New World or pike perch, which is better. Crimean holidays - Sudak and the New World

If you have not yet decided on your choice of holiday destination, then it is worth visiting the New World.

To then make a comparison between Sudak and New World, which is better.

There is a beautiful embankment surrounded by greenery, with comfortable benches.

Along the alley there are nice cafes and souvenir shops.

Sudak or New World, where is the best place to spend your vacation?

Among the attractions is Chaliapin's grotto, you can walk to it by foot. At one time, it was also a wine cellar, and served as a place where operas were held, and Nicholas II himself rested here.

If you are going to the source of St. Anastasia, you can actually get there on your own, following the signs, or you can purchase a map. There are paid excursions, but many people prefer to do the tour themselves.

Entrance to many boarding houses and other government institutions is free, the territory is well-groomed, planted with various rare plants, the flower beds are real works of art.

So it’s worth stopping by and admiring such beauty. Of course, there are also places like Mount Sokol, where it takes a relatively long time to get there, about five hours on foot, everything will depend on the number and duration of rest stops.

The Golitsyn trail is also beautiful and unique. There are excursions that are nearby, but are relatively expensive; this is an old Crimean winery.

Here you will not only learn the history of the plant and the technology of making wine, but also taste excellent wines. You can visit the Crimean caves, but the prices here are high. Excursions around Crimea are very expensive.

The nearest city is Sudak. Here you can visit fortresses and admire the architecture. Those interested can visit the water park and sandy beaches.

Lovers of delicious food can go to any cafe or restaurant and will not be disappointed. You can dance in open bars.

So it’s up to you to decide Novy Svet or Sudak where it’s better to spend your vacation.

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15.06.2010, 17:34

Young ladies, tell me who was where, where with the child. 2 years better, cleaner water, not too many people. There are a lot of people who are interested in hotels that have better kitchens (the kids have allergies).
We were in Kurortny that year, but there was a problem with the beaches there, there were few of them and there weren’t enough for everyone, and they were dirty.

21.06.2010, 14:57

No one writes anything positive so that’s it, I’m going to Greece in the end:065:

21.06.2010, 15:04

distance between people is 5 cm

21.06.2010, 15:15

I don’t recommend going to Sudak and Novy Svet because of the beach, the beaches are very small, by 10-00 there are only places left near the fence, where the smell is terrible (since in the evening there is a public toilet there)
distance between people is 5 cm

It seems like there is such a problem on almost the entire coastline:005:

21.06.2010, 17:35

Ordzhonikidze is a terrible hole, in my opinion. The pike perch is not bad, it is bigger, the New World has a better landscape and bay, it has always been a more expensive resort.

21.06.2010, 17:53

We were in Koktebel from 05/25/10 to 06/12/10 (we visited the New World). My opinion is if you are traveling during the season, i.e. July-August, definitely crowds of people. Even 12.06 compared to 06.06 there was a noticeable difference on the beach. If it's September. that's already good. In the New World the beach is small, but the nature is beautiful, but much more expensive (In June Koktebel 1 sq. 150 hryvnia, N.S. 230). The beach in Koktebel is quite large... Last year we were in Greece, if it weren’t for a free apartment with friends in Koktebel (i.e., no need to pay for housing), I would never have exchanged Greece for Koktebel...

21.06.2010, 18:05

and where there are fewer people in July (in the peak season: (please tell me


21.06.2010, 19:18

21.06.2010, 19:41

Hello! Can anyone tell me where in Sudak you can stay with a dog?

I think in the private sector in most cases it is possible. In any case, in Kurortny, it’s nearby, many people came with dogs, the main thing is to make an agreement, or do you want to go to a hotel?

21.06.2010, 19:51

New World is definitely better than Sudak, the beach there is clean but there is a fee (inexpensive as far as I remember), and there are many picturesque coves. I don’t really like pike perch, I can only go there once on an excursion. There were problems with water there before. Ordzhonikidze is better than Koktebel (if you are with a child). In Koktebel there is a stone beach, and not a pebble one, but a stone one (dumped crushed stone). And along the entire embankment there are some taverns, bars, shalmans, and you have to walk right through them, I didn’t like it terribly (terrible smells of pilaf, etc.). But there is a dolphinarium and a good water park there. In Ordzhonikidze, the main beach is sandy, the entrance to the water is gentle with a child. But there really isn't much entertainment there. There is almost no private sector. My choice with a child: more expensive - Novy Svet, more affordable - Ordzhonikidze.

