Can souls inhabit a person? Can a demon possess a person?

An essence is one of the manifestations of the Creator, fulfilling its specific role. We have no right to condemn or kill her. But we have the right to prevent her from using our resources without consent. We are also entities.

In our world, more and more people experience negative emotions, thereby attracting and feeding low-level entities that feed on human emotions. Aggression, hatred, anger are the most energy-intensive and “tasty” emotions for an entity.

Man himself is to blame for the fact that they seep into our world. People have the right to such negative emotions, that’s why the Law of Free Will is given, all that remains is to learn the consequences of certain actions so as not to do stupid things and not get into difficult situations.

An entity is not “bad” in and of itself. Simply interacting with it in our world has negative consequences for us. In its environment it is a normal and useful element.

As soon as a person emits low-frequency vibrations, an entity (sometimes more than one) tends to him in order to feast on this emotion. We emit low-frequency vibrations when we are angry, lie, envy, hate, proud, jealous, take alcohol and drugs, listen to heavy music.

Then what are high frequency energies? These are the vibrations that a person emits when he loves, has compassion, creates, helps, and develops spiritually. It is immediately clear who can become a potential carrier of the essence.

At first, the entity feeds on emotions, then it grows stronger, increases its control over the person, and itself begins to control the person and provoke him to certain emotional behavior, in which a large amount of negative energy is released. The entity feeds on emotions, after which it temporarily weakens control until it becomes hungry again.

The initial task of the entity is to undermine a person’s emotional state, to provoke inappropriate behavior, aggression, and destructive actions. And then, when a person is mired head over heels in the lower worlds, everything goes like clockwork for the essence.
Also, stress, depression, and mental trauma break through the barrier that stands before the essence, and a person becomes an easy prey. In this case, the person himself grows and fattens the essence.

There are cases when a person’s essence passes through gender or reincarnation. A clan transition occurs when someone in a clan has called upon an entity for certain purposes. This means that the entity had obligations that, after the death of the one who called it, are not canceled, but are passed down through the family.

It happened when people called entities to improve their financial condition or solve other problems. The victims, as it were, “sign a contract with the devil,” and in return he provides what he wants, taking possession of a person’s soul and eating his energy.

Entities passing through reincarnation move from the past incarnation of the soul to the present one. In a new incarnation, the soul may not know that it has an essence, since we do not have the opportunity to remember a past life. Therefore, a person may suffer from an entity that came here from a past life along with the soul.

The person is unaware of it, but complains about problems in life that the entity causes. The reasons for such travels of the entity may also be obligations that it took upon itself in your past life. A person could create it, call it, but the fact remains that it needs to be expelled, since it does not bring any benefit in this incarnation. Only harm.

A person can contain entities of different types - destructive and creative, highly developed and primitive, without even consciousness. The most common entities are astral entities that feed on the energy of emotions. They move in with people who are very emotional or who have bad habits - alcoholism, drug addiction.

These people emit a huge amount of energies of the emotional astral range that attract entities. A person becomes a donor for them and when there is not enough “food”, they forcibly control a person’s behavior for the sake of his emotions, which in most cases are negative. demon, types of demons.

They also often move in with those who practice astral exits and astral travel. Entering the astral plane without preparation and disposal of your fears is unsafe. Previously, this was taught by teachers and spiritual mentors, who made sure that the student returned safely to the body without taking anything with him.

Nowadays, many people independently experiment with astral travel, thereby sometimes exposing themselves to the possibility of meeting “locals of the astral plane.”

There are higher order entities that have consciousness and greater capabilities. Sometimes they are called demons. Very often they reap a great harvest, appearing in places of suffering and war. Many black magicians call upon demons, thereby not understanding what trap they are falling into. An entity can also move by gender if it still has obligations to the person and his family, or by reincarnation if it is also burdened with obligations.

There is also a symbiosis between a strong entity and a person. The entity gives a person some opportunities and abilities in return by “eating” the person from the inside and controlling him. An example would be the emergence of clairvoyance and information reading. This information comes from the lower astral plane and has a maximum of 70% accuracy.

There are a number of entities that feed on sexual energy - succubus and incubus. They feed on excessive sexual energy from people with clearly inflated sexual desire. They can take over and provoke a person to insatiable pleasures, depleting partners and feeding on the released energy.

Entities differ in where they live and the resources they control. They are divided into mental (Thoughts), Astral (Emotions), Ethereal (Sensations). The most dangerous are Aural. They capture a wide spectrum of frequencies, including the physical one, and actively draw energy through our energy system directly.

On the other hand, analyzing the cosmic law: as above, so below, as below, so above, we can come to the conclusion that similar entities generated by man himself attract similar entities from the subtle world and from other people. Foreign energy structures form in the aura. These alien energy structures (entities), attracted from the subtle world, can be of an earthly or unearthly nature.

1.Alien energy structure "Lying Spirit" does not need characterization. Typically, such structures arise in those who communicate with people exposed to risk factors (when visiting gambling houses, hippodromes, communicating with drug addicts, etc.), and lead to deep depression. This entity is an alien energy structure that forces a person to constantly lie and often tell lies.

The presence of this type of entity can cause deep depression and lack of interest in real life. Typically, such entities penetrate people who suffer from gambling, alcohol, drug or other addictions, visit casinos, racetracks, often communicate with drug addicts, or use drugs themselves.

The person with whom this essence has settled simply cannot help but lie, even about little things. Sometimes he himself does not even understand why he is doing this, and still continues to deceive without receiving any benefit from it.

2. Alien energy structure "Lucifer", which has an unearthly origin, is easiest to get during the full moon and new moon. Symptoms include rage, sudden lust, a desire to argue and disrupt the harmony at home and at work. Typically, Luciferian vibrations are associated with violence and sex. Very often, the "Lucifer" energy structure masquerades as another alien structure, creating a complex composite entity.

Getting rid of "Lucifer" is difficult. This is usually done through a chastening prayer in church. It is also necessary for the person himself to figure out which commandments of the Gospel he violates in everyday life and what sins he committed in past incarnations, which led him to the emergence of “Luciferous” vibrations in his aura.

With sincere repentance and upon receiving a blessing from above, you can try to expel “Lucifer” by compiling a vibration series. But this must be done in the presence of icons with lit candles.

This is a very insidious and dangerous entity of unearthly origin. Most often it penetrates the aura during the full moon and new moon. Perhaps this is why many peoples have long been afraid of the full moon.

The symptoms that appear in a person possessed by the Luciferian essence are aggression, uncontrollable rage, sudden lust, the desire to argue with everyone about any matter and disrupt the harmony both at home and at work. Luciferian vibrations can be associated with violence and sex.

The Aural Entity "Lucifer" is capable of masquerading as another type of Aural Entity, creating a complex composite entity that makes it very difficult to identify and eliminate. Getting rid of the aural entity “Lucifer” is difficult, but quite possible.

Fasting and prayer can help with this. Luciferian entities can be expelled from churches with the help of a special ritual, which is mastered by some clergy. Good practical results have been shown by the expulsion of Luciferian entities using vibrational series.
In view of the restoration and manifestation of the true Archangel Lucifer in the planetary subtle planes, it is not entirely fair to call the dark structures after him. Historically this is the case, but it is wrong (xned note).

3. Alien energy structure "Ahrimaniye" associated with greed, desire for power and material wealth to the detriment of spiritual values. A person obsessed with Ahrimania wants to have more and more. He is overcome by greed and envy of those who have at least some material wealth. And he strives to do everything to increase his wealth at any cost. To achieve his goal, such a person will, without hesitation, “go over the heads” of others.

4. Alien energy structure "UFO" resides in an aura when people in visions or dreams were on board a spaceship, and when they woke up, they discovered unusual marks on the body, reminiscent of surgical wounds. It is very dangerous to incur UFO possession, as it is extremely difficult to get rid of it. Usually you can get rid of UFOs by reprimanding them with prayer in church or by compiling vibration series.

5. "Religious"- this type of alien energy structure usually does not allow a person into a church, or a place of power, who comes up with any reason not to communicate with the priest.

6. "Nerve blocker"(insensibility) is a foreign energy structure, due to its presence in the aura, the back or neck hurts very much. Symptoms: facial tics, attacks of pain in the kidneys and headaches.

7. "Self-Formed Entity"(the essence of self-programming) is an energy structure associated with a certain persistent stream of thoughts on the same topic (chronic lack of money, unsuccessful personal life, etc.).

8. Alien energy structure "Created by Others" is a program induced by other people. This can be done either intentionally or randomly. An entity created by others is energetic dirt, blocks the normal flow of energy and is capable of influencing a person’s actions, thoughts, emotions and relationships with other people.

