Description of socionic types and intertype relationships. Creative function: business logic

: Quadra - Delta, club - managers, type of thinking - vortex, communication skills group - cold-blooded.
Signs of Reinin: aristocrat, stubborn, carefree, constructivist, strategist, dynamic, positivist, result-maker (left), serious, judicious, questing.
Dual type: IEE-Huxley .

Description of the SLI-"Gaben" sociotype

Gaben has a strong sense of sensation and business logic, which works as follows: business logic for sense of sensation. That is, Gaben will strive to achieve a better result with a minimum of actions, which will help him live harmoniously. Gabens are reasonable and prudent, they will avoid unnecessary actions (for example, they will carefully study the TV remote control so as not to get off the sofa/bed). They know how to take care of and create coziness and comfort around themselves, but there are few people for whom they will do this. Calm and often unhurried - it is more important to maintain your sense of comfort and harmony than to fit into someone else's time frame and speed up processes.

A person who knows how to achieve the desired results with a minimum number of actions. Has a superficial understanding of issues of relationships with people, is laconic and effective. Knows how to tinker, repair, and understand technology. Introverted person. Even the most sociable representatives need a break from active interaction with people. Among the Gabens there are those who take care of themselves and want to look good, as well as those for whom this issue is not particularly important. But it should be noted that if such a goal is set, then the ideal appearance can be achieved with little effort and expense. They know how to look after their health and physical condition.

People with such an information metabolism can be well versed in technical subjects and technical issues, and understand the physics of processes. They can have a good understanding of finance, issues of organizing activities, and work process. They can talentedly understand how and where they can save money, or they can pay and invest money so that the result is optimal.

Thanks to strong sensory skills, they can sense the space around them quite well, understand issues of health and well-being, treatment - the most effective methods in this particular situation and depending on their goals in the future. They can be neat, take care of their appearance with a minimum amount of effort, but in such a way that it looks really stylish, neat, and aesthetically pleasing. However, since there is confidence in this function, they may also not pay special attention to this issue - both neatness and sloppiness can be characteristic of any TIM, the question is who has it easier and how much effort and with what result will this require.

They are often self-confident and can stand up for themselves both mentally and physically. It is difficult for them to understand how to express themselves brightly and emotionally, to establish an emotional background, to make others laugh, how to be sad and experience the full range of feelings - their emotions often contain more logic and analysis. And it’s easier to comprehend the situation, from the point of view of expediency, convenience for yourself and for someone else, than to feel it. They love and appreciate spontaneity, sudden ideas, when something unplanned happens that is valuable and pleasant for them. Although it is more difficult to initiate these processes yourself - it is more likely to be a request for a children’s block to someone else. They may want to communicate, or rather, to be communicated with, their communication was achieved by establishing contact with them in various ways, establishing a connection.

Sensory skills allow for very specific thinking; it is more difficult for Gabens to dream and fantasize, although, of course, they can do it too. But more often they are skeptical about this, or at least the rational part does not allow them to forget about what is really happening in the world and completely immerse themselves in the world of imagination. At the same time, due to the sensory of sensations, which are in strong functions, they can have good spatial imagination, draw, process, design, and decorate. If they want, they can understand what needs to be done to take care of themselves and others, how to feed, how to treat, how to dress. If you need to fix something, what tools are best to do it, and how exactly.

They are often silent, laconic and tend to choose loneliness. They can be lazy and unambitious, not boastful, and, in general, they are hardworking in the work that they undertake in connection with their skill, they can painstakingly carry out everything, maintain the work process, and develop in this. And laziness manifests itself when it is necessary to show bright initiative associated with other people and new ideas. In general, the last paragraph is not TIM, but this is typical for most Gaben representatives.

They are certainly pleased when they are praised and admired, when their work is appreciated and their uniqueness is recognized - it is often difficult for them to appreciate this on their own. Being self-absorbed and indifferent is a normal state for many representatives of this type. The formation of plans occurs automatically, with the goal of building the harmony of one’s existence in physical space.


Zhukov is a person who has real willpower. His desire “I want” will always be realized, at any cost. At the same time, Zhukov not only accomplishes a feat himself, but can also inspire others. People of this type also love luxury and objects that emphasize their power; scope and breadth are important to them. Their personal space always remains untouched, not because they protect it - it just never occurs to anyone to encroach on what belongs to Zhukov.

Zhukov can explain well what exactly he wants and how, so he copes well with leadership positions. He has a clear mind and a clear understanding of his goals and objectives. It is easy for him to master new principles and develop plans. The creative function - structural logic - is responsible for this.

For Zhukov, it is important to appear as someone who knows interesting and unusual solutions. In a new situation, Zhukov will definitely talk about the hidden and potential possibilities of a situation or object; it is important for him that he is considered not only a strong-willed person, but also that his outlook and imagination are appreciated.

Zhukov's pain function is the ethics of relationships. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, Zhukov tries to rely on previously developed patterns or rules. For him there are no subtleties in relation to a person: if a friend is a friend, if an enemy is an enemy. It is difficult for Zhukov to establish new relationships and switch to informal communication.

People like Zhukov love all kinds of predictions. They like people who can instill in them faith in the future, who can help them predict the situation. They treat with great interest and respect those who feel the passage of time and understand fashion, history and styles. It seems like real magic for them when there is someone nearby who feels the “time of chance,” who can say, “now, the time has come.”

Zhukovs are responsive to other people's emotions. They can easily start laughing when someone laughs contagiously nearby, and, on the other hand, they completely calmly tolerate other people’s negative emotions. The activation function of Zhukov is responsible for this - the ethics of emotions.

The limiting function of Zhukov is the sensory of sensations. In a situation where Zhukov needs to stop an unpleasant situation, he can operate in “physiological” terms, say “you make me sick” or “are you completely sick?” so that the person simply has nothing to answer. At the same time, this function also works inward - Zhukov pays great attention to maintaining his body in shape, and does not like frail and unathletic people.

Zhukov's background function is business logic. People of this type solve absolutely any matter without words, from organizing a business to everyday problems. Zhukov is unlikely to ask someone to help him “hold” something or will indicate “do this” or “do that,” especially with close people.




GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Exciting, exciting and risky. They live in the present, guided by the belief: What is is always better than what could be. You shouldn’t grieve about something that you can’t fix, because you can’t bring back the past, and tears only interfere with organizing your life. They try to make the most of every moment of the relationship, based on the assumption that everything will fall into place. If this did not happen, then it was intended that way.

FIRST IMPRESSION: Smart, intelligent, understanding and easy to talk to. They respond quickly and can be charming and delightful when you first meet them. Very realistic and somewhat assertive, ESTPs embody the philosophical principle:

COMMUNICATION: They can use words very precisely and literally, usually speaking in the present tense. If someone says something, they are more likely to engage in conversation because they can't ignore the unique opportunity. Philosophical reflections on what has been said, because of which the discussion may be postponed, occupy them little. From their point of view, something that lacks momentary meaning or immediate action is hardly worth the effort.

SEX AND INCLUSION: For the ESTP, this is a very sensual event, entirely made up of touching, seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling. It is best if all feelings are involved and there is time for expression, support and talking about what is happening. The act is most satisfying for the ESTP if they can make the most of every moment.

FINANCE: They can often be smart in money matters, and others often see them as leaders and risk-takers. Their bravado can give them an edge in the financial world. Although ESTPs are great with numbers, they can be a source of stress to those around them, often seeking greater financial stability.

CONFLICT: Conflict is as inevitable a part of life as a common runny nose. Resolving conflicts requires about the same amount of time and energy as ignoring them, so the ESTP is equally capable of both. When faced with conflict, they tend to see it as a step in the life process.

OBLIGATIONS: They are only as good as the present moment. ESTPs don't tend to make promises they can't keep. From their point of view, the promises that are easiest to keep are simple, specific and tangible. ESTPs have powerful day-to-day work with the actual aspects of relationships. Promises are not forever, but for today, they say, and every day they need to be discussed and renewed again.

PARENTING: Every day it starts again. Every moment is an experience in which the ESTP teaches and learns. They grow up with children and help them grow. Like everything in life, parenting for ESTPs is an adventure that they enter into—and often emerge from—with questions rather than answers.

CONTRACTS: ESTPs see contracts as optional, something like good intentions. They are not really needed, if only because if you work on your relationships every day, the contracts will work on their own.

ENDING A RELATIONSHIP: The relationship can be interrupted at any moment, unless one of the parties is able to fill it (the moment) to the maximum. Driven by the consciousness that they cannot change what has already happened - that is, the past, they are more inclined than people of all other types to break off relationships that have lost their meaning.

[Master] Sensory-logical introvert (SLI/ISTP/Gabin).

Jung's basis: Introvert, logical, sensory, irrational.
Personnel characteristics: Aristocrat, reasonable, objectivist.
Dyadic characteristics: Stubborn, careless, involutionary.
Individual characteristics: Positivist, questim, dynamic, strategist, constructivist.
Temperament: Receptive-adaptive.
Life strategy: Realization of long-term goals.
Mission: Progress.
Career guidance: Production worker.
Stimulus for activity: Great pragmatist in business. The most important incentive that includes him in his work is well-being.
Communication style: Cool (exchange of information).
Creative problems factor: Laziness.
Supervalue: Perfection (usefulness, convenience, health, necessity, skill, beauty, aesthetics).
Role in the quadra: Accumulator (standards for energy efficiency of life and work).
Life position: To get maximum comfort from life, spending a minimum of effort on it.

