Museums on the territory of the Timiryazev Academy. Timiryazev Academy: building, interiors, park

Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev is the oldest higher agricultural educational institution in Russia. The day of its foundation is considered December 3, 1865, when the government order was announced on the opening of the Petrovsky Agricultural and Forestry Academy. The establishment of a new educational institution was a response to the challenge of the time. Russia was in dire need of educated specialists capable of organizing agricultural production on a scientific basis. Back in 1857, the Moscow Society of Agriculture recognized the need to found an agricultural institute on the Petrovsko-Razumovskoye estate near Moscow. On October 27, 1865, the Charter of the Petrovsky Agricultural and Forestry Academy was established, in the development of which the future director of the academy, Doctor of Botany N.I., took part. Zheleznov and professor of chemistry P.A. Ilyenkov. According to paragraph No. 1 of the charter, “Petrovskaya Agricultural and Forestry Academy had the goal of disseminating information on agriculture and forestry.”
It was a democratic, open educational institution, where representatives of different classes were freely admitted as students and listeners. The following subjects were taught at the academy: agriculture, general and private cattle breeding, veterinary sciences, rural construction and engineering, forestry, agricultural and forestry technology, practical mechanics, lower geodesy, chemistry, physics and meteorology, botany, zoology, mineralogy and geognosy , political economy and theology. In the first years of its existence, the academy had only two departments - agriculture and forestry, where about 400 students studied. Here are some significant milestones in the history of the formation and development of the Petrovsky - Timiryazev Academy - Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev.

July 14, 1865 The first meeting of the Academy Council took place. The Council included all professors of the academy. The following issues were subject to his jurisdiction: improving teaching, distributing subjects among teachers, awarding scholarships, awarding academic degrees, allowing outsiders to give lectures at the academy, reviewing teaching programs.

January 25, 1866 the opening of the lectures took place. In the large hall of the auditorium building (now the administrative building), the director of the academy N.I. Zheleznov made a speech addressed to the first students of the academy.

In 1866 the “Regulations on the structure and management of the farm of the Petrovsky Academy” are approved, according to which “the farm should serve as a guide for students in studying the predominantly economic side of the farm.”

In 1870-1871 on the initiative of the head gardener of the academy R.I. Schroeder founded a dendrological garden in which half of all known species of conifers were represented. At the same time, fish breeding and silk breeding establishments were organized, and even earlier, an apiary.

In 1872 according to the instructions of K.A. Timiryazev and I.A. Stebut, the first growing house in Russia is being built - an “experimental station of a physiological type.” In the same year, a meteorological observatory was organized, which began to conduct regular meteorological observations in 1879.

In 1866 for carrying out scientific work at the Academy by Professor I.A. Stebut drew up an organizational plan for the experimental field, and in 1876 a program for an experimental station for testing agricultural machines and implements was developed.

Since 1871 Teaching began at the Academy of Horticulture and Horticulture.

In 1872 The council drew up a program to study “in theoretical and practical terms” fertilizer fertilizers from phosphorites located in the Kursk province.

At the beginning of 1872 New rules were introduced for students, according to which entrance exams were introduced; only those who graduated from a gymnasium or a real school were accepted into the academy. The full course of study lasted 4 years.

In 1873 The second Charter of the Academy was approved. Petrovskaya Agricultural and Forestry Academy became “a higher educational institution aimed at providing young people with a scientific education in agriculture and forestry.”

In 1878–1879 The academy continues to develop educational and support institutions, a forestry museum is organized and a forest nursery is established, and a meteorological station is opened on the experimental field. The academic library at the end of the seventies consisted of about 25 thousand volumes.

The end of the 1980s was marked by many changes in the academy.
May 30, 1889 The Regulations on the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy were approved (in particular, the forestry department was liquidated), and on March 12, a new charter was adopted, repeating the previous one in its main features.

In connection with the revolutionary ferment among students February 1, 1894 the academy was closed. At the end of January 1894, the last public meeting of the Council of the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy took place, at which V.R. Williams defended his master's thesis on the topic “Research Experience in the Field of Mechanical Analysis of Soils.”

