The monograph usually contains. Monograph

Bazhov S.I. Philosophy of history N.Ya. Danilevsky. - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

Balagushkin E.G. Non-traditional religions in modern Russia: morphological analysis. - M.: IF RAS, 1999. (PDF)

Balagushkin E.G. Problems of morphological analysis of religions. - M.: IF RAS, 2003. (PDF)

Belyaeva L.A. Social modernization in Russia at the end of the 20th century. - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

Beskova I.A. Evolution and consciousness (cognitive-symbolic analysis). - M.: IF RAS, 2001. (PDF)

The immortality of Descartes' philosophical ideas (Materials of the International Conference dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the birth of R. Descartes) / Rep. ed. N.V. Motroshilova. - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

Biophilosophy / Ed. A.T.Shatalov. - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

Good and truth: classical and non-classical regulatives / Rep. ed. A.P. Ogurtsov. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Boguslavsky V.M. Pierre Bayle. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995. (PDF)

Boguslavsky V.M. Francis Sanchez is the French predecessor of Francis Bacon. - M.: IF RAS, 2001. (PDF)

Boroday Yu.M. From fantasy to reality (the origin of morality). - M., 1994. (PDF)

Will we live in a “global village”; Ed. T.V. Kerimova. - M.: IF RAS, 1993. (PDF)

Burmistrov, K.Yu. Jewish philosophy and Kabbalah. History, problems, influences. - M.: IFRAN, 2013. (PDF)

Burmistrov K.Yu. “For He is like a refiner’s fire”: Kabbalah and alchemy. - M.: IF RAS, 2009. (PDF)

Burov V.G. China and the Chinese through the eyes of a Russian scientist. - M.: IF RAS, 2000. (PDF)

Burov V.G. Modernization of Taiwanese society. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Did Russia have a choice? (N.I. Bukharin and V.M. Chernov in social and philosophical discussions of the 20s) / Ed. B.V. Bogdanov. - M.: IF RAS, 1996. (PDF)

Bychkov V.V. Trialogue: Conversation One about aesthetics, contemporary art and the crisis of culture / V.V. Bychkov, N.B. Mankovskaya, V.V. Ivanov. - M.: IFRAN, 2007. (PDF)

Bychkov V.V. Trialogue: Second Conversation about the philosophy of art in different dimensions / V.V. Bychkov, N.B. Mankovskaya, V.V. Ivanov. - M.: IF RAS, 2009. (PDF)

Bureaucracy in the modern world: theory and realities of life / Rep. ed. V.N. Shevchenko. - M.: IFRAN, 2008. (PDF)


“Milestones” - 2009. To the 100th anniversary of the collection / Ed.-comp. IN AND. Tolstykh. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011. (PDF)

Eternal and transitory in the cultural heritage of Russia / Rep. ed. S.A. Nikolsky. - M.: IF RAS, 2010. (PDF)

Vizgin, V.P. Essays on the history of French thought. - M.: IFRAN, 2013. (PDF)

Vizgin V.P. Epistemology of Gaston Bachelard and history of science. - M.: IF RAS, 1996. (PDF)

Visual image (Interdisciplinary studies) / Rep. ed. I.A. Gerasimova. - M.: IFRAN, 2008. (PDF)

Vostrikova E.V., Kusliy P.S. Logical-philosophical analysis of language: a modern view. - M.: IF RAS, 2017. (PDF)

High technology and modern civilization. Materials of the scientific conference. M., 1999. (PDF)


Gadzhikurbanova P.A. Ethics of the Early Stoa: the doctrine of what should be. - M.: IFRAN, 2012. (PDF)

Gaidenko V.P. Initial concepts of the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. M., 2001. (PDF)

Gachev G.D. Autumn with Kant: Imagery in the Critique of Pure Reason. - M.: IF RAS, 2004. (PDF)

Gerasimova I.A. Formal grammar and intensional logic. - M.: IF RAS, 2000. (PDF)

Girenok F.I. Escaping existence. - M.: IF RAS, 1994. (PDF)

Glinchikov, A.G. Individualization of personality on the eve of modernity. - M.: IFRAN, 2012. (PDF)

Goloborodko D.B. Concepts of reason in modern French philosophy. M. Foucault and J. Derrida. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011. (PDF)

Global evolutionism / Ed. L.V. Fesenkova. - M.: IF RAS, 1994. (PDF)

Gorelov A.A. Individuality and evolution. - M.: IF RAS, 2006. (PDF)

Gorelov A.A. Truth and meaning. - M.: IF RAS, 2010. (PDF)

Gorelov A.A. Social ecology. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Gorelov A.A. Evolution of culture and ecology. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002. (PDF)

Facets of scientific creativity / Rep. ed. A.S.Maidanov. - M.: IF RAS, 1999. (PDF)

Granin Yu.D. Ethnic groups, the national state and the formation of the Russian nation: Experience of philosophical and methodological research. - M.: IF RAS, 2007. (PDF)

Frontiers of Science / Rep. ed. L.A. Markova. - M.: IF RAS, 2000. (PDF)

Gromov M.N. Images of philosophers in Ancient Rus'. - M.: IF RAS, 2010. (PDF)

Gromov M.N. Structure and typology of Russian medieval philosophy. - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

Gurevich P.S. The problem of human integrity. - M.: IF RAS, 2004. (PDF)

Gurevich Pavel. The fragmentation of human existence. - M.: IF RAS, 2009. (PDF)

Gurevich P.S. Philosophy of man. Part 1. - M.: IF RAS, 1999. (PDF)

Gurevich P.S. Philosophy of man. Part 2. - M.: IF RAS, 2001. (PDF)


Devyatkin L.Yu. Three-valued semantics for classical propositional logic. - M.: IF RAS, 2011. (PDF)

Democracy for Russia - Russia for democracy / Rep. ed. A.A. Guseinov. - M.: IFRAN, 2008. (PDF)

Dialogue of civilizations. Agenda; Gorbachev Foundation / Comp. and general ed. V.I. Tolstykh. - M.: IF RAS, 2005. (PDF)

Dynamics of interaction of internal and external factors and the vector of development of Russian society / Responsible. ed. V.N. Shevchenko. - M.: IFRAN, 2013. (PDF)

Dlugach T.B. The problem of being in German philosophy and modernity. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002. (PDF)

Dlugach T.B. Three portraits of the Enlightenment. Montesquieu. Voltaire. Rousseau (from the concept of enlightened absolutism to theories of civil society). - M.: IF RAS, 2006. (PDF)

Dmitriev T.A. The problem of methodological doubt in the philosophy of Rene Descartes. - M.: IF RAS, 2007. (PDF)

Duty and memory of the military generation. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Domnikov S.D. Economy and culture: Introduction to the phenomenology of traditional text. - M.: IF RAS, 2008. (PDF)

Drama of Soviet philosophy. Evald Vasilievich Ilyenkov (Book-dialogue) / Comp. and ed. V.I. Tolstykh. - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

The spiritual dimension of modern politics / Comp. A. Syrodeeva. - M.: IF RAS, 2003. (PDF)

Spiritual foundations of activity / Rep. ed. S.A. Nikolsky. - M.: IFRAN, 2007. (PDF)


Egorova I.V. Philosophical anthropology of Erich Fromm. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002. (PDF)


The viability of the Russian state as a philosophical and political problem / Ed. V.N. Shevchenko. - M.: IF RAS, 2006. (PDF)

Life as a value / Answer. ed. L.I. Fesenkova. - M.: IF RAS, 2000. (PDF)


Western Social Democracy / Rep. ed. A.G. Myslivchenko. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Western philosophy of the late 20th - early 21st centuries. Ideas. Problems. Trends/Ans. ed. I.I. Blauberg. - M.: IFRAN, 2012. (PDF)

Knowledge as a subject of epistemology / Rep. ed. V.A. Lecturer. - M.: IF RAS, 2011. (PDF)


Ivin A.A. Modal theories of J. Lukasevich. - M.: IF RAS, 2001. (PDF)

Ivin A.A. Human preferences. - M.: IF RAS, 2010. (PDF)

Ideas and numbers. Grounds and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of philosophical and socio-humanitarian research. - M.: Progress-Tradition, 2016.(PDF)

The dimension of philosophy. On the grounds and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of philosophical and socio-humanitarian research / Comp. and resp. ed. A.V. Rubtsov. - M.: IFRAN, 2012. (PDF)

Islamic philosophy and philosophical Islamic studies: research prospects / Rep. ed. A.V. Smirnov. - M.: Languages ​​of Slavic cultures, 2012. (PDF without illustrations 4 Mb)

Truth and goodness: universal and singular / Answer. ed. A.P. Ogurtsov. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002. (PDF)

Historical destinies of socialism / Rep. ed. Yu.K.Pletnikov. - M.: IF RAS, 2004. (PDF)

Historical types of rationality. T. 1 / Ed. V.A. Lektorsky. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995. (PDF)

Historical types of rationality. T. 2 / Ed. V.A. Lektorsky. - M.: IF RAS, 1996. (PDF)

History of Western European Philosophy: Textbook / Ed. N.V. Motroshilova. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

History of the methodology of social cognition. The end of the XIX-XX centuries / Rep. ed. V.B. Vlasova. - M.: IF RAS, 2001. (PDF)

History of Russian philosophy: Textbook / Ed. M.N.Gromov. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)


Kamensky Z.A. A.I. Galich. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995. (PDF)

Kanaeva N.A. Indian philosophy of antiquity and the Middle Ages. - M.: IFRAN, 2008. (PDF)

Kara-Murza A.A. Intellectual portraits: Essays on Russian political thinkers of the 19th-20th centuries. - M.: IF RAS, 2006. (PDF)

Kara-Murza A.A. Intellectual portraits: Essays on Russian thinkers of the 19th-20th centuries. Vol. 2. - M.: IF RAS, 2009. (PDF)

Kara-Murza A.A. “New barbarism” as a problem of Russian civilization. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995. (PDF)

