With fishing greetings, friends!

Have any of you encountered sanctions for entering a water protection zone? Lately, I have been receiving a lot of requests from the fishing forum for help in appealing such penalties.

The point is this:
Clause 4 of Part 15 of Article 65 of the Water Code establishes (for many years) the following prohibition, including motor vehicles, in the water protection zone of a reservoir:
"15.Within the boundaries of water protection zones the following is prohibited:
4) movement and parking of vehicles (except for special vehicles), with the exception of their movement on roads and parking on roads and in specially equipped places with hard surfaces;"

Further, in December 2009, Part 42 of Article 8 was added to the Administrative Code, establishing fine for:
"Violation of the special regime for carrying out economic and other activities on the coastal protective strip of a water body, the water protection zone of a water body, or the regime for carrying out economic and other activities in the territory of the sanitary protection zone of sources of drinking and domestic water supply
1. Use of the coastal protective strip of a water body, water protection zone of a water body in violation of restrictions on economic and other activities -
entails the imposition of an administrative fine for citizens in the amount of three thousand to four thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from eight thousand to twelve thousand rubles; for legal entities - from two hundred thousand to four hundred thousand rubles."

Let me explain: the water protection strip is at least 50m from the shore, more often 200m, and near the sea coast - 500m. EVERYWHERE.

Massive cases of its use were not heard of until 2011. But since 2011, we (the Fishermen's Union) have observed the spread of this practice in the regions. The fisheries authorities, the police, and the prosecutor's office have the authority to draw up appropriate protocols.

My question is absolutely practical. Now - maybe someone heard? - The State Duma is considering the second reading of the bill “On recreational fishing.” We, fishermen, are in the process and closely participate in its discussion. We are members of various working groups, and we will also join the working group in the Duma.
Today is an appropriate opportunity to puzzle legislators with this issue and try to include changes to the Water Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses into the law.

Our idea for the change is this: penalties should apply not for simple entry into the water protection zone, but only in the case of specific and proven damage to nature. Moreover, in this case, of proven damage, in addition to a fine, it is possible to determine the penalty for the damage caused: for dug up turf, for contamination with technical fluids and in winter - for dirty ice from the wheel arches (as you know, it is correct to knock it off when driving off the road into the forest) .

Unfortunately, not all fishermen have the habit of going ashore - not everyone has suitable cars. Accordingly, fishing activists are lazily fighting for this point of demand. Only on this site I was able to find the only topic dedicated to this problem in the “Hunting and Fishing” forum with the collection of signatures for a petition -

If this issue has been discussed somewhere else, please forgive me and provide a link.

And yet, it is no secret that environmentalists generally support any, no matter how strict, bans, therefore they will not help us... Well, the non-prevalence of this practice of mass fines among inspectors and supervisory authorities does not increase activity among motorists. How long will this last? Believe me, it won't take long. So we need to act now - to take advantage of the current campaign. And besides motorists, there is no one to seriously do this.
Apart from fishermen and hunters, don’t other motorists go out into nature to water bodies at least once a year?

All that is needed is to launch a bombardment of appeals from citizens and deputies. So that they feel the presence of public interest in the problem. Let's write the text - our hands are full. But I would like to discuss all this with you first. Without delay.

Now you only have to go fishing in a wheelchair! Any vehicle cannot be parked closer than 200 meters from the river.

What if I need to launch a boat weighing 100 kilos? What, also a fine?

And at what distance from a river, lake, or reservoir can fishermen and vacationers now leave their vehicles?

What is the fine for illegally parking a car in a water protection zone next to a river?

These and other questions puzzled me (and not only me, many fishermen I know) given the current state of innovation in the law on fishing.

At what distance from a body of water can you legally park your car while fishing?

It turns out that since 2010, the rules and law on fishing have had a special article - Article 65 or something, which says where and at what distance you can move and stand on vehicles near a reservoir.

The parking distance for vehicles, in particular a car, is regulated by the length of the river.

