Methodology for conducting qualifying examinations for obtaining the right to drive vehicles. Driving school examination protocol sample Protocol for acceptance of traffic police examination tickets

Order dated _______ No. _______



I. General provisions.

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation,” training programs for vehicle drivers are classified as additional vocational training programs. According to articles 73 and 74 of this law, vocational training ends with final certification in the form of a qualifying exam.

1.1. The law establishes that a qualification exam is conducted by an organization carrying out educational activities to determine the conformity of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities under the training program for drivers of category “B” vehicles.

1.2. Instructions on the procedure for organizing work on taking qualification exams and issuing driver's licenses in the divisions of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2000 No. 782 “On measures to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 15, 1999 . No. 1396”, also provides for the procedure for taking the qualification exam by the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

1.3. In accordance with paragraph 14 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 1999 No. 1396, when taking the theoretical part of the exam, attract public observers.

1.5. Exams are held no later than 10 days after students have fully completed the driver training curriculum in accordance with the schedule.

1.6. Examinations are administered by the examination committee, which consists of at least 3 people, including the head (deputy head). The names of the examination commission are appointed by order of the head of the organization.

1.7. Students who have completed full training under the Program and have received positive final grades in all theoretical subjects of study and thematic control of the subject “Driving a Vehicle” are allowed to take the exams.

1.8. The exams consist of theoretical and practical exams, which are carried out in stages: first - theoretical, then practical. Students who have not passed the theoretical exam are not allowed to take the practical exam.

1.9. Persons teaching driving a vehicle (teachers, industrial training masters), no later than one day before the exams, submit a written notification to the director of the educational organization about the readiness of the group for the exams (the number of students admitted and not admitted to the exams, the reasons why candidates vehicle drivers are not allowed to take exams) in the prescribed form. They also provide fully completed documentation for the training group (class logbook, individual driving training books, summary statements of actual fuel consumption).

1.10. Controversial issues that arise during examinations are considered by a conflict commission; the composition of the commission is established by order of the director of the training center.

1.11. Responsibility for organizing and conducting exams, as well as correct and complete documentation rests with the director of ANO DPO “AUTO-PRESTIGE.

II. Requirements for the examination committee.

2.1. The examination commission is headed by a chairman represented by the director of the organization. Members of the examination committee must have higher or secondary vocational education.

2.2. Each member of the examination committee must be at least 23 years old, have a driver’s license confirming the right to drive category “B” vehicles for which the exam will be conducted, and have at least three years of driving experience.

2.3. Members of the examination committee are required to know:

Traffic rules and the basics of safe driving;

Teaching methods, computer programs for conducting practical classes and monitoring students’ knowledge;

Design and rules of operation of vehicles;

Fundamentals of psychophysiology of work and ethics of driver behavior;

Basics of providing pre-hospital medical care to victims of road traffic accidents (hereinafter referred to as RTA);

Legal basis of road traffic;

The procedure for taking qualifying exams for obtaining the right to drive a vehicle;

Requirements for ensuring labor protection and safety in the educational process.

III. Requirements for the autodrome.

3.1. The race track for training and taking the practical exam for the right to drive a category “B” vehicle must be equipped with the following mandatory elements:

Ring route;

A box for parking the vehicle forward and in reverse;

A box for parking the vehicle on its side using reverse gear (diagonal parking);

An area for turning a vehicle when the width of the roadway is limited (a large courtyard);

A section with a rise (overpass) with a slope of at least 16%;

Figure eight (circle);

Stop line;

Dimensional tunnel;

Dimensional snake;

3.2. The equipment and condition of the autodrome must comply with all technical requirements stated in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 636 dated June 18, 2010, as well as the requirements of labor protection, industrial sanitation and traffic safety.

IV. Requirements for conducting a theoretical exam.

4.1. Theoretical exams are scheduled and conducted on weekdays.

4.2. The theoretical exam can be taken on a computer and/or using exam tickets on paper (hereinafter referred to as tickets), or by oral examination using test items.

Note - combined options for using the specified methods for taking a theoretical exam are allowed:

For exam papers on paper and oral questioning;

Computer and oral questioning;

For exam tickets on paper and on a computer.

4.3. Before the start of the theoretical exam, the chairman or member of the examination committee must inform students about the procedure, the procedure for using exam tickets on paper, a computer program or test tasks, as well as about the knowledge assessment system.

4.4. A theoretical exam using examination tickets on paper or on a computer must be taken from students for the right to drive category “B” on three tickets, including questions on traffic rules, the basics of driving a vehicle and traffic safety, the legal foundations of road traffic, and pre-medical care for victims in case of an accident;

4.5. Each ticket must contain ten questions, and each question must contain two to five answers, one of which is correct. The content of the tickets must correspond to the program and reflect the specifics of the training of drivers of category “B” vehicles.

4.6. To prepare answers to questions on one ticket, each student is given 15 minutes. The sequence of answers to the ticket questions is chosen by the student independently.

4.7. Answers to questions on tickets on paper are recorded by the student with ink or ballpoint pen in the examination card for the theoretical exam. An answer to a ticket question that has corrections is considered incorrect.

4.8. Information about the correct answers to questions included in computer tickets should be displayed on the monitor screen only after answering the last question on the ticket, or after the set time has elapsed. In this case, information with the numbers of selected and correct answers to the ticket questions, the time spent on their preparation, as well as questions to which incorrect answers were given should be displayed on the computer monitor screen.