1. Characteristic manifestations of the type:

Calm, serious, unemotional. Loves convenience and comfort. Stubborn, willful, unyielding. Values ​​personal freedom, clarity of mind and the ability to think for oneself. Thinks in specific subject categories. Doesn't tolerate pressure. Strives to do only what gives pleasure. He has an aesthetic taste and is constantly drawn to something new and attractive. Reasonable, prone to reflection and analysis of past events, his own actions and thoughts.
In general, Gaben may seem overly self-confident, overly self-confident, although in reality he is often unsure of himself and for a long time retains dissatisfaction or grief due to unreasonable actions and words. But rarely does anyone realize this, because it is quite difficult for him to share his feelings and experiences with others.
First, he often doubts his ability to adequately express feelings. Secondly, he is simply afraid to trust anyone. He is afraid to make another mistake, to stumble. The “master” is a very proud, willful and completely self-sufficient person. His pride, constant self-defense, fear that he will not be able to control his own life give rise to complexes and problems.

It is very important for Gaben to be in harmony with his feelings. He experiences peace when the situation is smooth and calm, when no one is in a hurry, when no one is shouting or putting pressure on anyone. Such a world is ideal for him.
He tries to avoid conflicts and any emotionally charged situations. Often, in order to protect himself from potentially dangerous people, Gaben puts on a mask of arrogance and begins to behave dismissively and arrogantly towards others.

2. Basic quality:

Space optimization. By optimizing space, he creates comfort for himself and those around him.

3. Main motivation:

Perfection. Gaben is a microscope with which life and those around us strive to hammer in nails. He himself strives to restore order, eradicate shortcomings and all sorts of problems.
Gaben's life is filled with persistent efforts to get rid of everything unnecessary, from garbage, dirt, evil, problems on the one hand. On the other hand, he is haunted by nervous breakdowns and periods of apathy. Chaos and disorder, like everything mysterious/strange/foggy/doubtful, attracts him like a magnet (or begins to chase him if he tries to take a break).

4. Middle Dream:

So that someone, preferably well hidden from everyone (just mine), strokes the head, feels sorry, understands...

Gaben dreams of a partner who will:

a) help with the choice, suggest which option is better;

b) protect against uncertainty, give advice on how to get out of a difficult situation;

c) guess the mood, express enthusiasm, provide emotional support;

d) allow one to be “stupid” and not understand something.

5. Main ability:

Extrasensory perception: the whole world perceives in sensations, color, dynamics, smells and sounds. He feels the discomfort of others as his own. He acutely senses everything that goes beyond the limits of harmony.

6. Growth vector:

Crafting with your hands: the ability to work with any tool, improve, create beautiful and high-quality things.

Stay calm: discreet, quiet persistence, lack of haste, inconspicuousness, economy of movements.

Save energy: rejection of useless work, waste of strength and energy.

7. Implementation vector:

Technical expertise: high level of competence.

Consider any information as potentially useful.

They analyze huge layers of information and create logical structures for this.

They show tolerance for a variety of styles (as long as it brings results).

Find flexibility; always ready to take into account new information and instructions.

8. Positive tendencies:

Business savvy: they resort to various techniques and arguments in order to cope with the situation and resolve it.

Observation: they monitor what is happening around them, are able to quickly respond to new events, being confident that success is on their side.

Hands-on personality: Handles best in situations that require immediate attention.

Thrift: Able to anticipate immediate practical needs in situations and provide a logical and simple plan of action to meet those needs.

9. Skills:

They develop schemes that allow them to effectively implement their ideas and projects.

Good organizational skills and business skills.

Accurate, practical, logical, concentrated, clear and methodical mind.

Patience, endurance, self-control, self-discipline.

Hard work. Inflexibility.

Ambition, methodical, reasonable, practical, realistic.

10. Positive trend:

Gaben does not do anything inappropriate. He knows how to spend his energy economically, enjoys life, nature, the beauty around him, which he maintains and recreates himself, and the company of interesting people. Knows how to create a feeling of a holiday of “mind and soul” for connoisseurs of pleasant and interesting communication.

Gaben's demonstrative laziness is a boycott against any inappropriate, stupid, meaningless action. Gabin gets tired of communicating with stupid, fussy people who demonstrate through empty and meaningless fuss their imaginary, ineffective businesslikeness - those who like to engage in Sisyphean labor, pouring empty things into empty ones and at the same time smartly reporting on their business activity.

11. Strengths:

Strategic thinking: thoughtfulness, prepared impromptu and good reaction to minor possible inconsistencies in plans. All the tireless activity and all the risks in Gaben’s life are aimed at not doing anything later, not risking anything.

Thrift: understanding what funds are needed at the moment, where to get them and what you have to sacrifice for it.

Saving strength and energy: not inclined to go ahead. It’s better to wait until a passing current appears, then it will settle in and get its due with little loss. Gaben is not afraid of fighting, but why rush to fight?

12. Weaknesses:

Rigidity, inertia, isolation, emotional instability. Slowness in movement and speech.

If a crisis occurs, Gaben recovers extremely reluctantly, preferring to die or puff out his cheeks and lips out of resentment (depending on the situation).

These are masters of preliminary preparation, masters of the intermediate stage, masters of analyzing what happened. However, they need a decisive and specific assistant, provided that he does not interfere where he is not asked. This is a collectivist with a pronounced individual principle (if he himself understands what he wants and how he can get it).

It would be good if the partner did not burden his right to freedom, but, on the contrary, ensured it. In partnerships, it is important to put aside conventions and give of yourself without reserve, burning bridges behind you; in this case, partners will also turn themselves inside out. Openness begets openness, and trying to build boundaries leads to unpredictable results.

13. Negative qualities:

Stubbornness: Resents when someone asks him to do something he doesn't want to do. Gaben strives to realize only those desires that are comfortable for him personally.

Laziness: wants to protect himself from any worries, the implementation of which is associated with the need to get out of his comfort zone.

Egocentrism: strives to achieve the fulfillment of one’s intentions, regardless of their correctness, appropriateness, timeliness, or acceptability from others.
Coldness: Doesn't want others to bother him or influence him too much. Gaben tries to be in touch with others, while at the same time being within himself, feeling independent and calm.

Indifference: the starting position is not to be involved in what is happening.

Conformity: good food, your own (fixed) living space, good rags, good sex and a lot of information for the brain - that's all you need for happiness.

He specially puts on rose-colored glasses in order to see a calm, emotionally unaffected outside world.

It is more important to maintain emotional comfort than to understand yourself from the inside.

Closedness, unfriendliness, coldness, insensitivity.

Authority, self-assertion, intransigence, stubbornness, selfishness, propagation of one’s opinion, imposition of ideas.

14. Negative trend:

Doesn’t give specific instructions: “Do as you see fit, as long as it works.”

Changes course quickly, confusing others, and as a result his actions are often considered inconsistent.

Often does not express the reasons underlying his actions or decisions, since they are “too obvious.”

Sometimes deaf to the needs of others; may seem indifferent.

Intolerant of those who do not meet his criteria, and can be harsh when it comes to incompetence.

May delay making decisions for too long in the hope that the situation will resolve itself.

15. One cannot demand or expect from Gaben:

— Constant emotional participation in what is happening;

— Open empathy and sympathy;

— Taking on faith little-developed hypotheses.

16. Contacts and connections:

His position is quite logical: let the potential partner convince, perform feats, spread his tail, and we will look, evaluate, choose and decide... We really like all this.
In reality, energetic partners on his path are not uncommon, but the choice, the final point from which the quality of the relationship changes, more often has to be made by himself. Gaben needs an external spark, and then he will be able to get involved in the work and easily do everything himself. Like, the partner has done his job, the partner can rest. At least until the next situation, when you need to decide on something and not talk in vain.

17. Relationships:

He wants to get to the level of understanding of his partner, and then, if joint qualitative growth does not work out, look for another partner. It’s great if you have something to learn from your partner, or through him you can improve your social status, since this is exactly what you expect to find in your other half. However, over the years, the poles change, and with your partner you unbearably want to share your experience, knowledge of life, and wisdom. In the end, Gaben wants to gain respect not from the outside, but from someone who knows him inside out.

Gaben needs not so much a spouse, but a business partner, a friend and like-minded person (but he does not warn anyone about this, implying that this should happen on its own).

The main rule of relationships: he can do everything, and the partner can do whatever he allows. Or a symbolic, honorary and long leash for yourself and a hard collar for your partner. Moreover, the rules are constantly changing, but the partner must also guess this himself.
Freedom is the absence of tension and obligations (at least on his part). He is inclined to take care of his friends, expecting reciprocity, and in his free time he assumes the presence of comfort, convenience and sensual pleasures.

18. Defense mechanisms:

Due to the desire to avoid negative emotions, he becomes too arrogant.
The passion for self-improvement leads to the development of arrogance. Sometimes the master is too emotionally indifferent to others.

19. Behavior in extreme situations:

Resistance to stress: in dangerous situations behaves with emphatic composure.
Strategy: I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, but I won’t leave you, “gray wolf,” save yourself.

Gabin is a magnet that attracts the sharp, agitated, and extraordinary.

This is compensated by the ability to glide on the crest of a wave, on the edge of possible troubles.

Coolness and the ability to quickly adapt allow Gaben to remain calm when an explosion occurs outside.

20. Main difficulties:

Gaben finds it difficult to understand his emotional state. He doesn’t understand how he feels about people and situations. It is very difficult for him to express his emotions. This leads to the fact that those around him evaluate him as a completely insensitive person.

