Oceans and continents, their names, locations. Continents of planet Earth: names, brief description Continents on the globe in expanded form

Nature lesson

“Map of the hemispheres. Continents and oceans on the globe and map"

Goal: introduce the concept of “hemisphere map”; introduce students to the continents, islands and oceans of the Earth, teach them to show on the map


    develop the ability to work with a map of the hemispheres; identify common and distinctive features of the globe and map


    develop the ability to observe, compare, draw conclusions; develop attention, activity develop spatial imagination, thinking, speech


    develop the ability to work in a group; cultivate feeling; teach to treat each other with respect

Equipment map of the hemispheres, globe, contours of the map of the hemispheres and continents.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Today we have guests in our lesson. Let's welcome them.

The world around us

Interesting to know

Its secrets and mysteries

Are you ready to solve it?

2. Updating knowledge.

Solve the crossword puzzle.

The longest parallel. The point where all meridians converge. A line connecting both poles on a globe. Lines parallel to the equator. Model of the Earth.

Equator. Pole. Meridian. Parallels. Globe.

So what is a globe?

A globe is a model of the Earth.

Why is the globe shaped like a ball and rotates?

Our Earth has the shape of a ball and rotates around its axis.

Which hemispheres is the globe divided into by the equator?

To the North and South

Which ones – the prime meridian?

To the West and East

What can you see on the globe?

Seas, rivers, mountains, plains, cities, etc.

What is shown in blue on the globe?

Oceans, seas, rivers, lakes

What color are land areas shown on the globe?

Green, yellow, brown.


1. - How many continents are there on planet Earth?

2. - On what continent is our city located?

\/ A) Eurasia

D) North America

D) Antarctica

E) Africa

3. - This is the hottest continent. There are no winters here, and the surface of the earth heats up to +70. It is also called the “dark continent” due to the fact that black residents live there.

A) Eurasia

B) Australia

B) South America

D) North America

D) Antarctica

\/ E) Africa

4. - The coldest continent. On the map it is shown in both the western and eastern hemispheres.

A) Eurasia

B) Australia

B) South America

D) North America

\/ D) Antarctica

E) Africa

5. - Translated from Latin, the name of the continent means “southern”. This is the smallest and driest continent. The most unusual animals live here.

A) Eurasia

B) Australia

B) South America

D) North America

D) Antarctica

E) Africa

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

In the last lesson, you and I were astronauts and observed the Earth from space.

Today I invite you to go on a trip around the world. What kind of transport do you think we will choose? Why?

The ship, because almost the entire space of our planet is occupied by water.

We will go on a trip around the world on 4 ships. (the class is pre-divided into 4 groups)

Is it convenient to take a globe on a trip?

No, because the scale is very small, so not all objects are plotted.

You will find out what will help us when you solve the riddle.

Countries without people

Cities without houses

Forests without trees

Seas without water.

Right. For convenience, we decided to conditionally divide the globe along the meridian into the western and eastern hemispheres. Then they mapped images of two hemispheres at once. This map is called the map of the hemispheres. She is the one who will help us on our trip around the world.

4. Studying new material.

Look at the map of the hemispheres. What is the scale of the map?

There are 220 km in 1 cm.

Show meridians on the map. What direction are they pointing?

North - south

Show the parallels. What direction are they pointing?

West – East.

Equator. What two hemispheres does the equator divide the Earth into?

To the North and South

What unites these lines?

These are imaginary lines.

What else do you see on the map of the hemispheres?

Continents and oceans.

What is a continent?

Continents are huge areas of land surrounded on all sides by water.

How many continents are there on Earth?

Name them.

We set off on a journey from the smallest continent.

Show it on the map.


In which hemisphere is it located?

Eastern Hemisphere.

Which continent is the largest?


Where is it?

Eastern Hemisphere.

Which continent do you think is the hottest?

We sailed along the coast of Africa and ended up in the Western Hemisphere. What continents are located there?

North America and South America.

Have we met all the continents on our way? Which continent did we not see?


Antarctica is the coldest continent. Frosts there reach -80 degrees.

Can Antarctica and Australia be combined into one group?

Can. Both continents are located in the Southern Hemisphere.

Our ships sailed across the oceans from continent to continent.

Which oceans did we cross during our voyage?

Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean.

What ocean have we not sailed on?

Arctic Ocean.

Show the largest and smallest oceans on the map.

The largest is the Pacific Ocean, the smallest is the Arctic Ocean.

