Marine Corps recruiting requirements. Conscripts and Marines

Serving in the Marine Corps is the dream of almost every conscript, but not everyone can achieve it. This elite unit is trained for the unexpected capture and retention of sea bridgeheads, by parachute or sea landing, as well as for conducting military operations in coastal areas. What does it take to join the Marines?

First of all, you need to ask the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence when exactly the recruitment of conscripts for the Navy will be carried out, and also consult with the pre-conscription commission on how to get into the Marine Corps and whether there is a chance to become a member of this elite unit. The commission's opinion, first of all, will be based on the medical record, since this type of military requires not just good, but excellent health.

After this, the conscript will have to undergo a medical examination. It should be remembered that impeccable health is one of the main selection criteria; any deviations from the norm (poor vision, excess weight, etc.) are impossible for the Marine Corps. Preference is given to conscripts with health status A1 (less often A2). Also, it is worth considering that the height of the future Marine must be at least 170 cm.

If the medical examination is passed successfully, the next step is to write a report addressed to the military commissar with a request to enlist in the Navy, in which you must indicate not only the motives for this desire, but also list all your merits. Those who want to know how to get into the Marine Corps should take into account that those who have been involved in sports (swimming, running, martial arts, skiing, mountaineering) are more likely to become a member of this branch of the military, and have been trained in DOSAAF schools. (parachute and shooting training, scuba diving, radio), has a driver's or other professional license.

The future Marine's background must be impeccable. If there are reports to the police, criminal charges, marks for the use of drugs or alcohol, then the path to the Navy is closed forever. Characteristics from the place of study (or work) can also play a significant role in admission. So you need to prepare for service in the Marine Corps in advance; one desire - I want to become a Marine - is not enough.

Those who manage to get into the fleet will need to undergo another medical examination upon arrival. It is here that they will decide who will join the Marine Corps and who will serve in the coastal defense forces, submarine or surface forces, and in naval aviation. It would not be a bad idea to establish personal contact with the officers who arrived to recruit the Marine Corps team. You should tell them about your desire to serve in the army in the Marine Corps, list all your achievements and records. It should be remembered that the Marines value assertiveness and determination. If possible, it is better to arrive at the Marine Corps unit in advance immediately after passing the medical examination, with all documents, medical certificates, characteristics, certificates, etc. and arrange to serve with them. Do not forget that the recruiting station is only the beginning of the service, and you will have to prove your right to serve in the Marine Corps directly in the fleet.

It only remains to add that in Russia the marine corps was first formed in 1705, since during the Northern War it became necessary to conduct combat operations in coastal areas. Since then, formations and units of the Marine Corps have been repeatedly disbanded and re-created. Currently, marine troops are located in the Baltic, Black Sea, Northern and Pacific fleets, as well as in the Caspian flotilla.