Kara-Murza, A.A. Freedom and Faith. Christian liberalism in Russian political culture / A.A. Kara-Murza, O.A. Zhukova. - M.: IF RAS, 2011. (PDF)

Karelova L.B. Key ideological problems in Japanese philosophy of the 20th century (historical and philosophical essays). - M.: IF RAS, 2017. (PDF)

Karl Marx and modern philosophy / Rep. ed. N.I. Lapin. - M.: IF RAS, 1999. (PDF)

Karpov K.V. The teachings of Gregory of Rimini on predestination and freedom. - M.: IFRAN, 2012. (PDF)

Katsapova I.A. Philosophy of law P.I. Novgorodtseva. - M.: IF RAS, 2005. (PDF)

Katsapova I.A. Philosophical worldview of P.I. Novgorodtseva. - M.: IF RAS, 2007. (PDF)

Kelle V.Zh. Intellectual and spiritual principles in culture. - M.: IF RAS, 2011. (PDF)

Cassidy F.H. Ideas and people: historical, philosophical and socio-political studies. - M.: IF RAS, 2003. (PDF)

Kiyashchenko L.P. In search of vanishing objectivity (essays on the synergetics of language). - M.: IF RAS, 2000. (PDF)

Kiyashchenko, L.P. Event. Personality. Time (Towards a philosophy of transdisciplinarity). - M.: IF RAS, 2017. (PDF)

Kiyashchenko L.P. Philosophy of transdisciplinarity. - M.: IFRAN, 2009. (PDF)

Klyagin N.V. Man in history. - M.: IF RAS, 1999. (PDF)

Knyazeva E.N. Odyssey of the Scientific Mind. Synergetic vision of scientific progress. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995. (PDF)

Cognitive evolution and creativity / Ed. I.P.Merkulov. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995. (PDF)

Kozhevnikova, Magdalena. Hybrids and chimeras of humans and animals: from mythology to biotechnology. - M.: IFRAN, 2017. (PDF)

Koznova I.E. 20th century in the social memory of the Russian peasantry. - M.: IF RAS, 2000. (PDF)

Communicative rationality: an etistemological approach / Rep. ed.: I.T. Kasavin, V.N. Porus. - M.: IFRAN, 2009. (PDF)

Konovalova L.V. Applied ethics (based on Western literature). Vol. 1. Bioethics and ecoethics. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Constructivism in the theory of knowledge / Rep. ed. V.A. Lecturer. - M.: IFRAN, 2008. (PDF)

Conflicts and harmony in modern Russia (social and philosophical analysis) / Ed.: V.S. Semenov, Ts.A. Stepanyan. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Korzo M.A. The moral theology of Simeon of Polotsk: the development of the Catholic tradition by Moscow scribes of the second half of the 17th century. - M.: IF RAS, 2011. (PDF)

Korzo M.A. The image of man in the sermon of the 17th century. - M.: IF RAS, 1999. (PDF)

Kormin N.A. Philosophical aesthetics of Vladimir Solovyov. - Part 1: Holy Harmony. - M.: IF RAS, 2001. (PDF)

Kormin N.A. Philosophical aesthetics of Vladimir Solovyov. Part II: Ontological premises. - M.: IF RAS, 2004. (PDF)

Rhizome OB. Book of non-classical aesthetics / Ed. V.V.Bychkov. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Rhizome-OA. Book of non-classical aesthetics / Rep. ed.: V.V. Bychkov, N.B. Mankovskaya. - M.: IF RAS, 1999. (PDF)

Rhizome-2000 / Rep. ed. V.V.Bychkov. - M.: IF RAS, 2000. (PDF)

Korolev S.A. Infinite space: geo- and sociographic images of power in Russia. - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

Cosmology, physics, culture / Rep. ed. V.V. Kazyutinsky. - M.: IF RAS, 2011. (PDF)

Kravchenko I.I. The Genesis of Politics. - M.: IF RAS, 2001. (PDF)

Kravchenko I.I. Introduction to Policy Research (Philosophical Aspects). Tutorial. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Kravchenko I.I. Politics and consciousness. - M.: IF RAS, 2004. (PDF)

Krichevsky A.V. Absolute spirit through the faces of the trinity. Comparative analysis of the philosophical and theological concepts of Hegel and the late Schelling. - M.: IF RAS, 2011. (PDF)

Krichevsky A.V. The image of the absolute in the philosophy of Hegel and the late Schelling. - M.: IF RAS, 2009. (PDF)

Krishtaleva L.G. Philosophy and ethics of an act (the structure and meaning of an act in various cultural and historical circumstances - the experience of reconstruction). - M.: IF RAS, 2010. (PDF)

Kruglikov V.A. Unnoticeable evidence (sketches on the ontology of the word). - M.: IF RAS, 2000. (PDF)

Krylova I.A. The problem of Russian security in the context of global studies. - M.: IF RAS, 2001. (PDF)

Kuznetsov M.M. Experience of communication in the information age. Research strategies T.V. Adorno and M. McLuhan. - M.: IF RAS, 2011. (PDF)

Culture and revolution: fragments of the Soviet experience of the 1920-1930s. / Rep. ed. E.V. Petrovskaya. - M.: IFRAN, 2012. (PDF)

Cultural transformations in modern Russia (social and philosophical analysis) / Rep. ed. S.A. Nikolsky. - M.: IFRAN, 2009. (PDF)

Kutsenko N.A. Spiritual and academic philosophy in Russia in the first half of the 19th century: Kiev and St. Petersburg schools (New materials). - M.: IF RAS, 2005. (PDF)

Kutsenko N.A. Professional philosophy in Russia in the first half - mid-19th century: the process of formation and the most prominent representatives. - M.: IF RAS, 2008. (PDF)

Kutsenko, N.A. Philosophy, philology, theology in the educational system of the Russian Empire of the 19th century. - M.: IFRAN, 2013. (PDF)


Lazarev V.V. The idea of ​​integrity in Russian religious philosophy (mid-19th - early 20th centuries). - M.: IFRAN, 2012. (PDF)

Lazarev V.V. Ethical thought in Germany and Russia. Kant-Hegel-Vl.Soloviev. - M.: IF RAS, 1996. (PDF)

Lazarev V.V. Ethical thought in Germany and Russia. Understanding of Fichteanism by Russian philosophers of the late XIX - early XX centuries. - M.: IF RAS, 2006. (PDF)

Lazarev V.V. Ethical thought in Germany and Russia: Schelling and Vl. Soloviev. - M.: IF RAS, 2000. (PDF)

Lazareva A.N. The idea of ​​conciliarity and freedom in Russian religious philosophy. - M.: IF RAS, 2003. (PDF)

Lazareva A.N. Intelligentsia and religion. Towards a historical understanding of the problems of “Vekhi”. - M.: IF RAS, 1996. (PDF)

Lev Nikolaevich Mitrokhin / Comp.: S.N. Korsakov, M.V. Kolmakova, L.A. Kalashnikov; auto. entry Art. M.V. Kolmakova. - M.: IF RAS, 2017. (PDF)

Leibniz G.V. Letters and essays on Chinese philosophy and the binary system / Rep. ed. A.P. Ogurtsov; Ed. prepared V.M. Yakovlev. - M.: IF RAS, 2005. (PDF)

Liberalism in Russia / Ed.: V.F. Pustarnakov, I.F. Khudushina. - M.: IF RAS, 1996. (PDF)

Linguistics, communication and history: semantic analysis / Rep. ed.: A.Yu. Antonovsky, A.L. Nikiforov. - M.: IF RAS, 2013. (PDF)

Liseev I.K. Philosophy. Biology. Culture (works of different years). - M.: IF RAS, 2011. (PDF)

Lifintseva T.P. Philosophy of dialogue by Martin Buber. - M.: IF RAS, 1999. (PDF)

Lysenko V.G. Direct and indirect perception: the debate between Buddhist and Brahmanical philosophers (slow reading of texts). - M.: IF RAS, 2011. (PDF)

Lysenko V.G. Early Buddhism: Religion and Philosophy. Tutorial. - M.: IF RAS, 2003. (PDF)


Maidanov A.S. Intelligence solves extraordinary problems. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Makeeva L.B. Philosophy of H. Putnam. - M.: IF RAS, 1996. (PDF)

Mankovskaya N.B. “Paris with Snakes” (Introduction to Postmodern Aesthetics). - M.: IF RAS, 1994. (PDF)

Marshakova-Shaikevich I.V. Russia in world science: bibliometric analysis. - M.: IFRAN, 2008. (PDF)

Interdisciplinarity in sciences and philosophy / Responsible. ed. I.T. Kasavin. - M.: IF RAS, 2010. (PDF)

Mezentseva O.V. The world of Vedic truths. The Life and Teachings of Swami Dayananda. - M.: IF RAS, 1994. (PDF)

Changing sociality: contours of the future / Rep. ed. V.G. Fedotova. - M.: IFRAN, 2012. (PDF)

Changing sociality: new forms of modernization and progress / Rep. ed. V.G. Fedotova. - M.: IF RAS, 2010. (PDF)

Metaverse, space, time / Answer. ed. V.V. Kazyutinsky. - M.: IFRAN, 2013. (PDF)

Methodology of science and anthropology / Rep. ed.: O.I. Genisaretsky, A.P. Ogurtsov. - M.: IFRAN, 2012. (PDF)

Methodology of science: research programs / Responsible. ed. S.S. Neretina. - M.: IFRAN, 2007. (PDF)

Methodology of science: problems and history / Rep. ed. A.P.Ogurtsov, V.M.Rozin. - M.: IF RAS, 2003. (PDF)

Methodology of science: status and programs / Responsible. ed.: A.P.Ogurtsov, V.M.Rozin. - M.: IF RAS, 2005. (PDF)

Mehdi Sanai. Muslim law and politics: Textbook. - M.: IF RAS, 2004. (PDF)