Descriptions of personality type according to Gulenko

Description by function

1. S - sensory sensations

The world is experienced through sensations. Acutely perceives everything that violates natural harmony. Rejects all artificiality, pretense, and unhealthy instincts. Disgust. Caring towards family and friends. If he sees that a person is tired or not feeling well, he immediately comes to his aid. He will never leave a friend in trouble. Has a good sense of the possibilities of sensations. In pursuit of their novelty (fishing, picking mushrooms or berries, swimming, traveling, etc.) he leads an active lifestyle. Cannot stand monotony and boredom. Loves quiet communication with nature. Internally sensitive and vulnerable, although he does not show it. In order to survive, he knows how to adapt to prevailing mores and, of necessity, follows social stereotypes.

2. P - business logic

Works well with his hands. He is more willing to repair things than to throw them away. Thrifty in handling material resources. Has a technological mind. Finds simple but effective methods for solving business issues. Before getting down to business, he thinks through several options for achieving the desired result and settles on the most economical one. It works only in a way that is convenient for you. Marks those people who shirk or slack. Thinks through how to get them to take action or dismiss them. He will do only what is strictly necessary. Masterfully wields tools and technical devices. Persistently improves himself in the chosen type of activity. 3a through rational organization of labor hopes for quick results.

3. T - intuition of time

Forces himself to meet the promised deadlines and not be late. He likes to be on time everywhere and manage his time. He is afraid that an inconvenient time schedule will be imposed on him. In communicating with people, he demonstrates his wisdom in life. Shows his skepticism through specific humor and self-irony. However, in his heart he still does not lose hope for success. In a critical situation, with a sudden change in the situation, he does not panic, but looks for a way to gain time. Follows your gut feeling about events. Feels dependent on the vicissitudes of fate. She takes on life's shocks, trying to protect her loved ones from them. However, it is difficult to withstand this load for a long time.

4. E - ethics of emotions

Contrasted in the manifestation of his emotions: sometimes he is cold-blooded and self-absorbed, like an “iceberg in the ocean”, sometimes, on the contrary, he is emotionally excited and assertive. Evaluates human relationships by the degree of emotional manifestations. Stormy emotions for him are an indicator of instability and bad relationships. During a conflict, he prefers not to get involved in an argument, but simply leave. But if he is touched to the quick, he will respond in a harsh manner. Will not be frank with strangers. He doesn’t like it when people “get into his soul” and try to penetrate his inner experiences. It must be understood without words.

5. I - intuition of possibilities

He loves when his abilities and achievements are appreciated. If its results are not noticed, then all desire to try disappears. If his abilities are not needed by anyone for a long time, he may even get sick. Needs new, unusual problem situations that distract him from the drabness of everyday life. If he is not interested in the event, then he will mind his own business without hesitation or simply switch off. He needs to be encouraged and inspired to do something, otherwise he relaxes and falls into melancholy. Without new exciting goals, his physical tone drops. You need to talk to him in the language of compliments and praise, assuring him of imminent success. His condition is optimal when success eludes every now and then, although it is somewhere very close.

6. R - ethics of relationships

His mood depends on how others treat him. Trusts only deep affections, stable, time-tested feelings. When communicating with others, he himself establishes the psychological distance he needs and becomes very nervous if someone does not withstand it. Can't stand intrusive people. He will not live or work in a psychologically unhealthy, quarrelsome team. For him, smooth relationships are an indispensable condition for a fulfilling life. Despite his scrupulousness and long distance in communication, he is quite tolerant of human shortcomings. He knows how to forgive people and is not malicious.

7. F - power sensory

Critical of violence and coercion. He will not put pressure on anyone, but he himself will not submit to attempts to dictate. Does not like competition, lacks ambitions and career aspirations. Will not fight for power or claim a higher position. The pace of speech, manners and appearance of a person determines his strength qualities and effectiveness in business. He will immediately distinguish bragging from real possibilities. Knows what force and where to apply to achieve the desired goal. However, he himself cannot effectively influence pain points. Shows violence rarely and always under pressure from external circumstances.

8. L - structural logic

Reliable business partner. Complies with his duties if he considers them reasonable. Prefers frankness and complete clarity in business relationships. Very stubborn. If you are sure of something, it is almost impossible to convince him otherwise. He will calmly adhere to his understanding of the situation. In business he demonstrates prudence and methodicality. He always tries to get by with minimal forces, to attract fewer people. Opponent of bureaucracy and petty control. Flexibly rebuilt in particulars, but strictly adheres to the main technological scheme.

External signs

SLI is well identified by facial expression. The external appearance is characterized by unemotionality, which from the outside is perceived either as coldness and mystery, or as inaccessibility and internal vulnerability. This is the impression produced by sensory subtypes. The logical subtype has the characteristic “cat-like” smile of a person tuned to the search for pleasure. Skepticism and distrust are written on his face. The shape of the face is often tapering downward. The mouth is calm, even, the lips are of the same thickness. They are usually compressed, the corners of the mouth are slightly lowered. SLI has a characteristic gait, which is very helpful in determining this sociotype: a waddling gait, very springy, on slightly bent legs, as if creeping. SLI's figure is usually athletic. He is characterized by a smile to one side of the mouth, which, due to undisguised skepticism, can be called a grin. He loves consonant sounds, which is why his speech can be rough and rolling, like Mayakovsky, or hoarse, like Vysotsky. The predominant style of clothing is informal, casually elegant, and also sporty. What is most striking is the practicality and comfort of the clothing, not the external decorations. SLI's clothes fit very well and suit his figure.

Communication style

A feature of his manner of communication that immediately attracts attention is skepticism in his assessments and great stubbornness in his judgments. SLI is initially determined to disagree with the interlocutor. These disputes can last forever. Even if he verbally agrees, he will still remain unconvinced. SLI can also be recognized by the nature of the manifestation of emotions in communication. Usually he is cold and unemotional, but if he gets upset, he does not control his emotions: he becomes harsh, rude, and choleric. In this state, he gesticulates strongly, gets excited, and raises his voice. This nature of communication can be imagined using the example of the artist L. Gurchenko. He never shares his experiences with strangers. Does not like familiar communication or obsessive hugs. This is even physiologically determined: he has very sensitive skin. He can't stand it when people get into his soul. What he values ​​most is a state of mental balance. He knows how to explain things well and clearly. Strives for clarity and brightness in conveying the material. This feature is clearly visible in the creative manner of the innovative teacher V.F. Shatalov. Gives appropriate advice on how to perform the work.

Features of behavior

The main feature of behavior that becomes noticeable during more or less close communication with SLI is its pragmatism and orientation towards tangible benefits. Always very economical. He never works just like that, on enthusiasm alone. Difficulty getting into work. It takes some time before he actively gets down to business. But once he starts doing something, he tries to squeeze out every last drop. In everyday practicality it has no equal. In behavior he strives for complete independence. He allows strangers to approach him only to a certain extent, when they still do not have a real influence on him. He values ​​friendship very much. He always welcomes people whenever they come. He will do everything to save a person if he hears a cry for help. Likes to get thrills in different ways: active recreation, fast driving, etc. The record for thrills was set by Grigory Rasputin, who, thanks to this trait, hypertrophied in him, went down in history. He has his own clear internal beliefs and requirements for himself, which he stubbornly follows. Moreover, this internal “code of honor” may diverge from generally accepted norms of behavior. Little is taken into account the opinions of others about oneself. Always shows great perseverance. Does not obey commands that are unreasonable, from his point of view. He acts only as he sees fit. This gives him a reputation as obstinate, quarrelsome, a hooligan, etc.


Your strength is your inexhaustible curiosity about the phenomena of the world around you. You strive for various knowledge, willingly travel, while not just contemplating living conditions, nature, and architecture. You have a well-developed aesthetic taste.

The deep goal of your personality is comfort both in the physical sense of the word and in relationships with people. Rude manners, tactlessness, and lack of warmth from those around you deeply hurt you. You strive for harmony, peace, and a healthy lifestyle.

Another strong feature of yours is business logic, thanks to which you can manage your affairs rationally. In your actions you are guided exclusively by common sense and a sense of real benefit.

You prefer not to take on useless things. But if the matter interests you, you can develop greater efficiency by acting clearly, measuredly and steadily. In such cases, you foresee all the details of the work in advance, prepare everything necessary, while showing ingenuity, enviable practicality and efficiency.

Your weak point is the inability to show your feelings to people, which is why others may seem like a cold and indifferent person. The internal tension inherent in you sometimes provokes outbursts of anger when it is difficult for you to restrain your emotions, although later you greatly regret it.

Since it is difficult for you to express shades of feelings and emotions, you prefer a humorous manner of conversation to sentimentality, which is why you can sometimes be misunderstood. You prefer to experience your failures in silence, alone. To avoid situations of misunderstanding, try to trust your partner and speak to him in a serious tone.

Your other problem is a significant charge of skepticism: this also determines your pessimistic attitude towards the future. You often indulge in melancholy and despondency; you may give up and lose the desire to act. Your apathy largely prevents you from showing scope and achieving more in life than your personal experience tells you. You can be recommended to travel more often, to change your usual way of life, at least in small ways. New impressions will arouse interest in studying history.

Try to find something you like that will fill your life with meaning and direct you into the future. Passion for work is the best cure for skepticism and apathy. Don't let melancholy take over you. At such moments, go to friends, for a walk, to the cinema, to the theater. Spend more time with cheerful people who charge you with positive emotions.

