Method key author Khasai Aliev. After training with the key, your life will become radically easier


Khasai Magomedovich Aliev

Mechanisms of action of the Key Method

(Aliev Kh.M., Kholmogorova V.M., 2003)

How the brain works

The brain works as a mediator, establishing a balance between external circumstances and the internal state of a person.

The switching of brain systems occurs through a special “neutral state”.

Figuratively speaking, this complex brain mechanism works similar to a car’s gearbox, when the two hemispheres of the brain are “unlocked”, the connections between them are weakened, and are highly prepared for new shifts, depending on the command.

It is through the “neutral state” that a person’s mental balance and functions depleted and deformed by stress are restored, and the possibility of volitional control of the resources of the psyche and body is ensured.

The “neutral state,” as the optimal condition for switching brain systems, works as a trigger mechanism that instantly turns off all less powerful dominants, providing the current dominant with the opportunity for its full “generalized” implementation, causing the activation of resources in accordance with the task being solved by the person.

Why stress occurs

In conditions of danger and uncertainty, a defensive reaction is activated in the brain - an increase in tension and mobilization occurs, which is necessary to activate resources.

At the same time, to prepare a person and his internal resources for possible scenarios, the brain generates pictures of negative forecasts of the situation.

As a result, there is a struggle between the target dominant of a person and the dominant of negative forecasts, and if these competing dominants become equal in power, then the “neutral state” is blocked.

Blocking the “neutral state” causes an uncontrolled increase in neuropsychic tension - stress, a crisis situation that has a destructive effect on the human psyche and body.

Method The key is protection from stress and access To management internal resources

The Key method allows you to quickly develop self-regulation skills, with the help of which a person is able, firstly, to suppress the emerging increase in neuropsychic tension, secondly, to relieve a stressful state to get out of a crisis situation, and, finally, to cause a “neutral state” for “ unloading" and "rebooting" the brain.

Modeling the desired effects in the form of figurative and semantic pictures of the expected result against the background of a “neutral state” causes the connection of resource systems of the psyche and body to this intellectual work.


HM. Aliev. RF Patent No. 1785711 "Method for reducing fatigue"

HM. Aliev. RF Patent No. 2041721 "Method of psychophysiological self-regulation and device for stimulation"


HM. Aliev. The key to yourself. Moscow, ed. "Young Guard", 1990

HM. Aliev. The key to yourself. Sofia, ed. "Homo Futurus", 1994

HM. Aliev. The key to yourself. Warsaw, ed. "Pshiyachulka", 1995

HM. Aliev. The key to self-regulation. Sofia, ed. "Homo Futurus", 1998

HM. Aliev. Protection from stress. Moscow, ed. "Martin", Moscow, 1996

HM. Aliev. Methodological guidelines for using the “Key” method of psychophysiological self-regulation for specialists in children’s rehabilitation centers. Created under the Presidential Program “Children of Russia” by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 1997

HM. Aliev. Where to get the strength for success. System of psychophysiological self-regulation "Key". Commissioned by the Committee of Labor and Employment of the Moscow Government. "Techinvest", 1998, (used in Employment Centers in Moscow and Russian regions).

HM. Aliev. Anti-stress training for psychologists, career counselors and social workers, commissioned by the Labor and Employment Committee of the Moscow Government. "Techinvest", 1998, (used in Employment Centers in Moscow and Russian regions).

Kh.M.Aliev. Method The key to dealing with stress. Rostov-on-Don, ed. "Phoenix", 2003

Kh.M.Aliev. Your face or formula of happiness. Moscow, ed. "Olma Press", 2004


HM. Aliev, S.M. Mikhailovskaya, “Method of controlled self-regulation.” Methodological recommendations of the USSR Ministry of Health, No. 10-1\pp dated January 23, 1987.

HM. Aliev, “Manual for educational and rehabilitation classes with elderly people based on the method of controlled psychophysiological self-regulation “Key” (House of War Veterans and Armed Forces). Commissioned by the Committee of Public and Interregional Relations of the Moscow Government. 2000.

HM. Aliev, A. A. Kokorev. Terrorism, everyone should know this. Advice from a psychologist. (Service for Combating Terrorism in Moscow and the Moscow Region), Izograph, 2001

V.M. Vasilenko, M.M. Sharipova, Kh.M. Aliev “Complex application of reflexology and psychophysiological self-regulation “Key”. Methodological manual for doctors. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow Dental Institute, Department of Reflexology, Moscow, 1998.

