Assessment of the state of atmospheric air. Need help studying a topic? Organizational structure for monitoring air pollution

The problem of environmental pollution, especially the air envelope of the Earth, is becoming more and more urgent over time. The basis for solving this problem lies in the development and improvement of environmental monitoring systems, carried out on a modern organizational and technological basis.

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1. Methods for monitoring atmospheric air

1.1. General concept of atmospheric air monitoring

1.2. Objectives of atmospheric air monitoring

1.3. Basic Air Monitoring Methods

1.4. Criteria for sanitary and hygienic assessment of air condition

2. System of state monitoring of the state and pollution of atmospheric air in Russia

2.1. Organizational structure for monitoring air pollution

2.2. Problems of the system of state monitoring of the state and pollution of atmospheric air

2.3. Ways to further develop the system of state monitoring of the state and pollution of atmospheric air

2.4. Regulatory documents governing atmospheric air monitoring




The problem of environmental pollution, especially the air envelope of the Earth, is becoming more and more urgent over time. The basis for solving this problem lies in the development and improvement of environmental monitoring systems, carried out on a modern organizational and technological basis. The main areas of methodological support are analyzes of dust pollution and the presence of pollutants in the air.

The purpose of this abstract is to highlight the main methods for monitoring atmospheric air.

The following tasks are highlighted:

Define the concept of atmospheric air monitoring;

Study methods of monitoring atmospheric air;

Consider the organization of an atmospheric air monitoring system.

1. Methods for monitoring atmospheric air

1.1. General concept of atmospheric air monitoring

Ambient air monitoring system observations of the state of atmospheric air, its pollution and non-natural phenomena occurring in it, as well as assessment and forecast of the state of atmospheric air, its pollution (law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air".)

In order to monitor air pollution, comprehensively assess and forecast its condition, as well as provide state authorities, local governments, organizations and the population with current and emergency information on air pollution, the Government of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities self-governments organize state monitoring of atmospheric air and, within their competence, ensure its implementation in the relevant territories of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

State monitoring of atmospheric air is an integral part of state environmental monitoring and is carried out by federal executive authorities in the field of environmental protection, other executive authorities within their competence in the manner established by the federal executive authority authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Territorial bodies of the federal executive body in the field of environmental protection, together with territorial bodies of the federal executive body in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas, establish and revise the list of facilities whose owners must monitor atmospheric air.

1.2. Objectives of atmospheric air monitoring

The monitoring system solves the following problems related to air quality management, including:

  • monitoring compliance with state and international air quality standards;
  • obtaining objective initial data for the development of environmental protection measures, urban planning and planning of transport systems;
  • informing the public about air quality and deploying warning systems for sudden increases in pollution levels;
  • conducting health impact assessments of air pollution;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of environmental protection measures.

1.3. Basic Air Monitoring Methods

The first attempts to study the atmosphere were made by M.V. Lomonosov. The first weather service appeared in Russia in 1872. Many experiments have confirmed the connection between atmospheric pollution and meteorological parameters.

Meteorology is the science of the earth's atmosphere, its structure, properties and processes occurring in it. The properties of the atmosphere and the processes occurring in it are considered in connection with the properties and influence of the underlying surface (land and sea). The main task of meteorology is weather forecasting for various periods.

Meteorological stations are the main component of regular observations of the state of the atmosphere. Intended for:

  • Measurements of temperature, pressure and air humidity;
  • Wind speed and direction;
  • Control of cloudiness, precipitation levels, visibility, solar radiation.

There are ground-based weather stations and drifting ones, installed on ships and on buoys in the open sea.

The ground-based data acquisition subsystem includes 65 centers for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring, 21 hydrometeorological centers, 21 hydrometeorological observatories, 16 hydrometeorological bureaus, 18 aviation meteorological centers, 343 air meteorological stations, 22 environmental pollution monitoring centers, 1606 hydrometeorological stations in Antarctica, 17 ionospheric-magnetic and 30 ozonometric stations. Radiometric measurements are carried out at 1,450 stations and posts. Air pollution is determined at 687 stations in 299 cities.

Atmospheric air sounding methods

Rocket sounding is used to probe the upper layers of the atmosphere: the layer from 15-20 to 80-120 km (stratosphere and mesosphere), in which most of the ozonosphere and lower ionosphere and higher layers of the thermosphere and exosphere are located.

To study the middle atmosphere, meteorological rockets are used, rising to altitudes of 80-100 km. They can be liquid or solid fuel. The main parameters measured using meteorological rockets are: pressure, temperature, density and gas composition of the air. Depending on the research program, other characteristics may be measured.

To study the upper atmosphere, powerful geophysical rockets are used, rising to altitudes of more than 100-150 km. Measurements are made of the intensity of solar and cosmic radiation, the optical properties of air, its thermodynamic and electrical properties, and the parameters of the Earth's magnetic field. Along with rocket sounding, which is a direct measurement method, indirect methods using radar, meteorological radar, microwave, and optical technology are also used to study the upper atmosphere.

The rocket sounding system consists of the rocket itself, equipped with measuring instruments, and a ground-based measuring complex, which is understood as a set of ground-based radio equipment designed to receive telemetric information about atmospheric parameters and to measure the coordinates of the rocket during flight.

The instrument container is delivered to the ground using a parachute.

Echo and radar method

Echolocator sensing the atmosphere using sound waves. Allows you to identify zones of large-scale changes in atmospheric density.

Radar, radar sensing the atmosphere with radio waves with lengths from the meter to millimeter range. Allows you to identify various objects of natural and artificial origin moving in the atmosphere, determine their distance and speed (using the Doppler effect).

Radar is carried out in three ways:

1) irradiation of an object and reception of radiation reflected from it;

2) irradiation of the object and reception of the waves re-emitted (retransmitted) by it;

3) reception of radio waves emitted by the object itself.

Lidar is a device for carrying out laser sounding of the atmosphere in the optical range of the spectrum. In a generalized sense, a laser in a lidar is used as a pulsed source of directed light radiation. Unlike the radio range, in the light frequency range, due to the short wavelengths of especially visible and ultraviolet radiation, all molecular and aerosol components of the atmosphere are reflectors of the location signal, i.e. in fact, the atmosphere itself forms the lidar echo signal from the entire sounding path. This allows laser probing in any direction in the atmosphere.

The principle of laser sensing of the atmosphere is that a laser beam, as it propagates, is scattered by molecules and inhomogeneities of the air, molecules of impurities contained in it, aerosol particles, is partially absorbed and changes its physical parameters (frequency, pulse shape, etc.). A glow (fluorescence) appears, which makes it possible to qualitatively and quantitatively judge various parameters of the air environment (pressure, temperature, humidity, gas concentrations).

Laser sounding of the atmosphere is carried out mainly in the ultraviolet, visible and microwave ranges. The use of lidars with a high pulse repetition rate of short duration makes it possible to study the dynamics of rapidly occurring processes in small volumes and in significant thicknesses of the atmosphere.

Optical location method

Similar to the echo and radar method.

Raman method

When light is scattered by gas molecules, the frequency of the scattered radiation shifts. Each gas molecule has a combination frequency shift that is characteristic only of it. A medium consisting of gas molecules has only its own Raman spectrum. Its registration makes it possible to determine the presence of impurities in the medium under study by analyzing the shift of absorption bands.

Due to the small Raman cross section, this method is used over short distances, several tens of meters (for example, to monitor harmful emissions from house pipes).

Resonance fluorescence method

Based on the ability of molecules to fluoresce when exposed to radiation. For example, molecules CO fluoresce when irradiated with radiation=4.6 µm, and molecules NO 2 when irradiated with an argon laser with =488 nm.

The fluorescence cross section is much higher than the Raman cross section, so this method is more sensitive.

Method for recording transmitted radiation

The method is based on recording radiation passing through a medium “in transmission”, when the reference laser generator and receiver are located on opposite sides of the object under study.

With the use of reflectors, the generator and receiver are located nearby.

The method has the highest sensitivity of all, but can only be used to measure the integral concentration along the beam path only.

Differential method

Combines absorption and backscattering methods.

Bioindication methods

Bioindication is a method that allows one to judge the state of the environment based on the presence, absence, and developmental characteristics of organisms of bioindicators. The strongest anthropogenic impact on phytocenoses is exerted by pollutants in the surrounding air, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, etc. Among them, the most typical is sulfur dioxide, which is formed during the combustion of sulfur-containing fuel (operation of thermal power plants, boiler houses, heating stoves of the population, as well as transport, especially diesel).

Plant resistance to sulfur dioxide varies. Even a slight presence of sulfur dioxide in the air is well diagnosed by lichens; first, bushy forms disappear, then leafy ones and, finally, scale forms. Among higher plants, conifers (cedar, spruce, pine) have increased sensitivity to SO2. Euonymus, privet, and ash-leaved maple are resistant to pollution.

For a number of plants, the boundaries of their life activity and maximum permissible concentrations of sulfur dioxide in the air have been established. MPC values ​​(mg/cubic m): for timothy grass, common lilac - 0.2; barberry - 0.5; meadow fescue, golden currant - 1.0; ash maple - 2.0.

Plants such as wheat, corn, fir, spruce, strawberry, and warty birch are sensitive to the content of other pollutants in the air (for example, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride).

