Digitized archive of the magazine Home Hearth 1996.

Word from the editor-in-chief

I remember this December morning very well. It’s dark outside the windows, we don’t have a thermometer, but I already know that there is a real, strong, Siberian frost there. This means that my favorite pastime will be: lying on a sled and looking at the snow, squinting my eyes all the way to the garden to see the flickering of snowflakes - in the cold it came out sharp, magical.

My mother and I are getting ready for a matinee, my grandmother brings my new dress into the room. I was about five or six years old, and I was no longer new to matinees. Experienced Snowflake, gaining fame Snow Maiden - I have already been invited several times to play the role of the granddaughter of Father Frost and to other kindergarten groups, and even to other kindergartens, and I felt like a star.

Every year I enjoyed learning words and trying on outfits.

My grandmother sewed them - at night, after returning from her very responsible job, she would sit down at the machine and build something beautiful and wavy from satin miraculously obtained in the village. The outfit was always accompanied by some kind of royal headdress, also made by my grandmother, I was especially proud of it...

And suddenly, this morning, I see a silver plastic crown next to the Snow Maiden’s brand new dress. Yes, it was the dream of all the girls, these crowns had just appeared in stores, they looked unusual, foreign, modern...
But how come they weren’t mounted with grandma’s work of art! And how they violated my ideas about the “correct” New Year!

“Granny…” I cried. - The crown is wrong! The Snow Maiden will not work..."

Then my mother ran to kindergarten, holding her dress in the air, I rode behind on a sled, squinted at the snow and didn’t worry about anything. How did I know that everything would be fine?

I don’t know how my grandmother managed it, but within an hour a real, heavy, high, shining crown, made of cardboard and wire, covered with foil and cotton wool, embroidered with bugles, was adorning my head. Real. I still remember this feeling: The New Year has arrived. Was it the crown? In a tradition that is important to me? In a bag with chocolates and one tangerine (oh, that incomparable smell of Soviet gifts!), which I knew would soon be found under the Christmas tree? Or in the person next to me who worked miracles for me with his love?

I love New Year's letters from the editor. I really want to share wonderful things with you.

Because the miraculous is not a whim, not a whim, it is a truly important part of our life, without which - well, we can’t go anywhere. I wish you, our dear readers, miracles. Big and small, long-awaited or completely unexpected, the main thing is that they are there and you have time to notice them. I wish you great New Year holidays, crazy and pleasant preparation for them, cool ideas, gifts... And hugs with family and friends - every day.

Because nothing could be more wonderful. Do you agree? With coming!


page 8 Editor's word

page 203 Tips

page 210 Useful purchases and new products

page 218 Horoscope


page 24 We wish you... What to give and wish to those who will be next to you on the main night of the year?

page 40 Happy New Year 2019! The stars congratulate DO readers and share their stories


page 52 News Top 14 fragrances and makeup products

page 60 Time to shine! How to look like a million, even if there are only a couple of hours left before the party - life hacks from “DO”

page 72 At the ends of the earth Organic cosmetics from Sakhalin Island


page 82 Enter the Queen Velvet, satin, gold - your brilliant retinue. Be luxurious, shine!

page 94 Item of the month What to wear with a coat?


page 100 December premieres: Christmas trees, circus, water and ice shows

page 102 I want and I will! 25 New Year's Resolutions You Can Keep

page 106 And a lot, a lot of joy Should parents create a New Year's mood for their children, columnist Lada Lapina reflects

page 110 Why spoil a child? Psychologist Daria Dmitrieva about how important it is for children to feel our love and care

page 116 Books for children The best winter tales and poems


page 126 News What to eat to avoid gaining weight?

page 128 Only calm! How to avoid pre-holiday stress

page 132 New year - new weight Expert advises

page 138 Fitness Your strength training

page 144 6 questions to the gynecologist How to celebrate if you are pregnant?


page 153 Sparkling wine for everyone! Champagne cocktails are the best way to start a New Year's party

page 154 Dinner by candlelight Recipes for a big New Year's party

page 168 How to choose wine for the holiday?

page 170 New Year's cookies As a gift, in tea and for the Christmas tree. We are opening a mini-factory at home!

page 178 A gift with taste Aromatic tincture, mini-cakes, miracle spices and others


page 168 Time to give The anticipation of the holiday transforms everything: how to decorate the house for the New Year?

page 162 Holiday workshop Postcards and cute DIY New Year decorations

page 164 In all its glory with your own hands

page 166 Let there be light! Gold and blue, silver and frost, red and green - in what style do you decorate your Christmas tree?

Editor's letter

My friend dramatically divorced her husband two years ago. Moreover, at first no one knew about their difficult separation, not even close friends. This is how life happens, we rarely meet. And then she couldn’t stand it and talked about it - and not just anywhere, but on social networks. I wrote on my Facebook page: they say, dears, I don’t want to mislead you, but sometimes you ask where are the photos together, but we broke up, and now I feel very, very bad, I don’t want to do anything, not even cook lunch for the children difficult.

At first I was overcome with a wave of embarrassment: how could it be so easy for everyone to talk about personal things? She’s putting herself at risk, it’s painful, it’s for closed conversations, it’s... somehow wrong.

I was confused: should I like it? And what will this mean in this case? Should I write in a personal message? Or call right away? How to react?

Then I just closed Facebook to recover. And when I opened it half an hour later, I was amazed to see this: dozens of sympathetic comments, dozens of good advice and contacts from psychologists, invitations to tea, offers to come and feed and take the children for a walk, and a bunch of small ordinary words and even emoticons - “hugs”, “I understand” ", "I love".

Tears flowed from my eyes from such powerful support.

And when we finally talked to my friend on the phone, she was also amazed: “It was as if a warm wave washed over me, for the first time in three months, and it’s as if it’s still carrying me.”

One of the main topics of this issue is our life on social networks. We also discuss them with Elizaveta Boyarskaya (p. 20). Yes, there is something to scold them for and there is something to warn them against (read the articles on pages 92 and 98). But how important and necessary it is to be able to quickly feel these virtual hugs, to hear a chorus of supportive voices when it’s bad, when there’s no strength for anything at all. And, by the way, to receive quite tangible and real support - and the psychologist’s phone number turned out to be very useful, and we actually walked with the children, and actually hugged them a lot.

It seems to me that with the advent of social networks, we finally began to hear each other - and to hear many and different, and not just very close friends.

And to hear means to be able to understand and sympathize, to take the place of another, to take a different point of view. Largely thanks to social networks, we can argue with each other about important things - about sexism and domestic violence, about education and inclusion, participate in a real public discussion, in building some new rules and in gradually changing life for the better.

For some reason I really believe in this. And you?


page 4 Editor's word

page 177 Tips

page 186 Useful purchases and new products

page 194 Horoscope


page 14 Shopping. Colors of the month: all shades of gray

page 20 Interview with actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya “Reasonable Limits”

page 30 News. Top 10 Fragrances and Makeup Products

page 36 Living on the Internet. How to take the perfect selfie?

page 42 Fragrances. Color bar


page 61 Five days. The main autumn accessories

page 72 #Streetstyle Bright colors and fashionable images

page 80 We must take it! What to wear with boots, Cossack boots and a checkered jacket, advises stylist Alexander Rogov


page 98 Mom, I'm online! What you need to know about children and social networks

page 110 Real story. Mom is a writer

page 116 Competition “Heroine of Our Time”


page 120 News. What to eat to wake up?

page 122 SPA at your home. What professional techniques can you easily apply at home?

page 126 Five important vaccinations that are not included in the calendar. Why do they need to be made?

page 128 Not just sex

page 132 Fitness. Winner training

page 136 How to stop stress eating?


page 139 Sweet autumn. Homemade desserts

page 148 Tasty, just like in Georgia! Recipes from the chef of the Tinatin restaurant

page 150 Jamie knows! How to cook dinner in 15 minutes


page 157 Favorite chair. Which one to choose?

page 162 The magic of healthy sleep. What is she wearing? Experts from the Togas Textile House reveal the secret

page 164 DIY cat pillow

page 166 Let there be light! Choosing lamps

Editor's letter

From the editor

I returned from maternity leave a year ago and decided to become an age model. I sent my portfolio to agencies, and they answered me: “You are too young for us,” writes a participant in the “Heroine of Our Time” competition. She has a fashionable haircut, she looks cool, she is 41 years old. “What’s so surprising about that?” - you ask. Listen, it’s just great if you reacted like that.

