Must be done in writing. How to find your dream and light a fire in your soul

Every person has the strongest desire (and this is not the desire to eat deliciously), which is called a dream. But while some people always have it at hand in the form of a bright and attractive image, others just shrug their shoulders "I don't know what I want".

Why do you need a dream?

On August 23, 1963, a short man a little over 30 climbed the steps of the memorial complex and, addressing the assembled people, said: “I have a dream.” Subsequently, his speech was recognized as a masterpiece of oratory. Because he sincerely believed in what he said. And he believed in the great goal of equality for all people. This man's name was Martin Luther King. And although he did not even live to see 40, he did much more in his life than hundreds, thousands and even millions of other people.

And if you ask me “Why do you need a dream?”, I will answer you that a dream is needed so that every moment of our life is filled with meaning, so that every moment of our life we ​​have the strength and desire to move forward, Towards that image of the future, which cannot be better imagined. Because if we do not move forward, then without fail, and this is not even discussed, we will inevitably slide down.

Therefore, a dream is something that is an incentive for hard and exhausting work on a new version of oneself, for real, not “cool” self-development, for achieving serious goals in life.

Your path to your dream

Any a dream is a visualized idea. Therefore, before drawing an image of a new, bright, happy and harmonious future for yourself, your family, city, people, humanity, you need to find and understand what truly inspires me, what is the most important and valuable thing in life for me, What am I willing to live and fight for?

Only this way and no other way. Small things and dummies do not warm the soul, do not inspire hard work and serious achievements. Therefore, if you suddenly discovered a dream of living by the sea, then check where and when you were “brainwashed”, switching and focusing your attention on the fact that your soul cannot possibly want it to be.

To find the main idea that is dominant in your soul, you should be patient and consistent. The easiest way is to then use the system algorithm for collecting and analyzing features, which I give in. But you can also use 22 exercises for clarifying your calling, completely free of charge, which I collected from all the trainings that I could get my hands on. This can also be a great help in understanding your “lifeline.”

In any case, no matter what path you choose, your task is to find individual “puzzles” and pieces in order to assemble them into a single picture. And only then this picture should be properly concretized and visualized. Voila, your dream is in the palm of your hand!

Realization is materialization

But you shouldn’t stop there, because a dream without action is “money down the drain.” You should start realizing your dream, developing your main life idea as soon as you understand what’s what. Therefore, it would not hurt to sketch out some kind of plan to begin with. Then you can rewrite it and even write a new one, more adequate to reality, but you should always have some understanding. Otherwise, there will be no focus, and without focus, attention (read energy) and resources will dissipate (you will carry water in a sieve).

Well, for example, if you decide to paint a dream picture, then start by at least choosing a plot, drafting it in pencil, purchasing canvas and paints. And it wouldn’t hurt to upgrade the artist’s skill to some serious level either.

It is clear that such a serious thing as a “dream painting” cannot be done in a day, two, a month or even a year, so it does not interfere with preparing for it properly. After all, the souls of those who managed to become famous for their creativity for centuries receive a powerful energy boost. Working for future glory is more promising than immediate gain.

What if I want to find my dream job?

Another overly pragmatic reader will ask. What to do then? Also search for months and years, hope and believe?!

Here, dear friend, everything is much simpler. It is enough to find your strongest competency and look for relevant offers from employers based on it. Or offer it yourself. At the same time, you need to clearly and distinctly understand what high-quality value (for the employer) this entire body of expert knowledge, talents, personal qualities and abilities can provide.

Let's say, if you know how to convince others well and negotiate something well, then you will be able to sell complex products to difficult customers. And this is a direct path to some corporation.

Of course, I didn't mention that you have to like it yourself, but it kind of goes without saying.

Do you want to know how to find such a competency? I gave the technology at the training “Life’s Work: Foundation”. So, don’t be lazy to take it if, of course, you want to find your dream job seriously and not just for fun.

Take your brain on vacation

And finally, I want to emphasize the following important thing. Your dream is not what is in your head. Do not engage in mental masturbation in attempts to formulate what is beyond the control of the mind. Eminent professors were unable to formulate with their powerful brains a national idea ordered by the president. How can you compete with them?

Your dream, your main idea in life, is what you need to find. And when you find it, you will feel it yourself. There simply won't be any questions. I don't know how long it will take you, but I assure you that spending this time is the most important investment in your life.

Or you can take a less complicated route - go through a session to clarify your purpose. Working from an external point of view always gives an order of magnitude better result. As they say, if you want to see the sun, come out of the dark cave.

published by: Tatyana Viktorovna | 09/15/2012

How to come to a state of internal integrity, express yourself most fully in activity and be free to choose an activity to your liking.