In June 1894 The Moscow Agricultural Institute was established in Petrovsko-Razumovsky, with the goal of “providing its students with higher education in agriculture and agricultural engineering.” The institute had two departments: agricultural and agricultural engineering. Common subjects for both departments were: geodesy, physics with meteorology, mineralogy and geology, soil science, botany (anatomy, morphology, systematics, plant physiology), zoology, entomology, general and private agriculture, general animal science, fundamentals of political economy and statistics, agricultural economics, jurisprudence, the doctrine of agricultural machines and tools, theology.
Master of Physics K.A. was appointed the first director of the institute. Rachinsky, his assistant - Professor N.M. Kulagin, members of the board - professors V.R. Williams and A.V. Martynov. When the institute was organized, in addition to educational and auxiliary institutions that existed before (forest dacha, farm, garden, experimental field, meteorological observatory, library), it had classrooms: physics, chemistry, geodesy, mineralogy and geology, zoology, botany, forestry , agricultural.

In the first years of the institute’s life, in addition to the existing ones, a number of new classrooms were organized: bacteriological, general agriculture, private agriculture, soil science. Professor S.I. Rostovtsev founded the botanical garden.

In 1896 Professor D.N. Pryanishnikov was given a growing house built by K. A. Timiryazev at the Nizhny Novgorod exhibition. During these same years, a number of buildings were expanded and a gas plant was built for the needs of institute laboratories.

From 1895 to 1898 At the meteorological observatory, the “Central Russian Meteorological Network” operated, covering 10 central provinces. The birth of the breeding station dates back to this period.

In 1903 Assistant at the Department of General Agriculture and Soil Science D.L. Rudzinsky, with the assistance of V.R. Williams, began the first systematic work on the selection of wheat, oats and potatoes, and from 1905, peas, in sections of the experimental field. These works laid the foundation for the breeding station of the institute.
On the initiative of D.N. Pryanishnikov in the 1896/97 academic year organized excursions for third-year students to landowners' farms and experimental stations. Such excursions were conducted annually by D.N. Pryanishnikov, K.A. Werner, V.R. Williams and other teachers.

After 1917 a new stage in the history of the academy began. First of all, its name was restored - Petrovskaya Agricultural Academy, the charter and organizational structure of the academy were changed, new curricula and programs were created.

In December 1923 The Council of People's Commissars decided: “To rename the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy to the Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev."

Since 1936 The academy has a structure that in general terms coincides with the current one. The scientific and educational potential of Timiryazevka was so great that over one and a half dozen universities and research institutes were created on its basis in Moscow and other cities of the country. In the early 30s, on the basis of the academy's faculties, the Institute of Hydro-Reclamation, the Institute of Agricultural Engineers, and the Institute of the Fishing Industry were created. In subsequent years, the Faculty of Correspondence Education was transformed into the All-Union Agricultural Institute of Correspondence Education.

February 20, 1940 For outstanding success in the development of agriculture, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the academy was awarded the Order of V.I. Lenin. In the same year, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution on the protection of the territory of the TSHA.

In the first days of the Great Patriotic War, more than 500 professors, teachers, researchers, graduate students, students, workers and employees went to the front as part of the people's militia, fighter battalions and other formations, which were then included in the active units of the Red Army. 1,300 Timiryazevites took part in the construction of defensive structures on the approaches to Moscow, over 400 employees joined the air defense detachments. More than 1,000 students went to collective and state farms, where they replaced tractor drivers and combine operators who had gone to the front. The names of 170 Timiryazevites are carved on the stele of the memorial erected in the academy park in honor of the fallen soldiers. The inscription on the monument reads: “To her sons and daughters who gave their lives for the Motherland, grateful Timiryazevka.”
The main activities of Timiryazevka were not interrupted during the war years. She was temporarily in Samarkand, but already in 1943 classes resumed in Moscow. During difficult times of war, the Academy trained over 1,250 agronomists, livestock specialists, economists, and more than 200 teachers for secondary agricultural educational institutions. 150 candidates and doctors of science; scientists have developed 10 new varieties of crops.

Academy scientists took an active part in the development of virgin and fallow lands. More than 9 million hectares of land were surveyed, 232 soil maps and cartograms were compiled and submitted for production.
For the active participation of scientists and students in the development of virgin and fallow lands in 1979, the academy was awarded a commemorative medal “In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the beginning of the development of virgin and fallow lands.” Eleven Timiryazev residents were awarded medals “For the development of virgin lands”; fifteen scientists were awarded the first prize named after Academician V.R. for their work in virgin lands. Williams.

