How to discover the woman in you. Hobbies that will reveal the essence of your femininity

For many millennia, a woman was the keeper of the hearth, raising children, managing the household and always remaining in the shadow of her man. Protected, weak, caring, wise, attentive and loved - that's what this person was like. And today she is stylish, purposeful, successful, fulfilled, but not always happy.

Femininity - what is it? Today it is easier to find definitions for sexuality, beauty, confidence than for the most important thing in the life of a beautiful person. The modern woman is no longer so charming, does not know how to present herself and does not feel that a goddess lives inside. Something was lost, something changed, and the ladies began to look more and more like men.

A woman makes a man

Not only the fair sex, but also the stronger sex changes around them. There are more and more dependent, weak and boring men who give leadership to their ladies, and themselves become a pale shadow. Just strong, confident and purposeful men have become a rarity in today's realities. All this is an imbalance that has been created over thousands of years.

Features of thinking and body structure were developed for specific functions. Men are designed to protect, build, forage, conquer and conquer territories and hearts. A woman is a keeper of the hearth, a housewife, a mother and a beloved. But today there is a change in roles, which means there is a significant imbalance in relationships, more and more divorces, unhappy children and broken hearts.

Historical background

Before the twentieth century, women were brought up in certain traditions. Regardless of the family’s wealth, the girl was instilled with qualities and skills that could be useful in life. This developed feminine energy, which helped to properly build a family, support a spouse and raise not one, but many children.

The last century was difficult for Russia. Civil war, revolution, Great Patriotic War contributed a lot to the lives of our ancestors. The number of men decreased, and women went to restore the devastation. They did not have enough time to do traditionally feminine things; they built, planted, improved productivity, and also managed to feed their children. These strong-willed persons raised their daughters who did not see how to be beautiful, how to create comfort, how to take care of others, how to love themselves and loved ones.

Modern girls do not always know how a woman should behave; they have no idea what a man needs. Their mothers were raised by courageous ladies who did not know how to be gentle, loving, passionate and inspiring, which means they raised their daughters the same way, and they, in turn, raised a new generation.

What does it mean to be a woman

A woman has a special energy that is designed to fill all the space around her. She must be beautiful to be perfect example to your children, the pride of your husband and parents. Beauty should not only be external, but first of all, spiritual. Also, a woman’s talent is to make everything around her beautiful: decorate the house, fill it with delicious smells and love. This means that it is necessary to sew in order not just to make the world bright, but to create it, creating many things with your own hands.

A woman should be loving and loved. To do this, you need to learn how to talk to a man, control your voice correctly, and be able to influence his decisions, but not with authority, but softly and tenderly. It is also necessary to learn the lessons of love: how to show a man your feelings, how to give him pleasure, how to calm and support him with one touch.

A woman is created to be a mother. Patient, resourceful, caring, teaching. You need to not shout, but explain, give the most necessary information, which will become a vector for little man for life. Calmness, gentleness in upbringing, understanding of problems, confidence and smoothness - this is what modern young girls often lack.

Femininity is a quality that is cultivated in a person from the first minutes in life. The example of a mother, the women around her, and then life experience allow this state to be brought to perfection. But in today's world, only part of the knowledge is used for development.

How to discover your femininity?

There is a goddess in everyone, it’s just that not everyone notices her. You need to understand that career growth, the need to earn money and run somewhere are quite compatible with femininity. And in symbiosis they give simply magical results, improving both personal life and all other areas.

It's worth starting with self-love. Any manifestation of attention: from a manicure to a bouquet of roses bought just like that, can develop feminine energy. We must remember that if a woman takes care of herself, then someone will definitely take care of her. Admit that you are beautiful, that your facial features and figure are ideal. Start loving yourself - maybe there are some shortcomings, but this is nonsense, because the goddess is unique. Accept yourself, love yourself so that the world will admire you.

Start developing your talents. Learn to cook, do needlework, sing, dance. It’s not for nothing that before, every girl had to make her own dowry, because embroidery and knitting developed patience and perseverance, which was very useful when raising children.

Master Vedic cooking, erotic massage to improve your home to amaze your man. The more pleasant skills you have, the more often you use it, the more feminine you will begin to become.

Today there are many courses, lectures and books that talk about the true nature of beautiful people. Don’t be lazy, read so that your life becomes delightful and enjoyable.