Descriptions of personality type according to Weisband

Gaben (master, artisan) (ISTP, SLI, ?-4-1)

1. Iceberg in the ocean. Stubborn, reserved, almost always equally cold and mysterious. The movements are calm, precise, extremely economical. From the outside it seems that the achieved result is always greater than the effort expended. Discreet, quiet perseverance with the obligatory completion of everything started, internal responsibility for the work and modesty. “The English are not demonstrative in their attitude to work,” just as they are not demonstrative in the manifestation of their feelings in general. At first it may seem that they are doing everything coolly, carelessly. But gradually you begin to understand that their slowness reflects the general rhythm of life: a combination of looseness and orderliness.

2. Talented laziness. He is not Don Quixote - he will not work aimlessly. A born inventor, he is in no hurry to implement his ideas until the conditions for maximum return are ripe. He is proud of his ability not to do anything that is not useful. Loves comfort and convenience. When doing things together with someone, everything is sweetly and unobtrusively arranged in a way that is convenient for him. In the accessible area of ​​space, everything is organized ideally for work and relaxation. An esthete who completely trusts his taste. He dresses very neatly, tastefully, but not provocatively. Sensitive skin: “the princess and the pea” is about it.

3. Restrained emotional intensity. It is the tendency to hide emotions under the guise of inaccessibility and coldness that gives them a subtle polish and even expressiveness (V. Vysotsky, A. Mironov, A. Celentano). Calm under all circumstances, but in different ways. Remains coldly inaccessible when he loves. He is in no hurry to believe in the feelings of his somewhat frivolous dual. Very jealous and distrustful: he is terrified that his emotions will be exposed to ridicule. In dangerous situations, he is stubbornly not afraid of anything and calmly approaches the source of danger. This is his main move - to go straight to the enemy; the one who is stronger endures. This is the main pose of the actor Jean Gabin - stubbornness, intransigence, inner rightness and fearlessness. The more lonely, the more inaccessible.

4. Goals and methods. If his dual is not nearby, he can be mistaken for a lazy person and a talker. He talks a lot, but does nothing, he waits for something. He really is waiting - a cry for help. He will not work aimlessly, and he does not know how to invent goals himself. Only a very ardent enthusiast owns the key that activates the precise and error-free mechanism of this TIM. His reward is the joy he brings through his work. He judges the sincerity of desires by the intonations that automatically mobilize him. He must be a favorite; he does not tolerate equalization. You can buy it only with sincere feelings expressed through your eyes and intonations.

Descriptions of personality type according to Panchenko

Gaben (master, artisan) (ISTP, SLI, ?-4-1)

Intratiminal sensory - as a strong function - gives this socionic type a persistent, realistically thinking person. He is independent and does not strive for leadership, but will not give up his own, cares about convenience. The creative function - the logic of action - forces him to be very careful, precise, even economical in his actions to achieve the goal. Focused on material incentives for work. Completely trusts his own business thinking. “Sitting down” on his role function - intra-intuition - Gabin likes to emphasize his orientation in time, to insist on his concepts of prospects and timeliness. The painful fourth function - extrathymic ethics - forces him not to trust his emotions to other people, to hide them from others. In cases of conflict, he is rude and unrestrained. We suggest according to extrathymic intuition. Poorly understanding the prospects of tomorrow, he wants to hear that the future is bright and wonderful. I am very grateful when his abilities are revealed to him and he is initiated into action. According to its sixth function - intra-intimate ethics - it needs the partner to help in establishing interpersonal relationships that Gaben values. The seventh function - extrathymic sensory - gives rise to antics that are incomprehensible to others, when Gaben feels that his interests are being infringed upon. Introverted logic - as the eighth function - allows him to explain complex material well and clearly.

Descriptions of personality type according to Slinko

Gaben (master, artisan) (ISTP, SLI, ?-4-1)

An unsurpassed esthete. He always has his own opinion about what is beautiful and what is ugly, where there is harmony and where there is bad taste. Beauty, in his understanding, should be functional. Dresses originally, tastefully, and often very impressively. A great connoisseur of comfort, he likes to settle down with maximum convenience. At the same time, he gravitates toward risk, speed, and generally thrills. Stubborn, willful, shows strong resistance to external pressure.

He does not think of himself outside of business, outside of work. In his activities he naturally follows the principles of pragmatism. He is very economical, but at the same time - for close people - generous, loves to give gifts.

Observes time schedules and strives to have a reputation as a punctual person. He can directly say: “Sorry, I have to go, I have work to do.”

Finds it difficult to express emotions. Rarely laughs, more often there is a restrained smile on his face. Speech is clear, sometimes abrupt, “metallic”, sometimes languid, filled with deep feeling. At the moment of breakdown, he demonstrates harsh, impartial negative emotions. He tries to avoid such moments. May give the impression of being a cold person.

Feels the need to meet interesting, gifted interlocutors. Gets pleasure when he hears deep assessments of people's personal qualities.

In general, he understands relationships correctly. Prefers to be in an atmosphere of friendliness and goodwill. Strives for beautiful, real human feelings. And, nevertheless, it can easily make a mistake and get burned. Being deprived of love, he feels depressed: she is the source of his inspiration.

The designer is one of the most “polyprofessional” socionic types. Perhaps only the Operator surpasses him in this.

Excellent Designer in artistic and aesthetic professions: painting, stylistics, interior and window design, perfumery, clothing design...

Technical design is also his element. The designer creates things that are functionally convenient and, as a rule, beautiful.

It should be taken into account that the excessive originality of aesthetic principles sometimes results in the Designer’s paradoxical transformations of aestheticism: for example, the pleasant is found in the dirty, the heat is felt in the cold, etc.

Observation, tenacious memory, and analytical abilities lead the Designer to the heights of jurisprudence, detective work (Commissioner Maigret is a Designer, like Georges Simenon) or, for example, art criticism.

With unsatisfactory control of emotions, true aestheticism can turn a Designer into a great artist (Margarita Terekhova, Andrei Mironov, Fred Mercury, Mariah Carey).

The passion for risk and thrill is fully realized in the Racing Designer (Nigel Mansell, multiple Formula I motor racing champion). Other sports are also suitable for the Designer, including hockey and rugby. People of this socionic type strive to the epicenter of physical danger and are very firm in appropriate situations. Sometimes, however, being in the power of the evil one. The designer uses his "suppressive" abilities against a good person.

The designer is the best sports doctor or emergency doctor, one of the most brilliant surgeons. Therapy is available to him to a lesser extent.

The designer is also an unimportant psychologist and a lousy teacher.

As for the sphere of economics, commerce, business - here the Designer receives high recommendations. True, there are stronger economists (Operator), entrepreneurs (Entrepreneur), financiers (Planner), but the Designer finds himself in any of these areas, and as a seller, merchandiser or restaurateur, only the Operator can compete with him.

It should be added to this that the Designer is a rather tough businessman and, as they say, will always take his own.

This socionic type seems to have been specially created for the role of a boss. The Designer “feelingly” uses his leadership position and at the same time looks very respectable: a stern business man with whom it is useless to argue or try to give the matter a different direction than the Designer wants.

At the same time, even the “coolest” Designer boss, unlike, say. Legionnaire, quickly responds to kindness, and behind all his severity, in general, lies a receptive heart.

Descriptions of personality type according to Shulman

Gaben (master, artisan) (ISTP, SLI, ?-4-1)

Calm. Cold confidence in yourself and in life. “An ancient fort with thick walls.” Jokes. Sometimes an “explosion of rage” is like a sortie from this fort. The need to be sure of the need for what is required “will then be turned inside out,” but it will do it, even if the reward “is only a smile (the “Huxley” smile!). Then” again the “lazy” expectation of the need to act (“Well, if no one, then me” (I. Pulokienė, Vilnius)). Excellent recyclers, they can do everything. There are no unnecessary things. That's it: “Out of nonsense, candy.” It is impossible to force people to do unnecessary work. Sometimes he demonstratively becomes poor, plays the fool, annoyingly demonstrating his alleged incompetence in certain aspects of life, while secretly being confident of the opposite. Apparently, it is precisely this confidence in one’s superiority over the interlocutor in this aspect that forces the SLI to resort to apologies and remarks, such as: “What do I care about you! I, of course, understand this very well!”

A man “often” has a large bald spot or lateral bald patches, regardless of height and body size.

Women are sometimes very plump and active; sometimes “with a motionless body” lightning-fast movements of the fingers and piercing and all-seeing eyes.

Pathology: “nothing for nothing!”, stinginess, unimaginable stubbornness and inertia.

And yet, “Gabin” is a well-fortified fortress with an observation tower, on the flagpole of which the well-protected cheerful flag “Huxley” flutters easily, freely and slightly frivolously.

Subtypes of Gabin

1. Sensory subtype: DESIGNER.

Modest and undemonstrative, restrained and polite, stubborn and uncompromising in defending his interests. Argues his position with logic and facts, and not with far-fetched reasons. At times he is thoughtful, withdraws into himself, distances himself from others, immersing himself in his own problems. He is somewhat constrained in communication, taciturn, but sometimes tries to smile favorably if he feels that tension is arising in the conversation. He dresses with taste, loves original, high-quality, but modest things, and takes care of his health, figure, and appearance. An esthete who loves handwork. Thorough, patient and persistent. If he is passionate about something, he tirelessly improves his products - material or intellectual. Sometimes he needs to change his activities, but tries to complete everything. Usually has gracefully lazy gestures, smooth and at the same time confident and precise movements. The gait is somewhat relaxed and springy. He doesn't like to rush, but he's not slow either. Seems a little arrogant.

