What do the names of cities say? Origin of Russian city names

The name “Moscow” was first mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle. It says that on Saturday, April 4, 1147, the Rostov-Suzdal Prince Yuri Dolgoruky invited Novgorod-Seversky to a meeting in Moscow Prince Svyatoslav Olgovich: “And so Svyatoslavl’s squad was swarmed, and sent a speech to Gyurgiy: come to me, brother, in Moscow.” And although a settlement on the site of Moscow existed long before the 12th century, it was this date that became for linguists the beginning of the history of a city called Moscow.

Monument to the founder of Moscow Yuri Dolgoruky. Installed in 1954 on Sovetskaya Square (now Tverskaya). Sculptors A.P. Antropov, N.L. Stamm and S.M. Orlov. Photo: RIA Novosti / Fridlyand

Where does the name Moscow come from?

It is generally accepted that the name of the city comes from the name of the river. This was first reported by a literary source of the late 16th century, “The Tale of the Conception of Moscow,” according to which Prince Yuri Vladimirovich ordered “to make a small wooden city and nicknamed it Moscow City after the name of the river flowing under it.” It is curious that after this the name of the river was fixed as the Moscow River - while other rivers that gave their names to the Russian cities founded on them acquired a diminutive form in the name. For example, the Orel River became Orlik, and the Kolomna River became Kolomenka. Moscow became the Moscow River.

But no one knows where the name of the river itself came from. In ancient times, various tribes lived on the banks of the river, which gives linguists the opportunity to discuss several hypotheses about the etymology of the name of the Moscow River, depending on which language is chosen as the basis.

swampy river

The most patriotic Slavic hypothesis of the origin of the name Moscow suggests that its basis is “mosk”. This word in the ancient Slavic language meant “viscous, wet” or “swamp, dampness, moisture.” This hypothesis is supported by other similar names of rivers in Slavic languages: Mozgava or Moskava in Poland and Germany, the Moskovets River and the village of the same name in Bulgaria, the Maska River in Belarus, numerous Moskovki in Ukraine. It was mentioned that around Borovitsky Hill there was not only a forest (which gave the name to the area), but also swampy terrain, lowlands that were filled with water in the spring, which did not dry out until the end of summer.

Critics of this hypothesis are based on the fact that the Slavic tribes were not the original inhabitants of this area. Previously, tribes lived here who spoke Finno-Ugric and Baltic languages, which was reflected in the names of many neighboring rivers: Ruza, Istra, Nara, Yauza, Iksha, Vondyuga, Kuyma, Kurga and so on.

Muddy river or meandering river?

If the name Moscow comes from the Baltic languages, then its source could be the Baltic forms *Mask-(u)va, *Mask-ava or *Mazg-(u)va, *Mazg-ava (Latvian Maskava). The root *mask-/*mazg- could be associated both with swamp, mud, and with the “knot” (mazgas in Lithuanian), washing by the river from the verbs “to wash, rinse” (Lithuanian mazgoti, Latvian moskat).

Accordingly, the origin of the name can be traced back to both the marshy, dirty terrain - which is consistent with the Slavic hypothesis - and to the tortuosity of the Moscow River - only within the city it makes 11 large loops.

Moscow River. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

Cow River

According to another version, the word Moscow is divided into two parts: moscow-va. “-va” in the Finno-Ugric language means “river”, “water”. As for the first part “mosk”, its meaning in Finno-Ugric is difficult to explain. In the Komi language, “mosk” means “cow”. But here it is important to note that the Komi never lived in the territory close to the flow of the Moscow River. In addition, this hypothesis contradicts the oldest form of the name recorded in the sources: “Moscow” (Moskov). By the way, many foreign-language names for Moscow originated from this form, for example, the English Moscow or the Chuvash Muskav.

Bear River and Moskhov Tribe River

Another hypothesis says that “mosk” comes from the Meryan word for “bear,” and “va” means mother, wife. That is, “Moscow” means mother bear.

There is also a version based on the legend. According to it, in the name of the Moscow River the biblical name is Mosoh, the grandson of Noah and the son of Afet, and his wife Kva. The descendants of Mosoch allegedly inhabited the lands from the Vistula to the White Lake.

8 cities in the world that changed their names.

Every city and town has a history of its name. Sometimes it can be very interesting, connected with the history of the people and the country. Where did the names of the cities come from, what is this connected with? Let's try to understand this using the example of some Russian cities.