We all come from childhood. And often we have heard such a hackneyed phrase - you need to mind your own business in life! What does this mean? How to distinguish this “ours” from someone else’s, unnecessary to us? Let's try to figure it out.

It often happens like this: something occupied us in childhood, youth, but we did not give our dreams go out into the world (or more often we were not allowed). And we had to forget about our personal, we exchanged individuality for the public. And everything would be fine, only occasionally we still hear the voice of the heart, calling to us with a depressing prayer.

But fortunately, everything is not so sad. Find your dream, if you have lost it, you can at any age. It is important, as they say, to know where to look.

1. Remember your childhood, teenage years.
It is there that most of our aspirations and wishes. Often we scatter dreams around the world and forget to tell it that they are ours. Answer these questions for yourself:

  • What did you like to do? -
  • What brought you the greatest joy and inspired you?
  • What did you do best?

If you try, you will probably be able to remember situations when you passionately wanted something, but due to some circumstances your desire was not satisfied. At some point you stopped believing, the power of your thoughts weakened and you lost connection with your dreams. But she herself the dream never goes away, she continues to live, only now separately from you and maybe waiting for you to believe in yourself and call her along again.

2. Your desires are in your capabilities.

Look inside yourself. What are you doing now? Does your profession match the level of your aspirations? Are you satisfied with what you do? Are you wasting your life? Now begin to mentally scroll through this chain, trying to correlate each moment, building an overall picture: think about what you can do today so that life begins to change for the better. After all, only dreams make us strong. Only realized dreams allow us to be happy.

3. Be clear about what you want. And start today move towards your dream.

Don't put it off until tomorrow. You need to live today. Save tomorrow for tomorrow's goals. When you understand what gives you the greatest joy, you will be able to overcome any obstacles, the sea will be knee-deep to you.

In conclusion, I would like to add one more thing: stay true to your dream! Then you will delight not only yourself, but also those around you. The bright sun will shine on you from everywhere - the same one that you lit in your heart!

On the eve of the New Year, I sometimes receive very interesting questions. Since I was asked the question about how to identify and find “your dream” several times in a row, I, with the permission of the author of the question, decided to publish my answer and my vision of the problem of the “main dream” in life. Perhaps this approach will also be of some help to someone else.

Lada, hello!

I follow your news - I am very interested in what you write about, your thoughts are interesting. New Year's Eve is approaching. It is customary to make your deepest wish, your dream on the eve of the New Year at midnight with the clink of glasses... a wonderful tradition, bright and kind. And while waiting for this moment, I thought about what I could wish for? Such simple, mundane desires are spinning in my head - to renovate an apartment, buy a car, etc.
And I was horrified by my desires. After all, in fact, they have nothing to do with me. These are not my desires, but, so to speak, some kind of public desires. Lada, tell me, maybe you know how to find a dream within yourself? Truly your dream. Where do real dreams come from? Or maybe you need to find your way to them yourself? Or maybe only children who are not overwhelmed by the worries of the material world can truly dream? It’s so sad and bitter that youthful ambitious, bright dreams are replaced by something completely alien to the soul. Share your secret on how to bring magic back into your life?

Good afternoon

Try to remember your childhood feelings and thoughts - it is possible! In those periods, dreams could come in an allegorical form - you just need to learn to understand and recognize it. For example, as a child I wanted to become a bus driver (this is in addition to my dream of becoming an astronomer). It would seem a strange dream for a girl who only agreed to wear trousers for the first time at the age of 12)) I started playing this game whenever the opportunity arose - the passengers (all at once) were either my grandmother, or they were generally virtual. I liked announcing stops, imagining someone getting on and off the “bus.”

As an adult, I understood what this meant and deciphered it this way: I want the people (“bus passengers”) who come into my life (“bus”) to get what they need (“their stop”), and as joyfully and comfortably as possible (“trip”). During the game I enjoyed this feeling of “getting everyone to their desired place.” Now my activity strongly reminds me of this children's game. With the people (clients) who come to me, we together try to identify their goals (they can be both short and long), understand the causes of problems in achieving them and see the path to their implementation. Or see other directions and “stops”.

Ask yourself questions - what did that childhood dream want from me? She definitely wasn’t just like that!

Don’t listen to the nagging voice inside that something might be “too much.” As a rule, this is simply a reflection of past failures, as well as the negative experiences of the people around us (including the collective one) But failures are generally normal! Because when everything is “sweet and smooth”, diabetes occurs (spiritually, this can result in oversaturation and a reluctance to move in any way in life, because “everything is fine.”)

