Places where you can go back in time. How to take a mental trip into the past? How to go back in time without a time machine

Oh, the sweet dream of revanchism and the omnipotence of the literary satrap at the keyboard! It is here that one can reckon for any mistakes of one’s ancestors. And, armed with a strategy drawn from computer games, build brick by brick a bright future of such epoch-making proportions that the hero’s place in it will be worthy of no less than the imperial title.

Features of the genre

The very idea of ​​the development of the genre implies the adventures of our contemporary, armed with all the achievements of progress and knowledge of historical perspective within the framework of a world that, by default, is simpler and more understandable, and most importantly, more flexible. There is no race for monotonous achievements, and bloody battles are necessarily interspersed with excursions into history and culture. It is not so important whether the main characters are people from the Middle Ages, or whether the action takes place at a historical stage closer to modern times. After all, the choice of the era was hardly unconscious for the author, as is most often the case with the settings of traditional SF. The writer's interest and respect for history, or even pseudo-history, but with varying degrees of academicism, can explain the atmosphere that is usually possible to create in books. Thanks to the attention to detail and the logic of the historical process, which simply had to be registered in the brain of the demiurge of the new universe, reading books about people who fall into the past is so exciting.

The settings are thought out better than usual, and what the creator did not bring to the book can be easily guessed by the reader, because he studied the time of action using the same textbooks, which means he can act as a full-fledged co-author. The author and the reader, finding themselves in the familiar world of familiar surnames and toponyms, can immerse themselves much faster in the details of the story, releasing ordinary and ponderous introductory parts that explain what and how, why and where. Please note: minimal attention is usually paid to the moving procedure itself. It simply happens due to some cataclysm or simply by the will of a blowing breeze. This has long become a convention, a genre cliché, which makes no sense to clarify, because everyone already understands everything.

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Imagine that you accidentally went back in time and are unlikely to be able to return to your time. What to do? First of all, let's carefully look around and evaluate our prospects. Ancient Greece - drunkenness and homosexuality. South America-evil maniacs with funny names.-Egypt slavery and shock construction. Atlantis

- free diving. What does “I want to go home” mean? Why did you stand under a tall tree in a thunderstorm? Have you read the Necronomicon? Did you cut bread with a glass dagger with the sand of time? Or were you following a suspicious woman who often visits an abandoned house?

The classic traveler to the past is a know-it-all with golden hands. He manages to teach the natives to read and write, smelt steel, distill oil, make a gasoline engine, cure all diseases, organize an effective economy and, because of some nonsense, lose everything he has achieved at once. The most favorable for such activities is the Bronze Age (3-1 millennium BC) - the starting point of the progress of the most ancient states. A chemist, engineer or historian could change it beyond recognition.

But what if the average citizen of the early 21st century suddenly ends up there?

Friend of paradoxes

But even if there is no disruption to the sequential flow of time (for example, history may take a new path in another, parallel universe), then it is still better to hedge your bets with the help of another paradox. The stronger your friendship with the local opposite sex, the greater the chances of becoming your own ancestor and the less the risk of accidentally “erasing” yourself from the future by picking some apple.

When and where?

In most science fiction works, guests from the future immediately find themselves among people. This is incredible luck. The real chances of ending up in Camelot or at the walls of ancient Thebes are close to zero. Let's face it. Even if we assume that after the slalom in time you ended up not in outer space or the ocean, but on land, then there will not be a single living soul around you, except for a huge (by today’s standards) number of predators. Three thousand years ago, the entire population of our planet, according to various estimates, ranged from 14 to 50 million people. Now imagine that you showed up in the mountains of Tibet in winter (maybe even naked, like the Terminator).

The geography of an area is also important because your survival depends on the people who inhabit it. What would you prefer - first contact with the ancient Greeks or meeting the bloodthirsty Maori?

Pay attention to the night sky. With its help, you can get some idea of ​​the time and place of your new residence. Over thousands of years, the map of constellations has changed significantly, and you are unlikely to be the president of an astronomy club, but the “bucket” of Ursa Major is familiar to everyone.

Take a look at the picture. This is what it looked like 100,000 years ago (above), today (in the center) and this is how it will look in 100,000 years (below). If the “bucket” is not visible, it means you are in the southern hemisphere. Pay attention to the Moon too. If the horns of the month point up or down, it means you are near the equator. This data will help you significantly narrow down your search and avoid surprises during subsequent contact with the natives, after which all questions about your whereabouts will most likely be cleared.