Resistant to hydrogen fluoride in the air are cotton, dandelion, potatoes, roses, tobacco, tomatoes, grapes, and to hydrogen chloride - cruciferous, umbelliferous, pumpkin, geranium, clove, heather, and asteraceae.

Methods for monitoring the gas composition of atmospheric air

Air sampling during the analysis of gas and vapor impurities is carried out by drawing air through special solid or liquid absorbers in which the gas impurity is condensed or adsorbed.

In recent years, soluble inorganic chemisorbents and film polymer sorbents have been used as sorbents for concentrating microimpurities, which make it possible to capture a wide variety of chemicals from polluted air. An important advantage of polymer sorbents is their hydrophobicity (air moisture does not concentrate in traps and does not interfere with the analysis) and the ability to preserve the original composition of the sample for a long time without changing.

Monitoring the concentrations of gas and vapor impurities in atmospheric air is carried out using gas analyzers, which allow instant and continuous monitoring of the content of harmful impurities in it.

1.4. Criteria for sanitary and hygienic assessment of air condition

Substances in the atmospheric air enter the human body mainly through the respiratory system. Inhaled polluted air enters the alveoli of the lungs through the trachea and bronchi, from where impurities enter the blood and lymph.

In our country, work is being carried out on hygienic regulation (standardization) of the permissible level of impurities in the atmospheric air. The justification of hygienic standards is preceded by multifaceted comprehensive studies on laboratory animals, and in the case of assessing the olfactory reactions of the body to the effects of pollutants, on volunteers. Such studies use the most modern methods developed in biology and medicine.

Currently, maximum permissible concentrations in atmospheric air have been determined for more than 500 substances.

Maximum permissible concentration (MAC) is the maximum concentration of an impurity in atmospheric air, related to a certain averaging time, which, with periodic exposure or throughout a person’s life, does not and will not have a harmful effect on him (including long-term consequences) and on the environment in in general.

Hygienic standards must ensure a physiological optimum for human life, and, in connection with this, high demands are placed on the quality of atmospheric air in our country. Due to the fact that short-term exposure to harmful substances undetectable by odor can cause functional changes in the cerebral cortex and in the visual analyzer, the values ​​of maximum single maximum permissible concentrations (MPCm) were introduced. Taking into account the likelihood of long-term exposure to harmful substances on the human body, they were The values ​​of average daily maximum permissible concentrations (MPCs) were introduced.

Thus, two standards have been established for each substance: Maximum single maximum permissible concentration (MPCm) (averaged over 20-30 minutes) in order to prevent reflex reactions in humans and average daily maximum permissible concentration (MPCss) in order to prevent general toxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and another action during indefinitely long breathing.

The values ​​of MPCmr and MPCss for the most common impurities in atmospheric air are given in Table 2.1. The rightmost column of the table shows the hazard classes of substances: 1-extremely hazardous, 2-highly hazardous, 3-moderately hazardous and 4-low hazardous. These classes are designed for conditions of continuous inhalation of substances without changes in their concentration over time. In real conditions, significant increases in the concentrations of impurities are possible, which can lead to a sharp deterioration in a person’s condition in a short period of time.

Table 1.4

Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) in the atmospheric air of populated areas


MPC, mg/m3

Hazard Class

Maximum one-time

Average daily

Nitrogen dioxide



Sulfur dioxide


Carbon monoxide

Dust (suspended particles)




Sulfuric acid




Mercury metal


In places where resorts are located, in the territories of sanatoriums, holiday homes and in recreation areas of cities with a population of more than 200 thousand people. Concentrations of impurities that pollute atmospheric air should not exceed 0.8 MAC.

A situation may arise when there are substances in the air at the same time that have a cumulative (additive) effect. In this case, the sum of their concentrations (C), normalized to the MPC, should not exceed unity according to the following expression:

Harmful substances that have a summative effect include, as a rule, those that are similar in chemical structure and the nature of their effect on the human body, for example:

  • sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid aerosol;
  • sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide;
  • sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide;
  • sulfur dioxide and phenol;
  • sulfur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride;
  • sulfur dioxide and trioxide, ammonia, nitrogen oxides;
  • sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, phenol and converter dust.

At the same time, many substances, when simultaneously present in the atmospheric air, do not have a summative effect, i.e. maximum permissible concentration values ​​are maintained for each substance separately, for example:

  • carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide;
  • carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide;
  • hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide.

In the case where there are no MPC values, to assess the hygienic hazard of a substance, you can use the indicator of the approximate safe maximum single-time level of air pollution (SAPL).

The values ​​of maximum permissible concentrations of substances in the air of the working area (MPCrz) have also been developed.

The MPC value should be such that it does not cause illness in workers when inhaled daily for 8 hours or does not lead to a deterioration in health in the long term. A work area is considered to be a space up to 2 m high where the permanent or temporary residence of workers is located. Thus, the MPC of sulfur dioxide is 10, nitrogen dioxide is 5, and mercury is 0.01 mg/m3, which is significantly higher than the MPC and MPC of the corresponding substances (see Table 1.4).

2. System of state monitoring of the state and pollution of atmospheric air in Russia

2.1. Organizational structure for monitoring air pollution

State monitoring of atmospheric air is:

1) an integral part of state environmental monitoring;

2) type of atmospheric air monitoring;

3) a system of observations of the state of atmospheric air, its pollution and natural phenomena occurring in it, as well as assessment and forecast of the state of atmospheric air, its pollution, carried out by federal executive authorities in the field of environmental protection, other executive authorities within their competence in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

State control over atmospheric air protection must ensure compliance with:

  • conditions established by permits for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and for harmful physical effects on it;
  • standards, regulations, rules and other requirements for the protection of atmospheric air, including production control over the protection of atmospheric air;
  • regime of sanitary protection zones of objects with stationary sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air;
  • implementation of federal target programs for the protection of atmospheric air, programs of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the protection of atmospheric air and implementation of measures for its protection;
  • other requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of atmospheric air protection.

State control over the protection of atmospheric air is carried out by the federal executive body in the field of environmental protection and its territorial bodies in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation organize and carry out state control (state environmental control) over the protection of atmospheric air, with the exception of control at economic and other activity sites subject to federal state environmental control.

An air quality monitoring network has been created and is being implemented within the system of Roshydromet organizations. It includes 260 cities in Russia. Regular observations of atmospheric air quality are carried out at 710 stations. The control and surveillance network of other departments includes another 50 stations. The State Service for Observing the State of Atmospheric Air also operates specialized monitoring subsystems, in particular stations in biosphere reserves, including the transboundary transport of air pollutants.

Rice. 2.1. Organizational and structural diagram of monitoring of atmospheric air pollution

A special role is played by monitoring measurements carried out within the framework of the joint program for observing and assessing the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europe. Countries that have signed the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution operate under a special program (EMEP Program).

Some observation stations operating as part of monitoring subsystems are included in international observation systems, for example stations for monitoring background air pollution.

At “background” stations in biosphere reserves, it is mandatory to determine the following chemical substances in the air: suspended particles (aerosols), sulfur dioxide, ozone, carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, benzopyrene, organochlorine compounds (DDT, etc.), heavy metals ( lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic), freons. Biogenic elements (nitrogen, phosphorus) and radionucleides are additionally determined in atmospheric precipitation.

Monitoring of the most important components of the atmosphere is also carried out as part of global international observation networks. The composition of the observed components and the number of observation points are as follows: determination of ozone (130 ground stations, artificial earth satellite "Meteor" with ozonometric equipment), determination of aerosol optical density (10 stations), assessment of atmospheric-electrical characteristics (3 stations).

An appropriate monitoring subsystem has been created to assess the timely state and forecast the content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (CO2, CH4, chlorofluorocarbons).

Main Applications of Air Pollution Research

  • Justification of government decisions in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety;
  • Assessment of the risk to public health and the burden on the environment;
  • Selection and optimization of climate protection solutions and technologies in economic sectors, urban services, etc.;
  • Standardization of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere;
  • Justification of the size of sanitary protection zones;
  • Design and reconstruction of objects for various purposes;
  • Computational and hybrid monitoring of air pollution, assimilation and interpretation of instrumental monitoring data. In order to standardize emissions in calculations of concentrations, instrumental monitoring data are taken into account through background concentrations of Sf.;
  • Forecast and regulation of air pollution;
  • Assessment of the consequences of potential accidents and support of actual accidents, etc.;
  • Assessment of the impact of possible climate changes on air pollution in cities and industrial areas;
  • International projects;
  • Military applications.

2.2. Problems of the system of state monitoring of the state and pollution of atmospheric air

1.The density of the existing network is insufficient:

The population in cities where the level of pollution is not assessed due to the lack of observations or their insufficient number is 35% of the urban population of the Russian Federation;

The current state of the network and the amount of funding make it possible to ensure the actual implementation of the volume of work on monitoring urban air pollution by 41% in relation to the normative one.

2. The technical equipment of the stations is by now largely obsolete and, as a rule, has exhausted its service life; there are gaps in observations due to frequent failures in the power supply to the oil refinery.

3. The existing monitoring system with manual sampling does not meet modern requirements for the transfer of operational information on air pollution to forecasting centers for the purpose of its assimilation and provides measurements of only a small fraction of those harmful impurities that need to be predicted.

