Description of the character of a phlegmatic person. Who are phlegmatic people? Characteristics of temperament

Text: Olga Natolina

A phlegmatic person is a type of temperament characterized by slowness, self-control and taciturnity. Despite the fact that a phlegmatic person is calm and unemotional, this does not mean that he is an “insensitive cracker.” In fact, the character of a phlegmatic person is changeable, and real passions rage within his nature.

General characteristics of a phlegmatic person

A phlegmatic person can be unmistakably distinguished in a crowd of people. The traits of this personality type can be described as seriousness and restraint. He always tries to avoid disputes, quarrels and scandals. Therefore, in most conflict situations, he will agree with all the arguments just to get out of the difficult situation. At the same time, he will remain calm and balanced, without showing any strong emotions, agreement or disagreement.

He will not make rash and hasty decisions, as he is characterized by restraint, thoughtfulness and prudence. Therefore, he will “take a break” and carefully consider this or that action. A phlegmatic person is not characterized by attacks of rage or aggression; he always remains unperturbed. To do this, he does not need to make any effort on himself, since he has emotional balance by nature.

If he quarrels with someone, he is inclined to be the first to make contact and quickly establish relations with the other party, since he does not like changes and separations in life. In an unfamiliar situation or in a new team, a phlegmatic person needs a lot of time to adapt, make friends and take a closer look at the people around him.

Temperament phlegmatic

A phlegmatic person almost never develops new forms of behavior, since he adheres to and acts according to an already formed pattern of actions. The temperament of a phlegmatic person is, as it were, between other temperaments. For example, he is able to have a beneficial influence and balance an active sanguine person, or will calmly observe a stormy choleric person, or will never succumb to the despondency of a melancholic person.

A person’s temperament can be recognized not only by talking to him, but also by his manner of movement and ability to behave in society. As a rule, phlegmatic people are slow and unhurried; they are never in a hurry. Compared to other types, their gestures and facial expressions are limited and inexpressive. By their type, phlegmatic people are mostly introverts, but at the same time they are always ready to listen and give thoughtful advice. If there are phlegmatic people among your friends, appreciate them - they are the most reliable and good friends.

Features of a phlegmatic person

Self-esteem. Phlegmatic people are able to adequately evaluate themselves, but sometimes they underestimate their real capabilities and abilities. They often lose confidence because they are extremely modest individuals and do not like to brag.

Job. At work, phlegmatic people are consistent and systematic. They cannot quit unfinished work and immediately switch to something else, because they do not like unfinished or sudden tasks. Also, a person with such a character takes a long time to “get involved” in a new job. Therefore, phlegmatic people are contraindicated in work that requires a sharp switch of attention and speed of action.

Society. Phlegmatic people find it difficult to make new acquaintances, establish connections and adapt to new people. But thanks to emotional stability and non-conflict, they easily get along in any team with all types of temperament.

Relationship. In love relationships, phlegmatic people are the calmest and most balanced partners. This does not mean that they are boring or callous, no, it’s just that the other half needs to be able to “read” the hidden emotions and moods of their partner. A phlegmatic person is capable of the strongest and deepest feelings, but will not clearly express their feelings.

Test: Am I a phlegmatic person?

Temperament can be determined using a simple test by answering yes or no questions. If more than half of the answers are positive, then your character contains obvious traits of a phlegmatic person.

  • Are you usually reserved, calm and cool-headed?

  • Are you consistent in your deeds, plans and actions?

  • Are you characterized by caution, prudence, and attentiveness?

  • Can you wait?

  • Are you silent and don't like empty chatter?

  • Is your speech uniform, calm, without pronounced emotions and facial expressions?

  • Do you tend to save your energy and not give your all?

  • Do you adhere to a developed life routine, is your day always planned, do you like consistency in your work?

  • Do you take criticism calmly, are you indifferent to criticism from others?

  • Do you find it difficult to change one activity to another on the fly?

  • Do you have good and smooth relationships with the people around you?

