New history of European and American countries: textbook. for universities; subreddit

New history of the countries of Europe and America. T. 1 (First period). Ed. Yurovskoy E.E., Krivoguza I.M.

Chapter 1. England in the XVII-XVIII centuries.
The beginning of the revolution
Civil war
Levellers and the establishment of the republic
Republic and protectorate
Second Republic and Stuart Restoration
"Glorious Revolution"
Culture and political thought
Political and socio-economic development of England in the first half of the 18th century.
Industrial Revolution
English Enlightenment
Chapter 2. Great Britain in 1800-1870.
War with Napoleonic France
Difficult post-war years
Parliamentary reform of 1832
Beginning of the Victorian era
William Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli
International Workers' Association
Chapter 3. France in the second half of the XVII-XVIII centuries.
France until the end of the 18th century.
Socio-economic development
Absolutism of Louis XIV.
Crisis of French absolutism
French Enlightenment
Eve of the Revolution
French Revolution of the 18th century.
The formation of the revolutionary situation and the beginning of the revolution (May 5, 1789 - August 10, 1792)
Storming of the Bastille
Activities of the Constituent Assembly
Constitution of 1791
Varenna crisis
Clubs, folk societies, press
The beginning of revolutionary wars
Legislative Assembly6
Popular uprising of August 10, 1792
Victory at Valmy.
Opening of the Convention.
Execution of Louis XVI.
Jacobin bloc and Jacobin dictatorship.
A turning point in the war. Continued terror.
The collapse of the Jacobin bloc and the fall of the Jacobin dictatorship.
Thermidorian Convention.
Constitution of the third year of the Republic. Directory.
"Gracchus" Babeuf and the "Society of Equals".
Foreign and internal policy of the Directory
18th Brumaire.
Chapter 4. Consulate and Empire.
Domestic and foreign policy of Napoleon.
Continental blockade.
Tilsit world.
The apogee of the Napoleonic Empire.
Exacerbation of Franco-Russian contradictions. Napoleon's invasion of Russia.
Battle of Borodino.
Napoleon's retreat.
Sixth coalition. "Battle of the Nations".
Beginning of the Bourbon restoration.
Chapter 5. The Congress of Vienna and the Bourbon restoration.
Congress of Vienna and its decisions.
Holy Alliance.
Bourbon Restoration.
Socio-economic development.6
Chapter 6. France: from the revolution of 1830 to the Second Empire.
Before 1848
July Revolution of 1830. “Three Glorious Days.”
July Monarchy in France (1830-1848).
Economic development of France in the 30-40s.
Political struggle in France.
Revolution of 1848 Second Republic in France
First half of the 19th century
The Provisional Government and its policies.
Constituent Assembly.
June uprising of Parisian workers.
From the presidential election of December 10, 1848 to the Second Empire.
Coup d'etat of December 2, 1851
Chapter 7. Second Empire in France.
Reactionary regime of the Second Empire.
Foreign policy.
Colonial expansion of France.
Exacerbation of the internal crisis of the empire.
Chapter 8. German states in 1648-1849.
Central Europe after the Thirty Years' War.
Economic situation.
Peasant movements.
German cities.
Movements in cities.
German states in international relations.
German nation.
French Revolution of the 18th century. and German states.
German states during the Napoleonic wars.
German Confederation.
Liberal and democratic movement.
Economic development.
The working class and the labor movement.
Revolution in Germany.
Chapter 9. Germany in 1850-1866.
Germany after the revolution of 1848-1849.
Constitutional conflict and Bismarck.
War with Denmark.
Austro-Prussian War.
Creation of the North German Confederation.
The beginning of a new era in German history.
Chapter 10. Habsburg Empire.
Austria after the Peace of Westphalia.
Hungary as part of the Habsburg Empire.
War with Turkey. Karlowitz world.
War of Liberation 1701-1711
Socio-economic development of the empire.
Pragmatic sanction. War of the Austrian Succession.
Seven Years' War.
The policy of "enlightened absolutism".
Counter-Reformation in the Czech Republic.
Economic development of the Czech Republic.
The end of the “enlightened absolutism” of Joseph II.
The period of feudal-absolutist reaction.
Hungarian Jacobins.
The Austrian Empire during the Napoleonic Wars.
Socio-economic development of the empire in the 19th century.
"Pre-March period."
