The Ministry of Education and Science explained how a second foreign language will be chosen in schools. A second foreign language at school: pros and cons Compulsory second foreign language at school

Starting from September 2015, in schools of the Russian Federation, starting from the fifth grade, a second foreign language is being introduced as a compulsory subject. This is a new standard of education in all regions of the country. This decision was made back in 2010, but was implemented after five years.

Reasons for changing the program about a second foreign language at school

A second foreign language in school for the 2016-2017 academic year, according to the Minister of Education, is a vital necessity. A foreign language is a means for developing memory and thinking, therefore studying it will help the comprehensive development of schoolchildren.

The choice of a second language depends on the capabilities of the school, on the choice of parents and students. According to research, rural schools and institutions with minimal financial resources cannot fully afford to implement the requirements of the new legislative decision. This is due to the shortage of teaching staff in the specialized subject and the lack of opportunity to order and purchase textbooks and educational literature.

The study of a second foreign language in lyceums and gymnasiums has long been implemented. In some educational institutions, students even study three languages.

Time frame for implementing the law

The head of the Ministry of Education and Science, Dmitry Livanov, claims that it will be possible to fully implement this task in five years. This is due to the lack of economic support and school opportunities. The head noted that initially the introduction of a second language is carried out only in every tenth school in the country. In other educational institutions this will happen gradually, when the degree of their readiness for this is optimal.

Livanov argues that in the absence of textbooks, other literature and specialists, it makes no sense to introduce such an idea. Knowledge of a second language will not be observed at the proper level. In this case, it is better to master one thoroughly than to know both poorly. In this case, a number of educational institutions were given the opportunity to delay the implementation of such changes.

School heads are not all happy with these changes and asked for a delay due to lack of readiness. So, much in the situation depends on the choice of the parents. The latter can offer any language, even if it is not on the list of those taught by the school. And this entails that the educational institution will not have proper methodological training and teachers who could teach the chosen subject. Therefore, preparation is necessary. And they won’t introduce the language in high school—only starting in the fifth grade.

Among the rights that the school was given in this matter, it became possible to choose the year when a foreign language will be introduced into the program, as well as regulate the number of hours for its study. In this case the load will not increase. That is, the number of lessons per week required by the standard will remain within the limits permitted by law.

Other educational policy changes

Among the main innovations, the mandatory use of electronic textbooks is also noted. This way, students will be able to carry less weight on their shoulders and protect their health.

Proficiency in a foreign language, or better yet two or three at once, has come to be considered as a necessary personal and professional quality of any specialist. And also as a factor uniting states and peoples. To some extent, this is one of the most important means of socialization. Therefore, since the beginning of the last school year, a new federal state educational standard (FSES) for middle-level students has come into force in many Russian schools. It involves learning a second foreign language as a compulsory subject in the school curriculum.

In fact, the decision to introduce a second foreign one was made a long time ago. The Federal State Educational Standard legalized it five years ago. It was simply introduced in stages, “capturing” one class per year. And only last September, having reached the secondary level, he brought a new subject to the students.
Educational institutions that were not ready for such big changes in the school curriculum were given time to adapt to the Federal State Educational Standard. Each region could introduce a new standard of basic general education for grades five to nine in a differentiated manner. For example, schools in the central part of Russia, where the infrastructure is most developed and there is a high level of demand for teaching a second foreign language, included it in their plans almost immediately. At the same time, many rural schools were in no hurry.

Wave of discontent

According to the Ministry of Education, the innovation will benefit children. This is not only an additional means of communication, but also a means of developing the child’s memory and intelligence.
However, experts are not so optimistic about the situation. According to some of them, the general trend of strengthening foreign languages ​​in school is certainly correct, but the problem is that from 2020 a third mandatory Unified State Exam will be introduced - in foreign languages. What to hide, in our schools you can prepare well for exams only by turning to the services of a tutor.
So how can you introduce a second foreign language if the issue with the first one is not resolved? In addition, the demand for effective knowledge from students has become an order of magnitude higher in many other subjects.
The first wave of discontent among students and their parents has already swept through school-wide meetings and various educational Internet forums. This also affected our area.

