Can a paramedic become a nutritionist? Requirements and Responsibilities

What is the profession of nutritionist, where to study for it? There is a saying “there must be many good people.” It doesn’t matter, they say, how much excess weight one has, one would be a good person. But at the same time, everyone forgets that it is not so good for a good person to have this very excess weight, because it provokes the emergence and development of many diseases.

People who are overweight are at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, stroke, diabetes; excess weight puts more stress on joints, which wear out faster. In addition, the old slogan “A healthy mind in a healthy body” is currently very popular.

It is believed that a successful person must be fit and athletic. A person cannot always remain slim at will. Sometimes excess weight is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the body that cannot be eliminated, but in most cases the issue of losing weight can be solved.

To help a person lose weight without going through many different diets on his own (and there are very, very many of them) there is the profession of a nutritionist. A qualified nutritionist will select the appropriate nutrition option. Getting a profession as a nutritionist is not easy, but the road can be mastered by those who walk.

Where can I studyfor a nutritionist?

On the one hand, it is very easy to answer the question of where they study to become a nutritionist; the only way to study to become a nutritionist is to enroll in a medical school, since this profession is medical and requires much deeper knowledge than even the best and “advanced” courses can provide. The answer is in medical school. But this answer will be incomplete. On the other hand, to maintain your own health, if you are not overweight or sick, it is enough to complete the courses. But one training to become a nutritionist to another is different. Let's start in order.

Where should a future nutritionist apply? There are several medical universities in Moscow, these are: Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov, the so-called Second Medical, First State Moscow Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov, Faculty of Medicine of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University and Faculty of Medicine of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

In these educational institutions you can study to become a doctor, but not yet to become a nutritionist. Students study at the Department of General Medicine for 6 years and receive general medical training. To obtain a specialty, graduates enter residency in the specialization “Dietetics,” “Endocrinology,” or “Gastroenterology.” The specialization “Dietetics” can be obtained in Moscow only at the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Those who studied in other specializations will need to take a retraining course after completing their residency. More than 8 years – that’s how long you’ll have to study to become a nutritionist to get this profession.

Where else can you go to study to become a nutritionist? Where do nutritionists train?

But a university is not the only place where you can study to become a nutritionist if you do not plan to practice medicine, but have more modest aspirations. In secondary specialized educational institutions you can obtain the profession of Dietary Sister. These are junior medical staff who work under the guidance of a nutritionist. Nurses check the quality of food and the correctness of its storage, prepare a list of necessary products for preparing the menu, monitor the preparation of food and the condition of the catering department, and the health of its workers.

You can study to become a nurse at a medical college or school. For example, Moscow Medical College No. 1, Medical College of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education Medical College named after S.P. Botkin and many other colleges train nursing specialists. The training will last 3-4 years, depending on the existing secondary education.

So, you can study to become a nutritionist in Moscow at medical universities or colleges. The choice of where to study to become a nutritionist depends on the ultimate goal.

Courses where they train to become a nutritionist

Also, in Moscow there are many courses for nutritionists to familiarize themselves with dietetics and thematic seminars in certain areas where they train to become a nutritionist. Such courses can be attended by both doctors who want to retrain as a nutritionist, and ordinary citizens without special education.

Courses where people are trained to become nutritionists can be both short-term, dedicated to a specific narrow topic, and long-term, covering in detail the science of dietetics. For example, at the Training Center of the Association of Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities there is a course in general dietetics, pediatric dietetics and the organization of clinical nutrition. The duration of the courses is 72 academic hours; upon completion, a state-issued certificate is issued. If you don't have special After completing the course, you will not be able to work in a medical institution, but you will be able to give advice on healthy eating to those who wish.

At the university, college, courses - where to study to become a nutritionist, it's up to you to choose.

Currently, the profession of a nutritionist is considered an elite one, since only this specialist is able to competently organize a person’s healthy diet and help him maintain his own health. This article will tell you what this profession is and where you can get trained as a nutritionist.

A nutritionist is a highly specialized doctor who deals with the preparation of a balanced diet.

Is it difficult to study to become a nutritionist?