What continents is washed by the Arctic Ocean?

Eurasia and North America.

Which ocean washes 4 continents at once?

Indian (Africa, Eurasia, Australia and Antarctica)

In which hemisphere can you find all the oceans at once?

In the eastern hemisphere.

Have you noticed that during our journey across the ocean expanses we encountered not only large areas of land, but also small ones? Who knows what the small areas of land that are washed by water on all sides are called?

That's right, islands.

How far are the islands from the continents?

Show the hemispheres of the island on the map.

Our trip around the world is coming to an end. Do you know who made the first trip around the world?

Physical education minute

Traveling through countries

We got tired on the way.

I suggest you guys

Get up and get off the ship (Students get up and walk in place)

Look to the right

Look to the left, (Turn your head)

Reach for the sun

Be surprised: “Where are we?” (shrug)

Birds fly by

Wings spread (Waving hands)

They swing the branches.

Through streams and hummocks

We will jump over deftly,

For pioneers

Dexterity is always needed. (Jumping)

Let's breathe in the fresh air

We spin like butterflies (Turns around ourselves)

And on a wonderful flower

We sit down calmly. (Sit down at their desks)

In 1519, the expedition of Ferdinand Magellan with a crew of 265 people set off from the Spanish port of Seville on 5 caravels.

The journey lasted three years. The ships crossed the ocean, covering a distance of 18,000 km. After three weeks of sailing through the strait, the squadron entered the Pacific Ocean. For three months and twenty days, while the ships sailed on the ocean, he was calm, and therefore Magellan called him Quiet. As a result of Magellan's voyage, the idea of ​​the spherical shape of the Earth was confirmed, it was proven that between Asia and America there is a huge expanse of water - the Pacific Ocean, that most of the globe is occupied by water and not land, Magellan fulfilled the dream of his life, but died in a skirmish with local residents . Only the ship "Victoria", having circumnavigated Africa, returned to Spain in 1522. The logbook in which sailors wrote down everything about the lands they saw has survived to this day. Based on their records, we will now try to guess which continents they met on their way. (ship captains take turns reading an entry from the logbook, all the guys recognize the mainland)

This is the highest continent on Earth. Almost its entire surface is covered with an ice shell. Glaciers and floating ice mountains are slowly sliding down from the shores of the continent. This is the coldest continent. In winter, in July, the temperature reaches minus 88 degrees. Here, snow plains stretch for many hundreds of kilometers. Hurricane winds often occur. The white color of snow and the bluish color of ice dominate everywhere here. But on high rocks in summer mosses, lichens, etc. appear. The silence of the mainland is sometimes interrupted by the cries of birds - seagulls and penguins. There are no insects here. There are many marine animals in the coastal waters of this continent. The largest of them are whales, seals, and sea lions.

Riddles:1. It consists of seas.

Well, come on, answer quickly.

This is not a glass of water,

Ah, a huge... ocean.

2. I have countries in my palms,

Rivers, mountains, oceans...

Can you guess what the trick is?

I hold with my hands... (a globe). (Children give the definition of a globe).

3. The globe is divided by an even conventional line.

Above is north, below is south.

Name the border, friend. (Equator)

4.The whole globe is crossed,

Converge at the poles.

Gradually moving

Hands on any clock.

Through the land - the oceans ran... (meridians)

5. The eldest among them is the equator

And from north to south

These lines guys

Everything is parallel to each other.

You managed to guess

What is this... (parallels).

6.I went to different countries,

Sailed along rivers, oceans,

I walked bravely through the desert -

On one sheet of paper.

(Geographic map)

This is the smallest continent, almost 4 times smaller than Africa. Located in the southern hemisphere, at a great distance from other continents. Near the mainland there are a huge number of large and small islands. This is the driest continent. There are many animals and plants here that are not found anywhere else on Earth, for example, a miracle tree - eucalyptus, koala, platypus, echidna, anteater. But the most famous animal of this continent is the kangaroo.

This is the hottest continent. The second largest continent after Eurasia. Almost in the middle it crosses the equator. The longest river in the world, the Nile, flows here. On this continent is the greatest desert in the world - the Sahara. Wildlife is amazing in its richness and abundance. The tallest animals live here - giraffe, fleet-footed cheetahs, antelopes and ostriches, huge hippopotamuses and gorillas.