An original personality with a pronounced individuality, but due to modesty and indecisiveness, he often remains in the shadows. Combines sober realism and practicality with a desire for self-development. Quite mobile, values ​​inner comfort and freedom of action. If he finds his calling, he can do one thing for a long time. Over time, he achieves high mastery in it, since he is never satisfied with what he has done and constantly improves it, giving the content the best form. He is inquisitive, at the same time interested in other ways of demonstrating his abilities, tries himself in different directions. However, he does not see the prospects for things in the future well, which is why he may miss an important chance. Often sad about lost opportunities.

He is uncompromising in issues that are fundamental to him, does not like to give up positions once won, although he knows how to take into account the norms and rules of his environment. He has a penchant for a prosperous life and this stimulates him to work. Does not like abstract conversations, prefers action. Most of all, he loves hand-made creative work, be it playing musical instruments, knitting, embroidering or making crafts.

It is difficult to tolerate routine, monotony and boredom. He falls into apathy if he has to do one thing for a long time. Cannot do paperwork or purely intellectual work for a long time. Needs concrete, practical activities. He will not take on useless work, but if he is passionate about the work, he develops a tremendous capacity for work. He prefers to prepare for business in advance, thinking through the details of the upcoming work, so that later he can work smoothly, clearly and quickly. He is thorough and conscientious in his work. Does everything efficiently. He knows his worth and is proud of the results of his work.

Skillfully solves everyday problems. Sometimes he gets distracted by other activities and creates an artistic mess at home or at work, but then he mobilizes and quickly puts things in order. Doesn't like to obey someone's will or schedule. May be slow to make decisions and needs support and inspiration. If the choice is made, despite the apparent inertia and relaxation, he shows enviable persistence in achieving the goal. He doesn’t let anyone in on the process of his work. His results are always a surprise to others.

Restrained in communication and in showing emotions. He is skeptical about strong feelings, but is very sensitive to compliments. At times he seems unapproachable and official, although he tries to create an atmosphere of simplicity and ease. Internally emotional and vulnerable, but knows how to avoid conflicts, showing prudence and diplomacy. He is critical and mocking, but tries to spare the feelings of others, so he usually speaks about shortcomings only at the appropriate time and in an inoffensive form. He is not interested in the personal lives of others and is reluctant to talk about his own. Loyal in relationships and always keeps his promises.

Has a sense of humor with a touch of subtle irony. He notices everything down to the smallest detail. Very impressionable. Intolerant of rudeness and rudeness, bad taste and vulgarity. Does not like pathos, demonstrative appeals, as well as arrogance and conceit. Suffers from mood swings that affect his performance. He doesn't like to put any effort on himself. If those around him rudely violate his inner comfort or limit his independence, he may flare up, which he later regrets very much. In other cases, he tries to be self-possessed and loyal.

This is a person with heightened sensitivity: he reacts poorly to stuffiness, unpleasant odors, uncomfortable clothes and shoes, and the unaesthetic appearance of people or food. Can't stand drunkenness, dirt, bad manners. It is difficult to perceive the slightest discomfort, both external and internal. He is afraid of illness and old age, so he takes care of himself. He takes good care of his health and cares deeply about his loved ones.

An esthete, loves comfort, coziness, nature, and willingly travels.

He is able to figuratively and in detail convey his impressions and sensations from the world around him. He values ​​originality and originality in clothing and interior design, does not like standards, and places great emphasis on quality. Tries to dress elegantly and tastefully. Conducts himself confidently, with calm dignity.

He tends to arrange everything in a way that suits him, although he tries to take into account the interests of others.

Sometimes it is interesting for him to test himself in difficult situations, to overcome difficulties, which contributes to his self-affirmation. However, he does not like unnecessary risks and recklessness in actions. He is impressed by brave, sincere, friendly and open people who instill faith in success and lift his spirits.

A partner who is unpredictable and independent by nature makes him feel curious and wants to keep him.

2. Logical subtype: RATIONALIZER.

The logical subtype keeps a distance, is closed, sometimes harsh and straightforward. He is very independent and proud, he does what is convenient for him. In conversation he is prickly and ironic, but becomes friendly and interested if he feels sympathy and respect for his interlocutor. Noticing that he has offended a person, he regrets it, softens, turns everything into a joke, or begins to apologize and reassure. Behind the external inaccessibility lies vulnerability and impressionability. Impatient and active, loves constant changes and new experiences. Active, efficient and very caring. Does not like discomfort in any form. Therefore, he tries to fix everything, repair and adapt it for convenience. Obligatory, reliable and punctual. Demanding of himself and others. He behaves with cold dignity, but can also be emotional. Behavior is unpredictable: unexpected transitions from cold contemplation to active action. Gestures are impulsive and decisive. The gait is fast and measured.

A creative person with a practical bent. Technological, rational and savvy in business. Cannot stand templates and primitivism in ways of working. Looking for new methods to improve work. Skeptical and distrustful of new ideas, determined to achieve quick, concrete results. Cannot put up with old approaches and risks testing non-standard solutions in practice.

Having convinced himself of the effectiveness of new methods, he develops and improves them, showing resourcefulness and perseverance. He knows how to squeeze everything out of an idea. He is hardworking and energetic, but does not tolerate wasting time and effort. Likes to work with full dedication, quickly and efficiently, with high productivity. He values ​​comfort and good working conditions very much.

This is an individualist who finds it difficult to impose anything. He prefers to solve his problems independently, using the means at his disposal. Doesn't like asking for help or borrowing anything. He prefers to have everything he needs at his disposal so as not to depend on anyone. Everything needed for the business is purchased in advance. Tries to have all the equipment for rational work and good active rest.

He keeps the equipment and tools for his work in perfect order, which saves time in work when they are needed. He gets very worried if he forgets to put something in its place and then has to look for a long time. He does not like paperwork and finds ways to reduce it to a minimum. Keeps all documentation in order to avoid wasting time in the future.

Usually he achieves high mastery in his field, but is somewhat unsure of himself, prone to doubts and hesitations. Needs moral and material incentives. Not demonstrative, but very sensitive to the assessment of his abilities and is offended if what he has done is not noticed or praised. At the same time, he does not like undeserved compliments. Respects capable and talented people; whenever possible, tries to create all conditions for the development of their abilities.
Contrasting in his behavior: sometimes relaxed and calmly contemplative, sometimes active and mobile. Cannot stay in one place or do one thing for a long time. He is impatient and does not like it when the same topic is developed for a long time. He himself is usually silent and laconic. He distributes his activities well: if there is time, he does not rush things, but, feeling that the time has come to act, he becomes very mobile, urging himself and others on. Usually meets deadlines, despite the fact that he is often distracted by other activities. He is very efficient in everyday and economic matters. Willingly engages in physical labor, repairing things, premises and equipment. He can do a lot of things with his own hands.

Strives to be erudite in various fields of knowledge. He is very inquisitive and reads a lot. Has varied interests and easily learns new things. He is a good lecturer because he knows how to explain complex things simply and clearly. Does not tolerate criticism or advice in matters in which he considers himself competent. In conversation he convinces with logic and facts. It is difficult to convince him in an argument. In what he believes to be true, he is persistent to the point of stubbornness: he does not compromise even in the most critical situations. Proving that he is right, he gets excited, is impulsive and unrestrained.

Very secretive and distrustful, does not like to be the center of attention. It is difficult for him to fit into an unusual society. Reluctant to make contact with strangers, prefers to communicate with like-minded people. Does not accept familiarity, knows how to put a person in his place with a look or gesture. He is acutely aware of hostility, pretense and falsehood. He cannot bring himself to communicate with the people he needs, but does not like. Having quarreled with someone, he is not the first to reconcile, even if he realizes that he is wrong.

If he is not understood, he withdraws into himself, becomes cold, harsh, unapproachable. He does not know how to eliminate tension in communication, prefers to leave or isolate himself from his interlocutor with a wall of silence. Responsive only to kindness and sincerity. Can't stand hypocrisy. He is honest in relationships, conscientious, obligatory and punctual. You can always rely on him: reliable in friendship, love and business. Willingly comes to help at the first call, sympathizes with the grief of others. However, he may forever turn away from a person who has lost his trust and respect.

He gets tired of monotony and routine, willingly travels, communication with nature calms him down. New activities and hobbies raise his vitality and help him overcome apathy. He loves sports and is passionate about competitions. Don't mind experiencing the thrill, but without risking life and health. Treats all living things with care and caution: people, nature, animals, even insects. Doesn't play with his own life or anyone else's. He does not accept violence and does not know how to put pressure on others. It is extremely difficult for him to hit anyone. But he is very independent. Therefore, he does not always take into account the interests of others if they do not coincide with his own. When someone tries to restrict his freedom, he may even break off the relationship.

It is difficult to endure physical and mental discomfort and tries to do everything possible to eliminate it. For the same reason, he avoids bad habits. He carefully monitors his health and appearance. He values ​​beauty and harmony in everything, although internal balance is difficult for him. Very impressionable, prone to depression even over minor issues. A fatalist at heart, he believes in inevitability, without trying to forcefully change the course of events. He often lacks determination.

Suspicious and proud. Afraid of showing inappropriate emotions or seeming intrusive, he hides his problems from strangers, preferring to experience them alone. It is difficult for him to express his feelings in words, and he does not like to show them in front of strangers. Tries to talk about love in a humorous manner, risking being misunderstood. He is not sentimental; manifestations of tenderness are difficult for him. He proves his love with deeds, not words. Very attentive, caring and devoted. If misunderstandings occur, he does not like to make excuses. Feels internally lonely if there is no sensitive, tactful person nearby who can understand everything without unnecessary words and encourage him in periods of pessimism and melancholy.