The era of “National Revival” of the Slavic peoples of the Austrian Empire.
Revolution of 1848 in Austria and Hungary.
Revolution of 1848 in Hungary.
Austrian Empire in 1849-1867.
Chapter 11. Italy in the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries.
Italy in the 18th century
Italy at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century.
Revolution of the 20-30s of the 19th century.
Economic development.
The activities of moderate liberals in the late 30s - early 40s.
Chapter 12. The struggle for the unification of Italy.
Apennine Peninsula in 1848-1849.
Decisive battles of the Risorgimento.
Chapter 13. Switzerland.
Political and socio-economic development in the middle of the XVII-XVIII centuries.
Switzerland during the French Revolution of the 18th century.
Switzerland after the Congress of Vienna.
Constitution of 1848. Economic development in the 50-60s.
Chapter 14. Spain.
The economic and political situation of Spain at the beginning of the 18th century.
War of the Spanish Succession (1701 -1714).
Decomposition of the absolutist system.
The War of Independence and the First Revolution.6
Uprising of May 2, 1808 in Madrid.
Cadiz Constitution of 1812
Feudal-absolutist reaction.
Second revolution (1820-1823).
Black decade.
Third revolution (1834-1843).
Fourth Revolution (1854-1856).
Economic and political development in the middle of the 19th century.
Fifth revolution (1868-1873).
First Republic.
Chapter 15. Portugal.
Absolute monarchy.
State activities of the Marquis of Pombal.
Portugal at the beginning of the 19th century.
Charter of 1826. Civil War 1828-1834.
The confrontation between the "chartists" and the "septemberists".
Portugal in the middle of the 19th century.
Chapter 16. Education of the United States of America.
Founding of colonies.
Social and economic development of colonies.
Background to the Revolutionary War.
American Revolutionary War and Education
The nature and characteristics of the American Revolution.
Chapter 17. USA in the first half of the 19th century. Civil war.
Main development trends.
Territorial expansion.
The formation of a two-party system.
A brewing conflict between North and South.
Civil War 1861-1865
Reconstruction of the South (1865-1877).
The meaning of the Civil War and Southern Reconstruction.
Chapter 18. Latin America until the middle of the 19th century.
Latin America during the colonial period
Colonial exploitation system.
Socio-economic system.
National liberation revolutions of the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
The crisis of the colonial system in Latin America.
Typology of Latin American revolutions.
Formation of nation states
Great turmoil.
From liberalism to conservatism.
Chapter 19. Belgium
Chapter 20. Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands.
Chapter 21. Luxembourg.
Chapter 22. Nordic countries: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland
Northern Europe in the XVII-XVIII centuries.
Changing the political map of Northern Europe at the end of the Napoleonic wars.
Northern Europe in 1815-1870. The establishment of capitalism and the beginning of the formation of democracy.
Chapter 23. Poland.
The crisis of the feudal Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Reforms at the end of the 18th century. Partitions of Poland and the Kosciuszko Uprising.
The struggle of the Polish people for national liberation in the 19th century.
Chapter 24. Peoples of South-Eastern Europe.
South Slavs in the Habsburg monarchy.
National revival of the South Slavs.
Southern Slavs of the Austrian Empire in the revolution of 1848-1849.
South Slavic lands of Austria-Hungary in the second half of the 19th century. The social upsurge of the 60s.
Balkan Slavs under the rule of the Ottoman Empire in the 17th-18th centuries.
National liberation movement of the South Slavs of the Ottoman Empire.
Bulgarian National Revival.
Danube principalities.
Greeks in the Ottoman Empire.
Albanian lands.
Chapter 25. Formation and development of colonial empires.
The emergence of the Dutch colonial empire.
The initial period of the formation of the colonial empire of England.
Anglo-French rivalry in the colonial conquests of the 17th-18th centuries.
Colonial rivalry between European powers in 1775-1870.
Chapter 26. Development of science and technology in modern times.
The turn of humanism
General features of the development of science.
Natural science and technology.
Social science.
Chapter 27. Literature. Art.
Fine arts.