Of course, each city has a certain history associated with its name. However, there are general reasons why the city is called that way. Let's name the most common ones.

How do city names appear?

Firstly, the names of cities are associated with the area in which they are located. A lot of cities are named because of their proximity to a river or sea. For example: Volzhsk, Primorsk, Nizhnekamsk, Yeniseisk, Angarsk, Amursk, Volkhov and many others.

Secondly, the names of cities are associated with a specific person, most often with the ruler of Rus', after whom the city is named. These are cities such as Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Petrozavodsk, Lgov (in honor of Oleg the Prophet, the city was previously called Olgov).

An interesting fact is that with a change in the assessment of the activities of a particular ruler, the name of the city also changes. So the following city names were changed:

  • Stalingrad - Volgograd
  • Brezhnev - Naberezhnye Chelny
  • Kuibyshev - Samara.

The next reason why the city gets its name is that it was named after a saint: St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don and others.

Finally, some cities are named in connection with some event, often a legend passed down from generation to generation (for example, Kazan).

The name of a city often conceals a very interesting story related to its formation. Sometimes it can be very interesting to find out how the names of cities came about. Russia has always been famous for the fact that it had and still has many cities; it is no coincidence that even in ancient times Rus' was called “gradarika,” that is, a country of cities. Let's reveal the secrets of some of the names.


Moscow is capital of Russia. It is a known fact that its founder is Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. It was he who, back in 1147, realized how convenient the geographical position of the estate of the boyar Kuchka - Moskov was: it was located far from the borders, and there were impenetrable forests around, and often swamps. Probably, one of the versions of the name is not accidental: “Mosk” from ancient Slavic means a wet, swampy place. The second version of the name is based on the Moscow River, which flows nearby.

Saint Petersburg

This city was founded by the great Peter 1. However, it is a mistake to believe that the city received its name in honor of this ruler. Peter the Great himself named the city this way in honor of the saint he himself founded, his patron, the Apostle Peter. It was on Peter's Day, June 29, 1672, that the future ruler of Russia was baptized.

The city has undergone name changes several times. So, in 1914 it was renamed Petrograd, and in 1924 - Leningrad. However, in the new Russia, in 1991 the city was returned to its original name - St. Petersburg. By the way, “Sankt” means “holy.”


The city was founded in 1749, first as a customs post, and later as a fortress that served as protection against attacks by nomads. The city got its name from St. Dmitry of Rostov. Today Rostov-on-Don is one of the largest and most beautiful cities in southern Russia.


The name of this city, of course, is associated with the name of the famous traveler, explorer of the 17th century - Erofey Khabarov. The year of its foundation is 1858. At the beginning of the 17th century, Khabarov travels through Siberia of Russia, draws up a map of it, and discovers many places unexplored until that time. We can say that the development of the vast Siberian lands begins almost perfectly from this moment. It was in gratitude for this that the city in Siberia was later named.


Peter the Great gave this name to the city in honor of his wife, Empress Catherine. The city was founded in 1723, shortly before the death of the Tsar. The city was also renamed during the years of Soviet power. In 1924, it began to be called Sverdlovsk in honor of one of the prominent figures of the Communist Party. The name was returned in 1991. Today Ekaterinburg is one of the largest cities in the Urals.


Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. It was here that the 2013 Universiade was held. Today there is no clear answer regarding the name of the city; there are several versions. So, according to one of them, “kazan” in the Turkic language means “cauldron”. According to legend, the sorcerer advised to build a new city where water boils in a cauldron in the ground. This place turned out to be where the city now stands. And according to another version, the name is associated with the area. Translated from the Tatar language, kazan means “kaen” - birch. Apparently, there were many birch groves in this place.

The history of cities and their names is the history of our country and people. The question of why cities are named this way will be asked more than once by people, since the history of city names conceals many more secrets.

Knowing their roots makes a people stronger, more united, and pride in their historical past makes them more majestic. That is why the townspeople so carefully preserve everything that is connected with the history of their city. Almost every city has memorable places associated with the past, museums that contain interesting historical material about the city as an integral part of our huge country - Russia.

You can read a lot of interesting things about city names in the articles on our website.

Fomin Roman



Municipal educational institution "Sharnutovskaya secondary school named after B.S. Sanzharykov"

Origin of American city names

Completed by the student:

Fomin Roman


English teacher

Muchkaeva B.D.

  1. Introduction
  2. The history of the origin of cities and their names
  3. Classification
  4. Conclusion
  5. Literature

The purpose of this studyis the study of the origins of American city names.