4.9. The “Passed” mark is given to the student if he or she makes no more than one mistake on each ticket.

4.10. The mark “Failed” is given to a student if he has not answered the questions on one ticket within 15 minutes, or has made two or more mistakes on it.

4.11. When conducting a theoretical exam using an oral questioning method, the student must answer one test task, including questions on traffic rules, the basics of driving a vehicle and traffic safety, the legal foundations of road traffic, pre-medical care for road accident victims;

4.12. The test task must consist of 10 questions on paper. To prepare answers to the questions of one test task, the student should be given 30 minutes. Answers to the questions of the test task are given to students in writing and assessed during an oral interview between the student and a member of the examination committee.

4.13. The “Pass” mark is given if the student correctly and reasonably answered at least nine questions of the test task.

If the student answers two or more questions of the test task incorrectly, the student is given a “Fail” grade.

4.14. The results of the theoretical examination, taken by the oral questioning method, are entered into the examination card for the theoretical examination by a member of the examination committee.

4.15. If during the theoretical exam the student used literature or resorted to the help of other persons, the exam is stopped and he is given the mark “Failed”.

V. Requirements for conducting a practical exam.

5.1. The practical exam for the right to drive a category “B” vehicle must be taken in two stages. At the first stage, students are assessed for their driving skills on a race track, and at the second stage, in real traffic conditions along a given route.

5.2. Before starting each stage of practical replacement, the engine of the training vehicle must be warmed up and turned off, the gearbox lever must be in neutral, and the parking brake system must be engaged.

5.3. Before the start of the practical exam, the chairman or member of the commission must inform students about the procedure for conducting the exam, the system for assessing vehicle driving skills and the sequence of driving through the elements of the circuit.

5.4. The time to complete the first stage of the practical exam is set taking into account the size of the circuit and the type of vehicle, but not more than 20 minutes.

5.5. The mark “Passed” is given to the student for completing all of the above elements of the circuit.

5.6. Completion of an autodrome element does not count if:

Touching the transport limiters of the element;

Stopping the vehicle engine due to the fault of the student;

Unsmooth starting of a vehicle from a stopping place on an incline or when it rolls back from a stopping place by more than thirty centimeters;

Stopping the vehicle or using reverse gear when performing the figure-eight element (“circle”);

Stopping the front wheels of the vehicle outside the half-meter zone in front of the stop line;

Engaging reverse gear more than once when performing the following elements: an area for turning a vehicle with a limited roadway, a box for parking a vehicle in reverse, a box for parking a vehicle sideways (diagonal parking).

If an element is not completed on the first attempt, the practical exam continues from the starting position of that element. No more than two attempts are allotted to complete each element.

5.7. A student who does not pass the first stage of the practical exam is not allowed to take the second stage.

5.8. At the second stage of the practical exam, the student’s driving skills are assessed in real traffic conditions along a given route. The length of the route must be at least 5 km. The route for completing the second stage of the practical exam is determined by the examination committee.

5.9. Each student is given no more than 30 minutes to complete the second stage.

5.10. When moving along the route, a member of the commission must clearly and timely give commands to the student and monitor the correctness of their implementation.

5.11. A member of the commission is prohibited from provoking a student to perform actions that contradict the requirements of the rules and road safety.

5.12. If a threat to traffic safety arises and to prevent an accident, the industrial training master or a member of the commission is obliged to immediately intervene in the process of driving the vehicle.

5.13. For making errors (violations) at the second stage of the practical exam, the student is awarded penalty points: for a significant error - five points, for a minor one - two. The classification of errors is given in STB 2191.2-2011.

5.14. Errors made by students are classified and recorded by a member of the commission on the examination card for the practical exam.

5.15. The commission sums up the number of penalty points scored by the student at the second stage of the practical exam and gives him a final mark based on the results of passing the practical exam.

5.16. The mark “Passed” is given if a student travels a given route without creating an emergency situation, provided that he has scored a total of no more than eight penalty points for significant and minor errors.

5.17. Refusal or failure by a student to complete any element of the first stage of a practical exam, exceeding the established standard time for completing stages, creating an emergency situation at both stages, which necessitated the intervention of an industrial training master to prevent an accident, gaining more than eight penalty points is recorded with the mark “Failed” "

VI. The procedure for recording exam results.

6.1. The results of the theoretical and practical examinations are documented in the protocol of the commission, which is signed by the chairman, all members of the commission and certified by the seal of the educational organization. The last name, first name and patronymic of all students being examined must be included in the protocol. The column of the protocol “Suggestions and comments of the commission” must indicate students who did not pass the exams and the reasons why they did not pass the exams.

6.2. For students who successfully pass the exams, the organization issues a standard certificate of completion of driver training and a driver examination card. Receipt of the certificate is certified by the signature of the person who received it in the protocol of the examination commission.

6.3. Based on the exam results, an order is issued from the director of the organization on the completion of training by students, indicating the group number, surname, first name and patronymic of the student who passed the exam, series and number of the issued certificate.

6.4. Students who have passed the exams and received certificates, as part of the training group, are presented by the management of the organization for a qualification exam to the territorial registration and examination unit of the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Novosibirsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the traffic police unit).