So the width and boundaries of the water protection zone are determined by the length:

  • up to 10 km - 50 meters,
  • from 10 to 50 km - 100 meters,
  • from 50 and more - 200 meters.

Those who decide to swim in the sea should leave their car as much as half a kilometer from the high tide line.

This article of the law also says that traffic seems to be allowed - I’ll quote:

“Within the boundaries of water protection zones it is prohibited:

movement and parking of vehicles (except for special vehicles), with the exception of their movement on roads and parking on roads and in specially equipped places with hard surfaces;"

So you can’t drive on country roads along the river anymore?! And not only by car, but also by any other transport - even by bicycle!

A fisherman on a bicycle is also a driver, and a bicycle is his vehicle, according to traffic rules.

Nowadays, you can only get close to the river in a wheelchair - it’s an exception to the traffic police rules.

And now about the sickest thing - if you violated the above law, you will receive a fine - this is Article 8.42 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

And today it’s 3-4.5 thousand rubles for ordinary fishermen!

And again, an extract from the law:

“The use of the coastal protective strip of a water body, the water protection zone of a water body in violation of restrictions on economic and other activities...

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three thousand to four thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from eight thousand to twelve thousand rubles; for legal entities - from two hundred thousand to four hundred thousand rubles.”

Yes, fishing in the summer is a good way to pump up your muscles! With a boat, and with a motor, if you leave the car 200 meters away, you will have to go to the river 2-3 times.

And then back again - it all overshadows proper rest and communication with nature!

By the way, washing the car is also prohibited! And before you wash your car by the river yourself, think. Otherwise the fine is the same...

And also, about the ban and access to the shores of the water protection zone

But what about castles, palaces and cottages built right on the river bank? What about the lands of reservoirs purchased and taken on long-term lease from the state?

You can’t approach the river from their side anymore! Everything is blocked off by high fences with barbed wire and blocked by barriers.

Again, I repeat, money rules in Russia today! The law is like a pole!

And what does ecology have to do with it?

What motivates the ban on vehicle access to the river? Are we violating the ecology of the country's biological resources? So what?

Allegedly, the car has all sorts of chemicals coming out of a bucket. But doesn’t a two-stroke boat engine cause more harm (gasoline and exhaust end up in the water)?

Real fishermen will never harm nature!

And what about the trash that vacationers leave behind here and there?

And now, another 200 meters away, not everyone wants to take a garbage bag with them and then still look for somewhere to put it.

And the car washers are certainly harmful to the environment! I agree, they should be punished with both rubles and floggings!

It is necessary to change (modify) not only the crude laws, but also those of the ties that created and approved them. After all, honestly, they don’t know anything about fishing - and not only about it!

The law is idiotic, any boat gas engine with exhaust into the water is hundreds of times more harmful than a car standing at the edge of the water.

And also, some said that if there is no sign, then they cannot fine you. But they can. There is judicial practice where such non-believers were punished with a fine. They seem to say we don’t see the sign. And the court answered them - the law will be more important!

And ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility! So that…

That's all for today - comment what you think about this.

But such fish inspectors need to be punished themselves, and not with a ruble, but with a whip on the butt!

NHNCH (No tail, no scales) to everyone!

Relaxing on the shore of a reservoir is a popular entertainment. However, not everywhere you can simply drive up by car and stand on the shore: if the parking area turns out to be a water protection zone, the culprit will face punishment. Let's figure out what this zone is, why stopping is prohibited in this environmental protection zone, where you can park near the river, and who and what fine can be issued for illegal parking in the prohibited zone.

What is a water protection zone?

The definition of a water protection zone is given by Art. 65 VK RF. According to its norms, this term means area adjacent to the boundaries of a body of water, and on which it acts special treatment activities. The purpose of this regime is to prevent:

  • water pollution;
  • depletion of water sources;
  • disruption of habitat for aquatic plants and animals.

The sign is installed on a white pole near a pond.

