International student scientific bulletin. Research activity as a condition for teacher self-development

In the context of the widespread introduction of innovations into educational institutions, the role of the teacher as a direct bearer of innovative ideas and processes increases significantly. This requires from him a psychological and pedagogical readiness to carry out his research activities in an innovative information and educational environment, a creative approach to solving pedagogical problems in changing circumstances, and special preparation for conducting research and scientific experimental work.



Research work of a teacher

In the context of the widespread introduction of innovations into educational institutions, the role of the teacher as a direct bearer of innovative ideas and processes increases significantly. This requires from him a psychological and pedagogical readiness to carry out his research activities in an innovative information and educational environment, a creative approach to solving pedagogical problems in changing circumstances, and special preparation for conducting research and scientific experimental work.
The teacher’s psychological and pedagogical readiness to carry out the above work is considered as:
a) integrative-personal education, including a motivational and value-based attitude towards this type of activity;
b) professional and personal qualities that ensure the success of research and experimental activities;
c) the formation of a system of methodological knowledge and research skills;
d) the physical and mental state of a person, which allows this knowledge, skills and abilities to be productively used in solving various exploration work.
In addition, I.P. Pavlov considered the leading qualities of a researcher’s personality to be: scientific consistency; the strength of knowledge of the basics of science and the desire from them to the heights of human knowledge; restraint, patience; willingness and ability to do rough work; ability to patiently accumulate facts; scientific modesty; willingness to devote your whole life to science.
Our experience has shown that the successful implementation of scientific research and scientific experimental activities is ensured provided that the teacher-researcher has knowledge of the specifics and technology of targeted scientific experimentation and research search, methodology and technology for organizing a pedagogical experiment, as well as technologies for pedagogical measurement, evaluation and interpretation of the results of scientific and pedagogical research.
With all the variety of innovative teaching technologies (didactic, computer, problem-based, modular, etc.), the implementation of leading pedagogical functions remains with the teacher. He can act as an author, developer, researcher, expert, consultant, user and marketer.
To develop such qualities in a teacher, comprehensive training in the field of pedagogy, psychology, information technology, management, ergonomics and other sciences is necessary. On this basis, the teacher’s competence in the field of conducting research and scientific-experimental work, readiness to perceive, examine and implement innovations in teaching practice is formed. The authors propose an educational and methodological complex “Fundamentals of Psychological and Pedagogical Research”, which allows for such training. The use of the complex in real practice makes it possible to form a set of qualities that characterize a creative personality: orientation, erudition, pedagogical abilities and skills, character traits, etc.
Self-education plays a special role in developing the qualities of a teacher-researcher. It is a purposeful activity controlled by the individual himself, with the goal of increasing his competence in any field of science, technology, culture, etc. The direction and content of self-education are determined by the teacher himself in accordance with his needs and interests (for example, the type of scientific problem being solved). -research tasks, formation of research skills, etc.).
Mastering the skills of the self-education process by a teacher, as practice shows, indicates the level of formation of his research culture, which includes: the targeted use of mental operations; skills and abilities to creatively solve various research problems; the ability to focus on the most important problems at a given time; possession of rational techniques and methods for carrying out scientific research; expedient transfer of acquired knowledge to new conditions; fluency in oral and written language; compliance with the hygiene of mental work and its pedagogically appropriate organization; reasonable use of your physical and spiritual strength; adequate self-assessment of the quality of the research results; criticality and self-criticism, ability to work with information technology, etc.
An important role belongs to the teacher in guiding the research and experimental work of students. It is expressed in: assistance in finding the necessary sources of information to carry out the research; consulting students in various areas; coordinating the process of carrying out research and scientific-experimental work; moral and psychological support and encouragement for students; providing continuous feedback to students in order to provide methodological assistance to complete research work faster, etc.
Our experience shows that the effectiveness of research and scientific-experimental work by a teacher is possible only with a systematic increase in his level of theoretical training, the development of search activity skills, the ability to predict the consequences of introducing a particular innovation into the pedagogical process, the formation of tolerance, etc. In addition, When solving research problems, it is necessary to use mental operations in a complex manner. This approach will allow the researcher to develop a strategic plan for his research activities.
The main directions of research and scientific-experimental activities of a teacher at an educational institution may be the following: implementation of budgetary research and survey work, collective agreements; writing and preparing scientific articles, reports, speeches at methodological and methodological seminars, conferences; participation in the work of councils, subject-methodological commissions; supervision of student research work; consultations with students participating in research work; postgraduate and master's studies; job application; work in graduate university seminars, etc.