There is absolutely nothing surprising today in what seemed unthinkable just a couple of generations ago.

When we did the interview with Aurora, we talked a lot about age. We are both over forty, and both are interested in watching how, right before our eyes, the period of youth is becoming wider. At forty, we still fall in love, change jobs, have children and come out of maternity leave with the desire to become an age model, but they don’t hire us! Too young! Of course, we have heard that same phrase a thousand times - that life at forty is just beginning. But, you must admit, before we didn’t believe her a little.

Well, yes, it begins, especially if you are the director of a Moscow plant and you are lucky enough to meet the sex symbol Gosha on the train.

As for the rest, well, I couldn’t believe it, because, as Aurora rightly notes, our mothers and grandmothers at forty already felt like mature women, at least more mature than we are now. Thanks to the technologies that have taken the burden of housework off us, to all these washing machines, steam mops and other prosaic things. Thanks to cosmetology, which allows us to look ten years younger and fresher than what is written in our passport.

But the biggest thanks to those brave women who do not want to put up with ageism and other restrictions. Who know how to hear themselves, make their dreams come true, fight to make other women’s dreams come true, and also inspire. How great, it turns out, is the power of inspiration! How much it gives people in terms of youth.

And it’s great that today more and more inspiring stories are told by women’s voices.


page 6 Editor's word

page 181 Tips

page 194 Horoscope


page 16 Shopping Idea of ​​the month: fire and wine

page 22 Competition “Heroine of Our Time”

page 28 Interview with TV presenter Aurora “Aurora Day”

38 News Top 20 fragrances and makeup products

page 46 35 questions about beauty

page 56 Fragrances Premiere show FASHION

page 86 New items for autumn The main directions of the season to update your wardrobe

page 93 Item of the month What to wear with a classic jumper and hoodie


page 102 News Let's be friends? 104 What's happening to me? How to teach a child to feel

page 108 Child with high sensitivity 10 signs

page 120 Star story Tatyana Lazareva: “Now I like myself”

page 124 “Good” divorce Advice from psychologist Elena Busel


page 130 News Are you at risk of a heart attack?

page 132 Do you need vitamins during pregnancy? Advice from gynecologist Irina Belyakina

page 136 Joy of life Real stories of women who beat breast cancer


page 147 Pumpkin everyone! What to cook with pumpkin? There is an option!

page 148 Autumn with spices We prepare dishes in which vegetables play a leading role

p. 156 Donuts with filling We prepare our own delicacy from childhood


page 159 Sun in reserve! How to make your interior brighter if there is less and less sun outside the window

page 166 Ideal relief What are the advantages of relief tiles and how to use them correctly?

page 170 Office at home How to set up a workplace if you work at home?

Editor's letter

Editor's Word September

How I spent this summer? I don't recognize myself, but I like it. True, when you read this issue, the hair color will be different again - the dye will be washed off. Maybe I’ll “go back to blonde,” or maybe I’ll dye it some other way.

This summer began with an experiment with style, and ends with a new photo in a new passport, because the old one disappeared along with the suitcase in the city of Rome.

Yes, we had a big trip by car - from Moscow to Italy - with children and a dog, we dreamed about it for a long time, and we got even more adventures than we expected. Including a robbery in a parking lot, meeting nutria in the Po Delta park and watching the Russia-Croatia match in the arms of Italian fans (they sympathized with us terribly). Our dog swam in Venice on a gondola, and we became even more convinced that the best vacation for us is by car.

And this summer I met a singer whose songs, as they say, I grew up listening to. It’s funny that the singer is seven years younger, and yet several of my youthful novels developed under her “Winter Dream” and “Sometimes.” This year Alsou, the heroine of our cover, turned thirty-five years old. Yes, she is exactly as we imagined her: beautiful, soft, with a gentle voice. True, she assures that she can be hot-tempered, but prefers not to quarrel with loved ones, but to retire and remain silent.

In the interview, Alsou tells her and her husband’s love story, shares the secret of family happiness and promises that she will let her children go to hairdressers if they want, but only after school. By the way, we talked about school not only with the stars: experts give advice to parents on the eve of the new school year, and Dmitry Bykov discusses whether it is necessary to teach children patriotism.

Natalia RODIKOVA Chief Editor [email protected]


    Page 4 Editor's Word

    Page 181 Tips

    Page 184 Useful purchases and new products

    Page 194 Horoscope


    Page 16 Shopping. Idea of ​​the month: cage

    Page 20 Interview with singer Alsou “My Love”


    Page 30 News. Top 20 Fragrances and Makeup Products

    Page 48 Finds of the month

    Page 50 Dreaming is not harmful. Cosmetics of the future - what will it be like?


    Page 68 Important points. Bright accessories are the center of attention

    Page 76 Cozy autumn. Coat, jacket, jacket or trench coat? Choose your stylish look


    Page 86 News. Sit down and do your homework

    Page 88 Back to school 14 tips for parents

    Page 94 I don’t have another one. Writer Dmitry Bykov about his homeland and love

    Page 98 How to choose a nanny and not go crazy. Psychologist Ekaterina Mizenina advises

    Page 104 Fall in love again. And don't be afraid of new relationships

    Page 114 Competition “Heroine of Our Time”


    Page 122 News. Why aren't you losing weight?

    Page 124 Pregnancy and childbirth. 15 tips for young mothers

    Page 132 When do you need a second opinion? Advised by the famous obstetrician-gynecologist Dmitry Lubnin

    Page 140 Intermittent fasting 16/8 Will the popular system help you lose weight?


    Page 143 The morning begins. What do you have for breakfast? Recipes for the most important dish of the day

    Page 148 Vegetable collection. What to cook at the height of vegetable season?

    Page 156 Dough in 5 minutes. Recipe for quick dough for open pies

    Page 158 Let's save what we have! Homemade recipes from popular food bloggers


    Page 163 My planet. A child's room is a place that contains his entire world. How to arrange it?

    Page 172 Summer, goodbye! How to prepare your garden for winter?

Page 176 The house is in order. Workshop on cleaning and space optimization

Editor's letter

Editor's Word August

We filmed Yulia Vysotskaya many times. And every shoot, every meeting is a gift of communication, a few easy hours, after which the team (previously unknown producers, stylists, photographers, assistants) don’t want to leave. I have long wanted to note Yulia’s talent - to gather very different people around her and delicately, almost imperceptibly charge everyone with her mood. If you ever have a question about what your husband found in her, “why” he fell in love with her, here is the answer. I think for this. “Julia, what do you think of this suit? Is this a coat? And stand by this wall, and now lie down on this chair - no, better on the carpet! We’re removing the carpet, sit on the floor,” and to everything and always we hear from Yulia: “Cool, great, let’s try it!” At the same time, she herself is an inexhaustible source of ideas, experiments and hooliganism. This is exactly what any glossy magazine needs for a shoot - you can admire the result. I hope this issue and, most importantly, this month of summer will be as light and joyful for you as we saw Yulia Vysotskaya on one sunny day.

Another inspiration for the issue was an absolutely beautiful and crazy (now you’ll understand) mother, who a couple of weeks ago went with three children (one of whom is a newborn!) on a car trip from Moscow to Vladivostok. Just imagine!