22.06.2010, 15:33

I don’t recommend going to Sudak and Novy Svet because of the beach, the beaches are very small, by 10-00 there are only places left near the fence, where the smell is terrible (since in the evening there is a public toilet there)
distance between people is 5 cm
In the New World there is a paid beach, small, but normal for a village. During the season, all the beaches on the coast are crowded. I wouldn’t recommend coming to the beach with a two-year-old child at 10 am... :015: We already leave the beach at 10-30, we arrive at 8 - places are full: 004:, you can pay for sunbeds for the entire vacation and come at any time , they will not be occupied. I like the New World because of the landscape, the air -:010:, juniper groves, the locals believe that if it rains along the coast - in the New World there is sunshine, the mountains do not allow clouds to pass through, which is also beneficial, I would not want to sit in a house on my vacation, the sea it was always clean and transparent, along the entire beach there was a smooth descent to the sea, and not like in Koktebel - you stepped to the side and with your head already, and I didn’t see the sea there that was clean...
For a holiday with a CHILD, I would definitely choose the New World: flower:, which, in fact, is what I’m doing, we’re leaving there on July 8 until the end of August: fifa:

22.06.2010, 21:31

Where are you going, to a hotel?, I found one there, looking at the photos, beautiful on the shore...................


25.06.2010, 21:12

I think in the private sector in most cases it is possible. In any case, in Kurortny, it’s nearby, many people came with dogs, the main thing is to make an agreement, or do you want to go to a hotel?

Thank you! It seems that I found it in the private sector, but the hotel I wanted was no longer available.

25.06.2010, 23:43

Pike perch is terrible, there’s nothing to do there.

26.06.2010, 00:08


28.06.2010, 13:45

I love pike perch dearly, but with a small one I wouldn’t go anywhere from the places described above.

Why is it too early? Last year we went to those parts in the village. Resort, we had a year and it was fine, we slept on the plane back and forth, but the beaches weren’t very good, so I was puzzled, maybe in the neighboring communities. better points......................

On the coast of the Crimean peninsula, on its southeastern side, there is the beautiful resort town of Sudak, founded presumably in 212 and then called Sugdeya, which means immaculate. Over the 18 centuries of its existence, this city of Crimea has lived a rich history, which is reflected in its architecture and attractions.

In this article I present the sights of Sudak with photos and descriptions, the surrounding area and the New World. Where to go, what to see and all useful information about the city.

Over the course of many centuries, it had different owners, who brought in their own culture and flavor. All the wars that took place quite often on its territory in the Middle Ages were solely due to the geographical location of the city, its climatic and natural resources.

By the end of the 18th century, the peninsula became part of the Russian Empire. Its territory was purchased by Prince Potemkin, who planted grapevines here and opened the first winemaking school in Russia.

The climatic conditions and vegetation here are close to the Mediterranean. Thanks to the unique climatic conditions and the thermal waters of Mount Perchem, the city has acquired the significance of a climatic health resort, where you can recover from many diseases and restore your health.

In this bay, the sea warms up first and the heat of the water is retained the longest here, which makes the swimming season the longest along the entire coast - from the first days of June until October. There are quartz beaches here, the only ones on the peninsula, which are also considered healing. The sea here has gentle slopes, there are no sharp stones, in these places you can find a cozy and quiet cove and have a fabulous holiday with children.

Sudak is famous for its winemaking and vineyards, health resorts, where there are all conditions for a wonderful holiday even for the most demanding tourists. You can get here from Crimean cities by intercity buses or order a taxi, but from mainland Russian cities you need to fly to Simferopol airport and bus routes or taxis go from there. You can use a single ticket and travel by train via ferry or with transfers by bus.

Sights of Sudak with photos and descriptions

Sudak is very rich in attractions; there is plenty for tourists to do, but the Genoese or Sudak fortress is considered more attractive.

This unique historical monument of architecture of medieval Crimea has become the main decoration and its calling card. Having visited this amazing place, you are left with a feeling of belonging to the history that took place within these walls.

Many towers, a moat around the fortress, high walls in two tiers and a barbican on the gate made this fortress impregnable in its time. Nature has also done its best here - it is protected from the east and south by a steep cliff and only in the north of the fortress is there a gentle slope.

