What narrow-minded people are talking about. You insult people based on their religion or sexual orientation

Not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far... Forms of words

Adj., used. often Morphology: not far, not far, not far and not far, not far and not far 1. Not far is called something that is located, happens on not long distance. Nearby village. | Close-by singing. = close 2. What is called close is that... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

NON-DISTANT, close-minded, close-minded; not far, not far, not far. 1. Located at a close distance from somewhere. Nearby village. || Having a short extension. Not a long way. Not a long trip. 2. Close in time. The recent past. IN… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

narrow-minded- close-minded. In meaning “close in distance, in time” short. f. not far, not far, not far and not far, not far. My path is not far. Our meeting is not far away. In meaning “mentally limited, stupid” briefly. f. not far, not far, not far,... ... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

narrow-minded- *close-minded, but closely integrated into the meaning. stupid: a narrow-minded person... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

narrow-minded- close-minded; briefly form lek, lek a, leko and lek o (close); not far from the truth... Russian spelling dictionary

narrow-minded- I A/B and A/C pr see Appendix II (close) not far not far/ not far/ and not far not far/ and not far See also distant. Wed. not far... Dictionary of Russian accents

narrow-minded- oh, oh; lek, leka/, leko/ and leko; leki/ and leki. see also nearness 1) Located, occurring at a short distance. Nearby forest. No lake. Nth shootout. A nearby noise. 2) Having... Dictionary of many expressions

narrow-minded- I close-minded* cr.f. not far, not far/, not far and not far/, not far and not far/ (close) II cr.f. not far, not far, not far, not far (stupid) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

1. not far, far, far, far, far (close) 2. not far, far, far, far, far (stupid, limited) ... Russian word stress


  • Magazine "Ural" No. 11, 2016, . The November issue of the magazine "Ural" has been published. His prose block opens with Victor Chigir’s story “Eclipse Hours,” in which strange and incomprehensible things happen. The main character is time...
  • The Adventures of Captain Vrungel (audiobook MP 3), Andrey Nekrasov. Andrei Sergeevich Nekrasov - Soviet prose writer and essayist, traveler, sailor. The writer became famous for his fascinating humorous story “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel.” Her main...

Independent thinking is rare in our conformist society. If you want to be honest and sincere with yourself, consider these points that characterize a narrow-minded person. Compare them with your views and preferences and make sure that this article is not about you.

You think politicians have your interests at heart

If you think all your country's problems will disappear as if by magic if you elect a new leader or representative, then you may be an ignorant and narrow-minded person. Politicians have no incentive to care about the people they serve because the system is structured to serve the needs of the powerful (read rich).

You're only religious because your parents told you so.

If you believe in God for no other reason than "" then you may be a narrow-minded person. Faith is a wonderful thing if it is a personal relationship between the believer and God. But don't you think it would be absurd to live your life in accordance with an ancient text, without taking into account its validity?

You get all your news from one source

If you stick to only one TV channel or newspaper, then this is most likely a sign of narrow-mindedness. Journalists and media sources like to boast about their “objectivity,” but every person carries biases based on their life experiences that determine how they see (and report on) the world. As a result, some world events are widely covered in some places, but completely ignored in others. Want to be truly informed? Expand your list of sources of information or expect to be deceived.

You can't remember the last time you read a book

If you spend all your free time playing video games or watching TV, then you may be a hopeless ignorant fool. Television requires no thought process, while reading is an active way of learning something that keeps your mind sharp.

You can't have a rational conversation with people you disagree with

If you can't respect people who see things differently than you, then you may be a narrow-minded person. Personally, I avoid commenting on forums surrounding controversial issues because I get irritated by the offensive tactics that dominate these conversations. Confident people act differently because they know that when defending their opinions, they need to be prepared for a lot of criticism.

You insult people based on their religion or sexual orientation

Even if you are a firm believer in one religion or another, do you really think that judging people is a good way to convince them that they are wrong? And do you think it’s possible to rewire people’s brains and make them feel love and physical attraction to the opposite sex? If you can't answer these questions, then you have no right to judge them.

You support any decision of a political party without considering the issues themselves

If you vote solely for a party, without considering the positions of political candidates on issues that matter to you, then you may be a hopeless ignorant fool. Political affiliation is a simplified measure of a person's qualities. Stop mindlessly approving everything according to your political leanings if you want to start being part of the solution.

You try to meet society's expectations

If you unquestioningly follow society's expectations, then you are most likely a narrow-minded person. For example, gender roles have a negative impact on the personal development of our boys and girls. Real men can cry and women should have no reason to believe that they are fragile creatures in need of protection. Teach your children to follow their hearts, where their intuition is powerless, unless you want to squeeze every ounce of creativity and independence out of them later.

