Online check of traffic rules. Take an online test for knowledge of traffic rules - traffic police tickets online

Passing the driving test is an important moment in the life of every person. To pass the traffic rules test well, you need to study hard and practice your driving skills. It takes a lot of effort and time. Sometimes some fail at the very beginning of their journey, namely at the theoretical test.

Knowing traffic rules is sometimes not enough. You need the ability to solve tests, be prepared for this, know what a ticket looks like and what it is. That is why we provide the opportunity to take an online exam on traffic rules.

Pass the traffic rules exam category A, B online

What is the theoretical part

The theoretical part of the exam is the first stage. To proceed to the next stages, you will first have to successfully complete this one. The exam itself is a test that future drivers will take at the traffic police department of their choice or the driving school. Since 2016, the delivery conditions have changed slightly.

As before, the examinee has the right to make only 2 mistakes while solving 20 questions. But now he will have to answer for them. For each mistake, a block of 5 additional questions is given, the wrong answer to which will lead to failure of the exam.
The main part of the test takes 20 minutes, the additional part only 5 minutes. Therefore, it will be very difficult for an unprepared person to pass the exam.

One of the best ways to prepare for your traffic test

To prepare for the test, driving school students resort to a variety of methods. It is considered the most modern and effective to pass the category “B” traffic rules exam online.

Modern technologies make it possible to recreate the atmosphere of a real exam. Users are also given the opportunity to answer an additional five questions if they make an error.

Busy people will appreciate this preparation. You can take tests at home, in the office, using your smartphone on the go, with only Internet access. You don't have to carry a heavy book and flip through the pages looking for the right answer. This is not only effective, but also practical.

What are the advantages of taking the traffic rules exam online?

This method of preparing for the theoretical part is very effective.

  1. You will know approximately how the test will proceed at the traffic police department. Already familiar types of problems will give you confidence in the exam.
  2. Tickets are updated in real time, you have a unique opportunity to prepare for the exam 100%. Believe me, when you see a similar ticket, you will be filled with joy from knowing the correct answer.
  3. It is very comfortable. This method of preparing for passing traffic rules exams will allow you to start studying tickets without leaving your home and absolutely free of charge. In this case, you don’t have to buy expensive textbooks and flip through pages to find out the correct answer.

Still doubt the effectiveness of this method? When solving tests, of course, anyone can make a mistake.

The program will not only point you to them, but also explain why you are wrong and what the correct answer is. You can start solving the problem right away and study the theory as you prepare. After a while, having filled your hand, you will crack these tests like nuts.

Good luck passing the traffic rules exam

In conclusion, we wish all students success in passing the traffic rules exam. Now you know one of the most effective preparation methods.

Let us remind you that not one textbook or workbook will ask additional questions required by the exam. You should also take into account that the theoretical part will be completed using a computer, which means that by solving tests online, you are closest to the real situation.

Ticket 1. Question 2 Are you allowed to enter a dirt road? Allowed Allowed only in case of a technical malfunction of the vehicle Prohibited Ahead of you in the direction of your movement is a warning sign 1.11.2 “Dangerous turn” and signs 1.34.2 “Direction of turn”, which indicate the direction of movement on a curved road of a small radius with limited visibility. There is nothing that would prohibit you from driving onto a dirt road. If you wish, turn right. ("Road signs").

Ticket 2. Question 2
Can you be the first to enter the bridge? You can You can, if you do not impede the movement of an oncoming car You can’t Sign 2.7 “Advantage over oncoming traffic” gives you the right to be the first to drive through a narrow section of the road, that is, across a bridge. (“Road signs”, paragraph 1.2, the term “Give way”).

Ticket 3. Question 2
Where should you stay? Before the sign (A) Before the intersection (B) Before the edge of the intersecting roadway (C) If sign 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited” is installed immediately before the intersection of the roadways, the driver is required to stop at the stop line. In its absence (as in this case), the driver is obliged to stop before the border of the roadways, i.e. without going beyond the “B” line. Keep in mind that such places are dangerous and are often “under special control” of traffic police inspectors. Therefore, always fulfill the main condition - a mandatory stop. This will save you from a conflict situation and maintain your own safety. ("Road signs").

Ticket 4. Question 2
These signs warn you: About the presence of dangerous turns after 500 m; That at a distance of 150 - 300 m behind the road sign a 500 m section of road with dangerous turns will begin; That immediately after the sign a 500 m section with dangerous turns will begin. Sign 8.2.1 “Coverage area” indicates the length of a series of dangerous turns, the first of which - to the left - begins after 150 - 300 m. The correct answer is the second. (“Road signs” 8.2.1, 1.12.2).

