whispering: "Baby brownies, I'm married." It was explained to the photographer that this ritual was necessary: ​​if a family member gets married and does not tell the bees about it, they will fly away and not return. Thus, this ancient superstition was alive even in 1945. To notify the bees about the death of the owner, they used (and still used in some remote corners of the country) more complex rituals. As soon as the dying man breathed his last, one of the household went to the hives and, bending over them, repeated three times: “Little brownies, little brownies, your master is dead (or: your mistress is dead).” After this, the hives became quiet for a moment. If the bees soon began to hum again, this was a sign that they agreed to stay with the new owner. A piece of crape was then hung on each hive; and then a piece of funeral cake was brought to the hives so that the bees could taste it. In many villages, bees were also invited to the funeral. They were written an invitation, like all other relatives of the deceased: “We invite you to the funeral of __:___________, which will take place in _______________, etc.” The invitation was then pinned to the hive. About fifteen years ago we visited a Cornish farm on the banks of a river rich in salmon and trout. Noticing empty beehives in the garden, we inquired about their purpose. “Alas,” we heard in response, “we no longer need them. The bees flew away and will never return, because they were not notified of the death of their owner.” A similar superstition existed in Devonshire. In the minutes of the Devonshire Association (1876) we found the following dialogue: “All thirteen families died, what a misfortune!” - “What happened, Mrs. E.? Who died?” - “To tell the truth, the bees, sir, when I buried my husband, I forgot to give the bees a piece of mourning crape, and so all the bees died, although the hives were full of honey. What a misfortune to be so forgetful!” Report of the death that followed swarming of bees on a dead tree, is quoted by one of the correspondents of "Notes and Queries" (vol. 6, p. 396). although regretting the misfortune that left several children without a mother, he humbly spoke of the death of the unfortunate woman as the inevitable and destined outcome of her illness. Having questioned him in more detail, I found out that he and his wife were “warned” about the upcoming event, because, going out into the garden two weeks before her death, the deceased saw that a swarm of bees had landed on a wooden post. Gay wrote in “Pastoril, V " (1714): "A family of bees spewed rottenness on the day that Miss Dibson died." A funny story that happened due to the tradition of turning the hives when a funeral procession leaves the house is described in the "Argus" of September 13, 1790." In Devonshire there is a widespread funeral custom of turning the beehives (if the deceased had any) to “face” the funeral procession at the moment when the body is taken out of the house. A funny incident occurred at the funeral of a wealthy old farmer at Cullumton. When the deceased was laid in the hearse and many were already saddling their horses to follow the procession, someone exclaimed: “Turn the bees!” After which the servant, who did not know the local custom, instead of turning the hive around, picked it up and laid it on its side. The worried bees immediately attacked the horses and riders. In vain they galloped away: the bees caught up with them and, demonstrating their indignation, stuck their stings into them. There was general confusion, with the loss of hats, wigs, etc., and the body was left unattended. Only after some time were the guests able to return to the funeral of their late friend." In January 1941, a reader wrote to a Sussex magazine: "In one family there was a woman who loved to look after bees and spent a lot of time near the hives. Soon she died. The gardener told the bees about her death. And for several days after this the bees did not appear from the hives. This story is quite reliable." There is another old village superstition that bees cannot be sold. Bartering is another matter. If a person wants to get a hive of bees, he must bring a pig or something else in return. We can hardly understand what the exchange differs from selling, but superstitious people still believe that these are “completely different things.” And in Wales even today they believe that only a donated hive can be successful. In Hampshire a few years ago they said that bees are lazy to work if they are too close. war, and one of the chroniclers of "Notes and Queries" claimed that he was convinced of this by the example of events in France, Prussia and Hungary that have occurred so far. And is the shortage of honey that arose before World War II also a mere coincidence? Family 0. "Hirlik, who lives near Ballyrauni (Ireland), owns a copper thing resembling a helmet, which is highly revered by the local peasants. It is believed that a dying person who drinks water from this helmet will go straight to heaven. Kafton Crocker writes that even a priest sometimes uses this water for his relics. Here is the legend associated with this item." About 800 years ago, an Irish chieftain, who had too few warriors, decided to fight with another clan and asked St. Gabriel to help him in this just cause. On the field in Ballyrauni, where the battle was supposed to take place, there was a beehive, and the Saint fulfilled the leader’s request, turning the bees into spearmen. Flying out of the hive, they attacked the enemies and put them to flight. After the battle, the leader again visited this place and discovered that the straw hive had turned into a copper helmet.” that at midnight before Christmas the bees buzz especially loudly in the hives. After the introduction of the new calendar, for many years there was a tradition of observing the beehives at the “old” and “new” Christmas in order to determine by the hum which Christmas was real. In Cheshire at the beginning of the 20th century. in many areas it was believed that bee stings could cure rheumatism. It is worth noting that “bee” superstitions do not exist only in Britain. In France, Germany and even as far away as Lithuania, bees are surrounded by almost the same legends. But what is the source of superstitions associated with bees? Sir Charles Igglesden in "Those Superstitions" admits that he "could not discover their origin, despite all his efforts." But why? In ancient times, the English called bees "God's birds" and believed that they were associated with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, bees were considered friends and protectors of the home. In Germany they were called "Mars birds". Ancient myths say that as a child, Jupiter was surrounded by bees, and Pindar was fed by bees with honey instead of milk. The Greeks dedicated bees to the moon. Even closer to our subject is Plato's theory of the transmigration of