Milkov V.V. Understanding history in Ancient Rus'. - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

Mysticism: theory and history / Rep. ed.: E.G. Balagushkin, A.R. Fokin. - M.: IFRAN, 2008. (PDF)

Mikhailov I.A. Max Horkheimer. The formation of the Frankfurt School of Social Research. Part 1: 1914-1939 - M.: IF RAS, 2008. (PDF)

Mikhailov I.A. Max Horkheimer. The formation of the Frankfurt School of Social Research. Part 2: 1940-1973 - M.: IF RAS, 2010. (PDF)

Mikhalev A.A. The problem of culture in Japanese philosophy. K. Nishida and T. Watsuji. - M.: IF RAS, 2010. (PDF)

Mikhalev A.A. Japan: social reflection in a modernized society (50-70s of the twentieth century). - M.: IF RAS, 2001. (PDF)

Mikhalenko Yu.P. Plato's political ideal in the context of real history. - M.: IF RAS, 2003. (PDF)

Multidimensionality of truth / Editorial Board: A.A. Gorelov, M.M. Novoselov. - M.: IFRAN, 2008. (PDF)

Modernization in Russia and the conflict of values ​​/ Ed. S.Ya.Matveeva. - M.: IF RAS, 1994. (PDF)

Modernization and globalization: images of Russia in the 21st century / Rep. Ed. V.G. Fedotova. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002. (PDF)

Modernization of society and ecology. Part I / Rep. ed. O.E. Baksansky. - M.: IF RAS, 2006. (PDF)

Morality and rationality / Ed. R.G. Apresyan. M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995. (PDF)

Morozov F.M. Schemes as a means of describing activities (epistemological analysis). - M.: IF RAS, 2005. (PDF)

Motroshilova N.V. Civilization and barbarism in the modern era. - M.: IF RAS, 2007. (PDF)

Mochkin A.N. Paradoxes of neoconservatism (Russia and Germany at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries). - M.: IF RAS, 1999. (PDF)

Mochkin A.N. The birth of the “beast from the abyss” of neoconservatism. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002. (PDF)

Murberg I.I. Agrarian sphere and transformation policy. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006. (PDF)


On the way to non-classical epistemology / Rep. ed. V.A. Lecturer. - M.: IFRAN, 2009. (PDF)

Science and social technologies / Rep. ed. I.T. Kasavin. - M.: IF RAS, 2011. (PDF)

"Science and human nature: Russian and Western perspectives", Conf. (2008; Waco (USA)). International conference “Science and human nature: Russian and Western perspectives”, November 6-8, 2008: [materials] / Rep. ed. VC. Shokhin. - M.: IFRAN, 2009. (PDF)

Science: from methodology to ontology / Rep. ed.: A.P.Ogurtsov, V.M.Rozin. - M.: IF RAS, 2009. (PDF)

The science. Philosophy. Religion. Book 2 / Rep. ed. P.P. Gaidenko, V.N. Katasonov. - M.: IFRAN, 2007. (PDF)

Naumova T.V. Scientific intelligentsia in the new Russia. - M.: IF RAS, 2008. (PDF)

Scientific progress / Ed. I.P.Merkulov. - M.: IF RAS, 1993. (PDF)

Our philosophical house. - M.: Progress-Tradition, 2009. (PDF)

Unclaimed capabilities of the Russian spirit / Ed. V.B. Vlasova. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995. (PDF)

Neretina S.S., Ogurtsov A.P., Murzin N.N., Pavlov-Pinus K.A.. Aporia of discourse. - M.: IF RAS, 2017. (PDF)

Neretina S.S., Ogurtsov A.P. Concepts of political culture. - M.: IF RAS, 2011. (PDF)

Neretina S.S. Paths and concepts. - M.: IF RAS, 1999. (PDF)

Neretina S.S. Philosophical solitudes. - M.: IFRAN, 2008. (PDF)

Nikolsky S.A. Horizons of meaning. Philosophical interpretations of Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries. - M.: Golos, 2015. (PDF)

Nikolsky S.A. Empire and culture. Philosophical and literary understanding of October. - M.: IF RAS, 2017. (PDF)

Nikolsky S.A. Russian worldview. “New people” as an idea and phenomenon: the experience of comprehension in Russian philosophy and classical literature of the 40-60s of the 19th century. - M.: Progress-Tradition, 2012. (PDF)

Nikolsky S.A., Filimonov V.P. Russian worldview. How is a positive thing possible in Russia: the search for an answer in Russian philosophy and classical literature of the 40-60s of the 19th century. - M.: Progress-Tradition, 2009. (PDF)

Nikolsky S.A., Filimonov V.P. Russian worldview. Meanings and values ​​of Russian life in Russian literature and philosophy of the 18th - mid-19th centuries. - M.: Progress-Tradition, 2008. (PDF)

Novikova L.I., Sizemskaya I.N. Russian rhythms of social history. - M.: IF RAS, 2004. (PDF)

Novikova L.I., Sizemskaya I.N. Three models of Russian development. - M.: IF RAS, 2000. (PDF)

Novichkova G.A. Historical and philosophical essays on Western educational anthropology. - M.: IF RAS, 2001. (PDF)

Novoselov M.M. Conversations about logic. - M.: IF RAS, 2006. (PDF)

Novoselov M.M. Logic of abstractions (methodological analysis). Part 1. - M.: IF RAS, 2000. (PDF)

Novoselov M.M. Logic of abstractions (methodological analysis). Part 2. - M.: IF RAS, 2003. (PDF)

New ideas in social philosophy / Ed. V.G. Fedotova. - M.: IF RAS, 2006. (PDF)


Ogurtsov A.P. Philosophy of science of the Enlightenment. - M.: IF RAS, 1993. (PDF)

Oleynikov Yu.V., Onosov A.A. Noospheric project of socio-natural evolution. - M.: IF RAS, 1999. (PDF)

Ontology and epistemology of synergetics / Ed.: V.I. Arshinov, L.P. Kiyashchenko. - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

Essay on Russian philosophy of history. Anthology / Ed.: L.I. Novikova, I.N. Sizemskaya. M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1996. (PDF)


Pavlenko A.N. Being at your doorstep (strong thoughts). - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

Pavlov S.A. Logic with truth and falsity operators. - M.: IF RAS, 2004. (PDF)

Panarin A.S. Russia in the civilizational process (between Atlanticism and Eurasianism). M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995. (PDF)

Panarin A.S. Russian culture facing the challenge of postmodernism. - M.: IF RAS, 2005. (PDF)

Panibratsev A.V. Philosophy at the Moscow Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy (first quarter of the 18th century). - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

Pantin I.K. The fate of democracy in Russia. - M.: IF RAS, 2004. (PDF)

Perevalov V.P. Secrets of evidence and surprise gifts. - M.: IF RAS, 2002. (PDF)

Petrov V.V. Maximus the Confessor: ontology and method in Byzantine philosophy of the 7th century. - M.: IFRAN, 2007. (PDF)

Cognition in a social context / Ed.: V.A. Lektorsky, I.T. Kasavin. - M.: IF RAS, 1994. (PDF)

Cognition and consciousness in an interdisciplinary perspective. - Part 1 / Answer. ed. V.A. Lecturer's - M.: IFRAN, 2013. (PDF)

Cognition, understanding, design / Answer. ed. V.A. Lecturer. - M.: IFRAN, 2007. (PDF)

Political strategies of the Russian state as a philosophical problem / Rep. ed. V.N. Shevchenko. - M.: IF RAS, 2011. (PDF)

Paul Ricoeur - philosopher of dialogue / Answer. ed. I.I. Blauberg. - M.: IFRAN, 2008. (PDF)

Polyakov L.V. Russia's path to modernity: modernization as dearchaization. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Messages of Metropolitan Nikephoros / Ed.-comp. V.V.Milkov. - M. IFRAN, 2000. (PDF)

Poetry as a genre of Russian philosophy / Comp. I.N. Sizemskaya. - M.: IFRAN, 2007. (PDF)

Prilensky V.I. Experience in studying the worldview of early Russian liberals. - M.: IF RAS, 1995. (PDF)

The problem of imagination in evolutionary epistemology / Rep. ed. E.N. Knyazeva. - M.: IF RAS, 2013. (PDF)

The problem of demarcation of science and theology: a modern view / Rep. ed. I.T. Kasavin et al. - M.: IFRAN, 2008. (PDF)

The problem of evil and theodicy: Materials of the international. conf. Moscow, June 6-9, 2005 - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2006. (PDF)

The problem of assembling subjects in post-non-classical science / Rep. ed.: V.I. Arshinov, V.E. Lepsky. - M.: IF RAS, 2010. (PDF)

Problems of the latest historiography of the philosophy of the foreign East / Ed. G.B. Shaimukhambetova. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Problems of Russian self-awareness, All-Russian Conf. (2006; Moscow-Orel). 1st All-Russian Conference “Problems of Russian Identity”, October 26-28. 2006 / Editorial Board: M.N. Gromov. - M.: IFRAN, 2007. (PDF)

Problems of Russian self-awareness. Man and culture in the formation of civil society in Russia, All-Russian Conf. (2007; Moscow-Tambov). 2nd All-Russian Conference “Problems of Russian Identity”, May 21-23, 2007 / Editorial Board: M.N. Gromov et al. - M.: IFRAN, 2008. (PDF)

Problems of Russian self-awareness: evolutionary formation and revolutionary changes, All-Russian Conf. (2008; Moscow-Penza). 3rd All-Russian Conference “Problems of Russian Identity”, May 22-24, 2008 / Editorial Board: M.N. Gromov et al. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009. (PDF)

Problems of philosophy of culture / Rep. ed. S.A. Nikolsky. - M.: IFRAN, 2012. (PDF)

Pronin M.A. Virtualistics at the Institute of Humanity of the Russian Academy of Sciences. M.: IFRAN, 2015. (PDF)

