Directions of extracurricular activities in elementary school. Photo gallery of teaching aids for extracurricular activities of the educational complex “Prospective School”

Goals: 1) to form the concept of “kindness” in the minds of children;

2) expand schoolchildren’s knowledge about kindness and its role in the life of every person;

3) instill in children kindness and respect for others;

4) to form in students the desire to do good deeds;

5) develop in children a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance;

6) cultivate politeness, attentiveness, respect for people;



Extracurricular activity

Topic: “If you are kind, it’s good”

Zamulina Natalya Vasilievna

primary school teacher

GBOU OOSH village Chetyrovka

Goals: 1) to form the concept of “kindness” in the minds of children;

2) expand schoolchildren’s knowledge about kindness and its role in the life of every person;

3) instill in children kindness and respect for others;

4) to form in students the desire to do good deeds;

5) develop in children a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance;

6) cultivate politeness, attentiveness, respect for people;

Progress of the lesson

Touch me with kindness

And the diseases will be washed away by the wave,

And sadness will pass by,

The soul will be illuminated with beauty...

Circle of Joy:

Good afternoon

What does this mean?

So the day was off to a good start,

This means the day will be spent well.

He will multiply happy days!

The music sounds: "Do good."

1. Teacher : What are we going to talk about? Today our conversation will be about kindness and good deeds.

They say that if a person has kindness, it means he has succeeded as a person.Human kindness and mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness.

If a person loves only himself, he has neither comrades nor friends, and when difficult life trials come, he is left alone. He experiences a feeling of despair and suffers. Now concepts such as kindness, mercy, goodwill, and attention to each other are being revived.

Humanity is determined by the attitude towards children, the elderly, our most defenseless brothers, towards our native nature, and the desire to help people in misfortune.

Let's worship kindness!

Let's live with kindness in mind:

All in blue and starry beauty,

The land is good. She gives us bread.

Living water and trees in bloom.

Under this ever-restless sky

Let's fight for kindness! (A. Chepurov)

Teacher :- What is kindness?

Kindness is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

Kindness is everything positive, useful, good.

Kindness is a person’s desire to give complete happiness to all people, to all humanity.

Kindness is a friendly attitude towards people around you.

Teacher : - What is kindness needed for?

Kindness and mercy have been developed by humanity over the centuries in order to make life easier for everyone, to communicate with each other, so that this communication brings joy.

Teacher : look, there’s not just a sun on the board – it’sSunshine of kindness, which warms us all with its rays.

Each ray represents something that makes up kindness: (label the rays)

  • mercy (willingness to help someone or forgive someone)
  • benevolence (being kind to people)
  • responsiveness (readiness to respond to someone else's needs)
  • tolerance (the ability, without hostility, to be patient with other people’s opinions, views, behavior)
  • care (activity aimed at the well-being of someone)
  • empathy (sympathy for another)
  • mutual assistance (helping each other)
  • good character (good behavior, good character)

Teacher : How do you understand the meaning of these words?

Poem by N. Tulupova “Kindness”.

It is not at all easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

You just have to, you just have to be kind

And in trouble we will not forget each other.

And the earth will spin faster,

If we are kinder to you.

It's not easy to be kind.

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness brings people joy

And in return it does not require a reward.

Kindness does not age over the years,

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.

2. Working with proverbs

Teacher : There are many proverbs and sayings about goodness.

Game “Collect a proverb”

How do you understand them?

Well done! You know the proverbs well!

Teacher: Kindness, mercy, joy and concern for others create the basis of human happiness. A person who does good to others feels happy.

3. Antonov’s poem “Is Vitya polite or not?”

Vitya offended the baby.

But in front of the school in the ranks

Vitya asks:

“Sorry, I admit I was wrong!”

The teacher came to class,

He put the magazine on the table.

Next is Vitya:

“Sorry, I'm a little late!”

The debate has been going on in class for a long time:

Is Vitya polite or not?

Find out about our dispute

And tell us the answer.

Teacher. - How do you answer the question posed in the poem?

Children. It is not enough to be able to speak polite words, you must behave correctly.

A person's good deeds indicate that he is a good person.

We must always strive to be useful to people in everything.

4. Story by O. Unnamed "Rose of the Heart."

Why did the Creator create the human heart in the form of a flower?

Tell us about kind people you know.

5. The board shows the Tree of Good Deeds

Teacher . Guys, what good deeds have you done in class, at home, on the street, in transport, in nature? Write them down on pieces of paper? (Students' answers).