In the elite branches of the military and special forces, the requirements for recruits - both physical and otherwise - are at the highest level. To get into special forces units, you need to have a certain set of qualities, which would be a good idea to cultivate in yourself even before you reach conscription age or the opportunity to join the army. Airborne Forces The Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation are one of those branches of the military where they know better than anyone about traditions, morality and physical strength. Vasily Filippovich Margelov - the legendary founder of the airborne troops, "BATYA" - as the paratroopers themselves call him - at the dawn of the winged infantry, laid down the basic principles and standards for those who sought to serve in an army capable of marching across Europe in a week. It was in the Soviet By the mid-80s, the Union had formed 14 separate brigades, two separate regiments and about 20 separate battalions in blue berets. One brigade corresponded to a separate military district, in which a special instructor monitored the physical fitness of the fighters in each company. The standards for entering service in the Airborne Forces of the Soviet Union were, if not sports, then certainly near-sports - pull-ups 20 times, 100-meter run, marathon running for 10 kilometers, push-ups - at least 50 times. The morning hour of physical training of Soviet paratroopers was generally different from almost all branches of the military - there were jumps and jumps with a 360-degree turn, pull-ups and, of course, push-ups. In the Russian army under the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, the Soviet direction of physical training of paratroopers began to grow qualitatively . The requirements for those entering service in the Russian Airborne Forces, although somewhat softer than in the Soviet Union, are only the minimum set in order to receive a pass and the opportunity to serve among the best conscripts in the country. To get into service in the Airborne Forces, you must have weight from 75 to 85 kg and height from 175 to 190 centimeters. If height is a value that cannot be influenced, then if you have a strong desire to serve in the Airborne Forces, it is advisable to lose excess weight. Such strict selection criteria are determined by the specifics of the service, because most special forces are selected with the wording “Fit for service in the airborne forces.” General health is an equally important factor that directly influences whether a conscript will serve in the Airborne Forces or not. Smoking, heart disease, addiction to alcohol - the conscript should be deprived of all this in principle, so that the draft commission does not have questions during the examination . According to the military, the most severe physical activity for people who smoke and have bad habits in general is categorically contraindicated. The Airborne Forces pay special attention to vision - even a slight deterioration of it can be a reason for refusal to enroll in this branch of the military. In addition to almost absolute health, after a conscript is enlisted in the Airborne Forces, it is also necessary to have stamina, since about 20% of conscripts after enlistment cannot cope with the standard loads and can be sent to serve in other branches of the military. Marines“Marines” are some of the most trained and physically strong guys in Russia. Interspecific competitions, military reviews and other events where it is necessary to show the level of physical strength are traditionally not complete without representatives of the Marine Corps. In addition to general physical “strength,” a potential “Marine” must have: height from 175 cm, weight up to 80 kg, not be a member registered with psychiatric, drug treatment and other dispensaries both at the place of registration and at the place of residence, and it is also desirable to have one of the sports categories. The rule of having sporting achievements also works in the Airborne Forces, however, according to established tradition, it is in the Marine Corps that conscript-athletes are given increased attention and assigned the most important tasks. “The essence of this tactic is that the conscript athlete does not need to be inspired and instilled in a sense of responsibility and discipline . Athletes who have serious achievements, as a rule, are already disciplined people and they do not need additional motivation in this regard,” said Viktor Kalanchin, deputy head of the draft commission of one of the capital’s military registration and enlistment offices, in an interview with Zvezda. Also in the Marine Corps with special attention also apply to conscripts who have certain technical knowledge: radio engineering, electronics, computing devices. Such qualities help directly during military service to prepare for obtaining a military specialty and will subsequently provide serious assistance when entering service under a contract. As for the physical requirements necessary for service in the Russian Marine Corps, then everything is simple - excellent health in category A, the ability to do at least 10-12 pull-ups and the absence of chronic diseases. The rest, according to the military, will be consistently and diligently taught to the conscript. Special Forces People performing special tasks are subject to special requirements. It should be remembered, however, that special forces, whatever it may be, is not combined arms training, but hard and daily work, which not everyone can cope with. However, it is precisely with the offer to serve in special forces that conscripts are “approached” precisely after, or even during, service in the airborne forces or marine corps. In any case, according to military commissars, the percentage of conscripts from these branches of the military into special forces is the highest high. The rules of standard training (both physical and psychological) do not work in special forces. Here, every soldier is made into a universal soldier, capable of doing everything and doing it well. Running, pull-ups, grueling forced marches at distances three times greater than normal army ones - all this is present in abundance in the training of a special forces soldier. However, there is discord between special forces and special forces, and each special forces unit has its own specifics. The special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff and the special forces of the FSB stand apart among special units: 20, or even all 30 pull-ups, 30 push-ups on parallel bars, running a distance of a thousand meters in three minutes is far from a complete list of what needs to be done in order to begin to be considered as a candidate for service in the best special forces units in Russia. Andrei Vasiliev, an instructor of one of the Moscow rapid reaction units, in an interview with Zvezda said that physical activity - this is the most insignificant thing that people who want to serve in special forces will have to face: “In reconnaissance, in addition to endurance and physical fitness, the mind is also important. Therefore, analytical thinking, the ability to quickly make certain decisions that will allow you to effectively complete a task, is no less important than, for example, physical strength. The main attention in such things is paid to people who, before serving in the army, received a higher education in some technical specialty. I know for sure that such people have been and are being shown increased attention. One of the most serious tests for those who want to test their physical and psychological abilities can be the exam for the right to wear a “maroon” beret. It is this insignia of the special forces of the internal troops that is the best proof of the “professional suitability” of a fighter. Not everyone passes the grueling test, which includes an almost marathon forced march, an obstacle course, and hand-to-hand combat with an instructor. According to statistics, only 20-30% of examinees pass the test. Contrary to popular belief, the exam for the right to wear a “maroon” beret does not end with physical activity. The basics of shooting skills against the background of severe fatigue, the basics of storming a building using special equipment, high-speed shooting - all this is included in the mandatory list of tests for those who want dedicate your life to special forces. The set of rules, both for army units and for special forces units, says one thing - service for the benefit of the Fatherland is not a vacation. This is hard, difficult and truly masculine work, requiring absolute physical health and serious mental abilities. It is the combination of these qualities that allows yesterday’s ordinary guys to join the elite troops, and those who have served or are serving to improve their professional skills and move up the ladder of military service.