This type of temperament is distinguished by high mental balance; the phlegmatic person belongs to the inert type of temperament, therefore it is very difficult to get them, but if this is done, the phlegmatic person will not calm down for a long time. Personally, I have rarely met pronounced phlegmatic people; these calm and balanced people are excellent performers; there are very few initiative ones among them. Possessing imperturbable calm, phlegmatic people at the same time are not able to rejoice from the heart; in general, they are a little difficult with emotions, and this, in my opinion, is their strongest side. The fact is that emotions often let a person down; they prevent him from thinking rationally, or even from thinking at all. I consider emotions to be the enemy of man, their excessive manifestation is, of course, when behavior, desires and reactions become too obvious, which of course can be used. A person who is on a wave of emotions often makes mistakes, or, not wanting to switch from one wave of emotions to another, is charged with a certain mood for a long time, while the situation may require slightly different manifestations of emotions and actions associated with them.

So, having a kind of immunity from emotions, a phlegmatic person may not experience intense joyful emotions, but he is not under their power, being able to clearly follow his plan without being distracted by external factors. But phlegmatic people are somewhat inhibited, it is often difficult for them to switch from one type of activity to another, they are used to doing everything consistently, efficiently, and thoroughly. So these people do not take on ten things at once, and it is highly undesirable to entrust them with dynamic work that requires constant switching of attention, reaction speed, constant communication; all this is not suitable for pronounced phlegmatic people. The strength of phlegmatic people is their adequate self-esteem; I have already written that the more realistic a person looks at the world and himself, the fewer unnecessary mistakes he makes. Moreover, phlegmatic people often tend to underestimate their capabilities, despite the fact that they are confident in their abilities, therefore they are not inclined to brag about their successes, demonstrating their genius.

For a phlegmatic person, any type of activity that he approaches with all responsibility and care, sooner or later, will bring positive results, because by assessing himself adequately and working with great effort, a positive result for a phlegmatic person is an obvious pattern. Yes, these people have a lot of patience, and although of course the dynamics of the modern world require a little more flexibility and dispersion, it is often people with the type of character that is inherent in phlegmatic people who rise up the career ladder. Phlegmatic people do not like to conflict in a team and are calm about the manifestation of negativity and dislike towards them, which is why they often get along with any type of character. Even if a phlegmatic person seems to be a very flexible person, efficient and not at all ambitious, this does not mean that he does not have long-term plans for his life, which in his understanding is far from being so helpful, and he sees himself much higher than one can imagine.

In this, phlegmatic people are similar to melancholic people, but unlike melancholic people, they have enough self-confidence, and they perceive failures much better, so it is much more difficult to break their spirit. Another similarity between a melancholic person and a phlegmatic person is their seriousness and long-term relationships with other people; phlegmatic people are also quite amorous and are not inclined, as they say, to change partners like gloves. Smooth, calm relationships completely suit them, but phlegmatic people often hide their feelings, as well as emotions, and if they don’t hide them, then in any case you will not see their bright expression and storm of emotions. As a rule, a phlegmatic person does not have very many friends, people with this type of temperament keep a limited circle of friends around them, but at the same time, this same circle of friends can be called selective, phlegmatic people do not want to be friends with everyone, if we are talking about truly true friendship, and not about friendships.

I would also highlight another feature of phlegmatic people: enjoying the process, which allows them to be quite patient, consistent and achieve the task. Without losing sight of the goal, they achieve it, contemplating every moment of micro success, which then grows into one big success once they achieve the result. These are the positive features of this type of temperament that we can identify, dear friends, and although, as has already been said, each of us combines several types of temperament, the basic one can be traced immediately, and we can see it if we simply show attention to ourselves or others. other people in order to identify this most basic type. Phlegmatic people certainly have more advantages than disadvantages, and although, of course, a certain inhibition, as well as a lack of predisposition to communication, somewhat limits their capabilities, in comparison with other types of temperament, phlegmatic people need to work on themselves much less.

