Our sun gives birth to new planets. Nasa scientists: our sun gives birth to new planets

Photos from open sources

As scientists from the American aerospace agency NASA discovered, our Sun continues to give birth to planets. This fantastic process was noticed by space researchers back in 2012, but the nature of the mysterious clumps near our star could not be understood then. (website)

And just the other day, NASA scientists announced the conclusions they came to during many years of research into the process of new formation of planets by the Sun. According to American scientists, it is the Sun that gives birth to planets, although previously it was believed that they appear as a result of condensing dust masses around newly formed stars. Astronomers believed that this is how any planetary system is formed, which subsequently does not undergo major changes.

As it turned out, this is far from the truth; apparently, every star, including the star, not only gives birth to planets itself, but also continues this process throughout its multi-billion-year life. And the clumps near the star, noticed in 2012, are nothing more than “children of the Sun”, new planets that gradually move away from their parent, cool down and become independent (almost independent, where would they be without the Sun).

Photos from open sources

This is exactly how the process of planet formation is carried out, say NASA employees, and therefore any planetary systems, including the Solar one, are updated and self-healing. As new planets are born, the old ones, presumably, move away from the Sun, at a certain moment biological life arises on them, as on Earth, then, as the planet moves away and cools, this life dies or passes into some new stage, giving way to its place on a newer planet. For example, it is quite possible that it is at this new stage, invisible to us, that life exists on Mars, and we, in our naivety, want the entire Universe to be like Earth. On the other hand, it turns out that biological life, similar to that on Earth, will then arise on Venus...

Stars give birth to planets like a hen lays eggs.

If the theory of NASA scientists is confirmed, then space researchers will face many new discoveries in the field of planet formation, and in other areas of understanding the laws of the Universe. The current discovery is just another confirmation that humanity is in its infancy, and therefore knows practically nothing about how the world around it works.

By the way, according to esoteric knowledge, this is how planets are born, and on the planets themselves, in turn, life appears. It turns out that NASA scientists did not discover anything new, they only brought science closer to comprehending the already existing secret knowledge received by humanity directly from the Higher Powers, bypassing empirical experience - a tool for scientific comprehension of the laws of the Universe. Unfortunately (and maybe for the better), pure knowledge is not perceived by people; they definitely need to go through the scientific justification of a particular process or law. That is why, for example, we already seem to know about the existence of parallel worlds, about the immortality of the human soul, and so on, but we hardly believe in all this, since there is no scientific confirmation of this, no empirical experience, without which the human mind does not even seem to perceive frank and simple truths...

In 2012, scientists from the American agency NASA discovered an unusual and fantastic phenomenon in our solar system. It took the researchers five years to verify their observations, and recently they officially published the results of their work. If the agency’s scientists’ hypothesis is confirmed, it will, firstly, change the understanding of many laws of the Universe, and secondly, it will open the way to new discoveries in the field of planet formation. The discovery is that our daylight gives birth to new planets. Over the billions of years of the Sun's existence, it gave birth to planets, just like a chicken lays eggs, although this comparison is lame for obvious reasons. The process continues to this day. If previously it was believed that planets appear in the process of thickening of a giant accumulation of dust masses around new stars, now this mechanism has been revised, and the nature of the mysterious clumps near a star called the Sun, which NASA scientists discovered in 2012, has become clear.

Planetary model of the solar system

Scientists are confident that this is how the process of planet formation occurs, and any planetary system, including ours, is periodically updated and restored.

And the clumps floating in space not far from the star are nothing more than the children of the Sun.

Like any children, as they grow older, they move away from their parents and enter into an independent life, although they remain under his supervision and tutelage.

Unusual phenomena in space

This process goes on constantly, and as new children (planets) are born, the older ones move away (in space) and fall from the hellish flames of their fiery ancestor into a comfortable temperature regime.

The sun is the source of life

After which biological life appears there. But time passes, the planet distances itself even more from its parent, it cools down, life disappears.

But on the next planet, which falls into the comfort zone, everything repeats itself.

At a time when Mars was closer to the Sun, life flourished on the red planet, which is abundantly confirmed.

It can also be assumed that Venus will be the next lucky one to have living creatures running, crawling and jumping on her body. And then Mercury.

The next planet suitable for life is Venus

Alas, by that time the Earth will have lost all its advantages, and its surface will turn into cold, lifeless plains, blown through by an icy wind.

I have an opinion

Over the billions of years of the Sun's existence, it gave birth to new planets, just like a chicken lays eggs, although this comparison is lame. The process continues to this day.

As scientists from the American aerospace agency NASA discovered, our Sun continues to give birth to planets. This fantastic process was noticed by space researchers back in 2012, but the nature of the mysterious clumps near our star could not be understood then.

And just the other day, NASA scientists announced the conclusions they came to during many years of research into the process of new formation of planets by the Sun. According to American scientists, it is the Sun that gives birth to planets, although previously it was believed that they appear as a result of condensing dust masses around newly formed stars. Astronomers believed that this is how any planetary system is formed, which subsequently does not undergo major changes.

As it turned out, this is far from the truth; apparently, every star, including our Sun, not only gives birth to planets itself, but also continues this process throughout its multi-billion-year life. And the clumps near the star, noticed in 2012, are nothing more than “children of the Sun”, new planets that gradually move away from their parent, cool down and become independent (almost independent, where would they be without the Sun).

This is exactly how the process of planet formation is carried out, say NASA employees, and therefore any planetary systems, including the Solar one, are updated and self-healing. As new planets are born, the old ones, presumably, move away from the Sun, at a certain moment biological life arises on them, as on Earth, then, as the planet moves away and cools, this life dies or passes into some new stage, giving way to its place on a newer planet. For example, it is quite possible that it is at this new stage, invisible to us, that life exists on Mars, and we, in our naivety, want the entire Universe to be like Earth. On the other hand, it turns out that biological life, similar to that on Earth, will then arise on Venus...