It is almost impossible to calculate the current date according to the Gregorian calendar from the testimony of the natives, because at that time humanity used other time systems. The accuracy of chronological orientation depends only on your erudition. 3100 BC e.
The first dynasty of Egypt, the beginning of the construction of Stonehenge, the beginning of Kaliyuga (India), the creation of the Earth (Mayan calendar) 3000 BC e.
The appearance of papyrus, the discovery of silver, the first pottery in South America (Colombia) 2550 BC e.
Construction of the Cheops pyramid 2000 BC e.
Domestication of the horse, appearance of chariots in central Asia 1745 BC e.
Death of Babylonian King Hammurabi 1200 BC e.
Trojan War 776 BC e.

First Olympic Games

If you don’t have a single modern artifact with you, you can resort to simple tricks. For example, the "coin" trick (holding a small object between the thumb and forefinger of your left hand, pretend to take it with your right, but in fact drop the object into the palm of your left hand and quietly get rid of it, distracting the audience with your right hand, where it is allegedly located), performed in front of simple-minded peasants, will give you every right to call yourself Merlin.

If the time traveler is a lady, then it will be very difficult for her. Where men (and male gods) reign supreme, “miracles” from women are automatically perceived as something amazing, but not omnipotent. In the ancient world, female witchcraft was treated ambiguously, so there is always a risk that a guest from the future will be mistaken for a sorceress, who, according to the Old Testament, cannot be left alive.

A classic trick of the science fiction hero going back in time is using a solar (lunar) eclipse to strike fear into a superstitious people. In reality this is almost impossible. Solar eclipses occur in different regions of the planet approximately every 18 months.

The average period of their repetition in the same place is 370 years (they usually last several minutes, maximum 7 minutes 40 seconds). But the point is not that you need to have a phenomenal memory and know the exact time of every eclipse in every region of the planet thousands of years ago. The difference in calendars and the inaccuracy of calculations reduce the practical effectiveness of such “predictions” to zero. The same applies to volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, the appearance of comets and other similar phenomena.

Now you have to perform a real miracle - to recreate the technologies of the future, use them to win power over the natives and make the world a little better. Human life is short.

Even a team of specialists from our time will not have time to develop ancient civilization to the level of the 21st century. However, your knowledge and skills are quite enough to put together the greatest achievements of that time (most of which were conveniently forgotten and reinvented only a few thousand years later) - Chinese, Arabic, Greek, Egyptian;

slightly enhance them with 21st century science and make life in the past much more comfortable. If you're lucky, the largest chapter in history books will be devoted to you, and computers will appear in the 19th century.- the first thing you have to think about. Having found yourself in the past, you, without knowing it, have climbed into the skin of Wells's Martian.

The human immune system of the 21st century may encounter long-forgotten diseases (plague, cholera, leprosy), not to mention “unfamiliar” strains of microorganisms. Clean penicillin

impossible to obtain using artisanal methods, but nothing prevents you from following the example of its discoverer Alexander Fleming and making a bactericidal penicillin “broth”. Among the different types of mold, you should find the fungus that has the highest concentration of penicillin (Fleming had luck with mold growing on a melon). To grow it, microbiologists use meat broth boiled with agar-agar, an algae that secretes a gelatinous substance.

Sooner or later you will receive a moldy solution that will have the properties of a mild antibiotic (kills bacteria that cause suppuration, pneumonia, diphtheria bacilli and even anthrax). It can be used to treat festering wounds, but it cannot be administered subcutaneously or intravenously. It cannot be stored for a long time, and when heated, it loses its beneficial properties (Fleming evaporated the broth in a vacuum, repeatedly increasing the concentration of penicillin, but it is better to forget about the vacuum pump in the ancient world).

Para Bellum A traveler's best friend to the past - black powder

. With it you can easily make the simplest guns, cannons, rockets, and also significantly facilitate the work of miners. You will need to mix saltpeter, coal and sulfur in a ratio of approximately 15:3:2.

The good thing about the Bronze Age is that advanced civilizations already had access to most of the components of the inventions of the subsequent era.