In principle, here it is necessary to strive for greater openness, not to shy away from communication, and it does not hurt to sometimes evaluate yourself a little higher than you really are, but for a leader, of course, organizational abilities and the ability to slam your fist on the table, if necessary, are important. So, for a less pronounced phlegmatic person, in principle, it’s not difficult to set yourself up for victory in life; you can’t call them losers anyway, but they can become winners without any problems, albeit consistently as their temperament requires.

A phlegmatic person is a peaceful person who is distinguished by his special ability to work, perseverance and taciturnity. This type of temperament acts as a kind of middle ground between an eccentric choleric person, an energetic sanguine person and a consistent melancholic person.

If they are genuinely interested in something, then they will forget about everything else and focus on the object. Phlegmatic people are distinguished by their peacefulness and good nature. It is these people who, in difficult times, advise us not to take the problem too seriously.

It's always easy and simple with them. They are always satisfied with the place where they are, the people with whom they communicate. They know how to be good friends, but they also don’t feel very sad when they are alone.

Phlegmatic people are endowed with a balanced psyche, and no matter how you try to anger him, it will be almost impossible. His strength is the ability to think and draw conclusions based on facts, not emotions.

Phlegmatic people always perceive the world in real time. They don't have their head in the clouds and don't look at life through dark glasses. He, like everyone else, achieves his goals, but without unnecessary pomposity and striving for everything ideal.

Children love phlegmatic people very much, so they will be good parents. True, sometimes they lack severity towards others. But there are also positive aspects to this, because in any situation they will not show their excessive emotionality. Phlegmatic people have enormous self-control. If you have any problems, you can always turn to him for help, and without further ado he will help you develop a detailed action plan to get out of the current situation.

They do not enter into conflict and try not to get involved in a showdown. In order to achieve his favor, it is not necessary to constantly prove to him your strengths. They have developed adequate self-esteem. Perhaps they sometimes

Features of communication and behavior at work

Phlegmatic people love to talk about philosophy and events that are long in the past. Therefore, in order to win over representatives of this temperament, you need to talk about his memories from childhood, youth, and also be able to analyze situations that affected his memory. They understand humor, but they should not even speak out in a joking manner towards phlegmatic people. Sometimes they take the joke personally.

They love it when people are interested in their problems and appreciate care and kindness in people. In everyday life, you will need to make joint decisions, since phlegmatic people rarely take the initiative in matters of managing household affairs. But it’s also not worth demanding that they make a quick decision; this can cause a storm of negative emotions in him.

There is no need to make phlegmatic people feel guilty for any actions. The right way out would be a sincere conversation about what doesn’t suit you about his behavior.

Phlegmatic people often occupy managerial positions due to their ability to negotiate and find the right solutions in difficult situations. But often they themselves can refuse this position due to the fact that they do not know how to show their good side in time and do something to advance their career.

They easily cope with work that requires increased attention and perseverance. In addition, they can agree on anything and with any person. Phlegmatic people are valued in any team precisely because of their flexible nature.


Phlegmatic people are very attentive people, which means that they will always listen to what is being said to them. Thanks to their stable nervous system, they are in a good mood and rarely get stressed. Owners of this type of temperament easily cope with the most complex tasks and quickly remember a large amount of necessary information.

In relationships with people, phlegmatic people are calm and measured. But if a situation arises where he needs to prove that he is right, he will definitely be able to withstand the pressure and defend his point of view.

They have the following strengths:

  1. Organization;
  2. The ability to listen and listen;
  3. They very rarely get offended by people.

Weak sides

Phlegmatic people love stability very much and they cannot stand it when changes occur in their measured life. That is why they cannot occupy leading positions, since they cannot show their initiative and dynamism in time.

They are often afraid to make decisions because they may make a mistake in some situations.

They rarely show their emotions, and this negatively affects their communication with loved ones. Phlegmatic people will never shout about their feelings, and to others it seems that they are completely indifferent people. In those moments when people with a different type of temperament will show their emotions in every possible way, the phlegmatic person will simply stand aside and smile.