9. "Planetary and Lunar Entities"- alien energy structures that are attracted by certain constellations (mutual arrangement) of the Moon and stars, aggravated by the weakness of the aura or physical body. They are not intelligent beings like UFOs, they are attracted to imbalanced chakras. When these foreign structures arise in the aura, weakness increases.

10. "Air (fire) essence" is an alien energy structure that arises from interaction with fire and smoking. Its attraction can be facilitated by the full moon, as well as various injuries to the aura - energy-informational breakdown (“evil eye”), energy-informational defeat (“damage”) and others. A person possessed by such an entity usually has increased excitability and often exhibits uncontrollable aggression, anger and anger.

11. "Leech" is a general category of alien energy structures that take over when a person’s thoughts emit low vibrational energy. An excessive desire to possess material goods contributes to their freer penetration. A person in whose aura leeches live often experiences a lack of energy, gets tired quickly, and gets irritated over trifles.

12. "Shells" (shells)"- this is a type of alien energy structures that seem to cover the true “I” of a person, creating a certain mask. Insincerity and false behavior become the normal state of a person.

13. "Sloth" is an alien energy structure that exists due to the lack of consonance with the higher “I”. It can weaken the aura and pave the way for “Luciferian” entities. Under the influence of these vibrations, a desire arises to watch empty television programs or read all sorts of nonsense.

14. "Grief"- this is the type of vibrations that arise in the aura of a person who has suffered a great personal tragedy - he has lost someone significant close to him, etc. . Sadness, melancholy, mourning and grief, loss of interest in real life, withdrawal into oneself and one’s thoughts can become the habitual state of an obsessed person.

15. "Witch (sorcerer)"- this alien energy structure, close in nature to induced programs, but the program comes from witches (sorcerers). A person in whose aura the essence of the “Sorcerer” is located unconsciously creates negative programs and black magic structures for almost all people whose defenses are weakened.

16. "Earth Element of Cancer"- this is an alien energy structure, associated with gluttony, sexual excesses, and the full moon. These vibrations are also associated with physical weakness and emotional imbalance (anger, fear). The faces of people in whose aura this structure is introduced usually become deathly pale or take on a grayish tint. These vibrations can cause cancer and other diseases.

17. "Reptiles"- The aural essence “Reptile” - an alien energy structure - is the cause of agitation or deep depression in an obsessed person. Such a person becomes hot-tempered, irritable and whiny. He often experiences insomnia. Pain and frequent ailments are also symptoms of the presence of reptiles in the aura. The possessed person may have suicidal thoughts and hostility towards others.

18. Aural essence "TheoGen" is a variety of Lyarva. It is capable of causing various kinds of negative passions in a person, such as sex, alcohol, drug and tobacco addiction, as well as attracting other aural entities.

This list is, of course, provisional and incomplete. Therefore, the patient’s often disagreement is due to the fact that the diagnosis selects the type of entity that is closest in vibration. But for healing this is unimportant, because... the main identification features of an entity are vibration frequency and numerical code.

According to some observations, Aural entities attract or form:

1. Magnetic storms
2. Artificial daylight
3. Negative programs
4. Pathology of the organ being studied;
5. Establishing energy dependence
6. Spatial mismatch
7. Scars
8. Mental fatigue
9. Energy Information Impact (EI) on the EIP of the nerve.
10. Benign tumors.
11. Helminth stones with suction cups
12. Damage to the chakras
13. Engrams;
14. Multidimensional control structures;
15. Physical fatigue
16. Aging center
17. Damage to subtle bodies
18. Outer Essence (Lyarva)
19. The center of death
20. Evil
21. Holes, punctures in the aura
from the book “Dowsing for Everyone” Puchko L.G.
Now, during the planetary ascent, the first lines in the reasons for the appearance of Aural entities begin to be occupied by negative thoughts and negative emotions.

Signs of a demon (dark entity) in a person

It happens that if there is an essence, a person begins to hear voices (for example: I will help you, you need to do this, don’t be afraid, I’m your friend, etc.). Voices can dictate what to do, call you by name. Destructive entities can pretend to be an Angel and say that they came to help or convey information.

If a being of a higher order communicates with you, then the communication process occurs without words, but with knowledge. Communication occurs at the level of awareness. Information, knowledge comes, and then unfolds without any sounds or other effects.

Another sign is the inappropriate behavior of the victim. The person does not hear any voices, but suddenly becomes different. The look, behavior, speech, gait changes. Begins to behave out of character. Doing things that are not typical for him in his normal state. A person can behave aggressively and make trouble over trifles.

An unusual desire arises to subjugate everyone or destroy something. All this is done so that a person experiences a lot of negative emotions and commits destructive acts, thereby providing food for the essence. It happens that a person’s consciousness becomes so enslaved and clouded that he becomes horrified after he has done something and cannot understand how he did this and how it happened. And the reason is the same demon sitting inside.

Also, signs of the presence of an entity or an attempt to inhabit it can be spontaneous exits to the astral plane during sleep and a meeting with this entity. Some patients say that during such contact the entity begins to speak to the person in a low voice, sometimes it is a very low female voice, almost indistinguishable from the average male voice.

Such meetings occur when a person emits low-frequency vibrations, when the spiritual integrity of a person is violated, a gap has appeared that the entity wants to use to penetrate the person.

A huge number of people do not even suspect that they are possessed by an entity. A person may simply think that everything is fine with him, he has just become a little irritable. He thinks maybe the moon or the weather has an influence, finds any reason from outside, and not in himself.

A clear sign of the presence of the essence is a person’s reluctance to go to church and the impossibility of staying in it. The church has high-frequency vibrations that are dangerous for the essence, therefore, under any pretext, by any means, a person with an essence will bypass the church.

A negative reaction to prayers is immediately noticeable. The essence connects, often to the nervous system, chakras, organs and other places where energy is concentrated. Due to this connection, a person’s abilities are sharpened or new ones appear, and during expulsion, the entire body and the entire nervous system react to the expulsion process, ranging from convulsions to screams and hysterical laughter.

For example, when a succubus or incubus is introduced, the victim has erotic dreams with his partner, during which the person can even have an orgasm in his sleep. The entity takes the form of a man or woman and has sexual intercourse with the person in a dream. Often takes the form of loved ones.
It sucks energy from the sex chakra (svadhisthana) and from the genitourinary system. The consequences of such contacts are diseases of the genitourinary system, infertility, leg diseases, gynecological problems.

How to exorcise an entity?

Christianity uses certain prayers. All this is quite effective, but requires preparation. Prayer creates a certain stream of high-frequency energies, which expels the entity from the body of the possessed. At regular exorcism sessions, it is desirable to have icons of saints, Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, present. Now it is quite difficult to find a church minister who can expel the entity. There are only a few of them, but the need for exorcism is enormous.

But I want to draw your attention to another point:

Once I had the opportunity to communicate with a clergyman who was present at a session of exorcism, and was himself very interested in this topic. I was interested in his opinion on this process; he willingly shared it.

But to the question: “Where does the essence disappear after it leaves a person?”, I received an unexpected answer: “What difference does it make where, as long as it comes from the sufferer.”

The answer surprised me, because it turns out that in the process of church expulsion, the essence is expelled from a person into the physical world, which is unsuitable for it. Any entity has an astral range of energies and our physical world is unsuitable for it. Therefore, during an ordinary expulsion, a person screams, twitches in convulsions, sniffles, because the entity is tormented, suffering, it does not want to leave the person in which it is comfortable in this world.

It is not her fault that the person allowed her to enter him; it is her natural ability to feed on the emotional energy that is released by the person. The entity wriggles, suffers, and at the same time exhausts the person. Where should the essence go then? No one is building recycling facilities and portals, but they should be. It is logical to assume that she enters the closest person - the exorcist. Then the rumors are confirmed that exorcists do not live long.

This means that the conclusion suggests itself that it is necessary to move entities by giving them LOVE to those worlds where the entity will feel comfortable, to its natural habitat, to a place where it will not harm the inhabitants of space, but will be beneficial. The more we dislike something, the more energy we give to it. And it’s even more difficult to get rid of it. Therefore, you need to act with LOVE, not attack and force, but ask and invite her to go home.

Then they do not resist and calmly move to other worlds. The person does not panic so much; there are convulsions and twitches, but they do not cause suffering to the patient and the entity.

With the help of Reiki, you can work on removal, transformation, cleansing of all kinds of entities and sub-dwellings.

A prerequisite: there must be no feeling of fear. Fear can be filled, replaced with love, filling the place of fear with Divine Light.

In general, know: if you blame someone specific, with whom you are in conflict, for an energy attack on you, it is most likely not the person himself, but his aggressive essences who have come to you for a showdown. The person himself may not know about this at all. And if you accused him of an energy attack, he will not understand you, he will deny everything, and he will be right.