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1. Features of teacher research activities in a modern school

2. Management of students’ research activities

2.1 The project method as an opportunity to guide students’ research work




teacher school self-development pedagogical

A modern school needs a teacher as a deeply educated specialist who has mastered a system of pedagogical ideas, a thinking, active creative personality, and a bright human individuality. A creative approach to one’s business today is a distinctive feature of every professional. In the context of the modernization of Russian education, the problem of developing a teacher’s pedagogical creativity and increasing his professional skills has acquired particular relevance.

Relevance of the topic of work is determined by the fact that today the organization of research activities is of particular importance, since it has a significant impact on personal and professional development and acts as a factor in self-development, self-determination, improving pedagogical skills, extending the period of professional suitability, overcoming the stagnation of a teacher, increasing his job satisfaction . Research work is one of the determining factors in the development of an educational institution; the level of teaching, the creative spirit of the team, and the connection between teaching and modern science, social and economic life depend on it.

Creative pedagogical activity is a kind of art. But where science does not help art, there is no art, but only craft. Research shows that pedagogical skill is precisely the unity of the use of scientific laws and advanced pedagogical experience. A real teacher does not work according to a template, not according to methodological developments that are so popular now, but relies in his professional activities on the achievements of modern pedagogical science; theory turns out to be a means of organizing and improving the practical activities of a teacher.

Target work: consider the possibilities of teacher research activities.


· determine the features of the teacher’s own research work;

· identify the possibilities and features of managing the research activities of secondary school students.

The teacher must be ready to study, analyze and predict personal development, possess diagnostic tools and methods for assessing individual educational results of students, demonstrate the results of implementing educational policy areas, and when using pedagogical technologies, be guided by the results of testing in the conditions of their educational institution. Thus, research skills should be part of the general professional skills of a teacher.

In the process of inclusion in research work, a significant burden is placed on the teacher as a supervisor. The complexity of this role lies in the fact that no one trained teachers in this or “equipped” them with methodological literature. Not all teachers know the basics of research methodology and are ready for practical work in organizing student research activities, so formal course training for teachers is necessary.

1. Features of research activitiesteachers in a modern school

Teacher's research activities- this is an activity aimed at solving a creative, research task (problem) with a previously unknown solution and presupposing compliance with the basic principles stages of scientific research:

1) problem statement; 2) study of theory on this problem; 3) mastery of research methodology; 4) collection of material, its analysis; 5) conclusions for solving this problem.

Goals Research activities of teachers can be:

Formation of a unified scientific community of teachers;

Development of ideas about interdisciplinary connections;

Development of intellectual initiative of teachers through the formation of a scientific way of thinking, a creative approach to their activities;

Training in new information technologies and telecommunications;

Creating conditions for involving not only teachers, but also students in collective research activities;

Development and implementation of research projects of practical importance.

A practicing teacher, conducting research work, starts from problems specific educational institution. He can comprehend the situation, correlate it with scientific theory and, based on existing patterns, find a way to solve the problem that has arisen. Research by teachers differs from research by scientific teams: applied nature, because they solve any current problem of a particular educational institution; focus on improving the educational process and increasing learning outcomes, etc. The result Scientific research activities of teachers should be considered writing works of various types:

1) an abstract of a classification type, allowing its author to summarize the studied theoretical and practical material within the framework of his problem;

2) an essay of an educational type, allowing its author to study theoretical material and show its application to solving his problem;

3) a research-type abstract, in which the main content is a chain of tasks (problems) solved by the author independently.

In the course of research, teachers transform their individual ideas into innovative experience, which they share at school, district, regional scientific and practical, scientific and methodological conferences, seminars, and take part in professional competitions. At these conferences, teachers, in the form of reports, communications, abstracts, introduce their colleagues to their research on the problem of interest to them, participate in the discussion and adjust plans for further elaboration of the problem. This allows them to identify hidden potential opportunities in the development of professional skills and introduce scientific achievements and best practices into their own practice, and then transform them into personal innovative experience.

Research activities make it possible to actualize self-realization and creative development of the teacher’s personality; improve the professional level of research skills; improve pedagogical technologies for the development of scientific creativity of teachers; ensure the professional and qualification growth of the teacher-researcher; obtain qualitatively new knowledge (innovation); improve the status of the educational institution.

At the same time, it is important creation of conditions stimulating teachers to creative search and achieving maximum results. These conditions include:

Informing teaching staff about current problems of training and education;

Creating a situation of constant creative communication between teachers both inside and outside the school by organizing meetings, scientific seminars, conferences, round tables;

Organizational, pedagogical and content support for experimental and innovative activities of teachers;

Providing teachers with freedom to choose areas of research, the degree of participation and forms of research activity (work in problem groups, creative laboratories, in pairs or individually);

Consolidating the efforts of the teaching staff to develop and implement a research program;

Ensuring transparency and objective assessment of the results of teachers’ research work (creative reports, participation in scientific and practical conferences, etc.);

Availability of a material reward system.