Genoese fortress in Sudak

It owes its name to the creators of this fortification, the Italians, who built it more than a century during the period of Genoese history. There is a fortress on Fortress Mountain, which has the shape of a cone, and before it was a coral reef. On the lower tier of the fortress, a wall was built more than two meters wide and about eight meters high.

On the upper tier there is the construction of the Consular Castle and towers, which are connected by a wall running next to the entire mountain range. Here at the very top of the citadel there is the Maiden Tower or, as it is also called, the Watchtower.

Maiden's Tower

In order to climb it, you need to overcome some obstacles, but once you get there you can get great pleasure from the view of the modern city, Kapsel Bay, Sunny Valley and the New World Nature Reserve.

Now the fortress belongs to the National Reserve and has the status of a museum.

Knight Festival "Genoese Helmet"

Now, every year in August, knightly competitions and festivals of knightly arts, with theatrical performances and mass competitions, are held on the territory of the Sudak fortress.

Knight Festival "Genoese Helmet"

Swords flash here, horses' horseshoes clatter, archers stand on the walls and minstrels sing. Anyone can take part in such tournaments, which are dedicated to a different topic every day.

Individual and group knightly battles, competitions in shooting from weapons of the Middle Ages, here you can see with your own eyes the assault on the fortress, as well as individual displays of skill with edged weapons and a lot of other tournaments.

Also at this time you can see various exhibitions that present medieval costumes and armor, as well as purchase a souvenir at the crafts fair.

The resort village of Novy Svet, in the Sudak region, is famous for its champagne wine factory, which was created by Prince Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn back in the 19th century. After organizing wine production, Golitsyn started several grandiose construction projects - huge three-kilometer cellars for storing wines located at sea, a house for workers to live in, now called the Golitsyn Castle, and a house for himself, which is now the Golitsyn House Museum or the Museum of Wine in the New World.

It is built at the base of the mountain in a Moorish style with a terrace that offers a wonderful sea view. But the highlight of the entire building is the three-hundred-meter basement, in which he kept the largest and most valuable enoteca, consisting of 2,000 bottles of wines made at the princely factory.

In 1912, the cellar was visited by Nicholas II himself, who was captivated by New World champagnes. During the revolution, the house was slightly damaged; subsequently it changed its purpose and only by the end of the 70s of the last century it was made a museum of Golitsyn and the history of winemaking on the peninsula.

Room in the Museum of the History of the Champagne Wine Factory in the Golitsyn House

Now the prince's personal belongings, many musical instruments and furniture are stored here. The house is also equipped with a fireplace, which serves not only to heat the room, but also to fumigate the basement to prevent mold and mildew. Exhibitions are also held here; the exhibition telling about the history of winemaking in these places is considered very interesting.

According to historical finds, the history of winemaking here dates back more than two thousand years. In the preserved cellar, wines are now tasted by candlelight, which are considered the best in the New World.

Church of St. Luke

10 km from Sudak in the village. New World, next to the monuments to Nicholas II and Prince Golitsyn, there is a church named in honor of St. Luke. At the request of the village residents, in 1996, a church was opened in the library building of the plant, with an adult and children's parish school, a church singing circle and a library.

Church of St. Luke

Since 2006, construction of a new church began, and already in 2012 it was opened. Now the church keeps an icon with the relics of St. Luke, Golitsyn's "Last Supper", which was presented to the temple by his heirs, as well as a cross with the relics of the Chernigov martyrs. From an architectural point of view, it is a domed cross church. The middle is decorated with a dome, and it is crowned with a cross.

Still, you will not find more beautiful monuments created by nature itself anywhere. Anyone who has visited the Alchak-Kaya protected area in Sudak will agree with this statement. Alchak-Kai or, as the Crimean Tatars also call it, a low rock, attracts a huge number of tourists, divers, and photography enthusiasts with its picturesque views and clean beaches.

At the very foot of the mountain you can relax in a water park and on a wonderful wild beach. At its core, Alchak is an ancient coral reef, which over time became a rocky 150-meter cape protruding half a kilometer into the sea and serving as a barrier between two bays - Kapselskaya and Sudakskaya.

Since the mountain itself is not high, climbing there will not be difficult even for a beginner. This is an absolutely safe event, and then there is a walking trail there specifically for tourists; you won’t accidentally turn off it and get lost.