You don't know how to act without being around other people

If you can't be happy without the company of friends, then perhaps this is a sign of narrow-mindedness. It is easier to think in silence and solitude. Being around other people all the time will encourage constant conformist behavior because you will never feel at ease to explore thoughts and ideas that will make you feel like you don't "fit in" with the crowd.

2 "Different people are important, different people are important“- this is what my friend said, hiring guest workers to clean out the toilet at the dacha. As you probably understand, we will talk about people, or rather about individual representatives of the human race. There are citizens who are completely useless from the point of view of society, as well as those who are very in demand and necessary “people”. Today we will talk about citizens who are jokingly called “distant”, namely Distant Man You will find out what this strange expression means a little later. Don’t forget to bookmark our website so you don’t forget to stop by.
Before continuing, I want to recommend you a couple more popular articles on random topics. For example, what does Finita mean, what is Current, what does Compensation mean, how to understand Do not renounce, etc.
So let's continue what does distant man mean??

Distant Man- used in an ironic sense as opposed to the expression “close-minded person”, implying a “clever, sensible”, intelligent and thoughtful guy/girl

Distant Man- this is the one to whom you need to go long and hard in order to equal him in mind, reason, and comprehension

Synonym for the expression Distant person: curious, forward-thinking, interested.

Close-minded person"is a person who knows little," swims shallowly" And " digs shallow", that is, this is real mediocrity

Close-minded person- this is a purely subjective concept that appears when communicating with a person who is incomprehensible in the depth of his thinking and way of life

Synonym of the word narrow-minded person: short-sighted, short-sighted.

The point is not that he is somewhere" near", but in the fact that he is not able to calculate the consequences of his actions, he thinks in immediate (primitive) categories. Allegorically, we can say that such an individual has narrow-minded feelings, narrow-minded plans, narrow-minded conversations.
In this case, the designation for the property of the mind was simplified and was transferred to the person himself.
A narrow-minded person has a narrow outlook, shallow views on the surrounding reality, he has a limited range of interests, is down to earth, and is not inclined to a deep understanding of the world. Of course, he cannot be called mentally retarded, but something like that is present in him, not giving him the opportunity to see the meaning in literature, philosophy, art, beauty. Such a person will be more concerned about exclusively mundane things, such as food, sleep, children, work, income. It is customary to say about such people, “They can’t see beyond their own nose.” In fact, it is precisely these types of individuals that make up the majority of businessmen and businessmen. They do not waste time admiring the beauty of nature, do not play with romance, that is, they have a business acumen that allows them to fight for survival.

WITH a narrow-minded person there is no point in talking about abstract topics, discussing global problems and lofty matters with him. Therefore, save your energy and try to communicate with him in his language, that is, on topics that are interesting to him. However, it is better not to get carried away in this matter, otherwise you yourself will become the same as this person.

After reading this article, you learned What does "distant man" mean?, and what the expression “close-minded person” means.

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NON-DISTANT, -th, -oe; -yok, -yok and -yok, -yok and -yok.

1. (-eka, -eko). Close in distance, having a short extension. N. forest. Not a long journey.

2. (-eka, -eko). Close in time. Nearby events.

3. (-yoka, -yoko). Mentally limited, stupid. N. person. A man of short minds.

4. not far And near, in meaning tale and adv. Close in distance. The forest is nearby. It's not far to look for examples.(translated: there are examples, there are many of them).

Close to whom (what), preposition with gender n. at a close, not far distance from someone. Live close to school. There is a forest not far from the house.

| noun closeness, -i, w. (to 3 digits).

What's happened NON-DISTANT, NON-DISTANT this is the meaning of the word NON-DISTANT, origin (etymology) NON-DISTANT, synonyms for NON-DISTANT, paradigm (word forms) NON-DISTANT in other dictionaries

Paradigm, word forms NON-DISTANT- Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak

paradigm, forms of the word SMALL



not far away,

not far away,












not far away,




not far away,




not far away,



not far away,


not far away,


not far away



not far away,

not far

+ NON-DISTANT- T.F. Efremova New dictionary of the Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative




a) Located at a short distance, quite close.

b) Having a small extent; short.

2) transfer decomposition Mentally limited, stupid.

3) Close in time (about the past and future).

Synonyms for NON-DISTANT- Dictionary of Russian synonyms

NON-DISTANT synonyms



stupid, silly, idiotic, narrow-minded, empty-headed, not enough stars in the sky, short-sighted, chicken-brained, short-sighted, foolish, frostbitten, doesn’t invent gunpowder, doesn’t tear stars from the sky; close, near, near; fast, approaching; one-sided, limited, narrow, insufficient, one-sided; simple, rustic, unpretentious, plush. Ant. distant, distant, not close; versatile, wide

+ NON-DISTANT- Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language



Aya, oh; -lek, -leka, -leko and -leko, -leki and -leko; not farther.

