Training under the professional retraining program. Professional retraining

Imagine the situation. For more than 10 years you have been working as an economist at a large enterprise. But all this time you dream of becoming a chef. Or, say, a professional hairdresser. Stop dreaming! It's time to act!

It is for such people that there are professional retraining courses.

Don't know where to start? I, Alla Prosyukova, an expert at HeatherBober magazine, have prepared a new article for you on this issue.

The material in the article will be useful to everyone who wants to look into the future with confidence, do what they love, and at the same time improve their own well-being.

1. Why are professional retraining courses needed?

Professional retraining courses are necessary for those who want to obtain an additional specialty or change their existing profession, as well as acquire new qualifications.

Such training is considered by many employers to be equivalent to a second higher education and opens up broad career prospects for the employee.

The diploma obtained after retraining gives the right to fully work in a new profession.

2. What types of professional retraining are there?

Professional retraining is divided into several types depending on the purpose of its completion.

It is divided into:

  • professional retraining in order to improve existing professional skills;
  • professional retraining for additional related professions;
  • professional retraining to obtain a new profession.

Let's look at each type using specific examples.


Maria Kukushkina worked as an accountant in one of the housing departments in Kazan. The girl was educated, young and ambitious. Of course, she did not plan to spend her entire life accounting for people’s payments in her office.

And then her friend, who works as the chief economist in a large retail chain in the city, told Masha that their deputy chief accountant would soon retire and they were already looking for a replacement for her.

The friend agreed with the chief accountant of the organization, Nadezhda Pavlovna, about a preliminary interview with Maria to determine whether she would be able to apply for the vacancy in the future.

Nadezhda Pavlovna really liked Maria, but during the conversation it became clear that the girl did not fully meet the qualification requirements. A way out of this situation was immediately found - professional retraining courses.

And now, a week later, Maria, in agreement with the new employer, began training in retraining courses at a financial institute, which she managed to complete just in time for the desired vacancy.

Now I propose to consider another case from the life of my friend, who, thanks to professional retraining, significantly increased not only the level of professionalism, but also her own well-being.


For as long as she could remember, Svetlana always dreamed of becoming a hairdresser. Therefore, after graduating from school, I immediately went to study this profession. After graduating, she has been working as a hairdresser in one of the salons in Yelabuga for 9 years.

Her job as a hairdresser is her life. She constantly follows all the latest in hairdressing, learns the most interesting and popular techniques, thereby delighting her many clients. Despite such successful professional activities, Svetlana also dreams of becoming a makeup artist.

Every year, the services of a makeup artist are becoming more and more popular, and ladies, turning to Svetlana as a hairdresser, often ask if she could do, for example, holiday makeup.

All this encouraged Svetlana to take professional retraining courses and get an additional profession - a makeup artist. Arriving in her native Yelabuga after training, Svetlana immediately notified her clients about the new service. The result didn’t take long to wait: the master’s income increased almost 1.5 times!

I bring to your attention another real example where I changed the life of one of my colleagues.


Irina Malysheva has worked as a leading credit inspector at one of the banks in Kazan for more than 5 years. Her mother also worked in the banking industry all her adult life. Therefore, when Irina graduated from school, there was no question about choosing a profession.

Despite the fact that the girl loved children very much and dreamed of becoming a teacher, Ira did not contradict her mother, who raised her alone, and graduated from banking college. Irina was in good standing at work and was known as an experienced specialist. And my career was slowly but surely growing.

Despite this, every year Ira felt more and more clearly that she had made a mistake in her choice of profession. The girl went to work reluctantly, performed her duties efficiently, but without enthusiasm.

Soon Irina’s life changed dramatically. Her mother got married and moved with her husband to another city, giving her daughter complete independence.

Soon, Ira decided not to torture herself anymore and change her profession. She underwent retraining and became a preschool teacher. Her dream came true! She works in one of the private kindergartens and is absolutely happy!