Saltpeter was made from dung. It was mixed with straw and left for about a year, periodically moistened with urine, after which the resulting humus was washed with water. Charcoal was added to this water, rich in nitrates, crystallized and saltpeter was obtained. If you have crude oil, you can distill it and get kerosene (boils out of oil at a temperature of 200-300 degrees). Experiment with it, adding phosphorus, sulfur and saltpeter. Exact recipe Greek fire

unknown, but it probably consisted of these components. Neighboring states are not familiar with? Then we go to them! Advise your metallurgists to smelt iron ore mixed with charcoal. The resulting metal will be too brittle for weapons, so it must be forged into steel for a long time, removing excess carbon. The discovery and improvement of this simple technology marked the beginning of modern metallurgy and, ultimately, became the most important factor in the scientific and technological revolution.

An effective weapon is the main, but not the only guarantee of victory for your army in a war with less developed neighbors. Painful wound surgery requires anesthesia. Ether was discovered in the 13th century, but it was only discovered in the 19th century to use it to euthanize patients. It can be obtained by distilling a solution of alcohol and sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid was first made by Arab alchemists by distilling a mixture of copper sulfate (produced by the oxidation of natural copper sulfide in a furnace) and iron sulfate (produced by the oxidation of sulfur pyrites).

Golden age

Sugar cane.

It will take money to transform the Bronze Age into the Golden Age. A traveler to the past is able to easily make some goods that are familiar to the “computer” 21st century, but unfamiliar and very relevant to the Bronze. Here are just a few of them.

Sugar, or “sweet salt” as the Crusaders called it, is still the most important trade product. In ancient times, it was a luxury delicacy. If you have sweet cane, beets, date palms, sorghum or sugar maple at your disposal, then their juice, evaporated and purified from impurities, will replenish the treasury well.

The Phoenicians and Egyptians invented glass almost 5 thousand years ago, but for a long time glass products remained luxury items and brought profit to the Egyptians (blue glass was believed to have magical properties). Pliny wrote that the Phoenicians invented glass by accident. The merchants, carrying soda and potash (salt boiled from ash), stopped on the sandy shore and used the briquettes of their cargo to prop up pots of food near the fire. The sand melted into glass (under such conditions, this requires a temperature of about a thousand degrees).

Soap- not only a popular product, but also the basis of hygiene, a guarantee of health, and also a criterion of civilization. In ancient Babylon they washed their hands with clay cylinders soaked in saponified fat. In a homemade way - including even at your home - soap can be made by heating olive or any other vegetable oil (animal fat is also used instead of vegetable oil) with alkali (soda). Before the solution hardens, aromatic substances can be added to it.

For long-distance travel and establishing trade relations you will need compass. Considering that the Chinese would only invent it in the 4th century BC. e., it makes sense to speed up this process and begin the era of great geographical discoveries ahead of schedule. The simplest way to magnetize a metal needle (for example, a thin needle) is this: it should be rubbed for some time in one direction with a silk cloth or wool. By hanging a needle on a thin thread inside a dielectric box, we get the oldest and most useful navigation device.

There are no small things in the world. A traveler to the past will miss the most ordinary things of our time. Eg, matches. Before their invention, people used steel: flint (a piece of high-carbon iron), flint and tinder. When the hammer strikes flint or any other durable material with sharp edges, sparks (iron particles heated by friction) are generated.

In modern survival kits, the chair is made of an alloy of iron and cerium, which allows it to produce sparks with a temperature of about 3000 degrees. However, in the conditions of the Bronze Age, you can do it simpler and construct an “eternal match” - a small container with some highly flammable liquid into which a metal rod is screwed. The latter has a wick at the end with a protruding metal spike. By striking it along the side of the container on which the silicon plate is mounted, you ignite the wick and get a hybrid lighter with a regular match.

Do you want to feel like a Jules Verne hero? Try to reproduce not only “well-forgotten old” technologies, but also surprise our ancestors with the most progressive achievements of the 19-20th century. The list of available innovations, unfortunately, is very limited, because even in the computer “Civilization” it is impossible to build a steam engine without the invention of the printing press.

If you find yourself in South America, you will have access to Brazilian Hevea - trees whose sap, when heated over a fire, turns into a thick resin, known to us as rubber. The Indians used it in much the same way as you and I.

It was used to make windings for tool handles, temporary shoes (a person briefly dipped his foot into the cooling rubber), and waterproof clothing. There is a legend that a certain Portuguese managed to deliver Indian fabric impregnated with rubber to his homeland. However, his compatriots did not appreciate the innovation and accused the poor man of witchcraft.