The path itself stretches across the sea and is only 800 m long. Such a hike will take no more than an hour and a half for experienced hikers. Those who have never been here can stay on the route longer, as there will be a desire to capture all the beauty that is revealed, to dive into the sea, sparkling azure water in cozy coves.

The ascent starts from the mouth of Suuk-Su, right from the embankment. At the beginning of the reserve there is an oak tree, from which guidebooks spread along the entire route. The path to the top goes through a wooden bridge, the Devil's Gorge, and then through the boulders the path leads to the grotto, which is towards the Kapsel Valley.

Having walked a little down, you find yourself at the shore of the bay on the eastern side of Alchak-Kaya, after which you climb to the very top of the mountain, from where you can see a beautiful view of the city, the bays of the New World, the Genoese fortress and Cape Meganom.

Descending from the top, you can see the Aeolian Harp - a through grotto in the rock, which rises 100 m above sea level, and return to the same place where the whole path began. The road to Alchak-Kai goes along Cypress Alley to the embankment, past the boat station across a wooden bridge, where the entrance to the protected tract immediately begins.

From any point on the southern coast of the peninsula you can see the inimitable profile of Meganom - which literally means “big house”. If you look at it from afar, you can see a giant iguana hiding on a branch. This is the sunniest place in Crimea, where you can swim four months a year, and its coastline stretches for almost 16 km.

There are legends about it, one of which says that in this place the gates to the kingdom of Hades are hidden, and it was here that Charon transported the souls of the dead through the Styx. According to another legend, Odysseus and the one-eyed Cyclops met in this place. The coast here is divided into four small bays, where you can sunbathe on cozy beaches and swim in the clear sea.

There are very beautiful sunrises here, and you can paint pictures from sunsets. Here you can take a walk, in particular go to the lighthouse, which is visible from all sides and already trodden paths lead to it. The cape is considered a favorite place for yogis, esotericists, and ufologists.

This is a wonderful place for lovers of scuba diving; an underwater world with its secrets opens up for them of indescribable beauty. You can get here from the bus station by bus going to Sun Valley. The stop is called Meganom, from which you need to walk another five kilometers to the cape. An easier way is to drive there by car.

Mount Sokol or in the Tatar version Kush-Kaya (bird rock) rises 475 m above sea level, and its coastline is 1.2 km. Once upon a time, hundreds of millions of years ago, there was a rocky bottom of the Tethys Ocean, in which they lived sponges and corals. Then a reef was formed from their coral skeletons.

There are very steep slopes here, accessible only to experienced climbers. Mainly pine and juniper grow on the mountain, and on the eastern side you can find wild pistachio (keva tree) and a lot of jasmine. The foot of Kush-Kai is an archaeological reserve. Here, in the juniper thickets, the remains of ancient settlements from the very beginning of our era are preserved.

In the Dmitrakov area you can go to a cave monastery and the ruins of a Byzantine era temple from the 8th to 12th centuries. Not far from the top of Perchem there is a medieval grave in which Stefan of Sourozh is buried. From the top of Sokol, Cape Meganom and almost all the Crimean mountains are clearly visible. The walking trail to the top of Sokol passes along the old Golitsyn roads.

Initially, you need to cross the Golitsyn Bridge, which is considered an architectural monument. Further, the road will lead past the water conduit built by Golitsyn, through the Nastasya spring, the water in which is considered healing. Further, the climb to the top goes along the northern slope, where a view of the surroundings of the city and the New World opens up.

The descent goes through the Devil's Finger rock, not far from the Devil's Gorge and goes out onto the highway where bus routes from Sudak to the New World pass. The entire journey lasts 4 hours, but the impressions remain forever.

Cypress Alley

The central street of the city is considered Cypress Alley, which got its name from the cypress trees planted on both sides of the street. There are many retail outlets and entertainment venues located here. Initially, it was conceived as Chestnut Alley, but history is silent about why the idea failed.

Cypress Alley

It is interesting to walk here for both adults and children. At the beginning of the street there is a Tatar bazaar, where you can buy anything - vegetables, fruits, good wines. For children there are attractions, a go-kart track, and you can also ride an electric car.

This is a kind of Las Vegas or Arbat, where many entertainment programs take place, and music can be heard everywhere. Therefore, if you like silence, renting a house nearby is not the best option. From the bus station there is minibus No. 6 to the Gorsovet stop.

Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In the center of the city there is another one - the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1828 with donations from the population. Divine services were held here until 1936, but then the authorities decided to convert it into a house of pioneers and demolished the bell tower, considering it inappropriate here.

The war prevented the decision from being put into practice, and the Germans, having occupied Sudak, decided to appease the people and opened a church here again. After the war, the church turned out to be a nobody's property, and it was given over to a school, and then they turned it into a house for pioneers. It changed owners many times, but in the early 90s it was returned to the Orthodox Church and services began here again.

The temple was built using the Georgian-Byzantine style. The church is considered to be cross-domed with three entrances decorated with columns, as well as pediments decorated with mosaic icons.

Golitsyn trail

There are many attractions in the New World, one of which is the Golitsyn Trail. At one time it was a real work of art, with stone steps, fenced with half-meter parapets and observation platforms. It was built by Turkish workers in particularly difficult conditions.

Some sections that passed along sheer rocks were cut by weight; workers lowered themselves on ropes in special construction cradles. They remember that once during a storm it was impossible to pick up people from there; they hung there for almost two days. Food and water were brought down to them from above. In some areas it was necessary to use blasting. The trail was heavily damaged by the earthquake in 1927.

Golitsyn trail

The route along the trail starts from the New World from Green Bay through the slope of Koba Bai and rises 50 meters above the sea. Then it leads to the huge Golitsyn grotto and passes next to the Blue Bay.

There is a cave underwater here, which is called “Legend”; getting there is difficult, but possible, thanks to professional guides.

This is where the trail ends and the natural descent begins. From here you can see rocks, green pine groves, a pile of stones in the Blue Bay, many gorges and cliffs, above which rises the Karaul-Oba mountain range, which is a natural monument. Now this is the most visited place for tourists who come here from all over.

Chaliapin Grotto

Golitsyn's Grotto or also called Chaliapin's Grotto. According to legend, Chaliapin sang on stage in a grotto and his powerful bass broke a glass of champagne. In addition, it is also called Variety. The grotto was created naturally, washed by sea water, without human intervention in the rock of Koba Bai.

Here in the grotto at the beginning of the last century, Prince Golitsyn equipped a wine storage room. First, stone arches were made where champagne was stored, and then a stage was equipped where famous musicians performed, because the grotto has excellent acoustic properties.

It was only in the 70s that the grotto was chosen by rock climbers, one of the first was the famous Lishaev. Now young climbers consider it an honor to repeat his climb. The grotto is also interesting for divers. There is a tunnel under the huge “turtle” stone, although it is not difficult for divers, it leaves a lot of impressions.

One of the three bays located in the protected New World is the Blue Bay. Due to its inaccessibility, it and the Tsarsky Beach located there have retained their pristine beauty. The bay is closed by Cape Kapchik, which looks like a huge lizard, and Sentinel Mountain (Karaul-Oba), behind which the ruins of the Bosporan citadel can be seen.

Tsarsky Beach is a narrow strip on the coast of Blue Bay, created by nature. Nothing was ever built on it, as it was located in a nature reserve. The bay is called Blue, due to the color of the water.

There is no allegory here, the shale on the seabed has the ability to reflect the sun's rays, which makes the water such an unusual color. Due to the natural beauty of the beach, many people want to visit here, but as a beach it is absolutely inconvenient; there are many large stones piled on its shore.

But from here you can see a very beautiful panorama that stretches in all directions. The sea delights you with its blue color all the way to the horizon. Tourists visit the bay on medieval schooners and antique galleys, which gives it some mystery.

Thanks to the close proximity of juniper and pine groves, the air here is unusually clean. At one time, at the invitation of Prince Golitsyn, Emperor Nicholas II visited the bay. You can get here by water on a boat or along the Golitsyn trail on foot, but this is a more difficult and dangerous path.

Relict juniper grove

Sudak and the New World are famous for another special place in the coastal part - this is a relict juniper grove, which is located in a botanical reserve. The road there goes along the stairs, which were made by the Tauri 2000 years ago.

Relict juniper grove

Unique specimens of thousand-year-old juniper trees grow here (often confused with pine). On sunny days, the juniper aroma is very noticeable, releasing phytoncides (a very strong antioxidant) and having a preventive effect on people with lung diseases.

Mild climatic conditions, rich vegetation and sea air truly have healing properties, which attracts a lot of people here.