This is the greatest continent on Earth. Occupies 1/3 of all land. The most populous continent. Three out of every four inhabitants of the planet live on this continent. Due to the enormous size of the continent, different living conditions have developed in different parts of it. For example, in the north of the continent they wear fur clothes in summer and winter, and in the far south they wear light clothes all year round.

Work in groups.

You correctly named all the continents that travelers wrote about. And now I propose to create on each ship its own map of the hemispheres. To do this, you have the outline of the map of the hemispheres and the outlines of the continents and sign their names.

The guys work in groups, then the created maps are placed on the exhibition.

Lesson summary.

So, our trip around the world has come to an end. What helped us accomplish it?

Map of the hemispheres.

How is a map different from a globe? What do they have in common?

What continents did you see during your voyage?

How are the mainland and the island similar and different?

Which oceans did you cross?

I want to end our journey with a poem.

I look at the globe.

And suddenly he sighed as if alive.

And the continents whisper to me: “Take care of us, take care of us.”

The groves and forests are in alarm, the dew on the grass is like a tear.

And the springs quietly ask: “Be a Man, man.

We believe in you, don’t lie, take care of us, take care.”

The deep river is sad, losing its banks.

I look at the globe, the globe, so beautiful and dear.

And their lips whisper: “I won’t lie, I will save you, I will save you.”

Guys, take care of our Earth.

The lesson is over. Thank you.

Good afternoon, dear friends! In this short presentation, your baby will get acquainted with all the continents of our Planet Earth -

  1. Asia and Europe,
  2. Africa,
  3. Antarctica,
  4. North America,
  5. South America,
  6. Australia and Oceania.

The presentation is designed for babies aged 3 months and older. It contains videos, pictures and photos of the planet Earth, so it will be interesting even for adults.

A little about the continents

Not all parents consider it necessary to give information about geographical names and elements to young children. And in vain. At this age, with the help of well-constructed visuals, the child learns a lot of new things and will firmly remember this information.

What continents do you know?

  1. For example, not everyone knows that the largest continent on Earth is Eurasia.
  2. The next largest continent on Earth is Africa. This is also the hottest continent on earth.
  3. The highest continent on Earth is Antarctica. And the smallest continent on Earth is Australia.

I’m not sure that all adults will be able to name these answers right away.

Will everyone immediately name the number of continents on the planet? Not all older children will say their names.

Today there are 6 continents.

They are washed by the oceans. On the continent of Eurasia there are 2 parts of the world: Asia and Europe. This will help children see the pictures on the site. There are also 6 parts of the world, the two continents of America also form parts of the world. They are connected by the narrow Isthmus of Panama (see pictures).

Antarctica rises almost 2 thousand meters above the earth. But Europe is considered the lowest continent(only 300 m above sea level on average for the continent).

Asia is home to the Himalayas, so its average height above sea level reaches 900 m.

The hottest climate reigns in Africa, but Antarctica is the coldest continent on the planet. The pictures in the presentation will allow you to look at them carefully.

Of course, from 3 months the baby is not yet able to remember all the information indicated here. However, according to modern pedagogical research, early development bears fruit at a later age. What the baby sees and hears is stored in the subconscious and then recalled in memory.

So it makes sense to teach children place names and information at an early age. Then it will be much easier for the child to navigate at school, and as an adult such a person will amaze everyone with his erudition.

How to use the presentation

Let's turn again to our video for kids. It has colorful pictures of the planet, continents and other interesting points.

I recommend showing it as follows: 3 times a day for 5 days of the week in a row. If the baby begins to turn away earlier than provided for in the display scheme, it means that he has already learned the information and you can start playing with continent cards.

You can play as follows, for example, print out and cut out 2 continents and ask the child to point with his finger where one or another continent is; as you guess, you can add more and more continents.

The second version of the game is for children from 1 year old. Print out a map of the Earth, give your child pictures of the continents - let him attach them to the contours on the map.

With older children you can play more complex games. For example, ask to name and show the hottest continent, which is the smallest continent on Earth, indicate their number on the planet, etc. The pictures on our website will help children with this.

Perhaps your child will not become a geographer or traveler in the future. But the knowledge about the planet acquired in childhood will definitely be useful to him. He will definitely get straight A's in geography at school.

There is a version that the souls of children at an early age still remember the view of the Earth from space. Maybe the assumption is unrealistic, but kids really react very violently to photos of the Earth taken from a satellite. They seem to see something familiar, dear. This means that everything seen in the presentation will not be alien to the baby.

Good luck to everyone in mastering geography. And remember that there is no such thing as too much knowledge for kids. Everything in life will come in handy!!