Collecting rubber from Hevea. When they first saw the Aztecs playing with a rubber ball, the conquistadors experienced severe culture shock and subsequently claimed that this toy was bewitched by evil spirits. Meanwhile, the process rubber vulcanization

was unknown to the Indians (it was discovered by Charles Goodear in the mid-19th century), so they improved its properties with various plant “additives”. But even such rubber was unstable and decomposed within a few days. Tell them to add a little sulfur (from 10 to 25%) to the heated juice of the hevea - and you will get strong, elastic rubber. Dissolve it in ether, saturate a fabric cape, and you have a waterproof mackintosh (invented in 1824). Add a little more sulfur (30-40%) - and you have invented ebonite, one of the ancestors of plastic. Another example of 19th century technology available thousands of years ago is


. It requires a camera obscura (in other words, a box with a hole in the wall) and a little patience. In the 1820s, French inventor Joseph Niepce was the first to mount an image inside a camera obscura on a copper plate covered with a layer of natural “Judaean bitumen” (asphalt). Unfortunately, this method, called heliography, required an 8-hour exposure time in bright light, which made it possible to photograph only still landscapes.

More modern types of photography are almost inaccessible to Bronze Age technology, but even a good old daguerreotype will be enough to strengthen your reputation as a wizard, as well as earn mountains of gold by selling erotic photographs of Cleopatra.

* * *

Real trips to the past are unlikely to be similar to those interesting and curious adventures in which science fiction heroes get involved.

The chances of modern man surviving the Bronze Age are close to zero. Everything depends not on “when”, but on “where”. If you find yourself in an ancient jungle, then you most likely will not get out of it. If you were still able to find people, but they turned out to be cannibals, then even a deaf-mute cuckoo will not undertake to predict your future, and the only contribution to progress will be a lantern made from your skull.

But even if you are incredibly lucky to get into a civilized country, you will still be a stranger in it. A pariah, unfamiliar with the realities of the world around him. As soon as we - so highly developed and educated - find ourselves on the streets of ancient Babylon, all our civilization will immediately depreciate, and the only advantage over the local “savages” will be the premium for exoticism that your new owner will pay on the slave market. Only talented actors and desperate impudent people who have managed to create the image of a supernatural being will be able to conquer the top of the social ladder.

However, slavery is not the worst option. History knows many examples when slaves became rulers. Sooner or later, technology savvy will be able to dramatically increase your value, create a good reputation and get you out of the bottom. We have listed just a few milestones for accelerating progress. You can come up with the rest yourself.

Well, - it flashed through my head, - I’ve finished it! It’s not for nothing that the proverb says: “Don’t wake up the trouble while it’s quiet!” The Russian person is remarkable, he won’t say it in vain. For every trick in life, you can find current confirmation from folklore.

Such thoughts visited the recesses of my consciousness while I, like a ram at a new gate, stared at the piece of newspaper that I held in my hands. I seemed to be holding a newspaper, but it seemed that before me was the imperishable apotheosis of second-hand literature of the epistolary genre. The one that says: “Farewell forever! I left urgently! Your Roof!”

Because in my hands I had a newspaper that was well known to me, from the well-forgotten past of my bright Soviet childhood. But the reason was not that it was called “Pioneer Truth”; you never know what stocks of waste paper are lying around in the storage rooms of village libraries scattered around the area. It was all about the date! “Љ133 from September 30, 1939,” stood under the heading next to the constant attribute of the Soviet pioneers “Be ready!” The newspaper itself, with the German-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Border between the USSR and Germany, better known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, printed on the title page, was no less a rarity than the aforementioned masterpiece of handwritten literature. But the facts that made me doubt my mental abilities were two circumstances. First of all, the newspaper was real! This did not raise any doubts, since during my turbulent pioneer past I had the opportunity to witness the first examples of this genre of media. The first copy of the newspaper was one of the exhibits in the museum of the All-Union Pioneer Camp "Artek", which I was accidentally brought into as a child. Secondly, and this was the most incredible thing, it was fresh! That is, it is not absolutely new, the smell of printing ink has already faded, but I could swear to its recent origin, since it completely lacked yellowness, this constant attribute of old paper. The location of the find was also important. A dense coniferous forest on the outskirts of the village with the simple name Zabelye, which is located near the border of the Pskov region and the Republic of Belarus.

The village was located on the banks of an unnamed river that flowed into the lake of the same name. In itself, it was a typical village of the Russian outback with all the accompanying attributes: impassable roads even in dry weather, lack of wired communications and drunken natives. The only thing that distinguished her from her kind for the better was nature. Mixed coniferous-deciduous forest, a river and nearby lakes with the purest spring water. True, in the west, about 50 kilometers away, there is a fairly large swamp, in places turning into an impassable swamp. But, due to its remoteness, it did not have much influence on the climatic conditions in the vicinity of the village. The air, infused with the aromas of pine needles and ionized with humid air with the taste of iodine, was simply intoxicating.