We will attach your leaflets toTree of good deeds.Let more such wonderful trees of kindness and good deeds grow.

Sample answers:

  • Help around the house
  • Help a friend at school
  • Say a kind word to someone
  • Feel sorry for someone
  • Go buy bread for a weak old lady
  • Feed a stray puppy
  • Walking down the street with your mother, help her carry a heavy bag...
  • When someone comes to you, help them take off their jacket.
  • If someone drops something, pick it up.
  • Try to help your mother or grandmother with the housework.
  • Don't litter at school or at home.
  • Give up your seat on a trolleybus, tram, or bus to older people.
  • Write letters to home and friends when you leave.
  • Protect girls and small children.
  • Try to help your neighbor in everything.
  • Don't be rude.
  • Be a kind person!

Teacher : How nice it is to note that you do good deeds. Name these things.

Phys. just a minute Game "good or bad" (clap, stomp) cartoon "Just like that."

Feed the birds in winter?

Hide a bad grade from your parents?

Break a branch?

Help an elderly person?

Paint the wall?

Should you take part in a cleanup event?

Give up your seat on the bus?

6. Teacher Let's try to develop other rules of kindness and together create a set of rules “Hurry to do good” (5 minutes, group work). Distribute leaflets to children.

Rules of kindness

  • Do good deeds just like that, with good intentions
  • Love people you know and don't know.
  • Encourage others to have good relationships
  • Do good for loved ones and friends.
  • Don't be jealous.
  • Don't be harmful.
  • Don't be rude

Let's read your rules. (And on the board the teacher sticks the rules printed in advance).

Teacher : - What does kindness make a person?

Charming, beautiful. A person who has kindness in his soul looks pleasant, he has an expression of joy and peace on his face, a sweet smile on his lips.

7. Teacher : Honor plays a huge role in the life of every person. What is student honor expressed in? I would like to draw the attention of everyone present to this. Student honor means studying well yourself and, if necessary, helping a friend; This is joint assistance to each other in socially useful work (cleaning a classroom, school, yard, etc.); this is the desire to help a friend if he is sick or in trouble.

8. Bad advice

Teacher : Guys, I want to test your ingenuity. I prepared harmful advice from the book “Bad Advice” by Grigory Oster. Listen carefully to them and tell them what is wrong, harmful, and what you really need to do in these situations.

1. Hit your friends without a break

Every day for half an hour,

And your muscles

It will become stronger than a brick.

And with mighty hands,

You, when the enemies come,

You can do it in difficult times

Protect your friends

2. If your friend is your best

Slipped and fell

Point your finger at a friend

And grab your stomach.

Let him see, lying in a puddle, -

You're not upset at all.

A real friend doesn't love

Upset your friends.

3. If anything happens,

And no one is to blame

Don't go there or else

You will be to blame.

Hide somewhere on the side.

And then go home.

And about the fact that I saw this,

Don't tell anyone.

4. Girls should never be

Not to be noticed anywhere.

And don't give them a pass

Nowhere and never.

They need to put their feet up

Scare from around the corner

So that they immediately understand:

You don't care about them.

I met a girl - quickly

Stick your tongue out.

Let her not think

That you're in love with her.

9. Listen to a poem about kindness.

You have to be kind out of habit

Be able to overcome obstacles

Both pain and illusory success.

Live without demanding rewards

For your actions for the sake of everyone.

The world is still filled with sadness,

Trouble strikes on the sly,

Someone must need you -

Always like bread or water.

You have to be kind out of habit,

Not by calculation. Come in handy

At least for a little titmouse

Let her out of the cage and up into the air.
Mikhailichenko E N

10. Teacher: A kind person is one who loves people and is ready to help them in difficult times. A kind person tries to be neatly dressed, polite and respectful in his interactions with friends and adults.

Guys, please tell me what kind of person can be called polite? Should a person be polite at a certain time, or should he always and everywhere be polite?

Children. Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy being with you. The person who embarrasses the least number of people has good manners.

Teacher. Do you know polite words? Which ones exactly?


Good afternoon! - they told you.

Good afternoon! - you answered.

How two strings are connected -

Warmth and kindness.

bon voyage

They wish us: “Bon voyage!”

It will be easier to go and go.

Will lead, of course, a good path

Also for something good.


Hello! - you say to the person.

Hello! - he will smile in response.

And probably won't go to the pharmacy

And you will be healthy for many years.


Why do we say “thank you”?

For everything they do for us.

And we couldn't remember-

Who was told how many times?