Thorough preparation

On September 1 of the 2016-2017 academic year, the Federal State Educational Standard for seventh grade students began to operate in schools in the Verkhovazhsky district. For six months now, the children have been studying two languages ​​at once: English and German. In Morozovskaya, Shelotskaya and Verkhovskaya schools - English and French.
According to the head of the education department N.P. Bugaeva, before starting to apply the new standard everywhere, a long preparatory work was carried out. Conducted experimental lessons. We checked and discussed different methods of teaching a second foreign language. All teachers of English, German and French have completed 108 hours of course training in their main subject. Advanced training courses also included issues of teaching a second foreign language.
“The educational base of several languages ​​is fertile ground for realizing the abilities of modern students,” says Nadezhda Petrovna. - I believe that the introduction of a new state standard will be a good opportunity to learn a second foreign language at school. Seventh graders are already adults and serious people; they study more consciously. Starting to learn a second language with the alphabet and sounds, in my opinion, will not be very difficult for them.”

Child's look

But not everyone shares the opinion of the head of the education department. Most schoolchildren and their parents are not happy with the double load. Seventh grade students at the Verkhovazh School shared their thoughts on this matter.
- I don’t really like learning two foreign languages. This is too much new information. Therefore, it is often difficult for me. Although I am trying to cope with two languages ​​at once, I would like to return to the previous program and learn only English.
- Two foreign ones - that’s interesting. I'm pretty good at dealing with them.
- Personally, such training is not suitable for me and is given with great difficulty.
- And I was glad when I learned about the introduction of a second foreign language. True, I was a little scared by the load, which has now doubled. But I can handle it.
- Two languages ​​are too much, and learning them at the same time is very difficult. I often get confused about them.

Concerned Parents

The position of mothers of seventh-graders and future fifth-graders is also ambiguous.
- I think that if you need to learn a second language, then not from the seventh grade, but at least from the fifth. Or better yet, from elementary school. Otherwise, by the end of the ninth grade, when many of the children will already be leaving school and going to other educational institutions, there will be no knowledge of either language. Three years is too little time to learn two languages ​​at once.
- Foreign languages ​​are needed - that’s a fact. Fluency in English is required for people in many specialties, and not only in the humanities. You can communicate with people from any country in the world via the Internet; going abroad is not a problem nowadays, if only you have the finances. Nowadays it is common to learn English almost from the cradle. On the other hand, not all children have the ability to speak languages. Some even find it difficult to cope with Russian. And not everyone will find two foreign languages ​​useful in life. A second language, in my opinion, should be introduced optionally - for those who want and can.
- I am against a second language. My child is already not very interested in studying. And then there is an additional burden that will discourage the desire to study basic subjects. In my opinion, it would be more advisable to study one language, but qualitatively. In this case, children will graduate from school with fundamental, other
knowledge, not superficial ones.

Teachers' opinion

German language teacher at Verkhovazh Secondary School named after Y.Ya. Kremleva L.M. Ivanova:
- At every stage of development of the educational sphere there should be something new. In this case, the development of new standards. From a teacher's point of view, I believe that learning a second language is necessary.
In European schools, teaching two languages ​​simultaneously has long been considered the norm. Why not give our children such an opportunity?
According to statistics, when finishing school and enrolling in other educational institutions, our graduates feel a lack of knowledge in foreign languages.
As for the educational process under the updated program, I would like to note that it is not difficult to transfer students from one language to another. The fact is that English and German are from the same group of Romano-Germanic languages. They have a lot in common, so if a person is good with one of these languages, then there will be no problems with the second.

