What is it basically all about? The meaning of the word "principle"

  • Principle or beginning (Latin principium, Greek αρχή) - an approved figurative representation or perceived by the psychological structure of a person - the processes of life and activity in certain conditions that have the moral category of the reasonable. Basis of perception: action in a moment or situation; physical, material, spiritual values.

    Generalized concepts:

    A fundamental truth, law, proposition, or driving force that underlies other truths, laws, regulations, or driving forces;

    Guiding position, basic rule, setting for any activity;

    Internal belief in something, a point of view about something that leads to a particular behavior that is not expected to change in the near future;

    The main feature of the device, the operation of the mechanism, device, etc.

    In theoretical philosophy, that is what unites in thought and in reality a certain set of facts.

    The search for principle or arche, as the basis of all things, reveals the history of ancient Greek philosophy. The philosophers of the Milesian school put forward as a principle: Thales - water, Anaximander - apeiron (infinite), Anaximenes - “indefinite air”.

    Finding a principle that would truly contain the basis for everything that exists is the task of many philosophical systems. The ideal requirement or norm of a metaphysical principle boils down to the following: such a principle should have the greatest internal unity and the greatest completeness of content, and its connection with what is explained from it should be the most clear and internally binding.

    In addition to the universal metaphysical principle, this term is also used to designate well-known special points of view on this or that aspect of thinking and being, such as the principle of sufficient reason or the principle of individuation.

    In practical philosophy, ethics, a principle is a norm, a rule of behavior. This norm of behavior can be general (moral) and private. For example, the biblical commandments are moral principles. One of the principles of morality is the maxim “do as you would like to be treated.” Close to this principle is Kant's categorical imperative. There may also be private, non-moral principles, according to which an individual corrects his private behavior.

    In the modern understanding, the concept of principle is often identified with the concepts of caprice, stubbornness, and tyranny. A person may act “out of principle” differently from what everyone else did. For example, everyone dresses warmly in cold weather, but this one “out of principle” went outside in a T-shirt. Naturally, there is no principle here. This should be interpreted more as a piece of colloquial speech rather than an appropriately used term. This expression carries a connotation of stubbornness and inconsistency, which is characteristic of the “principle” as a subject of philosophical discussion.

    Princip is a heavily armed warrior of the empire of Ancient Rome; such warriors were usually located in the first, rarely in the second ranks of the Roman legions (hence the name). They had armor, shields, and were armed with spears and swords. The principles are the defensive belt of the Roman legion, which was difficult and dangerous to break through. Apparently this is where the famous saying “go by principle” could come from..

In Russian, depending on the meaning of a sentence, the same words can act as different parts of speech. Therefore, many people have a question: “in principle” - how to write such an adverb, a combination of a preposition with a noun, an introductory word? In any situation, it should be written in a separate form. But the spelling of each of the listed parts of speech is regulated by different rules, knowledge of which is necessary when mastering the Russian language.

Spelling a word

How to write correctly: in principle or in principle? In all cases, this word must be used separately. In order to understand the reason for such spelling, it is necessary to pay attention to the belonging of the word to a certain group:

  • adverbs;
  • noun;
  • introductory words.

There are several rules governing the correct spelling of the listed parts of speech, each of which has its own characteristics.

The word “in principle” must be written separately in any sentence.


How to write if it is an adverb? In any sentences it must be written separately. Such spelling is determined by the following rule of the Russian language: adverbs are required to be written in a separate form if they are formed by the preposition “in” and a noun used in an adverbial meaning. To recognize the adverbial construction in question, it is necessary to ask one single question: “how?”

Rule: together or separately – noun

How to write “in principle”: together or separately, if it is a preposition with a noun? “B” is a simple preposition that is written separately. Some people confuse them with consoles, using them together. To prevent this from happening, you need to know that the prepositional-noun connective can be broken by placing it in the middle:

  • question: “in what?”;
  • additional word - most often adjectives are used as it.

In the above situations, “in” should be written separately.

Introductory word?

Many people are faced with a misunderstanding: “in principle” is an introductory word or not? Yes, if it has the following values:

  • essentially speaking;
  • essentially speaking.

In all of the above cases, the construction in question must be written separately and separated by punctuation marks.

An example will go into more detail: “Is it possible to write a story? In principle, it is possible / yes / it is not difficult,” where the answer can be any of the listed statements to choose from. The presented situations require separate writing of the construction, as in the other examples.


“In principle” is separated by commas only when the construction is an introductory word:

  1. if located in the middle of a sentence, commas are placed before and after it;
  2. if it is at the beginning, you need to put one punctuation mark - after;
  3. if it is at the end, one punctuation mark is placed - before.

When generalizing, it is allowed to replace one of the commas with a dash. In other cases of using the non-introductory word “in principle,” a comma is never used.

Introductory expression and member of the sentence 1. Introductory expression. The same as “essentially speaking, essentially speaking.” Identified by punctuation marks, usually commas. For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2. (Appendix 2) These are good,... ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

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indirect method based on the hydrostatic principle- 3.9 indirect method based on the hydrostatic principle: Method based on measurements of hydrostatic pressure and product level in capacity measures. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Generally speaking, generalizing, concluding, in general, in theory, in general, in general, Dictionary of Russian synonyms. in principle adverb, number of synonyms: 8 in general then (7) ... Synonym dictionary

pipe lifting device operating on the principle of walking and turning- A pipe lifting device that operates on the principle of walking a pipe string with simultaneous rotation up to 30°. Topics oil and gas industry EN casing rotary ring ...

Technical Translator's Guide - (foreign language) at the base (not in detail) Wed. He... knew that everything was basically over with her husband... she didn’t want to live with him in the same apartment: either he would move in separately, or she would move out. Boborykin. Walker. 3, 3. See principle...

Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

See principle. doctrine of principle... LI XUE Doctrine of principle. Dr. name Tao Xue (the doctrine of Tao). The direction in Neo-Confucianism of the Song (10th-13th centuries) and Ming (late 14th-17th centuries) eras, which saw the path to understanding the world in the knowledge of principles (li (1)) as objective reality. His forerunners... ...

Chinese philosophy. Encyclopedic Dictionary. Basically …

Spelling dictionary-reference book

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