4. Insufficient provision of analytical laboratories with modern measuring instruments.

2.3. Ways to further develop the system of state monitoring of the state and pollution of atmospheric air

1. Radical modernization of the instrumentation and technical equipment of the observation network and laboratory equipment

2. A widespread transition from a reduced to a full air sampling and analysis program;

3. Organization of a subsystem for monitoring the concentrations of fine dust, PM10 and PM2.5 fractions;

4. Coverage of the monitoring system for atmospheric air pollution in cities with a population of over 100 thousand people;

5. Development of new, locally significant, and revision of existing methods for determining the concentrations of impurities with active and passive sampling. Techniques using multicomponent analysis methods, in particular chromatography, seem especially promising;

6. Improvement of the monitoring network data quality assurance system in order to increase the reliability of the results of measurements of impurity concentrations;

7. Updating the regulatory and methodological framework for instrumental and computational monitoring, forecasting air pollution, including issues of data processing and presentation, coordination of departmental, territorial and local observation systems, taking into account WHO recommendations and foreign experience;

8. Further improvement of in-depth analysis of observational results in order to more fully assess changes in air pollution levels;

9. Development of new software for processing and analyzing observational data in order to fully automate the synthesis and creation of information documents and resources. Introduction of modern technical means and technologies in regional monitoring centers;

10. Providing initial data for air pollution calculations;

11. Development of a network of GAW stations, background monitoring as reference points for restoring the characteristics of air pollution across the territory of Russia.

The main directions for the development of the observation network in accordance with the Strategy for activities in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas for the period until 2030 (taking into account aspects of climate change), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 3, 2010 No. 1458-r:

Conducting regular observations of air pollution and their optimization by increasing the frequency of observations,

Organization of observations in 43 cities with a population of over 100 thousand inhabitants,

Expansion of the list of determined substances to international requirements (РМ10, РМ2.5),

Phased implementation of automated systems for continuous measurement of the content of main pollutants in the atmospheric air of populated areas.

2.4. Regulatory documents governing atmospheric air monitoring

Legal protection of the atmosphere - the implementation of the constitutional rights of the population and norms in the environmental sphere has led to a significant expansion of the base of legislative regulation in the field of atmospheric air protection. The main legislative and other regulatory legal acts are the following:

* Air Code of the Russian Federation (March 19, 1997) It imposes special requirements on the condition of flight equipment and regulation of engine operation to reduce air pollution.

* Federal Law of May 4, 1999 N 96-FZ (as amended on July 23, 2013) “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air.” The law establishes the legal basis for the protection of atmospheric air and is aimed at realizing the constitutional rights of citizens to a favorable environment and reliable information about its condition.

* Federal Law “On the Destruction of Chemical Weapons” (May 2, 1997) Establishes the legal basis for carrying out a set of works to ensure environmental protection.

* The Criminal Code (January 1997) has a number of articles related to the protection of atmospheric air and contains the definition of “Environmental crimes”.

* The State Committee for Ecology of Russia reviewed and approved several regulatory documents related to atmospheric protection, in particular on the methodology for calculating emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

* GOST (1986) “Nature conservation. Atmosphere. Standards and methods for determining emissions of harmful substances from exhaust gases of diesel engines, tractors and self-propelled agricultural machines.”

Federal legislation and regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation of general application


"Constitution of the Russian Federation" (as amended on December 30, 2008) (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993) - / Art. 42, 58/


"Criminal Code of the Russian Federation" dated June 13, 1996 No. 63-FZ (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on May 24, 1996) (as amended on March 7, 2011) / Ch. 26, art. 358/


Federal Constitutional Law of December 17, 1997 No. 2-FKZ(as amended on December 28, 2010) “On the Government of the Russian Federation” (approved by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on May 14, 1997) - / Art. 18/


Federal Law of May 4, 1999 No. 96-FZ (as amended on December 27, 2009) “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on April 2, 1999)


Federal Law of December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2010, as amended on February 7, 2011) “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Law RF 12/19/2008)


"Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses" dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on December 20, 2001) (as amended on February 7, 2011) (with amendments and additions coming into force on January 27, 2011) - /chapter 8/


Federal Law No. 7-FZ dated January 10, 2002 (as amended on December 29, 2010) “On Environmental Protection” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on December 20, 2001)


Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ (as amended on September 28, 2010) “On Technical Regulation” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on December 15, 2002)


Federal Law of June 26, 2008 No. 102-FZ “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on June 11, 2008)


Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ (as amended on July 27, 2010) “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on November 11, 2009)


Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 1, 1996 No. 440 “On the Concept of the Russian Federation’s transition to sustainable development”


Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2009 No. 861-rp “On the Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation”


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03/02/2000 No. 182 (as amended on 02/15/2011) “On the procedure for establishing and revising environmental and hygienic standards for atmospheric air quality, maximum permissible levels of physical impacts on atmospheric air and state registration of harmful (pollutant) substances and potentially hazardous substances"


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 2, 2000 No. 183 (as amended on February 15, 2011) “On standards for emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and harmful physical effects on it”


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2002 No. 847 (as amended on April 22, 2009) “On the procedure for limiting, suspending or terminating emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air and harmful physical effects on the atmospheric air”


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2008 No. 404 (as amended on January 28, 2011) “On the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation”


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2004 No. 400 (as amended on November 12, 2010) "On approval of the Regulations on the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources and amendments to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2004 No. 370"


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 No. 401 (as amended on January 28, 2011) “On the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision”


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2004 No. 372 (as amended on January 28, 2011) “On the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring”


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2007 No. 421 (as amended on February 15, 2011) “On the delimitation of powers of federal executive authorities involved in the implementation of the international obligations of the Russian Federation in the field of chemical disarmament” - /p. 16, 19/


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2009 No. 285 “On the list of objects subject to federal state environmental control”


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2009 No. 322 (as amended on March 4, 2011) "On measures to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007 No. 825 "On assessing the effectiveness of the activities of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" (together with " Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation")


Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2001 No. 641-r “On the procedure for issuing certificates in the field of atmospheric air protection”


Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2002 No. 1225-r “On the Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation”


Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2008 No. 74-r "On the Concept of the federal target program "National System of Chemical and Biological Safety of the Russian Federation (2009 - 2013)"


Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r (as amended on August 8, 2009) “On the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020” (together with the “Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020")


Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1663-r (as amended on December 14, 2009) “On approval of the main directions of activity of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period until 2012 and the list of projects for their implementation”


Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 18, 2009 No. 1166-r “On a set of measures for environmental protection in terms of ensuring environmental and radiation safety in the Russian Federation”


Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2009 No. 1715-r “On the Energy Strategy of Russia for the period until 2030”


Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2010 No. 869-r "On approval of a set of measures to gradually bring the most contaminated areas of settlements into compliance with requirements in the field of environmental protection, sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements that ensure comfortable and safe living conditions for people"


Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09/03/2010 No. 1458-r "On approval of the Strategy for activities in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas for the period until 2030 (taking into account aspects of climate change)"


Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated 08/09/2007 No. 205 (as amended on 12/25/2009) “On approval of the Regulations of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 09/17/2007 No. 10144)


Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated March 18, 2009 No. 150"On approval of the Development Strategy of the Russian metallurgical industry for the period until 2020"

Note : In addition, the following documents correspond to the topics of this section: in section 4 - No. 04-01, 04-03, 04-06, 04-13, 04-16; in section 6 - Nos. 06-01, 06-02; in section 8 - No. 08-01, 08-09; in section 9 - No. 09-01, 09-02, 09-04.


The development of the state observation network should be carried out in conjunction with state programs for the socio-economic development of federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, taking into account information received by the territorial observation systems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local observation systems.


  1. Federal Law of 04.05.1999 N 96-FZ (as amended on 23.07.2013) “On the protection of atmospheric air”
    Gorelin D.O., Konopelko L.A. Monitoring of atmospheric pollution and emission sources. M.: Standards Publishing House, 1992. 432 p.
  2. Peshkov Yu.V. System of state monitoring of the state and pollution of atmospheric air, St. Petersburg, 2013.
  3. Environmental monitoring. Methods and means. Tutorial. A.K. Murtazov; Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenina. Ryazan, 2008. 146 p.
  4. Environmental law of Russia: dictionary of legal terms. M.: Gorodets. A.K. Golichenkov. 2008.
  5. Environmental monitoring of atmospheric air Mazulina O.V., Polonsky Ya.V. Volgograd, 2012

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Systematization, refinement and generalization of the results makes it possible to determine the statistical characteristics of air pollution. They are used to determine the dynamics of changes in the concentration of the substance under study. These characteristics include:

1. The arithmetic mean value of the concentration of a substance is determined by the formula:

where qc are the average daily, average monthly, average annual concentrations of the substance qi, which are calculated from the total data of stationary, mobile and under-flare observation posts.

n is the number of one-time concentrations for the corresponding period.

2. Standard deviation of measurement results from the arithmetic mean.

, mg/m3

3. Coefficient of variation, which indicates the degree of change in the concentration of a harmful substance:

where q is the average concentration

4. The maximum value of the concentration of a substance is calculated by choosing the maximum of one-time, monthly, annual and long-term concentrations and is determined by the formula:

where L is the number of settlements under study.