In accordance with the goal, we can distinguishnext tasks:

  • study of toponymy of American names cities;
  • studying the history of education cities;
  • studying unusual names of US cities.

Object of study: cities of America.

Subject of study:Origin of city names.

Hypothesis: Let us assume that the origin of city names was influenced by:

Historical events that took place in the specific state in which the city is located;

Geographical features of a particular city;

People who glorified this city;

Research methods:

  • Studying literature.
  • Searching for necessary information on Internet sites.


Every state has cities and towns with interesting, and sometimes even funny, names. And even more interesting is the origin of these names. Most often, cities are called by individuals or groups of people who first settled on the site of the future city, and only God knows what comes into their heads. But the United States “outdid” other countries in this regard - either they have such a sense of humor, or simply because of their “great mind.”

The study of the etymology of topographic names allows us to better understand the features of the material and spiritual culture of the people inhabiting a given territory. The very appearance of the name of a particular area can relate to different eras, be rooted in different languages, being a unique phenomenon in the history of human exploration of the geographical space of the planet.

The names of cities, like any other toponymy, are monuments to the history of the territory and language, and, as S.B. notes. Veselovsky, they are reflections of people’s history. Because a people can disappear, but memories of it are preserved in topographic names.

The study of the names of American cities is of particular interest due to the fact that in this territory there was a very intense mixture of races, traditions, culture, and languages ​​of various peoples who arrived here from different parts of Europe, as well as those who inhabited the territory from time immemorial. Since the discovery of America, millions of people have moved here and become the creators of a new culture, a new language, and new traditions.

There are many reasons that formed the basis for the names of American cities.

For example, people who moved to America from other countries used to name their new homeland after the city where they lived previously. This is how many cities in the United States of America got their name.

Famous American city Boston got its name in honor of the city of the same name in the English county of Lincoln. It is worth noting, however, that, unlike the American Boston, its English namesake is a very small city, with a population of only about 60,000 people.

Cities were often named after famous politicians and other important people. Yes, city Baltimore in the eastern United States, the largest population center in the state of Maryland, was named after the Irish landowner Lord Baltimore, the first ruler of the Maryland colony. His name (Baltimore) is an anglicization of the Irish Baile an Tí Mhóir, meaning Town of the Big House.

The largest American city and the capital of the state of Colorado were named in honor of the governor. Denver . On November 22, 1858, General William Larimer Jr., a land speculator from eastern Kansas, purchased a tract of land at the confluence of the South Platte River and Cherry Creek for logging. He named the settlement Denver formed on this site in honor of the Governor of the Kansas Territory, James Denver. W. Larimer hoped that such a name would help the city become the administrative center of Arapahoe County, but, unfortunately, the governor had already left office by that time.

The American capital, founded in 1791, was named after the first American President George Washington.

The name of the city appeared in a similar way. Seattle . The first European settlement on the site of Seattle was in 1851 and was called New York Alki ( New York Alki ), which translated from the Chinook dialect as "Future New York". In 1853, it was proposed to rename this settlement Seattle, in honor of the leader of the local Suquamish and Duwamish tribes.

Houston , founded in 1836, was named after Sam Houston, commander in chief of the Texas Army during the Texas Revolution, president of the Republic of Texas, and a key figure in the history of the region as a whole.

Dallas was named after George Dallas, the eleventh Vice President of the United States. However, the exact origin of the city's name is still unknown.

Pittsburgh got its name in the 18th century. in honor of William Pitt Sr., who was Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister of England, leading the Whig group - supporters of active colonial expansion.

The original reason lies behind the appearance of the city's name Phoenix - the capital and largest city of the American state of Arizona. His name is associated with the name of Confederate Army veteran Jack Swilling, who in 1867 founded at the foot of the mountains White Tank Mountains on the ruins of an old Indian settlement, his farm. Gradually, a settlement grew around the farm, and people started thinking about the name of their settlement. They chose the name Phoenix, based on the idea that their new city had risen from the ruins of a former civilization like this mythical creature.

Origin of the city name Minneapolis in Minnesota is due to the large amount of water around this city. Firstly, the city is located on the banks of the Mississippi River; secondly, it has 24 lakes located within its boundaries. It is believed that the name of the city was given by the first city teacher, who combined the word mni , translated from Dakota languages ​​meaning “water”, and the Greek word polis (city).

