Inhibition has protective significance. Inhibition of conditioned reflexes: external inhibition, its types, mechanisms and significance for the organism’s adaptation to the environment

Perm Institute of Humanities and Technology

Faculty of Humanities


In the discipline "Physiology of GNI"

Topic: Braking. Types of braking. Biological significance of inhibition"

Completed by a student from group P-07-2z

Dmitry Valerievich

Checked by: Tretyakova M.V.

Perm, 2009



Types of braking

Braking value




“If the animal were not... accurately adapted to the outside world, then it would soon or slowly cease to exist... It should react to the outside world in such a way that its existence would be ensured by all its response activity.” I.P. Pavlov.

The adaptation of animals and humans to changing conditions of existence in the external environment is ensured by the activity of the nervous system and is realized through reflex activity. To ensure adaptation and adequate behavior, it is necessary not only the ability to develop new conditioned reflexes and their long-term preservation, but also the ability to eliminate those conditioned reflex reactions that are not necessary. The disappearance of conditioned reflexes is ensured by inhibition processes.

What is braking? What types of braking are there? What is it for? Let's try to figure this out on the pages of the test work.

Braking- in physiology - an active nervous process caused by excitation and manifested in the suppression or prevention of another wave of excitation. Ensures (together with stimulation) the normal functioning of all organs and the body as a whole. It has a protective value (primarily for the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex), protecting the nervous system from overexcitation.

According to I.P. Pavlov, the following forms of cortical inhibition are distinguished: unconditional, conditioned and beyond limits.

This type of inhibition of conditioned reflexes occurs immediately in response to the action of an extraneous stimulus, i.e. is an innate, unconditional form of inhibition. Unconditional inhibition can be external and beyond. External inhibition occurs under the influence of a new stimulus, creating a dominant focus of excitation that forms an orienting reflex. The biological significance of external inhibition is that, by inhibiting current conditioned reflex activity, it allows the body to switch to determining the significance and degree of danger of a new impact.

An extraneous stimulus that has an inhibitory effect on the course of conditioned reflexes is called an external brake. With repeated repetition of an extraneous stimulus, the evoked orienting reflex gradually decreases and then disappears and no longer causes inhibition of conditioned reflexes. Such an external inhibitory stimulus is called a fading brake. If an extraneous stimulus contains biologically important information, then it every time causes inhibition of conditioned reflexes. Such a constant stimulus is called a constant inhibitor.

Biological significance of external inhibition- providing conditions for the more important at the moment indicative reflex caused by an emergency stimulus, and creating conditions for its urgent assessment.

This type of inhibition differs from external and internal in its mechanism of occurrence and physiological significance. It occurs when the strength or duration of action of the conditioned stimulus increases excessively, due to the fact that the strength of the stimulus exceeds the performance of the cortical cells. This inhibition has a protective value, as it prevents the depletion of nerve cells. In its mechanism, it resembles the phenomenon of “pessimum”, which was described by N.E. Vvedensky.

Extreme inhibition can be caused not only by the action of a very strong stimulus, but also by the action of a small, but long-lasting and monotonous stimulus. This irritation, constantly acting on the same cortical elements, leads to their depletion, and, consequently, is accompanied by the appearance of protective inhibition. Excessive inhibition develops more easily when performance decreases, for example, after a severe infectious disease or stress, and more often develops in older people.

All types of conditioned inhibition are of great importance in human life. Self-control and composure, accurate recognition of objects and phenomena around us, and finally, precision and clarity of movements are impossible without braking. There is every reason to believe that inhibition is based not simply on the suppression of conditioned reflexes, but on the development of special inhibitory conditioned reflexes. The central link of such reflexes is the inhibitory nerve connection. The inhibitory conditioned reflex is often called negative in contrast to the positive conditioned reflex.

Inhibiting an undesirable reaction involves a large waste of energy. Competing stimuli, as well as other reasons related to the physical state of the body, can weaken the inhibition process and lead to disinhibition. When disinhibition occurs, actions appear that were previously eliminated by inhibition processes.


The functioning of the conditioned reflex mechanism is based on two main nervous processes: the process of excitation and the process of inhibition. As the conditioned reflex develops and strengthens, the role of the inhibitory process increases. Inhibition is a factor that contributes to the organism’s adaptation to its surrounding conditions. Inhibition also weakens excitation processes in the nervous system and ensures the stability of its functioning.