Pustarnakov V.F. Philosophy of Enlightenment in Russia and France: experience of comparative analysis. - M.: IF RAS, 2001. (PDF)


“Scattered” and “collected”: strategies for organizing semantic space in Arab-Muslim culture / Rep. ed. A.V. Smirnov. M.: Sadra LLC, Languages ​​of Slavic culture, 2015. (PDF)

Rationality and its boundaries: Materials of the international. scientific conf. “Rationality and its boundaries” within the framework of the meeting of the International. Institute of Philosophy in Moscow (September 15-18, 2011) / Rep. ed.: A.A. Guseinov, V.A. Lecturer. - M.: IFRAN, 2012. (PDF)

Rationality as a subject of philosophical research / Ed.: B.I. Pruzhinin, V.S. Shvyrev. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995. (PDF)

Rachkov V.P., Novichkova G.A., Fedina E.N. Man in a modern technicalized society: problems of development security. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Relativism, pluralism, criticism: epistemological analysis / Rep. ed. V.A. Lecturer. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012. (PDF)

Reform ideas in the social development of Russia / Ed. S.A. Nikolsky. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Rozin V.M. Concept and modern concepts of technology. - M.: IF RAS, 2006. (PDF)

Rohrmoser G. The Crisis of Liberalism. - M.: IF RAS, 1996. (PDF)

Rohrmoser G., Frenkin A.A. New conservatism: a challenge for Russia. - M.: IF RAS, 1996. (PDF)

Russia in the architecture of the global world: civilizational dimension / Rep. ed. A.V. Smirnov. M.: Languages ​​of Slavic culture: Znak, 2015. (PDF)

Russia at the beginning of the 21st century: a new course / Rep. ed. V.S. Semenov. - M.: IF RAS, 2005. (PDF)

Russia on the path of consolidation: Collection of articles. - St. Petersburg: NestorHistory, 2015. (PDF)

Ruzavin G.I. Methodological problems of argumentation. - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

Rutkevich M.N. Macrosociology: Methodological Essays. - M., 1995. (PDF)

Rykov S.Yu. Ancient Chinese philosophy: A course of lectures. - M.: IFRAN, 2012. (PDF)


Samarskaya E.A. The Rise and Fall of Industrial Socialism. - M.: IF RAS, 2007. (PDF)

Samarskaya E.A. Social democracy at the beginning of the century. - M.: IF RAS, 1994. (PDF)

Self-awareness: mine and ours / Ed. F.T.Mikhailov. - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

Svirsky Ya.I. Self-organization of meaning: (experience of synergetic ontology). - M.: IF RAS, 2001. (PDF)

Sevalnikov A.Yu. Modern physical knowledge: in search of a new ontology. - M.: IF RAS, 2003. (PDF)

Semenov V.M. Power in the ethnohistorical space of Russia. - M.: IF RAS, 2006. (PDF)

Semenov V.S. Lessons of the 20th century and the path to the 21st century: (socio-philosophical analysis and forecast). - M.: IF RAS, 2000. (PDF)

Serafim Timofeevich Melyukhin / Compiled by: S.N. Korsakov, N.T. Abramova, G.M. Tikhomirov; auto. entry Art. N.T. Abramova. - M.: IF RAS, 2017. (PDF)

Simush P.I. Poetic wisdom of S.A. Yesenin. - M.: IF RAS, 2008. (PDF)

Smirnov A.V., lane from Arabic: Al-Kirmani, Hamid al-Din. Calming the mind (Rahat al-aql). M.: Ladomir, 1995. (PDF)

Smirnov A.V. Logic of meaning. Theory and its application to the analysis of classical Arab philosophy and culture. M.: Languages ​​of Slavic Culture, 2001. (PDF)

Smirnov A.V. Logical and semantic foundations of Arab-Muslim culture: Semiotics and fine arts. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2005. (PDF 130 Mb)

Smirnov A.V. On an approach to the comparative study of cultures. SPb.: SPbGUP Publishing House, 2009. (PDF)

Smirnov A.V. Consciousness. Logics. Language. Culture. Meaning. M.: Languages ​​of Slavic culture, 2015. (PDF)

Smirnova N.M. From social metaphysics to the phenomenology of the “natural attitude” (phenomenological motives in modern social cognition). - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

Event and Meaning (Synergetic experience of language) / Ed.: L.P. Kiyashchenko, P.D. Tishchenko. - M.: IF RAS, 1999. (PDF)

Modern state, society, people: Russian specifics / Rep. ed. V.N. Shevchenko. - M.: IF RAS, 2010. (PDF)

Modern concepts of aesthetic education (theory and practice) / Ed. N.I. Kiyashchenko. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Sokolova R.I., Spiridonova V.I. The state in the modern world. - M.: IF RAS, 2003. (PDF)

Social philosophy and philosophical anthropology. Proceedings and research / Ed. V.A. Kruglikov. - M.: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995. (PDF)

Social design in the era of cultural transformations / Rep. ed. V.M. Rozin. - M.: IFRAN, 2008. (PDF)

Social and philosophical analysis of modernization: theories, models, experience / Rep. ed. V.G. Fedotova. - M.: IFRAN, 2013. (PDF)

Social knowledge and social change / Rep. ed. V.G. Fedotova. - M.: IF RAS, 2001. (PDF)

Sociocultural context of science / Ed. E.A.Mamchur. - M.: IF RAS, 1998. (PDF)

Spectrum of anthropological teachings / Rep. ed. P.S. Gurevich. - M.: IF RAS, 2006. (PDF)

Spectrum of anthropological teachings. Vol. 2 / Rep. ed. P.S. Gurevich. - M.: IFRAN, 2008. (PDF)

Spiridonova V.I. Bureaucracy and reform (analysis of the concept of M. Crozier). - M.: IF RAS, 1997. (PDF)

Spiridonova V.I. The evolution of the idea of ​​the state in Western and Russian social and philosophical thought. - M.: IF RAS, 2008.

For many scientists today, it is not enough to publish the results of their work only in the form of short articles. In this case, the most suitable option is.

According to GOST 7.60-2003 monograph is a “scientific or popular science publication containing a complete and comprehensive study one(emphasis added) problems or topics and belongs to one or more authors.”

IN Great Soviet Encyclopedia we read: “Monograph (from mono... and...graphy), a scientific work in which a certain topic is explored with the greatest completeness. The monograph summarizes and analyzes the literature on this issue, putting forward new hypotheses and solutions that contribute to the development of science. The monograph is usually accompanied by extensive bibliographies, notes, etc.”

Thus, the monograph is not written one the author of the work, and the research dedicated to one topic.

Therefore, monographs are divided into individual and collective. In the scientific community, it is generally accepted that it is not recommended to involve more than five co-authors. Today on the Internet you can find a large number of proposals for participation in the publication of collective monographs. The extent to which such monographs can be considered truly serious scientific work is, of course, controversial.

If we talk about the recommended volume of monographs, then there are no regulations in this regard. Again, there is a widespread opinion in the scientific community that a monograph should have at least 5 author’s sheets (1 author’s sheet – 40,000 characters with spaces). If we take into account that on average one page typed in 14-point Times New Roman font with a spacing of 1.5 is 1,800 characters with spaces, then 5 author’s sheets will be approximately 110 pages of text typed on a computer, or 200,000 characters with spaces.

A monograph with a volume of 10 author's sheets is considered solid, and in Soviet times, when defending a doctoral dissertation, it was customary to publish a monograph with a volume of 15 author's sheets.

Title of the monograph

The title of the monograph should be short and clear, preferably containing no more than 5-6 words. It should be noted that the title of a monograph and a dissertation research have different purposes. If the title of the dissertation needs to accurately formulate the subject of the research in a concise form, then this is not required for a monograph. A title that is too long can scare away a potential reader (opponents and members of the dissertation committee will still have to read the dissertation, no matter how much its title scares them). If desired, in a smaller font, you can add the desired text to the title, for example: “QUALITY OF EDUCATION. An invitation to reflection."

A monograph, unlike a textbook, cannot be a compilation of other people's works or a presentation of generally known facts. It must contain the results of your own research, new thoughts, an original analysis of a problem, etc.

If you decide to publish your dissertation research as a monograph, it is advisable to make it more readable. It is desirable that the monograph be written in simple, accessible language. Unlike dissertations, which are written for a narrow circle of specialists, monographs, as a rule, are intended for a wider circle of readers. Writing simply about complex things is a great skill!

And of course, when preparing the text of a manuscript for publication, it is necessary to remove from it such dissertation “headings” as “relevance of the topic”, “goals and objectives of the work”, “hypothesis...”, “novelty of the research”, “monograph completed at the department...” and etc.

Structure of the monograph

As a rule, the following monograph structure is adopted.

Introduction and/or Preface. A monograph may include both an introduction and a preface, or just an introduction, as is most often the case.

Preface (according to GOST 7.0.3-2006) – this is accompanying article, placed at the beginning of the publication, which explains the goals and features of the content and structure of the work. It may contain a summary of each chapter.

Introduction (again according to GOST 7.0.3-2006) – this is structural part of the main text publication, which is its initial chapter and introduces the reader to the essence issues works. If a dissertation research is published in the form of a monograph, then it is advisable to rework the introduction to make it more convenient for the potential reader.

GOST 7.0.3-2006 also defines introductory article is an accompanying article that is placed in publications of individual works or collected works of writers, scientists, and public figures. As a rule, it is not written by the author of the work himself, and is intended to help the reader better, deeper, more subtly perceive the content and form of the work, understand the complexities, get acquainted with the history, reading and publishing fate of the book, its assessments in different eras, etc.

According to the same GOST, to which we have already repeatedly referred, the largest part of the text is chapter. It is divided into chapters, which in turn are divided into paragraphs (§).

It is widely believed in the scientific literature that first chapter(or section) should be devoted to the so-called “literature review”. Those. here the positions of different scientists are considered, according to their approaches, etc. Secondly, this analysis must show the position of the author himself.