The answer to the question “is it difficult to study to become a nutritionist” depends on the goals of the study. To pursue a medical career and become a nutritionist, you must graduate from a higher medical school. To enter this specialty, applicants take exams in subjects such as:

  • Russian language;
  • chemistry;
  • biology.

If a person’s tasks do not include conducting medical practice, and training to become a nutritionist is necessary only for one’s own needs, then one can obtain a similar profession (“Dietic Nurse”) in a secondary specialized educational institution.

Pros and cons of the profession

The benefits of working as a nutritionist are:

  • high level of wages;
  • career prospects;
  • opportunity to work abroad.

However, like any other medical profession, the specialty “Dietitian” involves great responsibility for the life and health of patients.

Requirements and Responsibilities

The direct responsibilities of dietitians include:

  • patient examination;
  • selection of an individual diet for the purpose of losing weight for the patient;
  • selection of an individual diet for patients suffering from a particular disease;
  • development of an individual program for maintaining the patient’s weight;
  • consulting patients on health issues and how to implement recommendations;
  • calculation of the volume of the daily diet and single servings, including.

Due to the nature of the profession, a nutritionist must have the following qualities:

  • attentiveness;
  • accuracy;
  • ability to absorb large amounts of information;
  • stress resistance.

Work and salary

Over the past few years, the profession of a nutritionist has been considered an elite profession, as a result of which it is paid quite well. For example, the average salary of a doctor of this specialization in Moscow starts from 55 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the more experience a specialist has and the higher his qualifications, the higher his salary.

If you have the proper education, a nutritionist can apply for a job in:

  • public or private clinic;
  • medical center;
  • beauty salon;
  • fitness center;
  • sports club;
  • sanatoriums;
  • dispensaries;

How to become a nutritionist?

What does it take to work as a nutritionist?

To get a job as a nutritionist, you must first obtain the appropriate education.

It is impossible to become a nutritionist without a medical education. Moreover, after receiving a medical diploma, it is necessary to complete a residency in the specialty “Dietetics”.

Citizens who have previously received a medical education in another specialization can retrain as a nutritionist by completing courses under a retraining and professional development program.

How to get a certificate?

Getting a nutritionist certification is much easier than getting a college degree. However, it is necessary to understand that training centers can only teach the basics of nutrition planning to people who want to take care of their own health on a more professional level.

In addition, there are many retraining and advanced training courses for doctors who already have the necessary medical education. Ordinary citizens can also attend such classes, but in this case the person will not be retrained, but will only receive a certain amount of knowledge and a certificate confirming this fact.

Are there courses for nutritionists without medical education?

Is medical education necessary or are courses enough?

As practice shows, it is possible to become a nutritionist without a medical education. This option is ideal:

  • fitness trainers;
  • athletes;
  • people leading a healthy lifestyle;
  • those wishing to create their own business project on the topic of nutrition.

To achieve success you need:

  • be able to draw up nutrition plans and programs;
  • have theoretical knowledge of dietology and nutritionology;
  • have practical skills and knowledge about the features of existing diets;
  • keep up to date with news in the field of nutrition.

It is important to understand that non-medical dietitian credentialed individuals are permitted to open their own practice or work as a private dietitian, but are not allowed to hold positions in a health care setting, examine patients, or order tests.

Training to become a nutritionist: where to study?


You can obtain the profession of a nutritionist in such higher educational institutions as:

  • Moscow:
    • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;
    • First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov;
    • Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov;
    • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia;
    • Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A. I. Evdokimov.
  • Saint Petersburg:
    • St. Petersburg State University;
    • First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I. P. Pavlov;
    • St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

Courses without medical education in Moscow and St. Petersburg

You can take nutritionist courses at the following institutions:

  • Moscow:
    • "Professional school of bodybuilding and fitness":
      • course “Sports Dietetics”;
      • duration: from 32 to 72 hours;
      • cost: from 7 to 25 thousand rubles.
    • Lyceum "Scientific Fitness":
      • Fitness Nutritionist course;
      • duration: 42 hours;
      • cost: 37.3 thousand rubles.
    • Fitness Professional Training Center "Olympus":
      • course “Dietician-nutritionist”;
      • cost: from 11.5 to 15 thousand rubles.
  • Saint Petersburg:
    • Ben Weider College of Fitness and Bodybuilding:
      • course “Sports Nutritionist”;
      • duration: 96 hours;
      • cost: 34.5 thousand rubles.
    • Center for Nutritionology and Adaptive Nutrition:
      • 7 course topics;
      • duration: from 72 to 256 hours.