On the other hand, there is no point in scolding yourself for “simple” desires. Our life consists of them, and most of it. Apartment renovation is also part of our creativity! Feel the joy of this creativity. The apartment is your mini-universe! The opportunity to create it is very cool. By the way, I’m also doing renovations now and I’m noticing how other areas of my life are automatically “repaired.” So everything in everything - material in spiritual, and vice versa - nothing can be neglected! Let there be a couple of earthly “dreams”, and a big dream) More precisely, let it become the intention to do it at all costs. Just create an inner path for yourself from your soul to the place where you feel that it has already been realized. This feeling will connect you with your dream, you can focus on it, and it will not allow temporary difficulties to lead you astray.

© Lada Heo.

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Each person is unique in their own way: some constantly dream and make a lot of efforts to make their dreams come true, others dream, but do nothing to make their dreams come true. But there is a category of people who simply forbade themselves to dream. However, every person needs a dream, because it is what allows us to live and strive for its fulfillment. How to find your dream in life and how to fulfill your dream?

First you need to understand that every person has a dream. It just often happens that it is not defined, not expressed, not outlined. It may also happen that a person is afraid to express it. Why?

Yes, because, having defined a dream for himself, a person will have to make it come true. Fears of action and possible mistakes stop many of us from finding our cherished dream in life.

Some people find many reasons why nothing will work out for them, while others find many evidence that nothing will work out. Someone cannot step over their own beliefs.

However, no matter what, it is the dream in life that is the strongest motivation for action. If she constantly reminds you of herself and prevents you from falling asleep, then she is truly yours. And only in your power to implement it.

But if you feel like you're dreaming of nothing, we can give you some tips on how to find your dream in life.

First you need to make a list of your desires, even the most insignificant ones. These desires may be related to work, leisure or family. Include everything you currently want on this list.

After this, you can begin to realize your little desires. It is quite possible that your real dream in life will appear only when you are ready to accept it.

Once you realize small desires, you will have confidence that you can achieve larger results. At such a moment, you can begin to realize your main dream.

To find your dream in life, constantly check whether you are moving in the right direction. Every day, ask yourself what you have done to achieve your dreams.

To have meaning in life, every person needs a dream. Having found it, you will definitely have a lot of strength and inspiration to implement it. After all, only by doing what you love and acting to achieve your goal can a person be truly happy and successful.

How to make your dream come true

Every person has dreamed of something at some point. Some people have small and “mundane” dreams - to receive a bonus at work, to have a fun vacation. For some, it’s more global – having a child, moving from a small house to a big one, buying a car, becoming a specialist, etc. It’s so pleasant to dream, it’s as if they illuminate the present with a special light and draw bright prospects for the future. But some people's dreams come true, while others don't, they remain dreams.

In order not only to find your dream in life, but also to fulfill it, believe that yours will certainly come true. Don't allow yourself to doubt that sooner or later you will get what you want.

Turn your dream into a goal. Think about how realistic your dream is, whether it can come true, and what is needed for this. Start taking action in this direction.

Imagine how to make your dream come true - allow yourself to dream about money “falling from the sky” to make it come true, and about a fabulous gift, and about other possibilities. Make a wish to a shooting star, when the chimes strike on New Year's Eve, stroke the statue that grants a wish (every city has such statues or places). You just need to believe that it will bring the desired effect. Doubt will prevent your dream from coming true.

There are “fantastic” technologies to make dreams come true. They come down to believing that you can control the universe. To do this you need to achieve a certain state of mind. If you want to learn how to make your dreams come true, search the Internet for similar technologies, maybe one of them will work specifically in your case.

Don't sit back and wait. As they say, “water does not flow under a lying stone.” Go to car dealerships if you dream of a car - maybe there will be a lottery that you can win. Communicate with people working in the field where you want to work - suddenly they will protect you and take you on as their assistant. Improve your skills.

Know how to wait - the more global the desire, the longer it may take to fulfill it.

If you want to learn how to make your dreams come true, think about your dream every day; you cannot “throw away”, dreaming about one thing today and another tomorrow.

If you managed to find your dream in life, then talk about it more often - maybe other people will have the opportunity to make it come true or at least advise something.

Help other people make their dreams come true. “As it comes around, so it will respond.”

Believe again, think about how to make your dream come true, don’t doubt its fulfillment, be prepared for the most unusual development of events.

How to realize your dreams

Desires, desires, desires, there are so many of them, today we want a car, tomorrow we want our own business, the day after tomorrow we want an apartment. I really want them all to be implemented, but as luck would have it, not a single one has been implemented. Each of us wants to know how to fulfill a dream and make it come true in the near future.

We all understand that to make our desires come true, we need to do something. For example, if you want to win a car, you need to either buy a lottery ticket or take part in some promotion. But often our attempts to realize our desires cannot be crowned with success.