In the absence of inhibition, excitation processes would increase and accumulate, which would inevitably lead to the destruction of the nervous system and the death of the body.



The subject sits down at the cinematograph and closes his eyes. The researcher alternately sets the angle that the subject must subsequently reproduce on the large and small scales of the device. IN

During this exercise, the following data were obtained (the value specified and performed by the test subject) 48, 52, 45 with a given value of 50 (large scale) 25, 27, 27 with a given value of 25 (small scale) for the first subject and 55, 51 , 54 with a given value of 50 (large scale) 30, 28, 29 with a given value of 30 (small scale) for the second subject.

Based on this, we can say that fine joint-muscular sensitivity is higher, in addition, one of the subjects showed better results, which indicates that his joint-muscular sensitivity is better developed.


The subject stretches his arms forward and closes his eyes, opens his palms up, and the researcher simultaneously, without pressure, lowers a load weighing from 1 to 5 grams onto the palms of both hands.

By changing the ratio of the weight of the load in the palm of the hand, the researcher determines the minimum difference in the weight of the load that the subject is able to distinguish. During this exercise, the following data were obtained (the minimum difference in the weight of the load that the subject is able to distinguish) 1 g. for both subjects. This is explained by the phenomenon of the difference threshold of tactile sensitivity, i.e. the minimum difference in the strength of two stimuli of the same type (mass of weight on different palms) necessary to change the intensity of sensation.

The difference threshold is measured by a relative value, which shows how much of the original strength of the stimulus must be added (or subtracted) in order to obtain a barely noticeable change in the strength of the given stimuli. To feel a minimal increase in the pressure of the load on the hand, an increase in the initial force of irritation by 1/17 of its initial value is necessary, regardless of the units in which this pressure intensity is expressed.

The subject closes his eyes, and the researcher simultaneously lowers the needles of the compass legs onto his skin without pressure. By successively reducing the distance between the needles of the legs of the compass, the researcher determines the minimum distance between them which is perceived by the subject when touched as the influence of two stimuli.

During this exercise, the following data were obtained (the minimum distance between the needles of the compass legs is perceived when touched as the influence of two stimuli) 1 mm for both subjects. This is explained by the phenomenon of the spatial threshold of tactile sensitivity, i.e. the minimum distance between two different but adjacent points, the simultaneous stimulation of which causes two independent, distinct tactile sensations.

Touch sensations occur when a mechanical stimulus causes deformation of the skin surface. When pressure is applied to a small area of ​​skin (less than 1 mm), the greatest deformation occurs precisely at the site of direct application of the stimulus. If the pressure is applied to a large surface (more than 1 mm), then it is distributed unevenly, its lowest intensity is felt in the depressed parts of the surface, and the highest along the edges of the depressed area.


The subject rolls a small ball between the index and middle fingers, making sure that he perceives it as one object. If the subject rolls the same ball between the crossed fingers so that it is located between the medial (inner) surface of the index finger and the lateral (outer) surface of the middle finger, he can verify that the perception of two balls is created. This is explained by the phenomenon of the illusion of touch, which can arise under the influence of immediately preceding perceptions. In this case, the fact that the medial surface of the index and the lateral surface of the middle finger under normal conditions can be simultaneously irritated by only two objects. An illusion of irritation by two objects arises, because Two excitation centers arise in the brain.


The subject stands facing daylight, and the researcher measures the width of his pupil. Then close one eye of the subject with your hand and measure the width of the pupil of the open eye. Then the closed eye is opened and the width of its pupil is measured again.

During this exercise, the following data were obtained (pupil width) 5 - 7 - 5 mm and 6 - 8 - 6 mm for the first and second subject, respectively. Thus, the pupil width changed by an average of 2 mm, and the pupillary reaction time did not exceed 1 second for both subjects. When both eyes were closed for 30 seconds, the pupil width was 5 - 9 - 5 mm and 6 - 10 - 6 mm, respectively, while the pupillary reaction time did not exceed 1 second.

The subject fixes his gaze on a distant object, and the researcher measures the width of his pupil, then the subject fixes his gaze on an object 15 cm distant, and the researcher again measures the width of his pupil. During this exercise, the following data were obtained (pupil width) 5 - 3 mm and 6 - 4 mm for the first and second subject, respectively. Thus, the pupil width changed by an average of 2 mm, and the pupillary reaction time did not exceed 1 second for both subjects.