HM. Aliev. Some issues of industrial psychophysiology. Journal "Electronic Industry", No. 5, 1983, pp. 62-66.

HM. Aliev. Signal reflexology as a method of psychophysiological control of the functional state of a human operator. Journal "Electronic Industry", No. 5, 1983, pp. 67-68.

HM. Aliev. “The method of programmable psychophysiological self-regulation as an effective means of optimizing intense operator and physical activity and the general functional state of a person.” Journal "Electronic Industry", No. 1, 1984, pp. 73-76.

HM. Aliev. “Programming of self-regulation mechanisms of operators in automated training mode.” Journal "Electronic Industry", No. 1, 1984, pp. 76-78.

HM. Aliev, A.G. Baratov, A.A. Israelyan, S.A. Kasabyan, E. Petrosyan, “Principles of constructing an automated psychophysiological system.” Journal "Electronic Industry", No. 1, 1985, pp. 15-17.

HM. Aliev, V.S. Zotov, S.M. Mikhailovskaya. Method of psychophysiological self-regulation as a factor of controlled stress. Sat. Problems of assessing human functional capabilities and predicting health. Moscow, 1985.

HM. Aliev, S.M. Mikhailovskaya, “On the problem of psychophysiological self-regulation”, “Psychological Journal of the USSR Academy of Sciences”, 3, volume 7, 1986, pp. 119-120.

HM. Aliev, M.N. Zaplishny, L.G. Nahapetyan, D.K. Khachvankyan "Methodology for optimizing physical activity." Journal “Human Physiology” of the USSR Academy of Sciences, No. 5, 1987.

The essence of the “Key” method is to master the skill of state management. Wikipedia.

How does this work? Man is a creator. When solving any problem, he, first of all, faces himself - with his fears, complexes, stereotypes of thinking, which are activated in anticipation of the unknown.

Creativity is the search for the simplest solution through the prism of the highest human values.

Stress of life. Automatic relief of stress and tension is well known to everyone.

Khasai Aliyev conducts a lesson using the Key method

A well-known specialist on stress problems states: “Overexertion ( stress ) and the clamps are reset mechanism of self-regulation of the bodyrepeatable actions. This is how the brain protects itself in uncertainty - with complete certainty.”

So when you're nervous, you pace back and forth across the room, swing your legs, tap your fingers, rock in your chair.

From here came the rosary, prayer, mantras, rock and roll and other dances with repeated movements that give a feeling of freedom!

When a person is free, he is guided by common sense and a sense of harmony. When you are squeezed - fear, complexes, stereotypes and other people's advice.

The higher the tension, the higher the frequency of repeated actions protecting you, up to nervous trembling. Many people don’t know this yet, they are trying relieve stress by force of will. But you need to help the body - just shake it. And the liberation of mind and body occurs - stress is relieved.

Technology that helps you solve problems better and be healthier, based on this principle of feedback between state and activity, is called Synchromethod Key . It's short Key Stress Test , liberating Synchrogymnastics for almost instant mobilization and maintenance of high creative and physical performance without doping, and Unloading— maximum relaxation to restore creative and physical strength in any conditions.


Check whether your thoughts are free and evaluate your state of comfort and discomfort...

  • Method 2 - Unloading to reset or reach a neutral state.

With the help of the Key, unloading - you will first learn don't think about anything - enter into neutral state or state of free consciousness(emptiness in the head, lack of internal dialogue, absolute zero), so that later learnthink about what you want, and not just what you think about(obsessive thoughts are).

Hasai Aliyev's students do unloading using the Key method

  • 3 Ideoreflex techniques to quickly reach a controlled state (). And the use of this resource state to achieve the desired goals.

Synchro method based on new principles, criteria and techniques that differ in the speed of achieving results using the simplest! actions. For example, the traditional principle of “learning by repetition” is supplemented by the principle of “selection by brute force” with search for actions, straightaway! giving results. Instead of the step-by-step principle, where standard exercises are practiced one by one until automaticity is achieved, a new principle is used - NET. — A group of exercises is immediately presented and they are sorted out according to a previously unknown principle of individual matching. Result - .

Synchronized gymnastics are mental and physical techniques that coordinate a person’s activities with his current (internal) state. Exercises to maintain creative and physical performance.

Taming stress. Book by H. Aliyev

The highest level of the © Key method is ©, which allows you not only to relieve any stress, but to use powerful stressful energy to achieve given goals. The program provides special training, starting from the basic level Synchromethod Key.

The maximum effect is achieved with a specialist.

