Fashionable workplace. Convenient drawers for storing items

In a home office setting, the most important element is the desk. It determines how the room will look and the fruitfulness of the work at home.

How to choose a desk for your home office according to your occupation

A functional desk in a home office should correspond to the occupation of the person working at it. In a modern home office, it is almost impossible to do without a computer - a traditional desktop or laptop. The equipment should be placed on the table so that it is convenient for the user. For example, if the computer is used constantly, it is better to place it on the table, taking into account medical standards for office equipment and personal preferences. Pull-out keyboard shelves, add-ons, or shelves for a monitor, printer, or other items can help with this. If equipment is used infrequently and a free table surface is needed, additional tabletops or rotating add-ons will be useful so that items unnecessary for the main work can be placed further away or moved away if necessary.

If any tools or materials are used for work, it is necessary that there is enough space on the table for their convenient placement and the presence of drawers and shelves for storing them. For example, a seamstress’s workplace should have a sewing machine and an overlocker, but there must also be free space for cutting.

A table in a home workshop should not only be comfortable, but also strong enough to withstand the weight of the equipment standing on it.

When choosing a table for working with documents, it is also important to place them comfortably. Sometimes it's worth considering key-locked drawers.

If clients or partners look into your home office, special attention should be paid to the appearance of the table, because the first impression received from the design of the office largely determines the attitude towards its owner.

Stylistic solutions for the desktop

It is necessary to choose a desk design for working at home based on the stylistic decision of the room. In some cases, massive tables are used, and sometimes you should prefer a very modest option.

The most noticeable part of the table in the interior is, of course, its tabletop. For an office in a classic style, it is best to choose natural wood. If for a successful business it is necessary to impress guests as a respectable person, the countertop in the home office should be massive. If your work involves establishing a trusting relationship with visitors to your home office, it is better to choose a countertop that is thinner and more streamlined.

Desk for a classic home office

A glass tabletop will create the impression of lightness and modernity in the room.

Plastic or acrylic countertops of complex shape are suitable for a home creative workshop, helping its owner create the mood necessary for work.

Desk for the whole family

Often a home office is used by several family members. When setting up an office, so as not to interfere with each other’s work in the future, it is necessary to analyze at what time it is more convenient for which member of the household to use the table, whether a computer is often needed, whether the family has or will soon have schoolchildren or students.

Usually they buy one fairly large table for an office. Sometimes it’s worth choosing a small but separate workplace for everyone. If the professions of family members do not allow them to work simultaneously in the same room, for example, one needs silence, while the other makes noise when working, a desk outside the office would be useful. It can be made very small, even folding, but it must be comfortable and appropriate to the interior of the room where it will be located.

Desk for a “home office” in the bedroom
Table for home mini workshop

Desk size for home

Home desk sizes vary widely. The smallest table should accommodate the equipment necessary for work, and at least a cup of tea. The elbows of the person sitting at the table should not be hanging or resting against the wall.

You need to choose a large table so that you can move freely in the room. A home office means that at any time there may be a need to interrupt work and answer the phone, open the door, turn off the kettle, or take care of the child. The corners of the table should not get in the way.

The height of the home desktop should be such that the person sitting at it does not slouch and can freely place their legs.

When choosing a desk for working at home, it is important to maintain a balance between home coziness and comfort and a business environment, then, while working, you will not have to struggle with sleep or endure inconvenience.

Comfortable desk for your home office Did you like the article? Share on social networks!

Only, there was not so much a post as a selection of photos for inspiration. Today I want to make a post, with tips, and another dose of photo inspiration. The ideas were partly inspired directly by photographs of workplace design, and partly from my own experience. Well, and also my dreams of having my own office: D Of course, these ideas are applicable not only for the home (despite the heading), but are also designed for a workplace in the office of the company you work for, and for a coworking space.

  • The very first and rather banal piece of advice is a photo. Families, loved ones and pets, or just an unfamiliar kitten, which will always touch the eye and delight the eye, lifting your spirits. After all, the main thing for us is not to let the work routine turn us into a robot, and in the worst case, a kind of Decepticon or Terminator, that is, a robot embittered by the whole world. Therefore, long live photos with kids and kittens*sushu-mususyu*
  • If there are no photos, or you don’t want to be distracted by your family and friends, or you n For other reasons, photographs can easily be replaced with beautiful drawings, artistic paintings, or even just framed magazine pages, or even printed quotes. The main thing is that this particular image pleases the eye, and ideally, it also fits into the office design, if we are talking about your own office, coworking space, where you are free to change everything at your discretion - from photographs kids to a completely office environment.
  • Natural flowers. They are better than the dead. This is personal, but I'm not a fan of cut flowers, I prefer mini bushes and pots of live roses. Get yourself a couple, and they will live, bloom and smell, and unlike their severed relatives, they will not die before your eyes (if you water them on time, of course), and will not spoil your mood. And in the picture below there are a couple of vases with corpses.