3. For whom will professional retraining courses be relevant?

Professional retraining courses are in demand among a variety of categories of citizens.

Such training will come in handy:

  • those who made a mistake in choosing a profession;
  • those who lack qualifications for a new position;
  • for those who want to earn more by mastering a related profession.

Such courses will also be of interest to employers for whom it is important.

This format will appeal to students who want to increase their competitiveness. For example, while studying in the final years of a pedagogical university to become a preschool teacher, students have the right to simultaneously undergo retraining in the specialty “child psychologist.”

After completing their studies, these graduates will receive an undeniable advantage in the eyes of potential employers.

Such courses, especially their distance form, will also be useful for mothers on leave to care for their babies. This is an excellent opportunity to go back to work after maternity leave fully armed, with a wealth of new knowledge and skills, confirmed by a special document.

Today’s active retirees also love this kind of training. Judge for yourself.


Anna Dmitrievna Korobova is a former university teacher of English and French, and now a pensioner.

Anna is not used to idleness and decided to find something to do that will not only take her time, but will also allow her to earn additional income.

Of course, she could do tutoring, since the demand for such services is consistently high. But Anna Dmitrievna, after many years of work as a teacher, was tired of this monotony; her soul asked for something new and interesting.

Fate would have it that Korobova’s eyes caught an advertisement for enrollment in a retraining course for a new profession as a guide-translator. The pleasant surprises did not end there for Anna! The organizer of the courses was her home university, which provided her with a 25% discount on tuition.

Having completed her retraining with honors, Anna Dmitrievna threw herself into work, living a new, interesting, vibrant life and at the same time receiving decent pay for her work.

4. How to take professional retraining courses - step-by-step instructions for beginners

Today I have prepared a similar guide that can help you quickly and easily choose the appropriate course, enter into an agreement, pay for training and successfully complete retraining.

Step 1. Select a training center

When choosing a training center, collect as much information as possible about it. Don't neglect reviews from real users. Be sure to check all permits for conducting educational activities. Pay attention to the techniques used for training.

Study the list of the company's main clients. Serious educational institutions make this information freely available on their website. Get to know the center's teaching staff. Find out if they have practical experience in the course they teach.

Step 2. Decide on a retraining program and send an application

When choosing a program, ask if the center has original teaching aids or its own video lessons.

After you select a suitable program, send an application for the chosen course. Almost all educational institutions provide the opportunity to submit an application online.

Step 3. Receive a response and send documents

After waiting for a response from the center’s admissions committee or the responsible manager, carefully study the list of documents required to conclude a contract.

Make high-quality color scans from originals. Do not forget to file each scanned document in a separate file, accompanied by a clear, understandable name.

Step 4. Pay the cost of the courses

To pay for the course, the training center will send (if distance learning) or hand you (if offline learning) a receipt.

Some educational institutions do not issue receipts, but ask you to pay according to the details specified in the contract. Keep the original receipt until you receive your diploma.

Step 5. Take courses and receive a diploma

After paying for the training and concluding an agreement, start training. For all enrolled students, the training center fills out a “Personal Sheet” or “Personal Student Card”.

Try to strictly adhere to the established study schedule. If you encounter any difficulties, please contact the course supervisor.

After completing the entire course and successfully passing the final certification, you will receive a full-fledged diploma. It will allow you to work in your newly acquired profession or take the desired position, that is, to achieve the goal for which all this was started.

5. Where to take professional retraining courses - review of the TOP-3 training centers

In order not to get lost in the jungle of various training programs and educational organizations, I have prepared for you a selection of training centers that offer high-quality professional retraining in several areas.

Check it out, maybe this is exactly what you need.

1) Specialist

This is a training center at one of the most famous Russian universities - MSTU. E.N. Bauman. The company has been working in the field of education for more than 25 years.

The center's catalog contains more than a thousand different courses. Training is provided for those interested in any level of training, including zero.