Nowadays, there is one very clear trend - women strive to look emphatically feminine. Psychologists drew attention to this fact. What is this connected with? It turned out that in this way women strive to find truly courageous men. With their emphatically feminine appearance they declare: “I am a real woman! I want to see a real man next to me!”

But most men also look for not only beauty in women, but femininity. Because next to weak and soft femininity, a man feels stronger and more courageous. An Amazon woman, even an amazingly beautiful one, but strong and active, makes a man tense and requires him to make efforts to be stronger than his chosen one. Constant tension and competition quickly exhausts, and a man directs his gaze to where he is a priori a man - to femininity. The attraction of opposites to each other is intended by nature itself!

Can a woman be unfeminine?

Unfeminine women are the same paradox as feminine men. “Doll”, “butch”, “gray mouse”, “blue stocking” - such offensive epithets are awarded to women who lack femininity. Even luxurious, cold-blooded beauties with impeccable appearance suffer from a lack of femininity: “Good! But femininity is missing.”

Before describing the characteristics of a modern feminine image, it is very important to fully understand the very concept of “femininity” and decide what kind of phenomenon it is. What is the main secret femininity? What is its nature? Femininity is directly related to psychology and energy exchange. The source of femininity is, undoubtedly, energy.

How is femininity expressed in temperament?

Femininity always attracts and attracts. Feminine means kind, wise, sweet, pleasant. Soft. Tender. Neat. Calm. Attentive. Compliant. Cautious. Caring. A feminine lady, in principle, cannot be shocking. Femininity is always submissive to masculinity and does not strive for competition and dominance.

Aggressive. Rude. Bossy. Mannered. Hysterical. Cold prickly look. Demonstrative bitchiness. Unrestrained. Selfish. Stubborn. Indifferent. Daring. Impulsive. Even an outwardly beautiful lady can be unfeminine. This is just a banal cultivation of external gloss in isolation from feminine energy. You can “make” your face and figure, and at the same time look completely unfeminine and not at all have the charm that a gentle feminine beauty has.

Of course, this is an example of the most polar and opposite qualities of female temperament. In life, each of us has feminine and unfeminine traits at the same time. Someone in to a greater extent, someone in less. Each personality is individual.

Is it possible to somehow reveal the femininity in yourself?

In the absence or lack of femininity, you should not be upset and angry with yourself. We'll fix everything.

The fact is that femininity is given to us by nature itself from birth. This natural state psyche, which can be disrupted under the weight of life circumstances. But nature gave us amazing ability to recovery. Femininity can be restored. True, this will require considerable effort: you will need thorough and long-term work on yourself, and even a change in lifestyle.

To reveal your natural femininity, you will need a complete re-evaluation of your thoughts, goals, habits and activities. You will have to voluntarily give up male roles and male behavior. To “increase” femininity, it is necessary to cultivate qualities in yourself that are opposite to masculine ones. Defenseless, timid, passive, harmless, soft - are you able to completely trust a man and depend on him? After all, only in this case can your femininity be fully revealed!

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What is the social role of women?

IN modern world The gender roles of men and women are so intertwined that it is already difficult to distinguish which functions are considered masculine and which are exclusively feminine.

Our world is changing rapidly. Under its pressure, social roles and expected behavior patterns of men and women are changing. We can argue endlessly on this topic, but we will do things differently. We will very briefly, literally in a nutshell, describe the concept by which our ancestors lived for thousands of years: a man is responsible for work in outside world, and the woman is responsible for everything that happens in the house. It turns out two conditional circles, two worlds - family (the world of a woman) and society (the world of a man). This very reasonable division of responsibilities and social roles protects a woman from stress, allows her to save and accumulate large number positive energy. A woman becomes the keeper of the “aura” of the house, shapes the microclimate in the family and the mood of all its members. A man brings into the house everything necessary for life, and with the help of feminine energy, he restores his strength, disconnects from the outside world for a while, and normalizes his psychological background. Based on this, a woman is destined by nature to take care of household and family matters– raise children, do magic in the kitchen, take care of the house, create comfort, breed blooming gardens, do handicrafts and other creative activities. The female psyche must be protected from the aggressive outside world. Only such work, such work helps us reveal our femininity, find peace, spiritual harmony and that one inner beauty, which, like a magnet, attracts men to us. A woman is a keeper hearth and home, and no matter how this formula may seem to us outdated, not relevant and impossible in modern reality, - only this order of things reveals in a woman her true natural femininity.