5. The air pollution index (API) quantitatively characterizes the level of air pollution by a separate additive, which takes into account the difference in the rate of increase in the level of danger of a substance, reduced to the level of danger of sulfur dioxide, with increasing excess of MPC:

where Ci is a constant, with values: 1.7; 1.3; 1.0; 0.9, respectively, for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hazard classes of a substance and allows you to convert the degree of danger of the i-th substance to the degree of danger of sulfur dioxide.

6. Comprehensive city air pollution index (CIPA) - a quantitative characteristic of the level of air pollution, which is formed by many substances:

n is the amount of harmful substances in the atmosphere. (main pollutants).

To assess changes in air conditions, the obtained concentrations are compared with background concentrations.

Background concentration- statistically probable maximum concentration (Cf, mg/m3), which characterizes atmospheric pollution. It is defined as the concentration value that does not exceed 5% of cases in the total sample of observations. It characterizes the total concentration formed by all sources in a given territory. Sf is determined for each observation post based on data obtained over a period of 2 to 5 years.

In order to increase the reliability of the calculation of Sph, it is necessary to select an observation period during which the nature of the development in the area of ​​the observation post, the characteristics of emissions within a radius of 5 km from the post and its location have not changed significantly. The number of observations must be at least 200 per year, and their total number must be at least 800.

To identify the harmful effects of several pollutants, the Sph value for these substances is used. This takes into account the concentration of each substance and the concentration of the most common one. For example, when summing the influence of SO2 and NO2:

When establishing MPE for reconstructed enterprises, their share is excluded from the SF according to the formula:

S’ph = Sph (1 - 0.4 S/Sph), with S≥Sph;

S’ph = 0.2Sph, at C>Sph

S’f is the background concentration excluding the enterprise, C is the maximum concentration formed by the enterprise at the point where the post is located.

The atmosphere is one of the elements of the environment that is universally exposed to human activity. The consequences of such exposure depend on many factors and are manifested in changes in climate and chemical composition of the atmosphere. These changes, indifferent to the atmosphere itself, are a significant factor influencing the biotic component of the environment, including humans.

The atmosphere, or air environment, is assessed in two aspects.

1. Climate and its possible changes both under the influence of natural causes and under the influence of anthropogenic influences in general (macroclimate) and this project in particular (microclimate). These assessments also assume a forecast of the possible impact of climate change on the implementation of the projected type of anthropogenic activity.

2. Atmospheric pollution, the assessment of which is carried out according to the structural diagram set out in topic 5. First, the possibility of air pollution is assessed using one of the complex indicators: air pollution potential (APP), atmospheric dispersive ability (SCA), etc. Then assessments of the existing level are carried out air pollution in this region. Conclusions about both climatic and meteorological features and the initial air pollution are based, first of all, on data from the regional Roshydromet, to a lesser extent on data from the sanitary-epidemiological service and special analytical inspections of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, as well as other literary sources. And finally. Based on the obtained estimates and data on specific emissions into the atmosphere of the designed facility, forecast estimates of air pollution are calculated using special computer programs (“Ecologist”, “Garant”, “Efir”, etc.). These programs not only allow you to calculate the levels of potential pollution atmosphere, but also to obtain maps of concentration fields and data on the fallout of pollutants on the underlying surface.

The criterion for assessing the degree of air pollution is the maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of pollutants. Measured or calculated concentrations of pollutants in the air are compared with the MPC, and thus atmospheric pollution is measured in values ​​(fractions) of the MPC. Concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere should not be confused with their emissions into the atmosphere. Concentration is the mass of a substance per unit volume (or even mass), and release is the mass of a substance delivered per unit of time (i.e., “dose”). An emission cannot be a criterion for air pollution, since air pollution depends not only on the magnitude (mass) of the emission, but also on a number of other factors (meteorological parameters, height of the emission source, etc.). Forecast estimates of air pollution are used in other sections of the EIA for forecasting consequences of the state of other factors from exposure to a polluted atmosphere (pollution of the underlying surface, vegetation vegetation, morbidity among the population, etc.).

The assessment of the state of the atmosphere during an environmental assessment is based on an integral assessment of air pollution in the study area, to determine which a system of direct, indirect and indicator criteria is used. Assessment of the quality of the atmosphere (primarily the degree of its pollution) is quite well developed and is based on a very large package of regulatory and policy documents using direct monitoring methods for measuring environmental parameters, as well as indirect calculation methods and assessment criteria.

Direct evaluation criteria. The main criteria for the state of air pollution are the values ​​of maximum permissible concentrations (MPC). It should be taken into account that the atmosphere occupies a special position in the ecosystem, being a medium for the transfer of technogenic pollutants and the most changeable and dynamic of all its abiotic components. Therefore, to assess the degree of air pollution, time-differentiated assessment indicators are used: maximum one-time MPCmr (for short-term effects) and average daily MPCss, as well as average annual MPCg (for long-term exposure). The degree of atmospheric pollution is assessed by the multiplicity and frequency of exceeding the MPC, taking into account the hazard class, as well as the summation of the biological effects of pollutants (pollutants). The level of air pollution by substances of different hazard classes is determined by “reducing” their concentrations, normalized by MPC, to the concentrations of substances of the 3rd hazard class. Pollutants in the air are divided into 4 classes based on the likelihood of their adverse effects on public health:

1st - extremely dangerous;

2nd - highly dangerous;

3rd - moderately dangerous;

4th – low-risk.

Typically, the actual maximum one-time, average daily and average annual MPCs are used, comparing them with the actual concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere over the past few years, but not less than for 2 years. Another important criterion for assessing the total atmospheric air pollution (by various substances based on average annual concentrations) is the value of the complex indicator (P), equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the concentrations of substances of various hazard classes, normalized by MPC and reduced to the concentrations of substances of the 3rd hazard class.

The most general and informative indicator of air pollution is KIZA - a comprehensive index of average annual air pollution. Its quantitative ranking by atmospheric state class is given in Table. 6.1.

Table 6.1. Criteria for assessing the state of air pollution using a comprehensive index (CIZA)

The given ranking by atmospheric condition classes is made in accordance with the classification of pollution levels on a four-point scale, where:

The “norm” class corresponds to a level of air pollution below the average for cities in the country;

The “risk” class is equal to the average level;

The “crisis” class is above average;

The “disaster” class is significantly higher than the average level.

KIZA is usually used to compare air pollution in different parts of the study area (cities, regions, etc.) and to assess the time (long-term) trend of changes in the state of air pollution.

The resource potential of a territory's atmosphere is determined by its ability to dissipate and remove impurities, the ratio of the actual level of pollution and the value of the maximum permissible concentration. The assessment of the dispersive capacity of the atmosphere is based on the value of such complex climatic and meteorological indicators as the air pollution potential (APP) ) and air consumption (AC) parameter. These characteristics determine the characteristics of the formation of pollution levels depending on weather conditions that contribute to the accumulation and removal of impurities from the atmosphere.

PZA is a comprehensive characteristic of the recurrence of meteorological conditions unfavorable for the dispersion of impurities in the air basin. In Russia, 5 classes of PZA have been identified, characteristic of urban conditions, depending on the frequency of surface inversions and stagnation of weak winds and the duration of fogs. The air consumption parameter (AC) represents the volume of clean air required to dilute pollutant emissions to the level of average permissible concentration. This parameter is especially important when managing the quality of the air environment in the case of establishing a regime of collective responsibility for natural resource users (the “bubble” principle) under market relations. Based on this parameter, the volume of emissions is established for the entire region, and only then the enterprises located on its territory jointly find the most profitable way for them to ensure this volume, incl. through trading in rights to pollute.

The assessment of the resource potential of the atmosphere is carried out taking into account the hygienic justification of the climate comfort of the territory, the possibility of using the territory for recreational and residential purposes. An important initial component in this assessment is the physiological and hygienic classification of weather (i.e., a combination of such meteorological factors as temperature and humidity, solar radiation, etc.) of the cold and warm periods of the year. As a criterion for assessing the optimal placement of sources of atmospheric pollution and residential areas, the value of the reserve (deficit) of the dispersive properties of atmospheric air (AD) is used.

Atmospheric air is usually considered as the initial link in the chain of pollution of natural environments and objects. Soils and surface waters can be an indirect indicator of its pollution, and in some cases, on the contrary, they can be sources of secondary air pollution. This determines the need, in addition to assessing the pollution of the air basin itself, to take into account the possible consequences of the mutual influence of the atmosphere and adjacent environments and obtaining an integral (“mixed” indirect-direct) assessment of the state of the atmosphere.

Indirect indicators for assessing atmospheric pollution are the intensity of the entry of atmospheric impurities as a result of dry deposition on the soil cover and water bodies, as well as as a result of its leaching by precipitation. The criterion for this assessment is the value of permissible and critical loads, expressed in units of fallout density, taking into account the time interval (duration) of their arrival. A group of experts from northern European countries recommended the following critical loads for acidic forest soils, surface and groundwater (taking into account the totality of chemical changes and biological effects for these environments):

For sulfur compounds 0.2-0.4 gSq.m year;

For nitrogen compounds 1-2 gNm2 per year.