  • Marker board with buttons for visualizing tasks. It’s like a school board, only made of wood or cork (like mine), or other material, where you can use various needles, pins and pushpins (or even stickers and tape) to make important notes, magazine clippings, etc. This option is especially important for creative professions. In addition to a certain organization of space, such boards can serve as a wall muse. So you look at the plastered beauty, and it dawns on you... Well, for me, at least, it’s like that =)
  • Beautiful book dividers if you have a lot of books, or vertical holders for work folders. Folders are more for those who have a lot of papers and documents involved in their work process. And for creative people, for whom a book is an assistant and a guiding star, you can find beautiful and comfortable, and most importantly, stylish, book dividers.
  • A favorite memento with which pleasant memories are associated. This desktop design element will also help create a pleasant and relaxed environment around your workspace. If you have something that definitely makes you smile, its place is on your desktop, well, or you can carry this thing with you in your pocket if you really can’t part with it for a long time.

  • A jar of brightly colored candies or dragees. Of course, provided there are no fellow gluttons and petty thieves who love to steal other people's cookies, and also if you are not currently on a diet. In this case, a large glass jar can be filled with multi-colored plastic or glass balls, bright small stationery, and so on. The key here is color mix. Rainbow tints always help to lift your spirits.
  • A beautiful lighting fixture. Surely, you have everything provided for in your work office, but I think no one will stop you from bringing your own small lamp that will fit into your own mini-design of the workspace. It may not even always be used for its intended purpose - for lighting. In our situation, his highest mission is to create an atmosphere so that even #work days brought some pleasure, or at least did not spoil the mood.

Do you have any ideas that you have brought to life? Share with me

Psychologists say that the productivity of your work directly depends on how your workplace is designed. Whether this is true or not, at least from the point of view of functionality and beauty, a comfortable and pleasant-looking office is already half of your success.

A workplace can be organized anywhere - just use your imagination. A home office can be both conservative and ultra-modern, if desired, turn into a living room, or even follow you throughout the house.

And don’t forget that an office is not just a workplace, it is also an excellent means of self-expression. If you want to be known as a sophisticated collector or an avid traveler, a lover of classical literature or an extraordinary creative person, a properly designed office will help you.

So, let's go on a journey to your dream jobs.

Choosing a location for the office

If you often take work home, or are generally a born freelancer, you naturally need a comfortable and beautiful workspace at home. Many of us don't even consider how much more productive we can be if we stop turning the bedroom, the cozy, sleep-inducing living room sofa, or worse, the dining table into a home office. So, let's walk through our apartments, take a critical look at everything and finally find a place to work. Most likely, it will be most convenient to place the desktop in the bedroom or living room, or maybe you are lucky with the area of ​​the hall or balcony? Then feel free to send all our business there.
There are some rules for placing a workplace, the main one is the presence of natural light, so try to place the desktop closer to the window, preferably so that the window is to the left of the table, this position is the most correct in terms of natural light.

Here the desktop is located in the center of a luxurious living room and not only fulfills its intended purpose, but also divides the room into zones.

Notice how the desk fits harmoniously into this classic living room. The only downside here, perhaps, is that you will be working with your back to the window, which is not very correct from the point of view of lighting.

A very successful example of placing a workplace in a seemingly very small room; the important point here is that the furniture set was made to order and fit perfectly into the space, without eating up an ounce of usable space. There is a window (natural light) and a place to store small items and equipment - ideal.

A few more similar examples:

When designing a compact workplace, try to use lightweight structures, white color and transparent elements (glass tabletops, plastic chairs).

Also, an excellent example of compact furniture for decorating a home office is a secretary. This is both a desk and storage in one item.

There are many interesting options for placing a workplace, in addition to the obvious.

Let's start with the most common - loggias. Even the smallest insulated balcony can accommodate your mini office.

Now let's move on to less obvious options. Turn a wide window sill into a work desk.

Or go an even more radical route and hide your office in a closet (or, as one option, between closets).

(all furnishings, including the desk, are IKEA)

Some people need a desk for work, others need it for thinking, and others need it to maintain creative clutter. In addition to the necessary technical devices, representatives of liberal professions do not need much at all: a comfortable working corner, the environment of which sets them up for hard work.
Perhaps most of you are not representatives of creative professions, however, perhaps you have a creative hobby to which you devote yourself during non-working hours at home. For this, you will also need a dedicated workplace, designed with imagination. It will immediately tell your guests that you are an extraordinary person and a true artist by vocation, even if you spend 5 days a week in the strict office of a large company.