Do you want to be more feminine? Try not to take on men's worries and social roles. Of course, a modern woman cannot live without society, without communication and without professional growth. But there must be a reasonable limit to everything. Find ways to practice cleanly. women's affairs– close the door to the outside world more often, forgetting about its aggressiveness and competitiveness. Spend more time with your family. Create a magical mood and psychological comfort in your home. Enrich your inner world only with bright emotions and positive information. Do any creative work. Leave the decision complex tasks survival is at the disposal of the stronger sex - and you will see how your inner world will transform!

What else helps reveal femininity?

They help to reveal and develop femininity in oneself creative hobbies and spiritual health practices– yoga, oriental and Latin American dances, etc. Regular classes dances, especially classical ones, instill smooth movements, royal posture, stateliness and academic calm.
The habit of moving beautifully will bring lightness and airiness to your gait; it will give shy girls self-confidence and the desire to dress brighter. Regular dance classes will open up completely new sensations - you will want to wear feminine dresses and skirts, high-heeled shoes more often, pay attention to makeup and hairstyle - and this will not at all reduce your professional worth.

Why is it so important to be feminine?

The energy of femininity is yours psychological health and happiness in personal life. Maternal qualities are directly related to femininity. Femininity is inexhaustible source happiness and positive energy, which helps all family members feel psychologically protected. Helps heal mental wounds, forget about tragedies and injuries forever. Feminine energy, like a magic healer, pacifies and pleases everyone, calms and softens. Femininity is a quiet, radiant beauty that gives peace of mind and a sense of harmony.

Femininity is attractive to everyone! Attractive to men, children and everyone around. In this ocean of serenity and peace, all worries, worries and fears drown. It is to this harmonious and calm world that a man strives to return again and again!

Sometimes, in order to develop feminine qualities and feel more clearly like a woman, you need to change your lifestyle - take a big break in your career, give up professional growth for a while, get really carried away with household chores, move away from the aggressive outside world and fill your world with harmony and beauty . This metamorphosis, which characterizes changes in your life, can only be compared with gentle sea after the storm. Calm the stormy sea of ​​your soul. Create all the conditions so that it turns into a quiet, peacefully sleeping giant, illuminating everything around, warming everyone with its radiance and warmth.

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It is in vain that many women are afraid to quit their jobs and careers, believing that home “isolation” leads to degradation and dependence on a man. It is good to observe moderation in everything. And in our lives today, the balance of power plays a decisive role. Of course, modern men highly value smart, successful and well-rounded developed women. But they love those who are charming and feminine, soft and compliant! This is why it is so important to skillfully balance and correctly combine activities and activities. Women have already sufficiently demonstrated their abilities in both business and creativity. Only this, perhaps, did not make us more feminine. An aggressive competitive environment actually destroys femininity. Business is, in essence, a war in which the most aggressive survive. By being overly involved in business, a woman deprives herself of femininity, which means she deprives herself of happiness. Her soul seems to be empty. After all, femininity is a spiritual strength that is only expressed through softness and “weakness.” But in fact, it is the supporting axis of the family and society. By taking care of home and family, a woman accumulates light and warmth, which is priceless for a man and for children. A feminine lady attracts with her warmth, harmony of her inner world. A feminine woman is the center of the family, its source, its heart and soul. And this soul should be filled with beauty and love.

Essentially feminine image is based on natural femininity and only emphasizes it, makes it more obvious, more charming. All the accents and touches of a feminine image (even the smallest ones) allow you to transmit the energy of femininity brighter and stronger, and even develop it. By decorating ourselves with sophisticated feminine elements, creating a slightly elevated image, we raise our bar to a higher level and, imperceptibly for ourselves, “catch up” to it - the image obliges! Maintain your posture, control your gait, restrain your facial expressions and gestures. In a light flowing floor-length dress, with scatterings of pearls, with sparkling rhinestones in her loose hair, fluttering on the thinnest gilded stiletto heel, you truly feel like a Woman! In this image, it is impossible to allow yourself to be rude, aggressive and descend to any vulgarity and ugliness. A feminine image obliges us to be feminine!

Shapeless T-shirts, unisex jeans, strict minimalism in clothing and dreary gray shades are not a feminine look. It is categorically not recommended to be overly carried away by the “unisex” style, the sporty style - all this is good in moderation, but if abused, it threatens with the loss of elegance, beautiful gait, sophistication in movements and all those lyrical qualities that distinguish women from men.