Because this attack can occur without his conscious participation. Therefore, there is no need to blame anyone, this can further aggravate the conflict. Try to always be in harmony, purify yourself, increase your light and treat all people with love and acceptance. Entities, based on the principle of similarity, can only attach themselves to the dark energy inside a person.

When a person works on himself, transforms his consciousness, cleanses and strengthens his energy system, works with karma, etc., he becomes less vulnerable to any energy attacks.

If a person has essences, he never needs to blame himself for this. They could come for a variety of reasons, for example, from an alcoholic father. There is no need to blame yourself, you just need to understand that the time has come to get rid of them, because a person is moving towards the light, and what hinders him in this, what does not resonate with him, must be eliminated.

It is not recommended to get rid of introduced entities on your own; this can be dangerous both for the person himself and for those around him. Only an experienced specialist can help with this.

Often people do not have not only vision, but also energetic sensitivity, and this is another reason why they cannot identify the entities themselves. Or this sensitivity is very weak. This happens when their chakras and energy channels are clogged, when energy cannot move freely.

But entities can make themselves felt by pressure in the chakras, unpleasant sensations in various areas of the body, in organs, etc. But a person with weak energy sensitivity may not be aware of their presence.

There is another danger facing Lightworkers who have felt the call to awaken in recent years. Many channelings talk about communicating with your Higher Self, mentors and angels. And so, without sufficient experience, without knowing safety precautions, without being able to distinguish the energy signatures of the Higher Entities from astral entities, people begin to hear “voices” and connect to various astral channels.

They believe that “nothing bad will attract them.” However, it is attracted, and sometimes such people not only begin to “work” for the astral egregors, but also connect other people to them, and can even become a toy in the hands of far from luminous entities.

And then these entities can hide true information from them, interfere with their development and simply zombify them. Unfortunately, this happens. Yes, and the ego can tell a person that since he receives messages, it means that he is almost God’s anointed, and it also blinds him to information about who he really communicates with.

But for any person who receives information, the main thing should be, first of all, his own development.

If a person decides that possessing certain abilities, such as communication with subtle planes, puts him above others, if he thinks that this is already a sign of some kind of spiritual advancement, especially when the vast majority of those around him do not have such abilities, he begins cultivate your spiritual ego, not realizing that, first of all, such an ability implies enormous responsibility.

Responsibility for what information he offers people and whether it is for their highest good. Therefore, anyone who receives messages is obliged, no less, but more than others, to work on themselves, to purify themselves, to transform their consciousness, to increase their light coefficient in order to become a truly pure channel.

Someone may mistakenly believe that people interested in spiritual development and moving towards the Light do not have essences. There are. The vast majority of people, whether they develop their consciousness or not, have essences. But there are different entities.

There are some that are not very dangerous, and a person may not feel them at all, but there are also so dangerous that they manifest themselves very clearly and affect a person in very negative ways. We must understand that most Lightworkers spent most of their lives unawakened, and they still have the essences that they had before.

In addition, very often entities already come with a person into this life, presenting problems created in past lives. Entities do not go away on their own. Simply by clapping your hands, or reading an affirmation, or asking your higher aspects for help, it is impossible to get rid of them.

They become so fused with a person that the very possibility of parting with their donor seems unrealistic to them. They are intelligent beings and will do anything to stay and continue to feed on his energy. They can even prevent a person from realizing his problem and turning to a healer. Such cases do happen. Entities distort a person’s thoughts and emotions, guide his behavior and create negative karma.

Now the problem of entities has worsened. Most entities are residents of the astral plane, the 4th dimension. The Astral is being cleaned, and they are now very uncomfortable due to ultra-high frequency radiation coming from Space. The flow of people addressing these problems has actually increased.

Energy attacks have become more frequent, especially in recent months. If you remember, Lauren Gorgo mentioned in one of her July articles that they haunted her for some time. By the way, she correctly noted that turning on the TV at night does not scare away entities. I just don’t know why it occurred to her to scare away the entities at night by turning on the TV.

After all, television, like a computer, are direct channels for the penetration of entities. So in this way you can only attract them, and not scare them away. And night is the time when entities are active.

So, again, most people have essences. What entities are found?

They can be roughly divided into two categories. The first is entities created by man himself, and the second is inhabited entities.

Entities created by a person can be created by him either in the current incarnation or in past lives. These can be entities of hatred, cruelty, pride, greed, contempt, self-deprecation, resentment, etc. If a person in past incarnations created negative energies/entities with some of his thoughts and emotions, they could incarnate in this life with him and are now present in his energy system.

Another option is that those people who are now working on themselves, undergoing intense cleansing and healing, may experience entities from past lives. You've probably read that the energies of our past incarnations are now passing through us. There were different energies there, both positive and negative.

We may not notice the positive ones, but the negative ones create big problems. One fine day, a person may wake up with unpleasant sensations, even physical ones, and not suspect (if he does not have clairvoyance and clairvoyance) that his energy system is intertwined with some kind of energy/entity, which he himself created in one of his past incarnations, or some dark channel from past lives has manifested itself.

Since we are now moving towards the light, and our energy is being purified and clarified, our frequencies no longer resonate with the dense low-frequency energies of these entities, and they come for one purpose - for us to be cleared of them.

As for populated entities, everything is much more complicated. The settled entities include all astral entities, disembodied souls, entities from other parallels, alien entities, etc. That is, they were not created by man himself, but came from outside.

It happens that a person himself attracts such entities with his negative thoughts and emotions. If he has gaps in his aura (and there are a lot of people with gaps), then with a surge of negative emotions the entity is attracted to him according to the principle of similarity, and it costs nothing for it to enter the person’s field through the gaps. And she settles in him and leads a very satisfying life, feeding on a person’s energies, influencing his psyche and exacerbating negative traits, as well as undermining his health.

There are also illegal implementations, and quite often. Now they have become even more frequent. A person may not attract the entity in any way, but if he has a weak aura, if there are gaps in it, then the entity can infiltrate and settle down to live.

And even if, in general, a person has a complete aura, if there are no pronounced breakdowns, even then the essence can fly in through “weak spots” and “cracks.” Such weak points are primarily the area of ​​the 7th cervical vertebra, the chakra at the base of the skull and the lower chakras. Therefore, you need to work very seriously with your energy, cleanse, heal and strengthen it, try to ensure that there are no vulnerable spots left.

Entities can penetrate a person when he is especially vulnerable - when a person experiences shock or trauma, for example, during various accidents and catastrophes, during large blood losses, during serious illnesses, when a person is very exhausted. They can also penetrate during operations under general anesthesia, during hypnosis sessions and in other conditions when the normal functioning of defense mechanisms is disrupted.

Now cases of such intrusions have become more frequent also because many people leave, and many free entities remain who are looking for new donors.

As a rule, all alcoholics, drug addicts and smokers have essences. Moreover, the entities are very strong and negative. A person can be treated for alcoholism and drug addiction using any number of different methods, but if the essences are not removed, then this is, to put it mildly, a useless endeavor. After treatment, he can restrain himself for some time and not show his inclinations, but the entities will not give him the opportunity to recover, and everything will happen again.

The essences of smokers are not so strong, but they also do not bring anything useful to a person, and it is they who prevent people from quitting smoking. You know that many people never succeed, despite all their efforts.

Entities have the ability to move from person to person. If there is an alcoholic or drug addict in the family, then most likely all family members will have essences. This is especially true for sexual partners. In this case, the whole family needs to be cleansed. And even if people just communicate closely with each other, meet often, spend a lot of time together - these could be friends, colleagues, neighbors - then there are also cases of penetration of entities.

Entities from past incarnations are often associated with karmic problems, and therefore not only liberation from the entities is required, but also karmic healing.

Essences are the truth of life as it is. You can, of course, turn a blind eye to this, not believe in their existence, but this will not help in any way and will not get rid of the problems of those people who have them.

How do entities manifest themselves? Definitely, in different ways. It all depends on the origin, energetic frequency and strength of the entity. The lower the energetic frequency of an entity, the more problems it creates. And, as a rule, shared entities create more problems than their own.

These problems can manifest themselves in different ways. People often write to me in letters that despite the fact that they have been developing for a long time, meditating, and their consciousness seems to be changing, many problems remain - both emotional and mental, and with health, and in other areas. And during the session they discover entities whose presence they did not even suspect.

Entities often make a person aggressive. He may not control himself and commit actions that may later cause him shock. The entity controls a person, and he does not even know that he does not have his own will. But it happens that such people are still aware that they have entities and strive to get rid of them. But the entities, as I already said, can literally prevent these people from coming to the healer, create various problems, even breaking the computer, closing their path to healing.

Entities can also manifest themselves in various inadequate emotional states, such as depression, uncontrollable emotional outbursts, etc. Pathological greed, cruelty, suspicion, hypertrophied ego - all these are signs of the presence of entities. Entities strive to strengthen in a person those qualities to which they are attracted. Unreasonable fainting, strange pains, etc. may occur from the influence of entities.