In 1950 The Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution that defined the tasks of the academy, its structure, the fundamentals of educational activities and measures to develop the material base. TSHA received the status of the country's leading agricultural university.
To replenish the scientific and teaching staff, it was allowed to leave 50-60 trainees from among the best students at experimental stations and departments in order to continue their further studies in graduate school. Personalized scholarships were established for the best undergraduate and graduate students. The staff of researchers and scientific support personnel increased, which made it possible to strengthen the composition of experimental institutions and expand their number.

In 1952“Izvestia of the TSKhA” began to be published again, continuing the interrupted tradition of publishing “Izvestia of the Petrovsky Agricultural and Forestry Academy”, which had been going on since 1878.

December 3, 1965 “for great merits in the training of highly qualified personnel, the development of agricultural science in connection with the 100th anniversary of its founding,” the academy was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

An important role in the development of the academy was played by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, dated August 23, 1966, “On the development of the Agricultural Academy named after. K.A. Timiryazev."

In August 1977 The academy was approved by the educational and scientific center.

In 1988 On the basis of the academy, an Educational and Methodological Association for Agronomic and Agroeconomic Education was created to coordinate the actions of universities to develop and improve state professional programs of higher education, monitor its quality, and improve personnel and methodological support.

In 1994 The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation registered the State Educational Institution “Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev" (MSHA). In the same year, a charter was adopted that read: “The Academy is a leading educational, scientific methodological complex that trains highly qualified specialists and retrains management personnel, specialists and researchers.”

In July 1997 The Moscow Registration Chamber has registered the State Educational Institution “Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev."

In 1998 A faculty of military training was opened on the basis of the military department.

In 1999 The International Association “Agricultural Education” was established, which is a non-profit organization and voluntary public association of agricultural educational institutions in Russia and the CIS countries.

In 2001 a new Charter of the Academy was adopted, which states that the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev" implements educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education in a wide range of areas of training and specialties, carries out training and retraining, advanced training of scientific and pedagogical workers, management personnel and specialists in the agro-industrial complex, carries out fundamental and applied scientific research in agricultural and related sciences, carries out information and consulting activities in the agro-industrial complex, is a leading scientific and methodological center in the agricultural sector of Russia.

In 2004 The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev" issued a Certificate of State Accreditation and a License for the right to carry out educational activities in the field of secondary, higher, postgraduate and additional professional education in 76 specialties and specializations.
On April 14, 2004, the Academy was awarded the National Prize named after P.A. Stolypin “Russian Agrarian Elite” in the nomination “For training personnel for agriculture.” At the same time, the Academy became a laureate of the “European Quality” competition in the category “100 Best Universities of Russia”, held by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Education Committee of the Federation Council, and the Education and Science Committee of the State Duma.

April 21, 2005 by order of the Federal Agency for Agriculture to the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, the Higher School of Agro-Industrial Complex Management was annexed as its structural unit - the Institute of Continuing Education "Higher School of Agro-Industrial Management".

June 20, 2005 Order No. 454 of the Federal Agency for Agriculture “Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev" received a new accreditation status and was renamed the Federal State Educational Institution "Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev" (FSOU VPO RGAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev).

In 2007 The university won the competition for innovative educational programs held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. As part of the implementation of the IEP “Formation of an innovative educational environment at the Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev to train a new generation of agricultural specialists”, modern equipment was purchased for a total of 285 million rubles, new innovation-oriented divisions were created, the activities of which are focused on the formation of a unified educational, scientific and innovative complex.

October 11, 2008 By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1343, the University was included in the State Code of Especially Valuable Objects of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.

November 20, 2009 By the decision of the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev was given the status of the basic organization of the CIS member states for training, advanced training and retraining of personnel in the field of agricultural education.

In 2012 According to monitoring of the activities of universities conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the University, together with its branch in Kaluga, was among the 29 most effective universities out of 59 agricultural universities.

May 20, 2013 Minister of Agriculture N.V. Fedorov signed order No. 215 on the reorganization of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev" (hereinafter referred to as the University), the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow State Agricultural Engineering University named after V.P. Goryachkin" and the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering". (hereinafter referred to as educational institutions) in the form of joining the University of educational institutions as structural divisions.