5th ed., erased. - M.: Drofa, 2005. - 909 pp. The second, revised and expanded edition of the textbook (2002, 1st - 1997-1998) covers the spiritual, socio-economic and political development of European countries from a new perspective and America (from the end of the 16th century until the end of the First World War). This time is characterized by the emergence and development of Euro-American civilization and the strengthening of its leading role in world development.
The third edition contains editorial corrections.
The book is equipped with a chronological table and bibliography. The beginning of a new time (I. M. Krivoguz)
Revolution and the formation of the parliamentary monarchy in England (T. A Pavlova)
From the first colonies to the creation of the United States of America (B. M. Shpotov)
France: from absolutism to revolution and the collapse of the empire (A. V. Revyakin)
France: the difficult path to democracy (A. V. Revyakin, M. N. Mashkin)
Great Britain: the end of the Hanoverian era and the beginning of the Victorian era (B. Ya. Vinogradov)
Germany: from fragmentation to unification (M. N. Mashkin, S. B. Obolenskaya)
Habsburg Empire: power and contradictions (T. M. Islamov)
From fragmentation to unification of Italy (
3. Ya. Yakhimovich)
Wars, revolutions and reforms on the Iberian Peninsula (D. Y. Pritzker)
Formation and modernization of small countries of Western, Central and Northern Europe (A. S. Namazova, N. M. Guseva, V. V. Roginsky)
The formation of nations and the liberation struggle of the peoples of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (O. Ya. Morozova, Yu. N. Shcherbakov, B. I. Freidzon, B. Ya. Vinogradov)
USA: socio-economic development and the Civil War (B. M. Shpotov)
The emergence and first steps of Latin American states (Ya. Ya. Marchuk)
Formation and development of colonial empires (Ya. A Lebedev)
Development of science and machine technology (B. S. Kostelov)
International relations in the 17th century. — 60s of the XIX century. (
3. Ya. Yakhimovich)
Great Britain: under the sign of the Great Depression (B. Ya. Vinogradov)
The formation of the Third Republic and the movement for democracy and social progress in France (A B. Revyakin)
German Empire: from unification to the First World War (B. M. Tupolev)
Confrontation between the forces of integration and disintegration in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy (T. M. Islamov)
Italian State and Society: Modernization and Foreign Policy (
3. Ya. Yakhimovich)
Difficulties of modernization and socio-political struggle on the Iberian Peninsula (D. Y. Pritzker)
Small countries of Western, Central and Northern Europe (A. S. Nazhazova, Ya. B. Ter-Akobyan, Ya, M. Guseva, V. V. Roginsky)
Socio-economic development and liberation struggle of the peoples of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (O. Ya. Morozova, Yu. Ya. Shcherbakov, B. Ya. Vinogradov, V. I. Freidzon)
USA: towards an industrial society and the “progressive era” (B. M. Shpotov)
Revolutions and reforms in Latin America (N. N. Marchuk)
Colonial system and dominions (I. A. Lebedev)
Updating ideas about matter and development, mastering new types of energy and machines (B. S. Kostelov)
Changes in the balance of forces and the formation of blocs in Europe (Ya. M. Krivoguz)
World War 1914-1918 The beginning of the global crisis (I. M. Krivoguz)
Bibliography (T. A. Rodina)

New history of the countries of Europe and America. Ed. Krivoguza I.M.

5th ed., erased. - M.: 2005. - 911 p.

The second, revised and expanded edition of the textbook (2002, 1st – 1997–1998) covers the spiritual, socio-economic and political development of the countries of Europe and America (from the end of the 16th century to the end of the First World War) from a new perspective war). This time is characterized by the emergence and development of Euro-American civilization and the strengthening of its leading role in world development.

The third edition contains editorial corrections.

The book is supplied with a chronological table and bibliography.