Skype/Skype: centr-klu4 after 19.00 Moscow time

You can view the video recordings of Hasai Aliyev’s School “Man of the Future” in the official online store author.

©Method Key

Khasai Aliyev

"Key" method. Unlock your possibilities. Realize yourself!

Khasai Magomedovich Aliev - Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan, researcher at the Center for Aerospace Medicine of the State Research Testing Institute of Military Medicine of the Russian Ministry of Defense, General Director of the Moscow "Center for Protection from Stress", member of the Interdepartmental Council for the Coordination of Psychological Services of Moscow, member of the Creative Union professional artists.

His first book, “The Key to Yourself,” was published in 1990 in Moscow, Sofia and Warsaw. Then seven more books were published, including “Where to get the strength for success”, “The “Key” method in the fight against stress”, “Methodological guide for psychologists, career counselors and social workers”, “Your own face, or the Formula of happiness”, “ Methodological guide for specialists of children's rehabilitation centers."

For the psychological preparation of military personnel for the lifting of the nuclear-powered icebreaker "Kursk", the rehabilitation of victims of terrorist attacks in the cities of Kizlyar, Kaspiysk, Moscow, Beslan, for the training of military psychologists sent to "hot spots", Dr. Aliyev was awarded state awards.

Doctors, psychologists and social workers who have completed Dr. Aliyev’s school of self-regulation work in 105 cities of the CIS, as well as in the USA, Canada, Israel, Italy, Australia, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, and the Netherlands.

Brief essence

How to become healthier and luckier?

Performance at the Social Rehabilitation Center with a residential area for war veterans and the Armed Forces

The KEY is effective from the first use, even for those for whom the techniques “fail”

What will happen to you. About what exactly will happen after training with the KEY

After training with the KEY, your life will become radically easier

How to become healthier and luckier?

Life has become dramatically more complicated.

Our internal natural automatic self-regulation, which maintains internal balance, malfunctions. This is stress - overstrain of regulatory systems.

There are many ways to overcome stress, but only the right one, in which you feel better not only during its action, but also in its aftereffect.

Here's a simple example. Is a cigarette an effective way to protect against stress? No. Because this causes a spasm of the blood vessels in the brain, and some time after using it, a new cigarette is required. Therefore, a cigarette does not solve the problem of stress, and smoking becomes an addiction: now you don’t feel normal until you smoke.

In order to quit smoking and not experience new stress - losing a “holiday” in life, you need to restore your previous integrity, which was before smoking.

Having learned conscious self-regulation, we will be able to relieve stress at will, transferring our internal “autopilot” to “manual control” mode at a critical moment, this will help restore and maintain health and more fully realize our abilities and capabilities, without experiencing addiction from no one or anything.

By maintaining internal harmony, we thereby preserve our human spiritual-physical integrity and therefore become more active and successful, and at the same time more capable of feeling joy in life.


The formula of the approach: strive to “fly”, and throw off the manifested “ballast”.

This is what the KEY techniques are for.

This is the most effective circuitry in which psychoanalysis, diagnostics, correction, monitoring the effectiveness of correction, psychological relief, insight, and other rehabilitation and mobilization reactions occur organically in a single process.

And it looks incredibly simple. Because it matches nature.

Performance at the Social Rehabilitation Center with a residential area for war veterans and the Armed Forces

We get used to everything, such is the adaptive power of our body. We get used to fatigue, to feeling unwell, to old age. And that's why we grow old. But you don’t need to get used to it, but create an internal tuning fork for self-tuning!

And now, being people who are, as they say, not young, let’s remember and restore our former youthful strength.

Remember that day, hour, minute when you were at your best. Let it happen in childhood, in adolescence, in youth. Remember! Our memory is our wealth! Now we will restore our best condition!

You can close your eyes for convenience, if it’s more pleasant.

Do you remember?

Now restore this state! Listen to yourself, what is stopping this?

Does your shoulder hurt?

Remember the shoulder lightly, stroke it, turn your hand so that it is more comfortable so that the shoulder does not hurt.

Does your neck feel pressure? Massage your neck in a slightly pleasant way, find the most tense areas and “dissolve” them with stroking.

Do you remember your best state? What's stopping this? Breath? Breathe so that it becomes easier. Yes, yes, exactly the way that is more pleasant for you, the way that is easier.

What else is stopping you from being at your best? Do you remember him?

Do you want to relieve tension? Is tension bothering you? Do a nice little warm-up, move in whatever way is easier, remember how you did in physical education class at school? Do some warm-up exercises.