Stars give birth to planets like a hen lays eggs.

If the theory of NASA scientists is confirmed, then space researchers will expect many new discoveries in the field of planet formation, and in other areas of understanding the laws of the Universe. The current discovery is just another confirmation that humanity is in its infancy, and therefore knows practically nothing about how the world around it works.

By the way, according to esoteric knowledge, this is how planets are born, and on the planets themselves, in turn, life appears. It turns out that NASA scientists did not discover anything new, they only brought science closer to comprehending the already existing secret knowledge received by humanity directly from the Higher Powers, bypassing empirical experience - a tool for scientific comprehension of the laws of the Universe. Unfortunately (and maybe for the better), pure knowledge is not perceived by people; they definitely need to go through the scientific justification of a particular process or law. That is why, for example, we already seem to know about the existence of parallel worlds, about the immortality of the human soul, and so on, but we hardly believe in all this, since there is no scientific confirmation of this, no empirical experience, without which the human mind does not even seem to perceive frank and simple truths...

Powerful explosions occur on the Sun from time to time, but what scientists discovered will surprise everyone. Employees of the American aerospace agency NASA, our Sun continues to give birth to planets. This fantastic process was noticed by space researchers back in 2012, but the nature of the mysterious clumps near our star could not be understood then. And recently, NASA scientists published the conclusions they came to during many years of research into the process of new formation of planets by the Sun. According to American scientists, it is the Sun that gives birth to planets, although previously it was believed that they appear as a result of condensing dust masses around newly formed stars. Astronomers believed that this is how any planetary system is formed, which subsequently does not undergo major changes.

As it turned out, this is far from the truth; apparently, every star, including our Sun, not only gives birth to planets itself, but also continues this process throughout its multi-billion-year life. And the clumps near the star, noticed in 2012, are nothing more than “children of the Sun”, new planets that gradually move away from their parent, cool down and become independent (almost independent, where would they be without the Sun).

This is exactly how the process of planet formation is carried out, say NASA employees, and therefore any planetary systems, including the Solar one, are updated and self-healing. As new planets are born, the old ones, presumably, move away from the Sun, at a certain moment biological life arises on them, as on Earth, then, as the planet moves away and cools, this life dies or passes into some new stage, giving way to its place on a newer planet. For example, it is quite possible that it is at this new stage, invisible to us, that life exists on Mars, and we, in our naivety, want the entire Universe to be like Earth. On the other hand, it turns out that biological life, similar to that on Earth, will then arise on Venus... If the theory of NASA scientists is confirmed, then space researchers will expect many new discoveries in the field of planet formation, and in other areas of understanding the laws of the Universe. The current discovery is just another confirmation that humanity is in its infancy, and therefore knows practically nothing about how the world around it works. By the way, according to esoteric knowledge, this is how planets are born, and on the planets themselves, in turn, life appears. It turns out that NASA scientists did not discover anything new, they only brought science closer to comprehending the already existing secret knowledge received by humanity directly from the Higher Powers, bypassing empirical experience - a tool for scientific comprehension of the laws of the Universe. Unfortunately (and maybe for the better), pure knowledge is not perceived by people; they definitely need to go through the scientific justification of a particular process or law. That is why, for example, we already seem to know about the existence of parallel worlds, about the immortality of the human soul, and so on, but we hardly believe in all this, since there is no scientific confirmation of this, no empirical experience, without which the human mind does not even seem to perceive frank and simple truths.

Powerful explosions occur in the sun from time to time, but what scientists discovered will surprise everyone. NASA employees, our sun continues to give birth to planets.

This fantastic process was noticed by space researchers back in 2012, but the nature of the mysterious clumps near our star could not be understood then, and recently Nasa scientists published the conclusions they came to during many years of research into the process of new planet formation by the sun

According to American scientists, it is the sun that gives birth to planets, although previously it was believed that they appear as a result of condensing dust masses around newly formed stars. Astronomers believed that this is how any planetary system is formed, which subsequently does not undergo major changes.

As it turned out, this is far from the truth; apparently, every star, including our sun, not only gives birth to planets itself, but also continues this process throughout its multi-billion-year life.

And the clumps near the star, noticed in 2012, are nothing more than “Children of the Sun”, new planets that gradually move away from their parent, cool down and become independent (almost independent, where would they be without the sun.

This is exactly how the process of planet formation is carried out, say Nasa employees, and therefore any planetary systems, including the solar one, are updated and self-healing.

As new planets are born, the old ones, presumably, move away from the sun, at a certain moment biological life arises on them, as on earth, then, as the planet moves away and cools, this life dies or passes into some new stage, giving way to its place on a newer planet.

For example, it is quite possible that it is at this new stage, invisible to us, that life exists on Mars, and we, in our naivety, want the entire universe to be like earth. On the other hand, it turns out that biological life, similar to that on Earth, will then arise on Venus...

If the theory of NASA scientists is confirmed, then space researchers will expect many new discoveries in the field of planet formation, and in other areas of understanding the laws of the universe. The current discovery is just another confirmation that humanity is in its infancy, and therefore knows practically nothing about how the world around it works.

By the way, according to esoteric knowledge, this is how planets are born, and on the planets themselves, in turn, life appears. It turns out that NASA scientists did not discover anything new, they only brought science closer to comprehending the already existing secret knowledge received by humanity directly from higher powers, bypassing empirical experience - a tool for scientific comprehension of the laws of the universe.

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