souls. The philosopher believed that the souls of sensible and respectable people, not inclined to philosophy, are embodied in bees. In Kashmir (India), they believe that the life of giants is connected with bees. Mohammed admitted bees into heaven, along with the souls of the righteous, and Porfiry said of fountains: “They belong to the nymphs, or those souls who in ancient times were called bees.” Here is a strange story told by Hugues Miller in the book “My School and Schoolmasters.” Two young men were lying on the mossy bank of a stream on a hot day. One of them fell asleep, having warmed up in the sun. Suddenly his friend saw a bee crawling out of the sleeping man’s mouth. She jumped to the ground, crawled along the dried stalks of grass, across a stream that gurgled among the stones, and disappeared into a crevice in the wall of an old ruined castle. Interested in what he saw, the observer began to wake up his comrade, and he woke up - two or three seconds after the bee, hastily returning, hid in his mouth again. The sleeper was displeased that he was awakened: “I dreamed that I was walking through a beautiful country,” he said, “and came to the bank of a majestic river, and where the clear water roared into the abyss, there was a silver bridge across which I went to a luxurious castle on the other side. I was just collecting gold and precious stones, and you woke me up and interrupted such a wonderful dream.” Miller adds: “I had little doubt that he and the bee saw the same thing, since souls are known to often take the form of bees.” Similar stories are told elsewhere. The hero of one of them, in a similar situation, dragged his sleeping comrade to another place, and lay down in his place. A few seconds later the bee returned and, frightenedly darting around the room, “looked at” the face of the sleeping man, but could not recognize him. When the joker began to wake up his sleeping comrade, he turned out to be dead. The belief that bees are the souls of dead people is undoubtedly the source of the superstition about the “message to the bees”: after all, the souls of the dead are directly connected with God. And in conclusion, another superstition from Wales . If a bee flies up to a sleeping child, he is destined to live happily. In Russia, “beekeeping in villages is considered the most mysterious, important and, moreover, not accessible occupation for everyone. Wealthy, economic people, with up to a hundred or more hives, always, according to According to popular rumor, they are in friendly relations with evil spirits. The opinions of the villagers about the bee business are so diverse that some choose saints as patrons for it, while others condemn it to the water grandfather. Beekeepers, adherents of this latter opinion, are called sorcerers, grandfathers, and healers in the villages. ..Sorcerers think that bees were originally formed in the swamps, under the hand of the water grandfather. The queen, as the firstborn of these bees, was bought by an evil sorcerer for thirty heads of a sorcerer and transferred to the hive of one sorcerer, at the behest of this sorcerer, out of hatred. to people, he taught the queen to sting people, and the queen taught all the bees her craft. When a sorcerer beekeeper sets up an apiary somewhere, then, for economic prosperity and honey abundance, he dedicates the best hive to the water grandfather... If they leave the doomed hive in the apiary, then the grandfather only guards the establishment; If this hive is drowned in a swamp, then it [the water hive] not only provides all possible means for the reproduction of bees, but also forces the bees to fly to someone else’s apiary to steal honey. Healers believe that all the bees originally came from a horse that was beaten by a watery grandfather and thrown into a swamp. When the fishermen lowered the net into this swamp, instead of fish they pulled out a hive with bees. From this hive bees spread all over the world. The stinging of bees began from that time, they believe that one of these fishermen wanted to steal the queen. When the criminal revealed his abduction, the healers, in order to heal the tumor and pain, decided among themselves that the kidnapper should eat the uterus. For this discovery of bee stings, the water grandfather handed the bees forever into the hands of healers... To reproduce bees, healers advise the villagers: when they strike for Matins on Great Day, be in the bell tower and after the first strike, break off a piece of copper from the bell. This piece of copper is brought to the apiary and placed in the heart hive. Datura plants are boiled with yarrow, the wattle fence, trees, and buildings are sprinkled with the goal of exterminating neighboring bees and weaning their own from flying into someone else's yard." In both the English and Russian traditions, bees They connect with the world of the dead. For example, they say: “There was a village here, there was a grandfather. He had a hundred decks of bees, he didn't die, he didn't die. He had a granddaughter like this (the narrator points to a meter from the floor), maybe bigger. The women went to reap, but he [the grandfather] did not die, he lay there - he was a sorcerer, so he then said to his grandson: “Grandson, go to the bee, stand on a stump and say: “Your grandfather is our bees!” - Say this three times: “Your grandfather is our bees! Your grandfather is our bees!" The women are already coming from the stubble - your grandfather is gone! He's dead!" .It is widely believed that “bees do not like bad people.” In Russian villages even today there are many conspiracies for breeding bees (to plant a swarm in a hive, to take honey, to swarm, to return a swarm that has flown away, etc.).” If during communion you hide the Body of Christ in your mouth and do not swallow it, and then put it in a stump, there will be bees. If you break it and look, you will see a small wax altar in the stump, a whole wax church, and on top - a piece of communion. Just don’t look.” “You shouldn’t take wax out of the house yourself, as this is a detriment to beekeeping.”

If bees are transported on Good Friday, they will soon die. (Cornwall).

If a swarm of bees lands in your yard, this is not good.

If bees swarm on a fence, on a dry tree or on a dry branch of a green tree, this foretells the death of one of the family members.

If the head of the family has died, the hives should be turned at the moment when the deceased is taken out of the house.

If one of the family members has died, the bees must be informed about this, otherwise they will die or fly away.

If the owner wants to transport the hives, he must warn the bees about this, otherwise they will get angry and sting him.

Many bees fly into the hive, few fly out, which means it will rain. (Somersetshire)

Stolen bees do not live long: they wither and die of melancholy.

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