Among difficulties problems that a teacher encounters when organizing research activities, it is especially worth highlighting the poor mastery of scientific research methodology, the lack of methodological, scientific, psychological, pedagogical, and specialized literature, and this dictates the need to train teachers in the basics of research and experimental activities based on scientific methodological seminars, distance consulting, publication of methodological literature.

The teacher’s research activities are based on gnostic skills, which serve as a prerequisite for the effective implementation of constructive-planning, organizational and communicative-learning activities, and the actual research skills that underlie the work of a teacher.

1. The ability to select and work with scientific literature to improve theoretical knowledge, summarize the results of studying theory in the form of an annotation, abstract of a report, message.

2. The ability to observe, study, analyze the experience of teachers in order to generalize it and use it in teacher practice.

3. The ability to set research problems, formulate a hypothesis, plan and conduct experimental work and experiments, process and summarize the results of the work done in the form of a report, message, scientific article.

The organization of research activities influences the development of the teacher’s personality, his creative growth, allows him to create conditions for the implementation of self-education and the need for self-development, increases his professional level, methodological competence and pedagogical skills.

2 . Supervision of student research work

Problem leadership of scientific research work (R&D) at school is associated, first of all, with the fact that a teacher at school, as a rule, is not a subject of scientific activity. The teacher is not engaged in the development of any scientific directions in any field of knowledge. The main area of ​​knowledge that a teacher encounters in the course of his activities is pedagogy. However, the teacher is not always an active participant in scientific and theoretical developments in the field of pedagogy. A teacher, first of all, is a practitioner; he uses ready-made results of pedagogical research, which are developed, as a rule, in research institutes and universities.

Modern society places its own demands on schools. And the school must comply with them. The teacher needs to clearly represent the goals and objectives of schoolchildren’s research work. Only then will he be able to properly organize his teaching activities and achieve the necessary results.

the main objective Research work for schoolchildren is a step-by-step implementation of the cognitive process through the direct participation of the student in it. All stages of research must be carried out by the student independently. The teacher in this case carries out monitoring and consulting functions.

Tasks Schoolchildren's research work boils down to the following:

1.Development of student independence. Research work is based on the search for knowledge carried out directly by the student. In this case, the development of independence necessary for proper social adaptation occurs.

2.Personal self-realization student. The process of self-realization is mandatory for any individual. Research work contributes to the accumulation of experience of self-realization, as a result of which the student will be able to more correctly and objectively choose his “life path” and evaluate his abilities. Self-realization can be carried out spontaneously in various areas of life. However, it is more effective to direct this process in the right direction. For example, a child with an aptitude for mathematics does not imagine the process of self-realization in this area. For him, mathematics is numbers and problems with existing answers. From here, his self-realization can take place in other areas: music, sports, even if the child does not have special abilities for these types of activities.

3.Development of the student’s creative and communication abilities. Research directly affects human creativity. It develops imaginative thinking, memory, logic, and the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts orally or on paper.

In addition, the teacher must interest the student. It is desirable that research work be accompanied by interest on the part of both the leader (teacher) and the performer (student). Practice shows that students do not always show interest in research, especially at the first stage. In this case, the teacher should initially focus on the student’s diligence and responsibility. However, during research activities it is still necessary to interest the student. Otherwise, the results will not be as good as one might expect.

A teacher can use several techniques to awaken interest in research and activate the student’s creative activity.

Firstly, we can emphasize that participation in research will be useful in the student’s future life, outside of school.

Secondly, it is known that people, especially teenagers, tend to want to stand out and be different from the majority. Participation in research work will allow the student to feel his special position.

Thirdly, you can introduce a competitive or competitive aspect.

Fourthly, before giving a task to a student, you need to find out his interests, inclinations, and abilities. These interests should be taken into account when choosing a research topic.

The student’s interest in research must not only be aroused, but also constantly support.

To do this, the following points must be taken into account:

All stages of research should be equally interesting;

Students must have a clear, clear goal;

It is necessary to constantly monitor the progress of research.

To increase work efficiency, it is quite reasonable to use the practice of reports (oral or written) on the implementation of research, develop a clear work plan and carry out the research in stages, summing up the results of each stage. At the same time, students should be able to independently analyze their successes and failures.