My husband, children and I have also been driving around Russia for 11 years: we have reached the borders of Altai and Mongolia more than once, and traveled to the north of the country and to the south. We travel with passion, admire incredible Russian landscapes, meet incredible people and (of course!) curse the roads. However, the latter are getting better every year, and now we almost with a clear conscience recommend such trips to friends. But from Moscow to Vladivostok?! With three children?! She wants to prove that maternity leave is not necessarily a boring stay at home. We are following the events, my mother keeps an interesting diary and promised us an interview. In the meantime (as part of sincere propaganda of domestic tourism) began to collect tips for traveling around Russia. So, in the issue: “In a car with children” (stories from experienced ones), “Games for the road”, “Gastronomic map of Russia”. Another acquaintance with farming and effective Russian cosmetics, which you may not have known about. And also 175 ideas for vacation and generally continuing a good summer. Enjoy!


page4 Editor's word

page157 Adviсe

page160 Useful purchases and new products

page170 Horoscope


page10 Purchases. Idea of ​​the month: flowers

page14 Interview with Yulia Vysotskaya “Easy Day”


page23 Just add water. Skin hydration

page28 News Top 25 fragrances and makeup products

page42 Know ours! Made in Russia: review of the best Russian cosmetics


page49 Striped flight. Romantic striped dress

page50 News. Top 7 current collections of August

page52 Sea adventures. How to create a vacation wardrobe


page64 News. I look and am happy

page66 Competition "Heroine of Our Time"

page70 “Happiness” of motherhood Is it so easy and pleasant to be a mother?

page76 I can't rest. What prevents us from recuperating on vacation and how to change it

page80 Let's go by car! Choose a direction, pack your things, share life hacks

page86 Games for the road: travel kits, books and other ideas

page88 10 disappointments in marriage that you can definitely deal with


page94 News Sun and medicines

page96 25 useful travel tips What do you need to know when going on vacation?

page102 Are deodorants evil? Why do we sweat and how to choose the right deodorant?

page106 How to deal with varicose veins? Expert comments


page117 Eat it now! Vegan food, new sandwiches, vegetable smoothies and other culinary trends

page124 Gastronomic map of Russia. What to try while traveling

page134 Real story. I will have a herd of bulls


page139 Field kitchen. How to equip a summer kitchen space. What to choose - grill, tandoor or super grill?

page 146 There is a flock of pigeons in the sky. DIY room mobile

page 148 Up for air! We create a cozy space for relaxation in the countryside

page 154 Fabric care rules. How to avoid mistakes and keep things looking their best


The first time I saw Anna Sedokova was ten years ago in the program “Good Jokes,” hosted by Tatyana Lazareva, Mikhail Shats and Alexander Pushnoy. Remember, they invited celebrities and forced them to participate in completely stupid competitions like guessing upside down songs in the “Apozh” task. It was a brilliant show, wildly funny! Especially because they invited completely unpredictable characters to visit. In general, not all people know how to joke about themselves and look decent in a stupid situation. It is even more difficult for stars who are accustomed to taking themselves seriously and wearing a crown on their heads. And then Anna appears in the studio - a tanned beauty in a short dress. With plump lips, high cheekbones, breasts, butt, a luxurious mane of hair.

“Well...” I thought, “everything is clear with her.” I was upset about the program, felt sorry for the girl - it’s clear that she won’t look very good. I am terribly ashamed of this shameful thought that discriminates against all beauties. Especially after the program, during which I became fascinated by Anya - so much so that I vowed to myself to work with her someday. It seemed to me that I had never met a more open, more relaxed and self-confident person. Imagine my surprise when Anya admitted that she still has big problems with confidence. It’s hard to imagine this when looking at our cover, right? On the other hand, you never know the examples where the brightest are those who doubt themselves the most. In general, I am glad to introduce you to the heroine of this issue, Anna Sedokova, a singer, blogger and talented mother of three children.

Read her interview (page 22) - I think you will share this opinion with me. We decided to support the “children’s” topic raised in a conversation with Anna with summer advice from the famous doctor Komarovsky (p. 114), extensive material on child development and behavior (p. 66) and instructions for choosing a dog (p. 72).

In addition, the issue contains an excellent column by Daria Korolkova about holiday romances - based on real events (p. 80), material about the pitfalls of body positivity (p. 102), a story about how one family organizes an exchange vacation (p. 76 ), a selection of summer looks for the city and the beach (page 45), a large dacha menu (page 126) and interesting ideas for arranging the area around the dacha (page 142). Enjoy!

Natalia Rodikova Chief Editor,[email protected]


    4 Editor's Word

    157 Tips

    160 Useful purchases and new products

    170 Horoscope


    14 Shopping. Idea of ​​the month: tropics

    18 Competition “Heroine of Our Time”

    22 Interview with singer Anna Sedokova: “Very open”


    29 Rules of good manners. Ideal facial tone is the basic rule of any makeup

    34 News. Top 20 Fragrances and Makeup Products

    40 In the spotlight. Is it possible to restore elasticity to the knees? FASHION

    45 Breakfast on the grass. Bright summer accessories

    50 News. Top 6 current collections of July

    52 Toward adventure. How to create a vacation wardrobe

    58 Sea, sun, beach... Choosing the perfect swimsuit


    64 News. I love grandma

    66 I'm in crisis. Psychologists about children's crises of one year, three and seven years

    72 Mom, buy a dog! Is having an animal in the family a joy or a burden? Psychologist tells

    76 Exchange leave. Real story

    80 Three holiday romances with an unpredictable ending

    88 It won't be enough. What to do if your husband doesn’t earn enough, psychologists say

    92 Travel. Greece: on land and sea


    100 News. How to protect your eyes from the sun?

    102 Body positivity: is it useful or not? Expert comments

    108 Testing teeth whitening. Which method is the most effective?

    114 Summer advice from Dr. Komarovsky. Everything you need to know about children's health


    119 Six super desserts of July. Ice cream, jelly, panna cotta, meringue with berries and more!

    126 Salad for everyone! In summer, it may well be a main course, not a snack.

    132 Berry boom. What to cook with and from seasonal berries

    137 Place of fire. How to equip a platform in a garden plot

    142 Room in the garden. We decorate and inhabit the green space of a house outside the city

148 Color and texture. Six ideas for updating your room

154 Repair in summer. How to avoid mistakes?

Editor's letter

Editor's Word June

Yesterday evening, my middle son and I were walking along the street and suddenly on the other side, at the very edge of the road, we noticed a strange dark lump. “What is it, mom? - the son became worried. - Is it a kitten? Puppy?" Although the distance was considerable, I immediately realized that it was a hedgehog. They ran up, started looking at it, touched its face - the hedgehog curled up. We drove it around and examined it - there was no visible damage. They decided that he somehow wandered from the nearest island in the forest to the city road and fell into a stupor from the noise of cars. Then I took the scarf from my neck, folded it in four, wrapped it around the hedgehog and moved it closer to the bushes. The hedgehog sat for a couple of minutes, looked around, sucking in air with its long nose, and finally, quite cheerfully, ran away into the thickets.

There were conversations for the whole evening: where hedgehogs live, and how to determine whether he is an adult or a small one, and what they eat, and so on, and so on. “How do you know all this, mom? - the children were amazed. “And how were you not afraid to take it?”

From there, my children, I spent my childhood in the village. And it was like this, like this... It’s sad to think that our children will never have this again. Stupid walks through the forest, where you can meet hedgehogs and hares, and eat to your heart’s content; searching for treasures in landfills (an invaluable find - colored glass and ceramic fragments, for "secrets" in the ground), huts and tree houses, bungee jumps over the river, leeches in a tin can, rafts, rubber boots - always wet because I wanted to climb into every puddle...

Do you remember how they chewed tar? How did they wrap the wheel spokes with colored wire? What about homemade bows? And what about swords made from sticks with jar lids on them?

We had so many adventures! And how many of these hedgehogs, dear children, visited our home (they, by the way, are predators, and all these cute drawings with mushrooms on needles are a beautiful lie), and how much happiness there was.

When I asked Maria Kulikova, the heroine of this half of the issue, what she remembers from the summer in her childhood, I honestly didn’t want to ask anything else. It’s terribly sad for Masha and me to think about what memories our children will not have. But what could be the way out? Well, shouldn’t we let them out into the forest alone? Or at least outside for the whole day? With a key around your neck? Why don't you offer to chew some tar? Walk to the landfill? Cancel school reading for the summer and plunge into the abyss of entertainment?