By the way, femininity is an emphasized belonging to one’s gender. This is not the case when you need to look for " golden mean" A feminine woman does not carry any masculine traits. Only smooth lines. Soft, often pastel colors in clothes. Rounded shapes. Sophisticated accessories. Femininity is the closest “relative” of romance. It is melodic and pleasant, like lyrical classical music. Sentimental, defenseless and tender.

The classic feminine silhouette is the silhouette of a flying bird. Light, sophisticated, thoughtful, graceful. Or the silhouette of a flower with thin bright petals and a flexible stem.

A dress is the most feminine type of clothing. But female talent and the divine art of the fashion designer know no barriers and do not recognize conventions! Modern feminine images are born, sometimes, regardless of the type of clothing. Feminine tailoring transforms a formal trouser suit, turning it into a stunningly elegant ensemble for a stylish feminine lady. Feminine clothing can be either tight-fitting or loose, flying, flowing.

A feminine face is adorned with delicate, sensual lips. Bright scarlet lipstick does not always add femininity. Although, this largely depends on color range, in which you “sound” and from your temperament. Scarlett Johansson is one of the most successful examples when red lipstick can be harmoniously combined with a feminine look. The classic feminine look does not like excessive makeup; moderation is preferable here.

High heel
High heels make us more feminine. An indisputable fact! Comfortable sneakers and soft moccasins certainly give a lot of pleasant sensations - it’s easy to move around in such shoes. long distances. But, alas, this is reflected in our gait. An energetic, athletic gait can hardly be called feminine. High heels make us move with more restraint, caution and grace. We seem more fragile and vulnerable. As a result, the gait becomes more feminine.

Color palette and decorations

What shades are best to work with when creating a feminine look?

One of the common misconceptions is that a feminine image is something dim, modest, almost ascetic. This is wrong! The color palette of the feminine look is royally luxurious - it is a charming creamy, refined champagne color, a noble color ivory, delicate pistachio, etc. Ecru and ivory are considered incredibly feminine shades.

Taking into account the color palette, appropriate decorations and accessories are selected. Ivory and ecru dresses are ideally combined with golden pearls and gold. Pale pink or beige dresses look stunning paired with cream pearls, gold and colored precious stones. For a champagne-colored outfit, choose jewelry only in cream shades, and in no case cold ones. Cream or ivory dresses look very feminine with elegant jewelry made of white coral, cacholong and rock crystal. Jade jewelry and rose quartz jewelry always look very delicate.

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By the way, among the stones, pearls are recognized as the most feminine. It is difficult to find jewelry that would highlight female beauty as favorably as pearls. Someone will object: what about diamonds? Diamonds, of course, are the world-recognized pinnacle of perfection. But centuries pass, and diamonds are still inaccessible to most of the population of our planet. But pearls are available to everyone. Despite the inexpensive cost, real queens bow before its magic, nobility and beauty! At the same time, the stone has a completely unique aura! Surprisingly, pearls suit the owners of any type of appearance - you will not find a woman in the world who would not like pearls! The main thing is to choose correct form and shade.

The classic feminine look, more than any other, uses floral motifs. The entire floral palette is used, which not only decorates a woman, but makes her smell fragrant with the aromas of flowers. Use all shades of delicate fragrant roses, velvet violets, charming irises, refreshingly lush chrysanthemums, elegant lilies.

Talented work with wardrobe shades is a prerequisite for creating a unique feminine look. After all, each color has a certain wavelength and frequency of radiation. In the world around us, everything vibrates - and each color vibrates in its own way, so we like one color, while another can cause discomfort. Feminine shades vibrate particularly subtly, very softly and delicately, emitting waves of peace and serenity into space.

The feminine image is shrouded not in standard straightforward colors, but in complex and multifaceted shades - do not use one-dimensional blue, and shining ultramarine, luminous cornflower blue, romantic lavender. Flat yellow for a feminine look, replace it with golden, amber and honey. Instead of orange, choose barberry, caramel, or the color of ripe mango.

A special place in the feminine image, sweet and “delicious” tones are occupied, which evoke the most pleasant associations - strawberry, raspberry, peach, cherry, apple shades. This “fruit” set refreshes the beauty and nourishes her with the energy of the sun and earth.

