One of the oldest city states was Rome. Everything about ancient Rome in brief (geographical location, community, economic life, religion, culture, features)

A cemetery is a special place where two worlds are intertwined - the living and the dead. From time immemorial there have been walks around churchyards huge amount rumors, gossip, they were constantly surrounded by an aura of mysticism and mystery. And to this day, signs in the cemetery are of a special nature, because even people far from superstitions try to listen to them.

Rules for visiting a cemetery: choosing appropriate clothing

Every person will sooner or later be faced with the need to visit a graveyard. But not everyone knows the rules for visiting it to avoid further troubles. The first thing to do is to choose the right clothes:

  • Black color is preferred, as it is considered mourning, but you can also choose clothes in other muted, pastel shades. You should not wear colorful outfits even if you are visiting old graves, because it looks inappropriate and ridiculous. Not best choice White clothing will also appear, although in some countries it is also considered mourning.
  • You should only wear closed shoes on your feet, since skin contact with dead soil can bring a huge number of troubles and health problems. If the cemetery is visited in the summer, then in front of the gate you can put on shoe covers on your sandals or change into different shoes. The earth from the graveyard is saturated with negative dead energy, which affects living flesh destructive impact.
  • It is better to cover your head with a scarf or any comfortable headdress. This is due to the fact that hair from an uncovered head can fall onto the grave and thereby connect the deceased with the living. In addition, human hair is a valuable attribute used in black magic.

After returning from the necropolis, all clothes should be immediately removed and put into the washing machine, even if they visually seem clean. Particular attention is paid to shoes that need to be thoroughly washed, especially the soles. Even a few specks of dust from the dead earth remaining on shoes can bring health problems, family problems, or a streak of bad luck to its owner.

How to behave in a cemetery so as not to provoke the wrath of the deceased?

The necropolis is a special place where you need to follow the rules of behavior, because frivolous actions and inappropriate actions can anger both the deceased and the surrounding living people. Basic rules of behavior in the cemetery:

  • It is forbidden to talk loudly, let alone laugh, quarrel, or discuss each other and the deceased. Conversations are only allowed in a calm voice, mentioning only the good things that happened in the life of the deceased.
  • It is recommended to stop using alcoholic drinks, because they are displeasing neither to the deceased nor to the church. You should not come to the grave drunk. If it is impossible to stop drinking alcohol, then this should be done in moderation, avoiding an intoxicated state.
  • It is prohibited to take any things from the coffin or grave, as they are the property of the deceased. If there is a need to replace a broken vase or any other item on the grave, it must be replaced immediately with a new one.
  • Under no circumstances should you take pictures in front of a grave or cemetery or shoot a video. The photo will be imprinted with negative energy, which will constantly affect the person captured on it.
  • You should not bring children under 12 years of age to the churchyard, as their energy is not yet able to resist spirits. Also, pregnant women and women during their menstrual periods should not visit the necropolis.
  • You cannot step on or jump over graves, as this will anger the deceased. If this happens, then you need to immediately step back and ask the deceased for forgiveness.
  • When leaving the churchyard, under no circumstances should you turn around, even if someone called out to you. The living are constantly followed by spirits, and after such a turn they can follow, and not remain outside the gates of the necropolis.
  • Before visiting, you should remove all metal jewelry, as they attract and accumulate negative energy. You can only leave the pectoral cross, but it must be hidden under clothes.
  • If any foreign things were found at the grave, and especially small change, candles and other strange attributes, then under no circumstances should they be picked up. You are allowed to sweep them away with a broom and burn them.

Most people are afraid of churchyards, because they are the largest concentration negative energy. But if you know how to behave correctly in a cemetery and follow all the specified rules, then they will not pose any danger to life. In addition, everyone alive is obliged to visit the graves of their ancestors, monitor their order, remember the dead, and therefore you should not refuse a trip to the necropolis.

Signs at the cemetery: how not to get yourself into trouble?

For thousands of years, a considerable number of signs and superstitions have been associated with cemeteries. Some of them have long been dispelled by science, and some are still considered true. Whether to take superstitions seriously or not to pay any attention to them is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But it’s worth familiarizing yourself with common signs.