In general, Maria and I thought hard. And we invite you to join our reflection too. We are not the only ones to suffer! In the meantime, we need to pull ourselves together and try to make this summer as interesting as possible - both for ourselves and for the children. In this issue, by the way, we have a lot of great ideas.


page 12 Shopping. Colors of the month: blue and white

page 16 Competition “Heroine of Our Time”

page 20 Interview with actress Maria Kulikova “Great Happiness”


page 25 Hot tropics. Let's go on vacation!

page 28 News. Top 6 current collections of June

page 30 The sun is at its zenith. Singer Anastasia Stotskaya tried on the most fashionable summer trends


page 48 This is my grandmother! Why relationships with grandmothers are so important and how to improve them

page 56 Yours, mine and ours. How to help children when parents are in a new relationship

page 60 I want it, I don’t want it. What to do if you and your loved one have different sexual temperaments? Psychologist advises

page 64 About love - this is for us. Interview with writer Alexander Tsypkin


page 69 Lazy day. We'll tell you the best way to spend it outside the city

page 74 My secret garden. We decorate it with container plants

page 79 Tips and shopping

page 89 Horoscope

another word from the editor, June

I live outside the city, and summer for me begins long before the real warmth: with an increasing flow of cars towards the dachas. With boxes of seedlings, with children and dogs, with furniture tired in the city, which it was finally decided to send to the summer house - and give it a second chance there. The most pleasant thing in this picture is the faces of the people: they are traveling towards summer, and even the upcoming troubles and confusion of relocation do not allow them to erase the imprint of future happiness.

Summer is a small life, and it should be like a vacation, says Ekaterina Klimova, one of the heroines of our first summer issue, a mother of many children, who also goes out of town every year immediately after finishing school - the whole camp, as Katya says, together with your beloved dog.

As you may have noticed, this magazine has two covers - and two star editors, whom we decided to appoint as “summer duty.” Because, dear friends, we start publishing the June issues when it’s still around zero outside and “at times there’s wet snow,” and someone needs to support the editorial optimism about the inevitability of summer.

Actresses Ekaterina Klimova and Maria Kulikova coped with this perfectly: they told us about how they spent their summers as children and how they do it now, how their life outside the city works and what they take with them on vacation. They took part in the editorial planning meeting and helped us come up with interesting topics for the issue. And some articles were given personal comments.

Look for them in the materials: “Let’s have lunch on the veranda” and “10 main diets: how they work”, “How to get rid of cellulite and not go broke” and “Yours, mine and ours: how to help children when parents have a new relationship”, “ This is my grandmother!" and “I want, I don’t want” - about the difference in temperaments.

Besides , we invited the singer Anastasia Stotskaya to represent summer fashion - and we really liked both the images themselves and the way she did it. For dessert, we have prepared an interview with the charismatic writer Alexander Tsypkin, whose stories are now eagerly read from the stage by Russian theater stars.

On the one hand, it is, of course, not about summer, but about why modern Russian men are very lucky with women and how soon everything will change not in their favor. On the other hand, he talks about love so interestingly that our readers will definitely feel warmer. And in general, this is what we achieved with this number.

Summer, come!


page 10 Shopping. Towards the sun

page 12 Interview with actress Ekaterina Klimova “Summer is life”


page 17 Waltz of the Flowers. Flora Gardenia fragrance, Gucci

page 18 11 questions for beauty experts. How to add volume to your hair, why peeling is needed, etc.

page 26 Water resources. Effective skin moisturizers

page 30 Top 18 The most interesting new products in makeup, care products and perfumes

page 38 The whole truth about fillers. Experts say

page 44 In a new color. Editorial experiment: we decided to trust a professional stylist and change the color and length of our hair


page 50 10 main diets: how do they work?

page 58 Preparing the body for summer. Functional training for all muscle groups

page 62 How to get rid of cellulite and not go broke? Home methods and salon treatments that work


page 67 Strawberries: the season is open! Cake, dessert, tartlets, pie - everything with your favorite berries

page 74 Let's have lunch on the veranda. Summer day menu

page 80 We cook it ourselves. The perfect summer ranch sauce

Editor's letter

Letter from the Editor, May

I once attended a lecture by a terribly popular child psychologist. It's a full house, the hall is packed to capacity, people are sitting not only on extra chairs, but also on the steps in the aisles and standing along the walls. It’s unrealistic to get a personal reception with your idol, but after the lecture you can try to take control of the microphone and ask your question - why is the child being rude, for example, or why doesn’t he listen to his grandmother, or how to make him wear it, and what to do if he’s a C student and doesn’t write well , eats only pasta, and it seems to you that you are a bad mother - and the psychologist will immediately analyze this difficult situation and give his advice that always works.

I know , that you should not create idols for yourself, but for me personally, this man’s book literally saved my relationship with my middle son, so I sit with the same trepidation and reverence as the whole room, and breathe every now and then, afraid to miss a single word. And now the lecture is over, there is half an hour left for questions, the parents are terribly worried (after all, half an hour!), the microphone is jealously passed from hand to hand and finally gets to the girl in the center of the hall. “Please forgive me,” she says loudly, “here above me the air conditioner is blowing so hard right into my head. Sorry again, can you please turn it off?”

My row neighbors and I look at each other in bewilderment and slightly roll our eyes. Now the psychologist will tell her to stop, now he will tell her not to waste it and our time in vain, now one of the organizers will ask to take the microphone away from this tactless listener...

That is, in fact, it was blowing on everyone, for an hour and a half we shrank and wrapped ourselves in scarves - but, excuse me, to come to a lecture by a star and a deity, get a microphone and ask to turn off the air conditioning?! But the star and the deity nod sympathetically , asks , who else is blowing , and asks someone backstage « turn it down a little." Girl with a microphone , finally , asks his question ( Oh , she also has a question!) - about the boy , who cries all the time , when she leaves for work. And while the psychologist explains , How three-year-old children cope with separation from their mother , what is affection and how to maintain it , The audience forgets its irritation and examines this mother with interest.

Strange , after all, she did a very simple thing - she directly said about it , which made her uncomfortable. Why did this make such an impression on all of us? Does she respect herself the most? Or the bravest? Or what? And why do many of us choose to be angry in such situations? , get irritated and endure until the last moment , although sometimes you can just say?

All in all , In this issue, we reflected on this topic in one way or another in several materials. By the way , If you also have something to say about this, write! No need to be patient :)

Natalia Rodikova Chief Editor , [email protected]

in every room

    Page 4 Editor's Word

    Page 179 Tips

    Page 184 Useful purchases and new products

    Page 194 Horoscope


    Page 18 Shopping. Colors of the month: green and yellow

    Page 22 Competition « Heroine of our time"

    Page 30 Interview with singer Polina Gagarina: “For my son, I am a friend”


    Page 36 News. Top 18 spring scents and makeup products

    Page 44 It’s written all over his face. Salon treatments for those , who is forced to hide acne , pigmentation and blood vessels mesh under a layer of foundation

    Page 56 Making eyebrows. Brow techniques from fashion experts

    Page 63 Street style. 8 stylish urban looks

    Page 68 News. Top 6 current collections of May

    Page 70 Make way for spring! Pastel , embroidery , flowers or feathers... Choose a trend to your taste!


    Page 90 16 summer camps for creative children. Where to shoot films and stage plays?

    Page 94 Don't panic! 9 actions of children , which are not so terrible , what do you think

    Page 96 Depression in a teenager: how to identify and how to help. Tips for parents

    Page 100 Be patient! Psychologist tells , Why is it harmful to tolerate things that are unpleasant for us in relationships?

    Page 104 Eight women. Story

    Page 108 My two lives. Real story


    Page 115 Sweet fantasies. Cupcake in the form of a garden bed , cake with roses , tartlets , eclairs and other recipes for those with a sweet tooth.

    Page 121 Making your own cream liqueur

    Page 122 We are waiting for lunch! Nordic food recipes

    Page 128 Picnic time. Budget option or restaurant dish? Cooking on coals


    Page 132 News. What foods will help with heartburn?