And there are also special exercises that help remove the obstacles to the desired state. These are special key ideo-reflex techniques that relieve tension, cause relaxation and connect our best memories with the state of the body.

Hold your hands in front of you without tension, freely, so that they do not get tired, and give them a mental order so that they gently move in different directions, but as if on their own! Don’t push them with your muscles, let them walk on their own, automatically, don’t rush, they’ll walk! Everyone can do this! You just need to wait a little, let them disperse, don’t rush!

Went! Well done! You probably did well in school too!

And did you succeed? Well done! Don't you? Lower your hands and place them more comfortably. The main thing is that you tried and thereby launched an internal pharmacy. You will feel the effect within a few minutes.

Look, her cheeks are already pink! See, the face has relaxed! Do you remember your best state? Yes? Just like then? Or is there still a little something missing? What's missing? Get up, walk around a little, we want to see how you walk. So how? Don't rush, don't rush! Do you want to dance? Let's take it slow. Eh! Be careful, be careful, how old are you, you say? Ninety? This I know, it seemed to me that you said that you felt for some years. Fifty? Well, go ahead! Just don't rush, be careful!

What to do later, when you get back into life?

Repeat this procedure once a week to remember your youthful state, it will trigger rejuvenation in the body. Otherwise, we have become accustomed to aging and have lost our internal tuning fork for self-tuning. And this tuning fork will turn on the internal pharmacy, and you will begin to feel better, you will begin to get healthier!

Now remember so you can do it all yourself!

First. You need to sit down and relax.

Second. You need to start remembering your best state in life - remember your childhood, youth.

At the same time, it will become clear what is preventing this. For example, some unpleasant sensations will appear in the body.

Remove them, these sensations that interfere with a good state.

To do this, you have an arsenal of basic and additional techniques: massage of the points on the back of the head, which I showed, neck massage, light physical exercises that relieve tension and a feeling of tightness; and you also have special unique KEY techniques - ideoreflex techniques with raising and closing your hands, in which hand movements should occur automatically according to your mental commands.

These techniques relieve tension and cause pleasant relaxation, comfort, and a feeling of well-being.

You yourself determine which of these techniques you need in a particular case in order to eliminate those obstacles that prevent you from reproducing the state of youth.

Remember! The effect occurs not only when you do this procedure, but more later, when you have already completed it. You just need to sit quietly, passively for two or three minutes. And then - clear skies! And you will have a wonderful evening! This is how health and youth are restored.

Are you already young?

But what about it? That's what I'm talking about!


The KEY is mobilization and relaxation.

Mobilization is achieved through the removal of nerve clamps, through liberation.

This is a weak degree of relaxation, cutting off the tip of the iceberg of nervous tension, through which energy is revealed.

Khasai Magomedovich Aliev - Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan, researcher at the Center for Aerospace Medicine of the State Research Testing Institute of Military Medicine of the Russian Ministry of Defense, General Director of the Moscow "Center for Protection from Stress", member of the Interdepartmental Council for the Coordination of Psychological Services of Moscow, member of the Creative Union professional artists.

His first book, “The Key to Yourself,” was published in 1990 in Moscow, Sofia and Warsaw. Then seven more books were published, including “Where to get the strength for success”, “The “Key” method in the fight against stress”, “Methodological guide for psychologists, career counselors and social workers”, “Your own face, or the Formula of happiness”, “ Methodological guide for specialists of children's rehabilitation centers."

For the psychological preparation of military personnel for the lifting of the nuclear-powered icebreaker "Kursk", the rehabilitation of victims of terrorist attacks in the cities of Kizlyar, Kaspiysk, Moscow, Beslan, for the training of military psychologists sent to "hot spots", Dr. Aliyev was awarded state awards.

Doctors, psychologists and social workers who have completed Dr. Aliyev’s school of self-regulation work in 105 cities of the CIS, as well as in the USA, Canada, Israel, Italy, Australia, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, and the Netherlands.

Brief essence

How to become healthier and luckier?

Performance at the Social Rehabilitation Center with a residential area for war veterans and the Armed Forces

The KEY is effective from the first use, even for those for whom the techniques “fail”

What will happen to you. About what exactly will happen after training with the KEY

After training with the KEY, your life will become radically easier

How to become healthier and luckier?

Life has become dramatically more complicated.

Our internal natural automatic self-regulation, which maintains internal balance, malfunctions. This is stress - overstrain of regulatory systems.

There are many ways to overcome stress, but only the right one, in which you feel better not only during its action, but also in its aftereffect.