Cartoons and videos on the topic

Continents, countries, oceans and seas - geographical science very often uses these terms. This article will talk about some of them. Oceans and continents occupy the surface of our planet. Let's find out how they were formed and what they are now.

How did the oceans, continents, and seas arise?

Our planet originated 4.5 billion years ago. Since then it has constantly changed. Having just appeared, it was red-hot and looked like a huge spherical body of seething molten substances. Gradually, the top layer began to cool, forming the earth's crust.

At that time, modern oceans and continents did not exist on the planet. Comets and meteorites colliding with the Earth brought ice to it 4 billion years ago. Having evaporated, it fell onto the surface in the form of precipitation and formed the hydrosphere. Instead of several continents there was only one. It is assumed that the first supercontinent - Vaalbara - arose 3.6 billion years ago.

After it, other supercontinents were formed: Columbia, Rodinia, Pannotia. Each of them disintegrated, and a new formation took its place. The last was the continent of Pangea. It united almost all of the modern landmass of the planet and was washed by the Panthalassa Ocean and the Tethys Sea.

The movement of lithospheric plates split it too. The continent of Pangea broke up into Laurasia and Gondwana. Tethys turned into an ocean in the area of ​​​​the modern Mediterranean, Caspian and Black Seas. Later, North America and Eurasia were formed from Laurasia, and from Gondwana all the other continents that currently exist.

Continents and the World Ocean

Since the emergence of the Earth, the geography of continents and oceans has changed. This process does not stop, because the slow movement of the platforms continues to this day. To understand how the continents are located today, just look at a geographic atlas.

Continents and oceans occupy unequal areas on the planet. Land accounts for 29.2% of the planet's surface. Its area is 149 million square kilometers. Most of its territory belongs to the continents - large areas of land that are washed by the waters of the World Ocean. There are 6 continents in total:

  • Eurasia.
  • North America.
  • South America.
  • Africa.
  • Australia.
  • Antarctica.

The terms "continent" and "mainland" are often used interchangeably. In a broader sense, the term “continent” refers not only to land, but also to the underwater part of the earth’s crust, which is adjacent to the continents. The concept also covers nearby islands.

The world's oceans cover much more space - 70.8%. It is a continuous shell that “envelops” islands and continents. The continents conditionally divide its waters into separate oceans. They may differ slightly in salinity, temperature and inhabitants. Bays, straits, bays and seas are also part of the World Ocean.

Northern continents

Oceans and continents are not always located strictly within one of the hemispheres. They are divided into northern and southern based on information about the ancient continents. Thus, the continents formed from Gondwana are defined as southern, and those formed from the split of Laurasia are considered northern.

Eurasia was once part of Laurasia. Now it is the largest continent in the world, which is washed by all the oceans. It is inhabited by more than 70% of all inhabitants of the planet. From west to east, the continent stretches from the Portuguese Cape Roca to Cape Dezhnev in Russia. Its northern part begins in the Arctic regions around the Russian Cape Chelyuskin, and the extreme point in the south is Cape Piai in Malaysia.

The continent of North America is located entirely in the Northern and Western Hemispheres of the Earth. It is separated from the Eurasian mainland by the Bering Strait, and the border with South America runs along the Isthmus of Panama. The only ocean that does not wash this continent is the Indian Ocean. In the northern part, the continent crosses the Arctic Circle, in the south it passes through the tropics.

Southern continents

Africa is the second largest continent by territory. It is located in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and is intersected by the equator. It is separated from Eurasia by the Mediterranean and Red Seas, as well as the Strait of Gibraltar. It is home to the largest desert (Sahara) and one of the longest rivers in the world (Nile). The continent is considered the hottest of all.

South America on the map is located below North America, visually as if continuing it. The continent is located in the Southern and Western Hemispheres, a small part of it is in the Northern. In addition to the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, it is washed by the Caribbean Sea.

Australia is located in the Southern and Eastern hemispheres of the Earth. It is quite distant from other continents and is not connected to them by land. On its territory there is only one state, which occupies the entire continent. This is the driest continent. Despite this, it has unique flora and fauna, most of which are endemic.

Antarctica is the southernmost and at the same time the coldest continent. It also has the highest altitude among other continents. There is no permanent population here. Almost the entire territory of the continent is covered with ice.


The world ocean is usually divided into Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic and Indian. Sometimes Yuzhny is also singled out, but this still remains a controversial issue. Each of the oceans has its own straits, bays and seas.