Research methodology student consists of the following steps:

1. The student sets himself a specific task

2. The student analyzes sources according to the following plan:

2.1. Reliability (checked by the correlation of facts, eyewitness accounts, origin, etc.).

2.2. Informativeness (the student must be able to extract the maximum possible amount of information from any source).

2.3. Conclusions (identification of the most valuable sources, classification of sources, their significance for work).

3. Comprehension of the information received and writing a work (the student writes a work based on an analysis of sources, according to a clear plan).

The plan should not fetter the student or interfere with the manifestation of his cognitive activity. Therefore, when choosing the type of plan, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the student.

It is quite obvious that the results of schoolchildren’s research largely depend on the teacher. The success of schoolchildren's research work is the result of the teacher's work. It is the teacher who must properly organize the work, interest the student, and control the students’ activities. From the above, we can conclude the following: conclusions:

1. Students’ research work is an important component of a modern school.

2. When organizing research work, it is important to take into account the student’s abilities. Even in the absence of great abilities, a student can engage in research activities.

3. It is very important to interest students and maintain this interest throughout the work.

4. The organization of research work is of great importance. Its ultimate success depends on how well the work is organized. The work must be clearly thought out by the teacher.

2.1 The project method as an opportunity to guide students’ research work

Project methodology - one of the possibilities for developing a teacher’s professional autonomy in the teaching process. Not all methods can be successfully applied to develop autonomy. We consider the project methodology to be one of the most effective in this regard, which aims at the emancipation of the student, eliminating his dependence on the taught by self-organization and self-education in the process of creating a specific product or solving a problem situation.

The essence of the project method

A-priory a project is a set of certain actions, documents, preliminary texts, an idea for the creation of a real object, subject, or the creation of various kinds of theoretical products. This is always a creative activity.

The project method in school education is considered both as a kind of alternative to the classroom-lesson system, and as an organic addition to it. The project method is a pedagogical technology focused not on the integration of factual knowledge, but on its application and acquisition of new ones. Any work with children, including teaching, should be based on their interests and needs, based on the child’s personal experience.

The main task Learning using the project method is children's exploration of the surrounding life together with the teacher.

The project method is based on the development of students’ cognitive and creative skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, the ability to navigate the information space, and the development of critical thinking. The project method always involves some kind of solution Problems.

The results of completed projects must be, as they say, “tangible”, substantive, i.e., if it is a theoretical problem, then a specific solution to it; if it is practical, then a specific practical result, ready for use.

The role of the teacher and the role of students in completing the project

When implementing projects, the role of the teacher changes qualitatively. The teacher becomes the scientific supervisor. Subject-objective pedagogy is inferior to subject-subjective.

The role of students in learning is also changing: they are active participants in the process. Working group activities help them learn to work as a “team”. At the same time, the formation of such constructive critical thinking occurs, which is difficult to teach in the usual “lesson” form of teaching. Students develop their own view of information, and the judgment: “if this is true, then any other is false” becomes irrelevant. And even an unsuccessfully completed project also has great positive pedagogical significance.

Typological features include:

1. The dominant method in the project: research, creative, adventure, etc.

2. The dominant content aspect of the project: literary creativity, natural scientific research, environmental, linguistic, cultural (country studies), geographical, historical, musical.

3. The nature of contacts (among participants in the same school, class, city, region, country, different countries of the world).

4. Number of project participants (individual, pair, group);

5. By duration (short-term, long-term, episodic).

In accordance with the first sign, the following types of projects can be outlined:

Research projects. Such projects require a well-thought-out project structure, defined goals, the relevance of the project for all participants, social significance, thoughtful methods, including experimental and experimental work, methods for processing results;

Creative projects. Such projects, as a rule, do not have a detailed structure; it is only outlined and further developed, subject to the logic and interests of the project participants. At best, you can agree on the desired, planned results (a joint newspaper, an essay, a video film, a sports game, an expedition, etc.);

Adventure, game projects. In such projects, the structure is also only outlined and remains open until the end of the project. Participants take on specific roles determined by the nature and content of the project. These can be literary characters or fictional heroes, imitating social or business relationships, complicated by situations invented by the participants. The results of such projects can be outlined at the beginning of the project, or they can only emerge towards the end. The degree of creativity here is very high;

Information projects. This type of project is initially aimed at collecting information about a certain object, familiarizing project participants with this information, analyzing it and summarizing facts intended for a wide audience. Such projects, just like research ones, require a well-thought-out structure and the possibility of systematic correction as work on the project progresses.