6.5. Educational documentation for the study group is stored in the educational organization in accordance with the list of standard documents of government bodies, institutions, organizations and enterprises of Khimki. In this case, the protocols of the examination commission must be stored for at least 75 years, individual driving training books and waybills for a training motor vehicle for at least 3 years after the completion of the last audit.

If the certificate is lost or its further use is impossible, the organization that issued the original is obliged to issue a duplicate based on a written application from the certificate holder for an additional fee, according to the price list.

VII. The procedure for conducting repeated theoretical and practical examinations.

7.1 Students who have not passed the theoretical or practical exams can retake the theoretical exam on Mondays from 16.00 to 18.00, and the practical exam on Tuesdays from 10.00.

7.2. A repeated theoretical and (or) practical exam (driving) is scheduled no earlier than five days from the date of the previous exam. The number of repeated theoretical exams and practical (driving) exams is limited by the duration of the contract and an additional agreement.

7.3. Students who do not pass the theoretical exam are recommended to complete 2 (two) hours of additional lessons with a teacher for payment according to the price list before retaking the exam.

7.4. Retaking the practical exam starts from the step that was not taken in the previous exam.

7.5. Re-taking the practical exam is carried out after additional payment by the student for the cost of retaking the practical exam and the cost of fuel, according to the fuel consumption rate for the exam. Students who have not passed the practical exam are recommended to complete 2 (two) hours of additional training with an on-the-job training master on a vehicle for an additional fee according to the price list before retaking the exam.

Repeated practical examination includes:

Theoretical exam (if more than 30 days have passed since the previous theoretical exam), during which the student must answer three tickets, which should include questions on the rules of the road, the basics of driving a vehicle and traffic safety, pre-medical care for victims of an accident ;

The first stage of the practical exam in accordance with paragraphs 7.22-7.34, 7.44 STB 2191.2-2011;

The second stage of the practical exam in accordance with paragraphs 7.35-7.44 of STB 2191.2-2011.

7.6. Students who do not pass the practical exam in three attempts are allowed to take the subsequent exam after completing additional classes in the amount of 10% of the program of the subject “Driving a Car” for an additional fee according to the price list.

7.7. Students who have passed the exam(s) are presented to take qualifying exams at the traffic police department as part of regular training groups.

In case of failure to pass tests or exams at the Driving School during the validity of the agreement of the educational group in which the student is registered, the student can:

To be expelled from the Driving School due to poor academic performance: on the basis of the director’s order without reimbursement of the amount paid for training under the terms of the concluded agreement. Before creating an order to expel a student, a notification is sent to each student, which indicates the period given to the student to repay debts on tests or exams.

Upon expiration of the contract, the contractor has the right to extend the contract for one month with the obligatory drawing up of an additional agreement and additional payment by the customer of the amount stipulated in the price list.

Internal exam at a driving school

Order to conduct the final exam

Order for admission to the final exam

Protocol for taking internal exams at a driving school

Protocol form for taking internal exams at a driving school

Protocol for taking internal driving tests at a driving school

Protocol form for taking internal driving tests at a driving school

Examination sheet for theoretical and practical examination (in accordance with the old methodology), both for the training group and for the selected cadet

Examination sheet for admission to the second stage of the practical exam (in accordance with the new methodology), both for the training group and for the selected cadet.

We will make changes to the main program templates free of charge in accordance with the requirements for documentation in driving schools and traffic police authorities in your region. If the necessary changes relate to the specifics of document management in only one specific driving school, a minor additional payment will be required.

Internal examination protocol

The Driving School program allows you to create an internal exam protocol for a selected training group of cadets. It is also possible to print and form the internal examination protocol.

The internal examination protocol must necessarily indicate the chairman of the examination commission, list the members of the examination commission, and indicate the category of vehicles.

At the bottom of the Protocol of the internal exam in the driving school, the total number of students, how many students are admitted to the exams and the number of those who passed the internal exam in the driving school are indicated. This data is certified by the signatures of the chairman and members of the examination committee, as well as the signature of the head of the educational institution and the seal of the educational institution indicating the date.

After programmatically generating the internal exam protocol, you can manually add the names and initials of the cadets to it, set grades, add the date of issue and the number of the certificate of completion of the driving school. To do this, you need to double-click in the desired column. In the window that appears, enter (edit) the desired value.

A fully completed and completed Protocol for taking an internal exam at a driving school, along with the signatures of the cadets, is submitted to the training section of the driving school.

If necessary, the Driving School program allows you to print out the internal exam protocol form. In this case, the protocol must be filled out manually. Both when generating an already completed internal examination protocol, and when printing the internal examination protocol form, the name of the educational organization (driving school) is displayed at the top of the document. This name is taken from the directory of organization details.

In addition to the above, the program allows you to create a driving school admission protocol for a training group or print a form for such a protocol. The program also allows you to manually enter last names, first names and initials of cadets in the same way as is done in the internal exam protocol, but only after the document has been generated programmatically.

The above documents should not contain erasures or corrections.

Since version 2.2.1, the ability to generate a list of driving school training groups using the MS Word word processor ( has been added.

Information about the program:


Description of the program:

From the history of the "Driving School" program. The first version of the program was written in September 2001 and was called “Driving School Archive”. With the change in the Model training programs for drivers of vehicles of various categories, the program also changed. Various corrections, changes and additions were made to it due to the requirements of the Model driver training programs, changes in regulatory documents regulating the activities of driving schools, etc. Some of the changes were made in connection with the wishes of the first users of the program. Initially, the program was used in two driving schools in Volgograd.