From all of the above, it follows that the reaction of the pupil to light in both subjects is at the same level, and the difference in indicators is due to individual differences (in this case, the width of the pupil at rest).


The subject closes one eye and brings a pencil closer to the other, at such a distance that the image becomes blurry, then a sheet of paper with a hole 1 mm in diameter is placed between the pencil and the eye and the object becomes clearly visible. This is explained by the fact that for the central rays the spherical aberration is better expressed. During this exercise, the following data were obtained (the distance from the eye to the pencil at the moment when it becomes less clearly visible) 10 cm and 11 cm for the first and second subject, respectively.

Looking at a pattern of vertical and horizontal lines, the subject fixes his gaze on the vertical and then on the horizontal lines and becomes convinced that he cannot see horizontal and vertical lines equally clearly.

The subject looks through a thin mesh at the printed text from a distance of 50 cm from the eye; if you fix your gaze on the letters, the threads of the mesh become less visible, and if you fix your gaze on the mesh, then the letters.

From all of the above, it follows that the subject cannot simultaneously clearly see two objects at different distances due to the fact that the optical system of the eye has spherical aberration, i.e. the focus of the peripheral rays is closer than the focus of the central ones.


The subject looks at a drawing consisting of vertical and horizontal lines of equal thickness, and both subjects noted that the vertical lines visually appear more distinct. As the drawing approached the eye, the horizontal lines became more distinct. During this exercise, the following data were obtained (the distance from the eye to the drawing at the moment when the horizontal lines become clearer) 10 cm and 11 cm for the first and second subject, respectively. This is explained by the fact that the rays coming from the horizontal lines at the initial position of the pattern were in front of the retina, and when the pattern approached the eye, the convergence points of the rays moved to the retina. When the drawing is rotated, the subject’s idea of ​​the thickness of the lines constantly changes according to a change in their position to vertical or horizontal. This is explained by the fact that the rays coming from horizontal and vertical lines are alternately in front of the retina and on the retina.


The subject fixes his gaze on the drawing in the form of a black rectangle, in the left half of which there is a white circle, and in the right half there is a white cross. Having closed his right eye, the subject, with his left eye, fixes the cross located on the right side of the picture. The drawing is brought closer to the eye until the circle falls out of sight. During this exercise, the following data were obtained (the distance from the eye to the drawing at the moment when it falls out of the field of view) 11 cm for both subjects.

The subject fixes with his right eye a cross located in the upper left corner of a white sheet of paper. A pencil wrapped in white paper (except for the sharpened tip) moves from the upper right corner towards the cross.

om to denote a complex of phenomena that occur in nerve cells under certain conditions. He included these conditions as overloads that cause cessation of cell activity (transcendental inhibition) , as well as the state of sleep and some others. Phenomenologically, Ot. is close to the pessimal inhibition of N. E. Vvedensky (See Vvedensky) (See Pessimum). Later studies showed that these phenomena are based on very complex and diverse mechanisms, the nature of which is not limited to ideas about Ot. (see Sleep, Inhibition).

Lit.: Pavlov I.P., Lectures on the work of the cerebral hemispheres, Complete. collection soch., vol. 4, M.-L., 1951.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what “Security braking” is in other dictionaries:

    protective braking- See extreme braking... Trainer's Dictionary

    PROTECTIVE BRAKING- one of the types of unconditional inhibition; occurs during a strong or very long irritable process; An example of this type of inhibition is sleep...

    extreme (protective) inhibition- a form of cortical inhibition, a type of unconditioned inhibition that occurs in brain cells with an excessive increase in the strength, duration or frequency of excitation of the corresponding cortical structures. Z.t. develops with deepening... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    unconditional inhibition- a type of cortical inhibition; in contrast to conditioned inhibition, it occurs without preliminary development. T. b. includes: 1) induction (external) inhibition, emergency cessation of conditioned reflex activity (see conditional... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

    I; Wed 1. to Brake (1 2 digits). Slow, sharp t. Unexpected t. T. trains, cars. T. pathological processes. T. hand brakes. T. plant growth. 2. Physiol. An active nervous process, expressed in weakening or cessation... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    UNCONDITIONAL BRAKING- a type of cortical (central) inhibition, in contrast to conditioned inhibition, occurs without preliminary development; T.b. includes inductive (external) braking and transcendental (protective) braking... Psychomotorics: dictionary-reference book

    In physiology, an active nervous process caused by excitation and manifested in the suppression or prevention of another wave of excitation. Ensures (together with stimulation) the normal functioning of all organs and the body as a whole. Has... ... Wikipedia - in physiology, an active nervous process caused by excitation and manifested in the inhibition or prevention of another wave of excitation. Ensures (together with stimulation) the normal functioning of all organs and the body as a whole. It has… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Name the types of inhibition of conditioned reflexes and explain the reasons for their occurrence and the main differences. What is the significance of inhibition of conditioned reflexes for the body?