Research technologies in educational practice have been used since ancient times, from the moment the very need for learning appeared in the human community. One of the first scientists to introduce research methods into teaching practice was Socrates. Later, the famous German scientist Friedrich Adolf Diesterweg called the method of “Socratic conversation” the crown of teaching art. His phrase that “a bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it” became popular.

A teacher-researcher is proficient in modern methods of pedagogical research, is able to creatively approach solving problems in teaching and educating young people, and conduct research work in order to improve the efficiency and quality of teaching and education in school.

The range of the teaching profession requires continuous self-education, constant updating, clarification and replenishment of professionally significant knowledge, skills and abilities.

In this work, we examined the possibilities of teacher research activities. Thus, the goal of the work was achieved. To achieve this, the tasks we set in the introduction were completed. And also, the project methodology and its features were considered as one of the possibilities for guiding students’ research projects.

We have identified the need for the ability to work in constantly changing conditions of the diversity of educational programs, textbooks and educational institutions, to develop the ability to adapt to pedagogical innovations and quickly respond to modern processes of social and economic development of society.


1. Blonsky P.P. Pedagogy course. - M., 1916. - P. 4. - Quoted from the book.

2. Kukharev N.V. On the way to professional excellence. - M., 1990. - P. 66.

3. Lyapin D.Ya. “Students’ research work: Memo to the teacher”, Yelets, 2008.

4. Novozhilova M.M., How to correctly conduct educational research: From concept to discovery.” - M., 2008.

5. Pakhomova N. Yu. Method of educational projects in an educational institution: A manual for teachers and students of pedagogical universities. - M.: ARKTI, 2003.

6. Filippov V.M. Modernization of Russian education. - M., 2003.

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TGPI named after. , Tobolsk

Research activity as a condition

teacher self-development

Based on the conclusions we have received about the conditions for the introduction of scientific research activities into modern schools and the development of the teacher’s research function, we can talk about the impact of their practical implementation on the teacher’s self-development, on the growth of his methodological culture, on his acquisition of the position of a subject-researcher, on professional qualifications. height. We put forward these indicators as criteria for the effectiveness of a teacher’s research activities. This activity can act as a means of professional growth of each teacher.

We consider teacher self-development to be one of the main criteria for the effectiveness of a teacher’s science activities. The transition from development under the influence of external factors (research approach to management, legal support, special training in research activities) to internal development as self-development is convincing evidence that the research activity of a practicing teacher can serve as a mechanism (means) for the development of pedagogical the school team and the school as a socio-pedagogical system.

A teacher working in self-development mode strives to study himself, devotes time to methodological reflection on his experience and future prospects, and overcomes barriers and obstacles in managing personal professional development. This is exactly the kind of teacher that a modern school needs today.

We studied the opinion of teachers of educational institutions in Tobolsk and the Tobolsk region to identify factors and barriers to creative self-development, and teachers’ inclination to self-development.

Based on the analysis of these data, four categories of teachers with readiness for self-development were identified from the lowest level - development orientation to the highest level - creative self-development (see table).

Levels of teacher readiness for self-development.


to self-development

Stimulating factors

Obstructive Barriers

System of measures

Creative self-development

1. research activities

2. self-education

4. moral and material incentives

1. health status

Writing concepts,

Creative self-development programs,

Speeches at teacher councils, conferences, pedagogical festivals

Active self-development

1. self-education

2. scientific methodological work

3. training courses

1st level


Development of self-development programs.

Active participation in work

city ​​Moscow region

The initial stage of self-development

1. interest in work

2. trust

3. increasing responsibility

Lack of objective information about yourself

Scientific and methodological support

Focus on self-development

1. interest in work

2. example and influence of colleagues

Own inertia

Scientific and methodological support

Stopped self-development

Lack of time, retirement age


Based on the research data and determining the levels of teacher readiness for creative self-development, it is clear that the research activities of teachers have been enriched by another area of ​​work with teachers - the development and writing of self-development programs. The name of this type of professional activity speaks for itself: the teacher must see for himself the trajectory of his personal development, evaluate his abilities and capabilities and be able to predict the dynamics of qualitative changes, as well as outline the paths for his self-improvement. The famous writer Hermann Hesse wrote: “To learn is to change. To change is to learn.” It is clear that self-development is a deeply conscious process that begins with reflection, analysis of one’s being (personal and professional), as well as the detection of problems and contradictions. All this inevitably leads to an awareness of one’s own imperfection and the birth of a desire to change oneself, one’s work and one’s life. It is with the need for new knowledge that the path to improving the teacher’s qualifications begins.