However, changes that have occurred recently in the process of training drivers of vehicles of various categories, namely the approval of new “Model programs for training drivers of vehicles” of various categories in September 2008 and the approval of a new “Methodology for conducting qualifying examinations for obtaining the right to drive vehicles funds" in June 2009, demanded more drastic changes to the program. It was decided to release a new edition of the program and transfer it to a new DBMS. The program received a new name "Driving School". Version 2.3 of the program was developed in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 636 of June 18, 2010, which introduced new Model training programs for vehicle drivers.

The "Driving School" program is designed to automate and unify document flow in a driving school. The "Driving School" program helps the director of a driving school and teaching staff solve the following tasks:

Registration of driving school students by groups, years of study, etc.

Keeping records of payments for each cadet, for the group as a whole and for the driving school for the academic year and in general

Automatic generation of various documentation and lists to support the educational process

Printing and recording of issued driving school completion certificates

Preparation and printing of waybills for training vehicles

Keeping records of training vehicles

Accounting of personal data of teachers and masters of industrial training of a driving school

Obtaining various reference information.

Documents generated by the "Driving School" program. The program allows you to generate the following documents and forms:

1. Certificate of completion of a driving school (A4 or A5 format)

2. Cadet’s application for admission to training

3. Agreement for training in a driving school both for the entire group and for a specifically selected cadet

4. Certificate of completed work both for the entire group and for a specifically selected cadet

5. Protocol for taking internal exams at a driving school

6. Protocol form for taking internal exams at a driving school

7. Protocol for taking an internal exam at a driving school

8. Protocol form for taking an internal driving test at a driving school

9. Journal of classes for a study group with a list of groups and topics of classes

10. Class log for a study group without a group list, but with lesson topics

11. Journal of classes for a study group without a list and topics (form)

12. Class schedule for the study group

13. Register of issuance of driving school completion certificates for the selected period

14. Cadet registration card

15. Application to the traffic police MREO for registration of a training group (several types)

16. Application form to the traffic police MREO for registration of a training group (several types)

17. Application to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the issuance of a driver’s license for both the training group and the selected cadet

18. Driving cards for both the entire group and the selected cadet

19. Driving card form

20. Examination sheet for theoretical and practical examination (in accordance with the old methodology) both for the training group and for the selected cadet

21. Examination sheet for admission to the second stage of the practical exam (in accordance with the new methodology) for both the training group and the selected cadet

22. Statement of accounting of tuition payments for the study group

23. Statement of accounting of tuition payments for the training group (with details for each cadet)

24. Receipt cash order (Unified form No. KO-1), generated when accepting payment for training

25. Invoice for tuition at a driving school

26. Register of issued invoices

27. List of teachers

28. List of industrial training masters

29. Driving order schedule (for the documentation board)

30. Driving sequence schedule (for industrial training master)

31. Waybill for a school car and a passenger car (Standard interindustry form No. 3) A5 and A4 formats, both in the form of a form and with filled-in data (make, car number, driver’s name, organization details, name of the dispatcher-contractor, mechanic, medical . employee, etc.)

32. Individual driving record card (book) for both the group and the selected cadet for a car with a manual transmission

33. Individual driving record card (book) for both the group and the selected cadet for a car with an automatic transmission

34. Form of an individual driving record card (book) for a car with a manual transmission

35. Form of an individual driving record card (book) for a car with an automatic transmission

36. Training car registration card

37. Registration sheet for on-the-job training (practical driving)

38. Receipt form PD-4 for payment of tuition fees, for example, through Sberbank of the Russian Federation

39. Study group list using the built-in report generator and in MS Word (

40. And other documents and forms.

To pass exams in the traffic police

1. Certificate of completion of a driving school of the established form

2. Medical certificate

3. Temporary registration - if available

4. Residents of other regions of the Russian Federation provide certificates from their traffic police registration authority stating that they have not received or lost their rights

7. When receiving a driver’s license, bring the paid receipt

(state duty) - 2000 rubles. You can get a receipt from a driving school or the traffic police department.

On the day of the study group exams, appear at the traffic police department with these documents and your passport.

Internal examination protocol

The "Driving School" program allows you to create an internal exam protocol for a selected training group of cadets. It is also possible to print and form the internal examination protocol.

The internal examination protocol must necessarily indicate the chairman of the examination commission, list the members of the examination commission, and indicate the category of vehicles.
At the bottom of the Protocol of the internal exam in the driving school, the total number of students, how many students are admitted to the exams and the number of those who passed the internal exam in the driving school are indicated. This data is certified by the signatures of the chairman and members of the examination committee, as well as the signature of the head of the educational institution and the seal of the educational institution indicating the date .

After programmatically generating the internal exam protocol, you can manually add cadets’ surnames and initials to it, set grades, add the date of issue and no. driving school certificates. To do this, you need to double-click in the desired column. In the window that appears, enter (edit) the desired value.

A fully completed and completed Protocol for taking an internal exam at a driving school, along with the signatures of the cadets, is submitted to the training department of the driving school.
If necessary, the "Driving School" program allows you to print out the internal exam protocol form. In this case, the protocol must be filled out manually. Both when generating an already completed internal examination protocol, and when printing the internal examination protocol form, the name of the educational organization (driving school) is displayed at the top of the document. This name is taken from the directory of organization details.