Learning remotely

Currently, it is possible to study to become a nutritionist remotely. To do this, you must contact one of the following organizations:

  • CHU OODPO "International Academy of Expertise and Assessment" http://dietologist.maeo.rf
  • Training center for fitness professionals "Olympus"
  • Lara Serebryanskaya Center for Weight Correction and Personal Development

Refresher courses

When choosing courses for nutritionists, you need to pay attention not only to the final cost of the classes, but also to factors such as:

  • Teaching Staff;
  • reputation of the educational institution;
  • course program;
  • availability of teaching materials online;
  • issuance of confirming documents on completion of the course;
  • employment opportunity after completing the course.

It is important to understand that the chosen course program must fully correspond to the future direction of work. For example, fitness instructors need to study not only programs for losing excess weight, but also programs for gaining muscle mass. At the same time, a person who decides to provide advisory services on weight loss does not need information about sports nutrition.

Thus, the profession of a nutritionist is not only in demand, but also truly important. Therefore, taking a course in dietetics will be useful even for an ordinary person who cares about his own health.

According to the Yuri Levada Analytical Center, 43% of the population believes that a banker is the most profitable profession today. 24% believe that the career of a “pop star and show business” brings more income than a bank employee. 23% think that this is the profession of a judge, lawyer and prosecutor. And only 10% find the work of a doctor very profitable. But in vain... bankers, stars, and judges - everyone wants to lead a healthy lifestyle, to have and not gain weight. Who do they turn to for advice? That's right, see a nutritionist.

So, a nutritionist is a doctor who works in the field of organizing proper and rational nutrition. In other words, this is a medical specialist who selects therapeutic nutrition (diet) for people suffering from various diseases.

To become a qualified dietitian, you also need appropriate education. Without him, they will not take on such a responsible position. Higher medical education in the specialty “therapy” and “gastroenterology” is highly valued. If you have completed postgraduate training in dietetics, have a valid certificate or certificate of advanced training in dietetics - all the cards are in your hands.

Requirements for a nutritionist

One thing is true - success comes with experience. When selecting applicants for this vacancy, employers require 1-2 years of experience in the specialty. Its presence in paid clinics is also welcome. In addition, it is necessary to undergo specialization at the Institute for Advanced Medical Studies.

Requirements for a nutritionist by age: in private and regular public clinics, both young specialists and applicants aged 30-45 will be welcome.

Nutritionist salary

Today, the specifics of the profession of a nutritionist leave much to be desired. The fact is that, despite the great demand for this position, there are not so many certified doctors in this profile. Of course, this is influenced by many factors: the region, the city and the region where the specialist lives. And accordingly, the salary of a nutritionist also depends on his “habitat”. For comparison: in Moscow, the salary of an average nutritionist varies between $800-1700. And in other cities, the same nutritionist with the same higher medical education will receive $630-1000.

Where to find a good nutritionist

It is important to realize that there are few professions with a great and profitable future in our time. But there are many professionals with a great future. This begs the question: “Where do such professionals work? Where, for example, can you find a good nutritionist who will do a complete examination of the patient, prescribe medications, give nutrition advice and select a personal diet?” The answer is simple: a nutritionist can work in medical centers and institutions, clinics (private and public), in sports organizations and clubs, in hospitals and sanatoriums, in clinics, in dispensaries and dispensaries, in fitness clubs and in the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. As you can see, the profession of a nutritionist is in demand, and his qualifications from the point of view of career growth are very important.

Qualities of a nutritionist

The personal qualities of a nutritionist are also important:

desire and ability to communicate with people;
listening skills;
communication skills;
tact and politeness;
good memory.

Remember: the profession of a nutritionist is in itself a very responsible and complex one, so radiating health and cheerfulness for a doctor is the main goal of success, otherwise it will be difficult to believe his advice and recommendations.