Classes are conducted in the following forms:

  • full-time;
  • correspondence;
  • remote;
  • in the form of webinars;
  • individual training;
  • weekend courses.

The services of the Specialist Center are available to individuals and legal entities. Today, more than 35 thousand Russian and foreign companies have already become clients of the Center. Over 850 thousand students completed the training. Retraining and training are especially popular.

“Specialist” holds monthly prize draws, promotions, and offers tuition payments on credit.

2) International Academy of Expertise and Evaluation

The International Academy of Expertise and Evaluation (IAEO) conducts distance retraining courses in more than 30 programs.

Advantages of studying at the Academy:

  • completely distance learning;
  • affordable prices;
  • high quality;
  • installment payment;
  • clear educational materials;
  • accelerated training without increasing costs.

3) Capital

“Stolitsa” is a personnel training center based in Moscow, which has been successfully operating since 2012. During the period of operation, the company has issued over 15 million certificates.

Center services:

  • blue-collar professions (with the issuance of a certificate);
  • certification of employees in industrial safety and labor protection;
  • courses on environmental and fire safety;
  • professional retraining;
  • advanced training of builders, designers and surveyors.

I have presented some prices for the services of the Stolitsa training center in the table.

Fragment of the price list of the Stolitsa educational center:

6. How to save on professional retraining courses - 3 simple tips

Everyone loves to save - both the rich and the not so rich! I am also a supporter of reasonable savings. Therefore, based on my personal experience in various courses, I have collected in this section some useful tips on retraining courses.

They will help you save your money without compromising the quality of your training.

Tip 1. Take training remotely

The cost of distance learning (training conducted remotely via the Internet) is usually cheaper than any other form.

At the same time, it is in no way inferior to full-time, correspondence or evening courses, and in some positions even surpasses them. For example, remote control is much more convenient. After all, you can study at any convenient time and in any place where there is an Internet and a computer.

In addition, the student has access to a large number of electronic libraries, audio podcasts, video presentations, etc.

Tip 2. Discard unnecessary programs

As the writer Ravil Aleev said “You don’t save money by buying cheaper. You save money by not buying too much.". If you agree with him, then this advice is for you!

When choosing a professional retraining course, carefully study its program. If any of its blocks do not suit you, do not buy such training. Why pay extra money and waste your time on what you don't need.

Look again. You will definitely find the most suitable option for you without overpaying for unnecessary modules.

Tip 3. Participate in promotional programs

Educational institutions that provide professional retraining services periodically hold promotions that allow you to purchase their training programs at significant discounts.

This is done to:

  • attract more students;
  • increase the recognition of the organization;
  • In this way, mark a significant date for the company (for example, the date of its creation).

Subscribe to the newsletters of those training centers where you found suitable professional retraining courses for yourself. This way you can find out the latest news about all promotional offers and have time to sign up for the desired program at a discounted price.

See the video for some details on the topic.

7. Conclusion

Let's summarize! The modern world with its latest technologies, complete computerization, and sophisticated equipment forces us to keep up with the times, constantly learn, acquire the necessary skills, and acquire new professions.

In this process, an important place is occupied by professional retraining courses and advanced training, which make it possible to solve all these problems in a short period of time with minimal expenditure of time and money.

Question for readers

Have you thought about changing your profession? If yes, do you think that professional retraining can help you with this?

Friends, don't be afraid to change! Good luck to you in all your endeavors!

We are waiting for your comments, questions and feedback on the article! Share the publication with your friends on social networks!