In recent years, the number of school teachers working to create and implement their own self-development programs has been increasing. What attracted you to this difficult job as a teacher? Almost all teachers noted that this is a new form of research activity, the object of which is the teacher himself, with his psychological abilities, it is very captivating and develops, and promotes creative self-actualization.

Thus, the study of this issue allows us to conclude that research activities provide teachers with professional growth and creative self-development.


1.Kharlamov personality and education //Soviet pedagogy.-1990.-No. 12.-P.28-35.

2. Masters of self-development. - M.: Inter-prax, 1995.-288 p.


The article examines the place and role of research activity as a component in the structure of pedagogical activity. The concept of “pedagogical activity”, its essence and structure is clarified. The essence and structure of the teacher’s creative activity as the basis of research activity is determined. The research abilities of the teacher are considered and, based on the works of scientists, the authors identify the basic criteria for demonstrating the research abilities of a modern teacher. The authors come to the conclusion that research activity is an integral component of the pedagogical activity of a modern teacher, ensuring the organization of all its other types. Research activity as a component in the structure of pedagogical activity influences the development of the teacher’s professional competence, the formation and development of the teacher’s personality as an active subject of his own activity, capable of self-realization and self-actualization.

research abilities and skills

creative activity research activity teacher

pedagogical activity

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2. Zagvyazinsky V.I. Teacher as a researcher / V.I. Zagvyazinsky. - M.: Knowledge, 1980. - 176 p.

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5. Kraevsky V.V. Methodology of pedagogical research: a manual for teachers / V.V. Kraevsky - Samara: GPI, 1994. - 165 p. - ISBN 5-8428-0038-1.

6. Kuzmina N.V. Essays on the psychology of a teacher’s work: the psychological structure of a teacher’s activity and the formation of his personality / N. V. Kuzmina. - L.: Leningrad University, 1967. - 182 p.

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9. Leontyev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality / A.N Leontiev - M.: Academy, 2004. - 121 p. - ISBN: 978-5-89357-153-0.

10. Luk A.N. Psychology of creativity / A.N. Lomov. - M.: Nauka, 1978. - 124 p.

11. Makhmutov M.I. Problem-based learning: basic questions of theory / M.I. Makhmutov. - M.: Pedagogy, 1975. - 367 p.

12. Methodology for assessing the qualification level of teaching staff / ed. V.D. Shadrikova, I.V. Kuznetsova. - Moscow, 2010. - 173 p.

13. Novikov A.M. Methodology of education / A.M. Novikov. - M.: Egves, 2002. - 320 p.

14. Rachenko I.P. Teacher's NOTE / I.P. Rachenko. - M.: Education, 1982. - 208 p.

15. Rybaleva I.A. Criteria and indicators of the level of teacher readiness for research activities / I.A. Rybaleva // Scientific journal “Education and Self-Development”, 2010.- No. 5(21). - P.18.

16. Savenkov A.I. Psychological foundations of a research approach to learning: textbook / A.I. Savenkov. - M.: Os - 89, 2006. - 480 p. - ISBN 5-98534-280-8.

17. Samodurova, T.V. Research work of students in the conditions of multi-level professional and pedagogical training at a university // Vector of science of Tolyatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, psychology. - 2011. - No. 4. - P. 257-259.

18. Tuleikina M.M. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the personal development of children with speech disorders: Author's abstract. dis. Ph.D. ped. Sci. - Khabarovsk, 2000. - 21 p.

19. Shumeiko A.A. Mechanisms for updating higher professional and pedagogical education // Amur Scientific Bulletin. - 2009. - No. 2. - P. 6-12.


Modern cardinal transformations in society, changes in sociocultural priorities, changes in the purpose and content of education require the teacher to reorient his consciousness towards the research nature of pedagogical activity.

The modern educational environment predetermines the need to change the requirements for the qualifications of teachers. The new system for assessing all subjects of the educational process, strengthening the connection between educational practice and science encourage teachers to comprehend their own activities from a scientific point of view, to master the skills of research activities.

The need to include a teacher in research activities is substantiated in the works of a number of domestic scientists (Zagvyazinsky V.I., Kraevsky V.V., Kuzmina N.V., Novikova A.M., Skatkina M.N., etc.).

According to official documents of the European Commission, the decisive factors of competitiveness in an ever-changing world are precisely research activities, which are designed to help overcome the functional mismatch between the education system and the challenges of the time, to adapt the teacher to the constantly changing range of functional responsibilities, and to actualize interest in personal and professional self-development.

In order to determine the place and role of research activity as a component in the structure of a teacher’s activity, it is necessary to clarify the concept of “pedagogical activity” and consider its essence and structure.