This personality type is quite rare, and we have noticed that it produces the largest number of typing errors not only among our own, but also among foreign specialists. Most often, this personality type is confused when testing with the Leader type (due to the latter’s secrecy and distrust, falsely taken for introversion), and the Critic, who often overestimates his practicality and considers himself a realist due to his analytical mindset and developed business logic).

Famous SLI names:

Spinoza, Gassendi, Spencer, E. Dashkova, Mendel, Jean Paul Sartre; Grishfeld and I. Tamm - physicists, imp. Andrian, A. Malraux, Marshal Egorov, A. Snechkus, La Rochefoucauld, Cervantes, Maupassant, O. Wilde, S. Maugham, J. Sand, M. Simenon, A. Cameau, Fr. Sagan, A. Christie, Roerich the son, Claude Monet, David Ingres, Sibelius, Nemirovich-Danchenko, Rembrant, J.P. Sartre, Toulouse-Lautrec, Monica Vitti, Edita Piekha, V. Vysotsky, Louis de Fines, L. Gurchenko, L. Orlova, Dzhikharkhanyan, A. Mironov, S.A. Fat. O. Basilashvili, E. Piekha, R. Pauls, A. Rosenbaum, D. Dassin, A. Christie, J. Simenon, A. Maskhadov, Louis de Funes, L. Orlova, Huck Fin, Tami, Winnie the Pooh. Sensory-logical extrovert - Marshall (Zhukov, ESTP) Ethical-sensory introvert - Guardian (Dreiser, ISFJ)

  • Logical-intuitive introvert - Analyst...
  • Sensory-ethical extrovert - Politician...
  • Sensory-logical introtim through the eyes of sensory-logical introtim

    We allowed ourselves to replace outdated terminology (numbers of half-beats that have not been used in socionics for almost twenty years) with the current names and numbers of functions of Model A. Such replacements are highlighted italics with underlining .

    Those few points in the article that seem controversial from the point of view of modern socionics are highlighted in red.

    1. Software function : sensory sensations

    Semantic content of the symbol Sensory sensations:

    • sensations, tasty, bitter, sour, salty, sweet, hunger, thirst, cold, warm, damp, pleasant, disgusting, cozy, comfortable, clean, dirty, fatigue, rest, pain, suffering, disgust, disgust, desire, want;
    • life, death, health, illness, meaning, meaninglessness, being, essence, essence, misfortune, happiness, nature, nature, living, animal, useful, useless, interesting, boring.

    Are you tired? Don't you feel anything?

    SLI sensory is your own sensations from everything that surrounds you; these are the sensations that space gives. Although, again, if you start asking SLI questions, he will not be able to answer intelligibly. A person becomes more aware of the qualities in himself that are determined by productive half-beats.

    It is not entirely clear why white sensory (Sensory of sensations) reflects space, and not white logic. It remains to assume that there is a subjective (Sensory of sensations) and objective (Structural logic) space.

    How does SLI perceive what the subjective space carries? He pays attention to everything he sees, and first reports a general feeling: “What a warm evening!” Then he can inform that it is cooler on the other side of the street, and it is chilly in the gateway, and on the balcony the woman is already feeling bad from the heat. In someone else's apartment, without noticing it and little realizing it, he knows which corners are warm, cozy and windproof, where there is more air. In addition to sensations in space, it also determines the subjective state of people. He knows that Anton will be freezing in the kitchen, although others are warm there, and Lena will be coughing in the bathroom because it is damp there. In a word, SLI knows what it feels like above your head, under your feet, to the right, to the left, around the corner of the house, if you have ever been there, and for a citizen passing by. The bridge makes you dizzy, the carousel takes your breath away, and when you walk towards a moving train, it seems like the world is spinning, etc. In any place he is able to tell how he feels.

    As a sensory type, he knows well where it hurts, how best to lie down to reduce the pain. He believes that if it hurts, others need to know about it, so without hiding it, he moans, complains, and screams. But if others have reacted correctly and are taking action, then he can be patient. Young children of this type should be allowed to scream at the dentist, otherwise they will fidget and grab their hands the more the more pain they experience. For comparison, their dual IEE is very Badly sees someone else’s pain: when he, for example, strokes a cat, very often the cat squeaks so that SLI has to stand up for the poor animal: “She’s in pain.” The louder the scream, the more IEE will believe in someone else's pain.

    SLI is good at feeling the effects of medications: which ones helped and which ones didn’t, and recognizes the side effects of the medications. He often has low blood pressure, this is normal for him. When vegetative-vascular disorders begin, it is most often pressure drops. Among psychosomatic diseases, they are characterized by stomach ulcers and increased acidity.

    As a rule, SLI is not squeamish: he will eat something unwashed with dirty hands, and lie in someone else’s bed. But sometimes he develops some kind of incomprehensible selective disgust, which can be long-lasting. If he suddenly begins to diligently wash a dirty mug, then this is often not disgust, but just an aesthetic need to drink from a white, and not from a dirty mug.

    SLI cannot imagine love without desire, but he can imagine desire without love. He himself does not invent anything in his intimate life, but he can consider everything that he reads or hears acceptable and possible, easily pushing the boundaries of social norms for sexual life. He strives little for intimacy. He may talk a lot, but by the time it all ends in intimacy, he will have time to experience quite a lot of both pleasant and unpleasant things. The process is important. Likes to flirt with everyone at least a little. Intimacy for him is simply one of the moments of the entire love game that is taking place. Flirting between SLI and IEE is, first of all, contact with hands, it is a lot of touching, stroking, shaking, walking in an embrace. SLI values ​​the ability to touch and hug more in a partner than to kiss or give a compliment.

    If an SLI does not want to touch a person, it means that he does not have a warm attachment to this person or is very constrained. But even more, the SLI waits to be touched - then he learns more about this person. The one who touches SLI with his hands trusts him, opens up to him and asks for his trust. But as soon as the SLI - IEE pair continues the game of touches beyond some necessary minimum - and it ends abruptly, this immediately establishes a distance, a signal that there will be no intimacy, there is only a friendly disposition. It happens that SLI really does not like to be touched, this expresses his unconscious attitude towards specific people: he seems to limit the flow of serious information and withdraws. In general, for SLI, skin-tactile sensations play an important role; through them, he receives a lot of information about the world.

    In this dual pair, all objects are felt with their hands. IEE buys a thing - SLI must touch the thing and hold it in his hands. In the same way IEE, otherwise this thing is foreign to them. And this natural sense of touch includes the most diverse types of sensitivity, characteristic specifically for white sensory: temperature, pain, tactile, touch. We can say that touch is the leading sensory function of a sensory-logical introvert. Each symbol corresponds to a specific sensory system:

    Sensory sensations


    (cold, hot...) tactile sensation

    Volitional sensory >

    (beautiful, bright...) color

    Intuition of time


    (fast, slow...) time

    Intuition of possibilities

    sense of smell

    (fragrant, fetid...) smell

    Structural logic

    vestibular apparatus

    (top, right...) position in space

    Business logic

    kinesthesia, muscular system

    (motionless, changeable, static...) movement

    Ethics of relationships

    skeletal apparatus

    (light, tight, pressing...) pressure, weight

    Ethics of emotions

    (loud, quiet...) sound

    Information along these 8 sensory channels creates a complete mental image, in which objective and subjective perception merges into one picture. There is interchangeability and complementarity of systems at the psychological level. Some systems are more developed in culture, which is reflected in language, others less so. Each person tries to translate information into the system that is better developed for him. If you give the instruction “imagine rain,” then one person will “see” rain, another will “hear” the sound of rain, a third will “feel” wet weather, a fourth will imagine the fractional rhythm of falling drops, etc. The complete real image (not representation) will connect contains sound, color, rhythm, sensation, and all other information characteristics.

    The complementarity of systems allows you to double-check information. One simple and interesting experiment shows this. We give the child a toy - a thin glass with double glass. A colored liquid is poured between the walls, so from the outside it looks like there is syrup in the glass. The child reaches for a glass with a smile, drinks, but does not feel anything: information from the visual (Volitional Sensory) and tactile (Sensory) channels contradict normal experience. Then the child tries to drink again, and then puts his hand into the glass: no, there is no syrup, you can’t feel it either in your mouth or in your hand. Then the baby begins to carefully turn the glass into a mug that stands nearby, hoping that the syrup will pour out (Volitional Sensory) - but no, it doesn’t. After that, he knocks his glass on the mug - probably extracting some kind of audio information (Ethics of Emotions). Of course, you have to take the glass away. And when you return the toy a minute later, the child firmly grabs the glass with his hand and sits motionless for a long time. He will probably begin to think what is the matter here, why there is such a mismatch between visual information and all the rest, what link is missing to bring the mismatch into conformity with past experience. Otherwise, if you do not combine past and present experience, if you do not find an intermediate link between them, then two opposing primitive experiences will exist in memory. If the link is found, if the child “sees” or “hears” the double glass, then one experience will arise, enriched with new knowledge.

    So very often a person’s consciousness rushes between two contradictory experiences, because there is not enough information through some channel that would combine everything into a single cycle, into a single image. Perhaps thinking is the combination of individual information characteristics into a single image.