The feminine look does not like flat and linear shades. Femininity conveys a special, very sensual dimension - vibrant fragrant colors, inspired compositions, smooth silhouette lines.

Modern feminine look

Nowadays, there is one very clear trend - women strive to look emphatically feminine. American psychologists drew attention to this fact. What is this connected with? It turned out that in this way women strive to find truly courageous men. In American psychology, this phenomenon is called “regendering” - a new definition of gender roles. By dressing in a distinctively feminine manner, the fairer sex expects that masculine men will turn their attention to them. special attention. This “signal behavior” is read by men as a call: “I am a real woman! I want to see a real man next to me!”

At the same time, modern femininity receives a new interpretation and new forms. On our appearance significantly influenced by the wave of feminism that swept the world in the last century. Political, cultural and sexual revolutions gave women freedom and emancipation, new clothes and new decorations. Opened up to the woman new world– a world of images, styles and multifaceted beauty. Competition with men has brought female image many signs of male gender. Already at the end of the last century, the style in women's clothing briefly became almost neutral, devoid of clearly expressed gender characteristics. Remember those bulky suit jackets and jeans that had the same cut for men and women? And only very recently femininity has returned to the world of women's fashion, but brighter, boldly declaring itself!

Today, a woman has the right to demonstrate her freedom and look the way she wants. Modern fashion does not dictate any strict rules to us; it allows us to choose style, images, and accessories. We create our feminine image ourselves, based on our ideas about beauty and style. At the same time, modern fashion allows the combination of elements of the most various styles. Femininity today is not necessarily sublime academicism and aristocracy. Today you can be feminine, but at the same time present it in a businesslike, and even playful, perky manner.

Modern women are not going to give up their ambitions and independence. Today's femininity is designed to remind men that no matter what, a woman always remains a woman. She can manage a reputable company, be successful in business, work on equal terms with men and at the same time look openly feminine: wear skirts and heels, emphasize the beauty of her figure in every possible way, use bright color contrasts and bright makeup. Modern femininity is incredibly multifaceted and talented. She, as a creator, masterfully plays with different roles and images.

Modern femininity can afford an elegantly cut trouser suit and a luxurious dress of any length. Available modern women a huge arsenal of jewelry with which they can convey their femininity even more clearly and expressively.

Dear Ladies! Remember that femininity is the key to your well-being.
Femininity makes us happier, because only in highest degree Feminine women deserve supremely masculine men!

Among modern women, you can increasingly meet those who are tired of constantly “fighting” with men, winning their place in the sun, achieving their goals, proving their rights, chasing money and position.

Nowadays, authors of articles who talk about femininity and female nature are increasingly appearing. On the eve of the holiday, I wanted to make a gift for my readers and write an article about femininity, about the secrets of goddesses - beautiful and charming women. I am simply convinced that those women who follow their nature are happy.

To do this, I turned to the ancient scriptures and learned there some ancient recipes that are effective at all times. In particular, now I am reveling in reading the pearl of world literature - the Ramayana.

Image of Rama and Sita, epic "Ramayana"

If you want to understand the laws of life, mercy, virtue, to fully understand female and male nature, this work will reveal all the secrets. The main characters of this epic are King Rama, his divine wife Queen Sita, Rama's devotees - brother Lakshman and Hanuman.

While reading I was fascinated feminine beauty The Siths, truly Goddesses, and many of the tips that you will read below were taken from the book and conveyed in the author’s presentation, adapted for our time. Moreover, as an astrologer, I was also able to glean a lot of precious knowledge from this work.

So let's get started...

Secret No. 1. Creativity, inner satisfaction

A woman’s soul sings when she is busy doing what she loves...

IN old times When harmony in relationships was natural, a man and a woman followed their nature and did what developed them, brought inner satisfaction, complemented each other, and was favorable for everyone.

The woman did not spend 8-9 hours at work; during the day she devoted time to caring for herself, communicating with nature, relatives, and doing women's affairs. There is no point in listing everything that a woman could do then, since a whole article would be required, I will say one thing - there were 64 types of arts that a true lady owned. In addition to singing, dancing, decorations... there were things like juggling, the ability to write poetry, etc.

The main idea and purpose of such a pastime lies in the fact that this is what filled the woman, made her happy and satisfied.