1. Types of inhibition of conditioned reflexes: external (unconditioned) inhibition and internal (conditioned) inhibition.

2. The reasons for their occurrence and the main differences:

External (unconditioned) inhibition - occurs on the principle of an unconditioned reflex - develops as a result of the action of a new external strong stimulus, which leads to the emergence of a new external relatively strong stimulus, which leads to the emergence of a new focus of excitation in the cortex and this focus causes inhibition of the old one.


Unconditioned inhibition is an innate form of inhibition, it is inherent in all individuals of a given species;

It does not take time for it to arise;

It can develop in any part of the central nervous system.

Internal (conditioned) inhibition is carried out according to the principle of a conditioned reflex.

Conditioned inhibition occurs when the conditioned signal is not reinforced. Temporary reflex communication ceases to occur in the cerebral cortex - a gradual fading of the response is observed.


This is an individual reaction of the body acquired over the course of life;

Requires certain conditions; to implement it, it must be developed;

Develops in neurons of the cerebral cortex.

An example of external inhibition: salivation to light stops with a sharp, sudden strong sound.

An example of internal inhibition: salivation to light fades and disappears if it is not supported by feeding.

3. The importance for the body of inhibition of conditioned reflexes:

inhibition of conditioned reflexes ensures that conditioned reflexes correspond to the conditions of existence and at the same time delays conditioned reflexes that do not have or have lost their significance for life.

a more detailed analysis and synthesis of information is carried out - along with conditioned reflexes, they ensure the body’s adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

Ensures (together with stimulation) the normal functioning of all organs and the body as a whole. It has a protective value (primarily for the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex), protecting the nervous system from overexcitation.

Note (not specified in the criteria).

External (unconditioned inhibition) - transcendental inhibition: the conditioned reflex obeys the law of the strength of stimulation (as the strength of the stimulus increases to a certain limit, the response increases). With a further increase in the strength of the stimulus, conditioned reflexes are inhibited. Mechanism: the conditioned reflex sharply increases the strength and exceeds the threshold of performance of neurons in the cerebral cortex. As a result, extreme inhibition occurs in the brain section of the analyzer. Meaning: protects neurons of the cerebral cortex from exhaustion.

Conditioned inhibition - differential meaning - accurate discrimination of close stimuli. Mechanism: differentiation of stimuli occurs in the neurons of the brain analyzer.

There are two known types of inhibition of conditioned reflexes, which are fundamentally different from each other: innate (unconditional) andacquired (conditional), each of which has its own variants.

Inhibition of conditioned reflexes

A. Congenital (unconditioned) inhibition is divided into external inhibition and transcendental inhibition.

1. External braking - This is inhibition, which manifests itself in the weakening or cessation of an existing (currently occurring) conditioned reflex under the action of some extraneous stimulus. For example, turning on sound or light during a current conditioned reflex causes the appearance of an indicative-exploratory reaction, which weakens or stops the existing conditioned reflex activity. This reaction to environmental change ( reflexfor novelty), I.P. Pavlov called the “what is it?” reflex. It consists of alerting and preparing the body in case of a sudden need for action, for example, attack or flight. With the repetition of the additional stimulus, the reaction to this signal weakens and disappears, since the body does not need to take any action.

According to the degree of severity of the influence of extraneous stimuli on conditioned reflex activity there are two variantsPossibilities: fading brake and permanent brake.Fading brake - This is an extraneous signal, which, with repetition of its action, loses its inhibitory effect, since it has no significant significance for the body. Usually a person is affected by a lot of different signals, which he first pays attention to and then stops “noticing” them. Permanent brake - This is an additional stimulus that does not lose its inhibitory effect with repetition. These are irritations from overcrowded internal organs (for example, from the bladder, intestines), painful stimuli. They are of significant importance for a person and require him to take decisive measures to eliminate them, so conditioned reflex activity is inhibited.