April 4, 2014 by order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 15-u on the approval of Amendments and additions No. 1 to the Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education RGAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Moscow State Agricultural Engineering University named after V.P. Goryachkina" and the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering" are affiliated to the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education. From this day on, the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev is the legal successor of the rights and obligations of the above universities.

Currently The university is a powerful educational, research and production complex, having a unique natural and architectural historical landscape, located in the city of Moscow. The University's property complex includes 337 real estate objects with a total area of ​​more than 300 thousand square meters, incl. in Moscow, Kaluga, Tambov, Yaroslavl, Saratov regions, etc. The structure of the university includes: 2 branches - Kaluga and Yerevan, 4 institutes, 16 faculties, 100 departments, postgraduate and doctoral studies, Higher School of Agribusiness, various centers, laboratories and other departments . Most of the objects were built more than 50 years ago, and some of them were built more than 100 years ago.

The university has a high scientific and educational human resources potential. The University employs more than 3,700 people, including 1,470 teaching staff, of which 1,026 are (70%) have academic degrees and titles. Among them are 30 full members and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 35 Honored Workers of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, as well as Laureates of various State Prizes of the Russian Federation.
More than 19,800 people study in higher professional education programs at the University, of which 2,070 are part-time and part-time, and 3,360 are part-time. Training of bachelors, masters and specialists is carried out in 18 enlarged groups of areas of training and specialties (39 bachelor's programs, 41 specialty programs, 25 master's programs), including Economics and Management, Agriculture and Fisheries, Reproduction and Processing of Forest Resources, Food Technologies products and consumer goods, Architecture and construction, Energy, power engineering and electrical engineering, Chemical and biotechnology, Life safety, Environmental management and environmental protection.

The training of highly qualified personnel is carried out in 22 enlarged groups of training areas and 69 postgraduate training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel: Computer and Information Sciences, Physics and Astronomy, Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, Biological Sciences, Construction Engineering and Technologies, Informatics and Computer Science , Electrical and thermal engineering, Nuclear, thermal and renewable energy and related technologies, Mechanical engineering, Industrial ecology and biotechnology, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Technologies, mechanization and power equipment in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, Veterinary and animal science , Economics, Psychological Sciences, Jurisprudence, Education and Pedagogical Sciences, Historical Sciences and Archeology, Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies. The number of postgraduate students is 403 people, of which 324 are full-time students.

Over the past decades, the university has done a lot to improve the training of certified specialists, expand and improve the material base. The number of students, postgraduate students and trainees has increased (the total number of students in all forms of education has exceeded 10,000 people). New faculties were opened: technological, accounting and financial, faculty of military education; new specialties appeared: “biology”, “applied computer science”, “gardening and landscape construction”, “management”, “finance and credit”, “marketing” and others. New educational buildings, a canteen, a library, a vivarium, an equestrian arena, and three new student dormitories were built.

Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, having strong historical roots and enormous potential, is the largest agricultural university in Russia, which implements almost all the specialties and areas of specialist training necessary for the development of rural areas, production and processing of agricultural products. The University is doing a lot of work to form an innovative structure of the university, develop and implement modern methods and means of teaching, create educational and research centers and modernize educational laboratories, and improve the qualifications of teaching staff. The result of further development of research and innovation activities will be the strengthening of the national and international positions of the university as the basic agricultural University of Russia for the implementation of the tasks set in the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Markets for Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food for 2013-2020.

Wrote in October 28th, 2013

Timiryazev Academy is not only the largest university training professionals for agriculture, but also a wonderful corner of old Moscow, where Benoit and Iofan coexist, ancient characters frolic in the park, and live cows moo at the zoo station.

Russian State Agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev is a higher agricultural educational institution, one of the oldest Russian universities. The founding date is considered to be December 3, 1865; on this day the order was issued to open the Petrovsky Agricultural and Forestry Academy. The complex includes about a hundred buildings: estates, wooden and brick buildings of the 19th century, student dormitories in the constructivist style, modern buildings, utility and service premises. Over the course of its history, the university has changed several names, so for brevity I will call it the Academy.

The academic grounds are located along Timiryazevskaya Street, which was originally a suburban New Highway and only after the revolution found itself within the boundaries of Moscow. In 1886, a rail track was laid to the Academy; a small locomotive with several carriages transported summer residents and the public to public festivities. In 1922, the “steam train” was replaced by a tram with a turning circle opposite the Academy.