American cities often changed their names. For example, city Cincinnati , founded by John Cleaves Simms and Colonel Robert Patterson in 1788, was formerly known as Losantiville. He received this name from four words in different languages. It meant "a city located opposite the mouth of the Licking River" ( Ville translated from French means city, anti translated from Greek -opposite, os in Latin means mouth and "L" " - everything that was inherited from the Licking River). In 1790, Governor Arthur St. Clair of the Northwest Territory changed the city's name to Cincinnati in honor of the Society of the Cincinnati, of which he was a member.

The American city also received a different name. Atlanta , Georgia. Initially, it was only a railway station on the Western Atlantic Railroad, but after two other railroads were connected at this point, a whole settlement, and then a city, was formed here. Throughout the history of the city, its name has changed several times. So, in 1843 it was called “Marthasville” in honor of the daughter of the former governor of the state. After several name changes, the railroad's chief engineer, John Edgar Thomson, proposed the name "Atlanta", which was approved by the city's residents. The city has officially had this name since 1847. There are versions that the name of the city "Atlanta" came from an abbreviation of the name of the Western Atlantic Railroad. It is also believed that the city owes its name to Greek mythology.

The etymology of the name of the largest American city seems very mysterious. NY . There are various versions revealing its origin. Thus, it is assumed that New York was named after the Duke of York - the English king James II. According to another version, the British who moved to America named the city after the English city of York - New York, which translated means New York. And the name “York” itself is derived from the Latin Eboracum (via Old English Eoforwic and Old Norse Jorvik ), which, in turn, presumably comes from the British eborakon - "yew estate"

It is also interesting to note that New York City changed its name several times. The city of the “American Dream” was founded not by the British, but by the Dutch. At the beginning of the 17th century, Dutch settlers bought the island of Manhattan from the Indians, where they founded a settlement, which they named New Amsterdam in honor of the capital of their homeland. However, already in 1664 the city was captured by the British and renamed it in honor of the initiator of this military operation - King James II, Duke of York. Then, however, the Dutch managed to recapture the city, and this time they named it New Orange. But after the city was recaptured by the British, it finally became New York.

City name Los Angeles has Spanish roots. The city is known as the "City of Angels". It is often abbreviated as L.A. . Once upon a time, Spanish colonists founded a village here calledEl Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles sobre El Río Porciúncula,what does it mean in spanishVillage of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Angels, on the Porsyunkula River). By 1820, the settlement had grown into the largest secular settlement in California and was given the shorter name of Los Angeles.

According to one version, the name of the city Chicago (Chicago) is a word modified by the French from the language of the local Miami-Illinois Indians shikaakwa , which translated means wild onion or garlic, which grew abundantly in those parts. However, there are other hypotheses about the origin of this name. Thus, there is evidence that one of the Illinois tribes was ruled by a leader named Chicagou. In 1725 he visited Paris and met with the young King of France, Louis XV. It is possible that it was his name that formed the basis for the name of the city - Chicago. It is worth noting, however, that most historians reject this version.

San Francisco originally called Yerba Buena (Spanish Yerba Buena ). After the California fever began, the city began to grow rapidly. In 1848, the Spanish renamed it San Francisco in honor of St. Francis.

Hell City

Many Kazan residents are planning to go on vacation this summer, but have not decided where. Don’t you want to go to Hell... To the American city of Hell, in the state of Michigan. Scary? Now imagine that Halloween is also celebrated in Hell - you must agree, it’s much scarier! And in Hell there is a festival called “Satan’s Holidays”. In general, a haven for modern “goths”. And the city got its name in 1841, when George Reeves, who came here, in response to a question about the name of the settlement, said: “Call it “Hell” - I don’t care.” Well, I got what I wanted.

Noodle City

In the 19th century, Texans often used the word "Noodle" as slang to refer to empty space. It was an empty place that they discovered when they arrived at the territory of the future village. That’s how the village was named – Noodles.

Peculiar City

The population of the city of Osobenny is about 2000 people, and they rightfully consider themselves special. And it is located 100 km south of Kansas City. This town got its name when the local postmaster decided to take the initiative in naming the town. However, the authorities constantly refused the proposed names: either another city was already named as he wanted, or the name sounded incorrect. In the end, the postal worker suggested that the authorities themselves name the city “something special.” And the authorities, apparently being very busy people, did not think twice and called the city Special.