They have the following weaknesses:

  1. Distrust of people;
  2. Poor adaptability to changing conditions;
  3. Laziness;
  4. Rudeness and taciturnity.

Phlegmatic person- This is a type of human temperament that has balanced nervous processes. A phlegmatic person calmly approaches any life processes, without unnecessary energy expenditure or excessive emotional manifestations. He is balanced, diligent, capable of scrupulously and conscientiously performing painstaking work. A phlegmatic person is characterized by slowness in making decisions, but if he has to carry them out, then he shows strong persistence.

Phlegmatic is a characteristic of a person. A representative of this temperament hides very well what is going on in his soul. Often, even the closest people cannot figure out what a phlegmatic person is going through, because his face displays calmness and neutrality of reactions.

The temperament of a phlegmatic person is characterized by a calm and stable disposition, which is associated with the inertia of his nervous system. It is very difficult to unbalance a phlegmatic person; for this to happen, something truly impressive must happen. But due to the fact that an unbalanced state is not characteristic of the phlegmatic type, such a person does not stay in it for too long. Individuals with a dominant phlegmatic temperament are always devoted friends and faithful spouses.

The character of a phlegmatic person is flexible, so it is easy to get along with him. A phlegmatic person is characterized by a poor ability to adapt to new conditions, orders, and circumstances, because his views on life are conservative. A phlegmatic person loves loneliness and appreciates it for the fact that in it one can reflect on existence and dream. Before taking even a not too risky step, a phlegmatic person will think many times and only then will he take it or not. Such a person is prone to exhibiting stable behavior, so each of his actions smacks of some stereotypes, but he is quite happy with the way he is.

The temperament of a phlegmatic person is truly unique, since people of this type can get along with almost everyone, and with an irritable choleric person, and a constantly cheerful sanguine person, as well as with a dreamy melancholic person.

The character of a phlegmatic person is quite stable, since he does not tend to adopt qualities from other temperaments, but he can infect others with his confidence.

We can talk about a phlegmatic person as one who rarely expresses what worries him, tries not to reveal his true mood, while he is quite capable of listening and understanding the feelings of another person. in a phlegmatic person, it is usually adequate or slightly underestimated.

Who is a phlegmatic person

Phlegmatic characteristic. This is the most responsive, pleasant and calm person, so many among their friends entrust the secret exclusively to this person. Individuals with a phlegmatic temperament like to be in a state of security, so they can work effectively only in a place where everything goes according to plan without incident. They may sometimes put too much emphasis on safety and be overly wary of all sorts of troubles, but in some cases this can even save their and their loved ones' lives.

Due to the fact that the character of a phlegmatic person has a desire to help people, such individuals also show strong concern for their own family. If the husband is a phlegmatic person in the family, then he will definitely help his wife with household chores. He even almost happily gets to work, because he knows that with his help he will make his wife’s task easier. The phlegmatic wife tries to give all her love to the family so that everyone feels needed.

Both men and women of the phlegmatic temperament type are very pleasant and sweet people because they are ready to help others, which is very highly valued by those around them. It is rare to find a phlegmatic person who would raise his voice to another person or initiate a quarrel. He prefers to give in to another person, so as not to spoil the relationship with him and not resort to abuse. You can rely on a phlegmatic person in almost everything, he will try to do a favor at the highest level, he will never take his words or promises back, so he is considered the most reliable person. If a phlegmatic person is also praised for his desire to help, if he receives feedback, then he will do the work twice as quickly and efficiently. Due to their soft nature, phlegmatic people sometimes become victims, who only need to find someone to bring down their feelings on, and the phlegmatic person, in turn, will never swear in response. You can sometimes even observe an unusual phenomenon - a phlegmatic person loves to obey other people, which is often used by choleric or sanguine people. But you can’t call him weak-willed.

A phlegmatic person is characterized by the fact that he loves to keep order in everything; in it he sees calm, safety and stability. The feeling of perfect stability is even manifested in the fact that they are able to carry through their entire lives the only model of behavior learned in childhood.

Clutter deprives a phlegmatic person of a sense of comfort. Therefore, he says that why should he change the order if everything suits him and gives him comfort. Everyone who is in a close relationship with a phlegmatic person knows and respects his characteristics. Only a person with malicious intent is capable of disrupting the order and stability of a phlegmatic person, unsettling him and removing his sense of security.