We don’t agree, but we remain silent

One of those who not only speaks out against, but also wants to convey this opinion to the Ministry of Education is S.N. Istomin:
- No matter who I talk to about the introduction of a second foreign language as a compulsory subject - with teachers, children, parents, every single one of them has a sharply negative opinion! Children are already overloaded. And those who have aptitude and interest in foreign languages ​​can study it as an elective.
Personally, I am sure that this is one of the points in the plan to destroy Russia. Mental overload in children leads to disruption of their psycho-emotional sphere. Some people experience aggression, others feel despondency...
Just imagine: in the seventh grade there will be five foreign language lessons and only four Russian lessons. And the “origins” are gradually transferred to the form of circle classes.
Or another example: in order to introduce the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” in just one fourth grade, it took 17 years of joint efforts of the patriarch and the public. And the second foreign one - one, two and done! Suffer, children!
And the most amazing thing is that we all disagree, but for some reason, as always, we remain silent.
If parents of all schools in Russia wrote letters of protest about this, then there would be no second foreign language.
By the way, I continue to collect signatures for this appeal, which VSS parents began signing back in December at a general parent meeting.
And yet, when I was in Moscow on September 30 last year at a reception at the Ministry of Education, I was told that until 2020, the introduction of a second foreign language as a main subject is not mandatory!
I don’t know why our education department is in such a hurry? We would feel sorry for the children! Maybe by then the president and the minister will come to their senses. Although it’s unlikely if we remain silent...

Knowledge of several foreign languages ​​at once has always been considered a sign of education. But quantity does not always indicate quality. What is more important today for modern youth: knowledge of their native language, Russian literature, or familiarity with the linguistic culture of other countries? The question remains open.
Prepared by Ulyana Pivovarova and Yulia Kuleva

What about the neighbors?
For example, in the schools of the Totemsky district a year ago, a second language was not introduced, even as a trial. One of the main problems is the lack of personnel. Most schoolchildren now learn English, but finding enough German teachers has proven difficult. Currently, preparatory work is underway in schools in Totma and the region to apply the new state standard.
In the Babushkinsky district, they plan to introduce a second foreign language from the eighth grade; one pilot school is currently operating under the new program. The district education department expressed the hope that current fifth-graders will become acquainted with a second language in grades 7-8.
And the education department of the Sheksninsky district explained that teaching a second foreign language was introduced two years ago in three pilot schools. There, grades 6-7 became experimental. Today, all Sheksninsky fifth-graders study a second language.

In 2010, the Ministry of Education, together with the government of the Russian Federation, developed a bill introducing compulsory learning of a second foreign language in schools. At the same time, a decision was made to postpone the entry into force of this standard for 5 years so that educational institutions prepare for changes in the school curriculum. Subsequently, it was decided to shift the start date of amendments to the law and make the study of a second foreign language mandatory in schools in 2017/2018.

Major changes in the new school curriculum

It was initially planned that from September 2015/2016 the study of a second foreign language in schools would become mandatory, but due to difficulties with the implementation of the new school curriculum, it was decided to postpone this innovation for several years. At the same time, schools will switch to a new modern program, which, according to officials from the Ministry of Education and Science, will improve the quality of education for Russian children, and in the future the level of knowledge among schoolchildren will fully meet the requirements of the time.

The Ministry of Education notes that modern realities are such that without knowledge of languages, education cannot be considered complete and of high quality. That is why officials prepared appropriate amendments to the bill, which established at the federal level the obligation to study two foreign languages ​​in schools at once.

The choice of a second language of instruction will depend on the capabilities of a particular educational institution, the decisions of the students themselves and their parents. In accordance with the adopted school curriculum, the first foreign language begins to be taught in the second grade, and fifth graders receive additional lessons in the second language. The Ministry of Education and Science emphasizes that there are no plans to introduce an additional second foreign language in high school.

Most Russian educational institutions have chosen the classic combination of English and German. At the same time, in recent years, French, Spanish and Italian have become very popular. In the capital and big cities there are gymnasiums where schoolchildren can study Chinese and other popular languages.

Difficulties in implementing changes to the school curriculum

Implementing the new school curriculum turned out to be more difficult than the Ministry of Education and Science had expected. In large cities, many schools and gymnasiums, even before the introduction of a second foreign language, were already using a modern curriculum, which implied the study of additional languages. But schools in small towns and rural areas faced certain difficulties. The existing shortage of teaching staff in specialized subjects made learning even one foreign language problematic, not to mention two at once.

The Ministry of Education and Science claims that they are aware of the problem and that in the near future, funding for schools will be increased, which will completely solve the problems with the lack of material resources and the shortage of teaching staff. It was planned to resolve everything during the transition period, which was allotted 5 years. However, due to insufficient funding, it was not possible to eliminate all the difficulties by the appointed time.