In ancient times, it was understood that the peace and prosperity of the entire kingdom depended on the peace and happiness of a woman. Women were protected and protected, given gifts and jewelry. Also, wise people They knew that there is no worse curse than an unhappy woman who is in confusion, fear, and discontent.

And for cases when a woman suddenly felt unwell, a special, beautifully decorated room was prepared in which the woman could retire and when she wanted to talk about a painful issue to a close friend.

Today, when housewives are not held in high esteem in society, we will try to understand how we should behave so that the femininity in us does not die, but, on the contrary, blossoms.

And the first thing we must understand is in what mood we should spend our time, be it at home or at work.

The first delusion that a woman was subjected to when she entered into equal rights with a man, it is imitation of his manner of acting in the outside world. A man by nature sets goals and moves towards them firmly and confidently; for him, a state of stress, tension, struggle, and achievement is normal and natural.

Women who adopted this style of behavior over time began to feel the unbearable burden of their existence. But since we have no patience, we continue to persist in our stupidity, worsening our position as women every day.

Women's behavior should be different. We must tell ourselves: “Yes, I have the strength and desire to work, to do something, but I will do it like a woman, i.e. approaching it creatively and getting great pleasure from the work.” A woman needs to relax, she needs to turn off the calculator in her head, tune in to give love and care to others, and this is how she measures her success.

For example, it becomes important for us - not how many clients bought something and paid a “n-th” amount of money, but how many people left us happy.

Creativity and inner satisfaction are the key to feminine nature. Imagine that our nature is like a stream, a river, and attitudes like “should”, “my goal”, “plan” create internal obstacles, and energy no longer flows in a free channel, but begins to stagnate, gradually turning into a swamp (stress, anxiety , routine, etc.).

Secret No. 2. Beauty and self-acceptance

A woman is like the Moon...When she is full internally, she is beautiful and divine...

Most women experience stress in life, and this affects their beauty. Such a woman ages quickly and becomes unattractive. If you want to be beautiful and charming, find at least 30 minutes during the day to relax - take a walk in the park, admire the beauty of nature - do not miss such a wonderful opportunity to enjoy.

Surround yourself with beauty: paintings on the walls, fresh flowers, aromas, pleasant colors - all this affects internal state women. If they don’t give you flowers, treat yourself - decorate your house with flowers, place a vase of flowers at work, pin them in your hair. In a week, you will be surprised how the attitude towards you will change - you will not be overloaded with work, and your value will increase significantly.

Be sure to take care of yourself: take baths, make masks, learn the art of makeup. In ancient times, women decorated themselves and mastered this art at a high level. The eyes on our face are the Sun and the Moon, the king and queen in solar system, it is very important for a woman to be able to emphasize their expressiveness and beauty.

In clothes, use bright, fresh, rich colors. Down with the faceless gray and dull black color. Choose colors so that they highlight the color of your eyes - this is super advice, believe me. Choose a clothing shape that will highlight your waist and your curves. You will feel that in such clothes your mood will involuntarily always be elevated, and you will feel inner peace. Men will immediately want to shower you with compliments, flowers and gifts.

But it is advisable to exclude miniskirts and tight-fitting clothes from your wardrobe; this causes lust (lust) in men, thereby taking away energy from women. If you often wear such clothes, you may notice how stress, breakdowns, etc. haunt you. This happens because energy is spent and you lack strength.

Let your clothes, first of all, evoke inspiration, joy and a sense of femininity in a high sense. The ability to preserve one’s energy (shakti) makes a woman truly powerful and beautiful. Such a woman is not afraid of age, her energy is such that no matter how old she is, she is internally full of attractiveness and charm.

But here I will make a reservation. I am sure that among the readers there are those who are dissatisfied with themselves and their figure and decided not to read what was written above, deciding that the story was “not about them.”

Divinely beautiful...

And I will argue with you. Firstly, in one of the articles I wrote about, where I expressed the idea that there are no ugly women. Our figures are individual and connected to our natural constitution; it is important to understand, accept and take it into account when creating your own image. Please read this article if you haven't already.

Secondly, do not forget that, despite height, weight, proportions, there are general, universal rules of femininity: the shape of clothing should resemble a figure eight, choose colors that are juicy, fresh, emphasizing the color of the eyes, exclude gray and black colors.

Also, take the time to take care of your hair. Use oils to make them shiny and healthy (advices were given in the article). Learn how to do at least 3 hairstyles.