In addition to the above, the program allows you to create a driving school admission protocol for a training group or print a form for such a protocol. The program also allows you to manually enter last names, first names and initials of cadets in the same way as is done in the internal exam protocol, but only after the document has been generated programmatically.
The above documents should not contain erasures or corrections.

Since version 2.2.1, the ability to form study group list driving schools using the word processor MS Word (

Admission of exams to the State Traffic Inspectorate on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out according to the methodology given below. This technique is also used as the basis for final exams in driving schools.

I. General provisions

1.1. Qualifying exams (hereinafter referred to as the exams) are carried out to determine the possibility of issuing driving licenses to driver candidates in the manner prescribed by the Rules for passing qualifying exams and issuing driver's licenses, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 1999 No. 1396 (hereinafter - the Rules).

1.2. Examinations in general consist of three parts: a theoretical exam and two stages of a practical exam (the first stage - on a closed site or race track, the second stage - on a test route in real traffic conditions).

1.3. Each part of the exam is assessed independently of each other according to the following system: positive assessment - “PASS”, negative – “FAIL”.
A positive mark obtained in the theoretical exam is valid for 3 months.
A positive mark received in the first stage of the practical examination is considered valid for the duration of the positive mark received in the theoretical examination.
If a driver candidate receives a negative mark for any part of the exam, retaking previously passed parts of the exam is not required.

1.4. The marks received by the candidate driver are entered into the examination sheet (appendix to the General Provisions) and the examination protocol (Appendix No. 3 to the Instructions on the procedure for organizing work on taking qualification exams and issuing driver’s licenses in the traffic police departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 20 July 2000 No. 782).

1.5. The practical exam is taken on a vehicle of the category for which a driver’s license will be issued:
“A” - on two-wheeled motorcycles without a side trailer;
“B” - on cars whose permissible maximum weight does not exceed 3500 kg and the number of seats in which, in addition to the driver’s seat, does not exceed 8, capable of reaching a speed of at least 100 km/h according to their technical characteristics;
“C” - on trucks with a permissible maximum weight over 7000 kg;
“D” - on buses with a capacity of at least 28 seats and a length of at least 7 m;
“E” - on vehicle trains, the tractor of which is a vehicle of the following category:
“B” - with a trailer, the permissible maximum weight of which is at least 1000 kg, and the permissible maximum weight of the combination of vehicles exceeds 3500 kg;
“C” - with a semi-trailer or trailer having at least two axles with a distance between them of more than 1 m;
"D" - on an articulated bus.

Note: In exceptional cases (taking exams for certain categories of citizens, taking exams in rural areas), by decision of the chief state road safety inspector of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the use of other vehicles (motorcycles with a side trailer, buses with a capacity of at least 20 seats and a length of at least 6.5 m, trucks belonging to category “C”, with a permissible maximum weight of less than 7000 kg).

II. Methodology for conducting a theoretical exam

1.2. When conducting a theoretical exam, the candidate driver's knowledge of:
Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Traffic Regulations) and the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety (hereinafter referred to as the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation);
the basics of safe driving of a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the vehicle);
legislation of the Russian Federation - in terms of ensuring road safety, as well as criminal, administrative and other liability of vehicle drivers;
technical aspects of safe vehicle control;
factors contributing to the occurrence of road accidents;
vehicle design elements whose condition affects road safety;
methods of providing pre-hospital medical care to persons injured in road traffic accidents (hereinafter referred to as RTA).

1.3. The exam is conducted on the questions included in the exam tickets (hereinafter referred to as tickets) approved by the Main Directorate of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Tickets are grouped into sets for the corresponding vehicle categories:
set 1 (“A” and “B”) - for candidates for vehicle drivers of categories “A”, “B”;
set 2 (“C” and “D”) - for candidates for drivers of vehicles of categories “B-C”, “C”, “D”, “tram” and “trolleybus”.

1.4 Each ticket contains 20 questions. Each question has several answers, one of which is correct.

2.1. The form of the examination is individual. The exam can be taken from one or several driver candidates at the same time.

2.2. The theoretical exam is carried out using one of the following methods:
method of written survey on tickets;
method of programmed knowledge control.
The method of conducting the examination is selected taking into account the provision of the examination department with technical means for administering examinations.

Note: At the motivated request of a driver candidate, by decision of the head of the examination unit, the method of conducting the examination may be changed.

2.3. The candidate driver is given 20 minutes to respond to the ticket. After the specified time has elapsed, the exam ends.

2.4. The time is kept by the examiner from the moment the command is given, allowing driver candidates to begin working with the ticket.

2.5. The sequence of answers to the ticket questions is chosen by the candidate driver independently.

2.6. The exam is held in a room (examination class) equipped with workstations for driver candidates and the examiner.
The layout and equipment of the examination room must allow the examiner to visually monitor the actions of driver candidates.

3. Exam procedure

3.1. The examiner introduces the candidate driver to the form, methods and procedure for conducting the exam, the procedure for working with a ticket depending on the method of taking the exam, and explains the evaluation system.

3.2. Regardless of the method of conducting the exam, the exam ticket is formed as follows.
All exam questions are combined into 4 groups of 40 thematic blocks, consisting of 5 questions each (the first group contains all questions No. 1-5 of the exam cards approved by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; the second - No. 6-10; the third - No. 11- 15 and fourth - Nos. 16-20). The ticket consists of four thematic blocks, each of which is randomly selected from the corresponding group.
Regrouping of questions within thematic blocks is not allowed.