  • Don’t count money in the churchyard - you’ll lose it and never see it again. It’s not worth not only counting, but even taking out banknotes from your wallet, as this risks losing them. If the money was taken from the wallet or was even dropped on the ground, then it should be left in the cemetery for redemption. Also, you should not pick up things that someone has lost, even if they are valuable.
  • Falling into a cemetery means illness or death. But if this happens, then you need to immediately leave the churchyard, wash yourself with holy water and read the “Our Father” three times.
  • If you tell about your successes at the necropolis, you will leave them there. Indeed, a cemetery is not the best place for boasting, because it is a place of mourning and memory. At graves it is customary to talk only about the deceased.
  • If a cross falls for no reason or a monument breaks, then the deceased is restless and can cause harm to others. It is believed that a spontaneously broken tombstone threatens a new deceased in the family. To find out what is bothering the deceased, you need to consult with a clergyman as quickly as possible or make an appointment with a medium.
  • The grave collapses immediately after burial - to a new deceased.
  • To the cemetery before lunch, and after lunch to church. Since ancient times, it has been customary to visit graves before sunset, and preferably before lunch, since spirits can cause great harm later.

Many signs concern animals on graves, especially those associated with cats. It is believed that if a cat simply lies on a grave or walks only around one place, then it is considered abnormal and it is better to avoid it. The black cat is the soul of a witch or sinner, and the white cat is the soul of a righteous man warning of trouble. In any case, you should not offend the animal, because it could be the most ordinary domestic cat, just passing by the cemetery.

Today we will talk about how to behave in a cemetery - how to behave correctly in a cemetery. What does right mean? This means that there are special laws that everyone must follow. Failure to comply with these laws leads to dire consequences for the one who made the mistake. As they say, ignorance of the laws is no excuse. There are certain rules behavior in the cemetery. There is nothing sophisticated or complicated about them; they are very simple and obvious things for many. However, as a practicing magician, I meet people who have problems precisely because of violation of these rules of behavior in the cemetery. Therefore, I decided to write this article. There will be no special rituals or practices in it - the article is intended for ordinary people, far from practicing magic. I will answer questions about how to properly care for the dead, what can and cannot be done in the cemetery, what to bring with you to the dead and what can be taken from him, how to care for the grave, etc. In general, these are ordinary things that, once you read about them, you will never be mistaken in the future.

So, how to behave correctly in a cemetery. You come to visit your dead relatives and friends at the cemetery in order to honor their memory. These are usually pre-planned trips, so you may well

prepare for such a trip.

Cemetery Rule No. 1

Properly prepare for a trip to the cemetery
First of all, pay attention to your clothes. Perhaps short skirts and trendy clothes suit you coral color, But! You are not coming to show off yourself, but to honor the dead. The colors of the cemetery are black and white. Black is preferable, as it is also considered a mourning color. If you find it difficult to find suitable clothing such colors, then just don’t dress brightly. The dead don't like bright colors. Choose muted tones from your wardrobe. In addition (and this is especially important!) your legs should be completely covered - pants or a long floor-length skirt will be the most appropriate clothing. This is not a fashion, but a rule of behavior in a cemetery. This is exactly the moment that is fatal for many. Therefore, I repeat - your legs must be completely covered! Never wear open shoes for trips to the cemetery. Always choose closed shoes, even if it's hot outside. On extreme case Take with you a replaceable pair of closed shoes, which you will put on before entering the cemetery and take off immediately upon leaving it. The most extreme option for spontaneous trips to the cemetery when you are wearing sandals is to put regular shoe covers or plastic bags over your shoes. This is also true in humid weather when you are wearing shoes that get wet.
Why closed legs and feet – is this an undeniable rule of conduct in a cemetery? - This is a property of the world, property dead energy, which many have heard about, but many do not use. “The dead draws the living along with it.” This means that dead earth, dust from dead earth, settling on your body, leads to the imposition of dead energy on your living one. The property of the world is that the living sooner or later becomes dead, but the not dead becomes alive. Therefore, this energy will influence according to its own natural property. Usually, such an imposition of dead energy on a living person leads to illness in the latter. Which one exactly? - Most often the legs suffer - heaviness, fatigue, congestion (in the circulation of blood and lymph in the legs). But speaking in general, dead energy is deposited due to its gravity in the three lower energy centers(chakras), and symptoms may correspond to disturbances in the functioning of each of them. I'm talking about this first because it's the most common mistake due to ignorance of the rules of how to behave in a cemetery.
Looking ahead, I will immediately outline here one more rule of behavior in the cemetery, or rather, after visiting the cemetery. Don’t bring cemetery soil into your home with your unwashed shoes from the cemetery! This mechanism is often