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Table of contents
Introduction 3
CHAPTER 1. The beginning of a new time (I.M. Krivoguz), . , 13
CHAPTER 2. Revolution and the formation of a parliamentary monarchy in England (T. A Pavlova) 56
CHAPTER 3. From the first colonies to the creation of the United States of America (B. M. Shpotov). . . . , 87
CHAPTER 4. France: from absolutism to revolution and the collapse of the empire (A V. Revyakin) 105
CHAPTER 5. France: the difficult path to democracy (A. V. Revyakin, M. N. Mashkin) 143
CHAPTER 6. Great Britain: the end of the Hanoverian and the beginning of the Victorian era (B. Ya. Vinogradov) 172
CHAPTER 7. Germany: from fragmentation to unification (M. N. Mashkin, S. B. Obolenskaya) 204
CHAPTER 8. The Habsburg Empire: power and contradictions (T. M. Islamov) 239
CHAPTER 9. From fragmentation to unification of Italy (3. J. Jachimovich) 269
CHAPTER 10. Wars, revolutions and reforms on the Iberian Peninsula (D. Y. Pritzker) 290
CHAPTER 11. Formation and modernization of small countries of Western, Central and Northern Europe (A. S. Namazova, N. M. Guseva, V. V. Roginsky) .... 313
CHAPTER 12. The formation of nations and the liberation struggle of the peoples of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (O. Ya. Morozova, Yu. N. Shcherbakov, B. I. Freidzon, B. Ya. Vinogradov) 342
CHAPTER 13. USA: socio-economic development and the Civil War (B. M. Shpotov) 391
CHAPTER 14. The emergence and first steps of Latin American states (Ya. Ya. Marchuk) 412
CHAPTER 15. Formation and development of colonial empires (Ya. A Lebedev) 441
CHAPTER 16. Development of science and machine technology (B. S. Kostelov) .458
CHAPTER 17. International relations in the 17th century. - 60s of the XIX century. (3. J. Jachimovich) 492
CHAPTER 18. Great Britain: under the sign of the great depression (B. Ya. Vinogradov) 529
CHAPTER 19. The formation of the Third Republic and the movement for democracy and social progress in France (A B. Revyakin) 561
CHAPTER 20. The German Empire: from unification to the First World War (B. M. Tupolev) 583
CHAPTER 2 1. Confrontation of the forces of integration and disintegration in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy (T. M. Islamov) 609
CHAPTER 22. Italian state and society: modernization and foreign policy (3. J. Jachimovich) 628
CHAPTER 23. Difficulties of modernization and socio-political struggle on the Iberian Peninsula (D. Y. Pritzker) 648
CHAPTER 24. Small countries of Western, Central and Northern Europe (A. S. Nazhazova, Ya. B. Ter-Akobyan, Ya, M. Guseva, V. V. Roginsky). . . 665
CHAPTER 25. Socio-economic development and liberation struggle of the peoples of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (O. Ya. Morozova, Yu. Ya. Shcherbakov, B. Ya. Vinogradov, V. I. Freidzon). . . 693
CHAPTER 26. USA: towards an industrial society and the “progressive era” (B. M. Shpotov) 730
CHAPTER 27. Revolutions and reforms in Latin America (N. N. Marchuk) 751
CHAPTER 28. Colonial system and dominions (I. A. Lebedev) lib
CHAPTER 29. Updating ideas about matter and development, mastering new types of energy and machines (B. S. Kostelov) 799
CHAPTER 30. Changes in the balance of forces and the formation of blocs in Europe (Ya. M. Krivoguz) 834
CHAPTER 31. World War 1914-1918. The beginning of the global crisis (I. M. Krivoguz) 859
Bibliography (T. A. Rodina) 882

The second, revised and expanded edition of the textbook (2002, 1st - 1997-1998) covers the spiritual, socio-economic and political development of the countries of Europe and America (from the end of the 16th century to the end of the First World War) from a new perspective war). This time is characterized by the emergence and development of Euro-American civilization and the strengthening of its leading role in world development.
The third edition contains editorial corrections.
The book is supplied with a chronological table and bibliography.

New history in Russian historiography is traditionally called the era of world history following the Middle Ages - from the 16th or mid-17th centuries. until the second decade of the 20th century. This era had significant differences from the previous one. These include: the formation of a more efficient mode of production, a significant expansion of the scale and intensity of human communications and social processes, an increase in the density of events and deepening changes in the lives of peoples. In the main thing - the human dimension - the new time differs from the previous one in the unprecedented massive transformation of human individuals into individuals and the degree of freedom of their development. In this way, the new history, primarily of European and American countries, which this textbook examines, is not similar to the history of most peoples on other continents that still continued to live as before.