    SLI does not like boring events, companies, meetings, conferences - a market or a fight is better, but not boredom. He often has many hobbies and moves from one to another without regret. A continuous change of hobbies is possible - motorcycle, photography, swimming, parachuting - everything in a row, so as not to experience boredom. SLI knows how to extract pleasure from everything. But more often he grumbles about negative sensations, that it hurts, that the bed is uncomfortable, that a piece of wood is sticking out in the chair. Next to him, the IEE must feel that life is sheer suffering. But this is as long as SLI is doing well. While he complains that his shoes are pinching and the compote is sour, you can be sure that his business is going well, and you don’t have to get sugar, and he grumbles for others, so that his IEE dual “life doesn’t seem like honey.” But suddenly SLI begins to tell how he loves to eat, what joy he feels when he gets into the bath, how pleasant and interesting he is with IEE - this means that SLI is tired, it means that something is not very good, some kind of chronic bad luck , and SLI consoles himself that there is a lot of beauty and pleasure in life; This means that his strength has begun to deplete, and he is using his accumulated reserves. This information reaches the suggestive function of the dual (Sensory of sensations) and activates it, giving the IEE an influx of strength and energy until the SLI begins to grumble again that the soup is hot.

    Software function can be compared to human eyes. A person receives most information visually. When it is impossible to look at what is terrible and unbearable, you want to close your eyes. When SLI does not have the strength to process or survive what is happening to him, he tends to turn off the software function, as if to close his eyes. “I want to feel nothing, feel nothing, so that there is emptiness.” When you hear this from a sensory-logical introvert, you can talk about a severe asthenic state and a disturbance of mental balance.

    If a person is healthy, then according to the program function he structures the world according to his own logic. “Everything that exists is good,” says this logic. For SLI, “everything that exists (Sensory of sensation) has meaning (Sensory of sensation).” For LII, “everything that is real (Structural Logic) is rational (Structural Logic).” On this function opposites easily get along and transform into each other, compromises are born; black and white are something united in different forms, they are links of one chain. By using software function the most intricate theories, the most fantastic projects are being built.

    SLI loves to fantasize. When he begins some interesting work, a flow of fantasies begins; if someone cuts him off, he gets angry and closes down, because he cannot help but dream. IEE is capable of dreaming even more, and next to him the fantasies of SLI seem to be reality, and IEE takes them for reality, which “would be nice to do.” This sobers up SLI, he sinks to the ground and begins to calculate what is possible in his fantasies, and lights up with his own idea. The best way to spark an SLI is to let him dream. When SLI and IEE dream together, they quietly move on to discussing reality and receive a lot of additional information from each other. The IEE should not start working together with the SLI until he gets him to fantasize - the surest sign that the SLI is involved in this particular type of activity.

    2. Creative function : business logic

    Business logic:

    • work, business, method, method, mechanism, lazy person, slacker, professional, specialist, fix, repair;
    • behavior, action, game, lesson, education, training, adaptation, adaptation, attempt, trial, strengthening, strong.

    How are you? What can't you do?

    By this function it’s as if the person says: “The world is not structured the way it should be” and begins to remake it. “How long can you peel potatoes?” – SLI is indignant and invents a potato peeler; as a last resort, buys it if it has already been invented.

    For this function a person is able to compete with the world, and it is not the process that is important, as for software function , and the result. Therefore, SLI likes not so much to do as to do (Business Logic), not so much to work as to work (Business Logic). Here they push elbows, overtake, cheat, strive for results. Thus, Volitional Sensory and Structural Logic (SLE) fight for place (Structural Logic) and certainly for first place. In any competition where strength is required (Volitional Sensing), he must be first among the strong (Volitional Sensing and Structural Logic). Both Intuition of Possibilities and Structural Logic (ILE) also strive for first place (Structural Logic), but already among the talented (Intuition of Possibilities). At math and physics Olympiads, these lanky boys and girls who are able to withstand such competition (Intuition of Possibilities and Structural Logic) are clearly visible, just as stocky SLEs stand out at sports competitions. But SLI is able to compete where nothing needs to be done, but everything must be done. How and when he did it doesn’t matter, but dinner is cooked, the book is written, the garden is watered. His inner conviction, which he always strives to realize: “the work must be done by itself.”

    At this half-beat, a person adapts the world for himself, for his living. SLI does something not in advance, but when there is a need. IEE takes a nail and hammers it into a concrete wall, SLI looks to see if it works or not. When he sees that it’s not working, he first drags out a bunch of tools that could help, then comes up with devices. If he sees that the job is being done, then he leaves. Simply complaining that the work is not working out is useless - the SLI will not lift a finger, he needs to see the progress of the work, the actions, then he can understand what needs to be changed. At best, he says: “Come on, let’s show you what’s not working.” There is one joke that SLI especially likes:

    A hippopotamus is standing in a puddle, a hippopotamus comes running:

    “Dad, dad, make me a pipe!”

    “Well, now I’ll drop everything and make you a pipe.”

    When SLI doesn't see the work, he doesn't turn on and doesn't invent. And if he fixes something for IEE that he didn’t ask for, then SLI will not receive any grateful joy, so he quickly learns to repair only when IEE puffs with his tongue hanging out. He rarely does anything for himself in advance either. “Prepare a cart in winter and a sleigh in summer” is not for him. The sled is quickly built in winter, and like a raw blank, like an idea with many imperfections. Creative function comes up with something new, creates a sketch, and brings it to perfection reference function . The inventions of SLI (Business Logic) are completely polished by Zhukov (SLE) (Business Logic - reference function ).

    Creative function is activated in reality when there is a great need or, in other words, a crisis. While there is no crisis, SLI is busy collecting and accumulating information (preparing for a crisis). If we continue the analogy with the cart, we can say this: SLI carries wheels and boards home, studies different methods of construction, acquires skills that may come in handy. He does not yet know what he will need to do from this later, but he is diligently collecting “material” on Business Logic. A crisis is coming, and necessity demands: create a sleigh, there is nothing to ride on. And from everything that SLI has at hand and in his head, he builds a sleigh, but necessity may require the opposite: build a cart - and from the same supply SLI builds a cart. He is very sensitive to effective methods and easily grasps innovations in this area. As soon as he sees that someone is doing the job in an easier way, he clearly imprints this in his memory, and even if he himself does not use the new method, he will suggest it to his dual.

    By creative function deep convictions concerning all life and humanity are built. Each type is convinced: the main thing in life is... For SLI, this is “the business you serve” (Business Logic). Each type is convinced: socionics will flourish if...; SLI: "if there are professional personnel." And he himself can train professionals, but he always teaches specific skills, tries to realize his conviction: “a person must be able to do everything” (Business Logic). He is able to teach something quickly, but this speed turns into narrow specialization. Sensory ones generally teach what is now, momentarily necessary.

    Creative function – this is always the most “important, necessary, valuable, necessary.” And on occasion, a person is not averse to bragging and showing what a great guy he is, according to the same principle: you can’t praise yourself, no one will praise you. When SLI boasts, he often gets into trouble, but this doesn’t bother him much. He brags about how great he did or how well he came up with something. When no one can enthusiastically appreciate or be surprised by the disappointment of the IEE done, then SLI boasts, getting great pleasure from it.

    He loves to play, especially when he can imagine that the game resembles life. Sometimes life itself turns into a game.

    When he works in tandem with an identical person, he sees the results of what he does, he definitely needs to see the results of his work. Although slowly, he must move, otherwise he cannot work, he loses orientation, gets tired and gives up. It’s interesting to work with an identity: you can always see which door you’re breaking into. It doesn’t open - but here we are together! It's always clear what worked and what didn't and why. Working with a dual is something completely different. Some problems are solved as if by themselves, doors open that you didn’t even break into, but you notice it faintly, as if with peripheral vision, for a moment, like something secondary, until a fruit from a tree falls into your hands , which you did not shake, then you begin to understand that the dual was also doing something. It often seems to sensory logicians that their duals - intuitive ethics - are terrible slackers. This is until intuitive ethics go on vacation, then it turns out that things suddenly come to a standstill. When paired with a dual, a double process occurs - accentuation and dualization of the type. SLI becomes too SLI for the dual to hear and fulfill, you must not just ask, you must scream, cry, beg, complain and get annoyed - then the dual will hear and fulfill, he is so deaf and dumb. The idea that duals manipulate each other is very controversial. The complementer is always ready to give you advice and is never ready to do what you do; he must be prepared for this. Everyone lives in their own completely opposite world. The conversation between duals goes like this:

    The neighbor was offended by something, it would be nice to go see him.

    The potatoes were delivered to the store, we need to buy them tomorrow.

    Everyone lives with their problems as long as they have enough strength. But there is not enough time for the store, and SLI begins to swear about the fact that IEE doesn’t do anything and SLI doesn’t like him at all. He is very surprised and goes to the store for some time to buy potatoes. Or, on the contrary, IEE begins to shame SLI for the fact that he does not feel sorry for anyone and for him, IEE, he cannot do anything, even visit his neighbor. On the one hand, there is a process of accentuation: the SLI must squeeze everything possible out of his type in order to move the IEE to where he intended. On the other hand, the process of dualization:

    SLI in IEE constantly unconsciously adopts stereotypes of behavior and thinking. And when he cannot resolve a difficult situation, like SLI, he automatically repeats what IEE did in such cases. Both accentuation and dualization of the type lead to a person’s better adaptability to society.