The final stage of a comprehensive assessment of the state of atmospheric air pollution is an analysis of trends in the dynamics of technogenic processes and an assessment of their possible negative consequences in the short and long term (perspective) at the local and regional levels. When analyzing the spatial features and temporal dynamics of the effects of air pollution on public health and the state of ecosystems, a mapping method is used (more recently - constructing a GIS) using a set of cartographic materials characterizing the natural conditions of the region, including the presence of specially protected (reserve, etc.) areas .

According to L.I. Boltnevoy, the optimal system of components (elements) of an integral (complex) assessment of the state of the atmosphere should include:

Assessment of the level of pollution from a sanitary and hygienic point of view (MPC);

Assessments of the resource potential of the atmosphere (RZA and PV);

Assessments of the degree of influence on certain environments (soil, vegetation and snow cover, water);

Trends and intensity (speed) of anthropogenic development processes - a technical system for identifying short-term and long-term impact effects;

Determination of the spatial and temporal scales of possible negative consequences of anthropogenic impact.

Taking into account all of the above, when justifying and assessing the impact on the atmosphere, the SEE Regulations recommend considering the following.

1. Characteristics of existing and predicted air pollution. A calculation and analysis of the expected atmospheric air pollution must be carried out after the commissioning of the designed facility on the border of the sanitary protection zone, in a residential area, in specially protected and other natural territories and objects located in the zone of influence of this facility.

2. Meteorological characteristics and coefficients that determine the conditions for the dispersion of harmful substances in the atmospheric air.

3. Parameters of sources of pollutant emissions, quantitative and qualitative indicators of emissions of harmful substances into the atmospheric air under established (normal) operating conditions of the enterprise and maximum equipment load.

4. Justification of data on pollutant emissions should, incl. contain a list of measures to prevent and reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and an assessment of the degree of compliance of the processes used, technological and dust and gas cleaning equipment to the advanced level.

5. Characteristics of possible salvo emissions.

6. List of pollutants and groups of substances that have cumulative harmful effects.

7. Proposals for establishing standards for maximum permissible emissions.

8. Additional measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere in order to achieve MPE standards and assess the degree of their compliance with the advanced scientific and technical level.

9. Justification of the accepted sizes of the sanitary protection zone (taking into account the wind rose).

10. List of possible accidents: in case of violation of the technological regime; during natural disasters.

11. Analysis of the scale of possible accidents, measures to prevent emergency situations and eliminate their consequences.

12. Assessment of the consequences of emergency air pollution for humans and the environment.

13. Measures to regulate emissions of harmful substances into the air during periods of abnormally unfavorable meteorological conditions.

14. Organization of control over air pollution.

15. The volume of environmental protection measures and assessment of the cost of capital investments for compensation measures and measures to protect atmospheric air from pollution, including in case of accidents and adverse weather conditions.

1. Introduction

Calculation results

Measures to reduce emissions




High levels of environmental pollution have become a threat to the population of industrial areas, agricultural crops and forestry. Air pollution has a great impact on people's living comfort. Therefore, it is necessary to consistently implement operational and economic measures to prevent pollution and develop operational control over the state of atmospheric air.

As part of atmospheric air monitoring, a system has been created to assess emissions from industrial enterprises in a specific area that pollute the atmospheric air with waste from their life activities. Among these enterprises that poison the natural environment, railway transport enterprises, including locomotive depots, cause significant harm to the atmosphere. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment of air pollution created by the activities of a locomotive depot within the framework of environmental monitoring is always relevant for the following reasons.

) From an environmental point of view, this assessment allows us to compare the maximum permissible concentration and the actual content of harmful substances in the atmosphere, in order to develop measures to reduce emissions of pollutants in the area where the locomotive depot is located.

) From an economic point of view, optimization of emissions makes it possible to reduce the costs of an enterprise - a locomotive depot - associated with the payment of penalties for exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of actual emissions into the atmosphere.

) From a technological point of view: to improve the technological process of the activities of the units included in the locomotive depot, thereby optimizing personnel, and saving costs at the enterprise.

) From a technical point of view: switch to innovative, more advanced equipment, resource-saving and more environmentally friendly.


For stationary sources:

-Introduction of modern environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies;

-Widespread use of environmentally friendly fuels;

-The use of modular container-type boiler houses with automated combustion processes depending on the outside temperature, which provides significant fuel savings and a reduction in harmful emissions into the atmosphere;

-Introduction of modern boiler units using secondary energy resources;

-Increasing the efficiency of fuel combustion through the introduction of technology for burning coal in a “pseudo-boiling bed”, the use of economical acoustic burners for burning liquid fuel, the use of water-fuel oil emulsion for burning liquid fuel;

-Development and application of alternative sources of heat and electricity;

-Use of renewable energy sources.

For mobile vehicles:

-Expanding the use of electric traction;

-Development and implementation of new economically and environmentally efficient propulsion systems;

-Development of diesel locomotives using alternative hydrocarbon fuel sources (gas turbine locomotives);

-Development and implementation of new technologies for purification of combustion products from harmful substances (catalysts, filters, neutralizers);

-Application of new technologies for painting cars, ensuring a reduction in the consumption of paints and varnishes and a reduction in emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere;

-The use of rolling stock that does not have fumes or leaks when transporting dangerous goods, dust formation when transporting bulk cargo, or oil spills on the railway track;

-Completion of the transition from stove heating of passenger cars to electric heating.

As a priority measure, the following activities must be carried out:

-Accelerating the program for re-equipping diesel locomotives with new propulsion systems and purchasing new modern types of diesel locomotives that reduce emissions of harmful substances by 30%;

-Replacement of worn-out dust and gas collection equipment at stationary sources of harmful emissions, primarily in boiler houses.

General characteristics of the impact of railway transport on ecosystems

ecosystem emissions atmosphere sanitary

Any railway is a strip alienated from the natural environment, artificially adapted to the movement of trains with given technical and environmental indicators. For the ecological system, for the natural landscape, the railway is an alien element.

The denser the road network, the higher the volume of traffic on it, and the greater public concern about its impact on the human condition. Railway transport accounts for 80% of freight turnover and 40% of passenger turnover of public transport in the Russian Federation. Such volumes of work are associated with high consumption of natural resources and, accordingly, emissions of pollutants into the biosphere. However, in absolute terms, pollution from railway transport is less than from road transport. The reduction in the impact of railway transport on the environment is due to the following reasons:

low specific fuel consumption per unit of transport work;

widespread use of electric traction (in this case there are no emissions of pollutants from rolling stock);

less alienation of land for railways compared to roads.

But despite the positive aspects listed above, the impact of railway transport on the environmental situation is very noticeable. It manifests itself primarily through air, water and land pollution during the construction and operation of railways.

The main task of designers is not to overcome the resistance of the blind forces of nature, as was previously thought, but to find ways to harmonize technical solutions with natural factors. It is necessary that the construction of the road does not degrade the quality of the habitat by affecting it.

General information about the company

The locomotive depot of the Bataysk station of the Rostov branch is a structural unit of the North Caucasus Railway, a branch of the Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways".

Carries out the following activities:

-ensuring the technically sound condition of the locomotive fleet and their stable operation in operation;

-Carrying out routine repairs and maintenance in accordance with applicable rules and regulations;

-repair maintenance of diesel locomotives in repair and technical inspection shops.

The locomotive depot of the Bataysk station performs the following tasks: issuing locomotives for trains and, in accordance with the schedule, organizing their maintenance, ensuring the safety of train traffic, timely equipment and repair of locomotives.

The main production indicators consist of the volumetric indicator of gross ton-kilometers of freight and passenger transportation and the volume of repairs and maintenance of locomotives performed.

The main production units are maintenance shops TO-2, TO-3 and current repair shops TR-1, TR-2, repair departments, operation shop and auxiliary production.

The enterprise operates 81 electric locomotives and 60 diesel locomotives.

The production activities of the main and auxiliary departments of the depot generate waste.

At the industrial site of the Yug depot, repair maintenance of shunting diesel locomotives is carried out in the repair shop in the scope of maintenance and routine repairs.

Repair of diesel locomotives in the scope of TR-1 includes: inspection of the mechanical part, replacement of worn out pads, adjustment of the brake lever transmission, checking the operation of automatic couplers and the condition of its parts. In the TR-1 volume, the gaps between the main and connecting rod bearings are measured, the inner surface of the cylindrical bushings is inspected, the injectors are adjusted on the stand, the crankcase block and valve boxes are inspected, the lubrication level in the housings of gears and motor-axial bearings is checked. At the main generator, the collector unit is inspected and protected. Worn graphite brushes and defective insulators are replaced. Repair of traction motors and electrical devices includes cleaning of commutators and subsequent impregnation, replacement of worn out graphite brushes and brush holder fingers with defects. When repairing low-voltage equipment, the operation of contactors, relays and their interlocks is checked. Contacts and interlocks are protected and wiped clean. After the repair, the power circuits, control circuits are insulated, and the locomotive diesel engine undergoes rheostatic testing.

The scope of TR-2 provides for more detailed repairs of the locomotive's diesel engine, electrical equipment, and turning of wheel pairs without rolling out.