Ticket 5. Question 2
In the presence of which sign must a driver give way if oncoming traffic is difficult to pass? Only B A and C B and C B and D On slopes marked with signs: “A” - 1.13 “Steep descent” and “B” - 1.14 “Steep climb” - in the presence of an obstacle, the driver of a vehicle moving downhill must give way . On narrow sections of the road where oncoming traffic is difficult, signs are installed: on one side - “B” - 2.6 “Advantage to oncoming traffic”, on the other side - “D” - 2.7 “Advantage over oncoming traffic”. In this case, if oncoming traffic is difficult, it is prohibited to enter the narrow section of the road from sign 2.6. The answer is the signs “A” and “B”. ("Road signs").

Ticket 6. Question 2
Are you allowed to continue driving? Straight ahead only Directly or in the opposite direction In all directions Sign 3.18.2 “Left turn prohibited” does not prohibit making a U-turn. Therefore, you can, at your discretion, continue moving straight or turn around and continue moving in the opposite direction. ("Road signs").

Ticket 7. Question 2
What do these road signs inform you about? About approaching an intersection where there is a sign “Give way” About approaching an intersection where a sign “Move without stopping is prohibited” About approaching customs Table 8.1.2 “Distance to object” indicates the distance from sign 2.4 “Give way” to the intersection if immediately before the intersection there is a sign 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited.” ("Road signs").

Ticket 8. Question 2
What is the peculiarity of the speed limit on this section of the road? Recommended speed – 40 km/h Minimum permissible speed – 40 km/h Minimum permissible speed in the left lane – 40 km/h Plate 8.14 “Traffic lane” indicates that sign 4.6 “Minimum speed limit” applies only to that the lane above which the sign is located. Since the action takes place in a populated area, in this section you can drive in the right lane at a speed not exceeding 60 km/h; in the left lane the speed should be no less than 40 km/h and no more than 60 km/h. The correct answer is the minimum permissible speed in the left lane is 40 km/h. ("Road signs").

Ticket 9. Question 2
Signs warn you that: Within 150 m there may be pedestrians on the roadway. After 150 m there is a pedestrian crossing. After 150 m there is a pedestrian path. Under sign 1.22 “Pedestrian crossing” there is a sign 8.1.1 “Distance to object” indicating the distance to the dangerous area, which is indicated by a warning sign. The correct answer is the second one. ("Road signs").

Ticket 10. Question 2
Which of the following signs are valid only for the period of time when the roadway surface is wet? Only A A and B All Only the combination of signs “A” - 3.24 “Maximum speed limit” with sign 8.16 “Wet surface”, indicating that the sign applies to the period when the roadway surface is wet - is the correct answer. Sign “B” - 1.18 “Gravel discharge” - warns of a section of the road where gravel, crushed stone and the like can be thrown out from under the wheels of vehicles. Sign “B” - 1.15 “Slippery road” - warns of a section of the road with increased slippery roadway. The reason for this may be snowfall, icing, bitumen spills during road work, etc. (“Road signs”).

Ticket 11. Question 2
When moving in a populated area, you can continue moving: Only in direction B In directions A or B In any direction indicated Sign 4.1.4 “Moving straight or to the right” extends its effect to the first intersection of the roadways in front of which it is installed. Route vehicles may deviate from the effect of the sign. Therefore, marking 1.1 (solid line with broken line) does not matter for you. (Whether it exists or not, for example, it is covered with snow). You are not allowed to turn around along trajectory “B”. You cannot make a right turn either, because you are not on the far right lane, you can only continue moving in direction “B”. ("Road signs").

Ticket 12. Question 2
This sign: Warns you about the presence of a narrow section of the road, but does not establish a traffic order. Prohibits you from crossing the bridge. Obliges you to give way to oncoming traffic. Sign 2.6 “Right of way for oncoming traffic” prohibits entering a narrow section of the road if it may impede oncoming traffic. Therefore, you should give way to a truck approaching the bridge. (“Road signs”, paragraph 1.2, the term “Give way”).

Ticket 13. Question 2
What should you do if you need to turn around? Turn around at this intersection if there are no other vehicles at it Drive straight and turn around after the intersection Drive straight and turn around only at the next intersection The effect of sign 4.1.1 “Move straight”, installed before the intersection of roadways, applies to the first intersection behind the sign. In this case, it applies to the entire intersection. Therefore, if you decide to turn around, you have no choice but to drive through the intersection and turn around on the section of road that follows, i.e. behind the intersection. ("Road signs").

Ticket 14. Question 2
What these signs warn you about: Stopping vehicles on the side of the road is prohibited. Driving onto the side of the road is dangerous due to road work being carried out on it. Parking is prohibited at the site where road work is being carried out. Sign 1.25 “Road Work” in combination with plate 8.12 “Dangerous Roadside” warns drivers, that going to the side of the road is dangerous due to road (repair) work being carried out on it (“Road signs”).