Sorry, I won't do it again

Accidentally breaking dishes

And interrupt adults

And what he promised - forget.

But if I still forget -

Sorry, I won't do it again


Cancel or something, the word “please” -

We repeat it every minute.

No, perhaps, without “please”

We feel uncomfortable.


These words have been known to everyone for a long time,

You see, they are simple and not new.

But I’ll repeat them anyway:

Good people, be healthy!

Not only our words must be kind, our actions must also be such that neither we, nor our parents, nor our friends will have to blush for them. Nobody likes people who do bad things.

11. Summary: Acting according to the laws of kindness is beautiful and honorable, because good deeds and actions live for centuries.Guys! Be kind to those around you. Do good things to people and, rest assured, they will thank you in kind. Remember that without good deeds there is no good name.It's good when a person leaves behind a good mark. One wise man remarked: a person has not lived his life in vain if he built a house, grew a garden and raised a child. Let us now also do one common good deed.

Before us is a blank sheet of Whatman paper. Let's fill it with good deeds.

Students draw

Teacher . - Guys, what should we call this picture?

Children. “Peace”, “How beautiful this world is”, “Good conquers evil”, “Kindness will save the world”, “Kindness makes the world beautiful”, etc.

Teacher. - How did you feel when you did a good deed?

Children. Doing good is very pleasant and joyful.

Teacher. - Our lesson is coming to an end. You are still children, but many glorious deeds await you ahead. You will make our planet Earth beautiful. But first you must grow up to be real people. This means that you must be brave, sympathetic, polite, kind, hardworking.

Nomination “Extracurricular activities in an educational institution”

The extracurricular event is the final stage in the “Let's Live Together!” project. The holiday is held for the entire parallel of 2nd grade students. It is preceded by preparatory work in classes, which teaches children to value friendship, to be kind and sympathetic.

Event theme:“Let's live together!”

Target events: form ideas about friendship.


  1. Teach children to value friends, friendship, and take care of loved ones.
  2. To cultivate in children such personality traits as kindness and responsiveness.
  3. Cultivate a desire to be friends with others.
  4. Cultivate tolerance and determination.
  5. Reveal children's ideas about what a real friend should be.
  6. Create a friendly and cohesive team. Promote unity between children from different classes.
  7. Learn to think, reason, make logical conclusions.

Form: project.

UUDs formed as part of the event:


  • Students gain experience of being attentive to the people around them.
  • Students will develop an understanding of the need to observe the “rules of friendship”


  • Correlate new information with existing knowledge about what friendship is and what a “faithful friend” means.
  • Constructing arguments on the topic: “Who is my friend and why do I consider him my friend?”
  • Students will learn to search for information when completing tasks (Find works in which the characters can be called friends. Find proverbs and songs about friendship.).
  • Students will learn to analyze literary works, characterize literary characters; compare literary characters from different works.


  • Develop the ability to set a goal, maintain it and plan steps to achieve it.
  • Select actions in accordance with the task and compare the method of action and its result with a given standard. (When discussing life situations)
  • Compare your answer with the answers of your classmates.


  • Participate in group work related to communication (when discussing literary works). Master the rules for doing work (speak quietly, without interrupting).
  • Dramatize the fairy tales “Teremok” and “Turnip”.
  • Be active in interaction to solve communicative and cognitive problems.
  • Ask questions to obtain the information you need.
  • To develop in students the ability to listen to others, express their own opinions, complement others, participate in discussions, and come to a common opinion.

Organizational stage (takes place in the classroom).

During the class hour, reveal the essence of the concept of “friendship”; set goals and determine further steps to achieve goals during project activities.

Main stage (takes place in the classroom).

On the classroom clock:

  • Show what qualities a true friend should have;
  • Using examples from children’s life experiences, show the importance and value of true friendship;
  1. Read and discuss works that reveal friendships between peers. Invite the children to find such works themselves. You can arrange a competition to see who can read more of these works. You can create a reader's diary with reviews of the works you read.
    • L. Voronkova “Girlfriends go to school”
    • V. Dragunsky “Childhood Friend”, “Deniska’s Stories”
    • N. Nosov “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”
    • V. Oseeva “Three Comrades”, “Before the First Rain”
  2. Remember the proverbs about friendship.
  3. Find and learn poems about friendship, about friends.
  4. In the classrooms, conduct a class hour “My Friend”, in which children should bring a photo of their friend and tell why they consider him their friend.
  5. Draw yourself with a friend. (They ride bikes together, swim together...)
  6. Find and sing songs about friendship.
  7. Dramatize a literary work that reflects the essence of “friendship”

The final stage (takes place in the assembly hall).