Maybe we are doing something wrong or incorrectly asking for help from higher powers in its implementation? Most likely, we lack a clear plan on how to make our dreams come true. We have developed sample tips for making your dreams come true especially for you.

To not only find your dream in life, but also to fulfill your dream, first of all, decide on a specific desire. Choose what exactly you want, don’t jump from apartment to car, from car to phone.

Concentrate on this desire. Don't be distracted from it. For example, if you have chosen a new car, then the thought of buying a car should constantly form in your head, imagine that you are going to a car dealership to choose it, think about the model, characteristics, while intermediate desires should disappear.

You understand that the car will not come to you on its own and you need to move from dreams to action sooner or later. If you want to learn how to make your dreams come true, make a rough plan for how to buy a car, and slowly and slowly begin to act. At the same time, at each stage of the plan, pay attention to the tips.

For example, you chose a day to go to a car dealership, but as luck would have it, your child gets sick, you find someone to leave him with, but the moment you leave, you are called to work. The conclusion you must make is clear: there is no need to go to the car dealership today, put it off, don’t rush to view it. Two or more repeating events that cause obstacles for someone are no longer a coincidence.

The very fact of making a desire come true will take more than one day, because your energy must be directed towards it for a certain time. What does the time period depend on? On the quality of your energy. Because it is believed that not all the energy we generate is suitable for fulfilling desires. We pay for the fulfillment of our desires by producing pure energy, which we release when we love and engage with children, help others, and similar actions.

All your desires and dreams are possible when you know exactly what you want and don’t change them every half hour.

As always, I turn this idea into an advice-exercise so that you not only understand, but do it. And then this idea will benefit you.

Advice-Exercise: "How to light a fire in your soul and save your Talent and the Whole World"

A gray and dull life, stability - this is what most people strive for. And this is unattainable. God designed the world in such a way that there are bound to be such psychos as Alexander the Great, Napoleon and the like. They want to conquer the world. They start wars. Millions of people are being killed. This happens in every generation. Stability collapses every 25 years maximum. Why? Because God needs “fire in the soul.”

When stability is disrupted, people begin to “explode” from passion. They pray with sobs, perform feats, and leave carrying tons of cargo. In general, a “storm of emotions” begins. This is obviously what the Creator of the World intended.

A goal is needed as a direction for movement.
Bruce Lee

What am I offering? Want the greatest achievements. Do not evaluate their reality or not reality for yourself (55% of the Forbes list of billionaires started their fortune at 0). And create a gap in the soul between the current state of affairs and the desired one. It's just an Abyss.

I remember how a multimillionaire friend of mine suffered, who spent $150,000 a month in pocket expenses. He suffered every day. He needed 5 billion to be happy. He calculated how much he needed. He prayed every day with tears in his eyes and asked God to make up for his huge lack of money.

Suffering must obviously come into the world. What I suggest is to want much more than you currently have and create “suffering” in your soul. WANT!!! I WANT IT SO MUCH!!!

About the same suffering as a refugee who wants to return home. And it doesn’t matter that there is no water or light in the house. Being a refugee is terrible. And the simple, gray, everyday reality of the days before the war seems like paradise.

In general, my exercise advice is to find yourself a HUGE DREAM. And increase it to the size that the luckiest people in the world have achieved. If this is a yacht, then it’s like that of the “orphan” Roman Abramovich. Both of his parents actually died in childhood. And perhaps he passionately dreamed of wealth when he lived with relatives? And the wives of relatives are often very reluctant to feed children who are not their own :)

The purpose of life is to live with purpose.
Robin Sharma


In general, with the help of a DREAM, “light” a fire in your soul. Start suffering and praying. For example:

  • I want a billion dollars!!!
  • I want to run a marathon at 100 years old!!!

Like Rockefeller, who dreamed of earning $100,000 (as it is now 100 million) and living to be 100 years old. This is necessary in order to create suffering inside and not lose what we have today. Whether you achieve it or not is not so important.

If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to a goal, not to people or things.
Albert Einstein

Take action! Live! Make an impact! Get rich! Love!

I Know - You Can!


The son of a “new Russian” comes to his father sad. The girl says she refused me. She said that she only wants a guy: in a Mercedes and with a three-story house. Dad thought about it and said: Well, we can easily exchange your Bentley for a Mercedes. But I really don’t want to destroy the top two floors of the house because of it.

One blonde asks another: Do you have a goal? She answers: Of course there is. Imagine, I'm walking down the street and a limousine stops. A fairy comes out from there and gives me 50 thousand dollars... The first one asks admiringly: Why not a million? The second one answers: Are you stupid? The goal must be realistic...

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