In fact, the decision to introduce a second compulsory foreign language in Russian schools from the 5th grade was made a long time ago. The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) legalized it five years ago. The new standard was simply introduced in stages, covering only one class per year, and only when it reached the secondary level of school this September did it bring a new subject to students.

However, it’s not that new. Thus, in gymnasiums, lyceums and special schools with in-depth study of foreign languages, a second (or even third) foreign language has long become a reality. And we already have almost half of such educational institutions, especially in capital cities.

As for the rest of Russian schools, the second compulsory foreign language will also be introduced in stages and, moreover, with a five-year transition period, MK explained in: “It is clear that it cannot be introduced immediately in the 11th grade. The guys have never studied this subject before, and asking them for knowledge, if we do not want to turn everything into profanation, would be useless and unfair. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, study begins in the 5th grade. We’ll start from 5th grade.”

True, 5th graders are not fully ready for the introduction of a new subject, officials later admitted: “There is neither complete methodological nor pedagogical readiness; staff of teachers must be formed. For example, the decision on what the second foreign language will be depends largely on the parent community. And if until now the school taught, say, English and German, and parents want French or Chinese to become the second foreign language, then they may have to look for an additional teacher. Having a certain amount of autonomy today, the school has every right to make such a decision.”

The press service of the ministry also specifically assured MK that “educational institutions that are not yet ready to introduce an additional language are given time to adapt to the Federal State Educational Standard. Each region will be able to introduce a new standard of basic general education for grades 5–9 in a differentiated manner. For example, schools in Central Russia with the most developed infrastructure and a high level of demand for teaching a second foreign language will include it in their programs in the near future, when some rural schools need more time for this. The Ministry of Education and Science does not limit the adaptation period.”

Moreover: “Schools now have the right to independently choose both the year of study in which a new subject will appear and the number of hours allocated for its teaching. At the same time, the workload on children will remain at the level of the federal standard, that is, the number of general teaching hours will not increase.”

The innovation, the ministry assures, will benefit children not only from a purely utilitarian point of view - as an additional means of communication. “This is not just a means of communication, but also a means of developing the child’s memory and intelligence,” said the head of the department, Dmitry Livanov, citing the study of dead languages ​​- Latin and ancient Greek - in the gymnasiums of Tsarist Russia. He emphasized that it never occurred to anyone then to speak the language of Cicero and Aeschylus in everyday life. However, mastering these languages ​​provided a powerful stimulus for development to the child’s intellect. The same, according to the minister, will happen now.

However, experts are not so optimistic about the situation.

The general trend of strengthening foreign languages ​​in school is certainly correct,” Evgeniy Bunimovich, Commissioner for Children’s Rights in Moscow, explained to MK. - But here’s the problem: in 2020, a third mandatory Unified State Exam will be introduced - in foreign languages. But this subject is still poorly taught in our school: you can only prepare well for exams by turning to the services of tutors. So how can you introduce a second foreign language if the issue with the first one is not resolved?! And who will lead it? We still have English teachers. But teachers of other languages ​​- French, German, not to mention the extremely popular Chinese - have practically disappeared. Will we not create abundant soil for hacks?

The second key problem, according to the Children's Ombudsman, is the increase in teaching load:

Theoretically, you can introduce anything, be it financial literacy or legal knowledge. But children will not digest all this. And the very first test will easily reveal this: in order to properly pass a foreign language, you need real results. So, I think, the introduction of a second foreign language would be advisable only as an experiment, where the school is ready for this. But there is no practical opportunity to do this mandatory and everywhere. Maybe take Belarusian or Ukrainian as a second foreign language...

However, it is much more attractive and relevant, from the point of view of Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Education Mikhail Berulava, to form a tandem where the first language will be English and the second language will be Chinese:

China is a country with a rapidly developing economy. And in general, 2 billion people live there,” he told MK. - So in our school it is worth studying not only English, but also Chinese. And in this, I think, the Chinese themselves will agree to help us: it’s better when native speakers teach. We are actively integrating into the global community and the global education system. In Europe, everyone knows several languages, so our children should master at least two. True, for this it will be necessary to unload the school curriculum: the main emphasis will be on the study of the Russian language, literature, history, mathematics and foreign languages, and the program in other subjects will be made more compact.

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