Airborne Forces, Special Forces, Reconnaissance, Marine Corps . proud and courageous troops in which real men served and are serving.

I, like many hundreds of healthy guys from all over the country, have a question:


In response: either silence or “false” promises from the military registration and enlistment office.

I went through this myself! Here's my short story:

Let me start with the fact that all the men of my family honestly served the Motherland in special forces and not a single one turned away from serving the Fatherland!
There are Heroes of the Soviet Union and officers, but no one came home from service as privates.

It just so happened that my father and his brother served in the Airborne Special Forces in the Caucasus. Since childhood, I was raised in the spirit and romance of the Airborne Forces, I lived by it and in many ways it helped and saved me! There was always unshakable self-confidence. There was no way I could not serve or serve in mahr!

Every morning I ran 5 km, worked out at the sports complex, and during these classes, I visualized that I was running in the ranks of paratroopers, working out with my unit. It was difficult and I lost not 7 sweats, but probably all 70)

It's time for the call! And I was sent to the Internal Troops near Moscow to the security battalion of some strategic enterprise of the Ministry of Defense.

Do you think I've given up or become disillusioned? Fuck, there! I began to imagine myself even more in a blue and white vest and a blue beret!

On the day I arrived at the military registration and enlistment office, on the same day a paratrooper officer arrived from Ryazan. I annoyed him so much that he started smoking nervously and eventually took me to the team. I served in the reconnaissance company of the 137th Guards. Parachute Regiment 106 Guards airborne division.

There was no more recruitment into the Airborne Forces during that conscription.

What does a conscript face before being drafted?

There is a complete lack of information about when and where they are taken to the military registration and enlistment office.

A promise that you will definitely get into the right troops

Problems at the medical examination

Personal troubles

Not knowing what to do if they take you to the wrong place


In the end, I decided to develop a step-by-step plan "How to get into the Airborne Forces, Special Forces and Marine Corps", since soon there was a call for my own younger brother.

Using the methodology that I developed, my brother ended up serving in the Reconnaissance Company of the 76th Airborne Division in Pskov.

Using the same technology, I sent my brother’s best friend to serve in the troops at the end of November.

But not just to the troops, but precisely to the unit where my brother served. And let them say that it is impossible!

You too can serve where YOU choose!

What will happen at the webinar?

A step-by-step method for joining the special forces

How to pass the medical examination?

Should I wait for the summons or not?

Methodology "Be a man and take control of the situation"

Who should you hire to help you at the military registration and enlistment office?

How can you get into the special forces without money?

What to do if you have health problems, but want to serve?

What to do if they send you to the wrong place?

My personal story and the story of those whom I sent to serve.

And secret tricks.

Who am I?

Evgeniy Bratishka Guard Junior Sergeant Reserve Airborne Reconnaissance

Served in the Reconnaissance Unit 137 PDP 106 Airborne Division in Ryazan

In childhood, many people dream about their future profession, vividly imagining which path they will choose. Some people want to choose the difficult path of a politician, others dream of their own business. For boys, in most cases, there is also the question of preferences in the field of military service. Some people are captivated by iron birds, which give a pilot a sense of freedom, others dream of the mysterious service of a reconnaissance officer, and some set themselves an unbreakable goal - to join the ranks of the Marines.

Some still can’t decide: Marine Corps or Airborne Forces? It often happens that they make this choice because of their pedigree, in which all males gave their debt to the Motherland, being in the ranks of the infantry, or a number of positive features that service in the Marine Corps has prompts them to this idea. Approaching the cherished date of conscription age, young men begin to search for information on how to get into the Marine Corps.