According to statistics, an office worker spends an average of 150 hours a year searching for missing documents. At the same time, one of the 20 documents is not found at all! The moral here is to keep your documents in folders.
Don’t forget also that at the workplace we always need a lot of little things: stickers, pens and pencils, printer paper - all this needs to be sorted and put in its place.
Items for compact storage will help you, as well as all kinds of closed drawers, stationery stands and shelves for small items.

Everything here is beautiful and correct, the only nuance that I would advise you to get rid of in the workplace is the mirror - it will most likely constantly distract you.

Don’t neglect such a convenient and very practical thing as a cork or fabric board, on which you can distribute everything you need to keep in mind while working. It is very easy to change the exposure on such a board. This is simply ingenious and an irreplaceable thing for a home office!

Functionality and order are very important, but as I never tire of reminding you in every article, never forget about beauty! In the workplace, it is very important to surround yourself with objects that will delight you and inspire you to work!
Photos, little things dear to the heart, a box for small items inherited from a beloved grandmother, original lamps. Complete this list with those that are close to your spirit.

From reality to dream - offices

Visualize what you really want. And if you have long dreamed of a full-fledged isolated office, the following examples will help you on the way to making your dream come true. There is everything here - spacious cabinets for placing a personal library, luxurious armchairs, noble materials. Although, perhaps, such options are more suitable for men :)

Especially for Time for Woman,

interior designer Maria Khabarova

Many of us are thinking about how to set up a workplace at home so that we don’t have to painfully wake up in the morning and go to a boring office in crowded transport. After all, you can start your working day in a non-standard way - simply by moving from one room to another.

If your profession involves remote employment, we suggest you urgently organize your desktop with your own hands, because coffee tastes better at home, and your own walls help!

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How to organize a workspace at home?

Psychologists say: competent and thoughtful organization of the desktop is a direct path to high productivity and good mood during the working day.

In addition, desktop decor and its concept in general is an easy way to express yourself. One glance at the desktop design is enough to understand: this is a traveler, collector, designer or musician.

In addition, when decorating a desktop at home, you are not limited by corporate requirements; you can have a beautiful desktop in any style, the main thing is to ensure:

  • optimal level illumination, combining natural and artificial light sources;

  • comfort: You should not slouch or reach for the keyboard;

  • convenience so that the office and documentation are at hand.

Try to comply stylistic unity so that the design of the desktop is in harmony with the interior of the room in which it is located. If you don’t want anyone to see the holy of holies - your workplace at home, “hide” it behind a plasterboard partition, a portable screen, a curtain, or place it in a niche.

How to decorate your desktop with your own hands? Use figurines, frames, fresh flowers, original lamps, cork or magnetic boards to record notes with notes.

Be attentive to details, creative clutter is good, but folders, organizers, shelves will help organize your workspace and not lose important documents.

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DIY desktop organizer

Features of workplace design in different rooms

Bulky and uncomfortable Soviet-style desks have long gone into oblivion; now the design of a workplace is a symbiosis of style, thoughtfulness and functionality.

There are even more ideas for a desktop of modest dimensions than for a spacious workplace. Therefore, owners of small-sized living space will also be able to afford, if not an office in the apartment, then at least an individual work area, making maximum use of utility rooms, corners and niches.

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Since you can decorate your desktop anywhere, we offer several worthy options:

  • Workplace in the bedroom: it is better to place it near a window, in a closet or niche, without losing even a centimeter of usable space.

  • Workplace in a closet or pantry– in general, a super economical option when space is used mainly vertically thanks to convenient hanging organizers on the desktop.

  • Workplace on the balcony has a number of advantages: it is isolated, hidden from prying eyes and allows you to implement many ideas for your desktop with your own hands: hang homemade flowerpots with flowers, make shelves for storing the necessary office supplies.

  • Workplace on the windowsill. By transforming the window sill into a tabletop, you get an ergonomic work space with a chic view. In addition, the workplace by the window is always provided with natural light.

  • Workplace under the stairs. Great idea for efficient use of space at home.

  • Another option - living room with workplace, where it can not only perform its direct function, but also divide the room into functional zones if it stands in the center.

When planning a kind of office-home, take into account the specifics your work. If for a programmer and writer a small folding or hanging table with a laptop and a lamp is enough, then a needlewoman’s workplace is a spacious work area, for which sometimes it is necessary to allocate an entire home office.

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Feng Shui desktop

Many are sure that for high efficiency it is enough to turn the work area into a corner of calm, using Feng Shui tricks. According to ancient Chinese methodology, the optimal place for a workplace according to Feng Shui is north-eastern part of the house.

What else do Feng Shui experts advise us:

  • don't put a desktop back to the window or exit;
  • DIY desktop decor also obeys the laws of Feng Shui and place water symbols(aquariums, pictures with rivers and waterfalls) in front of you or above your head;
  • hide the wires: they symbolize the outflow of financial assets;
  • the left edge of the workplace is a zone of prosperity; when deciding how to decorate the desktop, place it there Money Tree, preferably a live one, a piggy bank or a three-toed frog.
  • diy for the desktop (diy – do it yourself – “do it yourself”) is better placed in right sector of the table, symbolizing creativity.