City Spot

This village in the state of Tennessee became famous for its name thanks to the head of a sawmill, who wrote his name in response to a question from the authorities about the name of the city, but the ink accidentally ended up in exactly the place where the name of the village was. The authorities of this village, apparently, are also very busy, so they took everything too literally. This is how the city of Spot appeared.

City of Embarras

It is a very cold city where the average annual temperature is -16 degrees Celsius. The city is considered the coldest place in the United States after Alaska. The origin of the name of this city is interesting: “embarrass” is also a French word meaning “obstacle”. It was this word that the first settlers used to describe the obstacles that they had to overcome in this “icy” place.

Also in the USA there are cities such as Idiotville, Monkey's Eyebrow and Toad Suck.

Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

Named after a radio show that aired in the 1950s, the city is located between the major cities of El Paso and Albuquerque. It attracts tourists with its unusual name and famous waters. Truth or Consequences is well known for its geothermal springs, which provide hot water to the many saunas located in the center of the historic district. Sierra County is rich in ghost towns, deserts and mountains. Named the most affordable resort by Americans, Truth or Consequences is truly an inexpensive city.

Boring, Oregon (Boring)
Named this way at the turn of the last century, you won’t be bored in the city of Skuchny. The city is located about 30 minutes from Portland. Guests of the city can visit the only forge in the United States specializing in the manufacture of hand-forged garden tools. The city has its ownnews agency .

Cool, California (Cool)
The city is located in the foothills of the Sierra and offers its guests, in addition to a large number of outdoor activities, a “taste” of the California Gold Rush. Named after an itinerant preacher who lived in the 1800s, Cool is located on the famous Highway 49, just steps from where gold was discovered in 1848.

Uncertain, Texas
The City of Uncertain is sure of one thing: it is the best secret keeper in the state of Texas. This city is home to Caddo Lake, the only natural lake in Texas. Why Uncertain? There are several stories about the origin of the name: some say that this was the name of a boat dock on the lake, others talk about the literal origin of the name, when in the early 1960s, before becoming a city, the name of the city was marked “undefined” (there was due to the fact that it was unclear whether the settlement was a city or a town).

Carefree, Arizona (Carefree)
The city is located in the Sonoran Desert region. It was created in the 1950s as a place dedicated to relaxation. It has many golf courses, spa centers, and also regularly hosts a large number of outdoor events. The city's proximity to transport hubs makes it very convenient for tourists to visit.

Last Chance, Idaho
Last Chance is part of the Island Park community, created in the 1940s to circumvent state law prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages outside city limits. Last Chance is a small town, but it will seem like a paradise for nature lovers. Fishing and tourism are the most popular entertainment in the city.

Normal, Illinois (Town of Normal)
Some might think that the city's name is a symbol of appreciation for the city itself, but in fact the name “Normal” dates back to the 19th century, and comes from the French École Normale (a college for teachers). The city is connected by transportation to many major cities, including Chicago, located approximately 115 miles southwest of it. In Normal you can find a lot of interesting things, including a discovery museum for children and even a winery.

Classification of the origin of city names.

In connection with the information obtained, it is possible to classify the origin of city names.

  • Abbreviations or distortions of the official name
  • Indicating the name of the founder of the city or its famous resident: Denver, Chicago,
  • Indicating geographical location
  • Indicating the political, cultural role or industrial specialization of the city, the word "capital" is often used
  • Pointing out common stereotypes
  • Aphorisms and famous quotes
  • Joking nicknames usually play on relevant topics for the city: size, personality of the head of the city or his famous representative, ethnic composition, etc.
  • Hostile, offensive nicknames usually play on the name of the city, its acute problems or negative features
  • Indicating the name of a famous person: Boston, Baltimore
  • The name comes from a randomly spoken word: Hell,


In conclusion, I would like to note that there are many cities, both in the United States and abroad, whose names remain a mystery until the end. Therefore, toponymy will long remain a huge layer of work for researchers, since it helps us penetrate deeper into the culture and language of the people who inhabited the territories at the time of their naming.

The population of America was originally formed by mass immigration mainly from Europe and the importation of black slaves. The ethnic spectrum includes the indigenous population of America - Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, as well as Spanish-speaking peoples. All these peoples and ethnic groups influenced the toponymy of the names of American cities.

The average population density of the United States is about 28 people per square kilometer. If we divide the population into groups based on race (according to 2007 data), then whites make up 83.4% of the population (among them the diasporas of the Irish, Italians, Jews, Russians, Poles, Ukrainians) and Africans (mainly descendants of slaves) , brought from the African continent in the 18th century) - 12.4%, Asians and Pacific Islanders - 3.3%, American Indians (native inhabitants of the United States) - less than 1%.