Located, occurring at a short distance.

A discordant, vague din rushed from a nearby, brightly lit tavern. Turgenev, Singers.

The sound of someone's very close steps again reached his ears. Dostoevsky, Double.

Having a small extent, associated with a short distance.

Not far road. Not a long journey.

They didn't walk far: they just crossed to the other side of the street. Gogol, Dead Souls.

One that has happened, has happened recently, or will happen, will happen soon.

In the near future.

I had to remember the recent past, when my father’s goodness was unwisely lived. Chekhov, Nightmare.

Despite the fact that it was already evening, it was stuffy. Gaidar, Distant countries.

3. trans. ;

just briefly. f. , from what. Approaching, close to smth.

Not far from the truth.

Leon was not far from taking Yashka by the collar and throwing him out the door. Sokolov, Iskra.

4. Razg.

Close relative; short-range.

Close relatives.

If you ever meet a Greek with the surname Kapitanaki, be sure that he himself or his immediate ancestors are from Balaklava. Kuprin, Listrigons.

The meaning of the word NON-DAMN in Dahl's Dictionary


short path, close, near, not distant, not remote, compared to something. It’s a short journey to Paris, using cast iron, that is, fast and convenient. A kind man, but short-sighted in his mind. He is a close relative to me. Not far off, tomorrow. Near adv. , north-east near south-west not far, not far, close. Who needs it, it’s not far from Moscow. And it’s not far away, but you can’t put it on your shoulders. Winter is not far away. It’s not far to the stove, and from there it’s a stone’s throw to the grave (the patient lies down on the stove).

Dahl. Dahl's Dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what CLEAR is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • NON-DISTANT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -th, -oe; -ek, -eka and -eka, -eko and -eko. 1. (-eka, -eko). Close in distance, having a short extension.N. forest. ...
  • NON-DISTANT in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, not far, ...
  • NON-DISTANT in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    1. ‘located at a short distance’ Syn: close, near, not far (book) Ant: distant, distant, not close 2. (about time, about an event) Syn: ...
  • NON-DISTANT in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    1. ‘located at a short distance’ Syn: close, near, not far (book) Ant: distant, distant, not close 2. (about time, about ...
  • NON-DISTANT in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    cm. …
  • NON-DISTANT in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    close, close, stupid, short-sighted, limited, one-sided, stupid, unpretentious, rustic, simple, empty-headed, narrow, ...
  • NON-DISTANT in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • NON-DISTANT in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • NON-DISTANT in the Spelling Dictionary:
    close-minded; cr. f. -lek, -lek...
  • NON-DISTANT in the Spelling Dictionary:
    close-minded; cr. f. -lek, -lek`a, -leko and -lek`o (close); not far (-lek`a) from...
  • NON-DISTANT in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    close in distance The forest is not far away. It’s not far to look for examples (translated: there are examples, there are many of them). narrow-minded, mentally limited, stupid N. ...
  • NON-DISTANT in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    not far, not far; not far, not far, not far. 1. Located at a close distance from somewhere. Nearby village. - Having a short extension. Not a long way. Nearby...
  • NON-DISTANT in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    adj. 1) a) Located at a short distance, quite close. b) Having a small extent; short. 2) transfer decomposition Mentally limited, stupid. ...
  • NON-DISTANT in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1. Located at a short distance, quite close. Ott. Having a short extent; short. 2. transfer decomposition Mentally limited, stupid. 3. ...
  • NON-DISTANT in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I adj. 1. Located at a short distance; pretty close. 2. Having a short extension; short. 3. Close in time (about...
    close-minded; cr. f. -lek, -lek...
  • NEAR*; KR. F. -LEK in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    close*; cr. f. -lek, -leka, -leko and -leko (close); not far from...
  • JEAN DE LABRRUYERE in the Wiki Quotebook:
    Data: 2009-06-27 Time: 17:09:23 = B = * The wealth of other people should not be envied: they acquired it at a price that...
  • GUSCHEEEDOV in the Encyclopedia of Russian surnames, secrets of origin and meanings:
  • GUSCHEEEDOV in the Encyclopedia of Surnames:
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  • AGAFANGEL (SOLOVIEV) in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Agafangel (Solovyov) (1812 - 1876), Archbishop of Volyn and Zhitomir. In the world Solovyov Alexey...
    King of England and Scotland from the Stuart dynasty, who reigned from 1685 to 1688. Son of Charles I and Henrietta of France. AND.: …
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    King of Sardinia from the Savoy dynasty, who reigned from 1773 to 1796. Son of Charles Emmanuel I and Polyxena of Geessen-Rhine-Rottenburg. J.: since 1750...

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