For a person with a phlegmatic temperament, the description of his appearance comes down to the fact that his style and general external features express his conservative views. You will never meet a true phlegmatic person in flashy clothes; he loves neutral colors and a minimum of accessories. His external characteristics are not memorable; a person of this type can ask a passerby on the street what time it is, and if you ask the passerby to describe the appearance of this person, he will simply be confused and will not be able to remember a single facial feature.

Such a person always has clean, ironed and washed clothes. Shoes are always polished. Before each exit from the house, the phlegmatic person examines his clothes very carefully, so that by chance some thread does not peek out or a button is missing. But this is only for strangers, and those who know a phlegmatic person often communicate with him and consider him an interesting person.

It is precisely because of the love of order that compatibility between a phlegmatic person and a sanguine person is not possible. If there is a mess in the house and the sanguine person does not notice it, then the phlegmatic person sometimes gets angry. But in order not to lead to conflict, he will silently remove it.

It happens that in families there are children with opposite temperaments from their parents, then funny situations often arise between them. If parents are phlegmatic and their child is also phlegmatic, then they rejoice, they cannot be happier about it. Because such a child is just a fairy tale. He is very obedient, assiduous, and does not have problems that can often be found in other children. Such families are interested in spending time together, so they are very strong.

Phlegmatic description of suitable professions. Among professions, there are two options: stable work that requires constant effort and diligence (scientists, accountants, financiers) or a field in which assistance is provided to people (medicine, psychology, sociology).

Some companies specifically determine the employee's temperament type, since they are looking for a phlegmatic person. He is appreciated for his scrupulous attitude to work, for the fact that he does not get tired, even if he has a lot of things to do. People of the phlegmatic type are invaluable workaholics, as long as the work is in place, without moving. They are very happy if their regime is constant work, repeated day after day, which brings security and peace.

For phlegmatic people, leaving their comfort zone is the worst thing that can happen to them. That is, the best order of things for them is the world around them, in which nothing changes. Therefore, people of the phlegmatic type can work in one place all their lives. They also don't like to travel. If they do agree to go somewhere, they try to choose conditions that will remind them of their home as much as possible. For example, they rent an apartment and find it unbearable to spend the night in a tent. They eat the same things they eat at home; it’s hard to get them to try something exotic.

If a phlegmatic person’s favorite store or cafe is closed, he becomes extremely upset. A life in which everything is predictable, stable and calm is the best for them. Any changes make phlegmatic people uneasy. In a work team, people of the phlegmatic type are quite active; they participate in all activities in order to keep up with their colleagues. They can only find themselves in the spotlight by mistake, and they don’t even want to hear about public speaking. Phlegmatic people are more observers than activists. They like to watch how sanguine people behave, who attract a lot of attention to themselves. For people of phlegmatic temperament, the opinions of other people are important, although everyone loves them anyway.

A phlegmatic person is respected for his balance and prudence, especially in a stressful situation, when everyone around him falls into trouble, he remains calm and begins to reassure others. Such individuals help others come to their senses faster, they know how to give advice, and even their very presence sometimes inspires confidence.

A phlegmatic woman is slow in action, but performs her work with special diligence. In general, she approaches any activity with persistence and perseverance.

A woman of a phlegmatic type of temperament has a low, quiet and confident voice and a slow gait. She always looks perfect and often other women begin to envy her. In the profession, a woman of the phlegmatic type prefers monotonous work, in particular such professions as therapist, accountant, business manager, botanist.

Phlegmatic characteristics of a child

A phlegmatic child is characterized by being calm, balanced and unperturbed. His acquaintance with the world occurs gradually, measuredly and slowly. If someone wants to help him, he rejects this help and tries to cope with difficulties alone. It is this behavior at an early age that determines future behavior.

A phlegmatic child loves when he is given a task that he needs to sit, think and reflect on. Even at four years old, such a child enjoys playing chess, begins to read books, and solves puzzles. If you need to occupy him for a while, you can simply give him a book with different pictures. He can sit over one of them for hours, looking for new elements, colors, and naming the characters depicted. He simply loves listening to stories, especially bedtime stories.