The remaining chapters (sections) are determined by logic: into what logically completed sequential parts the topic (problem) being studied can be divided. There are as many chapters (sections) as there are parts. The entire set of chapters should completely cover the entire topic (problem) being studied.

If there is any aspect not covered, this should be mentioned in conclusion. It summarizes the results of the research on the basis of which the monograph is published. It is advisable to note how the results obtained can be used in practice.

A mandatory part of the monograph is a list used literature and other sources.

The monograph can be supplemented applications, which contain supporting materials for the text.

After the monograph is written, the next stage begins - EDITION.

Today's market offers a large selection of different organizations providing publishing services.

A modern author has two options to choose from: find a publishing house that is so interested in his work that it agrees to publish his work with subsequent paid distribution. If the author is sure that the problem he is considering in the monograph is so relevant that there will be a sufficient number of people willing to pay money to read his work, then the only matter is to find a publishing house that will publish this work.

The second option is simpler, but more financially expensive. This is a publication of a monograph at your own expense. The cost of such a publication today ranges from 20,000 rubles. up to 100-150,000 rubles, it all depends on the circulation, format, cover, etc.

Recently appeared Internet publishing houses who are engaged in publishing so-called electronic works (). Such publishers can also publish a monograph for free, with the subsequent sale of each download, or at the expense of the author.

note! According to Russian and international laws, a work published in paper format and on electronic media are different works, and they are assigned a different ISBN (International Standard Book Number, abbreviated as ISBN) - a unique book publication number required for distribution of the book in retail chains and automation of work with the publication).

In the course of preparing a monograph for publication, the author will have to collaborate with employees of the publishing house, regardless of whether he publishes at his own expense, or whether his work will be published by the publishing house with subsequent distribution. Each author is sensitive to his work and is often sensitive to indications of errors and inaccuracies, especially since the situation can become acute when the conversation turns to the style of the written work.

Let's talk about some of the stages of work on the manuscript that was sent to the publishing house.


Editorial (French rédaction, from Latin redactus - put in order), the process of processing by an editor (editing) an author's work for publication in print, radio, television. Conventionally, a distinction is made between political, scientific, and literary editing. However, in practice, editing new works is a single creative process aimed at improving the content and form of the work while preserving the individuality of its author (Quoted from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1969-1978.).

Today, in the case of publishing a monograph, two types of editing can be assumed: scientific and literary.

Scientific editor is a specialist in a given field of knowledge. Scientific editing is based on a scientific assessment of the correctness of the presented facts, conclusions, results, etc. Literary editor – philologist (or journalist). Its task is to analyze, evaluate and improve the form of the work in compositional, stylistic (linguistic) terms.

“SCIENTIFIC EDITING - editing the author. the original, i.e. its analysis and evaluation, with scientific. sides. Usually N. r. is carried out by a specialist invited by the publisher in the field of science to which the work being prepared for publication belongs or with which it is connected” (Milchin A.E. Publishing dictionary-reference book: [electronic edition]. - 3rd ed., revised and additional - M.: OLMA-Press, 2006.).

Today, a scientific editor is either a person responsible for the production of scientific literature in a particular publishing house, who must understand the latest scientific trends and decide whether the presented work is suitable for publication and sale. Or this is a person who is a specialist in a narrow, usually technical field, and understands the peculiar “bird” language in which the authors write.

Literary editor(or just an editor, this is not exactly the same thing, but we won’t go very deeply into the details of organizing the publishing business) corrects the text according to many parameters - the correctness of the Russian language, the logic of presentation, spelling and punctuation, etc. etc., up to checking the accuracy of quotations and footnotes.

And now the author has a question: what will remain of my work after scientific and literary editing? Therefore, experienced authors who have published quite a lot of their works, candidates and, especially, doctors of science, prefer to do without scientific and literary editing. Moreover, today there are computer programs that can check not only grammatical errors, but also stylistic ones.

The simplest option today is probably technical editing And proofreading. In small publishing houses, these functions are usually performed by one person, but he can also perform the functions layout designer.

Corrector is a specialist who checks spelling and punctuation in the texts of newspapers, magazines, and books. Its task is to correct errors of various kinds, to catch absurdities and typos with the help of dictionaries and encyclopedias. He makes sure that the generally accepted abbreviation of words, the design of tables, footnotes, and references is observed, and coordinates noticed stylistic errors with the editor. A proofreader in a printing house compares the print with the original and, if necessary, corrects errors and technical defects (inconsistent spacing between letters or lines, unprinted letters or words, length of lines, paragraphs).

In conclusion, we will give some tips on what you should pay attention to in order to minimize the amendments made to the text by editors and proofreaders.

  1. The table of contents should be uniform. At the very end of working on the manuscript, it is necessary to compare the correct numbering of pages and the names of parts of the text with the table of contents with the text. The title of any part of the text should not coincide with the title of the work itself. The table of contents should be well designed graphically so that it is convenient for the reader to use it.
  2. It is necessary to check the numbering of all figures, tables and formulas in the text. Check whether there is a reference to EVERY figure or table in the text, and whether there are figures and tables in the manuscript that are referenced in the text.
  3. References – if the list is lengthy and includes sources of different types, it is better to divide it into sections.
  4. Unscramble all abbreviations the first time you use them. Do not overload the text with abbreviations, especially those consisting of two letters. This makes it difficult for readers to perceive the text. Do not use abbreviations in headings.
  5. Avoid repeating too many times in references “Ibid. P. 220." Such links are inconvenient for the reader to use. Especially if the full link to the source was many pages before “Ibid. P.220."
  6. The manuscript must be PROOFED well. Experienced editors do not proofread manuscripts from a computer screen; they print out the text and read it intermittently, several pages at a time. The computer cannot always detect an error in test. Notice that when typing, Word did not underline the word “dough” in red, although we are, of course, not talking about a flour product, but about text. Such errors can only be noticed with careful proofreading. If the author does not want to do this, it is necessary to pay a proofreader for the work on the manuscript.

Happy publishing!

The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word monograph

monograph in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


monographs, g. (from Greek, monos - one and grapho - I write) (scientific). A scientific book dedicated to the study of something. one question, one topic. Monograph about the work of Pushkin.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


And, well. Scientific research, a book devoted to one issue, topic.

adj. monographic, -aya, -oe.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


and. Research on smb. one question or one topic.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


MONOGRAPHY (from mono... and... graph) is a scientific work devoted to the study of one topic.


(from mono... and...graphy), a scientific work in which a specific topic is explored with the greatest completeness. The literature on this issue is summarized and analyzed, new hypotheses and solutions are put forward that contribute to the development of science. M. is usually accompanied by extensive bibliographic lists, notes, etc.


Examples of the use of the word monograph in literature.

Dar climbed up into a chair, read something or listened to excerpts from monographs, which Aleshin announced with the joy of a commander who has won a victory and is announcing it to his people.

I proceeded from the fact that archeology - a science in which adventure and hard work, romantic discoveries and spiritual self-denial are intertwined, a science that is not limited either by the boundaries of this or that era or by the boundaries of this or that country - was buried in specialized literature: in scientific monographs and magazines.

It was precisely under these apple trees that the historical battle took place, which Academician Bartold once mentioned in monographs dedicated to the history of these places.

I remember well that it was just published in Russian translation. monograph I bought Heitler in April 1940 at a bookstall on Mokhovaya, at the entrance to the old building of Moscow State University.

You may remember my monograph on rare earth ketones and halides, which had a profound influence on early Hollywood comedies.

After his first speeches, articles and monographs, dedicated to natural waters, and the school of Soviet hydrogeologists quickly rose to one of the leading places in the world.

I was well acquainted with this folklore, primarily due to the extremely rare monographs Eli Davenport, which covered oral material collected among the oldest people in the state before 1839.

Absent-minded, always busy and quarrelsome, Dubovik almost never published, and therefore in the list of references there were no references to his works, only a list monographs and articles by Drabin and Yasinovsky, which had nothing to do with the hydroplane.

Our monograph would be incomplete if we did not consider one statement of Aristotle, which, in turn, entails the need to pay tribute to this remarkable personality who played such a role in the confusion of human thought.

Before defending my doctorate, I graduated only one monograph, however, the first in the world for inertial batteries.

This mineralogy course contains a descriptive part - a mandatory part of any monographs about minerals.

Part monographs about Sabina and notes about Jan Neruda are hidden somewhere in the house in which the Jelineks, Vysushily and Suchaneks lived.

As a development of the vile anti-people, anti-national inhuman line, having collected all the dirt from newspaper and magazine pages, scientific brochures, monographs and other waste paper, the regime’s accomplices have concocted a social science course that should, in the minds of children, still free of experience and knowledge, finally turn the world upside down.

And so, how many textbooks and manuals I read monographs, it turns out that a neurologist can always make a topical diagnosis.

Strangely, it was not possible to find any signs that Filatova was preparing monograph.

The structure of the monograph, like the structure of any scientific work, does not tolerate free execution. A monograph is a monothematic scientific study in which a specific topic is deeply analyzed and sources are summarized. Scientific work in the form of a monograph also contains conclusions and results of the research. Let's figure out how to write a monograph so that it fully complies with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission and GOST.

Requirements for the structure of the monograph

The requirements for a monograph generally provide for the following structure:

  • title page – the first page of the book, where the author’s full name, title of the study, information about the place, year of publication and publisher are indicated;
  • the second page contains the imprint, abstract of the monograph, as well as ISBN (International Standard Book Number), UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) and BBK (Library and Bibliographic Classification); The abstract should briefly highlight the essence of the issue under study. The abstract should help the reader determine the need to read the full text of your monograph.
  • the introduction contains a brief introduction to the reader about the problem, highlights the methods used, poses questions, and justifies the relevance;
  • The first chapter is usually written as a review of scientific literature. Simply listing the sources of the literature studied is not enough. There must be a systematization of approaches, an analysis of the opinions of scientists, the author must lead the reader to his method of solving the issue;
  • the remaining chapters - their content and number of pages logically follows from what topic is being studied, how many chapters are sufficient to cover it.
  • the conclusion reflects the result of the study. Simply put, the conclusion needs to answer the questions raised in the introduction.
  • bibliography;
  • applications.