Pedagogical activity is understood as activity aimed at creating conditions for self-development and self-education of people. Pedagogical activity is a complexly organized system of a number of activities. In contrast to the understanding of activity accepted in psychology as a multi-level system, the components of which are goals, motives, actions and results, in relation to pedagogical activity, consideration of its components as relatively independent functional types of activity of the teacher prevails. It is this idea that received methodological design in the theory of activity formulated by A.N. Leontyev. .

Thus, a feature of pedagogical activity is its multifunctionality. There are enough reasons for such structuring of pedagogical activity in science.

So, Kuzmina N.V. claims that pedagogical activity includes general pedagogical and professional pedagogical orientation, Rachenko I.P. considers pedagogical activity “as one of the types of work where the teacher and students interact (the latter act not only as objects, but also as subjects of activity), material and spiritual means, and working conditions.” According to Yu.N. Kulyutkin, the uniqueness of pedagogical activity lies in the fact that it is a “meta-activity,” that is, an activity for organizing other activities, namely the educational activities of students.

Kuzmina N.V., exploring the psychological structure of pedagogical activity, identifies four functional components: gnostic, constructive, organizational and communicative. However, subsequent studies showed that it is necessary to separate the design and construction components itself, and, thus, the basis for the description of pedagogical activity is a five-component structure. Kharlamov I.F., Mizherikov V.A., Ermolenko M.N. formulate such functions of pedagogical activity as: diagnostic, orientation-prognostic, constructive-design, organizational, information-explanatory, communicative-stimulating, analytical-evaluative, research-creative. By research and creative function, scientists understand a function that requires the teacher to have a scientific approach to a variety of pedagogical phenomena, the ability to conduct scientific research and use research methods, including analysis and generalization of one’s own experience and the experience of colleagues.

Of particular importance in the analysis of pedagogical activity is the creative activity of the teacher. Considering the creative activity of a teacher as the basis of research activity, and the ability for creative activity as one of the qualities of a teacher’s personality necessary in research activity, we need to turn to those approaches that attempt to explain the phenomenon of creative activity. An analysis of the essence of creative activity showed that some researchers view it as the creation of new, original values ​​that have social significance (Rubinstein S.L.), others - as the creation of something new, including in the inner world of the subject himself (Vygotsky L. .S.), third - as a source and mechanism of movement (Ponomarev Ya.A.).

Thus, if a teacher has an activity aimed at understanding and solving problems that constantly arise in the pedagogical process, and also involves the creation of something new, different from what already exists, including in the inner world of the subject of the activity himself, then this activity can be classified as creative.

Creative activity Luk A.N. divided into artistic and scientific, Makhmutov M.I. - into scientific, practical and artistic, while creativity is identified with scientific research, which includes all stages of creative activity.

The analysis carried out allows us to conclude that creative activity is a necessary condition of the pedagogical process and an objective professional necessity in the teacher’s activity, and research activity as a component of pedagogical activity belongs to the scientific type of creative activity of the teacher, the result of which is new material and spiritual values ​​that have social significance.

The structure of creative pedagogical activity, considered by V.A. Kan-Kalik, acquires great theoretical significance. and Nikandrov N.D., who distinguish four levels of pedagogical creativity: reproductive level - the level of reproducing ready-made recommendations, mastering what has been created by others; level of optimization, characterized by a skillful choice and appropriate combination of known methods and forms of training; heuristic level - searching for something new, enriching the known with one’s own findings; research, personally independent level, when the teacher himself produces ideas and constructs the pedagogical process, creates new ways of teaching activity that correspond to his creative individuality.

Thus, creative activity at the highest, research level is impossible without awareness of the role of pedagogical scientific knowledge as a source of pedagogical creativity. We are close to the position of V.I. Zagvyazinsky, who asserts that “mastery of the laws of learning and personal development, methods and techniques of pedagogical search, the ability to consider pedagogical knowledge and guesswork, norm and search, plan and improvisation as correct is a condition for the transition from spontaneous-intuitive to conscious, systematic, scientifically based pedagogical creativity." The scientist, studying the creative activity of the teacher, comes to the conclusion that the research and creative activity of the teacher are inseparable. There is always an element of research in the activities of a creative teacher. “It is the research element,” notes V.I. Zagvyazinsky, “that brings scientific research and the educational process closer together. The research principle fertilizes practical pedagogical activity, and the latter contributes to scientific creativity. In practical activity, research elements are very strong and significant, making it similar to scientific research.”