External braking mechanism. According to the teachings of I.P. Pavlov, an extraneous signal is accompanied by the appearance in the cerebral cortex of a new focus of excitation, which, with an average strength of the stimulus, has a depressing effect on the current conditioned reflex activity according to the dominant mechanism. External inhibition is unconditional reflex. Since in these cases the excitation of the cells of the orienting-exploratory reflex arising from an extraneous stimulus is outside the arc of the existing conditioned reflex, this inhibition was called external. A stronger or more biologically or socially important stimulus suppresses (weakens or eliminates) another response. External inhibition promotes emergency adaptation of the body to changing conditions of the external and internal environment of the body and makes it possible, if necessary, to switch to another activity according to the situation.

2. Extreme braking occurs under the influence of an extremely strong conditioned signal. There is a certain correspondence between the strength of the conditioned stimulus and the magnitude of the response - “law of force”: the stronger the conditioned signal, thestronger conditioned reflex reaction. However, the law of force persists up to a certain value, above which the effect begins to decrease, despite the increase in the strength of the conditioned signal: with sufficient strength of the conditioned signal, the effect of its action can completely disappear. These facts allowed I.P. Pavlov to put forward the idea that cortical cells have operating limit. Many researchers attribute excessive inhibition by mechanism to pessimal inhibition (inhibition of the activity of a neuron when its excitation is excessively frequent, exceeding lability). Since the appearance of this inhibition does not require special development, it, like external inhibition, is unconditionally reflexive.

B. Conditioned inhibition of conditionedreflexes (acquired, internal) requires its development, like the reflex itself. That is why it is called conditioned reflex inhibition: it is acquired, individual. According to the teachings of I.P. Pavlov, it is localized within (“within”) the nerve center of a given conditioned reflex. The following types of conditioned inhibition are distinguished: extinctive, delayed, differentiated and conditioned inhibition.

11. Extinction inhibition occurs when a conditioned signal is repeatedly applied and not reinforced. In this case, at first the conditioned reflex weakens and then completely disappears. After some time it may recover. The rate of extinction depends on the intensity of the conditioned signal and the biological significance of the reinforcement: the more significant they are, the more difficult it is for the conditioned reflex to fade. This process is associated with forgettingpreviously received information, if it is not repeated for a long time. If during the manifestation of a conditioned extinction reflex an extraneous signal acts, an orienting-exploratory reflex arises, which weakens extinctive inhibition and restores a previously extinct reflex (the phenomenon of disinhibition). This shows that the development of extinction inhibition is associated with the active extinction of the conditioned reflex. An extinct conditioned reflex is quickly restored when it is reinforced.

    Delayed braking occurs when reinforcement is delayed by 1-3 minutes relative to the onset of the conditioned signal. Gradually, the appearance of the conditioned reaction shifts to the moment of reinforcement. Longer delays of reinforcement are not possible in experiments on dogs. The development of delayed conditioned inhibition is the most difficult.

    This inhibition is also characterized by the phenomenon of disinhibition. is produced with the additional inclusion of a stimulus close to the conditioned one and its non-reinforcement. For example, if a dog is reinforced with a 500 Hz tone with food, but not with a 1000 Hz tone and alternates them during each experiment, then after some time the animal begins to distinguish between both signals: a conditioned reflex will arise to a 500 Hz tone in the form of moving towards the feeder and eating food , salivation, and at a tone of 1000 Hz the animal will turn away from the feeder with food, salivation will not appear. The smaller the differences between the signals, the more difficult it is to develop differential inhibition. Animals manage to develop the discrimination of metronome frequencies - 100 and 104 beats/min, tones of 1000 and 995 Hz, recognition of geometric shapes, discrimination of irritation of different areas of the skin, etc. Conditioned differential inhibition under the influence of extraneous signals of medium strength weakens and is accompanied by the phenomenon of disinhibition, i.e. this is the same active process as with other types of conditioned inhibition.

    Conditional brake occurs when another stimulus is added to the conditioned signal and this combination is not reinforced.