Entities do not always manifest themselves so clearly. However, if a person has moments when he feels that it is difficult for him to control himself - either during some emotional outbursts caused by someone else's actions, or during depressive states - this is a clear sign of the presence of the entity.

When a person has something foreign in his energy, when it entwines his chakras and channels, then, naturally, the person cannot live a full life, blocks do not allow energy to move freely, organs do not receive sufficient nutrition, and serious illnesses arise.

The entity feeds on his energy, and the person does not have enough vital energy to live, work and be successful in everything. Especially if he does not work with his energy, if he has a weak aura, there are breakdowns and blocks in the chakras and channels. Plus the impact on emotions, which jeopardizes his relationships with others.

You cannot fear or hate entities. Fear and hatred of them can also attract them. Entities should be treated calmly and neutrally. They are who they are, and they should be accepted as such. For them, it is the same natural way of existence to feed on the energies of people, as it is natural for people to feed on animal meat and plants. They live in another dimension, and there they are natural and useful for the whole, but in our world they create problems for people.

When a person gets rid of entities, his life changes dramatically. He becomes more positive, his health improves, his emotions are harmonized, he simply becomes a different person. But at the same time, he naturally needs to continue to work on himself, and even more seriously, in order not to attract entities in the future, in order to grow and improve spiritually.

It is very important that the aura is complete, so that there are no access points for connections. Achieving integrity is serious work, it can only be done by the person himself. It is also important not to attract entities with your negative emotions, because they feed on them. Do not enter into conflicts with people (because after this you can very quickly receive an attack from the entities of these people).

Earthly spirits. Who, what and how.

That is why a person overcome by passions is often exhausted both physically and energetically. Like attracts like, so we can assume that the entities generated by man himself attract entities with the same vibrations from the subtle world and from other people. Alien energy structures of an earthly or unearthly nature are formed in the aura. Today we will talk about earthly spirits.

In terms of energy-informational medicine, the earthly spirit is an alien energy structure that can live in the aura or structures of a person’s “Higher Self,” “feeding” on his energy.

Man is a universal converter (transformer) of cosmic energies, which is why he is of particular interest to various alien energy structures.

Sometimes it happens that the earthly spirit cannot overcome the quantum barrier and go into the layers of the Cosmos assigned to it by God, remaining to inhabit the earthly plane.

This can happen for a variety of reasons - abortion, murder, suicide, great love and affection for someone, violation of Cosmic Laws, etc.

Without any opportunity to move into the layers of the Cosmos assigned to them, earthly spirits are deprived of adequate energy nutrition. They cannot fully assimilate the energies of Creation, the Universe, the Earth and other energies, and are forced to use related types of energy for nutrition.

Types of earthly spirits.

There are many varieties of earthly spirits - elementals, among which one can distinguish mermaids, elves, goblin, gnomes, sylphs, foresters and the like; earthly spirits, which include spirits of mountains, forests, waters, etc. These types of earthly spirits do not have the problem of being “stuck” between planes - they live in their usual habitat and receive adequate nutrition. That is why they very rarely move in with someone else.

However, there are earthly spirits that are most often found in the aura of a person or animal. People are usually possessed by the spirits of dead people. Some of them are the spirits of deceased relatives, drawn to Earth by love or some other feelings of loved ones who are still alive. Such spirits need to be helped - to help them go into the layers of the Cosmos designated by God.

In multidimensional medicine, among the earthly spirits that move in with people, they distinguish:

- female spirit
- male spirit
- spirit of a relative
- the spirit of a baby or child
- a spirit who drinks alcohol (the earthly spirit of an alcoholic)
- drug-using spirit (earthly spirit of a drug addict)
- the spirit of a criminal (“evil criminal”)
- sick spirit, old, weak
- frightened spirit
- damaged shell
- the spirit of a sexual maniac.

There may also be other earthly spirits that create a painful state in the human body.

The presence of an earthly spirit in the aura can be detected using the radiotension method.

The operator asks the question “How many types of earthly spirits are in<указывается точное местонахождение>at<имя>? It is necessary to clearly determine how many types of earthly spirits, what kind of spirits and how many are in the aura or structures of the “Higher Self” of the person being studied.

Cleansing the aura and structures of the “Higher Self” from foreign energy structures usually leads to an improvement in a person’s well-being and health, and the removal of borderline states such as obsessive thoughts, depression, etc., which are difficult to get rid of using conventional methods of psychotherapy.

There are various reasons that contribute to the penetration of earthly spirits into the aura of a particular person. These reasons are called "risk factors."

Risk factors that caused the appearance of earth spirits.

Rage, anger, irritation, chronic anger, negative emotions and negative thoughts, pride, excessive desire for material things, sexual intemperance, sexual thoughts, poor self-esteem, vanity, spiritual laziness, insufficient faith in God, excessive intellectualism, thirst for money - these are the main risk factors , leading to the weakening of our protective field and the introduction of possessors to us.

It is very important to identify how many and what specific risk factors led to the appearance of each type of earthly spirit in a person, and eliminate them.

How to get rid of earthly spirits?

As soon as a person’s vibrations change (usually from lower to higher, harmonious), earthly spirits cannot stay in vibrations that are alien to them and leave the donor. This is facilitated by a righteous life, fasting and regular reading of prayers (from the heart). Some types of holistic therapy can change a person's vibration. These include, for example, holistic therapy (massage), sound therapy (toning, chanting mantras).

There is a faster and more effective way - eliminating earthly spirits using vibration series. A correctly composed vibration series not only removes the earthly spirit from the aura, but also helps it go into the layers of the Cosmos designated by God.

However, it should be remembered that before expelling a spirit, it is necessary to check how much damage and what kind it caused to the donor, in order to subsequently restore the functioning and structures of the affected bodies and connections.


The question arises: “Is it possible to protect yourself from penetration of earthly spirits into the aura and how to do this?” It is not only possible to protect yourself, but also necessary.

Firstly, it is necessary to get rid of risk factors that may facilitate the penetration of foreign energy structures.

Secondly, prayer and fasting, a righteous life help maintain the correct harmonious vibrations, which will not allow spirits to remain in the aura.

Thirdly, it is necessary to create special protective vibration rows that will effectively repel the “attacks” of all evil spirits and protect the essence of a person throughout the entire time of their work.

Aural entities. Is it possible to get rid of obsession?

Being inhabitants of the three-dimensional world, most of us have no idea about the existence of various forms of multidimensional entities.

What is an entity? An entity is a living being from other dimensions that somehow came into our world. Entities have many types, shapes and images and can appear in almost any form. In order to protect themselves in our world, which is alien and hostile to them, they use a frightening appearance and can make unpleasant, frightening sounds.

In religious terminology, entities are often called “demons” and “possessors,” and the people they possess are “possessed” or “possessed.”

The clergy believed that possession exists in two of its manifestations - when a demon lives in a person, as a second personality, and at the same time the personality of the possessed person is in a depressed state, and when a person’s will is enslaved by passions.

Saint John of Kronstadt, who observed a huge number of people, noted: “Demons enter ordinary people because of their simplicity... The evil spirit enters educated and intelligent people in a different form, and it is much more difficult to fight it.”

In addition, in everyday life, passions often take over a person, and sometimes make his actions uncontrollable. The most common example of this is irritation. Therefore, as long as the devil has something of his own in a person, he subjugates him to himself, and, in a sense, this person is possessed.

In the recent past, church ministers actively resorted to exorcism of “evil spirits” from a possessed person.

At the same time, they often had little understanding of what exactly was happening at that moment on the spiritual plane - with the help of a special ritual, the priest expelled the entity, and he was not at all worried about its further fate. Only a few knew (or assumed) that the expelled entity, at the first opportunity, would penetrate the field of another person, who would be the first to meet on its path with vibrations suitable for it.

A variety of entities can penetrate into a person’s field. These can be either highly developed destructive entities or entities that have no consciousness at all. Let's consider the most common types of entities described in various sources.

“Larvae” are often called “Thought Forms”. This is the most common form of entities. We all know that our thought is material. If a person constantly thinks about something, and at the same time draws in detail in all colors the object of his thoughts in his imagination, a certain energy structure is formed, surrounded by a shell (or field). It is a simple organism (energy amoeba) that can live independently and has a basic instinct of self-preservation.

Having thought a thought, a person puts energy into it, fueled by which the larva becomes even more material. It happens that a well-formed thought form is capable of catching the consciousness of other people, receiving energy from many sources and continues to intensify.

An alien thought form can be perceived by a person as an obsessive thought or an “inner voice.” Not every person is able to distinguish where this or that idea came from - from his own consciousness or from the outside world.

Incubi are “male” thought forms that interact with ladies.

Succubi are “female” thought forms that feed on the energy of sexually anxious men.