Width water protection zone varies depending on the status of the reservoir and fluctuates from 30 to 500 m. The exact minimum size established for rivers, reservoirs, lakes and seas can be found in the Water Code of the Russian Federation, but there is one exception - Baikal. A special status has been established for it, and the width of the security zone is regulated by Art. 3 Federal Law “On the protection of Lake Baikal”.

There are bodies of water for which a protection zone is not established. These are rivers and streams taken into sewers. If normal regime were in effect in these facilities, life in many cities would be extremely difficult.

The water protection zone also includes a protective strip of water bodies. This is the part of the zone that is directly adjacent to the shoreline of the reservoir. Sometimes both of these concepts coincide: for example, for streams and rivers with a length from source to mouth of less than 10 km, the water protection zone and the protective strip are one and the same.

The main difference between a water protection zone and a protective strip is the greater severity of the regime. If it is still possible to conduct at least some economic activity in the water protection zone, then Almost nothing is allowed on the protective strip- no plowing, no dumping, no grazing.

Is it possible to drive up to the river by car and is parking allowed?

Who can be held accountable for violating the water protection zone?

Employees of the following organizations have the right to hold administratively accountable for parking near the shore of a reservoir:

  • Rosprirodnadzor, and specifically - water protection inspectors.
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation(usually a traffic police inspector).

In the water protection zone outside of roads and parking lots, parking of only special vehicles is permitted and only in accordance with the rules in force for it. Therefore, if an inspector arrives in an ordinary car, he himself will break the law.

Places where parking is allowed near bodies of water

Near the shore of a river, lake or sea, vehicle access to water is possible only in the following places:

  • On the side of the road if it runs near the coast.
  • In special equipped parking lots with hard surfaces. Even if it is placed in violation, the problem will be with the one who built it, and not with the driver.
  • Beyond the line limiting the water protection zone.

When using the latter method, you should focus primarily on prohibition signs.

The absence of signs does not mean that parking is allowed.

How to check the location of a charger in a water protection zone?

As a result, whether a particular site belongs to a water protection zone is decided by the authorities in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 17 of 2009. According to this resolution, the boundaries of the zone are considered established only from the moment when the corresponding entry made by EGRN– real estate register. Therefore, when planning a vacation on the banks of a river or lake, you can check a specific area in advance using the cadastral map.

This is done like this:

  1. First you need to open the website of the Public Cadastral Map.
  2. Then select the region you are interested in. The easiest way to do this is to simply drag the cursor over the interactive map and zoom in using the mouse wheel or double-click on the area of ​​interest.
  3. If the cadastral number of the plot is known (which is rare), you can immediately enter it in the search form - it is located on the left side of the screen under the magnifying glass icon.
  4. If the site number is unknown, you will have to navigate using the map. To do this, you need to find the body of water you are interested in, and on its shore - a specific point. For reference, you can use the features indicated on the map: bends of the river bed, roads, nearby settlements. If necessary, you can switch the map to the mode of reflecting aerospace images (this is done using the control panel, you can find it on the left). However, you need to remember: topographical designations and photographs in some regions overlap each other in an extremely unique way, and the backlash can reach 20-50 meters.
  5. Then you need to switch the map to the mode for displaying zones with special rules of use. You can do this by clicking on the “Manage Card” icon on the panel (it looks like an icon in the form of a stack of paper sheets). In the window that opens, you need to check the “Zones with special conditions for using the territory” item in the menu.
  6. If everything is done correctly, part of the area around the pond will immediately be filled with light and dark green. Dark green is a coastal protective strip, light green is a water protection zone.
  7. By looking at the map, you can find out whether the area you have chosen falls within this zone.

This method works almost everywhere, but you need to take into account: filling out a cadastral map and clarifying the boundaries of plots is a lengthy process, and it is not completed everywhere. If you want to relax and go fishing on a river located in the outback, you may stumble upon a region where cadastral information has not yet been clarified. If in doubt, you should contact your local office of Rosprirodnadzor or Rosrybolovstvo and clarify the status of the site.