The deepest and largest in area is the Pacific Ocean. It washes the shores of all six continents. It occupies the second part of the World Ocean. Second after it is the Atlantic Ocean. It connects the polar points of the planet. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge runs through its center, the peaks of which jut out in the form of volcanic islands.

The Indian Ocean is located within Eurasia, Antarctica, Africa and Australia. Before the era of geographical discoveries, it was considered a large sea. Travel on it began much earlier than on other oceans.

The Arctic Ocean has the smallest area - 15 million square meters. km. It is located near the North Pole. In winter, ice forms on its surface, and the air temperature above it varies from -20 to -40 degrees.

How do oceans and continents interact?

The interaction of water and land on the planet occurs with the participation of the atmosphere and solar activity. The ocean is a huge heat store. It heats up much more slowly than land, but also retains heat longer. It exchanges the accumulated energy with the atmosphere, and it distributes it over the surface of the Earth.

Air masses formed over the ocean affect the climate of the continents. Sea winds are wetter than continental winds. Thanks to them, mild conditions with abundant precipitation are formed on the coasts. Inland, the climate is harsher and drier.

Currents play an important role in the influence of the ocean on land. Warm currents bring precipitation, saturate the continents with moisture, and increase the temperature. Cold - promote low temperatures and delay precipitation. They are capable of turning certain areas of the Earth into deserts (Atacama, Namib).

Oceans, continents, and seas interact with each other mechanically. Waves can erode shores, creating abrasive landforms. Coastal areas are flooded with sea water, forming lagoons, estuaries and fjords.

Sections: Primary school

Item: Lesson of the surrounding world (lesson of mastering knowledge, skills).

Duration: 45 minutes

Class: 3rd grade

Technology: The PowerPoint presentation can be used as illustrative material for the lesson.

Text of the work: lesson notes for the educational program "Prospective Primary School" (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard)

Objective of the lesson: creating conditions for the formation of meta-subject skills through the “world around us” lesson.

Lesson objectives:

1. Test students’ knowledge of the globe as a model of the Earth.

2. Introduce new terms “ocean”, “continent”.

3. Give initial information about the oceans and continents of our planet.

4. Continue developing skills in working with a globe and oral storytelling skills.

5. Develop communicative competence: the ability to conduct a dialogue, coordinate your actions with the actions of a partner in joint activities.

6. Develop independent thinking, cognitive interest in the world around us.

Planned results

Subject: be able to explain the meaning of the terms “continent”, “ocean”, expand knowledge about the continents and water areas of our planet, find continents and oceans on the globe.


  • Communication: business partnership communication skills; the ability to find and correct errors in the work of a neighbor and during collective discussion.


  • Reflective skills: comprehend a practical problem for which existing knowledge is not enough.
  • Evaluation skills: compare the results obtained with the task; evaluate your activities in the lesson, determine successes and difficulties.


  • General educational activities: the ability to construct speech statements orally on issues; extract necessary information from text

Logical actions: the ability to build a logical chain of reasoning

Personal: formation of positive self-esteem.

Lesson type: lesson in mastering new knowledge, skills, abilities

Lesson format: individual-group

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Equipment and visual aids: textbooks, reading books, notebooks for independent work, demonstrative globe, map of the hemispheres, ITK, handouts.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment(Slide 2)

Close your eyes, lower your heads and listen to the words:

“If we close our eyes, we will not see anything, There was nothing before except darkness. And it was so until a blue sparkling ball appeared. This is the Earth. Life begins: The world shimmers dazzlingly, And how important it is that this lasted forever.” It is with this mood that we will begin our lesson “The World Around us.” Slide 3 (earth)

II. Updating knowledge

Discoveries await you during the lesson. Whether they will be large or small, each of you will have your own. And I also want to give you advice: “Think carefully before you answer” Slide4

Before we determine the topic of the lesson, let's remember some material that we studied earlier and which will be useful in today's lesson

Formed UUD

1. Understand a practical problem for which existing knowledge and business partnership communication skills are insufficient.

2. The ability to build a logical chain of reasoning

3. Business partnership communication skills

4. Ability to find and correct mistakes in a neighbor’s work

5. Ability to compare the results obtained with the task at hand

6. The ability to construct a speech statement orally on issues

1. Creation of a problematic situation.

What do all these words have in common? These are imaginary lines and points invented by man to make it easier to navigate the surface of our planet. In what situations is such orientation necessary?