  • On stage: a recording of the letters “Let’s live together!”
  • A picture of Leopold and a board with the “golden rules of friendship”
  • A set of cards for making proverbs
  • Multimedia projector, screen, presentation “When my friends are with me” (using children's drawings and photographs of friends).


I believe that the topic on which the project was chosen is relevant at any age, and especially in primary school, when the ability to make friends and be a true friend is being developed. Information search was carried out by children (using children's books, collections of children's poems and songs). For help, if necessary, they turned to adults. Each teacher in the class skillfully adjusted the project activities. The result of the project was an extracurricular event taking place across the entire parallel of 2 classes, which not only made it possible to summarize the work done, but also helped to form friendly relations between different class groups.

The final stage of the project “Let's live together!”

I bring to your attention an interactive game for elementary school girls on March 8th. Can be used in class or at a party dedicated to March 8. It can only be an addition to the holiday program. The quiz broadens students' horizons and promotes active recreation for children.

The game consists of 15 questions of different content, but they all make you remember the necessary material and will be of interest to younger students.

This development aims to tell about the legendary man M. Kalashnikov, a Soviet and Russian designer of small arms. Expand knowledge about the historical past of our Motherland. To cultivate respect and increase interest in outstanding personalities of the country and its history. The form of the class hour is an oral journal. The material is accompanied by a presentation. Additional material is also used - a short video about M.T. Kalashnikov from Internet resources. This development can be used at the elementary level in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

Subject: Metasubject

February 23. The intellectual game “Smart Guys” is intended for children in grades 1-4 and can be used during class hours and extracurricular events dedicated to February 23. The presentation consists of 23 tasks by February 23 and will “revive” any event and add interest to the topic. Objectives: To form in children the image of a defender of their state. Instill love for the Fatherland and native land. To foster feelings of pride in the history of the country’s formation and the need to defend the Motherland.

Subject: Metasubject

Target audience: for 4th grade

The interactive game "All About Dogs" was created for students in grades 1-11.

The game can be played by two or more students or teams. Players take turns answering questions. You can test yourself by clicking on the question card. If the answer is incorrect, then the card will say “Move Turn” and the next question will answer that question. If the answer is correct, then the card will say “True + 1.” Whoever scores the most points will be the winner.

Subject: Metasubject

Target audience: for 4th grade

This presentation is addressed to GPD teachers. It can also be used by primary school teachers and biology teachers. The purpose of this presentation is environmental education, the formation of a moral attitude towards the environment. The event also creates interest in students’ cognitive activities and develops children’s visual memory through examples of studying the living world of cats. This presentation expands knowledge about cats and instills in children a humane attitude towards the one we have tamed.

Subject: Environment

Target audience: for 3rd grade

Quiz on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault for primary school. Accompanied by a multimedia presentation. The quiz uses a variety of tasks: recognizing a fairy tale from an illustration, a crossword puzzle, riddles, musical questions, characters in a sculpture. The work was added to the competition “Multimedia games, competitions, quizzes, simulators for lessons and extracurricular activities.”

Subject: Literary reading

Target audience: for 4th grade

EER-interactive didactic material for a two-year subscription to the First-Class Newspaper of the Youth Development Center (YDC) in Yekaterinburg was used to create an entertaining quiz. The questions are organized by newspaper topic and level of difficulty. Each newspaper question is asked by your favorite characters: the Cockatoo parrot, the reporter Kiwi, the builder Kalashnik, the black Wallaby, Professor Cassowary and the Alexandrina parrot.

Subject: Environment

Target audience: for 3rd grade

Class hour “The beauty of nature, the beauty of the soul.”


Equipment: presentation with illustrations of nature, animals, birds; recording with sounds of nature, Russian folk songs; chips of three colors according to the number of participants; a sheet of Whatman paper with a drawn planet, blank sheets of paper; glue; colored pencils and markers, handouts.

Progress of the lesson

In the classroom area, distribute chips of three colors (to divide the children into three teams during the lesson).

Teacher. Good afternoon everyone! Guys, today we will get to know what surrounds us, what gives us our opportunities, where we have such wonderful gifts: intelligence, strength, feelings, beauty, love. Kindness, and why we own all this.

I want to ask you, where do we get our opportunities, where do they come from?

(Children's answers: we are born this way, because we are people, man is smarter than anyone in the world, by nature - everything is given to us by nature.)