Many people feel out of place doing work every day that they don't like. It is not surprising, because according to statistics, the majority of boys and girls go to get higher education immediately after school, guided not by their conscious choice, but rather by inertia, for the sake of acquiring some prestigious profession to please their parents’ will or the fashion trends of the time. Having matured, a person often realizes the error of his chosen path. He finds joy in a completely different area of ​​activity than his current job, which ceases to bring any satisfaction. At this point, professional retraining courses come to the rescue. In order to master a new specialty and acquire a package of necessary documents to start working, it is not at all necessary to spend a large amount of money and several years of your life on a second higher education. A key feature of professional retraining courses is the absence of unnecessary information. By focusing on studying the specifics and intricacies of your chosen specialty, you will spend only a few months on this, depending on the chosen training program, and will receive a high-quality and inexpensive education that will allow you to confidently start in a new profession.

Professional retraining at MASPC

The Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex is ready to help you with this today. We provide professional retraining courses of consistently high quality. Original educational programs were developed by a team of professionals working at the Academy, together with leading specialists from RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation, the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, MSTU. Bauman, MGSU and cover all key sectors. In addition, we monitor the timely updating and adjustment of educational materials taking into account changes in the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Every year, tens of thousands of satisfied students from all regions of Russia master new professions in professional retraining courses at MASPC. The opportunity to take courses remotely without interrupting your main activity is in particular demand.

ANO DPO MASPC is a certified organization of additional professional education, the right to conduct educational activities is confirmed by license No. 035298 dated July 14, 2014:

Professional retraining programs

Professional retraining courses on the basis of higher education are conducted in various variations. This may be a traditional face-to-face format, when you are personally present at classes in the Academy’s classrooms. And also a fairly popular format is distance learning. In this case, modern remote education technologies are used. You don’t have to leave your city and be separated from your family and current activities. Classes are held on the educational portal of our website according to an individual schedule, tailored to your main workload.

All educational programs and teaching materials of our Academy were developed by the experienced teaching staff of MASPC. They have a well-thought-out structure for presenting the necessary educational material for a comprehensive and consistent study of current issues in this profession. The content and scope of professional retraining courses fully meet the qualification requirements and professional standards established in accordance with the legal acts of the Russian Federation.

In order to take professional retraining courses at our Academy, simply leave your contact in the application form, online consultant or call our managers. The cost of training is determined individually and depends on the region of the student, the topic and duration of the program, as well as on the number of students from one organization.

Please note that only citizens who have already completed secondary or higher professional education, confirmed by the presence of the necessary documents, can study at MASPC.

Sample of a diploma of professional retraining

Upon completion of the courses, you will be issued an appropriate diploma of the established form, which allows you to officially work in a new specialty:

By choosing ANO DPO MASPC, you get:

  • More than 420 professional retraining and advanced training programs;
  • Comfortable prices. Your capabilities are our priority;
  • Highly qualified teaching staff and unique teaching methods;
  • The opportunity to study remotely, without interruption from family and work (distance education);
  • Impeccable service. Constant support of a personal manager;
  • Individual training schedule;
  • Modern material and technical base;
  • Free consultations and assistance at all stages of training.

The Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining is a structural subdivision of Moscow State Educational Institution that implements programs of additional professional education. The Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining was created with the aim of training highly qualified specialists, increasing the professional knowledge and competencies of specialists, improving business qualities, preparing them to perform new labor functions in accordance with the needs of the regional economy.

MGOU's system of continuing education responds flexibly to changes occurring in education and the economy of the region. Conditions have been created that provide students with the opportunity to show personal activity and interest from the formation of the need for education under advanced training and professional retraining programs to the construction of individual trajectories of professional development. The peculiarity of this system is the support of professional development of representatives of the teaching community of the Moscow region and after completion of training:

Model of the MGOU continuous education system

Approaches to the choice of forms and methods of professional development in the system of continuing education have changed. Today the most popular are:

The competitive advantages of the MGOU continuous education system are:

  • highly qualified teaching staff, which allows not only to maintain the system of continuous education at a high level, but also to develop it through the implementation of new relevant programs
  • increase in the effectiveness and demand for further education programs (increase in the number of students)
  • increasing demand for teaching staff in consulting activities and examination of educational programs
  • increasing the role of employers in the design and implementation of advanced training and professional retraining programs
  • training of students and team training on the basis of municipalities of the Moscow region