2. Organization of work in groups.

(each group receives envelopes with the task: compose a riddle story without mentioning the term

  • meridian
  • globe
  • parallel
  • equator Slide 5, Appendix 1, Slide 6

3. The result of group work.

Guys, today we will take a trip around the globe without leaving the classroom: What is necessary for this? But on what?

You will find out if you solve the crossword puzzle correctly.

1. A line drawn at the same distance from the poles on the globe. (Equator)

2. The closest star to us. (Sun)

3. Lines connecting the North Pole to the South Pole of the Earth (Meridians)

4. Translated from Latin, “globe” means -: (Ball)

5. Reduced model of the Earth. (Globe)

6. The meridian drawn by a thicker or red line on the globe is called: (Zero)

7. Lines that are drawn to the North and South Poles from the equator are called: singular (parallel). Slide 7

What word did you get? Voice it out.

Well, of course, on a ship! Slide 8

So, have a nice trip!

Let's go on a trip around the world! Here is the definition of the word “travel” given by Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary: “A journey is a trip or movement to some places, countries (usually for acquaintance or recreation). So, what will we become? Travelers are people who travel.

Learning new material

Formed UUD

1. The ability to build a logical chain of reasoning

2. Business partnership communication skills

3. Ability to find and correct mistakes in a neighbor’s work

4. Ability to compare the results obtained with the task at hand

5. The ability to construct a speech statement orally on issues

1. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson. Slide 9 (topic) Slide 10 (goals)

What is the topic of the lesson?

What question will we get an answer to as we work in today's lesson?

2. Read the motto of the lesson: Slide 11 (motto)

Do you think you know everything? Do you want to continue studying further and learn something else? Appendix 2 Slide 12 (self-assessment at the beginning of the lesson)

3. Organization of students’ activities to acquire new knowledge.

3.1. Organization of frontal work according to the textbook P. 13 Slide 13

What color is the globe?

Why is there most blue and cyan on the globe?

Blue and dark blue colors indicate expanses of water - oceans, seas, rivers, lakes.

Read the definition of "ocean" in your textbook.

So we start the journey with Arctic Ocean.

Going southeast and ending up in: Look at the globe. IN Pacific Ocean

  • Heading towards the South Pole, we find ourselves in: Southern Ocean, which opened recently.
  • Atlantic Ocean.
  • Ascending to the northeast, we find ourselves in: Indian Ocean.
  • Moving north, we find ourselves in Arctic Ocean. Slide 14-17

3.2 Organization of work in groups (according to the reader, pp. 12-13)

Tell us what new you learned.

Discussion of questions after the text.

1) Each group receives printed material for independent study. Then a student is selected to read (Appendix 3)

2)Read additional material for yourself. reading. Reader. (P.12-13) "The Secret of the Five Oceans"

  • Retelling
  • Do you have any guesses about which oceans' names indicate their location on Earth?
  • Which one least lives up to its name?

Physical exercise (clip-exercise for the eyes) Slides 18-19

3.3 Organization of frontal work

Let's look at the map of the hemispheres. Which color is more? (Work on the map of the hemispheres in the textbook) If we could look at the Earth from a height of several thousand kilometers, we would see that most of it is occupied by water. Among the vast expanses of water there are areas of land called continents. There are six continents on the globe. The largest continent is called Eurasia. Slide 20

Tell me, in which hemisphere is it located? North or south of the equator? And on this large continent is our Motherland - the Russian Federation.

The second largest continent is Africa, which, like Eurasia, is located in the Eastern Hemisphere. Look at the Western Hemisphere, which contains 2 continents - North and South America.

The fifth continent - Antarctica - is the only continent on the globe where there are no permanent residents. Stations have been created here where scientists from different countries conduct scientific observations. The smallest continent is Australia. It is located in the Southern Hemisphere. Since ancient times, land has been divided not only into continents, but also into parts of the world. There are also six parts of the world: Slides 21-23 (parts of the world) - Europe, where our ancestors lived; - Asia is a neighboring territory with Europe; - Africa; - Australia; - Antarctica; - America.

Continents - North and South America form one part of the world - America. And on one continent of Eurasia there are two parts of the world - Europe and Asia.

People built big ships and traveled a lot. So they discovered new parts of the world - America, Australia, Antarctica. What parts of the world do you think are called the Old World? So, we have now talked about parts of the world, and there is also such a geographical concept as CONTINENTS.