It is also necessary to note the energy structures of Spells built into the energy cocoon, which are a type of Thought Forms.

Spells can be created by people with special knowledge who are able to expand consciousness, influence and influence the world around them. Spells can be protective, enhancing or destroying human energy.

It accumulates in the field of such people and represents a particularly tasty morsel for entities.

Demons- strong and dangerous entities with a pronounced negative orientation. You can feel their presence very rarely - as a rule, this can only be done on special days. Demons are attracted and interested in the energy of pain and suffering, which is why they always accompany conflicts, wars, various kinds of bullying and “torment.”

Very often they are the initiators of these situations, which arise as a result of direct or indirect manipulation of possessed people.

A demon can possess a person if he has the appropriate risk factors. For example, a person committed some very bad and difficult act, the negative energy of which damaged his spiritual integrity and spiritual barriers. In this case, the demon can move through the human race along with the ancestral karma.

The second example is if a person is oriented towards Evil - if he sincerely, consciously, purposefully and systematically constantly strives for evil, seeks means of committing evil, and causes evil to others. In this case, the demon enters a person through the person’s consciousness tuned to evil and helps him to do evil, thereby providing himself with food.

The third example is that for a long time a person is subjected to persecution, oppression and torment from the people around him, endures all the bullying and accumulates a thirst for opposition and indignation.

The “energy of retribution” concentrated in its field can open the way for a demon into its energy structure, and the consequences of this introduction can be large-scale and quite sad. Demons are capable of endowing the possessed person with destructive abilities.

In Christianity, demons and demons are attributed the qualities of human passions, such as greed, gluttony, flattery, voluptuousness, deception and others.

In the Esoteric understanding, Demons are multidimensional entities that exist outside the perception of our ordinary world and have their own consciousness.

Falling into one of the states described above, a person tunes in frequency with the corresponding entity and attracts it to himself. The vibrations that catch the essence are usually low-frequency and this happens unconsciously.

Creatures of the Ether- alien energy entities that live in the ether and seek to receive nourishment from human energy. Depending on the spatial configuration, among the creatures of the ether, jellyfish, ribbons, worms and octopuses, and crustaceans are most often distinguished.

Neutrals— these entities view a person not in the interests of receiving energy recharge, but in more highly organized interests. For example: for the sake of gaining some evolutionary experience through this person; for the sake of completing some missions, etc.

Such entities can endow a person with unusual abilities - such as clairvoyance, telekinesis, levitation, etc.
In this case, it should be understood and distinguished that this is not a unique ability of the person himself, but a skill or skill that an outsider spirit exhibits with the help of the possessed person.

Alien Souls, Elementaries. When a person dies, his Spirit and Soul leave the physical body and leave our World for the Astral World. A person consisting only of subtle bodies on the physical plane is “incorporeal” and is called an “Elementer”.

Sometimes, for some reason (for example, because of great love or strong affection), the deceased do not want to leave their loved ones, people connected with them, or cannot leave them for other reasons. In this case, they move into their field and live there, feeding on human energy.

On the one hand, to maintain its existence, the elementer requires energy, which it takes from a person, on the other hand, as a being of a subtle plane, it can protect a person from various dangers and situations that are not visible in the three-dimensional world. Hanging in the field of a loved one, the elementer cannot independently go into the layers of the Cosmos assigned by God, and cannot incarnate again.

Elementals. An elemental is a being with its own consciousness and intelligence (usually a spirit), inhabiting and consisting of one of the four elements: air, earth, fire or water. Elementals are in balance through opposites: water extinguishes fire, fire boils water, earth holds back air, air inflates the earth.

It is believed that the foundations of the concept of elementals were laid by Paracelsus in the 16th century. He identified the following elementals: Sylph (Air), Dwarf (Earth), Salamander (Fire), Undine (Water).

Strong emotions create energetic vibrations in the form of energy funnels that suck in entities that resonate with these vibrations. Thus, the entity, against its will, finds itself imprisoned in the human field and cannot get free on its own. Another way elementals penetrate our world is through the ritual actions of people who have the ability to expand consciousness and consciously evoke these entities.

It is believed that elementals are hostile to man because man uses the elements for his own purposes and constantly tries to subjugate them to himself. Each person has four elemental elements with which you can learn to communicate and interact. They must be treated with respect and care, because they can take revenge at any moment, for example, by causing a number of natural disasters.

Brownies are not entities that live directly inside a person. They represent a kind of materialization of the collective energy field of a family or Clan, by some “superhuman” structure, or Egregor. The Brownie egregor is usually created over many generations and is tied to the old house in which several generations of the House lived.

When a new member appears in the family, the Brownie’s energy field checks his energy, and if a resonance occurs and the person’s vibrations are suitable for this family, the Brownie “accepts” him.

If the newcomer does not suit Rod according to some energy parameters, Domovoy begins to “drive” him away. This means that for some qualities a person does not fit into the existing egregor of Rod.

Teachers, Supreme Spirits, Gods. If such beings speak through a person or live in him, then this happens only with the consent of the Soul of the person himself. Such a person usually comes to our world precisely with the mission of being a guide to these spirits. Such people - Guides and Enlightened Teachers - are capable of creating the fate of the World, determining the course of History - they give Teachings to people.

The entities that live in the human aura are called aural entities.

Aural entities refer to alien energy structures that can cause a lot of trouble to those in whose aura they live.

Being in a person’s field, entities are capable of taking the lion’s share of his energy, causing bad thoughts and actions, fatigue, depression, etc.

Invading entities cause personality changes in a person, obsessive states and can cause various diseases. By freeing the aura from various kinds of foreign energy structures, one can achieve relief from severe borderline states, rid a person of obsessive thoughts, deep depression, chronic fatigue and similar conditions.

How does a demon possess a person? In esotericism it is believed that possession is the possession of an evil spirit that negatively affects a person and often leads to his death. It is possible to determine that a person has been possessed by a demon using several criteria.

Aggression. Excessively aggressive behavior and uncontrollable fits of anger may indicate that a person has been possessed by a demon. Unreasonable irritability is becoming more and more common. A person ceases to perceive his actions logically. Outbursts of hatred towards everything around him force him to commit acts of violence. He can hit a small child for a minor mistake, or break a glass against the wall. Nervous breakdowns alternate among the obsessed with extreme apathy.

Seizures. Epilepsy attacks and convulsions are a manifestation of demonic possession. For no apparent reason, a person who was absolutely calm, a minute later begins to convulse. At the same time, he can bend so unnaturally that he horrifies those around him. Everything can be attributed to the individual flexibility of the spine, but this is not the only explanation.

Losing touch with reality. Possession by demons manifests itself in the strange behavior of people who previously behaved absolutely adequately. They hear voices, they see what others cannot see. This is similar to schizophrenia, but may also be occult.

Apathy. As the demon becomes more and more entrenched in the human body, the latter falls into an apathetic state. He is inactive, stops going to work and communicating with loved ones. This can then develop into a suicidal state. The possessed person seeks to take his own life. Usually he tries to do this through piercing and cutting objects. There is something sacred in this. This is how the demon seeks to completely weaken the will of the possessed.

Knowledge of languages. If the previous reasons can be explained from a psychological point of view, then this is clearly a paranormal phenomenon. A person who did not even speak two languages ​​suddenly begins to speak several. Most often this

languages, for example, ancient

or Sumerian. The voice of the possessed can change beyond recognition. It turns to screaming, wheezing, roaring, sounds from somewhere far away. Often a person can be possessed by more than one demon, which is why they speak different languages.

Swearing. The presence of obscenity and vulgarity in the speech of the possessed is an integral sign of obsession. In general, a person becomes vulgar and behaves indecently. His sexual attacks on other people can be unnecessarily provocative. Indecent behavior usually becomes one of the last criteria before the complete possession of the demon and the displacement of the human personality.

Denial of religion. In the initial stages of obsession, a person has a negative attitude towards all symbols of religion: crosses, the Bible, holy water. But in recent times the demon has become so strong in his power that he begins to commit sacrilege against them. The possessed person spits on crosses; holy water has no effect on him.

Soreness. At the last stage of demon possession, the person looks very sick. His skin takes on a greenish-gray tint. The eyes become red and watery. He constantly feels sick and his joints hurt. He stops eating, and his organs gradually begin to fail. Constant convulsions and weakening of the body lead to death.

It must be unpleasant when your body is taken over by another entity. And it is doubly unpleasant if this entity is evil, in other words, a demon. To prevent this trouble, you need to know how the demon enters the human body.

Religious interpretation

Before taking possession of a person, demons prepare the “soil.” They cannot inhabit a person with a pure soul, so they inspire sinful thoughts. But demons instill their thoughts in people in such a way that they do not notice this suggestion. Demons attach their thoughts to the thoughts of people, so that it is not noticeable how sinful thoughts penetrate human consciousness.