If, for example, you develop a conditioned salivary reflex to light and then connect an additional stimulus, for example, a “bell,” to the conditioned signal “light,” without reinforcing this combination, then the conditioned reflex to it gradually fades away. The “light” signal must continue to be reinforced with food or by pouring a weak acid solution into the mouth. After this, attaching the “bell” signal to any conditioned reflex weakens it, i.e. The “bell” has become a conditioned brake for any conditioned reflex. This type of inhibition is also disinhibited if another stimulus is connected. Functional changes during the development of conditioned reflexes and conditioned inhibition (changes in excitability, central nervous system, EEG) have common features, just as the stages of their formation are the same. Conditioned inhibition is also callednegative nom

conditioned reflex. Meaning

all types of conditioned (internal) inhibition of conditioned reflexes consists in eliminating activities that are unnecessary at a given time - subtle adaptation of the body to the environment.

This type of inhibition differs from external and internal in its mechanism of occurrence and physiological significance. It occurs when the strength or duration of action of the conditioned stimulus increases excessively, due to the fact that the strength of the stimulus exceeds the performance of the cortical cells. This inhibition has a protective value, as it prevents the depletion of nerve cells. In its mechanism, it resembles the phenomenon of “pessimum”, which was described by N.E. Vvedensky.

Extreme inhibition can be caused not only by the action of a very strong stimulus, but also by the action of a small, but long-lasting and monotonous stimulus. This irritation, constantly acting on the same cortical elements, leads to their depletion, and, consequently, is accompanied by the appearance of protective inhibition. Excessive inhibition develops more easily when performance decreases, for example, after a severe infectious disease or stress, and more often develops in older people.

All types of conditioned inhibition are of great importance in human life. Self-control and self-control, accurate recognition of objects and phenomena around us, and finally, precision and clarity of movements are impossible without braking. There is every reason to believe that inhibition is based not simply on the suppression of conditioned reflexes, but on the development of special inhibitory conditioned reflexes. The central link of such reflexes is the inhibitory nerve connection. The inhibitory conditioned reflex is often called negative in contrast to the positive conditioned reflex.

Inhibiting an undesirable reaction involves a large waste of energy. Competing stimuli, as well as other reasons related to the physical state of the body, can weaken the inhibition process and lead to disinhibition. When disinhibition occurs, actions appear that were previously eliminated by inhibition processes.


The functioning of the conditioned reflex mechanism is based on two main nervous processes: the process of excitation and the process of inhibition. As the conditioned reflex develops and strengthens, the role of the inhibitory process increases. Inhibition is a factor that contributes to the organism’s adaptation to its surrounding conditions. Inhibition also weakens excitation processes in the nervous system and ensures the stability of its functioning.

In the absence of inhibition, excitation processes would increase and accumulate, which would inevitably lead to the destruction of the nervous system and the death of the body.



The subject sits down at the cinematograph and closes his eyes. The researcher alternately sets the angle that the subject must subsequently reproduce on the large and small scales of the device. IN

During this exercise, the following data were obtained (the value specified and performed by the test subject) 48, 52, 45 with a given value of 50 (large scale) 25, 27, 27 with a given value of 25 (small scale) for the first subject and 55, 51 , 54 with a given value of 50 (large scale) 30, 28, 29 with a given value of 30 (small scale) for the second subject.

Based on this, we can say that fine joint-muscular sensitivity is higher, in addition, one of the subjects showed better results, which indicates that his joint-muscular sensitivity is better developed.


The subject stretches his arms forward and closes his eyes, opens his palms up, and the researcher simultaneously, without pressure, lowers a load weighing from 1 to 5 grams onto the palms of both hands.

By changing the ratio of the weight of the load in the palm of the hand, the researcher determines the minimum difference in the weight of the load that the subject is able to distinguish. During this exercise, the following data were obtained (the minimum difference in the weight of the load that the subject is able to distinguish) 1 g. for both subjects. This is explained by the phenomenon of the difference threshold of tactile sensitivity, i.e. the minimum difference in the strength of two stimuli of the same type (mass of weight on different palms) necessary to change the intensity of sensation.

The difference threshold is measured by a relative value, which shows how much of the original strength of the stimulus must be added (or subtracted) in order to obtain a barely noticeable change in the strength of the given stimuli. To feel a minimal increase in the pressure of the load on the hand, an increase in the initial force of irritation by 1/17 of its initial value is necessary, regardless of the units in which this pressure intensity is expressed.

The subject closes his eyes, and the researcher simultaneously lowers the needles of the compass legs onto his skin without pressure. By successively reducing the distance between the needles of the legs of the compass, the researcher determines the minimum distance between them which is perceived by the subject when touched as the influence of two stimuli.