Ticket 15. Question 2
You can continue driving at the intersection: Only in direction B In directions A and B In directions B and C A dividing strip divides the road into carriageways. The effect of sign 4.1.1 “Move straight”, installed in front of the intersection, applies only to the first intersection of roadways behind the sign. Movement along trajectory “B” is prohibited. You can move along trajectory “A” or “B”. (“Road signs”, paragraph 1.2 of traffic rules).

Ticket 16. Question 2
Which courtyard can you enter in this situation? Turns into courtyards are prohibited Only into the courtyard to the right Only into the courtyard to the left In any Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight” is installed beyond the intersection of roadways, i.e. at the beginning of the road section. In this case, its effect extends to the next intersection, and it is not prohibited to turn right into courtyards and adjacent areas. Accordingly, you can only turn right into the courtyard. ("Road signs").

Ticket 17. Question 2
At what distance to an uneven section of the road is this sign installed outside a populated area? 150-300 m 50-100 m Directly before a rough section of the road Like most warning signs, sign 1.16 “Rough Road” is installed outside a populated area 150-300 m before a dangerous section of the road. ("Road signs").

Ticket 18. Question 2
This road sign warns: About approaching a slippery section of the road About approaching a wet or polluted section of the road About approaching a section of the road where gravel (crushed stone) can be thrown out from under the wheels Warning sign 1.18 “Gravel outburst” is installed outside a populated area 150- 300 m to the dangerous area. When driving through this section, you should, if possible, increase the interval and distance between cars and reduce the speed. Flying crushed stone and gravel can “injure” the windshield and car headlight glasses. This is not uncommon on our roads. ("Road signs").

Ticket 19. Question 2
In which direction can you continue driving in a car? Straight only Straight and to the right In any Plate 8.4.1 “Type of vehicle” extends the effect of the sign with which it is applied to trucks, including those with a trailer, with r.m.m. more than 3.5 tons. You are driving a passenger car, the sign does not apply to you. You can continue moving in any direction. ("Road signs").

Ticket 20. Question 2
Is it possible for you to enter the yard after the intersection? You can You can, if you live in this house You can’t The effect of the sign 4.1.1 “Move straight ahead”, if it is installed before crossing roadways (intersection), applies only to the first intersection behind the sign. A left turn is made outside the sign's coverage area. There is nothing contrary to its implementation. You enter the yard along the indicated trajectory. ("Road signs").

Is stopping within 5 meters of a pedestrian crossing prohibited?
Yes, but not from the transition, but before the transition. You can stop behind him even close, there are no restrictions.

Ticket 2 - question 13

Why do you have to give way to a bus on a secondary road?

Ticket 10 - question 17

Using fog lights separately from low beams in poor visibility conditions?
No, only together. In the new edition of the rules, clause 19.4 it is written - “Fog lights can be used in conditions of poor visibility With low or high beam headlights." This means only together.

Ticket 10 - question 18

Can all motorcycles be operated without a first aid kit?
No - only motorcycles without a side trailer. Not to be confused with a fire extinguisher. All motorcycles can be operated without it.

Ticket 15 - question 9

Is the car on my right?
He turns right, and you turn left, so during the maneuver he will be on your right, and you must give way to him. This is the situation depicted in this question.

Ticket 18 - question 13

Why shouldn't you give way to a car driving on the main road?
This intersection is a controlled intersection, and the traffic order at it is determined not by priority signs, but by traffic signals (clauses 6.15 and 13.3). Simply put, a traffic light cancels the “Give Way” and “Main Road” signs.

Ticket 20 - question 11

Is there anything stopping the truck from overtaking?
You are always in the car located at the bottom of the picture. You cannot start overtaking the nearby truck, since it has already begun to make the maneuver.

Ticket 23 - question 8

The question does not indicate in which direction the car is going to move?
Sign 4.3 “Roundabout” instructs you to move at this intersection only in the direction indicated by the arrows.

Ticket 24 - question 11

Why can't you overtake a truck if it is moving at a speed of less than 30 km/h, isn't it slow-moving?
The traffic rules do not say anywhere that slow-moving vehicles are those moving at a speed of less than 30 km/h. Slow-moving vehicles are considered to have the “Slow-moving vehicle” sign on the rear.

You must answer 20 questions on the ticket within 20 minutes. To successfully pass the exam, you can make no more than 2 mistakes. The correctness of your answers and the grade for the theoretical exam can be found out only after answering the last twentieth question. The 20 exam questions are randomly selected.