    Page 134 In the fresh air. Our heroines told , how physical activity changed their lives Page 138 Ordered to survive. Horror « Husband on a diet" by columnist Daria Korolkova

    Page 142 We are that , what are we drinking? Water , juices , soda and wine: which drinks are healthy?

    Page 146 10 questions for an allergist. Expert answers

    Page 150 Remember everything: can dementia be cured? Doctor of Psychology Alexander Sonin says


    Page 157 Open an account! 39 ideas for a bright, stylish home

    Page 176 Mirror and its roles

Editor's letter


“I’m afraid of turning into my mother,” one actress friend of mine wrote on her Facebook page. - I see , how she clings to youth , and I'm scared. I'm almost forty years old. What if I start doing this too?!”

I quickly imagined a brightly pomaded old lady in leopard print leggings , in high heels.

Not even five minutes have passed , as it turned out: everything is approximately like this. Only in addition to leggings, my friend’s mother injects Botox , dyes her hair blue and recklessly flirts with young people in the park , where he practices Nordic walking. “I’m ashamed of her - she doesn’t seem to understand , how old is she!" - added her almost 40-year-old daughter.

I didn’t have time to properly sympathize with her in my soul , as comments poured in: “Let me , your mother lives life to the fullest here and now , “Are you ashamed of her?” - "Tell , What’s wrong with Botox and flirting with guys?” - "By the way , blue hair color is trending now , your mom is a fashionista!” - “Listen , she just knows how to be happy. Maybe , Should we all learn from her?

And here in front of me is a completely different image - a cheerful and open person , who is not afraid to seem funny ( sure , she knows very well , how her daughter perceives her), is not afraid to wear it , what do you like , and behave like this , as he wants. I immediately remembered another friend of mine and her wise phrase. One day, she and I were sailing on a ship in the Adriatic Sea and clapping like crazy at two tanned 80-year-old beauties in short shorts , bracelets , in some multi-colored curls - they danced like that , so they bothered the people on the deck , so everything around them was boiling and seething - the young handsome captain then kissed their hands and said , that they are his honored guests forever. Turning to my friend with delight , I said: "God , when I'm eighty , I want to be as cool!” To which she answered me: “What’s stopping you? Be like this now , Natasha , do not wait". And it's true , why were they dancing , why were they hugging the captain , and I stood nearby and just clapped? Our April issue is traditionally about age. Certainly , we will tell you about the best anti-aging products of the year , about 15 ways to look younger in 3 minutes , about that , how to tighten your breasts and so on... But the most important thing , I want to say here: don't wait , when you are 65 , 70, 80. Don’t even wait until you’re forty – be happy and young right now! Let's learn to be like that now - and then we will be like that too. And in general , you know , it won't matter , What do you think about our leopard print leggings?

By the way , we weren't joking about breasts - page 68

Natalia Rodikova Chief Editor , [email protected]


    181 Tips

    184 Useful purchases and new products April

    194 Horoscope

    14 Shopping. Colors of the month: orange and beige

    20 Competition « Heroine of our time"

    24 Interview with actress Elena Podkaminskaya « Mom is nearby"


    31 News. Top 18 spring scents and makeup products

    44 Gifts of nature. New care products with herbal ingredients

    52 Beauty Awards 2018. Announcing the winners

    68 Chest higher! For some it is a source of pride , for others it is a source of complexes. Where to go for a new size?


    73 Trends. The main trends of spring: sports , glitter and color block

    80 New denim. 10 stylish looks for every day

    92 Around the world. Traveling the world in the company of the most fashionable accessories


    100 News. We are online

    102 Natural children. What are the features of the natural approach to education?

    108 Second attempt: how to meet people after a divorce? We invite you to read one very personal story and advice from a psychologist

    112 Family consultation. Psychologist Elena Novoselova answers readers' questions


    121 Homemade chocolate

    122 I do this! Easter treats from food bloggers

    128 Expensive egg! 15 tips , ideas and recipes for Easter

    138 We are waiting for lunch! Five easy ones , but very tasty dishes for the festive table


    144 News. Will a full refrigerator help you lose weight?

    146 Three minutes for your health. These tips won't take long and will make you feel better.

    156 Fun fitness. Editors « DO" tested unusual types of fitness

    162 Secrets of Irina Bezrukova’s youth


    166 Make way for spring! How to decorate your home with flower arrangements

  • 174 Room by room. Let's organize the space

Editor's letter


My girlfriend , sales manager , serious man , prudent wife and mother , suddenly, for some reason, I learned to weave from vines. And now every morning she posts photos on Facebook: she wove a bread basket , box , glass for toothbrushes and many other wonderful things , what can be made from willow twigs , for which her husband goes to the river bank ( drowning in snow up to the waist , walks with a knife in a place specially indicated to her).

“How did this even come to your mind? Why suddenly a vine?!” - we are amazed , Friends. At the same time, we order her a laundry basket and a chest for cereals. And we experience a complex feeling of envy and joy - what a calling this man has suddenly found!

Another friend , being a successful journalist and in general from everyone , it seems , parties realized personality , a year ago I started learning to draw - from scratch. I've never drawn before , I couldn't think of it , She had never received any hint from this talent in her entire life. And suddenly « freaked out": signed up for courses , I bought some good pencils , started posting some sketches... Two weeks ago she invited us , friends , to a real exhibition. I was sitting in front of the computer that day , looked at photographs of her paintings ( very good!) and cried a little with happiness.

One of the heroines of the material « Woman today" ( p. 72) named the time , in which we live , time « the triumph of self-realization." I really liked this expression. Maybe ( and even most likely), the real triumph for women in this sense is yet to come , but already now we have something to be proud of and something to hope for.

We have learned to respect our dreams , no matter how strange they may seem to others. Learned to prioritize - and self-love , life in harmony with oneself suddenly found itself in one of the first places ( because « happy mother - happy baby"). AND , I think , We are quite successfully learning to defend our right to all this.

If you agree with me even a little , Please , do not deny yourself the pleasure of participating in the competition « Heroine of Our Time" - this year it starts in March.

Natalia Rodikova Chief Editor , [email protected]

in every room

page 4 Editor's word

page 181 Adviсe

page 184 Useful purchases and new products

page 194 Horoscope


page 18 Contest « Heroine of our time"

page 22 Shopping Colors of the month: pink and mint

page 28 Interview with TV presenter Elena Letuchaya « Flying Squad"


page 35 Time for the first ones. Floral , woody , oriental - which scent to choose?

page 42 Make way for spring! Fashion makeup

page 54 Keep your face. All about lifting: gold and mesothreads , Aptos , Silhouette and others


page 66 News. Together forever?

page 68 Man + woman: a new world. Psychologist tells , What has changed in relationships today and why is it important?

page 72 Woman today. How she sees the world , how does it feel and what else needs to be changed? , to make her happy

page 80 Not like that , how are the boys? How to raise a girl , psychologists advise


page 92 News. Top 5 main purchases of spring

page 96 Women in the fashion business. 6 success stories from the first person

page 106 Be yourself! How to look stylish at any age and size


page 117 Cookie « Earl Gray"

page 118 43 ways to save time and money! Tips for those , who cooks every day

page 140 Cut a piece of cake!


page 142 Bedroom: updating the color! How to change the look of your bedroom with textiles

page 148 Furniture on wheels. What are the benefits of mobile shelves and tables?

page 150 No noise and dust. Testing robotic vacuum cleaners

page 152 A house with a lot of character. Interior of an apartment on Old Arbat , By the way). “A woman,” explains the author, “should come to a meeting with a man in heels , and ballet flats and other prosaic shoes kill feelings in the bud.”

Immediately in the comments the list of those , What else harms romance: lack of makeup in the morning ( ugh), joint birth ( fu-fu), unpainted roots , home bathrobe… The list is much longer , you can easily continue it yourself. Because the stereotype is , what if a woman does everything « right" and "beautiful", and her husband sees her only in such moments , and not in others , then their relationship is destined for special strength - it is hundreds of years old and it is firmly driven into the head.