used for damage, so take off your shoes before front door, rinse your shoes thoroughly to remove dead soil, and then take the shoes home. This is not difficult to do, but by doing this you will protect yourself and your loved ones from damage to the house due to the fact that you simply did not know that you cannot behave this way with a cemetery.

How to behave in a cemetery - rule of behavior in a cemetery No. 2
Please pay special attention on your hair. In ancient times, it was customary to cover your head and tie your hair with a scarf when going to the cemetery. This is also not a tribute to fashion, but has a reasonable explanation for the action. There is a special kind of damage when biological material a person (hair, nails, feces, etc.) was brought and left in the cemetery. What does this have to do with tying a scarf around your hair? - Direct! Hair tends to fall, especially if you constantly straighten it with your hand due to the wind blowing it or combing it. Suppose you do not know about this rule of conduct in a cemetery and your hair falls from your head onto the grave. What will happen? — A certain mechanism is launched (the same one that magicians use for the above damages). The consequences are that the dead person on whose grave a hair has fallen has access to your head, to your consciousness, to your mind. And now he can influence your thoughts, “whisper” something to you and so on; the saddest consequence of the fact that you can “earn money” in this way is a corresponding psychiatric diagnosis with all the consequences that come from it.
In addition, there is damage for which the victim’s hair is placed on the grave in a cross shape. This leads to the victim's fate changing negative side. Therefore, be careful, because when combing, more than one hair may fall out, and suddenly these two hairs, according to the law of meanness, will fall on the grave just like that.
The same safety measures apply to any other biological material - do not spit on dead soil, and you should also not go to the toilet in the cemetery. If, excuse me, you feel the urge, go outside the cemetery to relieve yourself. I’m also talking about those toilets that are located on the territory of the cemetery - you shouldn’t go there either. Toilets should be located behind the cemetery fence and nothing else; if the toilet is inside, then it is always the case that the living comes into contact with the dead. In addition, in such toilets they often perform magic - for example, change is thrown into them. This little thing is thrown away for a reason. The one who takes this little thing for himself takes away with it any illness or poverty from the one who threw it off. Once it gets on your feces, it will work against your will, and you will have no idea where this came from.

How to behave in a cemetery - rule No. 3

Walk along specially made paths or paths in the cemetery, do not step on the graves, do not step over them or jump over them - the dead really do not like this. It’s not just that you don’t like it, you can’t behave this way in a cemetery also because a particularly aggressive and restless dead person may “follow the trail” you left on his grave. This will not do you any good, so be careful, especially when making your way through the cemetery in snowy weather.

I apologize to those for whom the article “Rules of conduct in a cemetery - how to behave in a cemetery” evokes emotions of rejection due to the primitiveness of the rules described. I'm not writing this because it's a fun topic to talk about. Some people really don’t know how to behave in a cemetery - simply no one explained it to them, and then I meet such people at consultations about magical negativity and look for the cause of their illness or life problems. Therefore, I consider it necessary to directly describe in detail how to behave correctly in a cemetery and point out the most general rules behavior in the cemetery - even such primitive information can warn against many, already significant, problems. So, let's continue reading about how to behave in a cemetery.

How to behave in a cemetery - rule No. 4

When they come to a cemetery, among other things, people look after the graves

loved ones, clean them, keep them clean. Please pay attention to this point - the dead do not like it when their things or what belongs to them is taken away. Therefore, even when plucking yellow grass at a grave or removing garbage, explain to your deceased relative that you are doing this to maintain cleanliness, nothing more. And be sure, if you take something away, put something in return. When you clean up, you leave behind the treat you brought. When picking up a broken vase, be sure to replace it with a new one, and so on.
There is one more point that is important to consider in order to behave correctly in the cemetery. It happens that car keys or a pack of cigarettes fall out of your hands in the cemetery. That is, you simply dropped some thing you need on dead ground. According to the laws of the cemetery, this fallen thing is no longer yours. Therefore, if you don’t mind giving up a dropped pack of cigarettes, leave it there, don’t pick it up. If it’s a phone, car keys or something else you need, then when you take this thing back, put something in its place. It would be better if it were candy or some other treat.