Marxists reduced the essence of new history to the emergence and development of the capitalist formation. Therefore, they most often attributed its beginning, associated with revolutions and changes in production relations, to the second half of the 17th - the end of the 18th century. However, the collapse of “real socialism” revealed the inconsistency of both the formational approach to history and revolutions as the main way to achieve progress.

Table of contents
Introduction 3
CHAPTER 1. The beginning of a new time (I. M. Krivoguz) 13
CHAPTER 2. Revolution and the formation of a parliamentary monarchy in England (T. A Pavlova) 56
CHAPTER 3. From the first colonies to the creation of the United States of America (B. M. Shpotov) 87
CHAPTER 4. France: from absolutism to revolution and the collapse of the empire (A V. Revyakin) 105
CHAPTER 5. France: the difficult path to democracy (A. V. Revyakin, M. N. Mashkin) 143
CHAPTER 6. Great Britain: the end of the Hanoverian and the beginning of the Victorian era (B. Ya. Vinogradov) 172
CHAPTER 7. Germany: from fragmentation to unification (M. N. Mashkin, S. B. Obolenskaya) 204
CHAPTER 8. The Habsburg Empire: power and contradictions (T. M. Islamov) 239
CHAPTER 9. From fragmentation to unification of Italy (3. J. Jachimovich) 269
CHAPTER 10. Wars, revolutions and reforms on the Iberian Peninsula (D. Y. Pritzker) 290
CHAPTER 11. Formation and modernization of small countries of Western, Central and Northern Europe (A. S. Namazova, N. M. Guseva, V. V. Roginsky) 313
CHAPTER 12. The formation of nations and the liberation struggle of the peoples of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (O. Ya. Morozova, Yu. N. Shcherbakov, B. I. Freidzon, B. Ya. Vinogradov) 342
CHAPTER 13. USA: socio-economic development and the Civil War (B. M. Shpotov) 391
CHAPTER 14. The emergence and first steps of Latin American states (Ya. Ya. Marchuk) 412
CHAPTER 15. Formation and development of colonial empires (Ya. A Lebedev) 441
CHAPTER 16. Development of science and machine technology (B. S. Kostelov) 458
CHAPTER 17. International relations in the 17th century. - 60s of the XIX century. (3. J. Jachimovich) 492
CHAPTER 18. Great Britain: under the sign of the great depression (B. Ya. Vinogradov) 529
CHAPTER 19. The formation of the Third Republic and the movement for democracy and social progress in France (A B. Revyakin) 561
CHAPTER 20. The German Empire: from unification to the First World War (B. M. Tupolev) 583
CHAPTER 2 1. Confrontation of the forces of integration and disintegration in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy (T. M. Islamov) 609
CHAPTER 22. Italian state and society: modernization and foreign policy (3. J. Jachimovich) 628
CHAPTER 23. Difficulties of modernization and socio-political struggle on the Iberian Peninsula (D. Y. Pritzker) 648
CHAPTER 24. Small countries of Western, Central and Northern Europe (A. S. Nazhazova, Ya. B. Ter-Akobyan, Ya, M. Guseva, V. V. Roginsky). . . 665
CHAPTER 25. Socio-economic development and liberation struggle of the peoples of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (O. Ya. Morozova, Yu. Ya. Shcherbakov, B. Ya. Vinogradov, V. I. Freidzon) 693
CHAPTER 26. USA: towards an industrial society and the “progressive era” (B. M. Shpotov) 730
CHAPTER 27. Revolutions and reforms in Latin America (N. N. Marchuk) 751
CHAPTER 28. Colonial system and dominions (I. A. Lebedev) lib
CHAPTER 29. Updating ideas about matter and development, mastering new types of energy and machines (B. S. Kostelov) 799
CHAPTER 30. Changes in the balance of forces and the formation of blocs in Europe (Ya. M. Krivoguz) 834
CHAPTER 31. World War 1914-1918. The beginning of the global crisis (I. M. Krivoguz) 859
Bibliography (T. A. Rodina) 882.

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