The closest metro station to the Academy is Petrovsko-Razumovskaya, but for a complete experience it is better to take a trip on tram No. 27. In Krasnostudenchesky Proezd, a tram pavilion from 1926, architect Evgeny Shervinsky (Tramwaytrest), has been preserved.


Some residential buildings in Krasnostudenchesky Proezd were built in 1935-1938 as dormitories and, according to local residents, Timiryazev students were housed in them.

Connoisseurs of original cast iron hatches can find the "1971 Experiment" in the courtyards. and "PAVINT Perm".

The retro atmosphere is complemented by the ZIL-150 (or ZIL-164) truck - the workhorse of the Soviet national economy of the 1950-1960s with an emergency kung.

The tram rumbled past the vast experimental fields and stopped on the square in front of the Academy.

In the 16th century, on the site of the current Academy there was a wasteland and the small village of Semchino, later renamed Petrovskoye. In 1746, the village came into the possession of Count Kirill Grigorievich Razumovsky. Then the arrangement of the Petrovsko-Razumovskoye estate began. In 1861, the estate was purchased by the treasury “for the purpose of establishing an agronomic institute, a farm and other agricultural institutions.” Instead of the old, dilapidated mansion, the main academic building was built in the Baroque style according to the design of the architect Nikolai Leontyevich Benois.

The Academy was a democratic, open educational institution, where representatives of different classes were freely admitted as students and listeners. The following subjects were taught here: agriculture, general and private cattle breeding, veterinary sciences, rural construction and engineering art, forestry, agricultural and forestry technology, practical mechanics, lower geodesy, chemistry, physics and meteorology, botany, zoology, mineralogy and geognosy, political economics and theology. In the first years of its existence, the Academy had only two departments - agricultural and forestry, where about 400 students studied.

1852: On the site of this palace in 1863 the main academic building will rise.

In some places the cobblestone street is visible.

The building is decorated with a clock tower from the Bunetop brothers. Later, the turret was supplemented with images of the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Unusual convex window glass


Between the mansion and the Great Garden Pond there was a French-style park with sculptures, vases and a fountain. At all times, the park was attractive to creative people; writers Leo Tolstoy, Chekhov, Ostrovsky, Prishvin, and the painter Shishkin strolled along its alleys. In the 1740s-1860s, the park was called French, from the 1860s to 1920s - Academic, in the 1930s it became the Timiryazev Park of Culture and Leisure. And since 1965 it has had its modern name - Historical.

Upper terraces of the park in 1915:

Composition "Seasons" of four sculptures

Bas-relief in memory of Soviet soldiers who defended their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War

Grotto in the park. 1914:

The grotto on the shore of the Great Garden Pond, created in 1806 by Adam Menelas in the spirit of ancient Greek buildings, had become very dilapidated by the beginning of the 20th century and served as a place for secret meetings of revolutionaries. A criminal story is connected with the stone grotto, which happened back in 1869 and was described in Dostoevsky’s novel “Demons”. Agitator-rebel, founder of the group "People's Retribution" Sergei Nechaev shot his comrade-in-arms, student Ivanov, here, suspecting him of betraying revolutionary ideals.

There were times when only decently dressed townspeople were allowed into the park for public festivities. Our contemporaries, although they have “begun to dress better,” are reaching out with playful little hands with the intention of breaking something off or leaving graffiti, so the administration is forced to restrict entry to the park. The administration can be understood: the priority task of any university is to provide quality education to its students, and not to fight vandalism.

Church of Peter and Paul, 1920-1923:

Almost all historical objects (albeit with alterations) have survived to this day. The main architectural loss is the Church of Peter and Paul, located to the right of the main building of the academy, right on the roadway of what is now Timiryazevskaya Street; it was destroyed in 1934.

The Church of Peter and Paul was demolished, 1934-1935. View from the water tower designed by Shukhov (not preserved):

"The stone patrimonial church, golden-domed, with white-stone carved platbands and twisted columns, was consecrated in 1691. All Muscovites spoke about its “wonderful splendor.” It became not only a wonderful monument of the Moscow Baroque, but also the most remarkable building in the village of Petrovskoye, remaining so For centuries, young Peter I adored his grandfather’s estate and its church. According to legend, he sang in the choir, read the Apostle and presented this liturgical book from 1684 with his own inscription to the church.