This analysis showed that most of the names of the cities came from the Indian language, 10 cities were named after famous people, 5 names were of Spanish origin, the remaining names came from the Aleutian, French, English, Aztec, Iroquoian, Dutch and Sioux languages. Maloletko A.M. Geographical onomastics [Text]. – Tomsk: TSU Publishing House, 2004. – 198 p.

  • Non aviation forum: forum [Electronic resource]. – URL:http://www.airliners.net/aviation-forums/non_aviation/read.main/297369/
  • There are many cities in the world named after famous personalities.

    There are many cities in the world named after famous personalities. Some of them are the largest capitals of the world, important political, economic and cultural centers.

    The names of these cities characterize their development history. In this material we provide several striking examples of such cities.

    Adelaide- the administrative center and largest city of the state of South Australia, the fifth largest city in the country. The city was founded in 1836 and named after the wife of the British monarch William IV, who reigned from 1830 to 1836, Queen Adelaide.

    Albertville is a city in the French department of Savoie in the Rhône-Alpes region. The city is named after the king of the Sardinian kingdom, Charles Albert.

    Upington- a city in the Northern Cape province of South Africa. The city is named after Thomas Upington, who was Prime Minister of the Cape Province from 1884-1886.

    Arsenyev- a city (since 1952) in the Primorsky Territory of Russia. Founded in 1902 as the village of Semenovka. In 1952, the working settlement received the status of a city and was renamed Arsenyev - in honor of the famous Russian scientist, traveler, writer and researcher of the Far East Vladimir Klavdievich Arsenyev.

    Monument to Arsenyev on Uvalnaya Hill

    Barchevo- a city in Poland. Named in honor of Walenty Barczewski (Polish: Walenty Barczewski, 1856-1928), a Polish folklorist, historian and public figure who lived in Warmia.

    Borisov- a city in Belarus, the administrative center of the Borisov district of the Minsk region. The city is named after the Polotsk prince Boris (Rogvold) Vseslavich.

    Monument to Prince Boris and Resurrection Cathedral

    Brazzaville is the capital and most populous city of the Republic of Congo. Brazzaville was founded on September 10, 1880 as a French military post on the Congo River by order of Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza, who was the commander of the French expedition.

    Washington- the capital of the United States, was founded in 1791 and named after the first American president and Revolutionary War hero, General George Washington.

    Gadzhievo- a city in the Murmansk region. The city is home to the naval base of the Russian Northern Fleet. Until 1967, the village was called Yagelnaya Guba. On October 16, 1967, it received the name Gadzhievo in memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Captain 2nd Rank Magomet Imadutdinovich Gadzhiev, who died on May 12, 1942 in battle on the K-23 submarine. In 1981, the working settlement of Gadzhievo received the status of a closed city with the new name Skalisty. In 1999, the city of Skalisty was again renamed Gadzhievo.

    Hamilton- the administrative center of Bermuda. The city is named after Sir Henry Hamilton, governor from 1778 to 1794.

    Lermontov- a city (since 1956) of regional subordination in the Stavropol Territory of Russia. Named in honor of the poet Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov.
    The city is located 182 km southeast of Stavropol, in the Ciscaucasia, on the southern edge of the Stavropol Upland, in the center of the Caucasian Mineral Waters resorts.

    Salavat- a city in Russia, one of the large industrial centers of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The urban district is formed by the city of Salavat.
    On July 7, 1949, it received the status of a workers' village, named in honor of the Bashkir national hero Salavat Yulaev.

    Tursunzade- a city in the Gissar Valley, the administrative center of the Tursunzade district of the Republic of Tajikistan.
    Named in honor of Mirzo Tursunzade, a Tajik Soviet poet, prominent statesman and public figure.
    The main enterprise in the city is the Tajik Aluminum Smelter

    Sherbrooke is the fourth largest city in the province of Quebec in Canada, the capital of the administrative-territorial unit of Estrie in the historical and cultural region of the Eastern Cantons. The city is located 150 kilometers east of Montreal and 50 kilometers north of the US border. The city is named after John Cope Sherbrooke, the British Governor General of Canada at the beginning of the 19th century. Agritourism is widely developed in the city, and various festivals are held.