During this exercise, the following data were obtained (the minimum distance between the needles of the compass legs is perceived when touched as the influence of two stimuli) 1 mm for both subjects. This is explained by the phenomenon of the spatial threshold of tactile sensitivity, i.e. the minimum distance between two different but adjacent points, the simultaneous stimulation of which causes two independent, distinct tactile sensations.

Touch sensations occur when a mechanical stimulus causes deformation of the skin surface. When pressure is applied to a small area of ​​skin (less than 1 mm), the greatest deformation occurs precisely at the site of direct application of the stimulus. If the pressure is applied to a large surface (more than 1 mm), then it is distributed unevenly, its lowest intensity is felt in the depressed parts of the surface, and the highest along the edges of the depressed area.


The subject rolls a small ball between the index and middle fingers, making sure that he perceives it as one object. If the subject rolls the same ball between the crossed fingers so that it is located between the medial (inner) surface of the index finger and the lateral (outer) surface of the middle finger, he can verify that the perception of two balls is created. This is explained by the phenomenon of the illusion of touch, which can arise under the influence of immediately preceding perceptions. In this case, the fact that the medial surface of the index and the lateral surface of the middle finger under normal conditions can be simultaneously irritated by only two objects. An illusion of irritation by two objects arises, because Two excitation centers arise in the brain.


The subject stands facing daylight, and the researcher measures the width of his pupil. Then close one eye of the subject with your hand and measure the width of the pupil of the open eye. Then the closed eye is opened and the width of its pupil is measured again.

During this exercise, the following data were obtained (pupil width) 5 - 7 - 5 mm and 6 - 8 - 6 mm for the first and second subject, respectively. Thus, the pupil width changed by an average of 2 mm, and the pupillary reaction time did not exceed 1 second for both subjects. When both eyes were closed for 30 seconds, the pupil width was 5 - 9 - 5 mm and 6 - 10 - 6 mm, respectively, while the pupillary reaction time did not exceed 1 second.

The subject fixes his gaze on a distant object, and the researcher measures the width of his pupil, then the subject fixes his gaze on an object 15 cm distant, and the researcher again measures the width of his pupil. During this exercise, the following data were obtained (pupil width) 5 - 3 mm and 6 - 4 mm for the first and second subject, respectively. Thus, the pupil width changed by an average of 2 mm, and the pupillary reaction time did not exceed 1 second for both subjects.

From all of the above, it follows that the reaction of the pupil to light in both subjects is at the same level, and the difference in indicators is due to individual differences (in this case, the width of the pupil at rest).


The subject closes one eye and brings a pencil closer to the other, at such a distance that the image becomes blurry, then a sheet of paper with a hole 1 mm in diameter is placed between the pencil and the eye and the object becomes clearly visible. This is explained by the fact that for the central rays the spherical aberration is better expressed. During this exercise, the following data were obtained (the distance from the eye to the pencil at the moment when it becomes less clearly visible) 10 cm and 11 cm for the first and second subject, respectively.

Looking at a pattern of vertical and horizontal lines, the subject fixes his gaze on the vertical and then on the horizontal lines and becomes convinced that he cannot see horizontal and vertical lines equally clearly.

The subject looks through a thin mesh at the printed text from a distance of 50 cm from the eye; if you fix your gaze on the letters, the threads of the mesh become less visible, and if you fix your gaze on the mesh, then the letters.

From all of the above, it follows that the subject cannot simultaneously clearly see two objects at different distances due to the fact that the optical system of the eye has spherical aberration, i.e. the focus of the peripheral rays is closer than the focus of the central ones.


The subject looks at a drawing consisting of vertical and horizontal lines of equal thickness, and both subjects noted that the vertical lines visually appear more distinct. As the drawing approached the eye, the horizontal lines became more distinct. During this exercise, the following data were obtained (the distance from the eye to the drawing at the moment when the horizontal lines become clearer) 10 cm and 11 cm for the first and second subject, respectively. This is explained by the fact that the rays coming from the horizontal lines at the initial position of the pattern were in front of the retina, and when the pattern approached the eye, the convergence points of the rays moved to the retina. When the drawing is rotated, the subject’s idea of ​​the thickness of the lines constantly changes according to a change in their position to vertical or horizontal. This is explained by the fact that the rays coming from horizontal and vertical lines are alternately in front of the retina and on the retina.