In a word, if you are a freelancer by vocation, often while away your nights at work, or love handicrafts, feel free to use our tips and photos when deciding how to decorate your workplace to your liking!

The desktop is an important place in a person's life, regardless of whether it is at home or in the office. Productivity, and therefore a person’s income, depends on its location and organization. In addition, a person spends most of his life at his desk, so this place should be arranged in such a way as not to tire the eyes, back or mind. The employee will feel comfortable, and if he is surrounded by a relaxed home environment, his work will be much easier.

In order for your work to be fruitful, you need to know how to decorate your desktop and make it comfortable. The more space and space on your desktop, the better you will work, because a pile of junk will definitely distract you from your work.

Desk lighting

The ideal solution for a workplace is to have a large number of windows through which sunlight will enter. If you are thinking about how to decorate your desk in the room, then it is best to move it closer to the window. You've probably noticed that productivity drops in winter; you want to lie in bed and do nothing. All this happens due to the fact that the human body receives little sunlight, which should nourish us with irreplaceable energy.

If it is in the office, then it will not be possible to move it to a more convenient place. There are fluorescent lamps for this. The modern market is filled with various options for table lamps, so everyone can find their ideal lamp. It is best to place it on a table so that light falls on the work area for better reading and writing.

Convenient drawers for storing items

You don’t have to think long about how to decorate your desktop, because the most convenient and functional thing for it will be a drawer for storing various necessary items. Neatness and cleanliness are the main things that should be on the desktop, so before you start work, you need to put your workplace in order and put all things in their places.

There are 2 options for storing all things:

  • Open shelves.
  • Closed drawers or cabinets.

Open shelves are ideal for storing items that need to be constantly visible. They can also be used to store a variety of small trinkets and desk decorations.

Closed drawers won't tell you how to decorate your desk. These are more functional elements that are suitable for storing items. It is best to divide the boxes into zones and put things in a certain order.

Of course, comfort is the main thing you need while working. But for aesthetics, you can add a few details that will make your desktop special and stand out from the rest. For example:

  • Next to your desk you can hang a poster or a board that motivates you to work, on which you can write smart thoughts or other notes yourself.
  • No workspace would be complete without a family photo to provide a distraction during a difficult moment.
  • You can place a small glass vase on the table filled with dry petals, which emit a faint aroma. Instead of petals, the bravest ones can get an aquarium fish, for example, a “cockerel”, which does not require an air pump or special care.

  • You should not leave trinkets or small puzzles on the table, because they distract from your work. It is better to choose bright, multi-colored stationery that will brighten up and be a true decoration of the table.
  • You can also get a houseplant that will bring homeliness to the work environment.

Working from home should remain a job!

If you decide that you don’t want to sit in an office and have found a suitable job from home, then you need to be prepared for the fact that working at home is very difficult. In order to be as efficient as possible, you need to think only about the task and not mix it with personal matters. Therefore, it is best to organize the workplace so that it is no longer used except for work. Ideally, you can find a separate room. Then you won’t have to think about how to beautifully decorate your desktop so that it looks harmonious with the rest of the interior design in the house.

Being in a separate room, you can forget about household chores and immerse yourself in what you need to do to make a profit.

Order in the wires

Cluttered wires can greatly detract from an attractive place to work and irritate not only strangers, but also yourself. In addition, the main thing in how to decorate your desktop is to put things in order, especially to deal with cords. A simple way to solve the problem is to tie the wires with tape or wire at the table. You can use other creative ideas, such as threading wires through holes in binders or using clothespins.

Ideal room temperature

Temperature is of great importance, because when you are cold or hot, it is difficult to concentrate on the work environment, and productivity decreases. You can use air conditioners and heaters to make the room temperature comfortable. Of course, while in the office, you will also have to listen to the opinions of your colleagues.

The work chair and table play an important role

Before you think about how you can decorate your desk, you should worry about the table and chair. The chair must have:

  • armrests with a low height, at which the arms will be bent 90 degrees;
  • a comfortable backrest that does not spoil your posture and does not hurt your back;
  • seat height adjuster;
  • adjustable height and backrest angle.

The desktop should be:

  • With ideal height or adjustable. The keyboard and mouse should be at the same level and as close to each other as possible.
  • The monitor should be positioned so that your gaze rests on its middle. The ideal option is a special shelf for the monitor. If you don't have one, you can use a stack of books.

For better performance, it is best to take short breaks from work. You need to set yourself a schedule and clearly plan what you will do not only during each working hour, but also over the next few days.

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