    Hermosillo- a city in northwestern Mexico, the administrative center of the state of Sonora.
    The name of the city is given in honor of Marshal J. M. Gonzalez de Hermosillo, a fighter for independence from the Spanish crown

    You can truly know yourself only through knowledge of the world around you. Travel helps a person with this. Everyone is free to choose their own path: someone, tired of the noise of the metropolis, goes to nature - to test themselves and return to the roots of human life. Someone, on the contrary, rushes to places with a developed information space, where every little thing is important, where the brain works to its fullest. Many begin to study the surrounding reality from their small homeland, delve into the history of the region or region, and study the surrounding area. As a rule, the next stage of learning about the world is a real trip around your home country.

    What were the names of cities in Russia

    The centuries-old history of Russia is filled with many significant events for further development. These include the period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, Ermak’s campaign against Siberia and its annexation to the territory of the Russian state, the window cut through to Europe by Peter the Great, and so on. These facts are reflected in the Russian language. For example, the words “caravan”, “watermelon”, “noodles”, “fog”, to which today’s people are so accustomed, were borrowed from the Tatar language. The "camp" and "resort" were once imported from modern-day Germany. "Marmalade" and "actor" came from France in the nineteenth century. All of the above belongs to the category of ordinary words often used in colloquial speech. We don’t think about their origin, just as we don’t think about the origin of city names.

    Similar historical situations influenced place names. So, “Derbent” is the Persian word for “narrow gate”. “Chita” is understood in the same way as “read”; it is translated from Sanskrit as “comprehend” or “know”. "Murom" comes from the Cheremis "murom", which means "place of fun and songs." "Perm" translated from Vepsian means "distant land". “Ufa” literally means “dark water” from Bashkir. There are many similar examples, and, digging a little deeper, you begin to understand how connected the names of cities are and the history, culture and traditions of the peoples who lived in this place.

    Other countries can also boast of an eventful history - their toponyms have a special sense of humor. In America, for example, there is a town whose name translates as “why”. In Canada, you can stumble upon “an abyss of bison falling to their death.” The name of the German commune seems to call tourists to action - it translates as “kissing”. It is worth noting that names of cities named after the founder also exist abroad. In America, you can stumble upon the small town of Quincy, named after John Quincy Adams, who serves as Secretary of State of the United States of America.

    “Mother Russia is wide and vast” - that’s what our ancestors said. The newly-made tourist is convinced of this. The number of settlements, small and large, numbers in the thousands. This is where the real discoveries begin regarding uncommon place names. What are the villages of Taz and Bolshiye Pupsy, the Tukhlyanka River, the village of Takoye worth... Often geographical names reflect the history of a place. So, the name (Kharkov region) comes from the Tatar “guzun” - crossing. Knowing this, you can understand that much earlier there was an important crossing over the local river in this place. However, only linguists can draw such conclusions. More interesting for ordinary people are the names of cities named after the founder, because they indicate a specific historical figure.

    People's love

    Geographical names always carry some specific meaning. Like the names of important city streets, cities named after a specific person include recognition of that person's merits. Sometimes you have to sacrifice historical place names. This fact demonstrates the deep respect of the residents of the locality for the bearer of the name given to their small homeland. In this regard, a reasonable question arises: which cities are named after people?

    Long live the revolution!

    Most of the renaming of cities and towns dates back to the twentieth century. The leaders of the revolutionary movement enjoyed the greatest respect at that time, and, according to popular opinion, it was their surnames that should adorn the names of settlements. A wave of changes in toponyms swept the RSFSR; in this regard, it is appropriate to answer the previously asked question (which cities are named after people) with a list:

    • Leningrad (formerly St. Petersburg);
    • Ulyanovsk (formerly Simbirsk);
    • village of Karl Marx (located in the Tver region);
    • Sverdlovsk (previously and currently - Yekaterinburg);
    • Kuibyshev (previously and currently - Samara);
    • Kaliningrad (formerly Königsberg);
    • Dzerzhinsk (formerly Rastyapino, Chernoe);
    • Frunze (currently Bishkek);
    • Makhachkala (formerly Anzhi-Kala).

    Thus, the origin of the names of Russian cities is not always purely etymological in nature. There are also known renamings associated with the life and activities of significant persons. For example, the names of V. G. Belinsky and A. S. Pushkin were assigned to cities to which the data are directly related. Khabarovsk is named after the seventeenth-century explorer who discovered the city. The name of the Ukrainian city of Pereyaslav was later added to the surname of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, who contributed to the reunification of Ukraine and the Russian Empire.