You should adhere to the above standard structure of the monograph so that no questions arise when publishing it and familiarizing the dissertation council with it.

Requirements for the preparation of a monograph according to GOST, VAK

The requirements for the monograph by the Higher Attestation Commission (hereinafter referred to as the HAC) are set out quite specifically in the decision of the working group of the Presidium of the HAC under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 23, 2013, protocol No. 1.

According to this document, the topic of the monograph must correspond to the topic of the dissertation (one of the main differences from the requirements for scientific articles). A monographic research (hereinafter referred to as MI) should provide a deep generalization of new scientific data and the main scientific results of the dissertation.

MI must necessarily contain the position of the author, which is the result of the research. Among the mandatory requirements for a monograph listed in the above decision, the author’s position, in the opinion of the professional community, must be a scientific achievement

Beginning authors often ask the question of how many pages of text a MI should contain and how many copies there should be in circulation. The volume of the monograph, at the request of the Higher Attestation Commission, must be at least 10 sheets of typewritten text, the total circulation must be at least 500 copies.

In practice, the question arises of how many reviews are needed for a monograph. A monographic study is reviewed by at least two reputable scientists in the specialty of the study (Doctors of Science), and reviews from a leading organization in the field of scientific work are also required. This requirement is postulated in the draft decision of the Higher Attestation Commission “Recommendations for changing approaches to publishing the main scientific results of dissertations for an academic degree.”

This decision was supported by the working group of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (protocol No. 1 of July 23, 2013) and is applied in practice.

  • Abashidze A. Kh. Legal status of minorities and indigenous peoples: International legal analysis: Monograph: . - M.: IPK RUDN, 1997. - 224 p.
  • Kimelev Yu. A. Philosophy and science. From Anaximander to Copernicus: Monograph / Yu.A. Kimelev, N.L. Polyakova. - Anniversary edition. - M.: Publishing house RUDN, 2009. - 212 p. - (Classical University Library).
  • Gorbanevsky M.V. Don’t speak in rough language: On violations of the norms of literary speech in electronic and print media: Monograph / M.V. Gorbanevsky, Yu.N. Karaulov, V.M. Shaklein; Ed. Yu. A. Belchikova. - 3rd ed., rev. and additional ; Anniversary edition. - M.: Publishing house RUDN, 2010. - 300 p. - (Classical University Library)

Example of a monograph

Fragment of a monographic study on the topic “Non-governmental organizations as subjects of administrative and legal relations”

“...A large number of different organizations enter into administrative-legal relations. Some of them exercise power and are obligatory subjects of these legal relations - these are state organizations. Others, as a rule, do not have power and belong to non-governmental organizations.

In regulations and scientific literature, various terms are used to characterize non-governmental organizations: non-profit organizations, non-governmental associations, public associations, etc. The diversity of these terms causes certain difficulties, both in law enforcement practice and in scientific activities, erroneous interpretations in media reports, from ordinary citizens. Regulatory regulation of the latter is necessary, in particular, when organizations enter into administrative-legal relations, in order to prevent violation of their rights...”

So, monographic Joblabor-intensive scientific research, characterized by the depth of scientific analysis. Successful writing of a work of this category and its publication is the key to defending the applicant’s dissertation for an academic degree.

HELLO! HELP FIND AN ARTICLE Yadova V. A. Attitude to work: conceptual model and real trends // Sociological research. 1983. No. 3. P. 50 - 62.
moderator 01/16/2014

Natalya, hello!
Unfortunately, this article is not available in electronic form, only in the library.

Natalya 02/22/2014
Good evening, tell me where I can find the book by Zdravomyslov A.G. Needs. Interests. Values?
moderator 02/24/2014

Natalya, hello!
Unfortunately, we do not have an electronic version of the book by Zdravomyslov A.G. Needs. Interests. Values

Karina 03/20/2014
Hello, could you tell me where I can find sociological studies on the topic of pension reform in Russia (data, calculations, results. Thanks in advance!
Anastasia0101 03/27/2014
Hello, do you have any publications by S.A. Belanovsky????
moderator 03/27/2014

Karina, hello!
Look at the Information and Analytical Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. rnIssue 2 / 2007 PENSION REFORM IN RUSSIA: RESULTS OF MONITORING THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION OF THE POPULATION AND FOREIGN EXPERIENCE. - M.: Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2007. - 80 p. http://www..htmlrn

moderator 03/27/2014

Anastasia, hello!
Belanovsky S.A. Free interview as a method of sociological research // Sociology: 4M, No. 2 http://www..pdf

Tural 05/01/2014
Hello, please help me find the article by T.T. Khalilov. Industry priorities of the non-oil sector of the economy of Azerbaijan // Contours of socio-political consent on the development of Russia / Responsible. ed. O.M. Mikhailenok - M.: IS RAS, 2012.- 366 p.
moderator 05/05/2014

Hello Tural!
Unfortunately, we do not have an electronic version of the collection in which the article you are interested in was published.

Natalya 05/19/2014

Hello, could you tell me where I can find sociological studies on the topic of the population’s attitude towards any programs (medical, regional, educational, federal)
Thank you in advance!

moderator 05/27/2014

Natalya, hello!
You may be interested in the works of: Shilova L.S. Attitude of the Russian population to the modernization of healthcare // Healthcare management. 2/2009. No. 24 http://www..html?id=1649; Vestnik of the Institute of Sociology No. 6 for 2013 http://www.vestnik..pdf. Works by Shilova L.S. or the book Modernization of Russian education: problems and prospects http://inion..pdf

Zarina 09.20.2014
Hello! I want to see and read articles related to disabled children. Please tell me where and how to look for them))
moderator 09.21.2014

Zarina, hello!
There are many publications on the topic that interests you on the site. Use the search on the site using Yandex. You enter, for example, disabled children, in the search on the site, a list with search results comes up, if you are not satisfied with them, go down to the page below, there is a Search window on the site using Yandex.

Elena 09/26/2014
Hello! Please help me find articles about the methodological features of the case study method.
Solangy 09/27/2014
Hello! Please tell me, do you have any articles (research) about nationalism in Russia? If there are, tell me how to find them, please. Thank you!
moderator 02.10.2014

Hello Solangy!
Look at the Analytical report of the IS RAS Youth of the new Russia: value priorities http://www..html Works by Drobizheva L.M. and Mukomel V.I. in the publication section http://www._main.html and in the Media Publications section http://www..html

moderator 02.10.2014

Elena, hello!
Maybe the works will be useful to you: B. FLIVBERG. CASE STUDY IN THE CONTEXT OF QUALITATIVE-QUANTITATIVE PROBLEMS.http://www..pdf; ROMANOV P.V. Case study strategy in social services research FLIVBERG B. About misunderstandings associated with case studies http://www..html;
Semenova V.V. Qualitative methods: an introduction to humanistic sociology: Textbook. manual for university students / Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: - M.: Dobrosvet, 1998. - 289 pp.: ill. - Bibliography: p. 231-240.http://www..html?id=1806rn

Tatiana 10.26.2014
Hello! Please help me find literature on the topic: the influence of religiosity of student youth on designing the number of children in future families, or the influence of religiosity on the number of children in families, at least something similar)
moderator 10.29.2014

Tatyana, hello!
Unfortunately, there are no publications on the topic that interests you on the site, maybe the article by Zabaev I.V.1, Melkumyan E.B.2, Oreshina D.A.3, Pavlyutkin I.V.4, Prutskova E.V.5 may be useful to you – especially for Demoscope The influence of religious socialization and community affiliation on fertility. Statement of the problem

Olga 11/01/2014
Hello! Please help me find information related to immigrants in Moscow.
moderator 05.11.2014

Olga, hello!
There are a lot of speeches by IS RAS scientists in the media on this topic. Look here http://www..html Also look at the works of Mukomel V.I. http://www._mainlist.html?fid=Mukomel_V.I.

Aoi 11/18/2014
Hello! Could you help me find articles on the topic of the social role and status of a student and the conflict between status and role. Thank you sincerely
Yulia 11/20/2014
Hello! I am writing a dissertation on the study of the socio-psychological climate in social institutions. Please tell me if there is research on this topic?
Katerina 11/21/2014
please help me find statistics on youth political activity, or youth extremism
moderator 11/23/2014

Katerina, hello!
Look Deviant behavior in modern Russia: alcohol, drugs, youth extremism (concepts and research) / T. A. Khagurov, M. E. Pozdnyakova, V.N. Rakachev, L.N. Rybakova, T.V. Chekineva, A.P. Reznik, S.Yu. Lyubin, E.A. Voinova, N.V. Meleshko, N.E. Khagurova. – M.: Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014. – 200 pp.rnhttp://www..html?id=3202; Yu.A. ZUBOK, V.I. CHUPROV YOUTH EXTREMISM.rnESSENCE AND FEATURES OF MANIFESTATION http://www..pdf; articles in the magazine Vlast; rnGorshkov M.K., Sheregi F.E. Youth of Russia: a sociological portrait. - M.: TsSPiM, 2010. - 592 p. http://www..html?id=1674

moderator 11/24/2014

Julia, hello!
Unfortunately, no materials were found on the topic you are interested in - the study of the socio-psychological climate in social institutions.

moderator 11/24/2014

On the topic that interests you: the social role and status of a student and the conflict between status and role, there is little literature; perhaps an article by P.I. will be useful to you. Kukonkova Students in the social security system http://www.vestnik..pdf. Look also at other issues of the Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Ksenia 12/18/2014
Hello! Please tell me, do you have any materials on the topic of Tolerance as a reason for professional self-determination?
moderator 12/24/2014

Ksenia, hello!
Try to look at these works, maybe you can find something for yourself. Features of professional and labor self-determination of youth // Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology. 2011. No. 2. P. 87-105 http://www.vestnik..html?id=122; Gorshkov M.K., Sheregi F.E. Youth of Russia: a sociological portrait. - M.: TsSPiM, 2010. - 592 pp. http://www..html?id=1674rn

Chernyak Tatyana Vladimirovna 02/15/2015
Dear Colleagues! I am working on a doctorate on conflicts of interest in the public service. I tried to find at least some materials on your site on this topic - in vain! Key words: conflict of interest; deviant behavior of civil servants, regulation of conflicts of interest, etc. Help, I ask you in the search.rnS uv, Tatyana Vladimirovna Chernyak, candidate of social sciences, associate professor of the department of personnel management of the Siberian Institute of Management-branch of RANEPA, doctoral student of RANEPA
moderator 02/16/2015

Tatyana Vladimirovna, hello!
Look: Akhmetova N. A. Conflict of interest in the public service http://www..pdf;rnM. Gilyazeva Social aspects of conflict of interests in the activities of state and municipal employees http://www..pdfrnLook at the works of Dridze T.M. and Tsoi L.N., a list of references for their publications, maybe they will be useful to you.