Preparations for the service

The sooner a young man realizes the need to achieve this goal and begins in the ranks of the Marines, the easier it will be for him during the year of service. These points will tell you how to get into the Marine Corps:

  1. You are greeted by your clothes and escorted by your mind. This is true, since the appearance and neatness of the employee is really paid attention to. It is advisable to start watching your muscles from an early age and try to stay in shape.
  2. Good health is an equally important item on this list. If a conscript has poor health: chronic diseases or poor eyesight, the path to the Marine Corps is closed. Excess weight or lack thereof is also contraindicated. A young man of above average height who has various awards received in sports competitions is welcomed.
  3. No bad habits. Nowadays, it is rare to find young men who do not smoke or drink alcohol. It is worth paying attention, since only conscripts who adhere to a healthy lifestyle will be able to join the ranks of the Airborne Forces or Marines. It is recommended to become interested in time management and start planning your daily routine in advance to make it easier to get into the routine in the army.

A true Marine is a persistent person with strong nerves, unshakable character, high values, and intellectual development.

To obtain more reliable and accurate information, you should contact the regional military registration and enlistment office. There will be an opportunity to learn about how to get into the Marine Corps. It’s even better if you have friends who served in this unit and can answer your questions. You can search the Internet for sites where various webinars are held on this topic, discussions are held on forums, groups and public pages are created on social networks, where you can get important and useful information and advice from experienced infantrymen.

There are two ways to join the ranks of the Marines: the opportunity to join the troops by conscription and by contract. Many people are inclined to say that contract soldiers are not accepted into the ranks of Marines, but this statement is not true.

Conscripts and Marines

It will not be easy for a conscript soldier who wants to join the ranks of the Marines; he needs to put in a lot of effort. There is no 100% chance that your plan will come true and you will become an infantryman, but it’s worth trying your hand. The following rules must be followed:

  • it is recommended to meet the criteria issued by the nearest military registration and enlistment office;
  • Having reached conscription age, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, after which the young man is issued a certificate of type A-1 or A-2, only the presence of which can ensure entry into the ranks of the intended troops;
  • when the time comes to pass the credentials committee, it is recommended to clearly explain the need to join the ranks of the Marines, backing up the speech with unshakable arguments;
  • when writing an application, it is also worth describing your achievements and reasons for accepting service in the infantry;
  • upon receipt of the summons, you must immediately visit the military registration and enlistment office and convincingly ask for distribution to the desired region;
  • After receiving an order to enlist in the navy, it is recommended to show yourself on the positive side, have everyone have a positive attitude towards you, and when passing tests, prove your readiness.

If the opportunity to join the ranks of the Marines has been missed, you should never give up! If someone has a goal, then the “military” desire can be fulfilled in any case.

Contract service

If the previous option is not suitable for the young man, there is a second one. Moreover, it is much simpler than the one already given. Contract service in the Russian Marine Corps is possible if the following points are met:

  1. Visit the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and undergo a test in the form of testing, which will determine the readiness and suitability of a young man to serve in the ranks of the Marines.
  2. After this, you should make a visit to the military registration and enlistment office, where the young man’s professional abilities will be determined, and a medical commission and a psychologist will consult with him.
  3. Pass exams after completing general military training.
  4. If you didn’t succeed the first time, you should try your hand after the three-year period.

Valuable advice from experienced employees: During the interview, it is worth mentioning your hobbies, which will significantly increase your chances of being selected to serve in the ranks of the Marines.

Roman Yesikov, a native of the small mining town of Artyom in Primorye, unlike his contemporaries of military age, did not come to the military commissariat on the basis of a summons. The military commissar's eyes widened when the young man openly stated that his studies at the college at the University of Economics and Services had clearly begun to decline, and in order to somehow “shake off” his laziness, to more accurately determine his goals in life, he wanted to serve in army, and not in any ordinary military unit, but in the Airborne Forces or the Marine Corps.

Sailor Roman Yesikov with his mother and younger sister in the information and leisure room of the unit.

“As I understand it, I had almost no chance of getting into the Marines, much less into the airborne assault battalion,” says sailor Yesikov, a tall, thin, friendly guy whom the Red Star correspondent met at the location of one famous in battles with gangs in Chechen Republic of the 165th Marine Regiment of the Pacific Fleet. “In addition, doctors discovered that I have slight flat feet. But I really wanted to test myself in a real fighting team!