Gradually, sinful thoughts take over the human mind. Taking advantage of this, the demon can subjugate the will of the latter, enter his body and control it. Such people are called possessed, possessed or zombified.

A demon can inhabit not only a sinner. Sometimes the Lord allows a demon to take possession of a church-going, sincere believer.

Signs of obsession

Many books have been written about the possessed and even more films have been made. As follows from the above, the religious interpretation of possession looks like the subordination of a person’s will by a demon.

An obsessed person changes greatly, both externally and internally. He may have fits of rage and convulsions. Possessed people often think about suicide, and even more often about murder. They can speak on behalf of the one who has taken possession of their body, even in an unfamiliar language.

Another sign of obsession is the rejection of Christian symbols. But in this case we may be talking about mental disorders rather than the fact of external intervention. After all, Muslims also do not accept Christian symbols, but this does not indicate their obsession.

In Islam, signs of possession include immoral behavior, hallucinations, mental abnormalities and frequent loss of consciousness. True, Muslims are not possessed by demons, but by jinn or shaitan, which is the same thing.

Religions or cults may be different, but in any of them, the introduction of a hostile entity into a person is accompanied by similar symptoms. The possessed person not only suffers himself, but also causes suffering to those around him. Possession by a demon has a detrimental effect on its host. In this case, the entity does not physically eat the body from the inside - it feeds on the energy of this body.

How to cast out a demon

The phenomenon of the invasion of a hostile entity was known long before the advent of Christianity. Priests, and then priests, tried to fight these entities with the help of rituals, spells and prayers. True, as the practice of the inquisitors has shown, there is nothing more effective than the physical destruction of the carrier.

Actually, the demons needed the physical suffering of the victim - and they received it. When the inquisitors first tortured and then burned the body alive at the stake, the demon received so much energy that all he could do was leave the host’s body just before his death.


In Christianity, demons and the devil are considered to be responsible for possession, and in Islam, devils and jinn are considered to be responsible.

Helpful advice

If you suspect someone of possession, you should immediately contact a medium or priest. The possessed person needs help immediately, otherwise it will be too late.

  • About the signs of demonic possession and their types


How does a demon possess a person?

In ordinary life, as long as it goes on steadily, without incident, we don’t even think about the fact that in parallel with us there exists a world of other entities. Its main “residents” are angels and demons (demons, devils). The Holy Scriptures are rich in descriptions of the effects of demons on human souls. The Bible names the signs of a demon-possessed person. The Holy Fathers have attached great importance to this since the Middle Ages. Little is known about angels: they are protectors, and we do not necessarily know about their methods of protection. Demons are serious enemies of the human race, and in order to resist them, it is necessary to study methods of combating this evil spirits. Christ himself emphasized that they can only be driven out through fasting, the cross and prayer.

How did the Evil Spirit appear?

Before the Creator created the universe, there was a world of angels. The most powerful one was called Dennitsa. One day he became proud, rose up against God himself, and for this he was expelled by the angry Lord from the angelic world.

Every Christian knows the signs of a possessed person: aggression, speaking in someone else's voice, rejection of church values, the ability to levitate, a sulfur smell, and more. But there are also signs of the devil’s presence that are difficult to recognize.

To protect yourself from a possessed person, the best advice is not to contact him, since a possessed person does not control his own mind. Only church rituals will help drive demons out of him.

How does the devil possess a person?

Anthony the Great claims that humanity itself is to blame for the fact that demons find refuge in the souls of people. These are incorporeal creatures that can take refuge in a person if he accepts their nasty thoughts, temptations and will. This is how people agree with existing evil. The stories of priests about the presence of the devil are quite frightening and scary. From their personal experience, they have more than once been convinced of the reality of the actions of dark forces, therefore they know all the signs of a possessed person, can recognize him and try to save the soul. Even strong prayer does not immediately help get rid of the invading evil spirits.

So why are demons able to enter humans? The Holy Fathers claim that their place is where sin already lives. Sinful thoughts, an unworthy lifestyle, many vices - it is easiest for the devil to penetrate a vicious person.

Many people wonder why God allows this. The answer is simple. In fact, from the Almighty we are endowed with freedom of choice, will. We ourselves must choose whose power is closer to us, the Lord or Satan.

The clergy divide demoniac people into two types.

The first is that the demon subjugates the soul and behaves like a second personality inside a person. The second is the enslavement of the human will by various sinful passions. Even John of Kronstadt, who observed the possessed, noted that demons would take possession of the souls of ordinary people due to their innocence and illiteracy. If a spirit enters the soul of an educated person, then this is a slightly different form of possession, and fighting the devil in these cases is quite difficult.

Possessed people in church

There is a statement in the Christian Church that a person’s obsession, which does not manifest itself in everyday life, comes out as soon as the possessed person approaches the church or sees an icon and a cross. There have been cases when, during a service, some people begin to rush about, howl, cry, shout blasphemous speeches, and swear. All these are the main signs of a possessed person. This is explained by the fact that the demon tries to protect the soul from divine influence. The devil is intolerant of everything that somehow reminds us of faith in God.

Educated, intelligent people with a demon in their souls, it would seem, are accustomed to taking into account the opinions of others, they are measured and sedate, but as soon as you start a conversation with them about religion, all their respect comes to naught, their faces immediately change, and rage appears. The demon living inside cannot transgress his essence as soon as it comes to his eternal enemy - God. The way demon-possessed people behave in church only confirms the fact that the demon tries to avoid sources of danger and is afraid of being cast out. In fact, it is not people who are afraid of the church and the Creeds, but the unclean essence that is in them.

Possession can be divided into several signs: in some cases, the demon simply whispers nasty things to a person, encourages him to do obscenities, and go against God. Having penetrated the body, the demon can act to the detriment of other people, causing them harm. Having taken possession of the bodies of the dead, the devil in the guise of ghosts torments people.

Physical Signs of a Demon Possessed Person

Church ministers identified phenomena indicating signs of demon-possessed people. In the treatise “On Demons” by Peter of Tire the following points of demon manifestations are indicated:

  • the voice acquires an eerie demonic timbre;
  • any voice changes are possible;
  • paralysis of the body or some limbs;
  • an incredible display of strength for the average person.

Other demonologists also highlight:

  • a huge belly unusual for humans;
  • rapid decline, weight loss leading to death;
  • levitation;
  • split personality;
  • imitation of animals;
  • obscene behavior, thoughts;
  • automatic writing;
  • the smell of sulfur (the smell of hell);
  • blasphemy against God, church, holy water, cross;
  • mumbling in a non-existent language.

This is not a complete list of signs. Of course, many points of possession can be explained by some kind of physical illness; for example, in the Middle Ages, demonic behavior was often confused with symptoms of epilepsy. Mental disorders were passed off as public sinful orgies, and imitation of animals was confused with schizophrenia. In fact, it is really difficult to define in everyday life what a possessed person means. Many character traits, behavioral stereotypes, promiscuity, ignorance - all this resembles demonic possession.


The traditional “cure” for possession is to expel the demon from the body. Exorcism rites are performed by clergy who read special prayers, fumigate with incense, and conduct confirmation. Most often, during the ritual, people strongly resist, even faint. A priest should not be alone; he definitely needs assistants - other representatives of the church. Modern doctors and psychologists do not believe in such rituals and claim that these are just mentally ill people. Then how to explain that such attacks occur exclusively with church intervention and after the ceremony people feel significant relief? There are still no answers to these questions.

You can cast out demons through sincere faith, prayer and fasting. Before the process of expulsion, one must receive communion and confession. The reprimand can be performed by a monk who has not known sin or carnal pleasures. The key is strict fasting. An unprepared soul itself will not be able to cope with the exorcism of demons. Prayer may not work, and the result may be unpredictable. The reprimand will be carried out by a monk who has received instructions from senior spiritual brethren; he is endowed with divine protection and special power that will help cope with demons. The prayer being read is called an exorcist prayer. After pronouncing it multiple times, signs of possession by demoniacs disappear, confirming the presence of hellish forces.

When exorcising the devil, a prayer must be heard from the lips of a sincere believer; magic is strictly excluded. People involved in the occult become possessed by demons in 90% of cases.

Prayerful protection from evil spirits

Evil spirits can easily attack us, move into our homes, plot intrigues, and make a person obsessed. In Orthodoxy there are many prayers that help protect against the attacks of evil spirits. The most famous are the prayer to Seraphim of Sarov, the prayer of Elder Pansophius of Athos “From the attack of demons,” St. Gregory the Wonderworker and, of course, the prayer to Jesus Christ.

Orthodox believers know that the text of the protective prayer should always be carried with you, because in times of rampant evil spirits there is always a chance of falling under its influence. At any moment along the way you may encounter a possessed person, what should you do in this case? A prayer word will save.