Subsequently, Zagvyazinsky V.I. highlights the independent research function of the teacher in the structure of pedagogical activity: “Educational institutions have a new function - research and search, the implementation of which gives pedagogical work a creative character.” A teacher must perform the functions not only of a teacher, mentor, educator, but also a researcher, a pioneer of new principles, methods of teaching and upbringing, combining traditions with innovations, strict algorithms with creative search... In the modern situation, there is a need for the research activities of a teacher became focused and professional.” Thus, Zagvyazinsky V.I. identifies research activity as an independent component of pedagogical activity.

Kraevsky V.V. suggests that not only a scientist, but also every practicing teacher should be able to give a scientific description of their pedagogical actions and justification at the level of phenomenon and even at the level of essence. At the same time, the scientist focuses attention not just on research, but on research and creative activity, since the difference between a teacher (practical scientist) and a theoretical scientist is that the teacher not only investigates this or that process, phenomenon, but also embodies him into practice, being the creator of his research idea. This is the only way, according to V.V. Kraevsky, that one can move from a “cognitive description to a normative one.”

Highlighting research activity as one of the structural components of pedagogical activity, Kraevsky V.V. draws attention to the fact that in order to include a teacher in scientific research activities, special training is necessary.

To carry out research activities, a teacher needs appropriate abilities, manifested in skills.

Yes, under research abilities Savenkov A.I. understands individual personality characteristics, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of research activities. The scientist proposes to consider the structure of research abilities as a complex of three relatively autonomous components:

  • search activity characterizes the motivational component of research abilities;
  • divergent thinking is characterized by productivity, flexibility of thinking, originality, and the ability to develop ideas in response to a problem situation;
  • Convergent thinking is closely related to the ability to solve a problem based on logical algorithms, through the ability to analyze and synthesize.

Egorova T.A. interprets research skills like individual psychological characteristics of a person, ensuring the success and qualitative originality of the process of searching, acquiring and comprehending new information. The foundation of research abilities lies in search activity.

Novikov A.M. considers research skills in accordance with the stages of research: identifying the problem; formulation of the problem; goal formulation; building a hypothesis; definition of tasks; development of an experimental program; data collection (accumulation of facts, observations, evidence); analysis and synthesis of collected data; comparison of data and inferences; preparing and writing messages; giving a message; rethinking the results while answering questions; hypothesis testing; building generalizations; drawing conclusions.

Based on the ideas of Savenkov A.I. and Novikova A.M., we highlight the following basic criteria for the manifestation of research abilities: the ability to see a problem and translate it into a research task; the ability to put forward a hypothesis, generate as many ideas as possible in response to a problem situation; the ability to define concepts and classify; ability to analyze, draw conclusions and inferences; the ability to explain, prove and defend your ideas.

In the studies of Andreeva V.I., Kochetov A.I., Kukhareva N.V., Reshetko V.S. The problem of demonstrating research abilities and skills in the activities of a teacher is reflected, which confirms the correctness of the criteria we have chosen that determine the research abilities of a teacher.

So, Kochetov A.I. in his research he comes to the conclusion that “every teacher can become a researcher and develop in himself: non-standard pedagogical thinking; the ability to foresee and predict the consequences of pedagogical measures taken; objectivity of the mind, that is, finding the causes of failures and preventing them in the future; the ability to create different methods for solving the same pedagogical problem; analytical approach to any pedagogical problem; contact method of interaction with children."

Kukharev N.V. and Reshetko V.S., exploring the creative activity of a teacher, note that the formation of a professional teacher begins with his ability to analyze his own activities, the ability to measure the results of his work and justify the process that influences the achievement of quality indicators in activities. The leading sign of professionalism, according to N.V. Kukharev, is the teacher’s ability to examine the quality of practical activity.

Thus, research activity is an integral component of the pedagogical activity of a modern teacher, ensuring the organization of all its other types, influencing the development of the professional competence of the teacher and performing the function of a means of this development; activities aimed at the formation and development of the teacher’s personality as an active subject of his own activities, capable of self-realization and self-actualization; activity based on the internal cognitive need and activity of the subject, and aimed, on the one hand, at cognition, at the search for new knowledge to solve educational problems, on the other hand, at (re)production, at improving the educational process in accordance with the goals of modern education; activity during which the formation and development of the most important mental functions occurs, a significant increase in research skills and abilities for research, learning and development.


Shumeiko A.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Rector, Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical State University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Sedova N.E., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Vocational Education, Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical State University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Bibliographic link

Rybaleva I.A., Tuleikina M.M. PLACE AND ROLE OF RESEARCH ACTIVITY AS A COMPONENT IN THE STRUCTURE OF PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY // Modern problems of science and education. – 2013. – No. 6.;
URL: (access date: 04/29/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

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