On December 3, 1865, the Petrovsk Agricultural and Forestry Academy opened to everyone who wanted to receive an agricultural education. The first rector of the academic Peter and Paul Church and the first teacher of theology at the academy was Professor Yakov Golovin. He built his own wooden house with a mezzanine on Vyazovaya Street in Petrovsko-Razumovsky, nicknamed the priest’s house.

Vasily Williams is a Russian and Soviet soil scientist-agronomist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, one of the founders of agronomic soil science. A monument to Williams on the site of the temple was erected in 1947.

In the park on the square there is a monument to Kliment Timiryazev. To list all the merits and regalia of the great Russian botanist, a whole page of text would be needed.

Several museums have been opened at the Academy, whose exhibitions will tell about the history of Timiryazevka and some branches of agriculture:
Geological and Mineralogical Museum
State Museum of Animal Husbandry named after E.F. Liskun
Zoological Museum named after N.M. Kulagin
TSHA stories
Horse breeding
Memorial Museum-Apartment of K.A. Timiryazev
Anatomy Museum
Thanks to all the authors of the site who share priceless personal memories with the townspeople. Special thanks to Stanislav Gennadyevich Velichko, who posted a unique historical archive on


Main administrative building, administration of the RSAU-MSHA named after. Timiryazeva

In the 16th century there was a wasteland and a small village of Semchino. This area belonged to the boyar Alexander Ivanovich Shuisky. In 1639, it passed to the nephew of Ivan Ivanovich Shuisky, boyar Semyon Vasilyevich Prozorovsky (d. 1660). In 1676, the Semchino estate was acquired by the boyar Kirill Poluektovich Naryshkin (1623-1691). It was built in 1692 Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul(dismantled in 1938). According to one version, it was from this church that the new name of the village came - Petrovskoye. According to another version, the village owes its name to Tsar Peter the Great, who was the nephew of Lev Kirillovich Naryshkin (1664-1705).

Church of Peter and Paul in Petrovsko-Razumovsky, photo by N.A. Naidenov, 1888

In 1746, the village, as a dowry of Ekaterina Ivanovna Naryshkina (1729-1771), came into the possession of Count Kirill Grigorievich Razumovsky (1728-1803), brother of Alexei Razumovsky (1709-1771), favorite and secret husband of Empress Elizabeth. Under Kirill Razumovsky, the establishment of the estate began. At the same time, the second part of the name of the estate appeared - Razumovskoye. In the place where Timiryazevskaya Street now runs, according to the design of the architect A.F. Kokorinov, the main manor house was built in the form of a closed square with an extensive courtyard. A dam was built on the Zhabnya River (as Zhabenka was then called), thanks to which a cascade of ponds appeared - Bolshiye Sadovye. A regular park was laid out in the French style, and terraces were created that have survived to this day. Another attraction of the park has also been preserved - the grotto, which formerly decorated the pavilion, from where the owner of the estate and guests admired the surroundings. The economic complex consisted of almost 50 buildings.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, Petrovsko-Razumovskoye was occupied by the French cavalry army of Marshal Ney. Napoleon also visited here. The French plundered the village, cut down the park, and desecrated the temple. Then the estate changed several owners, and in 1829 it was acquired by the Moscow pharmacist P.A. von Schultz.

The village of Petrovskoye and the future Timiryazevsky Park, 1823 based on a photograph taken in 1818, Military Topographic Depot at the Main Headquarters of His Imperial Majesty

Petrovskaya Academy

In 1861, Petrovsko-Razumovskoye was purchased by the treasury by “highest order” for 250 thousand rubles, “for the purpose of establishing an agronomic institute, a farm and other agricultural institutions.” The dilapidated palace of the Razumovsky estate was dismantled, and in its place, according to the design of the architect Nikolai Leontyevich Benois (1813-1898), the architect P.S. Campioni built the main educational building in the Baroque style. It is decorated with a clock tower and unique convex glass from Finland, which has survived to this day. At the same time, the service premises of the second half of the 18th century were rebuilt - outbuildings, a greenhouse (which housed the Agricultural Museum), an arena, a farm, etc.