Our mothers told us: if you cook poorly, your husband will divorce you , don’t throw things around - men don’t like slobs , put it on , not this , act like this , and not otherwise , cry , laugh , don't be fat , because boys , guys , husbands. To be honest , and our generation, by inertia, still says the same phrases to their daughters. But if only everything were so simple! Do you follow these , generally uncomplicated , rules - and you have a strong marriage , a faithful husband and pure romance.

The paradox is , that there are a lot of couples around , who got divorced ( or dream about it) after a wonderful first date , against the backdrop of delicious borscht and pies , without any kind of joint childbirth and even without dressing gowns. And at the same time, others live in perfect harmony , although everything in their family is perfect « not so" - matter-of-fact , stupid , ugh. And most importantly , again there is no dependence: and the “right” ones can be happy , and “wrong” ones are the opposite.

Somewhere else lies the answer. Maybe , in a single word , which the heroine of our real story says?

I wanted to write about love - it’s February here. , “romantic number”, but for some reason it turned out to be about bathrobes. We even talk about them with Evelina Khromchenko! By the way , remember that one , in which the heroine Svetlichnaya seduces Semyon Gorbunkov? And that one , What was his wife wearing? If you've never paid attention to this , then I’ll give you a hint: “zhenin” is absolutely no worse , In my , it’s even the other way around. Anyway , for a loving husband - for sure.


page 18 Purchases. Colors of the month: blue and purple

page 22 Interview with fashion expert Evelina Khromchenko: “A woman should like herself first of all”


page 29 Winter time. Choosing effective means of care and protection from the cold

page 34 Sixth element. Vitamin C , retinol and others

page 36 We go as a couple. Romantic date at the spa

page 45 Ode to joy. New fragrance Live Irresistible Blossom Crush , Givenchy

page 48 News. Top 22: try on bright ones , bold shades and unusual combinations - spring is coming!


page 58 Holiday every day. Feel free to wear smart things without a special occasion

page 68 News. Top 6 gifts for Valentine's Day

page 70 Editor's Choice. Cozy February: soft knitwear , warm fur , woody scents and care products


page 76 True story: I found my calling

page 80 I won't go to kindergarten! A psychologist will help parents and children adapt to kindergarten

page 84 I can not anymore! How to deal with parental burnout

page 94 What jealousy hides and why you shouldn’t consider it a sign of love


page 100 Delicious morning! Breakfast recipes from the book of popular blogger Olesya Kuprin

page 108 Heartfelt. Nourishing. Slowly. Recipes for a multicooker: you relax - the equipment cooks!


page 118 Sex during pregnancy. What do doctors think about this?

page 122 Workout for two. Exercise with your husband!

page 126 News. How to get rid of headaches without medications?


Our friends' family has two children. Jr , neighbor's favorite , willingly carries on a conversation in the elevator , lets the adults go ahead and allows the grandmothers he knows to adjust his scarf.

Senior , by all accounts , “ill-mannered”, “rude”, his parents « spoiled." Why?

Because he never returns a greeting , doesn't make eye contact , and if you touch it by accident or with the best intentions ( fix the same scarf , it’s cold), he jerks his shoulder sharply and - the height of impudence - can even push you away. Moreover, from time to time someone I know « lucky” to see him hysterical on the street or in the nearest store. The majority condemns silently , some don’t hold back and give mom direct advice on pedagogy. Fortunately , there are also such , who truly heard the word mom said « autism”, read about it on the Internet , took it seriously and now knows , that so-called bad behavior does not always mean pedagogical neglect. Sometimes a child simply cannot interact with the world differently , and upbringing has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Liza Arzamasova , Natalya Zlobina and Natalya Rodikova on the cover shoot

This number « Home" is special. For the first time in the history of the magazine, on the cover next to a star ( today our beloved Liza Arzamasova plays her role) it is not an actress who appeared , not a singer or TV presenter , A…

I wanted to write « an ordinary woman", but this , Certainly , not this way. Natalya Zlobina - winner of the competition « Heroine of our time,” mother of a boy with autism , who managed not only to accept the difficult challenge of fate with dignity , related to son's diagnosis , but also turn it into a motor for incredible changes in his hometown. Her story , which we published in one of the previous issues , I was so impressed by the competition jury , that we decided to give a special prize - an appearance on the cover of the magazine - to Natasha. With this gesture we want to draw attention to families , who are raising children with autism spectrum disorders , support them and , with the help of Natalia , give hope , that one day we will all , inhabitants of this planet , let's understand each other , Let’s accept all each other’s differences and be able to make life around us calmer , healthy and joyful. I hug everyone and ask you to regard my last words as a New Year’s wish!

Natalya Rodikova, Chief Editor , [email protected] \



page 12. Purchases. Colors of the month: red and gold page 16. Strong girls. Interview with actress Liza Arzamasova and Natalya Zlobina , winner of the competition « Heroine of our time"


page 23. One for all. Choosing new care products page 28. Age in numbers. This is interesting and useful to know page 32. In no time. Fashionable holiday makeup in minutes page 40. What's in it? Premium line face cream « -45. Siberia by Natura Siberica"


page 52. More fun together! Stylish down jacket , coat , parka or sheepskin coat - what to choose for winter and what to combine with it? page 56. To the chime of the chimes. Evening dresses for mom , grandmothers and granddaughters page 64. News. In the coming year - with an updated wardrobe


page 68. I wish you happiness! 14 tips , how to learn to feel happier page 72. You should see a psychologist! Choosing a method of psychotherapy and finding out , do we need it page 80. Real story. That , who loves honey page 88. Good , bad , angry: how to deal with childhood aggression? What is the reason for children’s bad behavior and what to do about it?


page 94. Come , it will be delicious! Recipes for a friendly party page 104. Miracle house with cinnamon. Baking a gingerbread house and shaped cookies page 108. News. The holidays continue! page112. Happy Christmas! Preparing a family dinner


page 120. Cafe , corporate event , family feast. How to avoid gaining weight during the holidays? page 122. News. How to get rid of headaches without medications? page 124. New Year's syndrome. What injuries are most often treated by doctors? page 128. Story. When is Christmas « disappears" on Thursday


page 135. Winter scenery. Making bird feeders , “sofas” made of snow and compositions for the garden page 140. Escape from the city. How to transform your home for the holidays? page 146. Express cleaning before guests arrive


page 158. 10 days vacation in Thailand

Domashny Ochag magazine is a monthly magazine with a circulation of 280 thousand copies for women aged 20 - 50 years, dedicated to issues of health, family, beauty, career, relationships, love, sex. Each issue contains interesting articles, a huge amount of practical and useful advice, stories from readers and show business stars. began publishing in 1995. The mini-format magazine appeared in April 2010. A4 or Mini format.

Domashny Ochag magazine is one of the most popular women's magazines in Russia, its audience is constantly growing. The secret of the magazine's popularity is its unique editorial concept: we write about real, specific problems that concern a modern woman with traditional life values ​​- about home, family, children. every woman can find something for herself in it. The magazine's regular columns are devoted to the most important women's topics: family, relationships with loved ones, children, fashion and beauty. At the same time, the main motto of the magazine is practicality.

Each issue of Domashny Ochag contains a lot of valuable practical advice from experts: doctors, nutritionists, teachers, lawyers, designers.

Along with advice from professionals, the publication also features ordinary people - women who solve the most difficult issues and share their experiences.

a typical reader is a woman from 25 to 45 years old who has children, traditional “feminine values” are important to her, she takes care of her home and her family!

The magazine actively interacts with its readers. Numerous competitions are extremely popular, in which not only adults, but also children can participate.

Competitions held in the magazine traditionally receive a huge response.

“We use every opportunity to communicate with our readers: we meet with them at premieres of plays and musicals, hold charity events, parties and celebrations, exhibitions of creative works and much more!”

In September 2007, the first family festival “Home Hearth” was held. All sections of the magazine were presented here: children's playground, meetings with “stars”, master classes, consultations with specialists.