Basic skills and knowledge when working as a nutritionist:

Perfect knowledge of the principles of classical dietetics;
knowledge of the laws of metabolism in the body;
knowledge of the composition of various products and their effect on the body, both sick and healthy;
knowledge of the chemical composition and physical properties of various dishes;
knowledge of the biological value of products and the substances they contain;
knowledge of the digestive system;
knowledge of methods for preparing all kinds of diets;
ability to use diagnostic equipment.

Simply put, a nutritionist must know not only the theory of his work, but also be an excellent practitioner.

Responsibilities of a dietitian

The responsibilities of a dietitian include:

a complete examination of the patient and his complaints about general well-being and health;
individual selection for weight loss;
selection of a specific method and diet for a patient suffering from a particular disease;
recommendations and consultations on health issues, exercise techniques, and dieting;
calculation of the volume of a single serving and the daily diet as a whole;
competent development of an individual program for maintaining weight or losing weight, taking into account physiological factors (gender - the anatomy of women and men is very different, age) and predispositions (hereditary diseases) of the patient.

A properly formulated diet will allow the patient not only to maintain body weight, but also to avoid atherosclerotic damage to the heart and blood vessels, cholelithiasis, liver diseases, gastric and duodenal ulcers, diabetes and osteoporosis, and many other ailments.

So, to summarize: if you have a heart for medicine, you are ready to take responsibility for the health of patients and adequately provide for yourself in the future - then you can safely work as a nutritionist. You can personally provide your services online; moreover, you can get a job as a personal nutritionist in any beauty salon or organize your own nutrition clinic. If, having started to work, over time you realize that this is not for you, there will always be alternative escape routes. There are a lot of opportunities, the main thing is your desire, faith and hope in success.
And finally, do not forget the saying of the Chinese sage: “Find a job you love, and you will not work.”

Nutritionist(from the Greek díaita - lifestyle, diet.) - a doctor specializing in promoting health through properly selected nutrition. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry and biology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Dietetics- an applied section of medicine dedicated to the organization of rational nutrition.

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “diet” is weight loss. Indeed, nutritionists are working on this problem. Moreover, excess kilograms have a bad effect on well-being. When an overweight person comes to an appointment, the nutritionist weighs him and determines the percentage of water, muscle and fat mass in the body (modern equipment allows this to be done). Be sure to find out what diseases the patient has, what food he prefers, what regime he adheres to, whether he works physically, whether he is allergic to any foods. When all the questions have been answered, the doctor prescribes a diet to help you lose weight.

If the desired weight is achieved, the nutritionist develops a program that allows you to maintain the result for as long as possible.

But there are also other health problems. According to nutritionists, most of them can be alleviated and even eliminated if you adhere to the right diet.

Sometimes the relationship between nutrition and health can only be understood by a doctor. For example, having noticed persistent peeling of the skin, a person goes to a dermatologist. And there he is surprised to learn that the reason is not a fungus or an allergy, but poor liver function. And the liver, in turn, could suffer from food excesses.

A gastroenterologist can treat the liver: he conducts an examination, prescribes medications, and also gives some nutritional advice, i.e. He himself acts as a nutritionist. But recently, more and more often, a nutritionist is involved in the treatment process, who develops a more detailed nutrition program for the patient. The diet must meet all the needs of the body; without this, proper metabolism is impossible. On the other hand, some diseases block the absorption of important elements for the body. The diet should take all this into account. For a good result, not only the products themselves are important, but also how they are prepared and the diet.

Therapeutic diets are used for diabetes mellitus, chronic pancreatitis, gastritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. Many diseases have their own standard diets. But the doctor can make adjustments to them based on the condition of a particular patient.

Athletes They also need a well-designed diet, taking into account sports loads and the characteristics of the body. This is done by a sports nutritionist.


The responsibilities of a dietitian depend on the place of work. For example, in a specialized clinic he consults patients. In a multidisciplinary clinic, a dietitian may also provide advice to other medical specialists on nutritional issues.

Nutritionists working in sports clubs advise athletes and their coaches. They help organize proper nutrition during major competitions.

The dietitian of a hospital or sanatorium is responsible for organizing therapeutic nutrition for all patients. He keeps documentation: he writes out the menu for the week, taking into account diagnoses and appropriate diets. Monitors the correct preparation of dishes in the kitchen and monitors how food is stored. All these stages are very important to ensure that the patient’s nutrition is truly therapeutic.