Many people learn the text of the prayer by heart. But in stressful situations, a person usually gets lost and forgets about everything in the world, so it is better to always have protection with you. You can give yourself confidence in a difficult situation by reading the text of the prayer from the page. It is very important to follow some rules:

  • Always carry the text of the prayer with you. The style and Old Church Slavonic words should not be altered and forged to suit the modern language, this can reduce the power of words prayed for centuries.
  • You need to pronounce the text yourself; online auditions are not suitable here; the emotional component and sincerity of the spoken phrases are important.
  • When reading the prayer, you must be protected by a cross or icon. Shameless demonic spawn can easily penetrate unprotected lost souls and nullify the words of prayer.

Protect your vital energy and your home. For example, it will be more difficult for demons to enter a house consecrated by the priest.

Obsession from a scientific point of view

What does official science say about demonism? Scientists call obsession a mental illness called cacodemonia. It is believed that seizures most often affect dependent people, open, impressionable or, on the contrary, passive. For the most part, they are susceptible to outside influence. Sigmund Freud called cacodemonia a neurosis. According to him, a person himself invents a demon within himself that suppresses his desires. So what is obsession - a curse or a disease? Scientists explain the signs of demonic possession by various diseases, but it is worth noting that often medical methods are not able to solve the problem.

  • The obsession is explained by epilepsy. When losing consciousness during convulsions, a person is able to sense contacts with the immaterial world.
  • Depression, euphoria, and sudden mood swings are characteristic of affective bipolar disorder.
  • Tourette's syndrome is also confused with obsession. Due to a disordered nervous system, nervous tics begin.
  • A disease known in psychology is accompanied by split personality, when several personalities live in one body, showing themselves at different periods.
  • Schizophrenia has also been compared to obsession. The patient experiences hallucinations, speech problems, and delusional ideas.

If an unclean essence enters a person, this is reflected in his appearance. How to recognize a possessed person is listed in the article above. You can also add to this that those possessed by demons change the color of their eyes, they become cloudy, although their vision remains the same. The color of the skin may also change, it becomes darker - this sign is very dangerous.

Real cases of obsession

There are stories of people being possessed by demons that have been recorded and documented. Here are just a few of them.

Clara Germana Celje. A story from South America. The girl Clara, at the age of 16, told the priest in confession that she felt the presence of a demon in herself. The story took place in 1906. At first they did not believe her words, since it is not easy to identify a possessed person. But her condition began to worsen every day. There is documentary evidence from people that says that the girl behaved inappropriately and spoke in someone else's voices. The exorcism ritual was performed on her for two days, which saved her.

Roland Doe. The story of this boy took place in 1949. His aunt died. After some time, Roland tried to contact her through a seance, but incredible things began to happen around him: screams were heard, crucifixes shook, objects flew, and so on. A priest invited to the house saw objects falling and flying. At the same time, the boy's body was covered with various symbols. It took 30 sessions to drive out the evil spirit. More than 14 sources confirm the fact that the bed with the sick boy was flying around the room.

The Emily Rose Story

I would especially like to note the case of Annaliese Michel. This is the most striking example of a person’s demonic possession. The girl became the prototype of Emily Rose in the famous film.

When the girl turned 17, her life became a nightmare. In the middle of the night she was attacked by paralysis, it was impossible to breathe. Doctors diagnosed him with Grand Mal seizures or epileptic convulsions. After Annalize was admitted to a mental hospital, her situation only became worse. Drug treatment did not bring any relief. The demon constantly appeared to her and talked about the curse. She began to develop deep depression. A year later, in 1970, the girl was discharged from the hospital. She herself turned to the church and asked for an exorcism, claiming that the devil had entered her body. Church ministers know how to understand that a person is possessed, but they refused to help her and advised her to pray more. The girl began to behave more inappropriately. She bit her family members, ate flies and spiders, copied dogs, mutilated herself, and destroyed icons. This went on for five years. Relatives had difficulty persuading the clergy to perform an exorcism. The ceremony began in 1975 and ended only in 1976; it was held twice a week. A great many evil spirits were expelled from her body, but her health still deteriorated, she could neither drink nor eat. As a result, the girl died in her sleep. According to her, before her death, the Virgin Mary came to her and offered her an option for salvation - to leave her body, which was enslaved by demons.

How to deal with a possessed person

If suddenly you discover signs of demon possession among your loved ones, it is important not to get lost at this moment, try to create conditions so that the person does not harm himself or others. There are several tips on how to protect yourself from a possessed person:

  • You should not provoke a possessed person into an attack of aggression, since he is not capable of taking responsibility for his own actions. Agree with him and control the situation.
  • Protect the possessed person from moving. Sit or lay on the bed. Make sure he can't hurt himself.
  • If demonic possession manifests itself, try to calm the person down and bring him to a normal state. If an attack is provoked by icons or crucifixes, remove them.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from the attacks of demons. True faith, fervent prayer, and a life of piety will not allow the devil to take possession of your soul and body.

The forms and degrees of this serious illness vary. St. Diodochos, Bishop of Phytica, writes: “There are two kinds of evil spirits: the subtlest, warring on the soul, and the grossest, acting on the body. When grace does not dwell in a person, evil spirits, like snakes, nest in the depths of the heart, preventing the soul from seeing the desire for good. When grace dwells in him, then they, like some dark clouds, flash through parts of the body, transforming into sinful passions and various ghostly dreams, so that through memories and entertainment with dreams, the mind can be pulled away from the conversation with grace.” St. Diodochos speaks of a degree when subordination to evil spirits has no noticeable external manifestations. This type of dependence is characteristic of almost all people who do not have a spiritual life or spend it extremely inattentively. Possession becomes noticeable when demons take possession of a person’s consciousness and will, and through this the body. And here the degree and types of this disease are very different. The Gospel describes the terrible state of possession in which the Gadarene resident found himself: he had a home in coffins, and no one could even bind him with chains, because he was bound with shackles and chains many times, but he broke the chains and broke the shackles, and no one was able to tame him; always, night and day, in the mountains and coffins, he screamed and beat himself on the stones(Mark 5:2-6). The sacred text also reveals to us the reason for such a disastrous situation. There was a legion of evil spirits within him. The Roman legion numbered from 4,000 to 6,000 soldiers. This word, apparently, does not indicate a number, but an innumerable multitude of demons that tormented a person. But even one demon can cause a lot of torment. The father who came to Jesus speaks of his sick son: He [goes berserk] during the new moon and suffers greatly, for he often throws himself into fire and often into water(Matt. 17:15).

The nature of the possession and the degree of pain also depend on the demon that has taken possession, for they have different strengths and not the same ferocity: “others are so furious and ferocious that they are not content to torment with cruel torment only the bodies they have entered, but are in a hurry also to attack those passing in the distance and strike them with cruel blows, such as are described in the Gospel (Matthew 8:28), for fear of which no one dared to pass that way” (Venerable John Cassian. Interview 7th, chapter 32).

When a demon possesses a person, his inner life is completely disrupted. The mind gradually becomes darkened. Only after healing did the Gadarene demoniac regain his sanity. The inhabitants of that country, having come to the place where their herd of pigs grazed, found a man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind(Luke 8:35).

The patient's will becomes unfree. “Just as in a dark and deep night some cruel wind blows and causes all the plants and seeds to move, confuse and shake: so man, having fallen under the power of the dark night - the devil, and staying in the night and darkness, is terribly blown by the wind of sin caused to oscillate, shake and move; his whole nature, soul, thoughts and mind are in confusion, all his bodily members are in shock. Not a single member of the soul or body is free and cannot help but suffer from the sin that lives in us” (St. Macarius the Great. Spiritual Conversations. 2:4). Sometimes the consequence is blindness (Matthew 12:22), deafness and dumbness: Jesus, seeing that the people were running, rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to him: the spirit is dumb and deaf! I command you, get out of it and do not enter it again.(Mark 9:25).

Possessed by a demon becomes gloomy. The soul is deprived of the ability to be cheerful and joyful. Sometimes it resembles attacks of melancholy and fear. Two letters from L.N. Tolstoy to his wife Sofya Andreevna show how painful this condition is: “On the third day of the night I spent the night in Arzamas, and something extraordinary happened to me. It was two o'clock in the morning, I was terribly tired, I wanted to sleep, and nothing hurt. But suddenly I was attacked by melancholy, fear, and horror such as I had never experienced. I will tell you the details of this feeling later, but I have never experienced such a painful feeling and God forbid anyone else to experience it. I jumped up and ordered them to lay it down... Yesterday this feeling... returned while driving" (September 1869). In another letter, L. Tolstoy writes: “Since I arrived here, every day at six o’clock in the evening, melancholy begins, like a fever, physical melancholy, the feeling of which I cannot better convey, like the feeling that the soul is parting with the body” ( dated June 18, 1871).