Olga 04/21/2015

Please help me find an article by Romanov A.V. Ways to increase public confidence in the district executive power, published in the first issue of 2006 of the magazine Vlast.
Thank you!

Victoria 05/15/2015
Hello, can you please tell me where I can find literature on the topic of the coursework: Peculiarities of churching for people of retirement age? Thank you.
moderator 05/17/2015

Victoria, hello!
There are no publications on the topic: Peculiarities of churching of people of retirement age on the portal, maybe articles from the journal Vestnik of the Institute of Sociology http://www.vestnik..html?jid=155 will be useful to you

Valeria 06/03/2015
Good evening, please tell me how to find an article devoted to comparative cross-country or cross-cultural research?
moderator 06/03/2015

Valeria, hello!
Look, for example, Magun V.S., Rudnev M.G. rnSimilarities and differences in the life values ​​of Russians and other Europeans: cross-country and inter-individual comparisons // Russia in Europe. Based on materials from the international comparative sociological project European Social Research / Rep. ed. A.V. Andreenkov and L.A. Belyaev. M.: Publishing House Academy. 2009. pp. 225 – 270. 2.3 pp. http://www..php?page_id=1198&id=1975;rnMagun V.S., Rudnev M.G.rnLife values ​​of the population: comparison of Ukraine with other European countries / Ukrainian society in the European space. Ed. E. Golovakhi, S. Makeeva. – Kyiv: Institute of Sociology NASU; Kharkov National University named after. V.N. Karamzina, 2007. – P. 226-273 http://www..html?id=1230; Fedorov P.M. On the comparability of the results of cross-cultural studies (using the example of measuring attitudes towards migrants)http://www..pdf; ALMAKAEVA A.M. Measuring generalized (generalized) trust in cross-cultural studies http://www..pdf

Lika 06/09/2015
Hello! I can’t find the work of Andreeva I.N., Golubeva N.Ya., Novikova L.G. Youth subculture: norms and value system. Socis, 1989 No. 4
moderator 06/10/2015

Angelica, hello!
Unfortunately, this article is not available in electronic form, as are all the articles in the journal for 1989.

Evgeniy 06/28/2015
Hello, Dear Moderator, I encountered a problem when searching for a publication by N.F. Naumova. on this site, because Articles will not be selected here based on this author. Is there anything you can do to help me? Best regards, Evgeniy.
moderator 06/29/2015

Evgeniy, hello!
There was a software error. Unfortunately, the site contains information about only one of her publications.

Leonid Khvan 07/23/2015

Good afternoon,
We are currently looking for researchers in the field of sociology of administrative regulation (more broadly, administrative reform). Preferably with a comparative view of the problem. Could you please provide assistance in this matter? We are talking about a specific publication project in an international legal journal. Thank you for your help.
Best regards, Leonid Khvan

Ruslan 12/17/2015
Please suggest works on the sociology of organization and the sociology of conflict. Interesting empirical materials on Organizational conflict, its occurrence, course and methods of management
moderator 12/23/2015
Look at this work by K. V. RESHETNIKOVA. Methodological basis for qualifying technologies for managing organizational conflicts http://www..pdf
Margarita 01/21/2016
Good evening, have there been any studies devoted to the system of additional education, or to the teacher of additional education? Thank you!
moderator 01/28/2016

Margarita, hello!
Look at Klyucharev G.A. Supplementary education - the problem of legitimizing practice // Continuing education in political and economic contexts / Rep. ed. G.A. Klyucharyov. M.: IS RAS, 2008. pp. 108-119. http://www..php?page_id=1198&id=1356 And other works by this author.
Popova I.P. Additional education as a channel of professional mobility // Continuing education in political and economic contexts / Rep. ed. G.A. Klyucharyov. M.: IS RAS, 2008. pp. 120-133. http://www..php?page_id=1198&id=1357
Bessokirnaya G.P.rnAdditional vocational education in Russia: scale and development trends // Russia in a global context. - M.: RIC ISPI RAS, 2002. m.

Christina 02/12/2016
Good afternoon Please tell me, have there been any studies on the topic: Social stratification in modern Russian society, or maybe using the example of a particular city? Thank you in advance!
moderator 02/14/2016

Christina, hello!
Look at the works of Tikhonova N.E., Golenkova Z.T. Goliusova Yu.V., Mareeva S.V.

Love 02/15/2016
Good afternoon Article by Bukhovets A.G. Fractal approach to the analysis of sociological data when constructing typologies // III ALL-RUSSIAN SOCIOLOGICAL CONGRESS SOCIOLOGY IN THE XXI CENTURY. - M., 2008. To place it in the RSCI database, I need to indicate the pages. I can not find. Can you help? All the best, Lyubov M.
moderator 02/17/2016

Love, hello!
Electronic publication. There is no continuous numbering. Each article starts on page 1.

Lyubov S. 03/02/2016
Hello! Tell me, are there any articles on the topic of Changing appearance as a way of self-expression for young people or research on similar topics? Thank you in advance!
moderator 03/04/2016

Hello! Unfortunately, no publications on the topic of interest to you: Changing appearance as a way of self-expression for young people were found on the portal.

V.Drob 10/29/2016
Hello! Tell me, are there any articles on the topic of Network Communications or studies on similar topics? I can't figure it out on the site. rnThank you in advance!
moderator 08.11.2016

Look at the articles: Roman Nikolaevich Abramov. Methodological and content aspects of social research on blogs: analytical review http://jour..php/soc4m/article/view/3738; T. V. VLADIMIROVA NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS AS A SOURCE OF INFORMATION THREATS http://www..pdf; Shapovalova I. S. The influence of Internet communications on the behavior and intellectual development of youth http://socis./5202; S.G. USHKIN USER COMMENTS ON PROTEST ACTIONS IN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE SEGMENT OF YOUTUBE http://socis..pdfrnThere are many articles on this topic on the portal, try using the search again, try searching in Yandex on the site. On the search results page, at the end, this option is provided.rnrn

Lena 11/22/2016

Are there any articles on the topic The role of leisure as a way to prevent addictive behavior? Thank you!

Yulia 11/23/2016
Hello, I am interested in a scientific article on the topic Survey methods of sociological research.. tell me how to find it here?
moderator 11/28/2016

Julia, hello!
Look at the articles by A.Yu. MYAGKOV SURVEY METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION: PREFERENCES OF RESPONDENTSrnhttp://www..html or DUDINA V.I. Sociological knowledge in the context of the development of information technologies p. 13-22 http://www..pdf

moderator 11/28/2016

Elena, hello!
No article found on this topic. Look at the articles in the category sociology of deviant behavior

Natalia 12/13/2016
Hello. Could you suggest me literature related to the topic of Student Behavior Culture
Anna 12/15/2016

Good afternoon
Please tell me what books or articles there are on the topic of the Algorithm for searching scientific publications on the sociology of religion.
Thank you.

moderator 12/16/2016

Natalia, hello!
Please use the search on the main page of the site. On the search results page you will see a window at the end of the page - Search the site using Yandex. Enter your request there. Publications on this topic (with full text) will be issued. You yourself can choose those publications that interest you, since there are many aspects of student behavior culture.

moderator 12/16/2016

Anna, hello!
Unfortunately, there are no publications on the site on the topic that interests you.

Leonid 01/14/2017
Hello, where can I find information on the following questions, (Application of Data Mining in sociology. Software, methods and algorithms.
moderator 01/16/2017

Leonid, hello!
Check out the blog archive of A.A. Davydova http://www..html, there are articles on the topic that interests you. Here is an article from 2016 by Maltseva A.V., Shilkina N.E., Makhnytkina O.V. Data minig in sociology: experience and prospects for conducting research // Sociological Research. 2016. No. 3. P. 35-44 http://socis./6098

Natalya 01/23/2017
Hello, could you help me with selecting literature for writing my course work? The topic of my work is Family as a social institution?
moderator 01/23/2017

Natalya, hello!
A search on the site will help you select literature for your coursework. Try using it. We also recommend that you look at the works of Gurko T.A.

Victoria 03/04/2017
Good afternoon, could you help me with the selection of literature for writing my course work? The topic of my work is international social work: areas of its activity
moderator 03/06/2017

Victoria, hello!
We recommend reading the work by Romanov P.V., Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R. Methodology of research and critical analysis in the field of social policy and social work // Sociology: methodology, methods, mathematical modeling. 2005. No. 21. P. 51-77. http://www..php?page_id=2384&id=4067
Perhaps you will find something useful for yourself.