A phlegmatic child loves to talk, and he is especially interested in conversations with adults, although they mostly boil down to the latter’s monologue. Sometimes parents of a phlegmatic child worry because their child starts speaking late. In fact, he can talk, he's just waiting for a certain moment.

A phlegmatic child is mostly calm; the only thing that can make him angry is a speed task that requires a quick reaction. To complete this task more successfully, he will need some extra time. Based on this, when working with a child, you need to be measured and adapt to his pace. Do not try to speed it up somehow, this will only negatively affect the quality of the task and may cause stress in the child.

A child of a phlegmatic type of temperament has a balanced nervous system with low mobility of nervous reactions. During early childhood, such a baby is not capricious, sleeps a lot, rarely cries and does not require much attention. Such a child is “quiet”; even if he expresses some kind of reaction: laughing or crying, he does it quietly.

A phlegmatic child may be nervous only because something changes in his environment, some order, routine, surrounding objects; people I'm used to. He needs time to get used to any innovation. Therefore, children of a phlegmatic type of temperament do not adapt well to kindergarten and school. Because their usual daily routine changes and they have to meet new people.

If in kindergarten a child with a phlegmatic temperament comes across an activity with which he is already familiar, he will perform it just as diligently as at home. Over time, he gets used to certain rules and becomes a model of behavior. The only obstacle for a child in communicating with peers is his reduced activity and slowness, compared to other children.

The movements of a phlegmatic child are stingy, heavy, and make him look clumsy. A big mistake in raising a child is strict demands on him, especially if they go beyond his level of development and natural abilities. Expressing one's dissatisfaction or showing a child's relative inactivity and sluggishness lead to stress. Some parents believe that with their threats and shouts they can somehow push the phlegmatic person and make him faster. But, unfortunately, they do not understand at all that by such actions they cause an inhibitory reaction in the child, that is, instead of acting faster, as parents expect, he begins to behave even more slowly.

If a child is sometimes forced to behave faster than usual, for example, in order to be on time somewhere, then he must make a lot of effort, which provokes mental stress, which will then result in...

A popular mistake parents make is the desire to protect their child from various activities, from everything for which he has to make an effort. So, parents rush to help their child if they see that he is doing something with great effort. Thus, the child may never learn to be independent and even a little energetic. He develops self-doubt and a desire to avoid everything related to mobility.

Parents must organize conditions for the development of a slow child as confident and independent. It is necessary to gradually give the child tasks to complete, so if he has reached one level of development and mastered the basic techniques, then he can begin his further education.

The main rule that must be observed in raising a phlegmatic child is to take your time. Adults must understand that a child who plays sedentary games, who does not fuss for no reason, moves slowly and generally prefers to sit still - this is not an “ideal child”; this is a child who, if not accustomed to being active, will have problems communicating with others. peers and adults, which can ultimately affect his acceptance in the environment, when hiring, relationships with colleagues and with individuals of the opposite sex.

There are certain techniques to identify a child’s temperament. A psychologist in a preschool or school knows these methods and is able to help parents find out what kind of temperament their child has and give the necessary recommendations.

A stable set of innate individual personality qualities constitutes temperament. It is customary to distinguish four types: phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic and choleric. Each type has advantages and disadvantages; to determine whether you have the traits of a phlegmatic person, you should carefully study his manner of behavior, communication, and so on.

Description of temperament

A phlegmatic person is considered a balanced, strong, inert type of temperament. It is difficult to remove such people from their state of equilibrium, since they have a stable nervous system. This phenomenal calmness contributes to the fact that a person tolerates stressful situations well, and by appearance one cannot even tell that he is outraged. A phlegmatic person does not like to fuss; he also lacks ambition and is content with what he has, and does not strive for perfection. It is not difficult to recognize a phlegmatic person; such people are always reserved and expressive facial expressions cannot be seen on their faces; they always avoid conflicts.