Interview with the editor-in-chief of Domashny Ochag Maria VINOGRADOVA. (2005)

– Maria, please tell us about the history of the appearance of the Domashny Ochag magazine on our market.

– Domashny Ochag has been published in Russia for ten years, but the magazine itself as a global brand has existed for more than 100 years: 120 years ago the first issue of Good Housekeeping was published in America. The Russian Domashny Ochag is a licensed product of this global brand, which belongs to the largest publishing house Hearst.

When you look at the covers of the first issues of Good Houskeeping and begin to compare the design of the magazine of those years with its modern appearance, it takes your breath away... Now, of course, Good Houskeeping looks completely different, it has changed a lot. He has many licensed editions around the world. For example, its British version will celebrate its 85th anniversary this year. By the way, in Britain, as well as in America, Good Housekeeping is a leader in its niche. In the USA, its circulation is 5 million copies, that is, every third American woman subscribes to it. Here's what's surprising: times change, women change, but the topic of family values ​​remains relevant. This is confirmed by the active development of the magazine in Russia. The magazine has grown a lot over the past year, which once again proves that the topic of family and home is very close to our women. Therefore, we are optimistic about the future.

– What is the concept of the publication?

– Domashny Ochag is a magazine of useful, practical recommendations, but unlike cheaper publications (besides, of course, its quality), it is more social, it pays a lot of attention to the psychology of relationships. In addition, our magazine is an undoubted source of inspiration. With him, a woman learns beauty and style in everything, from the right accessory to table setting.

– The reader of Domashnyi Ochag – what is she like?

– We primarily focus on a woman who has a traditional outlook on life and family values. Even if she doesn't have a family, she understands how important it is; if she is not married, she strives for it. The percentage of female readers who are housewives is minimal. These are mostly employees, but there is also a large percentage of managers.

The age of our readers is from 25 to 45 years...

-...this is a very large audience...

– Yes, and this, in particular, is the reason for such high circulation of the publication around the world. The age and social group of this magazine is probably the widest of all existing ones. A girl who reads Cosmo, at a certain stage, grows out of this magazine, she begins to be interested in some more serious and important things, which Domashnyi Ocharh offers her. Many of our readers are regular readers, and by researching our audience, we found out that among them there are women of completely different ages: not only the indicated age group, but also girls and elderly ladies. The same is true with regard to social status: “The Hearth” is read by both the wives of governors and ordinary employees. And the reason for this is our Russian mentality, perception of life and family. It’s not for nothing that last year we had the slogan “Because we are women!” And it is with this that I attribute the great potential of “Home.” in the future, Domashny Ochag, I am sure of this, will show the largest increase in circulation.

– What is the fundamental difference between “Home” ten years ago and today?

When Domashny Ochag was just starting to appear, it was one of the first licensed products to come to Russia. Until this moment, there was practically no “gloss” in Russia, and the most famous Russian magazines “Rabotnitsa” and “Peasant Woman” worked according to completely different laws of the genre. At that time, our country was just learning how to make other magazines. We completely changed the design and made it more modern. But at the same time, the magazine managed to combine the incompatible: while remaining practical and useful in a Western way, it is sincere in a Russian way and has its own unique tone, the tone of a good adviser.

it is designed for a modern woman who is surrounded by so many problems that she needs a magazine - a filter of useful information. This is the idea of ​​the magazine.

– Domashny Ochag is not a magazine about housekeeping. And the magazine is not for housewives at all. It is for women who manage everything and have a traditional perception of life. They may have an interesting job, but still family, love and home are the most important things for them, “because we are women.” A businesswoman is still both a wife and a mother, and our task is to help her in everyday life.

This magazine is intended for an adult woman... An adult not in the sense of old, but in the sense of one who is no longer interested in reading about seducing men and fashion news. She already knows everything about herself.

– How is the circulation of Domashny Ochacha distributed? Does it sell well in the regions?

– Distribution to Moscow and regions – 50x50. After the changes made to the magazine, the circulation of "Ochag" is selling very well in the regions.

The main thing is that behind the cover there is some kind of intrigue, a story hidden inside the magazine. If a magazine, for example, is dedicated to happy couples, then there should be such a couple on the cover. Moreover, behind this pair there should be some kind of story that fits into the general mood of the issue.

We will try to bring this project to life. In general, there are already thoughts about completely removing “star” faces from the cover and following the example of our British colleague, who publishes photographs of models on the cover. But this is only being discussed for now.

Word from the editor-in-chief

“It doesn’t matter to me what profession my daughter chooses, the main thing is that she is happy. So that she is true to herself and her beliefs, open to everything new and beautiful.” Today, when singer Rita Dakota gives me an interview, this phrase of hers seems so ordinary. But just think how far we have come for a loving mother to simply want her daughter to be true to herself and her beliefs. And I knew that it was completely doable.

And it’s true: we are still afraid of the word, although we have become bold enough to enjoy its fruits. We learned to listen to ourselves, dream, act, and look for our own path to happiness.

"Home" again talks about the place of a woman in the world. When we were making headlines for the March cover, one of my colleagues remarked: “I’m afraid the word ‘feminism’ may scare readers.”

Read the article “Thank you to feminists” (page 104) and imagine how many simple and accessible things we can thank them for. Meet the 8 heroines of the special project “Your Own Business” (page 91) and be inspired by their achievements. And reflect on the material in “Daddy’s Daughters” (p. 112), to be honest, it shocked me and opened my eyes to something.

At the age of 19, I graduated from driving school and came home with a license. I didn’t have a car, but I was still happy: I dreamed of learning to drive, I even dreamed that I was driving, and when I realized that that’s it, I’m an adult and I can do it, I did it. “Well done, but it would be better if you got a license for a sewing machine,” dad said when I came to show off. What followed was his usual speech about how a woman was designed by nature and how men would love her. Surprisingly, these arguments of his never offended me. And when he advised me on how to dress better and how to listen to a guy correctly in order to seem charming to him, and what to do in life... I perceived it as a challenge and knew for sure: if I need something, I will do it.

Strangely, after the remark “it would be better if you…” he somehow approved of my successes. Yes, dad, even when you were silent, I always knew that you were proud of me. You admire me, you admire me. Maybe I am who I am - stubborn, giving myself a chance at any dream - precisely because of you.

This interesting phenomenon - when and why women began to compete with their fathers - let sociologists comment. I just want to say thank you. You raised a feminist with your own hands, dad, and you can’t get away from it :)

And now, with a clear conscience, I congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday - March 8th. Let spring be bright - like our recipes, light - like a fashion shoot with Lena Kuletskaya. And inspiring - just like you and me when we find our calling.

Natalia Rodikova
editor-in-chief, n. [email protected]


Page 4 Editor's Word

Page 177 Tips

Page 188 Useful purchases and new products

Page 194 Horoscope


Page 18 Shopping. Closer to nature!

Page 22 Interview with singer Rita Dakota “I choose happiness”


Page 30 News. Top 19 Fragrances and Makeup Products

Page 50 Waltz of the Flowers. Emporio Armani, Guerlain, Givenchy and Lancôme are soloists

Page 58 Add to cart. Face and body care products


Page 69 Main trends. Pleated, snake print, plastic, flowers and others

Page 80 Make way for spring! Model Elena Kuletskaya demonstrated how to create new interesting combinations


Page 91 My business. 8 real stories of successful business women


Page 104 Thanks to feminists. What would the world be like if women didn't fight for their rights?

Page 108 The clock is ticking! Why are we told it's time to have children?

Page 112 Prove it to dad. Whose dreams do grown-up daughters actually realize?

Page 120 Free everyone! Who is more important to be faster, stronger and smarter than their peers - children or their parents?


Page 124 News. 6 Detox Products

Page 126 Take the blow. How to recover from stress?

Page 130 Pregnancy and childbirth. When edema and toxicosis do not require treatment

Page 134 Willpower: will it help you lose weight?

Page 138 12 major fitness trends Do they really work?