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Online test for knowledge of traffic rules: exam tickets for the 2019 edition

There are more and more cars, the requirements for drivers are becoming tougher and tougher, and the road is unforgiving of mistakes. This is why following traffic rules becomes so important. An online traffic knowledge test will help you identify weaknesses and gaps in your knowledge. And, of course, it will help you quickly prepare for your driver’s license exam!

How is the traffic police exam conducted in 2019?

The driving test consists of two main parts: theoretical and practical. The latter involves driving on the training ground and around the city, but is allowed only after passing the “theory”. The exam ticket for knowledge of traffic rules consists of 20 questions with 2-4 answer options. According to the current rules, you can make no more than 2 mistakes when taking the exam. Submission time is limited to 20 minutes. To obtain a license to drive a vehicle of category “M” or “A” or subcategory “A1” or “B1”, only “theory” and one practical exam on the initial skills of driving a vehicle on a site or race track are passed.

Traffic police exam online

To learn the rules of the road and successfully pass the exam, experts do not recommend “cramming” traffic rules - this method is not effective. It is much more useful to learn through play. After all, the driver must understand how certain rules apply in a real situation. This is why it is so useful to learn the rules on a computer online. After all, the program allows you to select questions in random order and calmly solve them (in this case there is no time limit). Or you can simulate a real exam: 20 questions in 20 minutes. The program will show not only the number of mistakes made, but also offer detailed comments on traffic rules on what to do in a given situation.

In addition, by taking the exam online you will prepare for the traffic police test. After all, 20 minutes for 20 questions means that you are given only 1 minute to complete one task. During which you need to have time to study the schematic picture, understand the traffic signs and answer the question correctly. That is, a decision must be made quickly! And there is absolutely no need for excitement here. This is why training is so important before taking the real exam.

Pass the 2017 traffic rules exam online as in the traffic police (traffic police).

Traffic rules exam 2017 online is carried out at the MREO of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate with citizens of the Russian Federation who have completed training in a specialized educational institution - a driving school. The exam procedure for categories M, A, A1, B, B1, BE, C, D, CE, DE, Tm, Tb, C1, D1, C1E, D1E is different and has its own nuances for each category. Each category has its own tickets, which include questions about the traffic rules of the corresponding vehicle.

Traffic rules exam 2017 is carried out in two stages. The first stage is a theoretical test of traffic rules, carried out on a computer. The examinee is asked to answer 20 questions in 20 minutes, and it is advisable not to make a single mistake. If you make one mistake, you will need to answer five additional questions, if you make two mistakes, ten questions. You cannot make mistakes more than twice, the exam will not be passed. Only after successfully passing the first stage, you can proceed to the second stage.

The second stage includes practical driving of a vehicle on a race track and on roads within the city.

Good luck to everyone who passed traffic rules exam 2017 A driver's license of the appropriate category is issued online for a period of 10 years. If you do not pass the driving test, do not despair, you have the right to re-appear for the exam after seven days, even if you do not pass the exam again, you can try again in a week. If after this it didn’t work out, then next time you can take the exam only in one month. If you successfully pass the theoretical exam and fail in the practical part, you do not need to take the theory during the re-exam, only practice, the retake deadlines are the same 2 times in a week, subsequent tests in a month.

This page presents traffic rules exam 2017 for the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation with changes in 2016 as in the State Traffic Inspectorate (State Traffic Inspectorate), you can test your theoretical knowledge, as well as consolidate it. If you wish, you can download the 2017 traffic rules exam.

The correct answer to question number 9. About the length of the path when driving at a speed of 90 km/h and overtaking a vehicle at a speed of 70 km/h in one case and, accordingly, speeds of 60 km/h and 40 km/h. You have written down the correct answer for driving at a speed of 90 km/h. But this is not correct. It will be correct - the same. I agree that someone moving at a speed of 90 will travel a longer distance than at a speed of 60. But at the same time, the person being overtaken at a speed of 70 will also travel more than at 40. If we take the movement relative to the person being overtaken and consider its speed equal to zero. Then everything becomes clear. In both cases, the overtaking person will move at a speed of 20. Consequently, the distance will be the same. Sincerely, Mikhail.

People, why are you asking the same thing? You need to understand for yourself: 1. NO amnesties (or parole) are provided for those deprived of their rights. The only concession that now exists is the possibility of retaking the theory after half the period of deprivation has expired. 2. The theory can be retaken ONLY at the MREO traffic police department. No Internet or online presence DOES NOT COUNT. The theory exam is free for disenfranchised students. Tickets INCLUDE ALL the latest changes, but questions about medicine, fines, etc. are removed from them. Upon completion, do not forget to take the exam protocol. 3. After the ENTIRE period of deprivation, with your passport and exam protocol, you go to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, where you passed your license after the deprivation. For those deprived for drunkenness, a fresh medical certificate and a certificate from the ND and PND Share with your friends!