How to behave in a cemetery - rule No. 5
Usually people bring rags with them to the cemetery to wipe the monument from dirt and dust. Dear, these rags should not be your personal old things that you no longer need!!! Do not wash the monuments with your underpants or the socks of your living relatives! I'm not kidding - I know that this happens out of ignorance. Why you can’t behave like this in a cemetery, I wrote above. I will also note: knowing this rule of behavior in a cemetery, you should not use it maliciously for the purpose of causing damage, because for damage of this kind there are certain conventions and safety rules, without knowing which you can share the fate with your victim.
This rule of behavior in the cemetery also applies to other things brought from home. Do not take a broom from home for cleaning the area as it is old and unnecessary. Spare no expense, buy a new broom especially for the cemetery and leave it there. In general, do not take things from home for the cemetery - the same vases for flowers, old rags, dishes for the deceased. Buy a new one. It is allowed to bring to the deceased those things from home that only he used. For example, a cup from which only the deceased and no one else drank can be brought to him at the cemetery, especially if he really loved this cup.
Please remember and next rule behavior in the cemetery - take all the things that you brought with you back from the cemetery with you. If these are used napkins and similar garbage, throw it into a special elevator in the cemetery, but do not leave objects containing your biological material on dead ground, do not litter. This is the case when being cultured is simply necessary for your own good.
True and reverse rule behavior in the cemetery - things from the cemetery should not be taken home. Remove the trash from the grave, leave it at the cemetery dump. If you take something for some special reason, leave something in return; otherwise it will be more expensive.
It often happens that a cemetery has its own sources of water - wells or taps. Use this water for cleaning the grave and watering flowers and plants in the cemetery. You should not drink such water or wash your face with it; for these purposes, bring water with you from home.
How to behave in a cemetery.
Now directly about how to behave in a cemetery - how to behave correctly in a cemetery. The short answer is respectful and moderate. Respectful towards the dead and moderate in terms of his own emotions. Dear, the dead do not like violent manifestations of emotions. They perceive your crying or laughter differently, completely differently. The deceased very quickly lose their own emotions, even if they were extremely emotional during life. Literally a year later, the deceased’s emotions leave only memories of them, but not the experiences or feelings themselves. This is difficult to understand, so I advise you to simply take this information into account. I repeat - one should behave in a cemetery in moderation

In terms of emotions, avoid laughing or crying.
There are cases when they literally “kill themselves” for the dead - they go to the grave every day, shed tears, at home they cannot forget for a minute and constantly lament the death of this person (“why did you leave me”, “who did you leave me with”, etc. .p.) With all due respect to the grief of such people, hear me, you can’t behave like that in a cemetery, you can’t do that at all! Control yourself, find a way to curb your emotions, gather all your will into a fist, and let your deceased go loved one, let him go. Understand that your tears and lamentations hold him back (and sometimes not only his spirit (energy shell), but also his soul, if it is not at rest). Suffering and lamentation are unacceptable behavior in a cemetery also because these emotions can cause the dead to take the living with them in the literal sense of this expression. We must also keep in mind that such emotions can be triggered by evil spirits that can take on the appearance of the deceased. Previously, such cases were quite common, but now they are rare. Therefore, we will only indicate that one cannot expect anything good from this kind of arrivals - evil spirits most often come with the goal of stealing your energy (they feed on it), but they can also exploit it for their own purposes or even kill you!

You can commemorate, but you can’t put your drink and food on the grave and then eat from it. You need to place the deceased’s food and drink on the grave, and hold your own in your hands or put it on a table or bench with a bag underneath it. Cigarette butts should also not be left on or near the grave, so as not to inflict dead energy on oneself.