Secret No. 3. Fall in love with women's responsibilities

How beautiful and tasty it looks...

I have an older sister, and I remember from childhood how she taught me housekeeping and order. I resisted to the last, but then I obeyed, restored order and comfort in the house. Now I am very grateful to her.

In fact, cleaning and cooking is a huge source of energy for women, I emphasize - for the wise ones who know ancient secrets.

There is no better cure for the blues, bad mood like house cleaning. The thing is, when we start to mope, we turn on right hemisphere(“thoughts, feelings, experiences”), at this moment we do not move physically and waste our energy on empty, useless thoughts.

The woman-goddess, only sensing the approach of such a state, took a rag in her hands, and, singing a pleasant melody, “switched” the toggle switch to the left, active hemisphere. But that's not all. Women goddesses knew very well that by clearing the space at home, they cleansed their mind, every hidden corner of it (hard-to-reach, dusty places in the house), and all stagnant energy went away. Peace and light settled in my soul.

And to cleanse your heart from negative emotions(resentment, envy, self-interest) they washed the dishes, and in order not to accumulate any nasty things inside once again, they never left the dishes dirty.

Cooking was also a real sacrament. Well-cooked food not only protected the family from illness, but also, with the right mindset during cooking, helped family members develop best qualities character.

Now you understand that cleaning and cooking are women’s secret weapons, and neglecting them is not in our favor :)

So, you and I have learned only 3 secrets of the Goddesses... And even this will be enough to change your life dramatically. Believe me, I’m saying this for a reason – I checked everything, everything works :)

The charm of a woman is subtle, barely audible...

And ending this article, I would like to wish you happiness, beauty, love. May every day of your life be fulfilling. Don't forget that there are so many treasures inside you, dear ladies. Open your hearts, take a step towards yourself - the charming Goddess...

This question is relevant now for many women. IN modern society unfortunately, women are losing their true nature, giving in to the pursuit of a career, success and providing the family with everything they need.

Removing the “I myself” installation

One of the most destructive attitudes for any woman. This is the scourge of our time. This program denies any help and support, although outwardly it may seem the opposite. A woman may constantly complain that she is not getting help. It is very difficult for such a woman to ask other people for anything; she can only manipulate, pressure or beg, trying to evoke self-pity.

How to correct such a program?

First, become aware of this program within yourself. Personally, at one time it was very pronounced for me. Awareness is already half the success! Secondly, it is necessary to remove your Ego in cases where it has no place at all. The practice of mental bowing helps. Third, start sincerely asking for help and support when you need it. Monitor states when you again try to manipulate or put pressure on a person. Be sincere in expressing your feelings. Fourth, stop giving advice left and right if the person doesn’t ask you for it himself. Print out the following phrase on a piece of paper and attach it to the refrigerator door: “From this day on, I will not recommend anything to anyone until they ask me to do so. Or I ask permission to give someone advice.”

Breathing through the mouth

A woman’s lips, neck and heart seem to have their own duplicates - the labia, cervix and uterus, all these organs have a strong energy connection. You can try: purse your lips tightly or tense your neck muscles and instantly you will feel tension in your lower abdomen. Breathing through the mouth is also called uterine breathing, because at this moment the muscles of the face and neck relax, and therefore our uterus relaxes. Spend 10 or 15 minutes a day doing this breathing in a calm environment. Through certain time you will notice the result: usually even your gait changes. The woman seems to be floating, the harshness and heaviness of her movements disappear. Such a woman reveals her true nature more, she begins to foresee and anticipate a lot, and her intuition increases. With regular practice, it is even possible to get rid of painful sensations on special days.

Creative activities

This is something that every woman simply needs. Painting or singing, sewing or knitting, any expression of creativity will awaken your inner woman. Now there are a lot of courses in a variety of creative areas. Try something new and determine what type of creative activity awakens your femininity.

Spontaneous dance

Stay at home alone, turn on music that makes your heart skip a beat and... surrender to the flow, trust your feelings. Your body will do everything itself. Purification occurs very powerfully through spontaneous dance energy bodies women. You can state your intention before the dance. For example, now you will perform a cleansing dance, or a dance that harmonizes your state, or maybe it will be a dance that reveals your abundance?! Improvise, awaken your femininity.