The ultimate goal of demons is to destroy the inner spiritual life. If it never began in a person, then prevent it. In the words of St. Neil of Sinai: “The devil, the culprit and at the same time the painter of vice, has the goal of plunging every person into severe and inconsolable sadness, making him far from faith, from hope, from the love of God.”

A believer should not be faint-hearted and inclined towards fearlessness. He who dwells under the shelter of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty, rests(Ps.90:1). Demons are not given the power to harm arbitrarily. Only those who constantly live in sin without repentance, proudly reject God's help or are infected with false teachings have no protection. “So it is clear that unclean spirits cannot otherwise penetrate those whose bodies they want to take possession of, unless they first take possession of their minds and thoughts. When they are deprived of the fear and memory of God or spiritual reflection, then as if they were disarmed, deprived of the help and protection of God, and therefore easily defeated, they are boldly attacked, then they build a dwelling in them, as in the domain presented to them” (Venerable John Cassian. Interview 7 -e, ch. 24).

Entities that inhabit people themselves, or what to expect from an entity that is a settler?

There are many ghost stories meeting with ghosts about their habitat. Sometimes these entities scare a person, creating problems for him, sometimes they warn him of impending danger by giving signs. But there are those that inhabit people themselves.

Spirit is a protector

For a long time, people have noticed unexpected changes in behavior, character, and sudden anxiety in themselves or other people. Sometimes people begin to commit actions that are unusual for them, although they do not have any mental abnormalities. Persistent thoughts and unexpectedly illuminating ideas that come out of “nowhere” are familiar sensations to many.

In ancient times, the Greeks believed that there were invisible creatures that were attached to every person and that were able to inhabit him. These entities act as guardians. They do not have a physical body, they are able to interact with the energy-informational shell of the owner, understanding his thoughts, fears and experiences. They can give useful advice to the owner about current or upcoming events.

Manitou and loa

Each North American Indian warrior, while growing up, underwent a series of ritual tests, with the help of which he could infuse himself with a special supernatural entity - Manitou. With the help of such an essence, a person establishes contacts with the forces of nature, gaining power over the vital energy that is found in all the constituent elements of the physical world.

It should be noted that the manitou themselves are a kind of quintessence of this energy and are divided into good and evil. During the rituals, the good ones called to gain strength and provide support, while the evil ones tried to possess a person against his will, to exist at his expense.

In voodoo, an African religion, there are many loa - spirits that can inhabit a person. Voodoo priests perform ritual dances of merging with Loa in order to gain contact with the higher world, receive advice from the elder gods and protect themselves from the influence of the evil souls of the dead. As payment for the leniency and assistance provided, sacrifices of various animals are made to the loa. And it is believed that the spirits are not interested in the carcasses of sacrificed animals - they only absorb their vitality.

Similar entities existed in almost all ancient cultures. Assuming that settler entities actually exist, it should be recognized that most of them have a negative impact on people and only a few provide help to their carrier. But what could such mystical creatures need from an ordinary person?

The concept of “energy vampirism” became popular in the 20th century - the non-contact absorption by one individual of the mood and emotions, and in some cases, the health of another. In our progressive age, people are forced to constantly interact with each other in different areas of life. This happens more often in large cities, and stories about malevolent energy vampires appear more and more every year. But, most likely, in some cases attributed to these “vampires”, the victim’s life energy is taken not by an energy vampire at all, but by something otherworldly?

Most of the settlers prolong their existence using human life force. It is believed that a highly sensitive, weak-willed person is especially vulnerable to them. Perhaps such settlers are simply curious to play with such individuals - it gives them pleasure, so they approach the process with great interest, constantly looking for new victims. By accumulating energy, the settler entities become stronger over time and, thanks to this, gain the ability to inhabit a mentally more stable, strong-willed person. But you have to start somewhere, attacking the weak, taking away their strength, less powerful entities train and gain experience.

There is another reason for the settlers’ interest in humans - the opportunity to come into contact with our world through the human body.

Happened to the famous Victorian artist Richard Dadd, who lived in the 19th century. Richard was a talented and good-natured man. Even at the beginning of his artistic career, he received widespread critical acclaim and received several prestigious awards, and with them many fans. A year after painting the most famous of his works - the painting "Sleeping Titania" - Daddom embarked on a months-long expedition through the countries of the Mediterranean Sea. While traveling in Egypt, Richard began to experience strange visions that haunted him at night and caused severe irritation and fatigue. One hot December day, sailing on a ship along the Nile, Dadd suddenly announced to those around him that Osiris himself, one of the elder gods of the Egyptian pantheon, alternately performed the functions of judge of all the dead and ruler of the underworld, had entered into him. On the way back home, Richard periodically lost control of his actions and became aggressive.

Returning to his native England in 1843, the artist was declared insane and was placed under the guardianship of his closest relatives. In August of the same year, he killed his father, considering him the embodiment of evil. After that, he broke out of the house, intending to kill several more people, and began attacking passers-by. Citizens who witnessed those events noted the exorbitant strength of this frail man. Dadd spent the rest of his life in psychiatric hospitals, continuing to paint.

But even there he had fits of rage. At the same time, the artist claimed that some evil entities were constantly invading his body and taking over him.

By the way: in the previously mentioned voodooism there is a character similar to Osiris, Baron Semetier, the ancestor of the spirits of death and graves. It is to him that the priests turn with a plea to drive away otherworldly monsters from themselves.

But let's return to our unfortunate artist. Was he really possessed by an ancient Egyptian deity? Among the Mediterranean peoples there was a widespread belief, which came down from the Romans, about larvae - evil spirits that became people who died an unexpected death, not necessarily evil, but who did not receive proper repose. Translated from Latin, larvae means “mask”, “mask”, which perfectly characterizes these creatures. The larvae fed on the vital energy of people, brought misfortune and drove them crazy. At the same time, they deceived their victims, posing as much more powerful entities, like omnipotent gods.

Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap

Currently, the problem of unwanted spirit settlers has begun to worry Eastern European Catholic priests. Last September, the world's first magazine dedicated to this topic, Egzorcysta, began publishing in Poland. The clergy sincerely hope that the advice published in the publication will help people suffering from foreign influence.

Taking into account all of the above, it is impossible to unequivocally call the settling entities exclusively bad or exclusively good. The smallest nuances of the behavior of each of them should be taken into account. But caution is never too much. Even if someone invisible starts persistently giving you useful advice, it’s worth remembering: free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.

Some ghosts have one feature - the ability to inhabit a human body for a while. This can lead to the most dire consequences. Having moved into the body of the unfortunate man, the ominous ghost does what he wants, and the man himself does not know what he is doing at this moment. Even worse, when a person is “freed” from an evil spirit, he is unable to remember what he did. One of these incidents occurred not so long ago in the Astrakhan region.

Two friends, Anton Drobin and Pyotr Vorokhov, were returning to their village from a neighboring village late at night. The friends were tipsy. On the way, Anton and Peter decided to go to the cemetery on a bet, to test their courage, that even late at night nothing terrible could happen in the graveyard, and in general, ghosts are fairy tales. Suddenly, near one of the graves, Anton noticed something incomprehensible, like a ghost. The friends froze in place with fear, and this something began to quickly approach them. Peter ran away, and Anton lost consciousness and fell. In the morning, the guy woke up near the forest a kilometer from the cemetery, he was horrified to discover that his hands, face and clothes were covered in blood, while there was not a single scratch on his body. And not far away lay the lifeless body of his friend; moreover, Pyotr Vorokhov’s head was torn off.

It turned out that at the moment when Drobin was unconscious, he caught up with his friend and brutally killed him. It is not surprising that all the evidence pointed to him, but Anton himself remembered absolutely nothing. On the same day, the guy was sent to a pre-trial detention center, accused of murder. The poor fellow's explanation that Peter was killed by an evil ghost that possessed Anton, and that he himself would never have killed a friend under any circumstances, seemed unconvincing to the police. True, the criminologists were amazed by the method of murder - Vorokhov’s throat was first gnawed out, and then her head was torn off with brutal force; an ordinary person was simply unable to do this with his hands. In the end, Drobin was declared insane, and instead of prison, he went to a mental hospital. It is worth noting that the guy had never suffered from mental illness before.

How to protect yourself from such ghosts?

Parapsychologists say that the stronger the degree of intoxication of a person, the greater the likelihood of falling under the influence of such an evil spirit. This fact is confirmed by numerous examples when normal people, while drunk, turned into notorious villains, committed brutal murders and at the same time did not remember anything about what happened. Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t drink at all. Simply, while intoxicated, you should not go to places where negative energy is concentrated. Such places include cemeteries. The case with Drobin and Vorokhov is a clear confirmation of this. It is also interesting that the killer’s degree of intoxication was mild.

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