Here's a simple example. Is a cigarette an effective way to protect against stress? No. Because this causes a spasm of the blood vessels in the brain, and some time after using it, a new cigarette is required. Therefore, a cigarette does not solve the problem of stress, and smoking becomes an addiction: now you don’t feel normal until you smoke.

In order to quit smoking and not experience new stress - losing a “holiday” in life, you need to restore your previous integrity, which was before smoking.

Having learned conscious self-regulation, we will be able to relieve stress at will, transferring our internal “autopilot” to “manual control” mode at a critical moment, this will help restore and maintain health and more fully realize our abilities and capabilities, without experiencing addiction from no one or anything.

By maintaining internal harmony, we thereby preserve our human spiritual-physical integrity and therefore become more active and successful, and at the same time more capable of feeling joy in life.


The formula of the approach: strive to “fly”, and throw off the manifested “ballast”.

This is what the KEY techniques are for.

This is the most effective circuitry in which psychoanalysis, diagnostics, correction, monitoring the effectiveness of correction, psychological relief, insight, and other rehabilitation and mobilization reactions occur organically in a single process.

And it looks incredibly simple. Because it matches nature.

Performance at the Social Rehabilitation Center with a residential area for war veterans and the Armed Forces

We get used to everything, such is the adaptive power of our body. We get used to fatigue, to feeling unwell, to old age. And that's why we grow old. But you don’t need to get used to it, but create an internal tuning fork for self-tuning!

And now, being people who are, as they say, not young, let’s remember and restore our former youthful strength.

Remember that day, hour, minute when you were at your best. Let it happen in childhood, in adolescence, in youth. Remember! Our memory is our wealth! Now we will restore our best condition!

You can close your eyes for convenience, if it’s more pleasant.

Do you remember?

Now restore this state! Listen to yourself, what is stopping this?

Does your shoulder hurt?

Remember the shoulder lightly, stroke it, turn your hand so that it is more comfortable so that the shoulder does not hurt.

Does your neck feel pressure? Massage your neck in a slightly pleasant way, find the most tense areas and “dissolve” them with stroking.

Do you remember your best state? What's stopping this? Breath? Breathe so that it becomes easier. Yes, yes, exactly the way that is more pleasant for you, the way that is easier.

What else is stopping you from being at your best? Do you remember him?

Do you want to relieve tension? Is tension bothering you? Do a nice little warm-up, move in whatever way is easier, remember how you did in physical education class at school? Do some warm-up exercises.

And there are also special exercises that help remove the obstacles to the desired state. These are special key ideo-reflex techniques that relieve tension, cause relaxation and connect our best memories with the state of the body.

Hold your hands in front of you without tension, freely, so that they do not get tired, and give them a mental order so that they gently move in different directions, but as if on their own! Don’t push them with your muscles, let them walk on their own, automatically, don’t rush, they’ll walk! Everyone can do this! You just need to wait a little, let them disperse, don’t rush!

Went! Well done! You probably did well in school too!

And did you succeed? Well done! Don't you? Lower your hands and place them more comfortably. The main thing is that you tried and thereby launched an internal pharmacy. You will feel the effect within a few minutes.

Look, her cheeks are already pink! See, the face has relaxed! Do you remember your best state? Yes? Just like then? Or is there still a little something missing? What's missing? Get up, walk around a little, we want to see how you walk. So how? Don't rush, don't rush! Do you want to dance? Let's take it slow. Eh! Be careful, be careful, how old are you, you say? Ninety? This I know, it seemed to me that you said that you felt for some years. Fifty? Well, go ahead! Just don't rush, be careful!

What to do later, when you get back into life?

Repeat this procedure once a week to remember your youthful state, it will trigger rejuvenation in the body. Otherwise, we have become accustomed to aging and have lost our internal tuning fork for self-tuning. And this tuning fork will turn on the internal pharmacy, and you will begin to feel better, you will begin to get healthier!

Now remember so you can do it all yourself!

First. You need to sit down and relax.

Second. You need to start remembering your best state in life - remember your childhood, youth.

At the same time, it will become clear what is preventing this. For example, some unpleasant sensations will appear in the body.

Remove them, these sensations that interfere with a good state.

To do this, you have an arsenal of basic and additional techniques: massage of the points on the back of the head, which I showed, neck massage, light physical exercises that relieve tension and a feeling of tightness; and you also have special unique KEY techniques - ideoreflex techniques with raising and closing your hands, in which hand movements should occur automatically according to your mental commands.

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