View the full list of advanced training and professional retraining programs:

Upcoming courses:
  • - bachelor's degree,
    start in September 2019, full-time and part-time, duration 4-5 years.
  • - professional retraining,
    start from July 08, 2019 (in absentia) or from October 07, 2019 (in person and in absentia)
  • , training starts in September 2019.
  • , started September 2019
  • , registration for groups is underway! Start of distance learning - July 1, 2019 and August 19, 2019, part-time - October 14, 2019.
  • , recruitment is underway (in person and in absentia)
  • , recruitment is underway (in person and in absentia)
  • , recruiting in progress
  • , we are recruiting for training! Dates: June 17 to June 28, 2019
  • , we are recruiting for training! Dates: June 17 to June 28, 2019
  • , we are recruiting for training! Dates: June 17 to June 28, 2019
  • , recruiting in progress
  • , recruiting in progress
  • Additional education (vocational retraining), diploma of the established form from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    At our department you can receive additional education (undergo professional retraining) in a number of popular specialties in the field of management, business assessment, practical psychology, construction, and energy.

    Additional education today is necessary for those who seek to strengthen their position in the labor market.

    An important advantage of studying at our department is short period of additional education- Total 6 months and without compromising quality. Using a partially distance learning form, the student can gain knowledge wherever he is. Distance education requires only the Internet, a computer, and provides the opportunity to constantly consult with a teacher.

    Upon completion of training (6 months), students receive a diploma of professional retraining with the right to conduct a new type of activity.

    Studying at the ITTB department makes it possible to quickly obtain high-quality knowledge and a diploma in the field of “Chief engineer (technical director) of thermal power engineering" Our graduates work in the chief engineer's service as specialists and managers.
    Category of listeners: specialists with higher education, final year students.
    Duration of training: 4 months.

    Cost of education: 54,000 rubles, phased payment possible.

    The purpose of training: professional retraining of students in order to obtain new competencies in the field of heat power engineering and heating engineering, preparation for work to perform a new type of professional activity.

    Professional retraining under the “Human Resources Management” program makes it possible to master a sought-after, interesting profession and receive a diploma in 4 months.

    Category of listeners: specialists with higher education.
    Duration of training: 4 months for all forms of training.
    Cost of education: full-time and part-time - 42,000 rubles; in absentia - 35,000 rubles.

    Second education (professional retraining) according to the program

    “Estimating work and examination of estimates.”

    The ITTB Department of the National Research University "MPEI" is recruiting for training under the program of additional professional education " Estimating and examination of estimates" volume 256 academic hours.

    The course includes studying the basics of estimate business and the peculiarities of pricing in construction; students will learn to work with the regulatory and methodological framework for calculating estimate documentation and correctly forming reporting documentation.

    After completing the estimating courses, students will gain in-depth practical knowledge and skills in drawing up estimates for all types of construction work, and will be able to analyze the process of drawing up estimate documentation.

    Studying at the ITTB department makes it possible to quickly obtain high-quality knowledge and a diploma in the field of “ Chief Power Engineer Service: Safe Operation and Management" Our graduates work in the chief power engineer's service as specialists and managers.
    Category of listeners: specialists with higher and secondary vocational education, final year students.
    Duration of training: 5 months.

    Cost of education: 54,000 rubles, phased payment possible.

    Start date: by correspondence - July 1 and August 19, 2019; for full-time and correspondence - October 14, 2019

    Studying at the ITTB department makes it possible to obtain high-quality knowledge and a diploma in the specialty “HR Manager” in a short time. Our graduates work as managers in HR departments, HR departments and HR departments.
    Category of listeners: specialists with higher education.
    Duration of training: 4 months.
    Cost of education: 42,000 rubles, phased payment possible.

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