The scope of technical inspection of TO-3 shunting diesel locomotives includes: inspection of the diesel block, carburetor block, valve boxes, generator and traction engines, commutators, brush holders, pins, graphite brushes, replacement of worn brake pads, adjustment of brake and lever transmission, checking condition and operation automatic coupler

Repair of electric locomotives in the scope of TR-1 includes: dust removal of the internal equipment of the electric locomotive before putting it in for repairs, inspection of the mechanical part, replacement of worn brake pads, adjustment of the brake lever transmission, checking the lubricant in the gear housings of the motor-axial bearings, filling it if necessary, checking the operation automatic couplers and the condition of its parts.

Repair of electrical equipment includes: cleaning contacts, repairing arc chutes, repairing main switch blades and pantograph ski linings, wiping all insulators, checking the characteristics of pantographs and main switches, checking the condition of low-voltage equipment interlocks. Particular attention is paid to the condition and repair of the main electrical controller. During the repair process, auxiliary electrical machines are inspected. For traction engines, the commutators are protected, brush holders and fingers are inspected and wiped. Worn graphite brushes or defective brush holder fingers are replaced.

The scope of TR-2 provides for more detailed repairs of electric locomotive components, work on the traction transformer and turning of wheel pairs without rolling out.

The materials used in the process comply with industry and environmental requirements.

Auxiliary workshops and divisions are adjacent to the main workshop. There is also a PTOL workshop (locomotive technical inspection point) for inspecting electric locomotives from other depots.

Main production at the Yug depot:

-technical inspection point for electric locomotives;

-maintenance shop for diesel locomotives TO-3;

-repair shop for diesel locomotives TR,TO-4.

Auxiliary production at the Yug depot:

Filter washing department, gas welding department, forge shop (forge), battery department, mechanical shop, woodworking shop, fuel equipment section, compressor room, sand drying department, TNTS fuel warehouse, laundry, brigade house, chemical laboratory, heat and power facilities.

Characteristics of the enterprise as a source of air pollution

The Bataysk locomotive depot has a huge number of emission sources, both organized and unorganized;

We will look at pollutants:

The Yut depot emits the following harmful substances into the air:

Iron oxide;

-manganese and its compounds;

-sodium hydroxide;

Tin oxide;

-lead and its compounds;

Nitrogen dioxide;

Nitrogen oxide;

Sulfuric acid;


-sulfur dioxide;

Hydrogen sulfide;

Carbon oxide;

-saturated hydrocarbons C 1 - C5;

-amylenes (mixture of isomers);







-mineral petroleum oil;

Solvent naphtha;

White Spirit;

-suspended solids;

-fuel oil tar from power plants;

-inorganic dust >70%SiO2;

-inorganic dust: 70 - 20%SiO2;

-abrasive dust;

Coal ash.

The Sever depot emits the following harmful substances into the air:

Iron oxide;

-manganese and its compounds;

-sodium hydroxide;

Tin oxide;

-lead and its compounds;

Nitrogen dioxide;

Nitrogen oxide;


-sulfur dioxide;

Carbon oxide;



-acetic acid;

-petroleum gasoline;


Solvent naphtha;

White Spirit;

-saturated hydrocarbons C12 - C19;

-suspended solids;

-inorganic dust >70%SiO2;

-inorganic dust: 70 - 20%SiO2;

-abrasive dust;

Wood dust;

Coal ash.

The total emission of pollutants into the atmosphere at the two industrial sites is 138.418 tons/year.

The total emissions are:

-depot "Sever" - 4.7253 t/year or 3.41% of total emissions;

-depot "South" - 133.6949 t/year or 96.59% of the total emissions.

The main sources of pollution at the enterprise are:

depot "North":

-boiler room - 1.3 t/year or 0.94% of total emissions;

-sand drying oven SOBU - 0.634 t/year or 0.46% of total emissions;

depot "South":

-boiler house - 124,021 t/year or 89% of total emissions;

-sand drying oven SOBU - 5.34 t/year or 3.86% of total emissions;

-storage warehouses - 0.77 t/year or 0.5% of total emissions;

-loading and unloading operations - 0.145 t/year or 0.1% of total emissions.

The company has dust and gas cleaning installations:

-cyclone "Giprodrevprom" Ts-500 with a cleaning efficiency of 79%;

-cyclone "Giprodrevprom" Ts-300 with a cleaning efficiency of 77%;

-gas purification unit V-1 with a purification efficiency of 83%;

-filter FN-1000A with a cleaning efficiency of 78%;

-dust-sediment chamber with cleaning efficiency of 49%;

-an electric precipitator with a cleaning efficiency for soot, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide of 13%;

-cyclone "Giprodrevprom" Ts-1200 with a cleaning efficiency of 80%.

Carrying out calculations of actual and maximum permissible emissions into the atmosphere

Calculations of concentrations on the calculated set are not carried out for those impurities for which the following condition is met:

where Cmi is the maximum surface concentration of a pollutant created by emissions of one i-th source;

MPC - maximum permissible concentration of this substance;

n is the number of emission sources taken into account;

E3 is a constant for expediency and calculations. Recommended value E3 = 0.1.

When performing calculations, the information necessary for regulating emissions is provided:

1.Distribution of surface concentrations in the zone of influence of the enterprise under unfavorable meteorological conditions.

2.The highest maximum concentrations of pollutants in shares of the MPC and a list of sources that make the main contribution to these concentrations;

.Surface concentrations of pollutants in fractions of MPC and mg/m3 at calculated points and a list of sources making the main contribution to these concentrations.

Initial data for calculation

In accordance with the letter of the North Caucasus Hydrometeorological Center No. 07-17/536 dated July 27, 2004. The following initial data are accepted:

Meteorological characteristics and coefficients that determine the conditions for the dispersion of pollutants in the city’s atmosphere:

-atmospheric stratification coefficient, A - 200;

-terrain coefficient - 1;

-estimated monthly average maximum temperature air of the hottest month of the year, 0C is 29.1;

-the estimated average monthly maximum air temperature of the coldest month of the year, 0C is -6.3;

1.Average annual wind rose, %


12 349 3 1018 7

average wind speed, the probability of exceeding which is 5% (U*) - 13 m/s.

At this enterprise, emission sources at 2 production sites are located at a considerable distance from each other.

Dispersion calculations were carried out in a conventional coordinate system in a design rectangle measuring 2000 x 2000 with a step of 100, as well as at design points on the border of the sanitary protection zone and the residential area.

Coefficients taking into account the deposition of pollutants in the atmospheric air are adopted for gaseous and finely dispersed substances, respectively, 1:3.

Based on the degree of impact on atmospheric air quality, enterprises are divided into 4 categories, the definition of which allows us to provide parameters for assessing the impact of enterprise emissions on atmospheric air quality.

One of these parameters is the parameters Фi and Фр

Fi - preliminary assessment of exposure to substances;

FPR - preliminary assessment of the impact of the enterprise.

In accordance with Appendix 6 of the document “Methodological manual for the calculation, regulation and control of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air”, a preliminary assessment of the impact of the enterprise on the air quality of adjacent territories was determined by the value of the Fi parameter for each (i-th) pollutant emitted enterprise.

In accordance with section 7 of the document “Recommendations on the main issues of air protection activities”, a preliminary assessment of the enterprise’s impact on the air quality of adjacent territories was determined by assigning the parameter Fi, determined by the formula:

-for a specific pollutant emitted by a facility:

where Mi (g/s) is the total value of emissions from all sources of the enterprise, in this case from the sources of the production site, determined on the basis of the results of an inventory of emissions and sources of their release into the atmosphere;

Hi is the weighted average value of the height of the sources of the enterprise from which the substance is emitted;

A is a coefficient depending on the temperature atmosphere, its values ​​are taken in accordance with clause 2.2 of OND-86;

The dimensionless coefficient, taking into account the influence of the terrain, is adopted in accordance with Section. 4 OND-86;

MPCm.r.i - maximum single maximum permissible concentration of the j-th substance in the atmospheric air of populated areas.

The calculated parameters are given in the table.

No., p/n Name of substance MPCm.r.iANiCoef. relief. places ?MjФi1iron oxide0.042003.81.00.013900018.32manganese and its compounds0.012006.41.00.00060001.8803sodium hydroxide0.01 OBUV2006.01.00.00020000.6704tin oxide0.02 MPCs.s.2 003.81.00, 014939.25 lead and its compounds 0.001 2004.01.00.00000950.4756 nitrogen dioxide 0.085 20010.71.00.133200029.297 nitrogen oxide 0.420010.91.00.02104000.978 sulfuric acid 0.320, 152002.01.00.00560003.7310 sulfur dioxide 0.52002.01.00.224290044.8611 hydrogen sulfide 0.008 20010.01.00.00038600.96512 carbon oxide 5.02008.11.00.34860001.7 213 saturated hydrocarbons C 1 - C550 OBUV2009.51, 02.29020000.96414 saturated hydrocarbons C6 - C1030 OBUV2005.01.00.69430000.92615 amylenes (mixture of isomers) 1.52004.51.01.50000044.4416 benzene 0.320015.01.00.06880003.0 617xylene0.220015.01.00, 11100007.4018toluene0.620015.01.00.05790001.2919ethylbenzene0.0220015.01.00.00180001.220benzo(a)pyrene0.00001 MPC.s2003.41.00.000004425.8821K acetic acid 0.22003.41.00.0617, 6522petroleum petrol5.02002.01.00.05873001.174623kerosene1.2 OBUV2002.01.00.02635932.19724mineral petroleum oil0.05 OBUV200201.00.00250.525solvent naphtha0.2 OBUV20015, 01.00.01310.8726 white spirit 1.0 OBUV20015.01.00.06250.8327 saturated hydrocarbons C12-C191.02005.01.00.3278713.1128 suspended solids 0.52008.01.00.01830.9229 fuel oil tar of power plants 0.002 MAC.s.20025.810.1 43208855.5530 inorganic dust >70%SiO20.152005.61.00.0080162.1431inorganic dust 70-20% SiO20.32009.01.00.05100003.7832abrasive dust0.04 OBUV2002.01.00.00117002.9333wood dust0.5 B2006.21.00 ,04529702.9234coal ash0.3 OBUV2007.01.00.04020003.83 Summation groups:35South74.1536North130.67

For a production site, the parameter is determined by the larger parameter value:

For an enterprise - a larger value:

The preliminary estimate of the parameter was determined:

-for production site 1 of the Sever depot - a value of 74.15.