The cemetery is a city of the dead, in which there are the same streets and grave houses. This is what our ancestors thought. To create a home for the dead to find peace, they made a grave mound, erected a cross and a fence - they arranged it. IN certain days the fence on the grave had to be kept ajar so that souls could visit each other.

What are the rules of conduct in a cemetery these days? They are made up of folk, religious and secular traditions. Everyone can adhere to those of them that they consider correct and necessary, but it will be useful to know them all.

Parents' Saturdays

At least once a year you need to visit the graves of your ancestors. For these purposes, the church determines special days commemoration of the dead, parental Saturdays, which should be spent at the cemetery. First of all, you need to take care of the cleanliness of the grave. “So that dirt and grass do not interfere with the viewing of the dead,” our ancestors said. If the grave turned out to be abandoned, then relatives could expect reminders - nightmares, strange knocks in the house, optical illusions.

In order to clean up the grave, take care of the necessary equipment, gloves, napkins, paint, brushes, solvent, sandpaper, weed killer. If the grave is properly processed and unnecessary grass no longer grows on it, polish the monument with special protective agents. Don’t forget to clean up after putting the grave in order; there are special containers for garbage in the cemetery.

Behavior in the cemetery

Visiting cemeteries on certain days is also an occasion to meet relatives. Even if you have seen your loved ones, you should not happily talk about your life, joke or laugh. Some people prefer to “remember” the deceased with alcohol at the grave, and as a result, the meeting of relatives can turn almost into a feast. This should not be done, because a cemetery is a place of eternal peace. Visitors should remain discreet and pray or engage in conversation with the deceased. It’s better to celebrate the meeting at your home table, but best place Cemeteries are places for thinking about the frailty of existence. It is believed that you should not brag or talk about your successes over the graves of your ancestors - this way you can “bury” your luck.

Before cleaning a grave, you should take care of your own appearance. You need to prepare comfortable, closed clothing appropriate for the weather, allowing you to clean up the grave. Do not wear bright, smart clothes or open shoes. It was believed that slippers and sandals allowed people to come into contact with the “dead” cemetery soil, which could lead to poor health in the future. According to folk tradition, upon returning from the cemetery, shoes were left outside the threshold, washed, and only after that they were brought into the house. After any work with the earth, and especially in the cemetery, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

What not to do at the cemetery

When you are standing among the graves, you should not take photographs. Photos taken on the day of the funeral will not bring success either - in this way we will turn to the soul of the deceased too often, not allowing it to find peace. You should not try to visit the graves of many people in one day. It is not considered very appropriate to “visit” other loved ones buried nearby on the day of one person’s funeral.

One of the most important folk traditions is leaving food and drink at the grave, it can be sweets, Easter cakes, Easter eggs and even vodka. These actions are condemned by the church and are called pagan. If you want to leave some food for the deceased, it is considered better to give it directly to the beggar.

But in any case, what already lies on a person’s grave belongs to him, and stepping on it and taking these things is more like blasphemy. Even if change falls out of your pocket, it is better to leave it in the same place. According to popular beliefs, the dead ask the living for things that fall out in the cemetery. When leaving the cemetery you cannot turn around, this way you can invite the deceased into your home. You shouldn’t even say: “Goodbye,” but only “Farewell,” so as not to show the desire to see you soon in the next world. Visiting a grave on the birthday of the deceased is considered extremely undesirable. It is better to use a gate to enter the cemetery, and it is preferable to leave the gate only for hearse transport.

It is believed that pregnant women and children under twelve years of age are prohibited from entering the cemetery, because their emotional and physical condition too easy to break. No one knows how serious the harm to their health may be due to what they saw and experienced in the cemetery. In general, those present at the funeral should not show their grief too much, be upset, or swear, so as not to increase the negativity.

Cemetery visiting days

Cemetery, in addition to special memorial days, you can visit any Sunday after the service. The exception is Easter, during which the souls of the dead are at the throne of God. According to popular belief, on other days they stand at the cemetery gates and wait for their relatives and friends to visit.

If for some reason you cannot get to the cemetery on the day of remembrance (it is difficult to take time off from work or you live too far), it is better to come to the church and order a commemoration - special prayers for the repose of the deceased.

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