Rectorate of the RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev, view from the side of the regular park, photo from the Internet

It was opened on December 3, 1865 Petrovsky Agricultural and Forestry Academy- the highest agricultural institution of the Russian Empire. Among the first professors of the academy were the chemist P.A. Ilyenkov (1821-1877), agricultural practitioner I.A. Strebut (1833-1923), naturalist K.A. Timiryazev (1843-1920), economist M.P. Shchepkin ( 1832-1908), economist A.V. Chayanov (1888-1937), soil scientist V.R. Williams (1863-1939), etc. Timiryazev taught at the Academy from 1872 to 1894 and even lived on its territory, but his house has not survived to this day.

In terms of its status, the Petrine Academy was higher than what existed at that time Gory-Goretsky Agricultural Institute(now the Belarusian Agricultural Academy). Initially, the Academy was an all-class educational institution open to all classes, where students freely chose subjects; There were no entrance or transfer exams. Academic studies were combined with agricultural practice and experimental work.

In 1869, a murder occurred in the grotto of Academy Park, which shocked the entire country and served as the basis for Dostoevsky’s novel “Demons.” Student Ivanov was killed by members of the secret revolutionary organization “People’s Retribution” (Nechaevites) for the sake of its unity.

On January 1, 1879, regular meteorological observations began at the Meteorological Observatory at the Petrovsky Academy, thereby marking the beginning of weather observations in Moscow. In 1889, the forestry department was abolished, and the academy began to be called agricultural. In 1895-1898, Professor S.I. Rostovtsev (1861-1916) founded the botanical garden. At the end of the 19th century, a breeding station appeared where many varieties of winter wheat, oats, peas, potatoes, etc. were bred.

Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev

In 1917, Petrovsko-Razumovskoye became part of Moscow. In 1923, the Petrovsky Academy was renamed the Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. In the 1930s, construction of residential buildings began. In 1991, the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station was opened.

On June 20, 2005, the academy received the name Federal State Educational Institution “Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev.”

Currently, the Moscow Agricultural Academy has the following faculties:

  • Agronomic,
  • Soil science, agrochemistry and ecology,
  • Gardening and landscape architecture,
  • Zooengineering,
  • Economic,
  • Accounting and financial
  • Humanitarian and pedagogical,
  • Technological,
  • Full-time, correspondence and distance education,
  • Pre-university training.

Interdisciplinary centers and research and production associations have been created.

Photos of the buildings of the Timiryazev Academy

Unfortunately, it is not possible to enter the estate; it is surrounded by a high fence. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can find a hole or climb over a fence. All we have left to admire is the appearance of the Timiryazev Academy from Timiryazevskaya Street.

Department of Forestry, Moscow Academy of Agriculture, Forest Cabinet Museum, 18th century

Bust of K.A.Timiryazev, sculptor M.M.Strakhovskaya, architect S.E.Chernyshev, 1924

View of Larch Alley, once the main entrance to the Petrovsko-Razumovskoye estate from the Dmitrovskaya road

Address of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev: 127550 Moscow, st. Timiryazevskaya, 49

My great-grandfather Gavriil Ivanovich Goretsky and my great-grandmother Larisa Iosifovna Parfenovich graduated from the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy. It was thanks to the comprehensive education provided by the Academy that my great-grandfather, an economist by training, was able to become a geologist and academician. Perhaps this is what saved his life during the terrible years of repression.

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Russian State Agrarian
University - MSHA named after
K. A. Timiryazeva
(FSBEI HE RGAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after
K. A. Timiryazeva
International name Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University
Former names
  • Timiryazevsk Agricultural Academy (TSHA)
  • Moscow Agricultural Academy (MSHA)
Year of foundation
Type State
Acting Rector V. P. Chaika
Students more than 18000
Bachelor's degree more than 15000
Specialty more than 2000
Master's degree about 2000
Location Russia Russia, Moscow
Metro Koptevo 14
Legal address 127550, Moscow, st. Timiryazevskaya, 49
Media files on Wikimedia Commons

Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. K. A. Timiryazeva- state agricultural university in Russia.

Full name: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian State Agrarian University - MCHA named after K. A. Timiryazev" (abbreviated as FSBEI HE RGAU - MCHA named after K. A. Timiryazev).

The Academy bears the name of the famous plant physiologist Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev and therefore the name is used colloquially: “ Timiryazev Academy».