This was precisely the determining factor in my choice of a temporary shelter in the midst of the surrounding pastoral.

But the presence of heady air is not yet a reason to chase squirrels, devils and other living creatures in the morning, I thought, my thoughts returning to my find.

I glanced through it again. Everything is correct. The pioneer girl, raising her hand in the pioneer salute next to the boy who vaguely resembles the unforgettable Pavlik Morozov, is present, but the orders of the pioneer organization, which appeared on the title much later, are absent. Moreover, the contents of the newspaper spoke for themselves. All more or less significant political events of this historical period are presented in full. Upon closer examination, I discovered the presence of brown spots, most likely of plant origin. Probably, judging by the characteristic shade, from cranberries. And if we take into account the form in which the fragment was dressed, namely a bag, then everything fell into place. A certain pioneer (or pioneer woman) used this product of the paper industry for quite clear purposes. True and not for its intended purpose.

It’s good that I didn’t use it for its intended purpose,” I grinned, “Although if you remember the attitude towards this act at that time, this could have had far-reaching consequences.

So what conclusion can we come to? Either-or, or one of three. Firstly, it can be assumed that the found artifact and the surrounding environment are in no way connected with each other. However, the presence of a bag of newspaper with traces of berries in the forest is a natural phenomenon. If not for one "but". And for us, as a rule, it is always the same. The forest itself grew in a place designated for this by nature in 2010. And the presence in it of a newspaper that is at most 1-2 years old, but at the same time has a 70-year history, is already alarming. And secondly, if there is an organic connection between the newspaper and the forest, then I am the odd one out here. But since I can confidently say everything about my beloved self, including the date of my birth, the same cannot be said with certainty about the forest.

Who told me that the forest is growing at the very time I am thinking about? Nobody! You can tell by looking at a tree how old it is (if you cut it down, of course). But it is unlikely to say when he was imprisoned.

And what is the conclusion from this? Am I in the past? Well, that's it, I've jumped!

Chapter first.

The background to this event was simple and banal. I, the ever-mentioned Nikita Sedykh, 38 years old, appeared in these parts after I had repaid my debt to the Motherland in full, even with interest. Because I don’t like being in debt. Unlike me, the Motherland did not bother itself with such problems. That’s why, after 20 years of service, I found myself homeless and practically penniless. This turned out to be the last straw that broke the camel's back. More precisely, my faithful military friend, who accompanied me for so many years during my voyages through the remote garrisons of our vast country, took the children and went to her parents. Finally, stating that an individual who is unable to solve her pressing problems is no longer considered a companion for her future life. Therefore, the urgent question arose in front of me: “How to live further?” This dilemma had the same urgency as that of the Danish prince. To be or not to be? And if so, how, or rather where and with whom?

When considering the issue of time travel, the first thing that comes to mind is a time machine, and many would like to get such a unit and start traveling. Many heroes of books and films performed time jumps in this way. As an example, we can cite such popular films as “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession”, “Back to the Future”. Each screenwriter sees a time machine in his own way, for one it is a unit in the form of a car, for the second it is a cabin, and for the third it is a real laboratory with a bunch of flasks and various liquids. Sometimes these can be objects that are familiar to us, such as a closet or even a sofa. But before delving into the question of how to get into the past, let's look at what this action is and its types.

Time travel is the process by which a person or object moves from the present to the past or future.

Often such manipulations are carried out using a time machine. According to science, there can be two ways to travel in time space: physical and biological. Physical means moving at a speed close to the speed of light or by being in a gravitational state. Biological involves stopping the body’s metabolism with further restoration.

How to go back in time without a time machine?

Hypothetically, there are three methods of movement, the main of which are considered to be “wormholes”. They are very narrow tunnels that connect remote areas in space. It was also noted by K. Thorne and M. Morris that if the ends of these tunnels are moved, they will eventually connect at a single point, but, in their opinion, it is impossible to get into time in this way.

Based on Einstein’s equation, it was revealed that the closure of such a hole will be completed before a person has time to enter it, therefore a certain obstacle is necessary or so-called exoteric matter should hold the hole. Another method in the question of whether it is possible to get into the past or the future implies again -the same use of esoteric matter, but on a rotating cylindrical body of a certain length. A cosmic string could act as such a cylinder, but there is no evidence of the existence of these elements and there are no ways to create new ones.