3.3. When conducting an exam using a written questioning method based on tickets, the examiner asks the candidate driver to choose a ticket.
For each question on the ticket, the candidate driver selects one of the most complete and correct answers from among the proposed answers. The driver candidate enters the number of the selected answer to each question in the column with the number of the corresponding question on the examination sheet using an ink or ballpoint pen. After answering all the questions on the ticket or expiration of the established time, the examination sheet is signed by the candidate driver and, together with the ticket, is handed over to the examiner.
The examiner checks the correctness of the answers to the questions on the ticket.
An answer to a question that has corrections or erasures is considered incorrect.
If there are incorrect answers, their numbers are marked by the examiner on the examination sheet and the numbers of the correct answers are indicated in the line “Examiner's Marks”.

3.4. When conducting an exam using the programmed knowledge control method, the examiner invites the driver candidate to take the specified automated workstation (AWS).
The automated complex used to take the theoretical exam has the following requirements.
The complex must consist of a central console (CP) of the examiner, to which the driver candidates' workstations are connected. Each workstation must be equipped with a keyboard and monitor.
Before the start of the exam, the monitor displays the number of the automated workstation, the category of vehicles for which the exam is being taken to obtain the right to drive, as well as the surname, first name, and patronymic of the driver candidate assigned to this automated workstation. The entry of said information must be done from the examiner's CPU*.
The examination ticket is generated and displayed on the monitor screen only after the driver candidate presses the corresponding key on the workstation keyboard.
During the exam, the driver candidate's automated workplace monitor displays the ticket questions and the time remaining until the end of the exam.
The graphic image of the questions on the monitor screen must be identical to the image of the corresponding questions on the exam cards approved by the Main State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
The driver candidate must be able to independently choose the sequence of answers to the ticket questions.
To eliminate conflict situations during the exam caused by accidental key presses, the candidate driver must duplicate the answer he has chosen (for example, by pressing the corresponding key again).
The result of the exam, as well as information about the correctness of answers to the questions on the ticket, should be displayed on the monitor screen of the candidate driver’s workstation only after all answers to all the questions on the ticket have been completed or after the set time has elapsed. At the same time, an examination sheet with the numbers of selected and correct answers, as well as the time spent on the exam, is displayed on the screen.
At the end of the exam, the driver candidate’s workstation must provide the ability to display the questions presented to him, as well as the selected answers, on the screen.
The exam result from the driver candidate's workstation must be transferred to the examiner's CPU for printing the exam protocol and examination sheet (in accordance with the established form).
The examiner's CPU must be able to interface with databases used in the traffic police departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
If a malfunction of the automated complex is detected during the exam, the score assigned to the driver candidate is canceled and the exam is conducted again.

3.4. The examination sheet with the exam results is signed by the examiner.

4. Evaluation system

4.1. The “PASS” rating is given when the driver candidate answers correctly at least 18 questions within the allotted time. Otherwise, the driver candidate is given a “FAILED” rating.

4.2. If, when answering the questions on the ticket, the driver candidate used any literature or talked with other people, the exam is stopped and the driver candidate is given a “FAILED” grade.

III. Methodology for conducting a practical exam on a closed area or race track (First stage)

1.2. During the first stage of the practical exam, the driver candidate is tested for the following actions, skills and abilities:

  • use of vehicle controls, rear-view mirrors;
  • moving away;
  • maneuvering in confined spaces forward and reverse;
  • constructing an optimal maneuver trajectory;
  • assessment of distance, interval, overall parameters of the vehicle;
  • gear shifting;
  • stopping at a designated place;
  • parking the vehicle parallel to the edge of the roadway;
  • entering the box in reverse;
  • turning 180° forward and backward in limited space;
  • one-handed control of a motorcycle;
  • movement of a motorcycle on a rutted board;
  • driving a motorcycle at low speed;
  • moving the road train in a straight line in reverse;
  • placing the road train with its back side to the platform.

1.3. The first stage of the practical exam is carried out on a site or race track closed from traffic (hereinafter referred to as the site) using a set of test exercises for a specific category of vehicle (appendix to the Methodology for the first stage of the practical exam).

1.4. Sets of test exercises contain:

1.4.1 For candidates for category “A” vehicle drivers, 3 exercises:
exercise No. 1 - "overall corridor", "overall semicircle", acceleration and deceleration";
Exercise No. 2 - “snake”, “rut board”, “low speed control”;
Exercise No. 3 - “dimensional figure eight”.

Note: When taking the exam on a motorcycle with a side trailer, one test exercise is performed, which includes the following elements:
"snake" (step: 5 m, corridor width: 5 m);
"dimensional eight" (outer diameter of the ring: 8 m, distance between the centers of the rings: 6.5 m);

1.4.2 For candidates for vehicle drivers of categories “B”, “C” and “D” 3 exercises:
a) option 1:

exercise No. 7 - “snake”;
b) option 2:
Exercise No. 4 - “stopping and starting on an incline”;
exercise No. 5 - “parallel parking in reverse”;
exercise No. 8 - “turn”;
c) option 3:
Exercise No. 4 - “stopping and starting on an incline”;
Exercise No. 8 - “snake”;
Exercise No. 5 - “entering the box”;
The option by which the exam will be conducted is determined daily by the head of the examination unit and is announced to driver candidates immediately before the start of the practical exam.
In the case where the size and equipment of the site allow the examination to be carried out for all three options at the same time, it is recommended to give the driver candidate the opportunity to determine the option for which the test will be conducted by randomly selecting one of three cards on which the numbers of the corresponding options are indicated.