-for production site 2 depot "South" - a value of 130.67.

For an enterprise, the parameter is 130.67, i.e. greater than 1, which means that dispersion calculations are required to determine the enterprise category.

For eleven substances, standardization will be based on actual emissions of these substances:

In particular, for the industrial site of the Sever depot it is:

1.sodium hydroxide;

2.nitrogen oxide;

Solvent naphtha;

White Spirit;

.suspended solids;

for the industrial site of the Yug depot it is:

1.lead and its compounds;

2.sulfuric acid;

Hydrogen sulfide;

.saturated carbons C1 - C5;

.saturated hydrocarbons C6 - C10;

.mineral petroleum oil;

To reduce the amount of work when implementing draft ELV standards, including performing detailed calculations of the dispersion of pollutants in the atmospheric air, the following condition is used:

for each substance the feasibility of their detailed consideration is determined,

where is the sum of the maximum concentrations of the i-th pollutant from the totality of sources of a given enterprise, mg/m3;

Background concentration, in fractions of the maximum permissible concentration;

E is the coefficient of calculation feasibility, assumed = 1.

The table provides information on all pollutants indicating and (in shares of the maximum permissible concentration).

Site 1 of the North depot

Table 2 is a list of substances for which detailed air pollution calculations are or are not required.

No. Name of substance

share of maximum permissible concentration The need for detailed calculations 1 iron oxide 0.324860.32486 Not required 2 manganese and its compounds 0.155830.15583 Not required 3 sodium hydroxide 0.024560.02456 Not required 4 tin oxide 0.000020.00002 Not required 5 lead and its compounds 0.007030.00703 Not required6nitrogen dioxide0.841161.72116Required7nitrogenoxide0.019650.01965Not required8soot0 Not required 1410.00141 Not required 14 petroleum gasoline 0.022230.02223 Not required 15 kerosene 0.134540.13454 Not required 16 solvent naphtha 0.125780 Not required organic 70-20% silicon dioxide0.181620.18162No dust required22 abrasive 2.27132.2713 Required 23 wood dust 0.242570.24257 Not required 24 coal ash 0.738910.73891 Not required

Site 2 depot "South"

Table 3 is a list of substances for which detailed air pollution calculations are or are not required.

No. Name of substance

share of maximum permissible concentration The need for detailed calculations 1 iron oxide 0.249810.24981 Not required 2 manganese and its compounds 0.050430.05043 Not required 3 sodium hydroxide 0.572670.57267 Not required 4 tin oxide 0.000030.00003 Not required 5 lead and its compounds 0.008650.00865 Not 6 nitrogen dioxide required 0.77361.6036 7 nitrogen oxide required 0.024980.02498 Not required 8 acid sulfuric 0.002280.00228 Not required 9 soot 0.16110.1611 Not required 10 sulfur dioxide 0.553010.87301 Not required 11 hydrogen sulfide 0.358030.35803 Not required 12 carbon oxide 0.02190.4219 Not required 13 saturated hydrocarbons C1-C50.26038 0.26038 Not required 14 saturated hydrocarbons C6-C100, 105690, 10569 Not required 15 amylenes (mixture of isomers) 0.287440.28744 Not required 16 benzene 1.150891.15089 Not required 17 xylene 0.594220.59422 Not required 18 toluene 0.416850.41685 Not required 19 ethylbenzene 0.442110.44211 Not required 20 benz(a) pyrene 0.02210.022 1 Not required 21 kerosene 0.09340.0934 Not required 22 mineral oil 0.763080.76308 Not required 23 solvent naphtha 0.054720, 05472 Not required 24 white spirit 0.052220.05222 Not required 25 saturated hydrocarbons C12-C190.920040.92004 Not required 26 suspended solids 0.053540.05354 Not required 27 fuel oil ash from power plants 0.064680.06468 Not required 28 inorganic dust >70-20 % silicon dioxide 1.718671.71867 Required 29 inorganic dust 70-20% silicon dioxide 2 .795652.7956530 abrasive dust required 3.894183.89418 31 coal ash required 0.576100.57610 Not required

The emission values ​​of the above substances are accepted as MPE standards without detailed consideration and analysis of ground-level concentrations in the atmospheric air.

For substances for which the sums of maximum concentrations from sources, taking into account the background, are determined to be greater than 1, a detailed analysis is carried out.

Based on the results of calculations of the parameter Фi and the results of calculations of concentrations, we can conclude that for almost all harmful substances the maximum permissible limit is determined by the actual emission. This allows the enterprise to be classified as the fifth hazard class. The degree of harmful impact of hazardous waste on the natural environment is very low. The ecological system is practically undisturbed.

Emissions during boiler room operation

Harmful emissions:

a) solid particles;

b) carbon oxides;

c) nitrogen oxides;

d) sulfur dioxide;

Initial data on emission sources:

) Source of release, N, m - 14.0

) Source of release, D, m - 0.4

) Fuel - coal

) Forge fuel consumption per year, m, t/y - 14,500

) Horn operating time per day, t, hour - 10

) Amount of forge work per year, n, day - 360

) qt - fuel ash content, % - 31

) Efficiency of ash collectors, %, ? z - 0

) Coefficient taking into account the share of heat loss from chemical incomplete combustion of fuel, R, % - 1

) Lower calorific value, Qchi, MJ/kg - 17.54

) Heat loss from mechanical incomplete combustion of fuel, q1, % - 7

) Heat loss due to chemical incomplete combustion of fuel, q2,% - 2

) Amount of nitrogen oxides released during fuel combustion, q3, kg/t - 2.17

) The proportion of sulfur dioxides bound by fly ash in the boiler, ? SO2, % - 0,1

) The share of sulfur oxides captured in a wet ash collector along with the capture of solid particles, in the absence of ash collectors, is assumed to be zero, ?`SO2, % - 0 (no ash collector)

a) Solids:

t = qt *m*c*(1- ?з/100), t/y

Dimensionless coefficient, c = 0.0023t = 31*14.5* 0.0023*(1-0/100) = 1.033826 t/g

t = Mt*106/(t *n*3600), g/s

t = 1.033826*106/(10 *360*3600) = 0.079771 g/s

b) Carbon oxides

Gross emissions are determined by the formula:

МСО = ССО *m *(1-q1/100)* 10-3, t/g

ССО - carbon monoxide yield during fuel combustion, kg/t

ССО = q2 * R * Qчi, kg/t

ССО = 2 * 1 * 17.54 = 35.08 kg/t.

Mso = 35.08 * 14.5 * (1-7/100) * 10-3 = 0.473054 t/year.

The maximum one-time release is determined by the formula:

Mco*106/(t*n*3600), g/s

0.4731*106/(10*360*3600) = 0.036501 g/s

c) Nitrogen oxides

Gross emissions are determined by the formula:

G3 * m * 10-3, t/g

2.17 * 14.5 * 10-3 = 0.031465 t/g

The maximum one-time release is determined by the formula:

MNO2 * 106/(t * n * 3600), g/s

0.0315 * 106/(10 * 360 * 3600) = 0.002428 g/s

d) Sulfur dioxide

Gross emissions are determined by the formula:

MSO2 = 0.02*m*Sr * (1 - ?SO2)* (1 - ? `SO2), t/g

0.02*14.5*3.2 * (1 - 0.1)* (1 - 0) = 0.835200 t/y

The maximum one-time release is determined by the formula:

MSO2 * 106/(t * n * 3600), g/s

0.8352 * 106/(10 * 360 * 3600) = 0.064444 g/s.

Thus, the total gross emission is - 1.033826 t/year;

Calculation of the sanitary protection zone

The dimensions of the sanitary protection zone are specified separately for different wind directions depending on the results of the protection and protection protection and the average annual wind rose of the area where the enterprise is located according to the formula:

where L is the estimated size of the sanitary protection zone, m;

L0 - the estimated size of the area in a given direction where the concentration of pollutants (taking into account the background) exceeds the maximum permissible concentration, m;

P - average annual frequency of wind direction of the considered rumba%;

P0 - repeatability of wind directions of the same direction with a circular wind rose, %.

For example: with an eight-point wind rose:

The L and L0 values ​​are measured from the source boundary. The average annual wind rose is characterized by P values ​​for different directions.