Monument to the paratroopers and local residents of the New World who died in January 1942

Blue or Robber Bay

Estate of Lev Golitsyn

On the Black Sea coast in Crimea, next to each other, there are two beautiful resorts - the village of Novy Svet and the city of Sudak. These are two very popular holiday destinations in Crimea. Tourists often cannot choose where to go. To accurately answer the question “which of these resorts is better?” it won’t work, because everything depends on the interests of the tourists themselves. But, nevertheless, it is possible to compare these two places. Then the tourist will be able to make the right decision himself and choose the right place to relax, where he will be most comfortable.

Sudak is a city on the Black Sea coast, with a population approaching 18 thousand people. Novy Svet is an urban village located in the suburbs of Sudak.


The New World beach is clearly inferior in length, since its length is about 500 meters. The length of Sudak beach is about two kilometers, but it is divided into small sections, fenced off by fences and special concrete fortifications that do not give it proper beauty.

Both beaches are covered with sand and pebbles. Both are well looked after, but, in the subjective opinion of tourists, in the village the water is both clearer and much cleaner.

Umbrellas, toilets and sun loungers - all this is present on the beaches. The only difference is that there is more entertainment in Sudak.

So, in Sudak the beach is much wider, it looks more comfortable and developed, and in the New World it looks more picturesque.


There are not many attractions in Sudak, but there is one that attracts tourists from all over Crimea - this is the Sudak Genoese fortress. Sudak also has a historical museum, a hiking trail located on the cape and Mount Alchak-Kaya.

There are no attractions as such in the New World, but not everything is so scary. Nature itself has endowed the village with many unique natural places: picturesque bays, the Golitsyn trail, Cape Kapchik, Mount Sokol. If walking is important and interesting, then the New World will be just a godsend.


Sudak will be a plus, because it is considered a developed city. Convenient bus routes and numerous stops, an abundance of shopping centers, shops and supermarkets. In the New World there is no public transport; there is a single commuter bus, which is always packed and connects the village with Sudak.

Novy Svet is a very small village, the choice of housing here is limited, so to rent accommodation in Novy Svet 2018 you should book it in advance. AND It’s easier to find an apartment in Sudak, as there are more options and more varied prices.


It is logical to assume that when comparing a village with a city in terms of the abundance of entertainment, the city will naturally win. Sudak has a well-designed embankment and entertainment everywhere you look. Several huge children's parks, various attractions, a water park, nightclubs and dolphinariums - that's what Sudak has. There is also the famous Cypress Alley with a large number of restaurants and establishments.

Sudak - one of the most popular resort towns on the southern coast of Crimea. It's also traditional here. In ancient times, the city was called by different names, and its modern name arose during the Ottoman rule. It is assumed that Sudak is translated as "Sacred", "Immaculate" or "Pure". To the north of the city there are many mountains covered with oak or beech forests, to the east there is an arid valley, and to the west there is the village in which we rested.

Brief history of Sudak

The city is famous not only as a major resort, but also due to its historical significance. To protect a thriving trading settlement from attacks from the sea, it was located here. It was built in the 6th (700s) century by order of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I.

Exists legend that the city played a great role in baptism of Rus'. At the end of the 8th or beginning of the 9th century, the Slavs captured most of Crimea and broke into Sudak. When their prince Bravlin approached the tomb of Stephen of Sourozh, which was then located in the St. Sophia Church of Sourozh (the old name of Sudak), “his face turned back.” To get rid of the curse, the prince ordered to leave the city, return the property stolen from them to the residents and release the prisoners, but this did not help him. I had to be baptized. Since then, Christianity began to actively spread among the rulers of Kievan Rus.

The city changed hands many times and experienced both periods of prosperity and decline. For example, in 1365 the city was conquered by the Genoese, who significantly rebuilt and expanded the fortress, adding fortress walls and towers. It was thanks to these works that the fortifications received their name:

This is what the fortress looks like from the embankment. In fact, the view is very beautiful, but it is very hot in Sudak.

The fortress stands on a rock and guards Sudak Bay.

Decline of Sudak began with its conquest by the Ottoman Empire in 1475 and continued when Crimea became part of the Russian Empire. For example, if you believe the 1805 census, only 33 people lived in the abandoned city, mostly old people who did not want to move anywhere.

Revival of Sudak was long and difficult - it again received city status only in 1982. Wine factories were built here, and tourism actively developed. Now Sudak is one of the most popular tourist centers in Crimea.