Showing genuine concern

The main purpose of a woman is to show sincere care. It is important for a woman to constantly take care of someone, while allowing the person to maintain independence and express his feelings and desires. The main thing is not to suffocate with your concern. If you have a husband and children, then you should direct your care and sincere love to them, but if there is no companion or children in your life, then it is important to find an object of such care. This could be caring for the older generation, caring for children in need of help, participating in charity events and movements.

In moments of sincere care, the heart center opens, which leads to the woman literally “breathing” with love. They say about such people that she was created for love!

Creating an atmosphere of comfort and warmth

It's not just about cleaning and maintaining order in the house, preparing delicious food and decorating the space. Pay attention also to creating a calm, trusting, relaxing environment in your home. Your thoughts should be clean, as should your body. Your language must be pure in every sense. Femininity is killed by swear words, gossip and discussions of other people without their presence.

Respect for men

A woman kills her femininity with disrespect for men. Yes, and don’t let this surprise you, but if in your attitude towards opposite sex there is disdain like: “the man is not the same today”, “the man was crushed” or “you won’t meet real men anymore”, then your feminine energies are severely blocked.

Typically, such women strive to compete with men, to compete with them. But only a man feels that in front of him is not quite a woman. Even if she is beautiful, sexy, charming, subconsciously a man will perceive such a woman as a rival. Hence the endless showdowns, quarrels, attacks and accusations on both sides. Femininity is revealed when you trust a man, when you notice his virtues, praise him for his victories and the “booty” that he brings into the house.

Feminine clothes

Expression of feelings, emotions, passions and intuition

Give in more to feelings, emotions, passions and intuition. It is at this moment that your inner woman, because this energy does not hold back anything! A woman is in pain - she screams in pain, a woman is scared - she screams in horror, a woman is pleased - she “sounds” softly and gently as she exhales, a woman is happy - her laughter cannot be stopped.

The habit of remaining silent, hiding one’s fears and experiences within oneself leads to blocking of a woman’s second chakra. The man stops receiving energy from her. To replenish energy, he will provoke a woman into emotions, any kind. This is where betrayal, male laziness, quarrels and scandals come from.

Woman, your task is to feel the moment, experience many sensations at the same time and share your feelings with a man. This means to sound, to speak. It is at this moment that your second chakra opens and you fill your man with energy. And it is for such a woman that a man will move mountains, pull a star from the sky, build a house, plant a tree and give birth to a son with her.

There are quite a lot of points, after reading and carefully studying, which you can maintain your femininity in a state that fills you, your man, and your children.

With love,
Nadezhda Sok.

To become a real woman, you need to work a lot of magic on yourself. How to discover the woman in you? How to become a real woman, irresistible and desirable? Let's try it together. Development of femininity - This is not an easy path, but there is nothing complicated about it either. It’s better to devote a couple of months to yourself, so that men can devote the rest of their lives to you.

1. Decide on your desires. What do you really want? Maybe your wishes are inspired public opinion, parents or something else. Maybe they are not yours at all?

For example, almost all women say they want to get married. Just a question - why? - many cannot answer. As often happens, a girl wants to make a career, and she at the moment I don’t care about my husband and children at all, but everyone around me asks: “Well, how are you doing, haven’t you gotten married?” And she’s already doing well: she has fans and attention. But I don’t want to get married: why all this washing, cleaning, cooking, diapers. Of course, I want it, but not now, later. Decide what you want now.

You can do it. But the word I can is a priority for men. There should be a slightly different word in your vocabulary. Feel the difference: “I want to get married”, “I want to look my best”, “I want to be successful and happy” and “I can get married”, “I can look my best”, “I can be successful” .

Be guided primarily by emotions, not by reason.

2. Cleanliness and order in the house and in the body. Throw away all memories of the past more often, especially if it is unpleasant. Keep your body and thoughts clean. Usually, chaos in the house indicates that not everything is in order in your life: there are no specific goals and desires. Or there are so many of them that you don’t know what to take on.

Do not regret old things, unnecessary photographs. Don't save up for someday. Usually, such things and objects with the purpose of “being useful someday” are never needed. Sell ​​it or give it to someone else. The house should be updated like your thoughts and feelings. Throwing something away will make you feel relieved.

3. A real woman speaks kindly and softly, without aggression. Although life is structured in such a way that it is very difficult to be affectionate and gentle, insisting on your own. Although with this style of communication you won’t have to insist - everything will work out by itself.

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