The company has 2 production sites:

The site of the Sever depot is located in the north-eastern part of Bataysk;

I am the site of the "South" depot in the south-eastern part of Bataysk.

The sites are located at a considerable distance from each other (more than 4 km).

The nearest residential areas are located at a distance of 80 meters to the east and west of the territory of the North depot and at a distance of 80 meters to the east of the territory of the South depot.

Taking into account the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1/ (8), the technological sections of the enterprise can be considered as a class IV enterprise with the size of sanitary protection zones (SPZ) - 100 meters of an enterprise for the repair of road machines, cars, bodies, railway rolling stock transport and metro.

Taking into account the dispersion calculations performed and the conclusions set out in subsection 3.4. (Proposals for establishing MPE standards) this project proposes for two industrial sites: depot “North” and depot “South” to establish the standard size of the sanitary protection zone - 100 m from the boundaries of the industrial sites.

Calculation results

Based on the results of our air pollution calculations, the emission sources that make the greatest contribution to air pollution have been identified.

A general analysis of the calculations shows that out of 24 pollutants for the 1st site, calculations are carried out for 3 harmful substances and for a summation group, for the 2nd site out of 31 pollutants for 5 substances.

As a result of the analysis of relay protection materials, it follows that the maximum concentrations of all pollutants and summation groups without taking into account background pollution do not exceed the maximum permissible concentration values ​​of these substances for atmospheric air at the boundaries of the regulatory sanitary zone and at the boundaries of residential development according to SanPiN 2.2.1/

The calculation of the emission of harmful substances that pollute the atmosphere during the operation of the boiler house in this area also does not exceed the permissible values.

Since the release of substances does not exceed the maximum permissible concentration at the boundaries of residential and sanitary protection zones without taking into account background concentrations, it is therefore proposed to establish maximum permissible concentration standards for all substances for each single source and the entire enterprise as a whole.

9. Measures to reduce emissions

Reducing the level of negative impact of the railway station on the environment and people is achieved by introducing environmental protection measures.

Environmental measures should be aimed at improving the state of the environment or creating conditions for this. Measures are classified as environmental protection according to the following criteria: reduction of pollution of natural complexes by emissions, runoff, and waste; reducing the concentration of harmful substances in emissions, effluents, and waste; improving the condition of the human environment.

Possible events:

Creation of gas collection installations;

Creation of instruments and devices for monitoring atmospheric air pollution.

Prohibit the burning of industrial waste and garbage on the territory of the enterprise.

Carry out wet cleaning of industrial premises.

Establish control over the uninterrupted operation of exhaust ventilation systems and dust and gas treatment plants.


Thus, this work examined the activities of the locomotive depot of the city of Bataysk. Harmful substances emitted by the enterprise into the air were identified. An assessment of the enterprise's actions on harmful substances was carried out, based on the results of which standards for maximum permissible emissions into the atmosphere were established by the locomotive depot of the city of Bataysk, as well as a calculation of the amount of emissions of harmful substances during the operation of the boiler room of the locomotive depot of the city of Bataysk was carried out.

As a result of calculations, we found:

a) the maximum concentrations of all pollutants and summation groups without taking into account background pollution do not exceed the MPC values ​​of these substances for atmospheric air at the boundaries of the regulatory sanitary zone and at the boundaries of residential development according to SanPiN 2.2.1/

b) taking into account background pollution, calculations determined the excesses:

-for the 1st industrial site of the Sever depot, the maximum permissible concentration is 1.06 for nitrogen dioxide and for the summation group. 1.12 MPC with the maximum value of the enterprise’s contribution 0.24 MPC;

-for the 2nd site 1.11 MPC for nitrogen dioxide and for the summation group. 1.29 MPC with the maximum value of the enterprise’s contribution 0.46 MPC.

This analysis allows us to conclude that the maximum surface concentrations at the border of the sanitary protection zone and the residential zone do not exceed the MPC standards established for populated areas.

A sanitary protection zone of the enterprise was determined. It was 100m. There are no residential buildings within the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone.

c) The amount of emissions of harmful substances during the operation of the boiler room:

The total gross emission is - 1.033826 t/year;

The maximum one-time release is 0.079771 g/s.

Measures have been developed to reduce the level of exposure to harmful substances on the environment and the population.

The Bataysk locomotive depot belongs to the fifth hazard class. This means that the degree of harmful impact of hazardous waste on the natural environment is very low. The ecological system is practically undisturbed.


1.Federal Law No. 7. About environmental protection. 2005

2.Federal Law No. 96. On the protection of atmospheric air. 2005

.RD 32.94.97. Methodology for determining the mass of pollutant emissions from diesel locomotives into the atmosphere. - M., 1998.

.SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitary zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects.

.Environmental protection and environmental safety in railway transport: Textbook / Ed. N.I. Zubreva, N.A. Sharpova. - M.: UMK Ministry of Railways of Russia, 2012. - 592 p.

.E.S.Tskhovrebov Environmental protection in railway transport / - M.: Kosimosinform, 2009 - 328 p.

.OND-86. methodology for calculating the concentration in the atmospheric air of harmful substances contained in emissions from enterprises. Leningrad Gidrometeoizdat, 1986.


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Automated air monitoring and control systems

Characteristic signs of weather conditions

Cipher Weather conditions, atmospheric phenomena Characteristic signs
Clear No clouds or individual clouds cover no more than 2/10 of the sky; the sun is not covered00
Partly cloudy00 Clouds cover less than 8/10 of the sky; the sun is covered by clouds from time to time
Haze Cloudiness of the air due to suspended particles of dust, smoke, and burning. The air has a blue tint. 00
----------- Slight clouding of the atmosphere due to oversaturation of air with moisture. The air has a grayish tint, horizontal visibility is more than 1 km.
Rain Precipitation in the form of small drops; their fall to the ground is invisible to the eye00
Mryaka The earth is invisible to the eye
Dust storm Reduced visibility over a large area due to dust raised by strong winds
Snow Precipitation in the form of ice crystals
Fog Cloudiness of the atmosphere with horizontal visibility less than 1 km.
Mainly cloudy The sky is covered with clouds by 8/10 or more, the sun does not shine through.

The measurement of wind speed and direction is recorded using wind meters, anemometers, weather vanes, etc. Pressure is measured using barometers in (Pa).

These systems are designed to constantly monitor the characteristics of pollution and meteorological parameters of the airspace that vary in time and space. Depending on the nature and volume of work, they are divided into the following types:

1. Industrial systems. They control emissions from industrial enterprises, the degree of pollution of industrial sites and adjacent areas. Typically, such systems operate within the structure of enterprises;

2. Urban systems. They are designed to monitor the level of city air pollution from emissions from enterprises and transport, and to measure meteorological parameters. Systems are formed at two levels. At level 1, the concentration of harmful substances and some meteorological parameters are measured and these data are stored.

At this level the following is determined: CO – (0 – 160 mg/m3); SO 3 – (0 – 5 mg/m 3); NO 2 , NO and the amount of nitrogen oxides (0 – 7.5 mg/m3), the amount of hydrocarbons with the exception of methane (0 – 45 mg/m3); O3 – (0 – 0.15 mg/m3), wind speed, direction, temperature. The first level of data transfer to the information processing center is completed.

At level 2, they process information and predict dangerous situations.

Systematization and generalization of the results makes it possible to determine the statistical characteristics of air pollution, with the help of which dynamic changes in air pollution by a certain substance are identified. These characteristics include:

1. Arithmetic mean value of the concentration of impurities (pollutant):

g i – average daily, average monthly, average annual, average long-term concentrations of pollutants, calculated from the total data of stationary, mobile, under-flare observation posts;

n is the number of single concentrations that were determined over a certain period.

2. Standard deviation of measurement results from the arithmetic mean, average annual concentrations at posts from the annual average and long-term average concentration for the city, one-time concentrations from the average annual concentration for the city (region), one-time (average daily) concentrations from the monthly and average annual concentrations.

3. The coefficient of variation indicates the degree of variability in the concentration of impurities (pollutant):

g – average concentration.

4. The maximum value of impurity concentrations is calculated by selecting the maximum concentration (highest value) of impurities from one-time, average monthly, average daily, average annual concentrations with a small number of observations, as well as the maximum one-time concentration according to under-flare observations and calculating the average of the maximum concentrations for the year for a group of cities according to the formula:

where L is the number of cities that are considered.

5. The maximum impurity concentration with a given probability of exceeding it is determined from the tolerance of the logarithmic normal distribution of impurity concentrations in the atmosphere for a given probability of its exceeding.


6. Atmospheric pollution index - quantitatively characterizes the level of atmospheric pollution by a certain impurity, which takes into account the difference in the rate of increase in the degree of harmfulness of a substance, reduced to the degree of harmfulness of sulfur dioxide, with increasing excess of MPC:


where C i is a constant that takes the value 1.7; 1.3; 1.0; 0.9, respectively, for hazard classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 of a substance and it is possible to bring the degree of harmfulness of the i-th substance to the degree of harmfulness of SO 2.

7. The complex index of air pollution in a city is a characteristic of the level of air pollution that is formed by n – substances that are present in the atmosphere of a city (or city region):

It is widely used to compare the degree of air pollution in cities and regions.

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