What to take with you if you decide to go to Sudak?

1. If you decide to relax in Sudak, be sure not to forget your hats. It's much hotter here than in.

2. Water, fruits, sandwiches, groceries and other similar things will cost a lot cheaper, so if you want to save money, take it with you.

3. You will also need comfortable shoes. The route to the fortress is not too difficult, but you will have to climb a lot along a rocky path, where convenient stairs are not equipped everywhere.

The photo is not ours, we took it from

What to see in Sudak?

In first place, of course, . It is quite well preserved, but entrance to the territory is paid and quite expensive. For about the same money, we visited, for example, the Louvre in France, so we advise you to save it for your next trip. To be honest, there is practically nothing interesting inside - only the building of the former Padishah-Jami mosque, which houses the historical museum of Sudak (although maybe we are just too spoiled by different cities and countries?). Excursions are available both organized and independent.

This is what the fortress looks like from the inside. Panorama can be rotated:

I want to warn that at the entrance there are many locals with eagles and other birds. They offer to place the bird on your arm or shoulder completely free of charge. Several further scenarios for the development of events are planned, but in any of them you will most likely have to shell out a tidy sum, which will greatly spoil your vacation experience.

Defense towers and stairs.

The fortress is within. As you can see, there is almost nothing to see there.

The fortress wall is quite long and large. You can see it from the outside for free.

Although you can look at visiting the fortress from the other side - just appreciate the view from the fortress wall:

2.Resort architecture of the 19th century

The city itself is also very beautiful. There are many ancient buildings preserved here that are definitely worth seeing. Unfortunately, we have virtually no photographs left, so you'll have to take our word for it.

3. Sudak embankment

The Sudak embankment is very hot. In Literally nearby, it is much more pleasant to relax on the embankment; the heat is not so felt there. Even in sunny Montenegro we felt much more comfortable. There are practically no shelters from the sun or benches here. This was probably done on purpose to encourage vacationers to sit in restaurants or buy umbrellas on paid beaches.

But it’s still nice to stroll along the embankment. It is very wide; almost along its entire length there are unusual beautiful restaurants or boarding houses. On one side the embankment ends, and on the other there is a small market with souvenirs.

We stopped for lunch at a canteen next to the Soviet fountain (in the second photo). The prices were quite reasonable for a resort town, and the dishes were quite edible. Considering the high cost of Sudak, it’s a pretty good option.

4. Beaches of Sudak

The beaches in Sudak are comfortable and sandy. Perhaps their only drawback is the very large number of tourists. Some beaches are paid - there are fewer people there, and beach delicacy vendors are not so intrusive. There are usually so many people on free beaches that it becomes uncomfortable.

Rate the beaches of Sudak The most convenient way is to take a small panorama from the pier jutting out into the sea:

5. Nature

The nature around Sudak is very beautiful, but still it cannot be compared with the beauty. Here the vegetation is scorched by the hot sun, there is much less greenery. We still recommend going to the New World and visiting or. We promise that you will receive a lot of unforgettable impressions.

6. The city itself

Sudak is a beautiful city in its own way. Even if you go quite far from the embankment, you can see something unusual and amazing. There is beautiful architecture here, restaurants, cafes and boarding houses are very carefully decorated. There is a little lack of greenery, and the building density is much higher than we would like - the streets are narrow and winding. But this fact can also be turned to your advantage and “get a little lost.”

In Sudak you can additionally visit:

1. House of Adelaide Gertsyk - poet of the Silver Age and Dmitry Zhukovsky - scientist and publisher (built in 1915)
2. Winery - there are also small excursions with tastings of local wines.
3. Cypress alley, planted at the beginning of the last century. It connects the city center with the embankment.
4. Water park, which opened back in 2003. Quite good on the scale of Crimea.
5. The “Hill of Glory” monument is a tribute to the underground fighters and paratroopers who liberated the city during the Great Patriotic War.

Map of Sudak, virtual walk around the city

Interactive map of Sudak:

If you wish take a virtual walk around the city, we have added a panorama for you that begins at the Genoese fortress. You can walk through almost the entire city:

Zoom in or out you can use the mouse wheel, move— by clicking on the arrows or using the arrow keys on the keyboard (you can only walk along the green lines).
We advise you immediately expand the map to full screen, it's much more convenient

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