How to go back in time at home?

But let's move away from theories and consider more real things, for example, there are certain places on earth with their own special energy, a striking example of this is the Bermuda Triangle. If it doesn't leave you the question of whether it is possible to go back in time, and you want to try to do it at home, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all sorts of films and literature on this topic. Art develops in this direction only so that a person can independently imagine himself in the era of past years. The safest and healthiest way to go look at the past world is to imagine it in your head, and as clearly as possible. People who have gone back in time note that with the right attitude, you can achieve amazing results.

You can independently come up with a place-portal for yourself where you enter the past, the main thing is imagination and preparation. It may not work out right away, but the result will impress you.


Video: Go to the past or future. Gates of time

Video: Astral and historical events. How to get into the past or find out the future

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How many mysteries are there in the past? This never gave people peace! Now you have the opportunity to travel back in time! Find out the details!

Mysteries of time: not everything is so simple!

Time¹ is a very paradoxical constant. It is and at the same time it is not. A person is always in the present moment, the past no longer exists, and the future has not yet arrived.

Also conducting various experiments, scientists found out that time behaves differently under different conditions. At ultra-high speeds, substances behave as if they are in another time dimension.

The same thing happens when we are talking about events at the atomic and nano-levels of existence.

Time is a process that occurs only when there is an observer. That is, time arises when there is a person. Without it there is no time - all things just happen.

There is a point of view that everyone has their own time, for example, for one person only a couple of events happen in one period of time, while for another during this time everything happens much faster: he experiences more different thoughts, more events happen, etc.

In a word, the phenomenon of time, while initially clear, is not at all as clear as it might seem.

Since ancient times, people have been thinking about whether it is possible to travel into the past, is it possible to end up there?

Ancient esoteric knowledge says that the time machine is inside us! The fact that in our consciousness there is access to the information field of the Universe, through which we can find out anything and anytime!

It's called mental travel into the past, and anyone can experience it!

With the help of the technique described below, you can go back in time, see ancient countries and cultures, even look far back: see ancient civilizations and real dinosaurs!

Mental journey into the past: a special technique

Before the technique itself, it is important to say about the most important condition for success: in order to travel into the past, you need to be able to enter a deep trance² and maintain awareness³. The further into the past, the stronger the awareness should be!

Before you start, you need to immediately decide where you want to go. It is recommended to go into the past gradually: first, start training with the early periods of your life.

1. The practitioner sits or lies down, takes a comfortable position and closes his eyes. It is recommended to completely isolate yourself from the outside world using an eye mask and earplugs.

2. It relaxes the muscles of the body and face, focusing on each muscle group. This will enter into .

3. The person continues the immersion: focuses on his breathing, feeling every inhalation and exhalation. This will free him from constant thoughts and plunge him into a deep trance.

Another way is to focus on an imaginary figure. You can imagine a bright sun in front of you and focus only on it.

4. After some time, the practitioner will fall into an intermediate state. It is in this magical state of the Zero Point⁴ that he gains access to the information field of the Universe and can move into the past!

5. The man counts from five to one. Then he imagines that he is near the haze. This is the fog of time: if you concentrate, you can see that it consists of time lines. There you can see the life of any person, all the events that have been and will be!

6. The practitioner turns left into the past and begins to move forward. Entering a cloud of fog, he begins to think about what interests him.

He mentally pronounces a phrase, for example: “I want to be in the past, on the day when I turned 3 years old!”

You can name any date or era of the past.

7. The fog of time will soon part before you, showing exactly this time and event!

You will be able to navigate through the past, see what interests you, and learn various secrets.

8. To leave the past and return to oneself, the practitioner says: “I have learned everything I need, now I wish to return to my physical body in the present moment! OM!”

9. The fog thickens again, and the person walks back (feels like). Feeling that he is in the present, the person calmly counts to five and begins to return to himself, to his usual state of consciousness.

This practice will allow you to lift the veil of secrecy over the past. Traveling into the past will open up enormous opportunities for you:

  • learn the real history of humanity;
  • make scientific discoveries;
  • , find gold and precious stones. There are a lot of such “greetings” from the past buried in the ground!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Time is one of the basic concepts of philosophy and physics, a measure of the duration of existence of all objects, a characteristic of the sequential change of their states in the processes of change and development, as well as one of the coordinates of a single space-time, ideas about which are developed in the theory of relativity. (

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