The profession of a nutritionist allows you to work in a variety of medical institutions. Nutritionists work in clinics specializing in weight loss, in multidisciplinary hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, sanatoriums and dispensaries. And also in fitness clubs and sports organizations.

If you have a penchant for research, you can devote yourself to science. For example, at the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.


Salary as of 02/13/2019

Russia 20000—100000 ₽

Moscow 35000—150000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of a nutritionist requires a sense of responsibility, good memory, goodwill, the ability to communicate with people, and a willingness to learn new knowledge.

The nutritionist himself must radiate health and follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, his recommendations simply will not be trusted.

Knowledge and skills

To be successful in his profession, a nutritionist must have the knowledge of a therapist and gastroenterologist. It is necessary to have a good understanding of the patterns of metabolism in the body and the functioning of the digestive system. Know the composition of basic foods, imagine what their biological value is and how they affect the body in various diseases. Know how to create a diet. As well as diagnostic techniques, be able to use diagnostic equipment.

Training to become a nutritionist

In this course you can obtain the profession of a nutritionist consultant in 3 months and 10,000 rubles. You can also get a profession as a nutrition consultant in 3 months and 10,000 rubles.
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

The issue of healthy eating and advice from a nutritionist special attention is paid. People all over the world are thinking about how to get rid of excess weight. They use all kinds of diets and lead an active lifestyle. However, their actions do not always lead to results. Not all people understand the topic of dietetics. You can spend about two or three hours a day doing sports. And it still won’t help you achieve the desired result. Only the advice of a nutritionist can help. Therefore, this profession is gaining popularity. Nutrition and weight loss counseling is a hot business idea.

Not all specialists providing counseling services on weight loss and nutrition in general have higher education. Advice from nutritionists people really need it. But most nutritionists do not have medical education at all. They rely on their own experience in losing weight and recommend their own methods to their clients. But in some cases, consultations with “self-taught nutritionists” can simply harm the patient. Each client requires an individual approach. Entering the market as a self-taught person is a rather risky endeavor.

Another category of nutritionists are course graduates. The duration of these courses is from one to two years. This knowledge is probably enough to carry out medical activities. But you can hardly call yourself a real specialist nutritionist.

The next category of doctors in this profession are real specialists who graduated from a medical university. They are not found as often as representatives of the above listed groups. However, they are the ones who offer their clients high-quality and professional service. He is obliged to carefully study each client, select a special nutrition program and observe his patient during treatment.

Nutritionists can be divided into two types: specialists working in public and private institutions and those who open private activities. Next we will talk about the second category.

What is the activity of this specialist? Most people have the misconception that a nutritionist provides services solely on issues related to excess weight. But the scope of these services is still much wider. This includes, for example, creating a meal plan.

Classes with clients aimed at acquiring useful knowledge about food products. For example, you can provide information about which products are healthier and what determines this. What dishes should be completely removed from the client’s menu. You can start developing menus for clients who suffer from a serious illness (obesity, diabetes, heart disease).

Provide more services and you can hope to have more patients over time.

If you decide to become a nutritionist, you have options for entering the market.

You can open your own center where you will consult and work with clients. You can rent your office in a medical center, conduct paid seminars at universities, act as an online weight loss consultant. This will require having your own personal website, a webcam with a micron and Skype. You can even write a book or create a video training on DVD.

This business requires knowledge. And you can get them by studying at a university or taking courses. At the same time, you must constantly improve and learn new things.


What is important for a nutritionist to have? First of all, a computer with software. It is better to find special software for nutritionists. You can hire a programmer. He will write you the necessary program. It is important to have these programs for the convenience of creating a diet for any occasion. You also need to have a printer with which you can print diets for your own clients.

In some cases, client test results may be required. They should have them in their hands.

Many people believe that being a nutritionist is more of an opportunity to earn money in their free time. So far it is. However, if we take into account modern trends, where 97 percent of people in our country are not satisfied with their own appearance, as a rule, because of folds on the body, then the prospects for the development of dietetics are broad. It is important to occupy a niche now and have your own promising

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