Definition test

To determine the type of temperament, there are many labor-intensive techniques. The easiest way is to determine the character traits characteristic of a phlegmatic person. To do this, you need to select those inherent in you from the qualities listed below.

  1. Attentive.
  2. Sad.
  3. Methodical.
  4. Shy.
  5. Balanced.
  6. Persistent.
  7. Passive.
  8. Slow to learn.
  9. Peaceful.
  10. Loving routine work.
  11. Slow.
  12. Dreamy.
  13. Pensive.
  14. Self-controlling.
  15. Calm.
  16. Quiet.
  17. Restrained.
  18. Measured.
  19. Inflexible.
  20. Relaxed.

You can’t expect a complete coincidence of qualities, since there are practically no “pure” temperaments, but if more than half suit you, you can confidently call yourself a phlegmatic person.

Principle in communication

The perception of people and the environment among phlegmatic people is very different from other types of temperament.

Phlegmatic child

A phlegmatic child is one who seems like a gift to his parents. He usually sleeps well, he is calm and is not constantly in the arms of adults, such a baby is rarely capricious.

Slowness and inertia can already appear from infancy; a healthy child can lie in one place for a long time, sit or walk. Usually this behavior becomes a cause for concern for parents, but as they grow up, the baby often plays independently and surprises his parents with his peacefulness and balance.

However, the desire for constant stability is not always positive. Often such a child has difficulty getting used to kindergarten, and it is difficult for him to communicate with the team. Basically, a child with a predominant phlegmatic type communicates with one friend, but becomes a devoted companion for him.

Phlegmatic woman

A phlegmatic woman cannot be called romantic and easy; she is rather reserved and closed. It is very difficult to get emotions out of her; such a person is close to a man in terms of thinking tactics. Phlegmatic girls try to avoid quarrels and conflicts, so they easily compromise. Life with them can please you with confidence and calmness, but you shouldn’t expect surprises and a riot of colors. Despite the coldness of feelings, such women become attached to a person quite strongly, and in relationships they strive for constancy.

Phlegmatic women have such qualities of patience and perseverance at work, so it is difficult to distract her. But in a team, this person can easily get along with representatives of other temperaments.

Phlegmatic man

A phlegmatic man is silent and calm, he is characterized by a cold mind, lengthy reasoning and self-control. He is always balanced, has strength of character and a sense of confidence. Such a man will not rush even if you rush him. He is distinguished by his seriousness and restraint from other representatives of the stronger sex. He often does not take part in discussions, trying to remain silent and hide, but if you ask his opinion, he can easily voice it. The manifestation of emotions in such a man is extremely rare; only very significant situations can stir him up. Without assessing the consequences, a man of the phlegmatic type will not take a single step.

Phlegmatic introvert

As a rule, a phlegmatic person is considered an introvert, since he is mainly focused on himself, on his personal inner world, and in friendship he is not at all focused on a large number of connections, he is more interested in their depth. Typically, such individuals do not initiate and are not prone to long-term communication, although from time to time they still prefer to spend their leisure time in quiet company.

Phlegmatic extrovert

A person with a predominant phlegmatic type reacts to everything slowly and calmly, he is monotonous and unwilling to change his environment. And an extrovert is sociable, such a person can be easily noticed in the company of people, he does not hesitate to share emotions with others and does not tolerate loneliness at all.

The phlegmatic extrovert is a very complex and contradictory personality type and is extremely rare, since these characteristics are themselves opposite.

Character Virtues

Among the strengths of a phlegmatic person are organization, resistance to stress, he spends energy measuredly, is reliable and is obsessed with order both in things and in business. Outwardly, he is confident and calm, so he creates the impression of a stone wall.

Character Flaws

Among the shortcomings, the first place can be given to high inertia, since such a person is not inclined to change, which is why he often has trouble switching to other things. He would prefer to do one thing all day, even if it is confusing and difficult. Excessive restraint sometimes prevents interlocutors from understanding his attitude towards them and the conversation as a whole; phlegmatic people are often considered indifferent to everything due to the lack of expressive facial expressions. Secrecy scares others away from such personalities.

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