IV. Consolidation of knowledge

Formed UUD

1. Extract the necessary information from the text

2. The ability to construct statements orally

3. Ability to apply knowledge in practice

1). Working from the textbook

Be careful! What do you notice? (There are six continents, as well as Parts of the World. But they do not coincide in territory. Part of the World - America consists of two continents: North and South, connected to each other.) And two parts of the world, Europe and Asia, together form the continent. Which? (Eurasia.)

2). Organization of work in pairs.

Look at the map of the hemispheres on the cover spread and complete the task.

Find: Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, North America, South America.

*Make assumptions

Which continent is the smallest? (Australia)

Which continent is the largest? (Eurasia)

2 pairs listen, show a sample of work on the task and the result of the activity, compare, argue.

3).Checking the completion of the task. (2 pairs are heard and shown a sample of work)

4). Organization of activities to test acquired knowledge

Test: “Continents and oceans on the globe” (Work using cards. Appendix 4)

5). Listen to Andrei Usachev's poem "Four Oceans", does the poet correctly explain modern geography?

Why? (Appendix5)

6). Notebook assignment No. 3-6

V. Summary

Formed UUD

1). Evaluate your activities in the lesson, identify successes and difficulties.

However, depending on where you live, there may be five, seven or even four continents. This is due to the fact that there are no generally accepted international criteria for defining the term "continent". Although the position of the main land masses on the earth's crust can be designated as continents, geopolitical factors also influence their delimitation.

Below is the most popular classification system, which distinguishes the six continents of the world in descending order of their area.


  • Area: 54,759,000 km²;
  • Population: 5,262,489,285 people (2017);
  • Number of sovereign states: more than 90.

Eurasia on the world map/Wikipedia

Eurasia is the largest continent on Earth both in area and in population. Almost its entire territory is located on the Eurasian plate, one of several lithospheric plates covering our planet. There is no geological difference between and, therefore these parts of the world are united into the continent of Eurasia.

The Ural Mountains are considered the dividing line between Europe and Asia. Eurasia extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the easternmost Bering Strait between the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

The continent has different climatic conditions since it is located in all climatic zones, from Arctic to. Due to this, the continent has a significant diversity of flora and fauna. However, this does not apply to the European part of the world, where a temperate climate prevails, which is not conducive to significant climate change.

Asia is the eastern part of Eurasia, which occupies about 30% of the total land area of ​​our planet. About 60% of the world's population lives in this part of the world. It is home to endemic animals including the Asian cobra, Indian cobra and Japanese macaque. More than four billion people live in Asia. China is the world's most populous country, although India's population is projected to overtake China in 2022. Asia is home to some of the world's most important economic centers, including Hong Kong, Tokyo, Shanghai and Seoul.

Europe is located in the western part of the continent. Despite its physical connection to Asia, Europe has historically been considered a separate continent due to cultural and linguistic differences. Europe is home to more than 10% of the world's population. Europe has the second highest population density in the world after Asia. Monaco is the most populous country in this part of the world. There are several countries in Europe that are considered transcontinental, meaning they are located in both Europe and Asia. These countries include Türkiye, Armenia, Georgia and Russia.


  • Area: 30,370,000 km²
  • Population: 1,225,080,510 people (2016)
  • Number of sovereign states: 54

Africa on the world map/Wikipedia

Africa is the world's second largest continent in terms of both land area and population. passes through the middle of the continent, dividing it into two parts. About one third of Africa is located in. The continent occupies about 20% of the planet's total land area. The Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea wash the coast of Africa, in the east, west and north respectively.

The climate of Africa is characterized by hot temperatures in the north and jungles in both the central and southern parts. Africa has a lot of biodiversity and is home to some of the largest (elephants, hippos, rhinoceroses and giraffes).

Africa has the youngest population of any continent, with an average age of only 19.5 years. This is a result of high population growth over the past 40 years. Africa is extremely linguistically diverse, with over two thousand languages ​​spoken on the continent. The largest city in Africa is Lagos, Nigeria.

North America

  • Area: 24,709,000 km²;
  • Population: 579,024,000 people;
  • Number of sovereign states: 23.

North America on the world map/Wikipedia

North America is the 3rd largest and 4th most populous continent on Earth. North America is located entirely in and is washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean in the north, the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Caribbean Sea in the south. The continent has a coastline of about 60 thousand km.

The climate of North America is warmer in the south of the continent and colder in the north. While climatic conditions near the coast are generally mild, temperatures inland can reach extremes. Although the southern part of the continent (including the southern United States and Central America) is, its northern part consists mainly of the Arctic.