Polina 03/08/2017
Hello! Please recommend scientific articles on the topic of the pros and cons of conducting sociological research at an enterprise. Thank you!
moderator 03/09/2017

Polina, hello!
We recommend that you read the works of Yadov V.A., Zdravomyslov A.G., Tukumtsev B.G., Temnitsky A.L., Bessokirna G.P., Kozina I.M., for example, Kozina I.M. Features of applying the strategy “case study” in the study of industrial relations at an industrial enterprise // Sociology: methodology, methods, mathematical modeling, 1995. No. 5-6. pp. 65-90. http://jour..php/soc4m/article/view/3865 concerning research into labor relations in an enterprise. The works of all of the above authors are on the site, search by author.

Tanya 03/15/2017
Hello, please suggest me articles containing information about the socio-psychological climate in an organization or team! Thank you
moderator 03/16/2017

Tatyana, hello!
See, for example, Zhovtonozhko V.V.rnHistorical analysis of the term “socio-psychological climate” in domestic science http://www..php?page_id=2384&id=4063&l=

Anastasia 03/16/2017
Good afternoon Please tell me what publications I can look at on the topic Models of social interaction in comedy youth series?
Irina 03/19/2017
Hello! Please help me find material on the topic of Domestic and foreign experience in managing social development (organizations/enterprises). Thank you!
moderator 03/20/2017

Irina, hello!
Look at Modernization of the domestic management system: trend analysis and development forecast. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference and the XII-XIII Dridze Readings (November 21-22, 2013) / Editorial Board: A. V. Tikhonov (editor-in-chief), E. M. Akimkin, V. S. Bogdanov, A. V Zhavoronkov, A. A. Merzlyakov, N. N. Niks, E. I. Rabinovich, V. A. Shilova (scientific secretary), V. V. Shcherbina. – M.: Institute of Sociology RAS. – 2014. – 548 p. http://www..php?page_id=1198&id=3240; Shcherbina V.V. Social technologies: history of the emergence of the term, transformation of content, current state // Sociological Research. 2014. No. 7. pp. 113-124 http://socis./5676. See also materials from A.V.’s blog. Tikhonova http://www..html

moderator 03/20/2017

Anastasia, hello!
Unfortunately, there are no publications on the topic you are interested in on the portal.

Marina 04/02/2017
Good afternoon Please recommend literature on spiritual health in the sociology section. Thanks a lot.
moderator 04/03/2017

Marina, hello!
Look at the publication Adamyants T.Z.rnThe influence of the modern sociocultural environment on the physical and spiritual health of society // Society and health: current state and development trends. Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation. Moscow, September 19-20, 2013. M.: ROS, 2013. P. 1-9.http://www..html?id=3000

Alexandra 04/05/2017
Hello, please tell me articles containing information about unemployment. Thank you in advance
moderator 04/06/2017

Alexandra, hello!
You defined the topic very broadly, the articles are very different, for example, Tikhonova N. E. Explicit and implicit consequences of economic crises for Russians // Sociological Research. 2015. No. 12. P. 16-27 http://socis..pdf or Modeling the dynamics of unemployment (according to Russian development data 1996–2001)rnTatyana Vladislavovna Kuzminova http://jour..php/soc4m/article/view /3978. You need to use the search and see for yourself what interests you.

Regina 04/14/2017
Hello! Please tell me, are there any articles and publications about the social rehabilitation of disabled children?
moderator 04/17/2017

Regina, hello!
Please use the search on the portal, on the pages of magazines, there are articles on the topic that interests you, for example, CHERNYAEVA T.I. Social rehabilitation of atypical children http://www..pdf; Kulagina E.V. Education of disabled children and children with disabilities: trends and regulation criteria // Sociological Research. 2015. No. 9. P. 94-101 http://socis./5743; Dargan A. A. Quality of life of people with limited living space // Sociological science and social practice. 2015. No. 1. P. 98-114.http://www..php?page_id=2384&id=3114&l=; Lebed O.L., Guseva M.A., Tseytlin G.Ya.rnThere is a seriously ill child in the family. Studying such a family and working with it // Social pedagogy in Russia. 2014. No. 1. pp. 20-26.

Alexandra 04/18/2017
Hello! Please tell me articles in magazines, educational literature on the topic of sociology. Survey methods. Thank you!
moderator 04/19/2017

Alexandra, hello!
The page http://www..html contains information about textbooks and teaching aids on the Institute’s portal; here you can select the material that interests you. We also recommend viewing issues of the journal Sociology 4M

Karina 04/30/2017
Hello, do you have any studies that study the work style of a manager?
moderator 05/02/2017

Karina, hello!
Maybe the work of V.V. will be useful to you. Radaev FOUR WAYS TO ESTABLISH AUTHORITY WITHIN THE FIRM http://jour..php/socjour/article/viewFile/77/79

Elena 05/03/2017
Hello! Please tell me a study about social groups and their types.
moderator 05/05/2017

Elena, hello!
Look at the book by Tikhonov N.E.rnSocial structure of Russia: theories and reality / N.E. Tikhonov. - M. New chronograph: Institute of Sociology RAS, 2014. - 408 p. http://www..html?id=3066

Student76 05/05/2017
Good afternoon Is there literature on remarriage? Specifically about raising children in such a marriage. Thank you in advance.
Natalya 05/05/2017
Hello! Please tell me, do you have any research on the lack of places in kindergartens or on the topic of attitudes towards raising children at home? Thank you in advance.
moderator 05/10/2017

Natalya, hello!
The website contains information about the publication of Savinskaya O.B., Rukina I.M. , Rzhanitsyna L.S. , Kirichenko M.M. , Ilyina M.A. , Markova V.A. Public examination of the process of transformation of the system of preschool educational institutions. / Ed. O.B. Savinskaya. St. Petersburg: LEMA, 2007. Also on the page of this publication http://www..html?id=620 you can read other publications on the topic that interests you

moderator 05/10/2017

on the issue of raising children in remarriage, we recommend viewing publications on the portal Gurko T.A., Lezhnina Yu.P., articles in the Sociological Journal of Goloda S.I. and Sinelnikova A.B.

Victor 08.10.2017
Hello. Could you tell me if there are any publications touching on the topic of GMOs?
moderator 10/09/2017

Victor, hello!
Look at No. 3 for 2015. Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology, topic of the issue: Sociology of food, maybe some articles will be interesting to you http://www.vestnik..pdf

Maria 11/23/2017
Hello, can you suggest some literature on the topic of leisure practices of students/youth that also mentions television?
moderator 11/24/2017

Maria, hello!
Maybe the publications will be useful to you: Russia and China: youth of the 21st century [monograph] / rep. editors: M.K. Gorshkov, Li Chunlin, Z.T. Golenkova, P.M. Kozyreva. - M. New Chronograph, 2014. - 424 p. http://www..html?id=3164; Gorshkov M.K., Sheregi F.E. Youth of Russia: a sociological portrait. - Second edition, supplemented and corrected. - M.: Institute of Sociology RAS, 2010. - 592 p. http://www..html?id=1822; Ivchenkova M. S. Features of methods of television consumption among young people // Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology. 2015. No. 15. P. 93-107. http://www.vestnik-/374

Daria 12/06/2017
Hello, could you suggest some publications, preferably sociological studies on the topic of Social adaptation of people with disabilities. I will be very grateful!
moderator 12/08/2017

Daria, hello!
There is a publication by Gorin T.I., Kefeli V.B. Social and labor adaptation of disabled people in modern society // Theory and practice of social development. 2013. No. 2. P. 39-51. Look for the text on the journal’s website or in the e-library

Vitaly 12/20/2017
Hello, could you suggest some publications, preferably sociological studies on the topic of Social protection of convicts. I would be very grateful for your answer!
moderator 12/22/2017

Vitaly, hello!
Use the search. On the search results page at the very end there is an option - If you couldn’t find what you wanted, try searching on our website using Yandex. Select and see a list of publications on the topic you are interested in with full texts.

Alina 01/19/2018
Good evening! Please tell me if there are any current studies on the communicative competence of managers?
moderator 01/23/2018

Alina, hello!
Unfortunately, your search returned no results.

Christina 02/24/2018
Hello! Please tell me what you can see on the topic of differences in relationships between friends, colleagues, comrades.
moderator 02/26/2018

Christina, hello!
Maybe the publication will be useful to you: F. TENNIS COMMUNITY AND SOCIETY http://jour..php/socjour/article/viewFile/586/537

Olga 08/14/2018
Colleagues, good afternoon! Are there any modern studies on the topic of youth work motivation? Preferably a Russian sample. Is there somewhere I can watch it? Thank you!
moderator 08/15/2018

Olga, hello!
Look at reforming Russia: yearbook: issue 15 / Rep. ed. M.K. Gorshkov. - M.: New Chronograph, 2017. - 568 p. http://www..html?id=5036; INAB No. 2 - 2017. Youth employment in the motivational and structural dimensions [Electronic edition] / [M. K. Gorshkov and others]; Rep. editor M.K. Gorshkov. - Electron. text. Dan. (volume 1.5 MB) - M.: Institute of Sociology FNISC RAS, 2017. - 129 p. 1 electron. wholesale 12 cm disc (CD-ROM). http://www..html?id=5647

Christina 10/07/2018
Hello! Can you recommend literature on the topic Gift as a social phenomenon?
moderator 08.10.2018

Christina, hello!
Perhaps you will find the article by I.A. Shmerlin useful. Gift as a “social thing” // Social reality. 2007. No. 5. http://www..php?id=898&page_id=1198

Yulia 10/20/2018
Hello, please tell me a questionnaire or methodology for identifying extremist sentiments among teenagers
moderator 10/22/2018

Julia, hello!
Look at the book Deviant behavior in modern Russia: alcohol, drugs, youth extremism (concepts and research) / T. A. Khagurov, M. E. Pozdnyakova, V.N. Rakachev, L.N. Rybakova, T.V. Chekineva, A.P. Reznik, S.Yu. Lyubin, E.A. Voinova, N.V. Meleshko, N.E. Khagurova. - M.: Institute of Sociology RAS, 2014. - 200 p. http://www..html?id=3202

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