The subject fixes his gaze on the drawing in the form of a black rectangle, in the left half of which there is a white circle, and in the right half there is a white cross. Having closed his right eye, the subject, with his left eye, fixes the cross located on the right side of the picture. The drawing is brought closer to the eye until the circle falls out of sight. During this exercise, the following data were obtained (the distance from the eye to the drawing at the moment when it falls out of the field of view) 11 cm for both subjects.

The subject fixes with his right eye a cross located in the upper left corner of a white sheet of paper. A pencil wrapped in white paper (except for the sharpened tip) moves from the upper right corner towards the cross.

The subject is convinced that at a certain distance from the cross the pencil becomes less visible, but as it further approaches the cross its image again becomes clearer.

During this exercise, the following data were obtained (distance from the nodal point of the eye to the retina) 18.5 and 18.0 mm for the first and second subjects, respectively, and (diameter of the blind spot) 2.7 mm for both subjects.

This is explained by the fact that there is a blind spot on the retina of the eye (the entry point of the neurovascular bundle, an area that does not have sensitive elements), i.e. area where no image appears.


The subject fixes his gaze on a drawing consisting of two parallel lines located at a distance of 1 mm from each other, then he moves away from the drawing until both lines become visible as one line.

During this exercise, the following data were obtained (distance from the eye to the drawing in which two parallel lines are perceived as one) 3 m for both subjects and (visual angle) 0.006 mm for both subjects.

This is explained by the fact that two points in space are perceived by the optical system of the eye as separate only if the distance between them is greater than or equal to 5 microns, in our case 6 microns, which indicates a slight decrease in the sensitivity of the optical system of the eye in both subjects


The subject fixes his gaze on a drawing in the form of a black square for a certain time, and then moves his gaze to a white wall. The subject is convinced that for some time a barely visible image of a black square remains on the wall.

During this exercise, the following data were obtained (the time during which the image of a black square is preserved on a white wall) was less than 1 second for both subjects.

This phenomenon is explained by the property of the nervous system to remain excited for some time after the cessation of the irritating factor.


The subject fixes his gaze on any object, while with one of his eyes he looks through a paper cone with a narrow hole. The subject is convinced that visually the object appears to have holes in it.

This is explained by the fact that the field of view of one eye is illuminated relatively more strongly than the field of view of the other eye; an object placed against the cone is visible, but a small portion of the field of view of the eye placed against the cone is illuminated even more strongly, so the subject sees a hole in the object.


The subject reads a book aloud. After he has read a few sentences, the researcher taps a box of lead pieces near his ear. The researcher can verify that the subject began to read louder after this. This does not happen in a deaf person. This experience is based on the fact that a person, using an auditory analyzer, controls the intensity and correctness of his speech (semantic stress, emotional coloring). In a noisy environment, a person increases the intensity of speech to a level at which others can hear him. A deaf person cannot exercise such control over his speech. I did this experiment not only in the classroom at the last session, but also at work, conducting a therapeutic appointment with a convict with degree 2 sensorineural hearing loss.

USE OF DISPOSABLE DIAPERS. Pampers, Hages and others. Advantages and disadvantages.

A disposable diaper is a useful and necessary invention. It makes life easier not for the child, but for his parents. Nights without sleep and endless washing of diapers are a thing of the past. When going on a trip, you don’t need to take with you huge piles of diapers, baby vests and nappies cut from old diapers, scarves, gauze...

A disposable diaper is a really necessary thing. On a walk, on the road, or at a party, you don’t need to change your child’s clothes, the soft absorbent layer absorbs everything, and the tight-fitting elastic bands prevent leakage. The pictures that appear will show you when the diaper needs to be changed... but it's all advertising! Yes, disposable diapers are really needed, but at certain times and in certain cases.

Behind the brilliance and beauty of advertising, we do not notice those disadvantages that are very important. The diaper is made of polymer materials that can cause allergies in the child's body. The film that prevents leakage also prevents the skin from breathing, so diaper rash can occur quite easily. And most importantly, the use of a disposable diaper can cause many problems at the age at which a child needs to be potty trained, at an age when a child must learn to control himself and restrain urination and bowel movements.

A disposable diaper is a necessary and useful thing, as long as it is used correctly.

From a survey conducted on the site forum it turned out that:

6 people have a positive attitude towards disposable diapers

5 people - negative

2 people said they didn't care.

No one responded to the proposed answer option “other” and the opportunity to write their opinion.

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