North America has abundance, including deposits, vast reserves of fresh water and some of the most fertile soils on the planet. Thanks to this, the continent has become economically developed and its population has a high standard of living.

The United States is the most populous country in North America, followed by Mexico. The inhabitants of the mainland are characterized by ethnic diversity. English, Spanish and French are the most widely spoken languages ​​on the continent.

South America

  • Site area: 17,840,000 km²;
  • Population: 420,458,044
  • Number of sovereign states: 12.

South America on the world map/Wikipedia

South America is the 4th largest continent in the world. It is primarily located in the Southern Hemisphere (except for a small area of ​​the northernmost part), and is also entirely located in the Western Hemisphere. South America is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Southern Ocean in the south and the Caribbean Sea in the north.

South America's climate ranges from the driest Atacama Desert to the lush Amazon. South America is home to amazing species, including unique tropical birds and monkeys. Some of the most famous animals endemic to South America include the largest rodent, the world's largest flying bird, the Andean condor, and one of the world's largest butterflies, the morpho menelaus.

The importance of South America in terms of strategic natural resources is primarily determined by the abundance of minerals, biological diversity, forests, as well as. After the Middle East, South America contains the largest oil reserves.

Brazil is the most populous country on the mainland, followed by Colombia and Argentina. Spanish is considered the most popular language in South America. English serves as the official language in Guyana and Dutch in Suriname.


  • Area: 14,000,000 km²;
  • Population: about 1,000 people;
  • Number of sovereign states: 0.

Antarctica on the world map/Wikipedia

Antarctica is located on and does not have a permanent population or countries. The mainland is used as a scientific base. Antarctica is the fifth largest continent and the least populous. It is completely surrounded by the Southern Ocean.

Strong winds, extremely cold temperatures, little to no desert, and very cold desert make Antarctica's climate quite inhospitable. Despite this, a number of species have adapted to these difficult weather conditions. This includes seals, penguins, and some plants and.

Antarctica is completely surrounded by ocean, causing sea ice to expand significantly during the winter. It typically covers about 47 million km² during the September maximum (winter) and decreases to 8 million km² during the February minimum (summer).

The only human presence in Antarctica is the scientists who live on the mainland on a temporary basis. You can also visit Antarctica as a tourist.

Antarctica is the geographic opposite of the Arctic, which is an ocean half-enclosed by land masses. These surrounding lands impede the movement of ice, causing it to accumulate on high and thick ridges in winter. During the warmer months, the Arctic retains about 47% of its ice (7-15 million km²).

Antarctic sea ice volume has increased by about one percent per decade since 1979, reaching record levels in 2012-2014. However, these benefits do not compensate for the loss of sea ice in the Arctic, and global sea ice continues to disappear at a rate of 35 thousand km² (more than the area of ​​Moldova) per year.


  • Area: 7,659,861 km²;
  • Population: 23,130,931 people;
  • Number of sovereign states: 1.

Australia on the world map/Wikipedia

Australia is the world's smallest continent and the second least populated. It is located between the Indian and Pacific oceans. Although it is a large country, its topography is not very diverse and most of it consists of desert. There are, however, fertile plains in the southeast.

Australia's climate ranges from tropical, arid and hot in the north to cooler in the south. Due to its isolation and distance from the rest of the world, the mainland exhibits a surprising number of endemic species. Some animals unique to Australia are the koala, platypus, wombat, kangaroo and echidna.

Although most of the continent is arid desert, it supports a wide variety of species, making it incredibly diverse. Due to its geographic isolation from the rest of the world, alpine forests, tropical forests, and a wide variety of plants and animals thrive. Thus, 85% of plants, 84% of mammals and 45% of birds are endemic to Australia. The mainland also has the largest number of reptile species in the world, as well as some of the most venomous snakes and other dangerous creatures such as crocodiles. Australia is best known for its animals, which include the kangaroo, koala and wombat.

About 89% of Australia's fish species are endemic. In addition, endangered coral reefs lie off the coast of the continent. The most famous of them is the Great Barrier Reef. It is the world's largest coral reef system, covering an area of ​​344,400 km². It consists of more than 2,900 individual reefs and supports a diversity of species, many of which are endangered.

Australia is considered a developed country with a strong economy due to its vast natural resources, well-developed industry and tourism. Agriculture also plays an important role in the economy of the country and the continent as a whole.

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