    Names of cities after the name of the founder

    As mentioned above, while traveling around the Russian Federation, you can discover some incredible, at first glance, geographical names. In addition to funny and vaguely familiar toponyms, formed from borrowed words or from the surnames of famous historical figures, there are also proper names. It is logical to assume that they were named after their founder. Obviously, the origin of the names of Russian cities can have very different backgrounds.


    This provincial town in the north of the Vladimir region is a treasure trove of Russian cultural and historical heritage. It was founded in the middle of the twelfth century by the great Moscow prince - Yuri Dolgoruky. The name of the city came from the name of the founder. An example of a description of the area surrounding the town is “Russian pole-field,” which is why this original Russian settlement has a rare compound name. One of the main attractions of Yuryev-Polsky is St. George's Cathedral - a unique architectural monument of Ancient Rus', the date of construction of which dates back to the second quarter of the thirteenth century. Of no less importance is the Archangel Michael Monastery, on whose territory there are ancient churches.

    The churches of Nikita the Martyr and the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary also deserve close attention. The construction of the complex of two buildings dates back to the end of the eighteenth century, which is what distinguishes the churches from other architectural monuments. And if the Church of the Intercession was built in the image of traditional Russian cathedrals, then the Church of Nikita the Martyr is a building designed in the Empire style, with a red brick bell tower that towers over the entire city.


    Like the previous one, it is part of the Golden Ring of Russia. It is named after Vladimir Monomakh, whose reign dates back to the eleventh century. Vladimir is located in the region of two hundred kilometers east of Moscow. He faced many trials that predetermined the course of the history of the entire country. The fact is that Vladimir was one of the most influential cities of Rus' during the period of feudal fragmentation. In those days, large administrative centers fought with each other for power in the state. In the end, Moscow won. However, this majestic city also lay claim to the title of capital.

    The centuries-old history of Vladimir is reflected in the rich culture of the city. Now thousands of tourists come here to see with their own eyes the Assumption Cathedral, built back in the twelfth century, the Golden Gate, which is rightfully considered a masterpiece of architecture of Ancient Rus', the Patriarchal Gardens, the Water Tower... The list of attractions in Vladimir is not limited to this, the city has something to show the whole world !

    Saint Petersburg

    The list of city names named after the founder also includes the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. The first stone on the site of the future city was laid by Peter the Great himself; now the majestic Peter and Paul Fortress rises on that very spot. It is worth noting that the first emperor of the Russian Empire named the city not by his own name, but by the name of his patron, the Apostle Peter. Nevertheless, everyone who encounters St. Petersburg understands the city's connection with the great reformer of the Russian state. And listing even a small part of St. Petersburg’s attractions will take more than one page - it’s better to see everything with your own eyes.


    This small city is located at the mouth of the Kuban, not far from Krasnodar, on the shores of the Azov Sea. This settlement was founded by Prince Temryuk, the son-in-law of Ivan the Terrible. Currently, Temryuk is famous for its breathtaking landscapes and mud volcanoes. Many travelers go to this town to find peace of mind: fields, sea, forests - what else does a person need to feel truly free?


    There are many names of cities named after the founder in Russia. Yaroslavl is not the last on this list. It was founded back in the eleventh century by Yaroslav the Wise, who was so nicknamed for his significant contribution to the culture of the country. In terms of reputation, the city is in no way inferior to its founder - countless attractions clearly demonstrate how old and majestic Yaroslavl is. Travelers from all over the world come here to see the Church of Peter and Paul, the “House with Lions”, Peter and Paul Park, which carefully preserves the legacy of the great Emperor Peter Alekseevich.

    But in Yaroslavl, modernity is in no way inferior to historical heritage. So, here you can see the unique Yaroslavl Zoo - the only landscape type zoo in Russia. The Yaroslavl station building is an architectural complex - a monument of modern monumental art. The Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve is rightly called the heart of the city. Located in the very center, it carefully protects the oldest Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery and several churches. Antiquity side by side with modernity - this is what real Yaroslavl is.

    Everywhere you look there is discovery

    The variety of geographical names in Russia is amazing. A person who goes on a trip to his native country for the first time constantly discovers something new. Here are funny toponyms, whose meaning can only be understood by looking in an etymological dictionary or a historical reference book, and a settlement whose name changed depending on the course of modern history, and the name of a city after the name of its founder... The list is long. It’s better to take the time and see it all with your own eyes.

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