Russian postage stamp, 2015

In 1889, a new Charter was adopted; the forestry department is being liquidated; the name changes: until 1894 - Petrovskaya Agricultural Academy.

In 1917 the name was restored - Petrovskaya Agricultural Academy, the charter and organizational structure were changed, new curricula and programs were created.

In December 1923 - a new name: Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev; The training was three years, there were 3 faculties: agronomy, economics and engineering.

In the early 1930s, on the basis of the faculties of the academy, .

In 1941, the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy was a university of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR and had a postal address: Moscow, New Highway, building 10.

Modern period

In 1994, the Charter and name of the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev (MSHA) were approved. In 2001, a new Academy Charter was adopted.

On June 20, 2005, the academy was renamed into the Federal State Educational Institution “Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural University named after K. A. Timiryazev” (FSOU VPO RGAU - Moscow Agrarian University named after K. A. Timiryazev).

On May 20, 2013, by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the reorganization of the university began by merging with it the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow State Agricultural Engineering University named after V.P. Goryachkin" and the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow State University of Environmental Management ".

On April 4, 2014, by order of the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 15-u on the approval of Amendments and Additions No. 1 to the Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education RGAU-MSHA named after K. A. Timiryazev, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Agricultural Engineering University named after V. P. Goryachkina" and the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering" are affiliated to the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev".

University Anthem

in 2013, by order of the rector, the University Anthem was approved; it became the composition "Bound by the same fate" author and performer, who is a graduate of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. Timiryazev. Azamat Kabulov. Also, with the support of the administration, a video for the song was shot.

University structure

One of the academy's educational buildings

Faculties and institutes

Soil and Agronomic Museum named after. W. R. Williams


  • Institute of Mechanics and Energy named after V. P. Goryachkin
  • Institute of Land Reclamation, Water Management and Construction named after A. N. Kostyakov
  • Institute of Economics and Management of Agro-Industrial Complex
  • Institute of Continuing Education


  • Agronomy and biotechnology
  • Animal Science and Biology
  • Humanitarian and pedagogical
  • Soil science, agrochemistry and ecology
  • Gardening and Landscape Architecture
  • Technological
  • Faculty of Correspondence Education

Educational and scientific departments

  • Plant Protection Laboratory
  • Training and experimental apiary
  • Fruit growing laboratory
  • Information and Analytical Center for Register and Cadastre
  • Laboratory of Construction and Technical Expertise of Buildings and Structures
  • Laboratory of selection and seed production of field crops
  • Milk quality testing laboratory
  • Meteorological Observatory named after V. A. Mikhelson
  • Soil-ecological laboratory
  • Training, Research and Production Center "Vegetable Experimental Station named after V. I. Edelstein"
  • Laboratory of Agroecological Monitoring, Modeling and Forecasting of Ecosystems
  • Research, design and training laboratory for agricultural vehicles
  • Educational and Scientific Consulting Center "Forest Experimental Dacha"
  • Educational and scientific production center for sports turf management and landscape turf management
  • Center for Grain Legumes and Vegetable Protein Production
  • Center for Sports and Technical Development of Youth – “Vector”
  • White Lupine Laboratory
  • Educational and scientific building in Mikhailovsky
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Collective Use - service laboratory for complex analysis of chemical compounds
  • Center for Molecular Biotechnology
  • Field experimental station
  • Problem-based research laboratory for the development of theoretical foundations for joint management of water, salt and thermal regimes of reclaimed lands
  • Educational and Scientific Consulting Center “Agroecology of Pesticides and Agrochemicals”
  • Laboratory of genetics, breeding and biotechnology of vegetable crops
  • Center for educational, sports and cultural work
  • Industry agricultural business incubator
  • Livestock Development Center
    • Laboratory of physiology and pathology of reproduction of small animals
    • Zoo station
      • Training and production livestock complex
      • Training and production poultry house



  • On the territory of the Timiryazev Academy there are more than 37 buildings (academic buildings, museums, etc.). The oldest of them are made in an eclectic architectural style.

Academy-related crimes

Murder of 1869

In November 1869, a student of the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy I. Ivanov was killed on the territory of the academy by a group of conspirators led by Sergei Nechaev. This event served as a prototype for the murder of Shatov in the novel

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