Teacher. Man is only a part of nature. So what is nature, what else does it include?

(Children's answers: nature is trees, flowers, animals, the sun and everything that surrounds us.)

Teacher. Yes, guys, you have very well listed what is included in the concept of “nature”. You can list and list - it really is everything, everyone, including us. “Man is only a part of nature” - how do you understand this statement?

(Children's answers: nature was and can be without man, but man cannot live without nature, nature lives, everything grows and changes there, man also develops and changes.)

Teacher. Yes, everything that surrounds us, and we ourselves, everything moves and changes. Nature, the weather, the movement of the sun changes - and man, a child of nature, also changes and feels the changes.

How can we describe in one word what we are talking about?

(Children's answers: changes, growth, beauty, life.)

Teacher. Yes, indeed, everything can be called in one word - life! Everything is alive, grows, changes, moves. Warmth emanates from living things.

Now you can see for yourself that our life manifests itself in warmth; warmth emanates from all living things. Bend both arms at the elbows and place them at chest level. Now slowly, slowly bring your hands towards each other so that your open palms move towards you. Continue joining your hands until you feel warmth flowing between your palms. Now put your palms together. Has the feeling of warmth increased?

All living things radiate heat; put your hands near the trees and you will feel the waves of heat that emanate from the trees.

And now we will play the game and feel like living trees.

Game “What tree do I look like?”

Teacher teaches several children movements that can be used to represent various trees.

Hands hanging down, hanging like whips, head tilted to the side and down - this is a weeping willow;

Standing on his toes with his arms raised up, stretching higher and higher - poplar.

Smoothly stepping, slowly “floating” to the melody of the famous Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field” - birch.

The rest of the children guess which tree was shown.

Teacher. You guessed correctly, you know trees and know how to feel them. Now let's all feel like trees. Let each of you guess what kind of tree he is and take the position that corresponds to his tree.

(At this time, the teacher (psychologist) turns on music with gentle sounds of nature.)

Fm:Teacher. Now imagine that a very strong wind has blown: it hums, it flies, it whistles. What will happen to our trees? Show how they will move with the wind?

And now not only is the wind blowing, but it is also raining very heavily. What's wrong with our leaves, how do you feel in the rain? Maybe you should all stand together and have a small grove?

And now the wind has died down, the sun has come out, and the raindrops have dried up. We have rested, now we will continue our lesson.

Presentation:Teacher. Let's take a very careful look at these paintings and tell us what they depict? (before the meadow slide)

(Children's answers.)

The teacher summarizes what has been said and draws conclusions.

Slide. Teacher. The image of a meadow - its open spaces, creates a sense of its capabilities, a sense of freedom and inner space.

Slide. A journey along the stream leads to a search, to the discovery of something new and reveals courage and desire for change.

Slide. Climbing a mountain is a meeting with a higher spiritual principle.

These images bring enlightenment and free us from difficult feelings and experiences.

Relaxation exercise

Teacher. And all living things breathe. When you and I breathe, we usually don’t notice how it happens.

Now we will try to feel our breath. To do this, sit comfortably, the way you want; Place your hands on your knees, palms up. Imagine that a pleasant breeze is blowing on your palms and its light breath is slowly, slowly entering you...

This is a breeze - a breeze of freshness and vigor, it carries the breath of life... and you like to feel it. Feel it more fully. Now your breath becomes just like this gentle breeze. The air enters you and with it comes strength, vigor, and health. And you feel how life enters you. Now exhale the air slowly, slowly, fatigue, worries and difficulties come out of you.

Making a collage

Teacher. To continue our work, let's divide into teams. Each of you has a chip of a certain color. Divide into three teams based on the color of the chips.

We talked about Nature, about Mother Earth. And now we will create it ourselves and populate the planet.

A Whatman paper with an image of an empty planet is hung on the board.

Teacher. Our planet is still lifeless. Let's revive her.

The ground is covered in fog. We need to make sure that the sun shines brightly on this earth.

To do this, the first command will depict the sun on this sheet. It is no coincidence that popular wisdom says: kindness is like the sun. And kind people, like the rays of this sun, warm people with their kindness. Now I will distribute the words:

Cheeky, neat, friendly, polite, rude, uncivil, knows how to forgive insults, sensitive, sympathetic, helps in trouble, often quarrels, quick-tempered, modest, sociable, affectionate, cheerful, happy, arrogant, attentive, greedy, loud.

Your team needs to select from these words only those that refer to kind people and stick them like rays.