    3. Role function : intuition of time

    Semantic content of the symbol Intuition of time:

    • Time (5 minutes, 30 years, etc.),
    • rhythm - tempo,
    • on time - not on time,
    • fast slow,
    • soon - not soon,
    • we will have time - we will not have time,
    • permanently - temporarily,
    • future - past,
    • prospect - forecast,
    • new - old,
    • to foresee - to foresee,
    • in front - in front,
    • chance - fate
    • rock is destiny,
    • fatality - luck,
    • luck - risk,
    • danger - safety,
    • scary - fearless,
    • friend - stranger, enemy,
    • caution - carelessness,
    • afraid - not afraid,
    • history, memory, remember - don't forget,
    • joke, humor, laughter, serious - comic,
    • cheerful - sad,
    • dexterous - flexible,
    • young - old,
    • waiting - wait.

    What's new? Why are you so sad?

    The world for SLI (ISTP) begins with “white intuition” (Intuition of time). By role functions a person perceives everything as it is, does not build any logical constructions, does not have his own opinion, he only monitors the world and tells everyone about what he sees. Tell something they tell by role function a lot, but they can’t change almost anything.

    SLI constantly monitors who arrives and leaves at what time. He looks at how much time is left until... the train, the cinema, work... and tells his dual about it. But he never decides for himself whether it is good or bad that a person is late; Now, if someone once said that being late, for example, for a visit is not good, then he will accept someone else’s point of view. And since here the sensory-logical introvert does not have his own logic, you can hear such a strange conversation: Hekli came to the meeting, Gaben logically noted on the clock 10 minutes late and said:

    You're always late!

    “So what,” he answers, “but he’s a good man.”

    The SLI does not have anyone else's information and does not have his own opinion on whether it is good or bad to be late for this meeting, and the conversation ends there.

    SLI divides all people into friends and foes, successful and unsuccessful, those who should be feared and those who need not be afraid, etc. (Intuition of time). But this division is indifferent and superficial. Today he will say that you need to be careful with strangers, a successful person is worthy of respect, and tomorrow, having hung around in another company, he will say the opposite: you need to be afraid of your own people, but there is nothing to respect a successful person, he is just lucky and that’s all. Role function reflects the “public opinion” of the collective of which the type is a representative. SLI himself does not think anything about it, he only utters it. So he tells Huxley: “Be careful, the log will fall on your feet,” while he stands there and does nothing. If the ship is leaking, then SLI is one of the first to see this, flies into the cabins and shouts: “We are sinking!”, but if no one moves, then he may begin to doubt: “Of course, there is danger, but maybe this is how it should be.” " and will be calm until the ship really starts to sink. Gaben notices a car coming from behind, a floor that could fall through, a bridge that is fragile, a vase that stands on the edge of the cabinet and could fall on his head. It is enough for you to start taking actions near the danger, he will nervously and briefly report: “You will fall, get burned, slip!”, but may do nothing to eliminate the danger. Therefore, he never goes first and fearlessly rushes forward only in two cases: if he does not see the danger or he has no other way out. As the danger increases, the SLI becomes more and more nervous, because he sees well, but eliminates poorly. When they cross the road, SLI says: “Car.” IEE does not react, but SLI can no longer tear his attention away from the car that is approaching, he begins to worry: “The car is on the right!” IEE doesn’t seem to hear, SLI no longer knows what to do: “Now he’ll crush us!” Here the IEE seems to notice that the danger has reached the point where it is time to act. He takes off, followed by SLI.

    SLI sees direct, raw danger posed by objects, not subjects. If Hamlet (IEI, INFP) sees that the one who smiles sweetly at you is also dangerous, then SLI will not see this.

    Role function - the most justifiable. Since the SLI cannot do anything here, cannot in any way influence time, danger, chance, etc., but is a given beyond his control, he is inclined to forgive others for this. If something doesn’t work out for IEE, SLI consoles: “It’s just bad luck right now.” He is ready to blame a lot on chance. The IEE will easily justify himself to him if he says that there was not enough time, it is dangerous to do this - SLI does not argue, for him these are good reasons. But SLI easily justifies himself in front of his dual IEE when he says: “I don’t have the strength... I didn’t have enough money.”

    With time, SLI is at odds, he either arrives half an hour before or is late and keeps counting on how to arrive on time, but still fails to figure it out. The main thing is to arrive on time and leave on time. If they say that he was late, he is lost, he feels that he has committed a tactlessness. He always knows when it is time to leave, but it is difficult for him to leave if there is no signal or push. Therefore, it is good when IEE is nearby, and SLI is itching above his ear: “It’s time to leave, it’s time to leave.” IEE can easily decide whether to leave or stay; it’s not a problem for him. If you tell an SLI who has come to visit that he is taking up your time, he will try to leave quickly and will not want to come again. The hint that he came early, that time is being wasted because of him, stresses him out.

    In my opinion, when a person is neurotic, this manifests itself primarily in role functions . There are fruitless attempts not only to tell, but also to change and control this aspect of reality. The SLI feverishly keeps track of time and is too afraid to arrive and leave at the wrong time, endlessly making excuses. Gaben painfully strives to look like a cultured, intelligent person who is busy with his own spiritual development (Intuition of time). Huxley achingly tries to remember from whom what money, books, things he took and owed, whom he has not yet thanked (Volitional Sensory). Intuition of possibilities and Structural Logic (ILE) diligently calculates what he deserves and what he does not (Volitional Sensory). When a person is tense, he needs to be calmed down role functions . IF it is enough to say that they have been waiting for him for a long time (Intuition of time), that he came when it’s time (Intuition of time) to drink tea, go to the cinema, work, etc. His dual always declares: “I’m waiting for you, waiting” . Even if SLI is not late, this is reassuring, and in order to remove uncertainty about role functions at his dual IEE, SLI replies: “Yes, I’ve been ready for a long time.” Both relieved the tension of the first moment.

    Danger frustrates the sensory-logical introvert. The opposite of danger is laughter, jokes; in such a situation he flourishes. Any laughter, even for no reason, even if they laugh at him (of course, without malice) - all this calms you down, this is a good signal. And SLI himself makes fun, probably to evoke a reciprocal smile, because a smile is the absence of danger, which he cannot influence. But if you ask questions directly: “Do you feel danger?”, “Do you keep track of time?”, “Do you attach importance to chance?” - he won’t understand what the conversation is about: “What do I have to do with it? It’s Anton who constantly looks at his watch, and Lena says that her life is not a success.” By role functions see others, but the SLI himself little suspects that he is guarding other people's time, that he sees danger, that he is looking out for who is saddest and who smiles the most. According to this function, a person talks about the world, and not about himself.

    Gaben Sensory-Logical Introvert

    According to typology of socionics Gaben belongs to the fourth quadra, which determines its basic values. For Gaben, the main thing in life is comfort. People of this type highly value harmony and tranquility. Gabens do not strive to conquer peaks and conquer the universe; they can fully enjoy being here and now - why make unnecessary body movements if everything they need for pleasure has already been achieved. Good relationships, adequate well-being, interesting alternatives and beauty - these are what are important to Gaben.

    Socionics: Gaben. Description of functions.

    The basic function of Gaben is the sensory of sensations. People of this type perfectly sense the state of their own body and can assess the state of others. They feel and resonate with the harmony of the world around them, notice details and can enjoy what is happening here and now. Gaben is the person who, unnoticed by himself, creates a cozy environment, feels the level of comfort and discomfort. He organizes his life in such a way as to prevent overwork, because “ Fatigue prevents you from enjoying the moment and life becomes meaningless».

    Despite their love for comfort and a relaxed existence, the Gabens are excellent managers of resources. Therefore, Gaben knows what needs to be done and how, and if he doesn’t know, he instantly creates the optimal solution method and develops his own technology. For Gaben, with creative business logic, it is not difficult to optimize any process. Due to the fact that the basic function is the sensory of sensations, Gabens are excellent cooks, they can invent new recipes on the go and will never be mistaken in their sensations.

    In a new situation or situation of social adaptation, Gabens strive to show themselves as people with certain predictive abilities. It is important for them to be punctual, to feel the moment is “on time”. However, they are not always successful in sensing what is relevant and what is not; working on this intuition of time seems quite difficult for them.

    The most vulnerable function for Gabin is the ethics of emotions. People of this type are not very comfortable being in a noisy company, at discos or concerts for a long time. " A cheerful company is of course great, but then after such a vacation you have to rest separately" They have a very hard time withstanding screaming animals or emotional tantrums; when they themselves begin to experience strong emotions, they can hardly stop. They are uncomfortable with questions like: “ Why are you so sad?" Gabens do not like excessive attention - going on stage to loud applause is a real stress for them.

    Gaben listens with pleasure about miracles and new opportunities. However, since he is an introvert, he does not necessarily need truly supernatural alternatives. It is enough to find out that a store of your favorite chain has opened around the corner - and this is already perceived as something magical. " I love relaxing at the resort - there are so many possibilities! You can lie by the pool, you can lie by the sea, you can go have lunch, or you can go for a swim." Suggestive intuition of possibilities accepts any information - both positive and negative. Therefore, it is worth telling Gaben - “ this is impossible", he will subconsciously trust and be disappointed.

    Gabin's activation function is the ethics of relationships. People of this type love communication with well-mannered and tactful partners, listen with pleasure to competent information about relationships between people, they themselves know how to behave politely and feel the norms of behavior. In addition, people of this type seem to “reflect” their attitude towards themselves. If they are treated well, they meet halfway; if they are treated coldly, they also become calmer. " I can't imagine that I could experience unrequited love. I think this is kind of stupid».

    In the event that Gaben needs to stop some unpleasant situation, he turns on a restrictive function - power sensory. Gaben can show real determination, and sometimes simply use physical force. " First I'll hit you in the face, so I'll figure it out" On the other hand, thanks to this function, Gaben always has a very strong sensory field. " To get in front of me in line? I never remember this».

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