Roman then turned out to be one of the last at the assembly point of the military registration and enlistment office, having managed, as they say, to voluntarily jump into the right carriage. He was nevertheless called up for a year and a half to the only Marine Corps formation in the Pacific Fleet, where they can turn yesterday’s schoolchildren and students into skilled fighters.

But how does the young sailor feel today, after eight months of service? What did he learn here, did he like the environment in which he found himself of his own free will?

I got enough adrenaline for many years to come,” Roman laughs. - Just one 7-kilometer forced march with full equipment: in a bulletproof vest, with a duffel bag, weapons and ammunition (and this is up to 50 kilograms) is worth it! It seems that you are losing all your strength, you are suffocating while running, your shoulders are constrained by the weight... And you look back at your comrade - he is clenching his teeth, walking forward, and it is a shame to lag behind. At the shooting range we shot as expected, it seemed like we took a little rest - and then came back in the same rhythm!

True, the recruit from Artyom did not get into the air assault battalion, where he dreamed of jumping with a parachute from an airplane, taking part in long campaigns and landings from a ship. Still, the guy’s health failed. In the DSB, the selection process is extremely strict: after all, this elite unit of the Marine Corps is part of the fleet's constant combat readiness forces. As a result, sailor Yesikov was transferred from the training company to a separate airborne engineering unit, and now he is mastering the specialty of a sapper. For now, classes are mainly taking place in the classroom, but trips to the training ground are just around the corner, where after intense live firing it is always necessary to “clean up” the area, including from unexploded shells.

He’s a good guy - disciplined, responsive by nature,” Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Shamraev, senior assistant to the head of the division’s educational work department, said about Roman. - Another person, using the “clue” with his health, would have “rejected” the service long ago, but this sailor showed the best qualities of character, deciding to serve until the end of his term in the Marine Corps.

According to Roman, he was very lucky with the military team. If in the training company he was just getting used to serving in a new place, then in the engineering unit he feels almost at home.

“We don’t have any hazing, there’s a really friendly atmosphere,” says the sailor. - The senior call monitors the junior, for order, and always helps if something is difficult for you. Many, like me, simply wanted to get into the Marine Corps, so service was not a burden. And even in these few months I learned a lot here, the main thing is to be able to overcome difficulties. I’ll return home after service, immediately return to college, continue my studies, and then get a job and help my family. We must complete everything!

Olga Gavrilovna Esikova, mother of sailor R. Esikova:

Having visited the Marine Corps unit for the first time when my son took the military oath, I was pleasantly surprised by the socio-psychological climate in the military team, the comfort in the company premises, and the way the personnel are fed here. Previously, I was very frightened by the situation in other garrisons, reading from newspapers about various emergency situations related to the death of military personnel. Now, after repeatedly visiting the unit where my son serves, I am calm about his fate. Even in this short period of time, Roman noticeably matured, became more serious, more collected. It seems that such real male service is good for the guy.

Opinion on the merits“My son Pavel has been serving in the airborne assault battalion for the second year (in the same one that R. Esikov did not end up in. - KZ),” says Tatyana Anatolyevna Babenko from the seaside town of Arsenyev. - He is so strong-willed and kind in character. He came to my orphanage more than once, where I work as a teacher, and enjoyed playing sports with the children. And in terms of the Marine Corps, I feel that Pasha really likes it. He didn’t talk much about the difficulties, but he talked enthusiastically about their unit’s participation in last year’s campaign on a large landing ship to Korea. Yes, I myself know the situation in the battalion well. The attitude of officers towards sailors is friendly. And the guys serve under the motto: “Where the Marines are, there is victory!” They are raised to be patriots of their Motherland, and this is very important, because our society has a serious gap in this direction. Military leaders were once removed from schools, and what do we end up with? Lax, often physically unprepared youth, who are stuffed with all kinds of Western propaganda. Fortunately, at least in the army there are people who take a responsible civic position and teach the guys the right thing - to love and, if necessary, defend their native Fatherland.

And I’ll say one more thing. This year my youngest son will also be drafted into the army. We will ask the military commissar to send Alexei also to the marine division.

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