Who inhabits this land? The second team will think and stick on this land only those people whom it considers good.

Guys, what is missing from our picture? Of course, on the Good Land birds should sing and gardens should bloom, because nature also rejoices in kindness. The entire animal and plant world of the planet depends on us – people. And if we are evil and cruel towards nature, then all the flowers will die.

Therefore, the third team will draw small animals, plants, birds and stick them on our planet.


Teacher. Thank you all for the lesson and for your answers.

Today you yourself have created a wonderful planet, where you reflected part of yourself and realized that we are part of Nature. Nature gives us strength, creates mood and helps us feel at home on earth. Nature, the weather, the movement of the sun changes, and man, a child of nature, also changes and feels the changes. Animals are especially good at feeling nature. They themselves find the herbs and roots that they need to recover during illness, and never harm nature. They live in harmony with her. So you and I, people, must also live in harmony with nature, we can learn this from animals, because nature needs to be helped.

Exercise “YES!”

All students stand in a circle facing each other. They hold their hands in front of them, palms up.

Teacher. Mentally put all the knowledge that you brought with you today into your left hand, and all the new things you learned today into your right. And when I say: “Ready, go ahead!”, you will join your hands with one loud clap, while saying: “Yes!”

Thanks everyone for the lesson.

Analysis of extracurricular activities

    The topic of the educational event, the classes, who conducts them. Purpose of the lesson. Age of students: class, group. Venue.
    2. What features of this team can be noted? What prompted you to set the goals for this lesson?
    3. The specific setting of the event; room furnishings; availability of visual aids on walls and stands: location of participants. What technical means are used to enhance the educational impact?
    4. To what extent and by what means are schoolchildren informed about this lesson? What was their general and individual preparation for this lesson? How was the age of the children taken into account?
    5. How was the beginning of the educational lesson organized? What psychological effect was the method of starting classes aimed at?
    6. How and by what means was the main goal maintained throughout the lesson? Internal logical connection of all parts of the material.
    7. What methods were used to influence the cognitive sphere of schoolchildren’s activities; what new data were learned, their moral significance?
    8. How and what techniques were used to influence feelings? What feelings were activated, how was emotional activity expressed? How can you characterize the general emotional situation during classes?
    9. What evaluative attitudes were developed among schoolchildren during this educational lesson?
    10. How was the ending of this lesson organized? What is the psychological significance of this organization? Do you think the goal was achieved?
    11. Your overall assessment of the educational activity. Your suggestions.

Self-analysis of an extracurricular activity

    The theme of the educational event: “The beauty of nature, the beauty of the soul.”

Purpose of the lesson: development of self-knowledge through identifying oneself with nature - to give the idea that man is part of nature, nature and man have internal and external harmony; introduce children to the elements of auto-training.

Student age: 3rd grade. Venue: classroom.

    In this class, children are emotional, responsive and inquisitive. This extracurricular activity belongs to a series of classes on the moral education of children in elementary school.

    Lesson form: traditional - class hour, but with a psychological and pedagogical orientation.

    This lesson applies to type integrated application of knowledge and methods of activity.

    This lesson is based on method emotional immersion, which best contributes to the implementation of the main task of learning: activation of creativity in students through imagination and fantasy.

    When preparing for the lesson, I took into account the age and individual characteristics of the students: high interest in reading, well-developed general educational skills and abilities, and fairly high motivation.

    General didactic goal: developing the skills to independently apply knowledge and transfer it to new conditions.

    Selected Methods corresponded to the objectives of the lesson, the nature and content of the material, the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. Thus, verbal methods were used: explanation, questions, dramatization; visual methods: visual presentation, slide show; practical; partially search.

    Forms of organization of activities in class : frontal, group. The activity of students at different stages of the lesson was high.

    First there was a conversation. Then the conversation alternated with questions based on the children’s life experiences. Next, the students played a game and felt like living trees. After viewing the slides, a relaxation exercise was conducted. Then we made a collage.

    During the last task - the population of the planet, where students were once again convinced that they are part of this planet. And the fact is that people should live in harmony with nature and help it.

    Psychological atmosphere She was friendly during class.

    Conclusion: The lesson was held on a high emotional level, at a high pace. All the objectives of the lesson were achieved. Meeting nature gave children the opportunity to feel new sensations and experience new situations, and this is the best way to escape from daily routine and boredom. Such light emotional shocks are very useful for the development of the child’s psyche and have a beneficial effect on the child’s nervous system.

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