1.5. To adapt to the examination vehicle (if the training was carried out on another vehicle), the candidate driver is given the right to make a test drive within the site lasting no more than 2 minutes. In this case, its owner must be present in the examination vehicle (with the exception of category “A” vehicles). Errors made during the test ride are not recorded and do not affect the exam result.
After completing a test drive, the driver candidate may declare that he is not ready and refuse to take the test.

2. Organization of the exam

2.1. The form of the examination is individual. The exam can be taken from one or several driver candidates at the same time.

2.2. The first stage of the practical examination is carried out using one of two methods:
a) one candidate driver performs all the exercises provided for in the complex in a certain sequence. In this case, the candidate driver, without stopping the engine, informs the examiner about the completion of one exercise and about his readiness to perform the next one;
b) several driver candidates alternately perform one exercise provided for in the complex, and then proceed to the next exercise.
The method of conducting the examination is selected depending on the material and technical equipment of the examination unit, the layout and size of the site, the number of examiners, examinees and examination vehicles used.

2.3. The sequence of performing the exercises provided for in the complex for a specific category of vehicle is determined by the examiner.

2.4. Exercises No. 1 - 4 are performed only on vehicles with a manual transmission.

Note: When conducting an exam to obtain the right to drive a category “D” vehicle, it is allowed to perform exercise No. 4 on a vehicle with an automatic transmission.

2.5. The vehicle must comply with the requirements of the MPC and the Basic Provisions for Authorization for Operation.

Before starting the exercise, the vehicle must be installed in the pre-start zone, the engine must be warmed up and stopped, the gear shift lever must be in neutral, and the parking brake must be on.

2.6. The exam is conducted at a site that meets the following requirements:

  • the site must be arranged in accordance with the exercise diagrams (appendix to the Methodology for the first stage of the practical exam);
  • for exercise No. 4 “Stopping and starting on an incline”, the use of a rutted overpass is not allowed; the inclined section must have a longitudinal slope within 8-16% inclusive
  • the surface of the site must be smooth and uniform;
  • the coefficient of adhesion between the wheel and the surface of the site (including the inclined section) must be at least 0.4
  • If the exam is conducted at night, the illumination of the site must be at least 20 lux.

2.7. The following examinations are not permitted:

  • if the vehicle does not meet the requirements set out in paragraph 2.5 of this Methodology;
  • if the site does not meet the requirements set out in paragraph 2.6 of this Methodology.

2.8. Control during exercises is carried out by the examiner visually or using technical means.
Representatives of educational, motor transport institutions (enterprises), military commissariats and other organizations (hereinafter referred to as assistant) may be invited to provide assistance during the examination.

3. Procedure for conducting the exam.

3.1. The examiner introduces the candidate driver to the form, method, procedure of the examination, evaluation system and offers to perform the exercises provided for in a certain sequence in the complex for a specific category of vehicle.

3.2. At the examiner’s commands, the candidate driver takes a seat in the examination vehicle, prepares for movement and performs the exercise.

3.3. During the examination, the examiner monitors the progress of the task, keeps track of time, gives commands to the candidate driver, classifies errors using a control table and records errors on the examination sheet, sums up the number of penalty points scored by the candidate driver and assigns a grade for completing each exercise and the exam as a whole. . The examiner ensures that general safety requirements are met on site during the examination.
Commands to the candidate driver must be given clearly and in a timely manner. If it is not possible to give commands by voice (the examiner is outside the start zone), the examiner can use a system of conventional gestures, the meanings of which are previously communicated to the driver’s office.

4. Evaluation system

4.1. The final grade is given based on the grades for completing all the exercises provided for in the complex for a specific vehicle category.

4.2. The correctness of completing the task of each exercise is assessed according to the system: a positive assessment is “COMPLETED”, a negative assessment is “FAILED”.
For each exercise, a list of typical errors is defined, which are divided into gross, medium and minor. In accordance with this classification, for each mistake, the driver candidate is awarded penalty points: for gross - 5, for medium - 3, for minor - 1.
Checklists, including lists of typical errors and penalty point scales for mistakes made, are given in the appendix to the Methodology for conducting stage 1 of the practical exam.
The “PASSED” mark is given when the driver candidate made no mistakes during the exercise or the sum of penalty points for mistakes made is less than 5.
A “FAILED” rating is given when the total penalty points for errors made is 5 or more.

4.3. The final grade “PASSED” for the first stage of the practical exam is given when the candidate driver received the grade “PASSED” for all the exercises provided for in the complex for a specific category of vehicle.

4.4 The final grade “FAILED” is given when the driver candidate received the grade “FAILED” for two exercises out of all provided for in the complex, or refused to perform one exercise.

4.5. In the event that a driver candidate received a “FAILED” rating for one exercise out of all provided for in the complex, he is given the opportunity to perform this exercise again. The number of the exercise performed repeatedly is indicated on the examination sheet.
If the result of repeating the exercise for the first stage of the practical exam is positive, the driver candidate is given a final grade of “PASS”; if the result is negative, the result is “FAIL”.