Page 143 Maslenitsa. We bake pancakes according to old Russian recipes

Page 146 I want something sweet! Healthy desserts

Page 156 Food as a temptation Dinner recipes for two from the best Moscow chefs


Page 161 More color! How to add color to an existing interior

Page 170 Spring turmoil. How to refresh the space to let more air and light into the house?

Page 174 How to clean the nursery? And teach the child more important things: build relationships with family and make decisions


Page 180 France. Get up and ride!

Page 184 Paris. Let's go to Disneyland!

Page 186 Oman. Towards the sun

Editor's letter

Word from the editor-in-chief

Laima Vaikule shoots only with trusted photographers (but she made an exception for us). Only in your clothes. And only with your stylist. She is used to controlling everything and admits that yes, it sometimes gets in the way. But what can we do, our shortcomings are a continuation of our advantages.

Immediately after this shoot, I flew off on a wonderful press tour, skiing in the Alps.

I adore skiing and mountains, I love traveling, new countries, meeting new people - and at the same time I am terribly afraid of flying.

I like everything, the airports, the beautiful flight attendants, and the dizzying views from the window (when Lake Geneva or Elbrus floats beneath you, it’s breathtaking). But as soon as the plane takes off from the ground, at that moment I want to knock on the pilot’s cockpit and say: “Stop, I’m going back, sorry.”

I don’t know how you justify your aerophobia, but I like this version: it’s a neurosis of strong-willed people who always keep everything under control, lead the situation and even during general panic feel excited - because they know how to take the steering wheel in their hands and lead them. . It's nice to think so, yes.

But how difficult it is in situations where others lead, and absolutely nothing depends on you.

Even if you don’t fall asleep for a second, listening to the slightest changes in the sound of the engine, it still doesn’t depend on you. When you think about this, you are amazed at how a good quality, approved by society, essentially interferes with life.

We worry too much about the result, we want too much to do everything perfectly, but it is impossible to be ideal (unless you are Laima Vaikule, of course), and we still need to learn to enjoy a simply satisfactory result. This year has just begun, the carefree holidays are over, and new plans and new goals lie ahead. It's great that we can dream and plan. It will be even better if we learn to evaluate differently what we cannot control.

About this - our materials “Because I said!” (p. 84), “Less stress” (p. 108) and “My child does not know how to lose” (p. 88) - yes, psychologists say that this is also in general, about this.

But what will happen when we learn to relax can be read, for example, in a real story about a beautiful and brave family of travelers - “Where will we fly?” (p. 80). Looking at their photographs, you want to be like them: self-confident, loving their interesting work and each other. And, of course, we want to continue to dream, because in a strange way, all our dreams come true sooner or later - even if sometimes not at all in the way we imagined it.

I am sure that you have now remembered a couple of events in your life that happened on their own - and this only made you happy. Have a nice year, dears!

Natalia Rodikova
Chief Editor
[email protected]


Page 6 Editor's Word

Page 153 Tips

Page 162 Useful purchases and new products

Page 170 Horoscope


Page 14 Shopping. More feeling!

Page 18 Interview with singer Laima Vaikule “Turn on the music!”


Page 26 News. Top 16 Fragrances and Makeup Products

Page 38 Experts' Choice: 8 Best Cosmetic Treatments

Page 46 Towards a dream

Page 48 Male approach. Maximum effect in minimum time


Page 55 Without heels. Choosing comfortable boots

Page 58 Fashionable couple. Shopping together: choosing gifts for each other is so romantic!

Page 64 Casual for every day. We create new interesting images


Page 76 15 things happy couples do. And you can too

Page 80 Real story. Where will we fly? Tips from a family of travelers

Page 84 Because I said! Where does the desire to control everything come from?

Page 88 My child doesn't know how to lose. Psychologists know how to help


Page 100 Biohacking: the path to eternal youth

Page 104 Eat right and don’t get divorced

Page 108 Less stress. Several non-obvious ways to live more peacefully


Page 121 Sweet! Desserts for romantics

Page 128 Good morning! Prepare a delicious breakfast


Page 137 Around the colors. Which wallpaper should you choose?

Page 144 The kitchen of your dreams. Designer tips

Page 150 Simple, fast, convenient! Easy cleaning


Page 158 Maldives. No need to rush!

Editor's letter

Word from the editor-in-chief


This January issue, which you will most likely pick up in December, again comes out with two heroines on the cover. For the second year in a row, an “ordinary” woman appears alongside the star. However, can one of the finalists of the annual “Heroine of Our Time” award be called ordinary?

This year there were thirteen of them, and each one is an example of fortitude, an example of a great feat or small but important deeds that change the life around us every day. One of the winners adopted neighboring children saved from a fire into the family, another continually takes orphans with difficult fates from orphanages and gives them a chance for a normal life, the third moved from Siberia to the Caucasus, fell in love with the beauty of nature and opened a shop with homemade spices, the fourth became a bell ringer and founded a school of bell ringing, the fifth rode all over Russia in a car with three children and a dog, the sixth, having come to the sport as an adult, became one of the most titled Russian Ironwoman - when, during the finals of the award in Moscow, the 67-year-old charismatic The beauty took the stage and the hall exploded with applause! This is how we have them - “ordinary”.

After that evening, I returned home, opened Facebook and wrote on my page: “I think today I have done more to educate my sons about feminism than in my entire previous life. I took them with me to the award - and showed how passionate, beautiful, strong women can be when they find their calling.” And the sons really left very impressed.

This January on the cover is Anna Yakunina. She became one of the winners in the “Calling to Help” category. Anya survived a difficult period in her life with dignity and now helps other women in a similar situation. We invited her to the cover so that she could talk louder about what she does and how important it is. Read it "The Real Story" (page 64) and admire it with us.

The second heroine of the cover is Tatyana Lazareva, a member of the jury of our award, one of my favorite stars and, without exaggeration, my favorite TV presenter. Personally, it seems to me that since the days of “Good Jokes” and “OSB Studio” there has been nothing funnier, more unexpected and subtler on our television than the humor of this company, into which the smart blonde fit perfectly. That’s why I’m infinitely happy about Tanya’s news - the project that she and her colleagues launched on Youtube. In my opinion, it is about the most important thing that can be, and, taking advantage of the wonderful New Year's atmosphere, I wish him great luck!

Well, it's time to thank the old year for wonderful meetings - and open the doors to the new one. I want to look forward, leaf through the pages further. And let, as in this issue, in the new year we all have a lot of good, tasty, healthy, healthy, fun, romantic... Most importantly, let there be inspiration: there are so many things ahead - we will definitely need it!

editor-in-chief, n. [email protected]


Page 4 Editor's Word

Page 135 Tips

Page 138 Useful purchases and new products

Page 146 Horoscope


Page 12 Shopping. Cozy winter

Page 16 Interview with TV presenter Tatyana Lazareva “Let's start first!”


Page 23 A tidbit. New care products

Page 26 Winter marathon. Our life hacks: how to look dazzling at parties

Page 34 News. Top 20 Fragrances and Makeup Products


Page 48 Favorite holidays. Create a cozy image


Page 58 News. We are together

Page 60 “Heroine of Our Time” Award. Our photo report

Page 64 Real story. I like myself so much!

Page 68 Raise children without punishment. Psychologist Daria Dmitrieva advises

Page 72 Childbirth with a doula. How to choose a birth assistant?

Page 76 Shall we part as friends? Ending an unnecessary romance

Page 82 Dream in a box. Natalia Ekontseva's story from the book "Little Mars"


Page 88 Coolant instead of healthy lifestyle. A new approach to lifestyle

Page 92 How to eat in a restaurant and not gain weight

Page 96 Fitness. Training on holidays


Page 99 Cake “Snow Village”. Cook with your children - they will love it

Page 102 We'll meet you easily! Menu for Christmas

Page 108 Miracle orange marmalade


Page 111 Design in the snow. Ice figures, original compositions and lighting in the garden

Page 116 Come visit. Home welcome at the highest level

Page 122 Holidays without fuss - it happens!


Page 126 Forecast for 2019 according to zodiac signs from astrologer Olga Pashkova

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