IV. Methodology for conducting a practical exam in real traffic conditions (Second stage)

1.2. During the second stage of the practical exam, driver candidates are tested for their ability to apply and comply with traffic rules in the following sections:

  • General duties of drivers;
  • use of special signals;
  • signals from traffic lights and traffic controllers;
  • use of emergency alarms and warning triangles;
  • starting to move, maneuvering;
  • location of the vehicle on the roadway;
  • movement speed;
  • overtaking, oncoming traffic;
  • stopping and parking;
  • driving through intersections;
  • pedestrian crossings and bus stops;
  • movement across railway tracks;
  • priority of route vehicles;
  • use of external lighting devices and sound signals.

1.3. The second stage of the practical exam is carried out on a test route (hereinafter referred to as the route).
The required number of routes is determined taking into account local conditions.
For each route, a route map in A4 format is issued and a serial number is assigned. All routes are approved by the Chief State Road Safety Inspector of the district, city (district within the city).

1.4. The route must contain a certain set of elements of the road network, road signs and road markings, and also provide for the possibility of the candidate driver performing mandatory actions on the instructions of the examiner in compliance with traffic rules.

2. Organization of the exam

2.1. The form of the examination is individual.
During the examination, the candidate driver and the examiner must be present in the examination vehicle. The presence of the owner of the vehicle or his representative (hereinafter referred to as the owner of the vehicle) is also allowed.

Note: If the vehicle owner is present at the exam, it is advisable that when driving along the route he should be in a seat from which access to the duplicate vehicle controls is provided.

2.2. The second stage of the practical examination is carried out using one of two methods:

  • several driver candidates alternately travel along the same route;
  • Several driver candidates travel on several routes at the same time.

The examination method is selected depending on the number of routes, the number of examiners, examinees and examination vehicles used.

Note: To optimize the time spent on conducting the exam, it is advisable for each route to start and end in the same place.

2.3. The route and sequence of tasks while moving along the route are determined by the examiner.

2.4. The vehicle must comply with the requirements of traffic rules and the Basic Provisions for the admission of a vehicle to operation.
The serviceable technical condition of the vehicle must be confirmed by a relevant document confirming the passage of state technical inspection.
Before starting the exam, the vehicle must be installed by the examiner or the owner of the vehicle at the beginning of the route, the engine is warmed up and turned off, the gear shift lever is in neutral, the parking brake is on.

2.5. The route must ensure that the driver candidate can complete the following examiner tasks:

  • passage of a controlled intersection;
  • driving through an unregulated intersection of equivalent roads;
  • driving through an unregulated intersection of unequal roads;
  • left, right turns and U-turns at intersections;
  • changing lanes on a section of road that has two or more lanes for traffic in one direction;
  • overtaking;
  • driving at the maximum permitted speed;
  • passage of pedestrian crossings and bus stops;
  • braking and stopping when driving at various speeds.

The route must take into account the specifics of performing the above actions on vehicles of various categories.

2.6. The duration of the exam on the route must be at least 20 minutes, but the exam can be terminated early - after the driver candidate receives a “FAIL” rating.

Note: If the candidate driver completes all the examiner’s tasks provided for in paragraph 2.5 of this Methodology, the duration of the exam may be reduced.

2.7. The examination is not permitted in the following cases:

  • The vehicle does not meet the requirements set out in paragraph 2.4 of this Methodology;
  • the route does not meet the requirements set out in paragraph 2.5 of this Methodology;
  • the use of road sections along the route threatens road safety.
3. Exam procedure

3.1. The examiner introduces the candidate driver to the form and method of the examination, the assessment system, the order and sequence of tasks on the route.
The examiner indicates the route number on the examination sheet.

3.2. At the examiner’s command, the driver candidate takes the driver’s seat in the examination vehicle, prepares for movement and begins driving along the route, following the examiner’s instructions.

3.3. When driving along the route, the examiner gives commands to the candidate driver, ensures the safety of the examination vehicle (in the absence of the owner of the vehicle), controls the correctness of tasks, classifies and records errors made in the examination sheet, sums up the number of penalty points scored by the candidate driver and assigns a final mark for exam.
Commands to the candidate driver must be given by the examiner clearly and in a timely manner. It is necessary to invite the driver candidate to determine the optimal place and time for completing the examiner’s tasks. For example, commands to turn around or stop should be given respectively in the following form: “Select a place to stop and stop” or “Select a place to turn around and turn around.”
It is prohibited to provoke a candidate driver to take any actions in violation of traffic rules.
If a threat to traffic safety arises, in order to prevent a traffic accident, the owner of the vehicle or the examiner (in the absence of the owner of the vehicle) is obliged to immediately intervene in the process of driving the examination vehicle.

3.4. The examination sheet with the exam results is signed by the examiner, and then by the candidate driver.

4. Evaluation system

4.1. The second stage of the practical exam is ultimately assessed according to the system: a positive mark is “PASS”, a negative mark is “FAIL”.

4.2. To evaluate the exam, a list of typical errors has been determined, which are divided into gross, medium and minor.
In accordance with this classification, for each mistake, the driver candidate is awarded penalty points: for gross - 5, for medium - 3, for minor - 1.

4.3. The “PASS” grade is given when the driver candidate made no mistakes during the test or the sum of penalty points for mistakes made was less than 5.
A “FAIL” grade is given when the sum of penalty points for mistakes made is 5 or more.

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